_ ARE YOU AS WELL AS A) YEAR A AGO? Dr. Williams' a Pills Point the Way to Health and Strength. eurself the important ques- r you are as strong as you were a year ago, as bodily fit as you should be. Many a reader has to confess "No." Some weak- ening ailment has during the past year laid hold of the system, un- fitting you for the duties of life and seriously clouding the outlook of the coming days. It may be rheumatism with its sharp twinges of pain, indigestion, headache, nervous debility, depression and lack of energy, or the pains and ailments which only common folk know. It-is well to know that all these weakening disorders -- arise from an impoverished condition of the blood. Renew and enrich your|° blocd and all your troubles will cease. This is a strong statement, _ but_it is made-on the testimony--of "thousands who once suffered, but who have gained health and strength by the aid of the new, rich blood supplied by Dr. Wil- liams' Pink Pills. We can quote thousands of cases similar to the following: Mr. Jos. Grandmaison is @ young man well known in the town of St. Jerome, Que. He says: "For a couple of years I began to find my strength failing, but did not dream that the trouble was serious. As I grew weaker I began to doctor, but it did not help me. The least exertion made my heart palpitate violently, my stomach seemed out of order and my whole system became so run down that I was finally forced to quit work.' I had now been doctoring for almost six months and was very naturally growing discouraged. At this junc- ture I read of a case similar to mine, cured through the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and decided to try them. I took the Pills faith- fully for about two months, gradu- ally growing stronger and at the end of that time I was as well as any man could be. I shall always grees the medicine thet raised me rem despair to the blessing of good health." ld by medicine dealers every- where or sent by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 by The Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. *. WORLD'S LONGEST CHIMNEY, Wales Has One Two-Miles High, and a Brook Through it. Wales has probably the longest chimney in fhe workd. It is The ning through it. chimney is connected with the copper works} at Cwmavon, near Aberavon. This is how it came to be buiit. About 60 years ago the copper smoke from these works was. the plague of the neighboring countryside. It set- | tled upon and destroyed the grass for 20 miles round, while the sulp- | hur and arsenic in the fumes af- | fected the hoofs of cattle, causing gangrene. The company tried all sorts of devices to remedy the | trouble, but in vain. F inally, Mr. Robert Brenton, who was later engineer of the Sind Railway in India, solved the pro- blem. The copper works are at the foot of a high, steep mountain. Mr. Brenton constructed a flue or chim- ney running continuously from the base to about 100 above the summit, following the natural slope of the ground The brick which lined it. and of which it was large- ly constructed, was burned close by. A small spring, rushing out near the mountain top, was turned into the chimney, and allowed to flow through almost its entire length to condense the smoke. Once a year it is swept out, and about a ton of precipitated copper (To Be > Pleasant In the Morning] ITave some Post Toasties with cream for breakfast. The rest of the day will take care of itself. Post Toasties are thin bits of White Indian corn --cool:ed and toasted un- til deliciously 'crisp and appetizing.. : "The flemory Lingers" Sold by by Grocers \e Postum Coreal Co., Ltd.,) Battle 'Creek, Mich. two} miles high, and has a vrook ruD- | or fobtained. Its top can be seen for between 40 and 86 '60 miles. THUNDER CAUSED BY STEAM. Moisture Cenverted into Steam by Electric Discharge. It has usually been thought that the noise of thunder is caused by the closing up of the vacuum creat- ed by the passage of the lightning, the air rushing in from all sides with a clap ; but the intensity of the noise is and it is now supposed that thunder is due to the intense heating of gases, especially the gas of water vapor, along the line of electric discharge, and the consequent con- version