"Vol. 22, No. 41, 4 Tt e Family Herald and Wee r rand Bee with aickire for' one year 1 5 (THE CORNER STORE. LIVE AND LET LIVE ad FOR SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SHOPPING BESURE AND VISIT THE CORNER STORE Fancy Christmas Cards Bon Bons and a good selection of Candies: to choose from Nuts--Almond, Walnuts, Hazel, Brazils and _ Peanuts ranges, Bananas, Lemons, Almeria Grapes able Raisins, Figs, Dates, Cranberries, Apples Fine selection of Fancy Cakes. Dress Fowl Wanted, dry plucked. Call and leave your order -- Goods delivered to any part of town. OO Cash or Trade for Produce. a eee Smee AD Se IIS SORES IIR FES CATT 18 _-- Sa cepa Eh . THE STAR GROCERY 2. I Is head quarters for Sata Claus for the children. We have all kinds of Nuts, Oranges and Candies. . Our Can- dies are nothing but the pure kind, no matter what price you pay, cleaner, full weight and low prices as well. FOR THE LADIES' We have Bon Bon boxes, both McCormicks and Doers, the two best makes on the market and the price is 25c, 30c, FOR THE GENTLEMEN We have the choicest stock of Pipes, Tobacoes and Cigars, and our 10c line can not be beat. They are the Crown and the old, old Greeting kind and true. FOR EVERBODY We have the Christmas Post Cards call and sce them before buying elsewhere. GROCERIES Before you make your Christmas cake, call and sec our New Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Nuts and Peels. We pay the Highest Market Price for Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples or Dressed Fow!--Casb or Trada 35c, 50c. Gecds delivered to any part of the town. E. T. Greensides & Son. CS Ss SS SS SS SS SS SS eS eS OSS eS New Fall and Winter Goods. New Dress Goods, Flannels, Flannettes, Weollen| Blankets, Hosiery, Gloves, ete. \Llothing Men's, Boys' and Youths' Overcoats and Suits.!% New Furs Fur Coats, Ruffs, &e. ~ Shoes New Shoes of every description. We pay the highest prices for Ducks, Geese, Turkeys, Chickens and Old. Fowl. Live and Let Live--we only solicit a share of F your patronage. W. R. ERSKINE i TOWN and VICINITY. : PEEP EERE LEE EEE Monday is the Provincial election. Mrs. Kirk, of Woodham, is visit- ing Mr. and Mrs, 8. Peter. The last council meeting for 1911 will be held on Friday, December 15. Robert Nichol, of Newry, is at- tending the Wingham Business Coll- ege. Mr. andi Mrs. John Cuthbertson left last week for their new home in Stratford. Mrs. Hayden, of Listowel, is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. David Hodge this week. Auction sale of cattle and colts this Saturday. Alex. Morass will wield the hammer. BorN.--In Elma, Saturday, Dec., 2nd, 1911, to Mr. and Mrs. James Newhbigging, a daughter. Mr. Chas. McMane has moved in- to his home which he recently pur- chased from Mr. John Cuthbertson. Hear the Francis Firth Concert Company in the Music Hall, Atwood, Dec. 13. Popular prices 25 and 35c, Dining room girl wanted, highest wages paid, apply to Mrs. E. Grun- denberger, Elma House, Atwood, Ont. Mrs. Samuel Wilton and daughter, 'Margarette, of Brussels, spent the |week-end with Mr. and Mrs. E. T. | December 5th, jin his 79th year. Greensides. Mr. Will Peter, of Welland, who has been very i!l with typboid fever _is able to be out and at present yisit+ 'ing under the parental roof. Diep. --- In Grey, on Tuesday, 1911, Daniel Spillet, The funeral will take place on Friday, December 8th, \from his late residence to Shipley | cemetery for interment. | Winnipeg Free Press--Seldom, if lever, does such a talented trio visit! lthis city. "Hear them in Music Hall | Atwood, Dec. 13 TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to December 20th, 1911, for Ten Cords of green body wood. For further pana aes pun ito Andrew Robb, Newry Posto iin 'Mr. and Mrs, | | Invitations are out for the wedd- g of Miss Annie I5., daughter of Jobn G. Dickson, to Mr. Frederick H. B. Fisher, Wed- nesday, December 13th, at their residence, King st., Atwood. All accounts and overdue notes not paid by Dec. 15th, 1911 will be placed into