Atwood Bee, 15 Dec 1911, p. 4

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2 andr Ycu Have say Bouche pay which has beep in use on a borne the signature of i and has been made under his per- " FO mel geldras ieormmhindr ner Sarre . no one to ve in this. All Counterfeits, Imitations and " J good; are but Experiments that _trifie with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against Experimen _What is CASTORIA GENUINE CASTOR [A Always Bears the Signature of The Kind You Have Always Bought In Use For Over 30 Years. THE CENTAUR COMPANY, TT MURRAY STREET, New YDAK crry. BUTCHER SHOP The Leading Meat Shop for the Following Pork Sausage, Bologna, Beef Lamb, Veal Pork, All cured Meats. A eall solicited. ee Highest Cash Price paid for Hides. R. J. WALKER, Proprietor. "4 The Least Fuel, When a range combines all the most mod- ern cgnveniences and when the makers in- sist that only the best materials should be used and that every range that leaves their : factory should be perfect in every detail of eo... wormanship--why, it stands to reason that the product, the Happy Thought ae Range should be a good range a perfectly reliable range. ch Take your time in buying a new range. It is ths most Re whether your housework old furnishings. On it deponds ¢ whether your housework is going to bea drudgery or a ; pleasant task, with sure results. When you have seen the many special features of the Happy 'Thought, haye heard the enthusiastic praise of the thousands of Canadian housewives who use it and see what a strong, seryicaable fine-looking range it is, we heve no doubt it will surely be your final selection for use in your home. More than a quarter of a Million " Happy Thoughts " are In daily use in Canada, John Roger Sjurnmiture d&& Wndertaking The Most Satisfaction @ Capital Paid Up .......... $2,750,000 Reserve & Undivided Profits 3,259,000 Many a fortune can be traced back to the day ite owner a the firet dol- lar in a Savin, The one dol deposit more--and, as interest is added to principal, the emall eum grows more and more 7 until it finally becomes:a afonds an incentive to competen * One dollar will start an account with the Bank of mins __ Head Office, Hamilton. ; PERRY, Agent, Atwood, Ont. local talent and was excellent. owndliis Couneil will hold 'te Statutory meeting on the 15th inst. John Shiels;14th con., is 'visiting friends in Turnberry township this: eek, '4 Pie &. No. 3 will hold its anna a sata on Friday, 15th inst, Totareat- |" ing program will be presented. It is probable the present township council will be re-elected by accla- mation ag the electors have had a surfeit of elections this year and the present body stands well with the people. Mrs. Schell and daughter, of James- town, New York, are vieiting the former's sister, Mrs. Sharpe, llth con. and her father, Mr. Jamie- son, of Ethel. Ata sale in Wingham, on Monday of last week, Jno. Lowe, 9th con., in- yested in a heavy draft imported mare. It was the only one that came this way. Mr. Lowe is a great lover of good horseflesh and we wish him succees with his purchase. A very successful and enjoyable Box Social was held last Friday even+# ing in Union church under the aus- pices of the Women's Missionary Society. Program was rendered by The financial proceeds were $20.00, Tye esday of-this week Jobn Clark, father of Mrs. Jas. Armstrong, 10th con., died at the home of his son-in- law, Wm. Thompson, St. Augustine, Ont., aged 82 years. The funeral took place Thursday afternoon to B HE A is pri ATWOOD BEE ae Scar! Tiaiaday -$1.00.8 year--or $1.50 when in arrears. 8t. John, N. B, Des. 9.--Si McKenzie has } ed the} short railwayand mines of Alberta county shale works. This is another « | sequisition for the Atlantic . FRIDAY, DEC 15th, 1911. end of the Canadian Northern sys- STRATFORD, ONT. i| Winter Term from January 2nd CENTRAL and ever. graduates secure positions. If you want a Busi courses select this get the best. for it at once. Our catalogue is free. Is the leading Business College in Western Outario. three departments-- Tt. has Commercial Shorthand Telegraphy It is larger and better than Our courses are much better than those of the ordin- ary Business College, and our high' grade A practical training is worth many times the cost. ness College school and Write D. A. McLachlan, Principal Kazan, Russia, Dec. 8.