"Glove Sale During November The greatest Bargains ever offered in Gloves in Atwood. Come and:inspect my stock and get my prices before buying elsewhere. save money. You will we Special Reduétions on Rugs, Robes and Blankets Ask to see my special Rope Halters. OLD ROBES RE-LINED No charge made for Whips Crackers or repairs on whips bought from me. F. Cc. Liersch, RR RII This Little Grank In Your Kitchen (Saves 20% on Coal It is a wonderful patent device, the for use only ~ >> Tease RURAL YD? ais nn ui The Reversible Grate is provided with strong, interlocking teeth that re- Aduce coals to ashes by asingleturn. In appear- ance, in details of finish and design the Chancellor is an ornament as well as a necessity in any kitchen The Range here rep- resented and other Gur- ney-Oxfords of every sort for every purpose, dis- played on our floor. SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION Now <= wand RANGES This marvellous regulator keeps the oven at a given temperature. No heat is wasted--nothing goes up the flue but bad odors, steam and smoke, The fire is held for hours without attention--ready for immediate use~ and all this labor, time and fuel saved by simply turning the crank. With the Divided Oven Flue Strip you have even baking, because of the perfect distribution of heat, secured by this expert arrangement. Oxford Economizer, and is licensed on STOVES FOR FAMILY USE 'An Ideal Remedy for Coughs, Sore Throat, Catarrh, Weak Chest. 'After haying made a special study as Catarrhozone. As his reasons for making this claim for Catarrhozone, Dr. Jackson says: *"Catarrhozone is free from opium. "The patient can breathe its rich, balsamic fumes direct to the disease spot, "It is a remedy that treats and cures causes--prevents disease spread- ing. "Reaches the innermost recesses of the throat, nose, bronchial tubes, and lungs. "Alleviates chest soreness, "Relieves clogged nostrils. "Cures sniffles and nasal catarrh. "Prevents La Grippe. "Has proven itself a cure for weak sore coughs, colds, and winter ills." atarrhozone is unquestionably world's, greatest breathabie cold, cough, and catarrh medicine, and be- ing free from all drowsy drugs, entire- ly safe for children and old folks; it makes an ideal family remedy. commended by the medical prof -- 1 e ware of imitations, ozone" only; large size lasts months, and is guaranteed, price $1; smaller sizeg 25c an By mail from The .Catarrhozone Company, Kingston, Ont. CORNS CURED IN 24 HOURS can painlessly remove any corn, leeding, by ap- nam's Corn Extracto I o acids armiess, : is ; id osed only af healing gums and balms. se, os guaranteed. bottles, Re. EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CREDITORS. In the matter of the estate of Thomas Jackson, late of the Township of Elma, gentleman, dececscd. Notice is hereby given, pursuant to tho statute 1 George V. (Ontario) Chapter 26, that all persons haying re- |Claims or demands against the estate of the said Thomas Jackson, deceased, who died on or about the twenty- ninth day of September, 1911, are required to send by post prepaid cr to deliver to Geo. Bray, Esq., at Lis- towel, Ontario, the solicitor for the executors cf the said estate, on cr before the twenty-eighth day of No- yember, A. D. 1911, their names and addresses, with full particulars in writing of their claims, the statement of their accounts and the nature of the security (if any) beld by them duly verified by Statutory declarat- ion. And take notice further that after the twenty-eighth day of November, 1911, the executors of the said estate will proceed to distribute the assets of the said deceased among the part- ies entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which tbey - |shall then have notice, as aforesaid, and said executors will not be liable * lfor such assets or any part thereof to any person or persons of whose claims notice shall not haye been re- ceived at the time of such distribut- ion, as aforesaid. Dated at Listowel this 27th day of Oct. A. D. 1911. \ George Lochhead, George Gordon, Executors. Geo. Bray, Listowel, Ont. their Solicitor. Hon. W. J. Hanna is said to be considering a plan whereby worthless herds of families. will be placed at work on the Ontario. prison farm and their earnings sent to 4heir. families. This would be a good idea Atwood ; ee CO--OPERATION. **To whom it may Concern" Come now and let us reason to- gether Mr. Man. Do you think it is fair and reasonable that you who make your money in the locality in which you live, to send your money to outside places, The man in bus- iness has large interest at stake. He tax, keep up fuel and light expenses. He has to