z. A despatch from Calumet, Michi- lidecesn ran high when they hadlabk: Flour, Ontaric: cer! : nada, the Emplre ne the sorte : the day © which! ed at seventy of the bodies and fail- ak in General Before Your throughout all Christendom is set|ed to find their loved one, but the | pa . 5 for aside as a day of rejoicing over the} last body they viewed, the seventy | - 2 es. ee, bir Saviour, Calumet, antet at e eee a oper Ea Ba a .. Canada. ' stricken to the heart by an almost embers e Calumet fire de- pies NEE tJ A Federal ewe - anbelievable 'catastrophe, "stands | partment relate many instances of onan? seni oh 2 wheat at 4 '0 850, by Han. 0; 1 Bote, is sid mourning by the side of its dead, | heroig attempts te reneus tho pani oe ao, 2 Ontario"oate, 43280 330, of Justine: Ong T he ag the 7% victims (most of whom were| stricken people in the hall. Pat- outside, and: at 38 to 38 Vio. on | wreck ite matter bofore his io wal being pian of the frightful panic '.on| rick Ryan re od iggcie &: fog 0. 2 and nd So, for x9 3. Bay ports. a Dominion Government ste: istmas ¢ the Italian hall.'few minutes after the crush occur- ered th This pehic followed e false alarm, red at the foot of the stairway. He outsiae. = eis ™ seas pp a aiscuaidvns' pene ConeRay ery of fire during the progress of a| estim there were about 100} vr New No. 3, American (the Tilbury fields for domestic pur- "Christmas tree entertainment ar-|-piled on top of each.other when he] kye--so. 2 to 660, outside. 'poses. P Buckwheat--70c, outside. "wrong, and not in iteelf a d . Ghat can be treated by a "cure,"' - SEVENTY-IWO- MET DEATH Awful Catastrophe at Cohumet, "Michigan, at a Christmas Tree Celebration ranged for families of the copper strikers To-day the people of Calumet see their neighbors, their brothers, their sisters and their little children staggering under an almost unbearable. burden of dis- tress and grief. The authorities have so far been unable to trace a man who is said f have gone up the stairs of the talian hall and raised the cry of fire, which is supposed to have ted the panic which led to the fearful crush in the stairway and eaused the déath of the nearly four écore men, women and children. There seems to be little hope he will be apprehended. The other theory that the cry of fire origi- nated within the half was substan- tiated'on Thursday by Matt. Sart, a ' striker, who lost his son in the dis- He declared the cry came @ group of men and women toward the front of the hall. A fourteen-year-old girl who died on Thursday morning brought the official list of-dead up to 72. All have now been identified. Five in- red are in the hospitals, all of whom, it is said, will live. Three le girls in the Calumet and Hoo- hospitals were able on Thursday |i to be up and out, and they -- around the Christmas tree ged up for oF patients unaware of fate w overtaken some of their "iy and sisters and father of one of them. A boy of seven or eight years of age who was en to one of the morgues showed 'signs of life soon after, bub no restoratives and no physician were immediately avail- able and death ensued. One oou- be entered the town hall where all aster. bodies had been gathered to k for their missing child. Their reached the entrance of the build- A woman who ran to the aid of three small boys | was crushed to death with them" en the rush began a woman went to the piano and began play- ing: -Another woman stood in the centre of the stage, on which the Christmas tree had been erected, and started to sing. Their efforts to quel] the panic were futile, as they were not heard above the tu- mult. Matti Kotzjarvi, wife and two daughters, were all kuled. Chris- tian Klarich and his two daughters were ene to death, but Mrs. Klarich anaged to escape. large menher f of families lost two or more childrern= More than fifty of the dead were wine? ten years of age. Mrs. A. Niemela, one of the vic- times, Was suffocated while stand- John Burrill, a fireman, six-months-old infant from her arms and carried it to safety. Leonard filman, another fireman, pushed his way into tho stairway and took out a crying boy of six uninjured. Near him his mother and sister lay dead. An eleven-year-old boy