Atwood Bee, 10 Nov 1911, p. 7

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aia \ T0O LITTLE BLOop. The Cause of Nearly All the Ev- eryday Ailments of Life. Too little blood--that is what and sallow and feel Janguid. That is what makes them drag along, a!- ways tired, never real hungry, un- able to digest their food, breath- less and palpitating at the heart after slight exertion, so that it is wearisome even to go upstairs. Doctors tell them that thev "anaemic"--the plain English be- Ing too little blood. If your face is pale or sallow, if your gums are pale instead of being scarlet; if ou are easily tired and frequent- t despondent; if you do not relish your meals, and small matters ir- ritate you, it is a ign that your blood is thin,and watery and that ou are on the verge of a complete reakdown. More weak, anaemic people have been made strong, energetic and cheerful by taking Dr. Williams' Pink Pills than by any other means. They actually make new blo which reaches every part of the body, braces the nerves and brings new health and new strength. The case of Miss Nellie Welch, Essex, Ont., is proof of the great curative powers of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Miss Welch says: "'A few years ago I was going into what my friends believed to be a hopeless decline. I was subject to severe headaches, had no appetite, was pale and grew distressingly weak. I tried several loctors, some of whom we counted the best in this part. of the coun- try, but they failed to help me. At last my heart grew so weak and I was co nervous and thin that I had to take to my bed and the doctor held out but little hope for my re- Like others, I had often read of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and though the dector oppo my taking them I determined to give them a trial, as I felt I might as well be dead as to be living in the misery 1%as in. In a month after beginning to take the pills I was up and around again, and steadily growing stronger until I was again enjoying the blessing of perfect health. Several years have since elapsed and my health has been the very best. It is therefore with great gratitude that I write you in the hope that my experience may be of benefit to some otber suf- ferer So 'a by all medicine dealers or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from Tle Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ° " vie A Gcren WORLD. Williams--"This 'is a queer world," Walker--"Right you are; a man's shoes will often get untied, but never just as he is ready to take them off." ENVIOUS. Young Mother--What Young Father> , say aged to get a little "PAINLESS" DENTISTRY. Wife--I'm tired to death. Been having baby's picture taken by the {pstantaneous process. Husband--How long did it take? Wife--About four hours. All mothers can put away anxi- ety regarding their suffering chii- when they have Mother Graves' Worm) Exterminator to give relief. Its effects are sure tnd lasting. 'Does your wife go to services to lee what other women wear?' "No.'"' replied Mr. Cumrox, "we ire not sufliciently prosperous for 1er to go in order to let other Wo- nen sce what she wears,' TRY MURINE EYE REMEDY ior Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes snd Granulated Eyelids. Murine Doesn't 3mart----Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists kell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, }0c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in . Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. La Books and Eye Advice Free by M Murine Bye Remedy Co., Chicago. -----_---- Great expectations often breed sreat disappointments. Minard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. RUDE MAN. "The way that man locked at me was most insulting." "Did he stare?' "No; he looked once and then burned away as ifél were not w ath noticing ! ak X\ xy ISSUE 44--11 Enormous Economic Less te the Productive Industries The eighteen countries of South and Central America and Mexico, with a population of 53,924,859 -peo- ple, have regular armies amount- ing to 188,954 men, or one soldiers to every 298 inhabitants, says the Los Angeles Times. The Uniteu States of Amercia had in the year 1900 a population of 83,026,000 and a regular army of 60,476, or one soldier to every 1370 inhabitants. Japan and Corea, with a popula- tion of 51,176,902, have a regular 'army of 214, 200 men, or one soldier]. to every 240 people. There are no reliable statistics concerning China, although its population is estimated at 400,000,- 000, and its army only 100,000, or one soldier to every 40;000 'people. India has a population of 231,- 899,507, with a regular army of 75,486, or one soldier to every 3070 people. Australia~-has--a population "of 4,759,495 and a regular army 0 nate or one soldier to every 144 Perea Bulgaria and Egypt have a