inyest his money to stock up his shelves 86 as to accomodate cality only private residences. How much would your property be worth to you either in town or in the coun- try and suppose that eyery time you had a breakage of any kind that need- ed to be repaired you had to: send it away, would that be to your interest and would it pay you to do 80. Thes how do you expect the man in bus- iness to get along when you giye him merely what you are forced to give him. Is that justice, fair or reason- able and what can be said of the Parasite business man who makes his money out of the people in his locality. But who very seldom when he has a little spare cash will leave it with the people he haa received it not even contented with that himself, he has to form a club membership in order to make the amount of his pur- chase large enough to get free trans- begietion. Is any town built up by neb of that stamp. If we want our town to go ahead we must all work wogether in harmony. Thanking you Mr. Editor for the space alloted me in your paper.--:A Subscriber. _ Course of Lectures. _A very interesting and helpful course of Five lectures one on each month has been arranged under the auspices of Epworth League of the Methodist church to be ziven in Atwood, Music hall, as follows : Nov. 29th--Rey. Randall Phillips, of Ire- land, travelling secretary of the Irish vonference will lecture with views on Che Romance of lrish Open air Evange- tism. Dec. 2¢th--A concert will take the place ofalecture. Very excellent music will be supplied by the Keswick male juartette, of London. of which Mr. Bow- man, of Atwood, is leader. Miss Ethel McNaught, of Toronto Conservatory of music will recite. Jan. 24th--Rev. Dr. Barber, of Listowel, will give the lecture ind Listowel male trio will sing. Feb. 8th--Rey. Geo. Dewey, of London, will ecture on We Love, You Love, Thev Love. Mr. Dewey who is a noted singer will algo give one or two solos. March 2Sth--Rev Dr. C. T. Scott, of Brantford, will give his famous lecture on the Cross of Gold. Excellent music will be fur- nished with each lecture and lunch will be served after the first and last lecture of the series. If their be slight change ot late in the last two or three lectures will be announced in next week's issue. Tickets for the entire course 7dc ; reserved seate, $1.00 ; single lecture 20c ;_ reserved seats 25c, Plan of hall in drug store. --_- Monkton. Miss Loye Hamilton spent a week visiting with friends in Millbank. The L. R. C. met at the home of Mrs. G. Adair on Monday evening. Mr. Ben Schade attended his evwsin's sale in Wellesley on Tucs- day, Mr and Mrs. J. A. Hanson and son drove out to Mitchell on Mon- day. Mr. Willson of Parkhill made a businerg trip to town on Friday of last week. Mr. Hanson, of Fullerton was the guest of his son, Mr. J. A. Hanson for a couple of days last week. Mr. and Mrs. Bernie and Mr. Jno. Snell of Durham spent a few days with friends in town and vicinity. A number from our burgattended the shooting match at Mr. Geo. Chapman's on Tuesday afternoon. We are sorry to report that Mr. A. Chalmers is confined to his bed, but we hope he will soon be around again. Mr. Wm. Dalling was in Stratford on Thursday of last week attending the funeral of his cousin the late Mr. Harvey. Miss Emma Bartza returned home Saturday evening after a prolonged Stratford. Mr. 8. Crawford, former teller of the Sterling Bank arrived home last week from the west where he has spent a couple of months. The W. M. 8. of the Methodist Church met at the home of Mrs. A. Moorehouse on Wednesday after- noon with a good attendance. Mr. Jas. Holmes' sale on Thurs- day was largely attended. Every- thing realizing a fairly good price. Mr. A. Chalmers was the auctioneer, Seven wives and 28 children, all the wives living, undiyorced, and all made widows by his death, was the record set by John Taylor, whose will has just been filed for record. Taylor was a Mormon of the old school, and lived in Salt Lake City. Incidentally the will mentioned three other wives, who had p him into the beyond... :: | Suffered Cold, Pleuritic Pains in has to employ belp, pay a business | ys the public. Now sir suppose there were no business places in your lo-| °° from but has to send it away. But| cures visit with friends in London and|¢ Chest inflammation From a Heavy ag oe Cough- "Anyone that goes thro hat Suffered last winter wi state tak aifres ; erent liniments, CHEST | but none 'broke up COLDS my old till I used aa Nerviline. I rub- ------ ved it on my neck, chest and shoulders, morging an night, and all the pain sap Realizing that such a heavy cold had run down my system, I too y at