res- cued his brother of nine by carry- ing him down a ladder. Another child, thrown out of a window by a frantic father, was caught in the arms of an onlooker. Another father killed his boy by falling on him, and he, too, perished. DRUGS ARE DANGEROUS: In land Revenue Department 'Issues Warning Against Headache Powders ~ A despatch from Ottawa says: A Bulletin issued by the Inland Reve- one Department on "headache powdera" calls public attention to the fact that 'there can be no ubt that harm is done by the in- iscriminate jise of headache pow- a.' After noting that headache merely a symptom of pape | isoase the' bulletin adds+ 'The drags to which the efficien- ey of those headache powders is due are powerful heart depressants, and are capable under certain condi- tions of producing fatal resulta, while under most conditions they must do harm."' Nearly all of the 171 samples ana- lyzed contained acetanilide, or phe- nacetin, and are so marked under the regulations in regard to the patent medicine act. The amount of acetanilide present in most of the powders exceeds three grains, which is the limit of dosage pres- eribed by the British pharmaco- poela. 'No doubt," says the - bulletin, "serious results would more fre- harap, follow their use were it not that they contain' other drugs, med caffeine, which act as stim- ulants of the heart. A little reflec- tion should convince the consumer of these powders that 'he is taking great liberties with his health and life,"' : DISTRICT OFFICER'S WORK Sanitary Surveys Twenty-eight A despatch from Toronto says: Thirtv-five thousand miles of tra- vel in 12 months is the modest re- cord of Dr. R. E. Wodehouso, dis- trict officer of health for the great elsing general supervision over the health. The territory em- Have : eatin saa matte Dr. Wodehouse Se having beld-26 pub- -tlic meetings in 16 al e vabepstae 20 nearly.-6,000- people... Been Completed for Municipalities officig] visits to various centres of population. He visited all slaugh- ter-houses in the district. made them comply with the strict sani- and tary provisions of the law, and se- cured the removal of See buildings at several poi: "O set of Sean's aeckcd ware » while three hotels and three railways at five divisional points have been ordered to instal sewage treatment plants,'" says the report. Chlorination of water ae been institated, upon order, the "'Soo,"- Port Arthur, Kenora, Fort Frances and Rainy Rive one se report : that. of tho'Public Works Road Depa ment was closed, but ibigtaded was so tardy that two cases of ty- phoid developed. In addition to their other inks | the district Officers do a great deal of lecturing upon re, PRESS OF TRH SEPORTS FROM THE t LEAoINS ry a Cattie, Crain, Cheese snk : Bran--Manitop: PF .NINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE IN A WUTSHELL. * --e CENTRES OF AMERICA. Fadute at Home ang eer ate} anitopa bran. ait to s21.0 tog. corge Kett, a lake sailor, whose Great Britain. The British Royal family spent Christmas quietly at Sandringham. | verely. scalded is expected to be all Lspection of the Rupert end. new Transcontinental will he ready for operation of . se Pi tales of the fierceness of TToron oat ati Pe ase , the crash during the height of the Country Produce. walked into their home at Harris- crush none i seagin sae the as | 26 utter --Cholce dairy, » 23-10. 94 " ct Ba 4 -- on Obtistmoas Rye. panic were 6 , at c; farmere sep ety as, yrnes of Napanee as sen oop op ele Leia a # abe Reed wows Ife" when |B Bendio drariois Sade scend stairs to the base- forced to trample her beneath him. Be of new tg to 4t0 Dae per dozen. eese-New cherso, 14 1-2 to 14 340 forips Provisions. Baco ng 160 per lb., in onee lote. . Pork Ghore $2800; do., meed. $44.50, Mame biedienm to light, 19 1-2 200; heavy, 19¢; rolle, 151-2 to 16; break- fast bacon, 19 to 20¢ backs, 22 to do. erces, 133-4 to 140; tubs, 14 to 14 1-4e; pails, 141-4 to 14 1-26. Baled Hay and Straw. - 15 a ton t 813 to te and Baled or wae lots, $9.50 'to $8.75, om track. Tor Winnipeg Crain. --Cas h:--Wheat--No. . : rejected, 37 Lc; 7 ee 1 NW. ast 1-4; No, "Montreal Ma Markets. Mon » Dec. 30--Oats--Canadian Weat- mee "43 1-2 to 42; do., No. 3, 40 1-2 _ Ba: rley--Man. > D inter nte, eeraient follers," 9480 to rela "paso o » oate~Bar. Hi: bom ba lbs., $2.10 ran, 820 to §2i. Shorte, "Gar + dlincs, $25 to te, a No. 2, per ; oar a syreaterne, 40; Sicmeat ean 38c; No, or to 2 stock, ». Potatoes, per can car lote, 73.te 650, United States Markets. Minnea olis BS 5-8 way 87 ty tT 5-80, 86 5-Bc; z Northern, No. 3 whéat, 80 7-8 t zollew, 69 1-2 to Ser to "No. 4; De- . Close-- >; No. 1 Northern, . 