--One hun- dred and forty workmen building a bridge over the river Volga were thrown into thé streani and drowned when the bridge gave way with the pressure of ice. Most of the corpses were carried away and mangled to pieces by the ice. Pittsburg, Dec, 9.--William Ken- nedy, a miner, his son and two other helpers were caught in a mine here by white damp. All reached fresh air alive except the old man, who | sent all others up, and. died himself with the poisonous gas before the second trip was possible. NORTHERN LEAGUE HOocKEY.-- Wednesday representatiyes of the Northern Hockey League met at the Imperial Hotsl, Palmerston, to the number of 20. Following officers were elected :--Hon. President, Mr. Allan; President, Dr. Coleman ; Vice- res., Mr. Lustig ;-Sec.,. Mr. Burt ; Treas., Mr. Morrison : Executive, Mr. McLean, Mr. Deyelin and Mr. Speers. The grouping 'was as fol- lows :--No, 1--Listowel, Palmers- ton, Harriston, Mount Forest and Drayton--Convenor Mr. McConnell. No. 2--Durham, Owen Sound, Wiar- ton, Markdale, Hanover and Chesley --Mr. Kritzner. No. 3--Lucknow, Wingham and Brussels--Mr. Mc- Lean. Winners of groups 1 & 2 must finish games by Feb. 10th and group No. 3 by Feb. 4. Jas. Balian- all's cemetery Hullett. It is 11 years since Mrs. Clark died. James Jackson, a former well known resident of the Srd con., dis- posed of his farm near Teeswater, to Robert Ballagh, of the same locality and has purehased 160 acres from Robert Pearson, 2nd con., Stanley township and a short distance south of Clinton. It is a well improyed farm for which a good price was paid. The many old friends of the Jackson family wish them years of comfort and prosperity in their new location. >--- -- St. Thomas, Ont., Dec. 9.--During very foggy weather this morning, Wiiliam Housel, Michigan Central freight conductor, slipped and fell under a moving train, being cut in two. dying immediately. He leaves a widow and family. A CLASSIC ON CONSUMPTION Words of a Prominent Canadian Citizen as He Has Viewed the War Against Consumption "Men, women, and children are all being mowed down every day by this fell disease--consumption--and it is a mistake." These words of Mr. Edward Gurney, spoken at a gathering in Muskoka a year ago, may bo fittingly termed a classic on consumption. The records of the Muskoka Sanatorium, as lo those of other institutions of a like kind, on this continent and in Europe, show very clearly that this much vended disease can be, and is "being conquered by tho treutment followed in any well-managed Sanatorium. In our own Province, within the time that the hospitals in Muskoka have been in existence, the death-rate from consumption has been reduced twenty-five per cent. Tho life saving possibilities of the sana- torium in Canada are limited only by the means required to carry on and extend the work. For this reason we very pei nak our readers to help in the great an growing work that is being dono at Muskoka, " It isa fine statement for the trustees of the Muskoka Free Efospital for Consuinp- tives to be able to make, that from the inonth of April, 1902, when this institution was first opened, up to the present day, not single patient hne ever been refused = to this hespital because unable to pay. Mr. W. J. Gage, Chairman of the Executive Committee, 84 Spadina Ave., or the Sec.-Treas., 347 King W , Toronto, will gindiy receive and acknowledge contributions, BOUNCING BABY'S ECZEMA CURED By Morriscy's No. 4. Prescription 47 Years Old. Pictou, N. S., July 8, 1910. 'When my baby was only two wecks old I noticed a slight rash onhis body, and the little fellow would cry and fret night and day. 'I was greatly worried about him, and tried everything to relieve him, but without amy success, The rash kept getting worse and worse until his little face and body was a mass of scabs. When he was about six months old I was advised to try Father Morriscy"s No. 4 Eczema medicine, which I did. In about two months time the scabs had disappeared, and the childis now healthy and strong. [ most thankfully recommend it to anyone suffering from Eczema." . Mrs, F,' 'Gratton. The above prescription is mot a "Cure- All"or so-calied patent medicine, Dr. Morriscy prescribed it for 44 years, and it. sured thousands after other doctors failed. strangulation. send to Dept. H Name......... Age........ Time ru Single or double Are You Ruptured I can cure the worst case of Rupture from infancy to old_age, without operation or loss of time. Act At Once and remove the daily danger of Fill in coupon and eee eee eee eee ee eee ey Satisfaction guaranteed. J.S. SMITH 88 Caledonia Street Stratford, Ont. tyne represented Brussels. This Medicine _ Is Breathed! Have You a Cold?--It Can Be Completely Cured By Catarrhozone Tt Quickly Cures Whooping Cough, Grippe, Brox(chitis, C-tarrh, Hay-Fever, Asthma, and Colds. Catarrhozone is not like other reme- --_ b 3 that when | tnhater® it kills the germs that cause diseases of the throat and lunga. Catarrhozone soothes and short time the whole mucous lining Is healed. If you are subject to throat irrita- tlon or have a tende ency to consump- lion you should use the "Medicine that is breathe 'housands who have used ft tell of its merit. Air which you breathe through the Catarrhozone inhaler carries healing wrong place. That is why it cures, SPOTTON Stands for all that Business Training. and cities. TwoT every one traine schools. is freely admitted times the supply. College. of your | JAN, 2, Call or write for There's a reason. that our gra-. duates get best positions, and the demand for them is " Exclusive right for Ontario of the famous Bliss Book-keeping System. You may study at home, or partly at home and finish at the A Business Educa- tion pays a dividend every day life. WINTER TERM FROM is modern in A chain of Seven Colleges in leading towns housand stu- dents in our Colleges and Home Study lust year. We train from ten to twenty students for d by most It seven 1912 particulars. Spotton Business College WINGHAM, ONT Chas. W. Burns, Principal. Catarrhozone Approved by Doctors, Druggists, and s of Canadlan people who Little drops of healing for weak places in the throat and nasal passages--that's Catarrhozone, sizes, 25c., 50c., and $1.00, at druggists or by mall, postpald, from The Catarrhozone Co., Buffalo, N.Y. and Kingston, Ont. Chatham, Ont., Dec. 8.--Kent County Council is making a dead set on double track railways that main- tain neither gates nor alarm bells on rural crossings. Yesterday afternoon they passed a resolution earnestly petitioning the Railway Commission to make rigid regulations forcing all protections for the public at all rural crossings. They have asked for co- operation from other county councils in Western Ontario. ONTARIO MARRIAGES. --- Accord- ing to the report of the Rogistrar- year, 24,036 marriages in this proy- ince. About one third of the grooms, twenty and twenty-four. Forty-sev- en per cent. of the brides were be- tween those ages. Price, 50c. per box at your dealers, or | er Mi Medicine Limited, } p Mr. John Anderson, Regissrar of Deeds for North Wellington died at Artbur. A unique experience was that of four Indianapolis were taken for an automobile ride of ten miles the other day, an hour the developments which have taken place in 40 years. One convict had served 40 years, one 35 years, one 17. years, one 13 years. All are lifers. The ride was from Michigan. city to Laporte, where two of the prisoners _§ saw for the first time trolley. cars, automobiles and many other evidences of mocern achievements hidden from them by prison. hose So great was the sur- prisoners, who and saw ip fifteen and nineteen for brides. of twenty. between forty and forty-four ; fame ages. four: two, twenty-four, married men over 56 ; two. married pee over-60, double track roads to place proper | - General for Ontario, there were last or 8168, married between the ayes of Ir the case of both sexes thé next greatest number married between the ages of twenty- five and twenty-nine, and after that the large classifications are between Just 453 men were' married under the age One of these took a 32 year-old bride; another took