population of 38,478,363, witha regular army of 444,994, or one soldier to every 104 inhabitants. Of European countries peaceful little Switzerland appears to have the largest armed force proportion- ately. She has one soldier to every 23 people. France has one soldier to every 51 people Ger- many and Sweden have each one soldier to every 90 people. The other countries range between 110 people in Russia to 170 people in Great Britain to every soldier. It costs the people of Great Bri- tain $3.98 per annum per capita of population to maintain her army on a peace footing. It costs France $3.48 per capita, and Ger- many $2.05 per capita. The cost to the United States is but 94 cents per capita, The reserved force of every European nation is very great in proportion to the number of soldiers in the Panui army. SEES NO REASON TO OBJECT. Wife--"'To be frank with you, if you were to die I should certainly marry again.' Husband--"I've no objection. I'm not going to worry about the troubles . a fellow whom I shall never know." Pa BABY'S OWN TABLETS USED FROM BIRTH. Mrs. H. VY. Ossinger, Tiverton, N. §., says: "We have used Baby's Own Tablets since our little poy was three years old and know of nothing to equal them. He is now twelve months old and has always enjoyed perfect health. Baby takes the Tablets easily and we always keep them in the house." Mrs. Ossinger's experience is that of thousands of other mothers. An oc- casional does of the Tablets will keep the well child in exccllent health, or if the baby is ill with any of the many ailments that afflict little ones, they will speedily re- store him to health again and make him thrive and grow fat, rosy and strong. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25¢ box from The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ie. Artist--This is my painting, "Youth in the Mclon Patch." Critic --But where are the melons? Art- ist--What a foolish question! Minard's Liniment Cures ---- "The professor says owes a great ea "What's Rossini?" bably Italian for 'rosin. Distemper. that music to Rossini.' "That is pro- an Deo not let a cold settle on your lungs. Mesort to Bickle's Anti- Consumptive Syrup at the first in- timation of irritation in the throat and prevent disease from lodging in the pulmonary organs. Neglect- ed colds are the cause of untold suffering throughout the country, all of which could have been pre- vented by the application of this simple but powerful medicine. The price, 25 cents, brings it within the reach of all. It's a pity we can't convert our wild oats into breakfast food. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. "Mr. Gilfers," says the caller, "will you serve on a committee to draft a set of resolutions protest- against the h igh cost of neces- 'Why, are things rn than usual!' "Higher? Grea Scott! Sugar, potatoes, flour, moet. butter, eggs--everything getting dearer every day. It is simply un- bearable. You must know of it."' 'Well, you see, we spent the sum- mer at several different resorts, and got so used to being robbed that I suppose we never even no- Jticed the price of things here at home "Tshal! make -it a rule," said the young man who is learning poli- tics, "neyer to go back on my friends." "An excellent rule," re- plied Senator Sorghum, "'but the real test of the game is to keep your frien dg from going back on you.' 'THE WORLD'S ARMIES. ERY PLAGE OW THE MOE PRAIES TELLS OF CURES MADE BY DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. ~ ---- Thos. Griffin, of Peace River Land- ing, tells how he got rid of his Rheumatism -- honestly earned popularity. Cold Springs, Peace River Land- ing, Alta., Oct. 30 (Specia!).--Just why Dodd's Kidney Pills retain their wonderful popularity is easily shown by a trip across the prairies. Every town, village ane' post-office has-at least one man or woman who is ready to tell of pains relieved and health restored by the great Canadian Kidney Remedy. Let Thos. Griffin of this place add. his statement to the hosts already pub- lished. "When I came to this part of the country," says Mr. Griffin, "I was troubled with a bad back and hips. I sent for six boxes of Dodd's Rheumatism in my shoulders and Kidney Pills and they gave me relief at once. I also recommended them to my eldest son, who was confined to his bed from Rheumatism. "Now I know that Dodd's Kid- ney Pills are the best medicine for Rheumatism and the Kidneys. I recorsnend them to every person I hear complaining of not feeling we Dedd's Kidney Pills made their popularity by curing sick Kidneys. They keep their popularity by keep- ing vn curing sick kidneys. oe APPROPRIATE PAIN. "Our jail warden has a most pro- fess ional afflicti on.' 