4 > c. NEURALGIA CURED ~ This Painful trouble is Due to Poverty of Blood. Neuralgia is one of the most ': painful maladies . that; afflicts hu- manity. The trouble is usually seat- ed in the face and head, following the course of some nerve, but it at tacks otlier parts of the system as well, lt is characterized by acute pains, sometimes steady, at others spasmodic and darting, headaches and a feeling as though the forehead wasa band of iron. Medical au- thorities agree that neuralgia is a cry of the nerves for better food, and that if the blood is purified a enriched the trouble will dis- appear. This is the reason why Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cure even the most severe cases of oeuralgia. They actually make new. rich blood which feeds the tired, starved nerves and thus cure the trouble, at the same time leaving the suifer- er in better health in every way than was formerly enjoyed. In roof we give the case of Mr. G. Veanks, of Aurora, Ont., who says: "About two years ago, while work- ing in Collingwood, I was attacked with neuralgia, which became s0 bad that I was frequently unable to go to work. The pain would start over my right eye and would then spread to the whole face, and eaused me the greatest agony. I was under the care of a good doc- tor, but his treatment did not do more than give me temporary relief, snd I wus therefore an almost con- stant sufferer. Acting on the ad- rice of ay wife I finally decided to ive Williams' Pink Pills a rial aod I am profoundly thank- ful that I did so, as in the course of a few weeks I began to improve, and after a further use of the Pills the trouble disappeared and I have not since had any trace of it. I may also add that while taking tho Pills my weight increased by nine pounds, which shows that the Pills gre a body builder as well asa nerve restorer.' Sold by all medicine dealers. or by mail at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The Dr. Wil- liams' Medicine Co., Brockville, oo MAN A MILLION YEARS OLD. Geologist Considers Race Existed Before Glacial Period. That the age of man is no less than a million years, is the conclu- sion that Dr. W. Allen. Stvrge, president of the prehistoric socie- ty of East Anglia, England, con- eludes from studies based largely shibboleth that man first appes: in Pleistocene times, but I affirm | that it is no more than shibboleth."' Dr. Sturge has found flint in- struments which, he contends, were scratched by glacial action. That is a glacial geology. Since Neolithic man many intro = 'Neolithic types were against all views of wactal Sie logy. Since Neolithic man came to Britain, the doctor holds, there has been an ice age not continuous, but divided into sub riods of glaciation. Proof of this is found in humanly worked flints present- ing sharply defined types of scratching. FOR PREVENTION OF FIRE. Neglect of-These Cautions Often Leads to Disaster. The following "fire don'ts," pre- pared by the New York fire depart- ment, are equally valuable to every householder. Cut them out and keep them handy for frequent reference. Observance of the cautions given pe save you from & visitation by Don't leave praesthinik to the landlord; inspect your own house from cellar to garret, and locate all exits. Don't throw cigars or cigarettes Us of winvo~s. They drop on nings and set them afire = Dont t allow children to oliy with matches. Don't use matches or candles in darkclosets or cellars. Don't keep matches except in a tin box with cover attached. Don't toss away a match unless completely extinguished, and then toss it into a mental or porcelain receptacle. Don't fill lamps or oil stoves while lighted. en al use kerosene oil in light- ing fi Don' rs se naphtha or gasoline for cleaning purposes where there are open lights or fires. Don't accumulate old beds and bedding or other trash in cellars. Don't neglect to have tne chim- ney flue cleaned once a year. You are responsible, not your landlord. If you must have lace curtains or other draperies near gas jets, see that the jets are properly pro- tected. ' ----_k____ SICKLY BABIES CRY HEALTHY BABIES SMILE Baby's cry indicates distress--his smile health and contentment. The