meals, and was completely bullt up and strengthened. Since using Nervi- more colds or pleurisy, to the kernel of the reasons why lumbago, stiffness, neuralgia, sciatica, and rheumatism. Kefuse any substitute your dealer may suggest-- insist on Nerviline only. e bot tles, 60c, trial size 25c. Sold every- where, or The Catarrhozone Co., King- ston, Ont, the it Provincial Loan of $1,000,000 THE GOVERNMENT OF THE PRO- VINCE OF ONTARIO, under the auth- ority of Chapter 4, of the Statutes of On- tario, 1911, invites subscriptions from the public for a loan of 61,000,000 on bonds of the Province of Ontario, or 'Ontario Government Stock." The bonds wi!l be dated let November, 1911, and payable on the 1st Noyember, 1941, in denominations of $1,0UU each, with coupons attached for interest at the rate of four per cent. per annum, payable half-yearly on the Ist May and Ist Nov- ember in each year, at the office of the Provincial "reasuer, Toronto, or at the offices of the 'ank of Montreal, in Mon- treal, Canada, and in New York, at the holder's option. Bonds will be made pay- able to bearer, but on request will be regis- tered in the office of the Provincial Treas- urer, and endorsed as payable only to the order of certain persons or corporations and on request of holders will be exchang- ed for 'Ontario Government Stock" at any time. The issue price during the month of November. 1911, will be 102 for each $100. and after the 30th day of November, 191] the issue price will be 102 and interest accrued from the Ist November, 1911. .. BONDS AND INSCRIBED STOCK ISSUED UNDER THE AUTH- ORITY OF THE SAID ACT ARE FREE FROM ALL ONTARIO PROVINCIAL TAXES, C required to send certified cheque with the application, payable to the order of the "Provincial Treasurer of Ontario." 'This loan is raiced upon the cred of the Consolidated Revenue fund of Ontario, and is chargeable thereupon. A. J. MATHESON, Provincial Treasurer. Treasury Department, Parliament Build- ines, J'oronto, Ist Noyember, 1911. Newspapers inserting this advertise- ment without authority from the De- partment will not be paid for it. SOUR RISINGS FROM STOMACH Those Who Experience Full- ness and Pain After Meals, Stomach Disorders, and Indigestion, Should Read Below. n I was working around the {orm last winter I had an attack of In- flammation," writes Mr. E. P. Daw- kins, of Port Richmond. "I was weak for a long time, but well enough to But something Nothing. Rel Hamilton's Pills. like other pills, and my letter, I am sure, p Refuse a substitute for Dr. Hamil- ton's Pills of Mandrake and Butter- nut, sold in yeHow boxes, 25c. All dealers, or The Gatarrhozone Ca, Kingston, Ont. q Presentation at North Mor-~ nington. The regular monthly meeting of the North Mornington Auxiliary of the Women's Foreign Missionary Society was held at the manse on Thursday afternoon Nov. 16th. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Robt. Welsh arose and read the following. address to Mrs. W. 8. Stacks who was president of the Society for the past year; Dear Mrs. Stocks :-- -- Life is. a cycle of eternal change. It is a wonderful'story whose every chapter intervenes romance and reality in varied constancy, whose re | deepest experience cay never be writ- ten, but over and over resolye them- selves into three distinct occurrences usea | -- Meeting--Greeting-- Parting. We, the members of the North Morhington W. F. M. 8. deeply re: gret that the tie which has bound us together these years in social relat- ionship is soon to be severed. You Farmers and Poultrymen IT have Eight 8. C. Rhode Is- land Red and Four 8. C. Black Minorca Cockrels from prize winning stock, all good shape and good color, for sale at $2.00 each. EDWIN G. MATTHEWS, - Listowel, Ont. TTT ttt! tT eT TS ee Se sTeTrcrrrrerres eee ee eee PPP SSS SSS SE See TUT" TvTTT eT... Office and Residence--Main Street. Telephone No. 10. ane Mr. Stocks have greatly endorsed ¢ | yourselves to the people of the com- munity and your departure will leave a great blank. We shall miss youas a friend and neighbor, but especially in the work of our church, where your talents haye been used for the pins uplift of others. Your place as teacher of the Ladies' Bible Class will be very bard to fill, You have always been a D. A. Kidd M. D.C. M. Main Street, Atwood, Ontario. PHYSICIAN SURGEON ACCOUCHEUR CORONER Specialties, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat. Diseases of Women and Children. source of stimulus and power in the F. M.8. a We ask you to accept this photo as a slight token of our appreciation of your worthy services, with the hope that it may afford you pleasure in coming days to look upon the faces of some of those with whom you have been associated in church work. Our humble prayer shall be that wherever your Jot is cast the divine blessing in ail its fullness may ac- company you end yours, and that when the labours of life are over we may all meet in the kingdom of our Lord Jesus through his wondrous grace, where parting is unknown, to better serve and praise Him forever. Signed on behalf of the W. F. M. 8S. Mrs. Robt. Welsh. f Mrs. Robt. Dowd. A beautifully framed photograph of numbers of the auxiliary was pre- sented by Mrs. Robt. Dowd after which a-dainty lunch was served and all enjoyed a pleasant social time before leaving for their homes. 