of suspended moisture' into seen of enormous pressure. this way, says Harper's Weekly, the crackle with which a peal of thunder sometimes begins might be regarded as the sound of steam explosion on a small scale caused by discharges before the main flash. The rumble would be and the final clap, whicu sounds loudest, would be the steam ex- plosion nearest to the auditor. In the case of rumbling thunder the lightning is passing from cloud to cloud. Jhen the flash passes from the earth to the clouds the clap is loudest at the beginning. Trowbridge gave substance to these suppositions by causing electric flashes to pass from point to point through terminals clothed in .soak- ed cotton wool, and he succeeded in magnifying the crack of the electric spark to a terrifying ex- nt a A MOTHER'S PRAISE . OF BABY'S OWN TABLETS Mrs. B. 8. Baker, Fast Margar- etville, N. S8., writes: "No mother would recommend for ler baby any medicine of which she was not ab- solutely sure. A baby's life is too precious. A mother is always pleased to recommend to other mothers something that has been valuable in rage the health of her own chi That is why I can highly recommend Baby's Own Tab- lets. They cured my baby who was suffering from constipation and I feel that I cannot praise them enough. I would advise al] mo- thers with sickly babies to give them a trial, well knowing what the result will be.'? The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The DrWilliams Medicine Co., Brock- ville, Ont. ES STARTED. 'Has your wife's card club start- ed yet , ay guess so. She told me a lot of surprising things about two of our neighbers last evening.' WOMEN NEED CIN PILLS. i Port Dafferin, N. S. | "J was troubled with Kidney Disease for My back was weak. I had and was so restloss 'that I could not sleep at night. At last a friend told me about Gin Pills. I, at 'once, got a box and after taking them, |I-felt better--after three boxes I was cured. "ETHEL BALCOMBE." Write us for free sample of Gin Pills to ltry. Then get the regular size boxes at | your dealer's, or direct from us- -§0c. a box, '6 for $2.50. Money refunded if Gin Pills fail to cure. National Drug & Chemical Co. of Canada, Limited, Dept. W. L., Toronto. several years. terrible headaches, -- Much that passes for real wis- dom is nothing but nonsense. A Prime Dressing for Wounds.-- in some factories and workshops carbolic acid is kept for use in cau- pened wounds and euts sustained by the workmen. Far better to keep on hand a bottle of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil. It is just as quick in action and does not sear the skin or burn the flesh. There is no other Oil that has its curative qualities. b. BROTHER-IN-LAW. 1A KING'S ! i'Tae Duke of Fife's Sway Is Still Feudal. u i Of all the great Highland Chief- tain there is none more patriotic than the Duke of Fife, brother-in- law of the King, says the London 'Daily Sketch. The Duke has his own band of pipers, and it is to 'their shrill music he rises each | morning when ho resides at Mar Lodge. Like the Campbells in | Argyll, his sway it still feudal, he _ being more king than landlord to {his tenants and retainers. | He likes to recall one unique dis- 'tinction, that of having entertain- ed his prospective mother-in-law, the then Princess of Wales, to a magnificent ball at his house in Portman Square. Never before or since has a bachelor played host to a princess of Wales or a Queen consort. One of the possessions he values most is a beautiful minia- ture depicting his bride-elect, which was presented to him by Queen Alexandra on the morning of -her daughter's wedding, bearing a card inscribed : 'F mother-in-law."' Duchess of Fife are often to be secn in the neighborhood of Port- man Square, walking arm-in-arm, 'making pilgrimages to some of the numerous art shops in the neigh- | Hborhood, for they are both great ofcurios. Shae aa RELIEF 1S QUICK; rather cisprcco the..overlapping-steam--explosions; | BUT CURE IS. SURE NAPOLEON " YAILLANCOURT SPEAKS OF DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. os They soon cured his Kidney trou- bles, and in six months there is no sign of their coming back. St. Anne des Monts, Gaspe Co., Que., Nov. 6 (Special).