mother may be sure there never was a baby who cried for the fun of it. Baby's disposition such as may be brought on by a dis- ordered condition of the stomach on the 'neolithic flint instruments, or bowels that can change this. So, found in North West Suffolk. He says: "Neolithic man goes 300,000 years, and it would seem that we have not even then reach- ed the beginning of the period. gon man was flourishing from 1,000,000 to about 700,000 years ago. Neither figure is a limit; the later figure is probably nearer a_ limit than the earlier. Between the end of the Drift and the beginning of the Neo:ithic we have the great jmothers, to keep your baby happy l back} you must keep him well--Baby's to some period between 200,000 and | Own Tablets will do this. Concern- ing them Mrs. Chas. Potvin, Causa- pateia, N. 8., writes: "Baby' s Own Tablets have proved an excellent remedy for my baby. I had been using syrups, but they failed to help him and he cried constantly. The Tablets cured him and now he is fat, healthy child." The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Wil- cave periods, which would thus|liams' Medicine Co., Brockville seem to have occupied anything} Ont. , from 200,000 to 400,000 years. Be- RA hind Drift man are vast ages of} Somehow or other the peoois who which we are only beginning to get the first glimpses. "But it now seems evident that man was already on the earth in early Pliocene times, and we must not be surprised if proofs are ulti- mately brought forward that genus homo goes back even farther than | It has become almost a that. Shines Stoves So They Stay Shined "Black Knight" is a joy to every woman who takes pride in her home. It enables her to have the stoves always clean, freshly polishe and brilliantly black. "Bl. k Knight" is ready to use --easiiy applied--and a few rubs brings a mirror-like polish. "Block Knight" does away with a:! the hard work and dirty work of stove polishing. Uf your dealer should mot have "Black raga we willsend you a large can, » for rec, The F. F. Dalicy Co. Limited, . MAMILTON, Ont... - 24 'Matera af the temece "'2 be 1°" Shoe Polish. SgeERN j can said, domestic servants are satified to take things as they find them never seem 10 fiad any- thing. Nearly all children are subjert ie worms, and many are born with them. Spare them suffering by using Mother Graves' Worm Ex- terminator, the best remedy of the kina that can me as had. BUT HE Cl COULD. An uneducated Scotsman made a fortune. One day he and an ac- quaintance were talking, when the latter said to old Duncan :-- "Say, Duncan, vou don't know enough to go in when it rains. Why, you can't even spell 'bird.' "' "B-u-r-d," said Duncan. "T tell you you don't know any- thing. Why, if you had to spell to make a living you'd have been dead years ago. I'll bet you a hundred you can't spell 'bird.' "Tl tak' ye," quickly replied Duncan. After the money was put up, Dun- "B-i-r-d.' "That ain't the way you spelled it the first time.' '*] wasna bettin' then." SERVANTS ARE SCARCE. The Australian scarcity of domestic servants isso acute that would-be employers have to be original in their appeals for help. Probably no more enticing offer to ever has been made than-is contained in the fol- lowing advertisement from the Sydney Morning Herald: "Want- |. ed--Good general, 3 in family, washing done out; wages no object; every night out, tam and boat fares paid; drawing room, with 'use of piano when required; also sewing machines; excellent home for a suitable girl' Many a-man is willing to admit that he doesn't know more because. it isn't worth kno: i minara's Liniment Cures. Dishtherta. wing. "Fane CURED HIS WIFE is naturally a happy one and it is only distress 8 ME TRIED THEM LEON SERGENT FOUND NEW HEALTH IN DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS. Suffered with his Kidneys and was very feeble, but now he is feeling fine. Saint Walburg, Sask., Nov. 13 (Special).