E ee 1 LIVE AND LET LIVE ae What about the Christmas Cake and Plum pidd- ing ? We have the material-- New Raisins, Currants, Figs, Lemon, orange and i citron peels, shelled walnuts and almonds. § Fish--Salt Water Herring, Smoked Red Herr- | ing, Cod Fish and Finnin Haddie Cured Meats --Back Bacon, Breakfast Bacon, Rolls, Cooked Hams, Corned Beef, Ham and Beef Bologna. Plour--Five Rose and Pride of the West. Three grades of Coal oil. Cash or Trade for Produce. Call and leave your order --Goods delivered to any part of town. H = SSS SSS SESS") a THE STAR GROCER = 4 New Raisins, New Currants, New Peels for the Christmas Trade You can save money buying here and the quality is the best and the prices the lowest. New Raisins, 3 28 pound box only $2.25 New Currants 3 pounds.........scceesescsseee ceeeeee ceeceeeeenees 25c New Raisins 3 pounds 25¢ Seeded Raisins 2 packages........cccccecscsseeceeeersesceeeetee eee 25e Nev: Mince Meat in bulk, a Ib 10c Our Peels are always the best and we give you more for your money than you can get anywhere else. Our new Dates and New Cooking Figs has just arrived and | they are the best quality, we sell them at the lowest possible price. The Fish season is here again -- we haye number one Fish in Fresh Water Herring; Silt Water Herring, Salmon Trout and Finnin Haddie. Cured meats all kinds, our pork sausage can pot be beat. Don't forget your hens, they want oyster shell, i we have them. Milverton Flour, Bran and Shorts always on hand. | . We pay the Highest Market Price Cash or Trade for Butter and Eggs. | Gocds delivered to any part of the town. E. T. Greensides & Son. New Fall and Winter Goods New Dress Goods, Flannels, Flannettes, Woollen Blankets, Hosiery, Gloves, etc. Clothing Men's, Boys' and Youths' Overcoats and Suits. New Furs Fur Coats, Ruffs, &c. Shoes New Shoes of every description. We pay the highest prices for Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Chickens and. Old Fowl. Live and Let Live--we only solicit a share of your patronage. _W. RB. ERSKINE ET Mk Ba EES OPT ee tt TS eo TOWN and VICINITY. 688 £8 8 ££ kh hh hed EEE EP EE EES SESE EET Tt Mrs. Ashby is spending the week with her mother in 8t. Marys. Mr. E. T. Greensides spent last week in Brantford and Stratford, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Zieman spent the week-end at Carmunnock. Dr. Roe was in Toronto this week visiting big mother. who-is very ill. Mr. Robert Forrest was in Toronto last week attending the fruit and flower show. Mr. Geo. Ford, of Bay City, Mich., is visiting his brother, Mr. Robert Ford, Main st. The anniversary services of St. Alban's church will be held on Sun- day, Dee, 3rd. Remember Mr. Jno. Cuthbertson's gale this Friday, and Mr. Wm. Lucas' next Wednesday. Buy your Christmas gifts at the English church bazaar to be held in the music hall on Dec. 8th. Born.--In Atwood, on Sunday Nov. 19th, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Gordon, a daughter. Our Christmas cards are complete. Call and see them before buying else- where.--E. T. Greensides & Son, Dining room girl wanted, highest wages paid, apply to Mrs Grun- denberger, Elma House, Atwood, Ont. Mr. J. A. McBain, commercial | traveller, returned to his home Satur- ' day after making his usual trip to the coast. CATTLE FOR SALE.--4 cows sup- | posed to be in calf and three steers irising 2 year old.--D. Edgar, lot 4, leon. 7, Elma. All accounts and overdue notes not paid by Dec. 15th, 1911 will be placed into Court for collection. W. Price, Atwood. A good assortment of aprons, shirts and fancy goods at St. Alban's church bazuar. both afternoon and evening. The board of health for the town- ship of Elma will meet at the clerk's office on Monday, Nov. 27th, 1911, at 2 o'clock p.m., for receiving re- ports for the year. Invitations have been issued for an informal dance to be fiiven in the music hall, on Thursday, evening, Dec. 7th. Tony Vita's orchestra, of London, will supply the music. Another change will take place on February