* " 2 > ee SESE 'The Kind Ycu Have Always Bought, and which has beep. in use for over 30 years, has borne the signature of ---- and has been mado under bis per- CSTE: sonal supervision since its infancy, (ee "e Allow no one to deccive youin this, All Counterfeits, Imitations and '* Just-as-¢ood" are but Experiments that trifle with and eacanger ths health of Infants and Children--Experience against' Experiment What is CASTORIA ig €astoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Cil, Pare- ...gerie, Drops and Soothing Syrups.---It-is-Plessants <6 contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantce. Tt des ab eys Worms end ailays Beverishness, 16 eures Dinsrhosn antl Wind Colic. It rclieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation : and Fiatulency. It assimilates the Pocd, remuiates the 'Sai Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy ond matural sleep, Tho Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. cenuine CAST ORIA atways Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Away ig Bout In Use For Cver 30 Years, ie THE CCNTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY GTAECT, NCW YORK CITY, BUTCHER SHOP The Leading Meat Shop for the Following Pork Sausage, Bologna, ~ Beef Lamb, Veal Pork, is All cured Meats. A eall solicited. Highest Cash Price paid for Hides. R. J. WALKER, Proprietor. The Least Fuel, The Most Satisfaction When a range combines all the most mod- erm conveniences and when the makers in- sist that only the best materials should be used and that every range that leaves their factory should be perfect in every detail of wormanship--why, it stands to reason that the product, the Happy Thought Range should be a good range a perfectly reliable range. Take your time in buying It is ths most On it depends whether your housework is going to bea drudgery or a pleasant task, with sure a new range. whether your housework old furnishings. results. When you have seen special features of the Happy Thought, haye heard the enthusiastic praise of the the many thousands of Canadian housewives who use it and see what a strong, seryiceable fine-looking range it is, we have no doubt it will surely be your final selection for use in your 'home. More than a quarter of a Million " Happy Thoughts " a are in daily use in Canada, Johm Rover Furniture & Undertaking s fe i Capital Paid Up .......... $2,750,000 Pe Z i Reserve & Undivided Profits 3,259,000 BS ; Total Assets................ 40,000,000 The Bank of Hamilton invites Savings és Accounts -and has eliminated all undue formalities, both in the opening of such accounts and in the making of with- | 2 Ht drawal | A chartered bank is the logical place for the safe-keeping of the fund you wish "to accumulate for old age or to make pro-' yjsion for unforeseen needs. nterest paid on deposits of $1.00 and igwnidn Hamilton. . _ G, PERRY, Agent, Atwood, Ont. Head Office, ij | Farm News Far and Near. A Lonk ram won first place at the Royal Show, England. English hops are ineSgces: good in quality this year. Field mice are jnoreasing large numbers in the Old Country. Essex, England, leads in the pro- pagation of scientific agriculture. A beef animal killed by a butcher was found to have four kidneys. English poultrymen feed mustard as a stimulant to egg production. The Lonk breed of sheep belong to Lancashire and West Yorkshire. Seagulls attack farm crops in England when their food supply runs short, London, Eng., dairymen haye de- cided to raise milk price to 10c per quart. A crop of Christmas cabbage was sold--at- Harlington; Eng: for $205 per acre. Agricultural exhibits are on the boards at the Festival of Empire, London, Eng. Saskatchewan had 748 miles of railway. in 1893. To-day this pro- vinee has over 3,350 miles. In 1901 there were 71 banks in the three western provinces. In July last there were 671 banks. Sugar beets grown in Norfolk and from Yarmouth to Holland. . mouth disease has resulted in the killing off of a big bunch of stock. At a recent sale in the Cotswold District, in England, seven pairs of working oxen were sold. The ayer- age price of $266 was given. Two hundred and seventy thous- and seven hundred and fifty-seven immigrants entered Western Canada in the first eight months of 1911. Suggestions For Cooking Potatoes. Soak old potatoes in water. Never allow "potatoes to stand in the sun. Always pour off the water as soon us done and remove the cover to al- low the eteam to escape. Baked potatoes should be rolled in a cloth till the skins burst. This prevents the potatoes from cooking too long, which makes them sticky and soggy. boiled.) Is is a waste of fuel and spoils the potatoes. 