--"It is six months since I was cured, and I havé had no return of my trouble, 4 in these words, Napoleon Vaillan- court, a well known resident of this late, gives evidence that Dodd's Kidney Pills not only give quick relief to sufferers from Kidney Dis- ease, but clean that disease out, oot and branch, and cure it per- coment: That Mr. ney Disease every one here knows. That he is cured is also established beyond a doubt. Dodd's Kidney Pills did it. "My back bothered me, also my r heart "and my kidney s, and my limbs would cramp,' Mr. Vaillancourt states in giving his experience. Now all that is gone and he is a sound, healthy man. Do you won- der that he recommends Dodd's Kidney Pills? Dodd's Kidney Pills cure quick- ly and. permanently beause they go righ® to the root of the trouble. They act directly on the Kidneys. They never fail to cure. = WHERE DOES IT GO! "There is one thing I can 't un- derstand about Christmas.' "What's that?" 'How is it that everybody gives more than he gets, and yet Seti gets as much as he gives. 1 ean't understand what becomes of surplus."' WHY IT ISN'T IN. "Got your coal in yet?" "J should say not. Do you think I'm a cheap guy? When I want coal I'}] let the neighbors know that I can afford to pay the top price for it.' ONE WAY OF PUTTING it.* "That man seems to be proud of his stupidity,' said the impetuous person. "I wouldn't put it that way,' replied the conservasve friend. "I'd merely suggest that when it comes to a thirst for wis- dom he's a prohibitionist."' Shilohs Gure HEALS THE LUNGS STOPS COUCHS PRICE. 25 CENTS HIS WAY. Withs--How's his credit? he pay? Gillis--Oh, yes. something down anything up. Does He always pays and never pays A Pill That is Prized.--There have been many pills put upon the market and pressed upon public at- tention, but none has endured so long or met with so much favor as Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. Wide- spread uso of them has attested their great value, and they need no further advertisement than this. Having firmly established themselves in public esteem, they now rank without a peer in the list of standard vegetable prepara- tions. A change in fashion separates a man from his spare change. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. An ounce of sense to-day is far better than a pound of regret to- morrow. TRY --v EYE REMEDY for Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and Granulated Byelids. Murine Doesn't S3mart--Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 30c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eye Books: ind Eye Advice Free by Mail. AMlurine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago. "Mention the name of some well- known Greek," a juvenile class in history. "George," spoke up the curly-head- ed little boy. "George who?" "TI don't know the rest of his name, a'am. He comes around to our house every Thursday with bananas ' an oranges. Vaillancourt had Kid- said the teacher off sa [ Well, Weal a lth the SA ----i- ME Dye. f i! used ONE DYEF®ALL KINDSo+ soces OLEAN and SIMPLE to Use. pele egress fs using the ode one hasto color. All colors joe our Lr t Dealer. FREE Color Cardand ree wage ie, 'The Johnson-Richardson Co., Limited, .ivatreal, NOT FOR HIS. The "Angel!" (about to give a beggar a ca A dota man! And are you married?' Beggar--"Pardon me, madam! D'ye think I'd be err? on total strangers for support if I had a wife ?"' Do not let a cold settle on your lungs. Resort to Bickle's Anti- Consumptive Syrup at the first in- timation of irritation in the throat and prevent disease from lodging in the pulmonary organs. Neglect- ed colds are the cause of untold suffering throughout the country, all of which could have been pre- vented by the application of this simple but powerful medicine. The price, 25 cents, brings it within the reach of all. An Atchison bank received this note from a woman customer: "'Please stop payment on the check I wrote out agen as I accident- ally burned it up A druggist can obtain gn imitation of ---- LINIMENT ig a Toron ae er t low price, mand have labeled his own product. ' This greasy imitation is the poorest one we have yet seen of the many that every heres Dick and Harry bas tried to intro eo for MINARD'S and you will get it. "Oh, Arthur, do look at this hat ; it's a perfect poem les, yes, but it doesn' t rhyme 'with my pocket just now. Tightness across the chest means a cold on the lungs. That's the danger signal. Cure that cold with Hamlin's Wizard Oi] before it runs into Consumption or Pneumonia. Of course 2 man with a botter half isn't the whole thing. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &c. Cook--The Irish stew has burned. Restaurant « Proprietor+Well, put some spice in it and add "a Ja fran- caise" to its name. Pills That Have Benefited Thou- sands.--Known far and near as a sure remedy in the treatment of in- digestion and all derangements of | ® the stomach, liver and kidneys, Parmelee's Vegetable Pills have brought relief to thousands when 4.work one friend in behalf of an- POINTED PARAGRAPHS. | Too man sega sistas merited punishment for But strain docmn't tramp if a t train is going his way. _ Love may be blind, but a woman is eeldom blind to her own charms. Beware of the man who tries to other. The undertaker considers it a grave apes when he has no- ing to A dark cows taste and a head- ache the morning after spell re- mose. Let any man talk long enough and he will discover a friend's sore spot. It is the triumph of hope over experience oe induces a widdwer | to marry agal The reason maak girls want to marry is because they don't know what they want. Yon can form a pretty good idea of what a man hasn't done by the | things he is 'to-do The latest addition to the board- ' inghouse menu is the aeroplane chicken--mostly wings and frame. FOR HOUSEHOLD ACvwENTS| Zam-Buk is so 'so Very Useful. Read how beneficial it proved here! Mrs. H. Sawyer, of Keene, Ont.. writes :--"My husband is engaged on a farm, and one day, while chop- ping wood, the top of the axe broke and fell upon his foot, cutting a nasty gash. The wound was so bad that we first thought we should have to get a doctor, but we fia lly de- cided to use Zam-Buk. "Well, the Zam- Buk treatment roved a great success. It not only eased the pain, but it prevented any inflammation; and right.from first applying' Zam-Buk, the tat began: toheal. lt is now completeW-healed | and my husband says he will never be without a box of Zam-Buk in the house.' Over and over again Zam-Buk has been proved to be the worker's best remedy. As soon as applied to a cut, a burn, a scald, or any skin injury, it relieves the pain and it sets up healing. blood-poisoning or inflammation. It | is a sure cure, too, [rr eczema, piles, ulcers, old wounds, bad leg, ringworm, scalp sores, festering, running sores, eruptions, cold sores, chapped hands, etc. Its absol ite | purity, also, makes it the ideal} balm for babies. 1 All druggists and stores s2!] Zain Buk at 50c. box, and Zam-Buk Soap, at 25c. tablet, or post free fren Zam-Buk (Co., Toronto, upon re: ! ceipt of price. Refuse substitutes. | RS | eee THE DIFFERENCE. | Mr. Tiff--Woman is nuisance. eK Mrs. Tiff--Man is a nuisance, but! not necessary. . t a necessary If one be troubled with corns and warts, he will find in Holloway's Corn Cure an application that will entirely relieve suffering. Not all the hot air comes {rem furnaces. Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtheria. aia 3 always agree with -my hus- band.' "Very sweet of you.' "Except, of course, when he is the wrong. Protect the child from the ravages of worms by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. It is a stand-: ard remedy, and years of use have} enhanced its ropnbatiit WHAT'S S THE USE? other specifics have failed. Innum, erable testimonials can be produced | to establish the truth of this asser- tion. Once tried they will be found | superior to all other pills in the! treatment of the ailments for which they are prescribed. COMBINATION. Stella--Do you believe in mono- poly or competition ! Bella--Well, 1 think the men should compete and.I should mono- polize them. ~A BAD, CASE. "TD ™m get tting absent-minded.'"' "Yes; I stood for an hour in the vestibule yesterday- trying to re- momber whether I was going out or coming in.' NEEDED TR ) TRAINING. Newlywed--" Why don't you get married, Singleton? Married life is one grand, sweet son Singleton--' 'My voice isn't edu- cated to it." Landlady (to lodger)--"Are you in the bath, sir?" Voice (between the splashes)--"Yes. What do you want?' Landlady--"T forgot to tell you I had it fresh painted in- side last night, sir; and it won't be dry for two or three days!" "We're going to give Brown surprise party.'"'