Ist, when Mr. S. Mitchell will take over the hardware stock of Mr. W. Price and Mr. Price will move to the farm now occupied by Mr. Mitchell. Mrs. Edward Campbell and Mrs. Albert McBain spent Monday in Stratford yisiting Mrs. Coghlin, who is in the hospital. The many friends ef Mrs. Coghlin will be gtad to Jearn that she is rapidly gaining in health. A telegram conveyed the sad news on Saturday to Mra. Wm. Brown of this village that her sister Mrs. Hales had died at her home in Dutton. Mr. Jas. Brown attended the funeral on Tuesday of this week. In the absence of Rev. W. A. Amos who goes to Allandale to conduct an- niversary services on Sunday, Noy. 26th. Rev. Robt. Thyne, of Pal- merston will conduct the services in tho Presbyterian church. Stock Reducing Sale.--Having sold my business, I am offering big reductions on many lines as stock must be reduced. Stoyes, ranges, mitts, robes, blankets, whips, etc., cut away down. Terms, cash. W. Price, Hardware. The annual thank-offering meeting in connection with the MacVicar Home Missionary Society of the } Presbyterian church will be held in the basement of the church on Thursday evening, Nov. .30th, at 8 o'clock. Rev. John Little cf North Mornington, is expected to address the meeting. The Elma Cheese & Butter Mfg. Co. Ltd,, shipped their October make of cheese on Monday morning of this week to Messrs. Lovell & Christmas, Montreal, number 674, amount real- ized $7636.11. The patrons may re- ceive cheques from the secretary- treasurer on or after Thursday, Nov. 23rd. The company is continuing ber on account of the very. high price for cheese and will begin -inaking Refreshments will be served ; making cheese till the end of Noyem-| potter at the beginning of December. | Several men were injured in the fall of a scaffold at Harriston. Hay sold at $24 per ton and potat- oes at $1.60 per bag on the Toronto market Tuesday. Mr. W. J. Lindsay was acquitted of the charge of conspiracy in the Farmers Bank case. For the first seven months of the current fiscal year 265,833 immi- grants arriyed in Canada. Atwood is having an experience in the way of a house famine. Many rentable houses are wanted, but they are not to be had as every place is occupied. We believe it would be a good investment for some of our en- terprising capitalists to build several good comfortable houses to rent or even to sell. "Madam," said the tramp, you gave me three doughnuts a while back. 'ould you mind adding another one sd make it four?" "Gladly," said the lady, all smiles, and she wrapped a big doughnut in & newspaper and handed it to him. "So you like my doughnuts, do you?" it-ain't that," said the tramp. and some friends down in the holler wants to have a game of quoits." Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ANYTHING GOES.--A curious -as- sortment of bric-a-brac was found in the stomach of a man-eating shark, 17 feet in length, caught at themouth of Deleware Bay by the crew of a United States Government lightship. An invoice of the shark's interior far- nishings include one umbrella, one barrel stave, a quantity of steel and iron junk of different kinds and enough oil cloth to cover the floor of a good sized kitchen. A meeting of the electoral of North Perth will be held in the music hall, Atwood, on Friday, Nov. 24th, 1911. The chair will be taken at eight o'clock Ly the President when the following will be called on to address the- meeting :--Dr. Montieth, J. C. Makins, K C., Jas: Torrance, M.P.P., and others. Opposition speakers are invited to be present. Reserve seats for ladies and their escorts.-- C. J. Wynn, Secretary, Cyrus Lucas, President. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA NURSERY STOCK.--Before order- ing trees, write us for our Catalogue and prices or see our nearest agent. We are the largest growers of trees in Canada. Full line of apple, peach, pear, cherry and plum trees. Our trees are noted for fine root system and largest limb growth. Our Nur- series are patronized by the largest and most profressive fruit growers of Canada. Write for an Agency.