Court for collection. W. Price, Atwood. Before another issue the concert under the auspices of the Public Library will be oyer, and we trust a large number will be present. This is a causé worthy of patronage, and 'also the concert is of a high order. Mr. George Taylor after spending isix years in this vicinity lefton Wed- 'at his home. | | 'of cheese, aggregating ninety-six tons, } | |Grand Trunk station. nesday for St. John where he wiil sail for England to spend the winter A safe journey and a plensant time is the wish of his many friends here. During the last week six carloads have been shipped from the Listowel This large amount constitutes the manufacture |for October only, and will mean con- 'siderable ready money for the far- | mers of that district. CREAM WANTED.--Parties baving cream to dispose of, could do so at highest prices by delivering it at Sil- | ver Corners' cheese factory Wednes- day of each week from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., and at Chas. Coulter's store, Newry, Thursday of each week at the same time.--R. HASTINGS. Evening Journal, Edmontor---The Francis Firth Concert Company, which appeared here Monday night, gave by all means the best entertain- ment of ifs kind ever given in Ed- monton. In Music' Hall, Atwood, Dec. 13. SALE.--Alex. Morrison, auctioneer, nas received instructions from the undersigned to sefl by public auction at the Elma House, Atwood, on Sat- urday, Dec. 9th, in the afternoon :-- 35 young cows all supposed in calf, som3 god 'Holsteins; 10 young cattle; 10 eprin: calves and 4 colts. Term - Fiv:; no 1s credit- will be givea on farnishing approved joint not3, land owners as tect oC BBY, --vJ. serach to : AAs Storey, Be The C. O. F. intends holding an oyster supper in their ball on Thurs- day, December 21st. Remember our great clubbing offer the Family ag and Weekly Star and Bee for Five cents a eae was the con- tracé rate made with two vessels for wheat cargoes from Fort William to Buffalo. The Ontario Government has pur- chased nearly 300 acres of land in the vicinity of Orillia to be used as a farm in connection with the Orillia Hospital for feeble-minded. Rev. 8S. Howarth, late of Mar- chester, England, has been invited and-has accepted a call to the Bap- tist Churches in Listowel and At- wood. Rev. Mr. Howarth assumed his new duties on Sunday. Stock Reducing Sale.--Having sold my business, I am offering big reductions on many lines as stock must be reduced. Stoyes, ranges, mitts, robes, blankets, whips, etc., cut away down. Terms, cash. W Price, Hardware. Two eclipses of the sun and two of the moon and & couple of Fridays falling on the 13th day of the month are among some of the varied eyents which may be expected next year, ac cording to the 1912 almanacs just being issued. The Francis Firth Concert Com- pany have been engaged by the pub- lic library board to 'appear in the Music Hall, on Wednesday evening Dec. 18. This is no doubt one of the best companies travelling today. Admission 25c, reserye 35c. Students receive the best positions and the demand for them is many times the supply. Thousands of ambitious young people, who work daring the day; are preparing for useful careers by studying in the eyening. The Winter term of this popular school begins Jan. 2nd., as will be seen by an advertisement on pege 4. Spotton schools are located in the towns of Wingham, Clinton, Walkerton and Orangeville and the cities of London, Welland and Peter- boro.' A meeting of the Literary Society was held in the Music hall on Friday evening last. A splendid program was given consisting of recitations, solos and a debate, entitled "Res@elved that Bachelors should be taxed. The decision was given in fayor of the affirmative by a small margin. The next meeting will be held on Friday evening, December 15th, when an- other debate will be held, namely: Resolved that country life is prefer- able to city life. All are welcome. Silver collection at the door. NURSERY StTock.