a 38 year-old ; two men betweon twenty and twenty-four marrried brides of one married a lady of the discreet age of 70, while two grooms of forty and forty-four, married women of the Fifteen women between the ages of fifteen and nineteen, mar- riad men between forty and forty- married m2n . between forty-five and forty-nine ; one took a man over 55, and one a man over 60. Three women between twenty and and one & Gas Distended His Stomach Caused Palpitation, and Pre- vented Sleep--When -- Health Was Gone, Cure _ Followed Use of "Ner- *viline,"' oon, last --_ will be," Pot Basalt writes Barry tere "that every- o ba ay | { did. before it's toe late, mthat Nervi. remedy to yhy, I was on pn pers bad shape my. és ges tion wrong, and every ent would Testimonial 0. aay Unt eeereetteereeee) by "oa stomach pressing agains' my en I started to use Nerv fline s pe better mighty fast. It is certainly a grand remedy for the traveling man, keeps your stomach am order, cramps, Jumpitig thre: = aga machine, was caused he past two years that I haven't cured with Nerv Do you wonder I re- commend ie For A M od se Nerviline x the aches 'amily-- refuse anythin, ne, 50¢ per rac trial si Bic, all dealers or The Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. NERVILINE CURES ALi. PAIN Portland, Maine, Dec. 8.----"God is tne only counsel I need," said Rev. Richard Sandford, leader of the Holy Ghost and Us Society, when he was charged in court this morning with having caused the death of several members of the crew of his mystery ship Corunet which was chased in here by revenue cutters after three months' religious cruise with little provisions. A jury was empannelled this afternoon to try the casé. Quebec City, Dee. 8.--- While asleep early thie morning, Mrs. Thomas Jones and her two small sons were burned to death in the de- struction of the St. Lawrence Club building. Another son was 1escued with the greatest difficulty by the firemen, but may die from burns. tight automobiles were also destroy- ed this morning in a fire in I andry's garage. Total loss is $20,000. Blenheim, Dec. 8.--An amusing in- cident is reported from Raleigh Township, a few milesfrom here. A well known farmer lady had a flock of about 2G0 chickens that she was preparing for market. She went to the barn yerterday morning to attend to them and discovered to her sur- prise that during the night thieves had visited the place and cleaned out the entire pen. She began a search at once for tracks, and picked up a roll of bille in a rubber band, amounting to $210. Later in the morning a well known man yisited the place and went straight out to the hen- house. He returned to the house in a few minutes, however and asked the lady if she-had any chickens for sale. "No, sir," she seplied, "I sold them «ll last night." The incident closed with that, and the man drove away. WER LAZINESS .cse Who Lack Energy znd are Unsuccessful Should Read This Closely. "Iam only thirty years old, yet for most two years I have felt more like venty-five. I have found it difficult siccp at night and in the morning +1 so depressed and heavy that ef- rt was difficult. My hands were al- rp clammy and perspiration on ant ttlort would break out all over 1 18 not unnatural that I sou begin to brood over the chanco me { ss nights perfect misery. wated trials of medicine ures Dr, Hamilton's Pills gave ae he first gleam of ho m. very first I could see they were aie. 'erent in action from other pills. They Hadn't gripe and acted as naturally as .f nature and not the pills were teansing my clogged up system. spirits rose, sluggish action ys) way to normal activity. Dizziness and headaches ceased, appetite, good color, and ambition to vere retu nee ane have remained, IT a ike a -- I 'thank Dr. Hamilton' '8 Pills" for "it anrhis was the experience of J, E. - Parkhurst, a well-known -- grocery dealer in Jefferson. vice, use Dr. H stomach, kidneys, td liver, and yor enjoy tong life and robust All dealefts sell Dr, cae nor re Pills, in yellow boxes. 25c- Catarrhozone Co., Kingston, Ont. Dr. Hamilton's Pills Stimulate ~ tveo:|| Liver and: Kidneys

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