-- Brown Bros. Co., Nurserymen; Ltd: Browns Nurseries, Welland Co., Ontario. The board of Directors of the Elma Furmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. met on Tuesday, Nov. 21st, 1911, at the usual time and place, a full board being in attendance. The October minutes were read and confirmed. Samuel Holmes of Gray was paid $50,00 for damage to a cow by light- ning, Lewis Heath of Elma, was paid $6.00 for damage to his barn by lightning. Andrew Bannerman of Logan was paid $14.80 for damage to his house by lightning and John Freeman, of Mornington was paid $35.00 for a sow killed by lightning. Applications for $53,550.00 were ac- cepted. The meeting adjourned till Tuesday, Dec. 19th, 1911.--J. Hammond, Secy. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA If we would win in the race here set before us, our better choice is to let go of those things that hinder-- the loveless word, the thoughtless deed, the trivial thought, the thank- less spirit ; satisfaction with material things, neglect of things spiritual.. To strive after the things that abide rather than those that perish with the using--A large heart rather than a large purse ; a trained will rather than an over-crowded brain ; worth rather than fame ; undying deeds rather than fleeting words ; power to win souls to Him rather than to win friends for myself ; faith rather than doctrides, hope rather than sat- isfactions, love rather than achieve- ments ' Xmas Buying a line of Perfumes: is now com- Brushes, Combs and Whisks--A conmplets Mirrors--A nice assortment in all styles of We ask now whi dasa lodors. Ask to see them. Both ox and bulk perfumes. stock to choose from, made up of hair brushes in ebony, rosewood, ete. ~ Clothes" brushes, nail brushes, military brushes. Combs ranging in all prices. mirrors. See our new line of ebony mir- rors. en to come in and select your presents e our stock is complete and we will put aside until needed. E. G. Coghlin DRUGGIST - STATIONER. J. M. SCHINBEIN WEEKLY STORE NEWS We have made another big purchase of Ladies' Fur Sets, Persian Lamb Sets and Ruffs and a Lot of Ladies' Jackets at very special prices. Big range of Children's and Misses Coats at special prices, 4 L If to Ladies' Fur Lined Coats, Brown, Green and Black, best of rat Ladies' Hudson Seal coats, 50 inches long, best of lining, special, UNDERWEAR you should buy a suit, guaranteed not to shrink, money back if not as represented and the best of wear and no scratching. $1.25 Qur Men's Clothing sale will last another week, 10 to 50 per cont, discount. J. M. Schinbein, | -- adies' Brown Isabella Stole, 77 inches long, full furred at $5.00 = $7.00 and $10.00. Persian Lamb Muff, extra choice at $20.00, Scarfs $15.00 to $26.00. Mink Muffs and Stoles at special prices and fine quality. lining, good: Columbia sable collar, reg. $50 on sale $35.00. $100.00. Ladies' Astrachan Coats, 36 to 50 inches long, $20 to $75.00 you have not had any of Stanfields Underwear, it is high time $1.75 a piece and will wear five years. It has stood this test, All sizes in stock. CLOTHING SALE Ret, ah > st AS . See our Men's Overcoats at $5.00 well worth double the money. GROCERIES We have now a complete line of Groceries, new fruit and peels aa at the lowest prices. ; A SHOES AND RUBBERS ees | Special Lines in all kinds of shoes and aubbers. We want all the Live and Dressed Fowl; Buiter, Eggs and Dried Apples and we will pay the highest price. 4 --" LISTOWEL =" eek bby + FREE EEE TEER EEE EE EEE EEE EEE EEE EEE ET EEE TEE EE EE EE Last Chance bad ® ty EEE EEE GLEE ELE LEE EE EEE EEE EEE ET EET FEE ET CEE EF ET Last week of the Big Sale And for six more days we shall offer bargains § that will eclipse anything we have yet done in that line. As an extra special we shall put on sale our entire stock of Furs at one third off regular prices. Come early and avoid the rush. Pa) ~ Sa P eT Kelly & Bowman ATWOOD, ONTARIO : : {