--One siecle happy fam- ily in _ ri alg are always ready peak a good word for Dodd's "Kidney Pills. They are Mr. and Mrs. Leon Sergent, and here is the reason in Mr. Sergent's own words: "I suffered with my Kidneys and I was very feeble. My urine was ment. As Dodd's Kidney Pills already cured my wife I bought three boxes. Now my urine is nor- mal and I feel fine.' It ic statements such as these that give Dodd's Kidney Pills their po- pularity. They are no cure-all. They simply cure diseased Kidneys and the ills that come from dis- eased Kidneys. But no 'matter what neighborhood you visit you find some man or woman who has been sick and in pain and has been cured by Dodd's Kidney Pills. For a score of years this werk has been goinfvon and to-day in every part of Canada Dodd's Kidney Pills are known as the one sure cure for Kidney Disease, Urinary Troubles, Backache, Rheumatism, Dropsy, Diabetes and- Bright's Disease. Ween an A FEMININE SUCCESS. '"'What kind of success did Irene have in business?' "The best kind for a woman, She captured a man who took her out of it."? - These Pills Cure Rheumatism.-- To the many who suffer from rheu- matism a trial of Parmelee's Vege- table Pills 1 recommended. They ave pronounced action upon the liver and kidneys and by regulat- ing the action of these organs act as an alternative in preventing the admixture of the uric acid and blood that causes this painful disor- der. They must be taken accord- ing to directions and used steadily and they will speedily give evidenco of their beneficial effects. What some men lack in backbone they make up in cheet. Minard's Liniment Cures Olstemper. SHE SAW IT "ANOTHER WAY. She--Just look at the trouble money can get you into He--Yes, but look at the trouble it can get you out of. TRY poh EYE REMEDY for Red, Weary, Watery Eyes and uetind Eyelids. Murine Doesn't Smart--Soothes Eye Pain. Druggists Sell Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c 30c, $1.00. Murine Eye Salve in Aseptic Tubes, 25c, $1.00. Eve Books ind Eye Advice Free by Mail. Murine Bye Remedy Co., Chicago. BEFORE "AND AFTER. He--"Were you ever in love be- fore you met me?' She--"Yes, but not since.' A cough is often the forerunner of serious pulmouary afflictions, yet there is a simple cure within the reach of all in Bickle's Anti-Con- sumptive Syrup, an old-time .and widely recognized remedy, which, if resorted to at the inception of a cold, will invariably give relief, and by overcoming the trouble, guard the system from any serious consequences. Price 25 cents, at all dealers Self-possession is nine points of the lawyer. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &c. The more a wotnan knows, the easier it is for her not to tell it. Why suffer from corns when they can be painlessly rooted out by us- ing Holloway's Corn Cure. PROOF. "Sir," said the astonished land- lady to a traveler, who had sent his "or I should never have drank so much water to get a little " SS. "DODDS " Z KI DN EY PILLS - eRe" at} thick and had a_ brick-aust_sedi-|. cup forward the seventh time, * 'you must be very fond of coffee.' "Yes, madam, I am," he replied, ONE DYEro"ALL- KINDS oF e000s CLEAN and SIMPLE to Use. NO chance the WRONG Dye for the Goods one has to fear beoy All colors from your Druggist or Desler. FREE Color Card and STORY Booklet 16, 'The Johnson-Richardson Co., Limited, Montreal, CONDITIONS IN SIBERIA. Population Increases at Rate of Half a Million a Year. The population of Siberia, now eleven millions, increases at e rate of half a million per annum. Siberia contains two contiguous districts, capable of being civilized, each as 'large as Prussia, viz., the plain in the Government of Tobolsk, east of the Urals, and north of the Trans-Siberian railway, and the steepe in the Government of Tomsk, south of the railway to the Altai mountains. Theso two dis- tricts have the densest popu-. lation of any in Siberia, raise the most grain, produce the most but- ter, and use the most agricultural and other machinery. e moun- tain districts of Middle Siberia only have a few cultivable valleys , along the rivers, amd there is still | less useful land east of Lake Baikal. n no country was a railway. destined to work such changes as in 'Biberia, although it rains exactly on the old trading route. The huge difficulties incident to travel and cg ager in pre-railway. times had developed a condition where all trading was transacted | once a year, while roads and_rivers were passable, at markets or fairs, and merchandise was gauled, in as many months as it now takes days, to its ultimate destination. Trad- ing instincts nature'ly developed inaspeculative direction and mono- poly was the ideal of the Siberian trader. Prices were subject to rapid and great variation. . ------n Shilohs Gure STOPS COUGHS S PRICE. 