Vol. 22. No. 42. The ---- and Weekly Star E ad Bee wi th pic ee _-------- a Se es es ee ee ae ee IS SS ASSETS SNS NT SS SSS LIVE AND LET LIVE iat all FOR SPECIAL CHRISTMAS SHOPPING BESURE AND VISIT THE CORNER STORE Fancy Christmas Cards Bon Bons and a good selection of Candies to choose from Nuts--Almond, Walnuts, Hazel, Brazils and Peanuts } Oranges, Bananas, Lemons, Almeria Grapes t Table Raisins, Figs, Dates, Cranberries, Apples Fine selection of Fancy Cakes. Dressed Fowl] Wanted, dry plucked. Call and leave your order -- Goods deJivered to any part of town. Cash or Trade for Produce. Our Pure . Smmnges : peor Ae is . THE STAR GROCER 1m dood Navel" Is head quarters for Sata Claus for the children. We have all kinds of Nuts, Oranges and Candies. Our Can- dies are nothing but the pure kind, no matter what price you { pay, cleaner, full weight and low prices as well. FOR THE LADIES' We have Bon Bon boxes, both McCormicks and Doers, the two best makes on the market and the price is 25c, 30c, 35c, 50c. FOR THE GENTLEMEN We have the choicest stock of Pipes, Tobacoes and Cigars, and our 10c line can not be beat. They are the Crown and the old, old Greeting kind and true. FOR EVERBODY We bave the Christmas Post Cards call and see them before buying elsewhero. GROCERIES Before you make your Christmas cake, call and see our New Raisins, Currants, Figs, Dates, Nuts and Peels. We pay the Highest Market Price for Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples or 'Dressed Fow!--Cash or Trade. Gocds delivered to any part of the town. New Fall and Winter Goods New Dress Goods, Flannels, Flannettes, Weollen Blankets, Hosiery, Gloves, ete. Clothing Men's, Boys' and Youths' New Furs Fur Coats, Ruffs, &e. Shoes New Shoes of every description. We pay the highest prices for Ducks, Geese, Turkeys Chickens and Old Fowl. Live and Let Live--we only solicit a share of your patronage. . Ww. R. ERSKINE Overcoats and Suits.! se ss. 2 'ee ,* FEPEEEEE ESF Trrrreeerree TOWN and VICINITY. | = $446404044440644000644 No paper next week. Next-- Municipal Election. Mrs. H. Beldon is visiting-in Tor- onto. Mr. H. Beldon was in Toronto for a few days last week. - Mr. J. J. Jobnson was in Toronto last week on business. Mr. W. Price attended the winter! fair in Guelph this week. Mr. Allan McMane was in Guelph attending the fat stock show. Candy for the kiddies and partic-} ular people.--At the bake shop. Mr. Geo. Gordon attended the| winter fair in Guelph this week. Mr. Ernest Smith, of Stratford, spent Sunday at his'home in town. Miss Edith Smith, of Saskatoon, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. Earl Swit- zer. . Mr. L. B. Coulter, of Edmonton, is visiting at his home on the 10th con. The winter fair, which opened at Guelph, is the greatest show yet held there. Mrs. H. Duffy is in Cookstown this week visiting her father, who is very ill. Mrs. Hyslop, of Stratford, is vie: iting her sister, Mrs. Jno. Hamilton, Main st. B | Misses F. Gastrill and Isabelle 'Baker Sundayed with friends -in | Listowel. ' We handle nothing but the choco- 'lates that are worth while----At the bake shop. ; Dining room girl wanted, highest wages paid, upply to Mrs. E. Grun denberger, Elma House, Atwood, Ont. All accounts and overdue -notes not prid by Dec. 15th, 1911 will be placed into Court for collection. Ww. Price, Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Houze, of Ex- eter, spent last week with Mr. and iMrs. Jno. Houze. Lindsay Morriscn left on Tuesday fer Tarris, B.C., where he haSsecured a position in a store. Mr. Thos. Hamilton, of Rockville, Minn., is renewing old acquaintances in town and vicinity. Don't forget mother at Christmas She would appreciate a box of our candy.--At the bake shop, A Christmas tree will be held In Union Church, Grey, on Thursday evening, Dec. 21st. Admission 1l5c. Mr. J. W. Fisher received a tele- gram on Saturday of the death of bis brother, Sam. who died on Friday in Vancouver after a brief illness. The increased sales in our candy department in the past year is proof enough that we handle nothing but the best makes.