'What is it?' '"'He has a felon on his hands."' The Real Liver Pill--A torpid liver means a disordered system, mental depression, lassitude and in the end, if care be not taken, a chrenic state of debility. The very healthy action is Parmelee's Vege- table Pills. They are compounded of purely vegetable substances of careful selection and no other ys have their fine qualities. They not gripe or pain and they are agreeable to the most sensitive stu- mach, A SHOCKING FIGURE. Tallman--"Does Dr. electric treatments."' Shorter--"No ; but his fee has the same effect as a powerful current." Razzo give We believe MINARD'S LINIMENT is the eat: Mathing Foley, Oil City, ~iaa sepn Snow, Norwa Charles Whooten, Mulgra ate. N, Armstrong, Mulgrave, Ne 8. Pierre 'Landers, senr., Pokemouche, N,. B, Thomas Wasson, Sheffield, N. B. The hardest thing that can be said , Bbout any man is 'He is easy ' Many people have receding gums. Rub Hamlins Wizard Oil on gums and stop the decay; chase the dis- ease germs with a mouth wash of a few drops te a spoonful of water, If al] women were alike no man would ever become a bigamist. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &c. --, VERY MUCH SO. Arde t Lover--U arest, when gaze in to your soulful eyes I 'eal myself transported into a higher sphere, and my heart cries out to you with a great yearnin Miss Boston--Really? teresting ! How in- PROFESSIONAL PRIDE. The Judge--Then you acknow- ledge having robbed the safe. Were you assisted by anyone? "No, indeed, yer honor. I've bio in perfeshun for nineteen year an' ain't never collaborated with no- y- obstinate ceras and to resist Holloway's aay 7 it. -- The most warts fail Corn Cure.. OPINIONS )NS DIFFER. "At what age, doctor," asks the caller, 'do women begin to .notice the men?" "Well." replied the great savant. 'fon that point there is a difference of opinion among the authorities. ome of them assert that the female child notices the oppésite sex when one day old, while the rest claim she does not until she is at least forty-eight hours old." The world doesn't ask how you got there after you arrive. best enedicine to arouse the liver ns }to stand at the head of his class or 0 chance of ala ee WRON, (rom yout Drow or ere pin Aas [ere ee Desier. F FREE Co Soler Cardand 5 STORY, Boo et 3 --<--<--[--$--$-- [-- $-- [-- EIEIO oS --_---- WHY SHE CHOSE HIM. She chose him out of all the crowd Of men that came and went; His voice was low, his tie was loud, But she was well content. The first man's education was Perhaps more finished and, Another's manners gave her cause As being much more grand. Another's garments fitted him; Another's hair was curly ; Another's name was Arthur--Jim Was chosen by this girlie. Was Jim by Mabel chosed-- But that he was the one man of The whole lot that proposed ! * Yes; it was a eel RTdecd ! Who from?' "I don't know, but it says on the handle : 'Presented to John Robinson.' "' A ing by keeping his face closed. Stop the Cough.--Conghing dislodge obstructions membrane. Treatment with Dr. inflammation and the cough will cease. Try for a cold. there are 7,243,693,513 things a wo- man can find for her husband to do around the house while he is And not for wealth and not for love Pe a nice umbrella you've Cure ickly st ha, ° Ma act tea fonda TT". tae A man can avoid a lot of explaia- is caused by irritation in the respira- °ltoery passages and is the effort to that come from inflammation of the mucous Thomas' Eclgctric Oil will allay the in consequence it, and you will use no other oe ean According to the latest statistics - Parts of the World. England by a'native Prince: were 'Fogarded as so polluted that on their return to India 'nothing but being born again would _ purify them, and they were accordingly dragged through a gold image of the sacred Yoni. ' A writer describes a curious cus- tom of the Baretse in South Africa. A few days after the death of a man the doctor comes and makes an incision _on the forehead of each of the survivors of his relatives and fills it with medicine to ward off the contagion and the effect of the soreery that caused his death Loland calls attention to a cus- tom of taking medicines on the threshold in ancient Tuscany, the idea being that the threshold was the border line between the outer world. where evil spirits - freely. roam. If a person dies within an Eskimo hut everything in the hut must be destroyed or thrown away as well as everything which had come into contact with the deceased. Cold- Sores | Are your hands chapped, cracked or sore? Have you "cold cracks" which open and bleed when the skin is drawn tight? Have you a cold sore, frost bite, chilblains, or a "raw" place, which at times makes it agony for you to go about your household duties? If so, Zam-Buk will give you relief, and will heal the frost-damaged skin. Anoint the soze places at night, Zam-Buk's rich healing essenoes will Primitive Ideas of Hysiens in He Hindu ambassadors gnce sent to} clon athe parca os Bon packs forces Sos