25 CENTS IN A GOOD MANY CASES. "Pa, what's a housewife?' "In a good many cases house- wives are ladies who merely come home to sleep and dress." Trial is Inexpensive.--To 'hose who suffer from dyspepsia, in jiges- tion, rheumatism or any ailment arising from derangement of the di- gestive system, a trial of Parme- lee's Vegetable Pills is recommen- ded, should the sufferer be unac- quainted with them.. The trial will be inexpensive and the result will be another customer for this excel- | So effective is their many cures can lent medicine. action that other pills have proved ineffective. THE REAL TRICK. "Ts it dificult to learn to carve?' "No, but it takes practice w carve 'and reserve all the choice bits for yourself without attracting attention." Minard's Linimert Co., Sone men,--I avo NIMENT on my vessel a r years, and for the ace posi of life I consider Limited. wee MINARD'S not start on w& voynge ain it, ir "it cost a "dollar a_ botle. F. R. DESJARDIN, Schr. "Storke," St. Andre, Kamouravka. POINTED PARAGRAPHS. And a man's wife loves acheer- ful giver. A man isn't necessarily because ho is cornered. it looks as if it would be easy for other. peopla to be good. Some men are so small thaPeven a three for five cigar is too big for them. .The man who can_ talk without saying anything is the one who shines in society. But moht people who do the right thing at the right time earn a lot of monsy they never get. A girl usually thinks her voice harmonizes' with the piano--an the chances are that the piano needs tunning. square A bald man doen t want the 'earth. Give him a bottle of hair restorer that will restore, and he'll his joic 'WISE SAYINGS. Isn't the lover ~~ braves the! storm a ram-beau . It doesn't orate an ax to cut me acquaintance. | Corn on the cob is more accept- able than corn on the foot. | There is no impro eo. in using | F spring wagon in | It isn't very long before the good | fellow is apoor fellow. | omen are vain, but men are much more so and with far Jess rea- son. any a man is in great fear that he will get all tha! is coming to im. We notice that most people who are consumed by curiosity still sur- vive. If our mistakes teach us nothing it were hardly worth while to make them. A horse is not of any use until it is broken, but it is different witha ow. Though we may never Jost any, most of us are looking for money all the same. A hen will spend a whole day ' getting up an egg that a hungry | man can eat in a minute. Here is a good question for lyceums to discuss this winter: "How much is enough?" Microaaek "iai BEWARE OF BLOOD-POISON ---- Zam-Buk Is A Sure Cure. Mr. Jas. Davey, of 786 Ellice Avenue, Winnipeg, says:--"A few months since I was cured of a poi- soned finger threugh the timely use of Zam-Buk. "T out a deep gash across the knuckle on the first finger of my right hand in opening a Jobster can. I suffered at the time with the sore- ness and pain, but had no idea it would become a@ serious woun However, in about two days my whole hand and arm to the elbow became inflamed, and the finger was much discolored, showing signs of blood-poisoning. "T then decided to start the Zam- Buk treatment, and having first ing balm. It soothed the pain al- most instantly. 'In a week's time, through per- severance with Zam-Buk, a com- orm Freviously s corporation oF wa~ against their assets was poquired to place it in one orseveraifaxys 1 mortgages. @ Nowadays an issue of bonds © is made instead, Bonds are a conveniemt form vine interest the paymen is cisisiety assure L q nave Brag igent nore scene, be a ay Ae: Se ictsak nich ea mill ho i send upon application. Send for' ROYAL SECURITIES CORPORATION Limiteo MONTREAL.