--Dutfy's bake shop. The Literary Society will meet in the music hall this Friday evening. A programme and a debate will be given. Silver collection taken at the door. The sale of cattle on Saturday brought a large crowd out, but the bidders were very few, as the stock, seemingly did not suit the farmers of this vicinity. The funeral of the late Frederick Klinefeldt took-place on Saturday afterneon from his late residence and ;was largely attended. Rev. W. A. ' Amos conducted the seryices. TENDERS will be received by the undersigned up to December 20th, 1911, for Ten Cords of green body ood. For further particulars apply to Andrew Robb, Newry Postoftice. MARRIED.--At the residence of Mr. and. Mrs. John G. Dickson, King street, Atwood, on Wednesday even- ing, Miss Annie E. Dickson to Mr. Frederick H. B. Fisher, by the Rey. W. A. Amos. Mr. R. M. Ballantyne is having a big reduction sale of furniture and '| rugs duriog the next two weeks. Be sure and visit 'his store before pur- chasing elaewhere, His ad. appears in another column. The bazaar held in the music hall Saturday afternoon and evening un- der the auspicss of St. Alban"s church proved to be a great success, the booths - were beautifully decorated and ices everything was sold. The proc nted toover $150. ¥ Hs¥,600 The House of Lords rejected the Gaval prize bill. Mr. J. C; Eaton has giyen $25,000 yaa Hospital. The Berlin waterworks yielded s fet profit of $14,170 during reason _ Mr, James McDonald, a prominent manufecturer, of Stratford, is dead. i Bemomber our great Sheed offer ghee ea 'eekly Star and Bee for The re Cousntadton 1 is mak- ing rules for the inspecting and test- ting of railway engines. Mr. Wm. Broughton, of Milverton, disposed of his farm_to Mr. * of Michigan, for the sum of Stock Reducing Sale.--Having gold my busindss, I am offering big teductions on many lines as stock must be reduced. Stoyes, ranges, tiitts, robes, blankets, whips, etc., Cutaway down. Terms, cash. W. Price, Hardware. : St. Thomas, Ont., Dec. 12.--Rob- ert Colwell, of Aldborough, over 80 Se ee Christinas Buying Xmas is just two weeks off. Now is the time to choose your presents while our stock is complete @T his week we wish you to note our line in-- Manicure Sets, Sleighs, Toilet Preps. Coasters Placques, Wheelbarrows Novelties of all description, Rocking Horses We must not forget to mention our line of bon: chocolates. They are different to other choco- lates. One trial is suffice. A very suitable Xmas DRUGGIST - present. Be sure and see our Xmas Postcards and Book- lets. Local views a speciality. E. G. Coghlin STATIONER. years of age, drove to his polling place at the yillage of Rodney, Mon- day, and cast the first vote he ever polled in his life. He voted for Me- Diarmid, Conservative. Dirp.--In Atwood, on Friday, December Sth, 1911, Lemuel Pelton, Jr., aged 20 years, 2 months and 23 days. The funeral left the residence of Mr. Lemuel Pelton, Sr., Main street, Atwood, on Sunday Dec. 10th, for Elma Centre Cemetery where in- terment was made. CREAM WANTED.--Parties having cream to dispose of, could do so at highest prices by delivering it at Sil- ver Corners' cheese factory Wednes- day of each week from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m., and at Chas. Coulter's store, Newry, Thursday of each week at "| the same time.--R. HASTINGS. The informal dance given in the music halt on Thursday evening was of one hun- a grand shoeess, upwards dred couples being in attendance and enjoyed themselves till the wee' sma' hours of the morning, tripping the light fantastic to the sweet music played by the London orchestra. Next week there will be no paper issued, 'we are sorry to drop the paper at this time of the year, but the rush of work necessitates us dofng 80, as is December 22nd, which only gives us four days to have the financial state- ment in the hands of the publie be- fore that day, is the cause of no paper next week. The concert held in the Music hall on Wednesday evening under the auspices of the Public Library was a g success as far as "the concert part was concerned. The Francis Firth Co., provided the program and it proved to be as good, if not better, than any preyious company showing in Atwood, especially Homer Easton, who was easily the star of the even- ing, while Miss Jackson and Mr. Firth received much applause. AN ACTION SETTLED.