--Before order- ing trees, write us for our Catalogue and prices or see our nearest agent. We are the largést growers of trees in Canada. Full line of apple, peach, pear, cherry and plum trees. Our trees are noted for fine root system and largest limb growth. Our Nur- series are patronized by the largest and most progressive fruit growers of Canada. Write for an Agency.-- Brown Bros. Co., Nurserymen, Ltd., Browns Nurseries, Welland Co., Ontario. At aregular meeting of L. O. L. ing, the following officers were elect- ed and installed by P. W. M. John Hatherley :-- Bro. Adam Smith, W. M. R. J. McKee, D. M. R. May, Chaplain E. H. Swing, Rec.-Secretary Geo. Dickson, Fin.-Secretary H. Brown, Treasurer Jas. Smith, D. of C. Thos. Smith, Lecturer D. A. Thompson, Tyler Geo. Hurst, lst Com. G. F. Thompson} . Jno. Hatherley j Auditors. SUDDEN DEATH.--The neighbor- hood was shocked on Wednesday af- ternoon when they received the sad news that Mr. Fred Klinefeldt had passed away. The young man who was well and highly respected was seated at the table to partake of his dffiner when the sudden call came, heart failure being the cause of his death. Besides the bereaved rar- ents he leaves to mourn his loss, two sisters and one brother. The funeral will be held on Saturday . afternoon from his late residence, lot 9, con. 10 E'ma, seryice at the house at one o'clock. Interment will be made at Elma Centre Cemetery. The Bee with the many friends extend their heartfelt sympathy to the bereaved No. 630, Atwood, on Tuesday even- |- family in this their hour of . sadness. a DOLLS Small A beautiful and complete assortment. Medium Our s' choose a doll, we have them from' the cfd toa large beautiful dreased doll at $2.00, including kid and undressed dolls, boy dolls, soldier, rubber, rag and sleeping dolls: TOYS, GAMES AND GAME BOARDS Our store is Santa Claus' Novelties. Our stock is too numerous to mention. little folks to see them before the rush begins. willing to show any of our lines. Headquarters for Toys, Games, Bring in the We are aways In games we will mention a few--Flinch, Lost Heir, Cribbage, Pedro and Eucre decks, Parlor Football, Tumble-in and others. GIFTS TO THE MAN WHO SMOKES A new display of Fancy Pipes. smoker's sets, pouches, cigars holders and Cigars. 25c pipes. Ask to see our holiday line of Nice line of E.G. Coghlin DRUGGIST STATIONER. OES (PD RE IRE IOI GV Ra ION OT DOLLS DOLLS Large ia the place to =a J. M. SCHINBEIN WEEKLY STORE NEWS Begin Your Christmas SHOPPING NOW Every Department in our store is filled with the choicest goods suitable for a Christmas Gift We invite your to our store and take a look around and your will see a lot of nice things suitable for Christmas gifts Clothing Ready-to-wear Never in our history did we ever give such values in Clothing, Navy Blue and Black fine worsted, best of Tailored and linings $12 and $15.00 TROUSER SALE 369 Men's Trousers, all good fancy tweed and worsted, reg. $4 to $5.50, on-salé at $3.00 Ladies' Coats, Misses Coats Children's coats. every winter coat this month. We are going to clear out We have on hand some extra nice coats, latest makes, for cash we will give you a discount from 10 to 20 per cent off Now is your chance to get a good coat cheap. J. M. Schinbein, = LISTOWE, = 2. Bochesk. 4, 2. 5, Bo 8, ts Booka cbs Bo cbecle che cbs che cleo ube check: Reske Socbocke r a * - a a oe ee Oe eee ee ee ee ees ee es a ee ee Peet ees SO es Ee es THE KELLY & BOWMAN STORE Timely Hintsfor Christmas BUYING Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs Silk Initial Handkerchiefs French Kid Gloves Mocha Gloves Furred. Wrists - Latest designs in beaded Neckwear and Bows Umbrellas--Ebony handles Men's Ties, Suspenders and Scarfs Children's Toques and Imitation Furs Woollen Shawls Fur and Fur lined Coats ie Lamma Hose and Pen Angle Underwear The newest in Hat Pins and,Belts Odd pieces in F'ancy China. Kelly & Bowman ATWOOD, ONTARIO SS ee ee eee Ce ee ee * SE LET Te SEES Tes bets Hr rt POS Se SS ee Se ee eS 6 he i ae he i aie i i ihe i he ie he ie ai ie ae : \ ¥¥