-QUEBEC-HALIFAX-LON! ON(ENG.) FARMS FOR SALE OR RENT _ d hg you want to sell a taro, me. ASK DAWSON, HE KNOWS. i Cuusnls | ha you want two buy a farm, crnspit me. HAVE come of the best Bruit, Stocs, Grain or cogs ry Farms iv tarso, rig aud prices H." . DAWBON, Colborne Street, Toronto AGENTS WANTED, Ninety bathed the cut, I applied the heal-| ' GENTS WANTED, -- A GINE FOR every bome. bot So us tor -- -- o. OF agents sup we greatest agency Pe poatebon tet Canada to 'am No outlay necess e B. C. I. Co., 228 Albert St., Ottu HELP WANTED. Ss ALESMEN--$50 PER WERK SELLING u0 ban 'gg-beater. Samopl terms Loc. Money retunged it dupe eens tory. Colletie Mfg. Compavy, Uvtit ood, MISCELLANEOUS. } ay and FARM BUALdés, son's scale Works, 9 Esplanade, toronve. plete cure was brought about." Zam-Buk is just as good for ec zema, ulcers, scalp sores, ghevokart. piles, ringworm, boils, varicose ul- --When one is a sufferer from mas- cular rheumatism he cannot do bet- ter than to have the region rubbed with Dr. Thomas' Eclectrie Oil. There is no oil that so speedily show- its effect in subduing pain. Let t'e@ rubbing be brisk and con- tinve until exse is secured, There tinue until ease is secured. There cer- | tainly be traced to their use wher | . 'it's cracked up to be. 's more virtue in a bottle of it thau can be fully estimated. A practical joke is never what ------ a Minard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. Mrs. Fijjit--How do you account for the fact that a woman can make | a dojlar go further than a min cause she makes it go faster. The Chicago Firo could have been prevented with one pail of water, but the: water was not handy. Keep a bottlo of Hamlins Wizard Oi] handy and preverit the ily|fiory pains of inflammation, EVOLUTIONS OF CUSTOM. "My son," eaid Mrs. McGudley, "before I married your father I made him promise that he would not ! smoke or play cards for money. "Vest? "Times have changed. cide to propose to a woman, I want ws 4 WMILL MACHINERY, | et, PUKLTABLE y Lathe Milis, Shingie Mille, ere, Mul 6bupples. 'The ng Co. Ltd, W Urillia, Ontario. ticulars to T ravellers' cers, running sores, cold ine YUMUKS, LUMPS, ec. im chapped hands, etc. Use it, too,| ternal and 'external, outed wipbeae for cuts, burns, bruises and all skin + trivre too jate. Dr. belimaa, Coline injuries, Zam-Buk Svap should be} E° bo used in conjunction to the balm | 6 TON ON SUALE GUARANTEED. Wilson's for washing wounds and sore places. mati rahe api Excellent teo fur baby's bath, ELUI q TANNERY- CUSTOM LOBR ' All druggists and steres sel] Zam- and Pur bogriea ee wid Ccioda. wien Buk at 50c. box and Zam- Buk Soap properly ators Mh. ett PY aig w eo A ,| have tic 'ae ae rigut. oa Ww eo s wna ge 88 ba price) yen satintied. . Bell, Deiti, Ont. rom Zam-Bu 'o., Toronto : ' EARN THE BARBER TEED niGHhT-- La tue Moser nt roa Concge a6 voc ori ICE Riwal colieats und iu pee gruduites = are now succe casisil 'barber ail over ihe Ella---"Do I make myself plain V words your ae ane rt instruction; eon ace Hopi " pract Write LOF CULMIOB iad Gy Stella--"Somebody has, if yon Barber Uoliexe. "el Queen Kast, 'oronto. haven't." GENTS WANTED. -- A STUDY OF ---- ther Agency oe convinces ~ ., , Us that none cap equal ours, You will & Museular Rheumatism Subsided. | ways regret it of you pare app:y for par: ept., 2 Albert ot. for stores to Dr. Weliniauc. * PECIALISTS ADVICE FRiH Cousult ward. to ans. dises are. Low calling: rood: Ont The Sou! of a Plano isthe Action, Insist on the "OTTO HIGEL" Piano Action can? Fijjit--1 guess it must be be-} H. H. NIGHTINGALE] STOCK BRO Member Standard Stock and Sita peer LISTED STOCKS CARRIED OR (@ARGIN orrespondence invite:!. co 33 MELINDA ST., TORONTO RAW FURS WANTED WRITE FOR I'RICE LIST W. C. Goffatt, Orillla, Ont. If you de- RAW BUTS Collectors and shippers will find (t to their t their names on war musiiio: you to exact ao similar Send for free ie to Dept. W. National " prug and Chemical Soe Monte. nail DYEING FREE REMEDY To Color Gray Hair and Make It Grow. Nothing -- Quite ee raf the hair of man or woman or onod heavy to 60: addre: or "mailing and mike snd will seud here our treatment, a' to-day. Addrec beaatifally een us your You havo ouly with 10c enclosed ou anyw at our ows yrpenee. Write DR. PROSSE, Dept. & 283 Commissioners St., Mentren.