-- We under- stand that the action brought by Mr. James Porter against Mr. E. C. Thornton, of Woodstock, for injuries J. M. SCHINBEIN Store open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday Eyenings Xmas Gift Handkerchiefs from 2 for 5c and upwards. Toy watches at 5c upwards All kinds of Christmas bells or ornaments. Big range of Bisque dolls Big range of Dressed dolls Fancy Brooches, extra values in fancy Sunbursts at $1.00. Baby Beauty pins Belts a big assortment. feel Elastic Belts at 25¢ to $1.25 Combs -- Fancy back combs and sides to match, Barrets. Fancy hat pins, -- Jewel boxes from 25c to $1.00 Umbrellas -- big assortment in Ladies' and Gents' umbrellas at special low prices. Ladies' hand bags, boxed frilling, fancy collars, new side frill, new waistings, new silk for dresses, new shirt waists and new skirts. Dress Goods--Special values in Dress Goods, Ladies' fancy slippers, five o'clock table and tray cloth. Suggestions Men's Ready-to-wear Goods TIES---We haye made a big purchase of Men's and Boys' ties, all kinds at special prices, Men's fancy yests Men's fancy hose Men's fancy neck scarf and Mufflers. Men's and Boys' Gloves Men's and Boys' shirts Men's and Boys' fancy shirts Men's and Boys' hats and caps Men's and Boys' fancy braces, Cuff and Collar Buttons Men's fine slippers Men's smoking jackets Men's Furlined coats Men's Overcoats Met's Fur collar overcoats Big range of Boys' Overcoats from $2.00 and upwards. Men's Fur Gauntlets Boys' Kid Gauntlets at 50c. We could mention thousands of articles if we had space. early in the morning and do your shopping. We want all the Dressed Poultry we can get a hold of. them in by next Wednesday if possible. J. M. Schinbein, "= LISTOWEL > Come Have caused through an accident while the latter was driving his automobile ee ee from Woodstock to Listowel has been settled out of court, Mr. Thorn- ton paying damages and costs. The accident took placa on August the 5th last. SACRED CONCERT.--In Atwood music hall, on Dec. 20th, in connect- ion with the course of lectures ar- ranged monthly under auspices of Epworth League of Atwood Metho- dist chureb. The Kenwick male quartette of London, consisting of T. McLaughlin, J. A. Bowman, L. Barr and T Meekes ; Miss Ethel Mce- Naught, of Toronto Conservatory of Music, will give several selections. There will be quartettes, solos, drills, etc., by local talent, making an ex- cellent and highly entertaining pro- gram. Tickets 20c., reserved 250. Plan of hall at Coghlin's drug store. You can get tickets for the concert and the remaining three lectures for 60c., reserved 75c.. Course will in- clude the following lectures : Jan 26. "The Pyramids of Egypt" by Rev. Dy. Barber, of Listowel. Liatowel male trio. love, you love, they love" by Rev. Geo. W. Dewey, of London. Solos by Mr. Dewey and and others. March 22. "The Cross of Gold" by Rev. Dr. C. T. Scott of Brantford. Music by focal talent:' Lunch served a oo ui =F 4 a a ee a PPE PS a eee ee ee ee oe ke 8 8 8 ng og ng gs gn nn 8 hs ce cle ofl lace abe Leclbacliecle ck. <j =x m POST Ts Ss ss wear too we are offe Don't overlook our Big Clearance Sale of Overcoats -: And heavy underwear. buy these goods at cost. Christmas Novelties. Highest Price paid for Geese and Turkeys, Butter, Eggs and Dried Apples. za A Chance now to In winter foot- ring great bargains. display of Toys and : es, Kelly & ATWOOD, SESS Te TT Tes eee eee Bowman ONTARIO eee See ee ee ee SOT ee CS EE EE ES CEES CTT TTT STS Te 8 eT ee eS ee after the lecture.