'Too rapid boil- ing makes them a solid paste which is both unpalatable and indigestible. Cook potatoes with the skins on as often as possible. They are more nourishing and palatable. Mashed potatoes are delicious cooked in their jackets, peeled and mashed. Potatoes may be kept a long time without soiling, if the skins are broken and the kettle well ventilated. Pototoes well ventilated pe cooking sre more wholesome and of better flavor. The Rev. Irl R. Hicks 1912 Almanac. Before the great Drouth of 1901, the Hicks*Almanac gave timely warn- ing. For over two years prior to 1911, the Hicks Almanae again sound ed a warning of drouth danger. And so for forty years this same friend of all the people has steadfastly refused the offers of speculators and contin- ued to warn the public of the coming dangers of storm and weather. As they shouid have done, the' people have nobly stood by Professor Hicks, their faithful public servant, who has grown old in their service. Send only one dollar to Word and Works Pub- lishing Company, 3401 Frunklin Avenue, St. Louis, Missouri, and get his Magazine and Almanac both for one year. The Almannz alone, a fine book of 150 pages, is only 35c. by mail, Let everybody respond and receive the warnings of our national seer for the coming year. --_----_------- Mr. George Gropp had a large at- tendance at his barn raising on Wed- nesday of last week when the struct- ure which is to replace the barn burned some weeks ago was put up. Owing to the numerous hands em- ployed in framing in order to get tlirough on schedule time the timbers did not go together particularly well, and the slushy condition of the weather made bad handling. An ac- cident to Mr. Joe Fleming marred the proceedings. He was on the up- per timbers made slippery by snow when he lost his footing and fell a distance of about 20 feet to the floor below. He was picked up uncon- scious and carried to the house but reviyed in a short time and was at once taken to his home where an ex- amination was made of his injuries. Though he was found to be suffering severe bruises and had keen bidly shaken up no bones were broken. He was able to be out again in the course of a day or two but will suffer time the effects of his fall for so te come,----Sun, Milverto: THE ATWOOD BEE Eva Thursday $1.00 a year--or $1.50 when in arrears. FRIDAY, NOV. 17th; 1911. Suffolk, England, are now being sent : The Sofmerset outbreak of foot and |' CENTRAL STRATFORD, ep Stands to the front as the best school of its kind in the pro- vince. Our courses are be- yond those of the ordinary business college. This school has a continental reputation for high-grade work. We have Three Departments-- Commercial Shorthand and Telegraphy and the demand for trained help greatly exceeds the supply. Students are entering each week and the sooner you enter the better for yourself. Get our free catalogue at once, D. A. McLachlan, Principal t Potatoes should he simmered (not NERVES UNSTRUNG, WAS "DOWN AND OUT." Feels 10 Years Younger After Taking Morriscy's No. 14 Blood Tablets. MONTREAL, P. Q., May 16, 1911. I was all rundown and felt all out of sorts. My appetite was bad--my com- plexion a oe spirits low, d I didn't seem to vo a ambition to my ordinary housew was in this condition for about g year, oe Beveral p tonic for me, and I cried several os ell ad- vertised remedies, but all without suc- ress, out three months ago one of your booklicts was gave me me, and ou certainly have the best real Blood Tonic and blood maker that IT have heard of, and anyone in need of such a remedy will find yours the very best and most reljable. Mrs. Anna Haffert = prescription fs no or so-calle] patent esndiintren, Dr. Morriscy prescribed it for 44 yearn, and it curel thousands after other doctors failed EXECUTORS. NOTICE . TO CREDI ITORS. In the matter eel the ealate of Thomas Jackson, late of the Township of Elma, gentleman, deceased. Notice is hereby given, re t to the statute 1 George v. (Ontario) Chapter 26, that all persons . haying claims or demands against the estate of the said Thomas Jackson, deceased, who died on or about the twenty- ninth day of mber, 1911, are required to send by post prepaid cr to deliver to Geo. Bray, Esq., at Lis- towel, Ontario, the solicitor for the executors of the said estate, on or before the twenty-eighth day of No- yember, A. D. 1911, theixnames and addresses, with full