the price a : any commodity, ie @ We would like to send litera- ture to any one inte: this safe and profiitable form of vestment, ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION Limitgo BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING Y¥ "Mise m neers Seneeoe AM GREATESB SINESS SCHOOLS Ovor 2,008" cholge positions Aled In past our N, fro ONE wt eRIGA: 5 o 2 - = * rj r osltions where the big pay TTEND ) THE BRST. Catalogue 38 tells College, Chatham, O FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT. sink into the wounds, end the smart- ing, and will heal quickly. Mrs. Yellen, of Portland, says: 'My hands were ro sore and that it was agony to put them near water. When I did oe the ae smart and burn as if I had m. I seemed uite unable to ged agen rom Zeca Bay ? ut on od Higa > ~ and it sutc failed. It choaad Pei big pair cite me ease, soothed the inflammation, and in a very short time healed my hands." Zam-Buk also cures chafing, rashes, winter "win i aod ie righ ulcers, festering sores, sore heade and 1 Sbacenses, en les, ring-worm, ete. cuts, burns, Of a So rer nap haene teas Sree from 'ths Zam- resting. Do It Now.--Disorders of the di- gestive apparatus should be dealt with at once before complications arise that may be difficult to cope with. The surest remedy to this end and one that is within reach of all, is Parmelee's Vegetable Pills, the best laxative and seda- tive on the market. Do not delay, but try them now. One trial will convinee anyone that they are the CHENILLE CURTAINS and al! kinds LACE CURTAINS {5 OYED WO CLEANED be ite to us about yours. iBRITION AMERICAN DYEING CO., Box 158, Montreal best stomach regulator that can be got. "Does your boy Josh stand at the head of his class?' "No," repli his father, "but he could if he want- ed to. If Josh took it into his head H. H. NIGHTINGALE eocK BRO Member + lh Stock and Mine} Exchange LISTED STOCKS CARRIED ree MARGIN Correspondence 33 MELINDA ST., TORONTO anywhere else it 'ud take a whole football team to pry him loose RAW FU RS | WW AN TED WRITE FOR PRICE LIST ' W. C. Goffatt, Orillia, Ont. "Mee gin Ba HIF do Bs cure' RAW EFUFrS Collectors and abippors will find it te their e to ge eir nailing ship your collections tu Wagner, Brasior Co., 86 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont ' DRUG AND Send for free sample to Dept. W. L., National "orus and Chemical Co., Toronto. o> pane Pande Bees is sane soney pill be we bem Gew York Ostrich Feath \, 513-58. S' wav. NY, The Heart ote Piano isthe Action, Insiston the . "OTTO. HIGEL" "Plano Action: | --_ LARGEST GROWERS OF NURSERY STOCK IN CANADA. ASK DAWSON, HE KNOW se! 8. i i you want to a farm, consult me. | 1". gl want to buy w farm, consulb | | &: ve some of the best Fruit, Stock, or patty 'arma in Ontario, SON, Ninety Colborae H.* eg Yoronts AGENTS WANTED. Oe ASSERS W ge re Weekly salary --Altred er, Lonaop, Ont, OM vay SALARY AND UP--ALSO $2 commission- -tor local repreeenta- tives; H pos.lloa; PX}! rapid advance muient; spare time accepted. Nichols, Limited, Yvublishers, Toron GENTS WANTED. -- A LINE FOR », Write us for our choice e have the proposition in Canada SRO b su, Ort 4 NEOUS. AY and FARM ° ALES, Seale Works, 9 'Daplanade: MACHINERY, PORTABLE Lutne Milis, Shiugie Miilis, , Stull Supplies. The i Liu. Wese oy Albert MISLCEL Ll niece 2 Torouvo. '| » AW MILL Lon i ptreet, Orillia, Ontario. Mirah roy *UMULDS, LU terual and begin «4 by our uvmic tre uciure Ont bate. wood, O Dr. 'bei 6 TON SCALE GUARANTEED. Aird, etc. it cured without wu ' jman, Coilog- Wilson'e te. Scale Works, 9 Esplanade, Toron Y ONCE-MEN TO LEARN BARSER traue; expert iustruction; oon 4LAUS "ays sure empioy- meu Moler Barbe Colle ege, 221 Queen rast, Toro. GENTS WANTED. -- A STCDY OF other Agency propositions convinces us that bone can cy al ours. ways regres: it i u dont apply. for par- ticulars to Travelers' Dept. 223 Albert St., Ottawa 2 *PECIALISTS ADVICE FREK. Conenls ) us in regard to any disonso. Lowess rices drugs of all . kinda russe! by wail ud meacur nt. Glasses dtted es e. Write to-day for anything sold ret-class§ § dru atorea to Dr. Kwliman, > Collingwood, Ont ALEXANDOR'S FURS In dealing with us you are dealing with a firm of wholesale manufacturing fur- riers. We mako ovly goods that are ab- solutely dependable and that we can fully guaranice. We have a number of LADIES'. $758 made in lengths' from 44 to 50 inches jong. Lined with, the best of Satin and Silk. Scud us your bust measurement and the length of coat desired, aud- we will egend game C.0.D. to any part in Canada, allowing privilege of examining and re- turning, if not satisfactory, at our ex- pense. WRITE TO Ug TO-DAY. WHOLESALE DEPT. A. J. ALEXANDOR Manufacturing Furriers, 804-505 St. Paul St., gpm Coats made te order, were

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