. "But I thought you had no use for Brown?' '"'I haven't. That's why Pm getting up the surprise par party for him." - L minera's. iehrovt corte comet a: pre '"'George," she asked, "if we were | both young and single again would ' ; you want me to be your wife?' "Now, 'my dear,"' he absent-mind- | bined replied, '""wHat's the use try- | to start a quarrel just as we | evening i ~ t ° Used in Canada for over half a century --used in every corner of the world where people suffer from Constipation and .its resulting troubles-- Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills, stand higher in public estimation than any others, and their ever- increasing sales prove their merit. Physicians prescribe them. 8 -25c. a box. CLEANING LADIES' WALKING OR OUTING SUITS iy by our French "gritish Am American Mebtrse Toronto, are BANKS and INS COMPANIES BUY BONDS SSermrmctoneerrs investment is this; Insurance Com- panies, and all financial institu- tions which continually have funds to invest and are in the tion to ior a safe ancl profitable investments, are large purchasers of bonds. 9 Much of the money you deposi: in Banks, oe and Insurance, is invested at a considerably capes rate of interest than you recei I We went $0: get in touch with those who from fo time have money to invest, ea Bae re large or small sums. {| Literature giving full : deccrintion Bond investment will-be teomt: ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION tLimitso BANK OF MONTREAL BUILDING YONGE AND QUEEN STS. TORONTO WHITE - Manager MONTREAL-GUEBEC-HALIFAX-LONDONIENG,) It also prevents 7 RANADA etm eee ONE oF AME. Rit A'S. r GRUATEST BU wESS CHOOLS Over 2,000 holes Sesitions filted in past our @ar: Some others just filled HANN. fro € positions more f LOAILTE tue MEST: the work os athar ome courses Addre . B. allege, Chatham, O renms FOR SALE OR RENT. ASK ODAWSON,. ue BROWS. Ps aos eat to sell targ, consult me rt A ron want to buy a farm, consuls HAVE some of the beat Fruit, Grain or Dairy Farms in OU wud prices a ere pla H W. DA ; Street, Toeoute: sON, Ninety , Colborne ACENTS WANTED. } go*: SALARY AND UP -ALSO | a adie guetor lvcul representa ivce; immediately; permancnt posiuols experience nee rapid aavance- ment; spa ime accepted, Nichols, | Limited, Publi abers, "orunto, GENTS WANTED. ~--- A LINE FOR every home. Write us tor our choice ~ of agents supplies. e have the GFieaiest agen proposition in Canada . No outiay necessary, Apply B. Co, A aoe o & bh. Long 5 2 ert: St... U MISCELLANEOUS, HAY 8 ees SCRLES. Wilson's dceale Weras, 9 bspiunade, 'foronto, SAWMILL MACHINERY, utiie Slitis, Mul Suppiies, Mauuracturing Co. d., Urillia, Ontario, TUMULS, LUE PORTALLB Shuigie Atidis," ah e treet, eared. "withous be by our ueme tieuturcul Write ue velore too late. Dir Beiiman, Collinge wood, Ont, TON art GUARANTEED, 6 "xe i orks, ¥ rsplauade, Wilson's Toronto, TO FIFTY BARBERS ADVER- A ae W ee TY d for in Toronto papers alone al- barber Manes' 221 Queen Lust, Toronto. GENTS WANTED A STUDY- OF other Agency pr spositions convinces he that none can equal ours. You'will al- ays regret it if you dont apply for par- ticular to Travellers' Dept. 228 Albert St., SPECIALIdI'S ADVICE FREE. Consult ES ae in regard to any disease. Lowess in drug of oho' Bina = a Write "to-day ge nbecactod drag anytbhinc ood. Ont een'to: Dr. Bell Trappers, ear and pealers in kintof Raw Pred cannot afford to dis- pose of thelr ovliec- tious without firs our xe Eso ES. sei IDERAL ASSORTME tance forw. A rded same ayh s ode es bev oe ch am ator, 'Ther and b oaniemeanes anlicited. John Hallam - TORONTO RAW FURS WANTED. _ WRITE FOR PRICE LIST WwW. C. Goffatt, G-lilia. Ont. RAW FURS Gollecte : ane sbippers will vey! * to thelr advantage 7 thelr names o mall! ship yourcallections to 'Wagn Merasier @Co. 86 Front St. East, Toren rk Ont. H. rm NIGHTINGALE Momber Standard Stock f LISTED STOCKS CARRIED ON MARGIN ' Correspondence inv! 33 MELINDA ST., TORONTO