particulars in writing of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the security (if any) held by them galy verified by Statutory declarat- io 'And take notice further that after the twenty-eighth day of November, 1911, the executors of the said estate will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the _part- ies entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have notice, as aforesaid, and said executors will not be liable for such assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not haye been re- ceived at the time of such distribut- ion, as aforesaid. Dated at Ts ee this 27th day of Oct. A. D. 1 George eect George Gordon, Executors. Geo. Bray, Listowel, Ont. their Solicitor. "FEEBLE STOMACH" Causes Digestive Weakness and Poisons the En- tire System. "No can have suffered more than I wala with stomach trouble." writes Phil. E. Pascalar, well known at St. Andrews Corners. "My doetor told me my indigestion and sleepless- ness were due to poisons in the blood. Certainly my condition was desperate, and it seemed from the despondent feelings that swept over me that I would lose my reason. I happened to read about Dr. Hamilton's Pills and oought five boxes from the druggist. ffuch body-cleansing pills I never used; they were mild and yet quite strong of the blood. tom: --_ rapidly with Dr. Hamilton's Pills and I fmproved so much that in eight ponesth ol I could eat and digest all ordinary food. ag a 9 ge ee: wea cae ness passed away a Ia Dr. Hamilton's Pills, enovite robust good health." No remedy for biliousness, indiges- Uon. headache, sick stomach, or con- stipation that compares with Dr. Ham- 'Iton's Pills. Refuse substitutes. Sold in 25c. boxes. All dealers, or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont, Dr. Hamilton's Pills | Cure Are You Ruptured Rupture from infancy to old age, without operation or loss of time. Act At Once and remove tho daily danger of strangulation. Fill in coupon and send to Dept. H. Name ' Address Age... Time rupture... Single or double....... Satisfaction guaranteed. J.S. SMITH 88 Caledonia Street Stratford, Ont. THIRTY YEARS Our Seven Colleges have been established during the past 30 years. The largest trainers in Canada. Owing to our connec- tion all over Ontario, we do better for our graduates than any other school. You may stady all at home or partly at home and finish at the College. Affiliated with The Commercial Educators' Association of Can- ada. It would be well for you to investigate..before choosing. Exclusive right for Ontario: of the world-famous Bliss Book- keeping System, which is un- equalled. It is Actual Busi- ness from Start to Finish, and the student keeps same books as Chartered Banks and Whole- sale Houses. Enter any time. Individual | instruction. Fall Term From August 98th Write, c call or phone for particulars. WINGHAM BUSINESS COLLEGE GEO. SPOTTON, President. Chas. W. Burns, Principal. I can cure the' Wore. case off Geo. Henry of Howick had somo big potatoes. Six of the tubers filled a fair sized basket. Two of them weigh 24 pounds each, and the others cooking results. ous fuel-saving device the confronting the average housewife--a problem of vital importance to the home, and one best solved by a trip to our store and the purchase of For the Woman Question is not only what to eat, but how to cook it; and you find the answer in Gurney-Oxford--first in con- * struction, as well as convenience; first in facilities for control and readiness. Divided Oven Flue Strip assures perfect baking because of its even heat-distribution, in every detail the perfect construction of this Chancellor Range assures satisfactory. Another phase of the question is economy, and we invite a visit to our store expressly that you may examine the marvell- 'Oxford Economizer W. Price, Hardware, Atwood. -- This is the problem (GURNEY OXFORD _ The teeth and waste. and find the _Price, 50c. per box at your dealers over two pounds each. Mr. Henry Father uarriacy Medieine Co. || Stomach Troubles |) calls them "Borden Victors." ; Limited, Montreal. oo i id Gurney-Oxfords are the only" stoves licensed to sell with this wonderful patent. It needs only to be set at a proper angle to hold heat for hours without attention. fuel is wasted--a saving of 20 per cent. No The Grate is Reversible with strong that save accumulation of clinkers In point of appearance--nickel trim- mings, beauty of design, etc.--the Gurney-_ Oxford has not a rival. Come .to our store best answer to tie Woman Question--a Gurney-Oxford stove.