85 Tons of ae Turned ut. Walkerton, Nov. 18.--The Walker- ton creamery churned the last butter for this season yesterday. The total make for this season was between 80 and 85 tons, most of which was sold in Toronto at prices ranging from 25 to 30 cents a pound. The season has been most successful, and next year, whan the company moves into the new building now under con- struction on Durham street, the hopes run high for a great season's output. Sentenced to be Hanged or Murder. Toronto, Nov. 17.--Joseph Jessa- mine wns today sentenced by Mr. Justice Riddell to he hanged February 22nd for murdering a man name Lougheed on the street last summer. Appeal will be taken tothe Minister ot Justice on the ground that Jessa- mine was insane. ~ The murdered man, it will be_re- membered, has relatives at Moles- worth. Seven Years in Prison For Assault on Girl. Goderich, Nov. 18.--Andrew Cruikshank was sentenced to a term of seven years in the penitentiary by Judge Holt at noon to-day. He was found guilty on November 10 on the charge of assaulting with intent to grievous bodily harm, when he threw a file at a young lady in Wingham: In s 20-minute lecture which the judge read the prisoner, he refe to him as one who was a menace and danger to the public while at large. He also repeated the state- ment made a week ago when he ex- pressed the hope that the arm of the British law was long enough and strong enough to bring to justice the man who supplied him with liquor while he was on the "Indian list." This was the prisoner's second offence. Henfryn Mr. Chas. Kerr spent a few days last week in Toronto. Mr. Charchhill Bawtinbimer has returned from the west. Mr. and Mrs. H. Fogal spent » Dr. Hamilten's Pills Cure the Stomach 2.30 geste Bchoo!. _J. p.m,--Evening Prayer. St. Alban's Church Notice, + [largest output of cement in the his- Incumbent. rotthe mill, : few days this week with their son Archie in Hamburg. Mrs. James Thomson™ and Mr. Roy Thomson spent a few days last woek with friends in Fordwich. The cement plant has closed down for the season after having one of the Morphy & Carthew Barristers, Solicitors, Conveyancers Solicitors for the Bank of Hamilton. Money to loan. Office above R. Thompson's Store Listowel, Ontario H. B. Morpry. J. M. CARTHEW Geo. Bray Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. Listowel, Ontario J. Cecil Hamilton Barrister, Conveyancer Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada Money to Loan Office---Main st., Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, dentist. , Branch office--Main-st., Atwood, in game building as the Clerk of Town- ship of Elma. Will visit Atwood every Thursday afternoon. F. R. BLEWETT, K.C. Barrister, Solicitors, Notary, &ec. Office: Gordon block, opposite Post Office. Stratford, Ontario. Alex. Morrison Licensed Auctioneer for the Counties of Perth and Huron. Charges moderate. All orders by" mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Atwood P.O, Wu. Holman '| Licensed auctioneer for the County of Perth. Charges moderate. W.H. Grosz & Co FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKERS._ Agent for Singer Sewing machine, needles and all repairs for same. Night calls promptly attended to. Phone 109, Residence on allace St. LISTOWEL. Ebenezer Pestell orse Trainer and Tamer of all bad habits such os kicking, balking, shy- ing, running away, afraid of automo- iles, papers, umbrellas, tail switchers lolling of the tongue, jumping fences. ATWOOD, Box 122. ONTARIO. Female Help Wanted 100 Girls euuted $5.00 per week to start with for girls eighteen and over. Apply atvonce D. 8S. PERRIN & Co., London, Ont. Notice. All parties indebted to Alex. Mor- rison, Atwood, for small goods and repairs. Call and settle before the 30th of Nov. as I must have money to settle with companies.--ALEX. MORRISON. CASTORIA For Infants and The Kind You Have Always Bought Bears tho Bignature * ¢-3 TTT ee errs Satisfaction guaranteed. Newry P.O. ~ \ of A BI eos es 2 f l |