8358 to ; Montsna, - No. ee? December, 83 1-4ce; May, gee tee to Live Stock & Markets. mon 'cows, $3.50 bulls, §3.75 to $7.25; path ak and FM £3.50 Caly al, *u mm 84.75 $5.10. Stockers feodera--Steers, 910 to 1,050 , 86 to quality, 800 \Jbe., $4.50 to' 85 25; 50 to . Sheep and lambe--L owes, $5.50 86; vy. $3 to 65,50; b $3 -to 83. eprin lamba, $8.50 to with he per he educted for all 'the, buce Rome fed sa w $9.10 one San Pine 3 Shak: 50 f.0.b TWO TRAINMEN KI KILLED, Six Others Injured When Locomo- tive Exploded. A despatch from St. Thomas says: Fireman J. Thorp,.of Fort Erie, and an unidentified man were killed on raday qe es when the boiler of a G,T.R. Wabash en- gine exploded... The sontsemt hap- [| pened abéut six o'clock while the Senoibiiee was returning light to the Buffalo yards. Engineer Nich- olas J. Curran, of St. ae e had & miraculous esca; was thrown frem the cab, but while se- right again in a few days. F. Clark\ brakeman of St. Thomas, and W. R. Gameton, of Windsor, were injured by escaping steam, W. Lohr, A; Schultz, and Ww. B. Bartell, switchmen on the Erie Railway, who were close by, were hit by flying debris. a | f GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC, Through Trains Will Be Ranning in 1915, Says Vice-President. A despatch from Vancouver ays : "We o gy 2 to have steel laid into Prince rge by January 10, and the track linked up right across the continent before the end of rt-| May," announced Mr. Morley Don- aldson, vice-president of the Grand Trunk_Pacific Railway system, who arrived on e early in: 1915," said M torage, ae Bee of a store, and, ene head- ead. Emily McCloy. Adams, as she s3.\ sented herself to be a widow. chile ole @ husband living. Important alterations in the Bis- ley, regulations have been recom- mende by General Sir 0. W. uglas. The Economist of London severe- long, was picked upd ly consures the Foreign Office for hee large And 169 for twins. 505 vert Be through the "Be. Mary's og action regarding the Panama eane-. . bushel; primes, #2.t0'8210. © Bee " sega: er 1913 increased 10 es ney--bhxtr * 5 cen cor ' Ib. for Na. 1; combs, 63 to § 28 per vee ee, d hogs "id freight record of fd States. for No. 1 and $240 to $2.50 for No, 2 | e**, An crease in grain was ullry--towl, li w. ide a 1b. eb-ek 983 per cent., or more . 43° mil Another movement has begun at rig Pa imeneee G97 ; ve n bushels. washington to suspend coastnwise P 80 to 850 bag. oa} fee nh mI ant ons Belawares i So per Justice Charboneau in Montreal.) ¢xemption in the Panama Canal. General. German enginecrs hare engaged to construct two big Chinese rail- roads. CARTAGE INCREASE. One Per Cent. Inorease Will Bo Charged By Railways. -_ , A despatch from Montreal says: The existing cartage arrangements in connection with espatch of freight by the varioug railroad oom- panies will continue in force, but with an increase over the present rates of one perecent. The deci sion to make this change was defi- nitely decided upon at a meeting of representatives of the railroads and cartageé companies held here --on Tuesday. ----___ Aa -A Swiss aviator, Bider, flew across the Alps from Buo to Berne in five hours. ~e ae r = ' . of cys , ' TO THE PUBLIC: 'i Notes of the Bank In ciroulation ...........0. cece cece ces eeuee erence 1 . Deposits bearing Interost, peahadioog Interest accrued sii ati MRO: dikdvinees tenes even ve bees ev cceusevescesess 101, Deposits not bearing Interest ..,.... Corsecsececcces Siar oe 1 , , Deposits by other Banke in Canada ...*%......7...... $ 405,669 90 vmreneen ° Banke and Banking Bacunpoauisite else- where than In Canada ...... PWS RSWiS WW Rae alawy 1;6%9,466 73 Bille Payable .............. 000000, CUNO Cds oereaccronesewecaed - pee Acceptances under Letters of Credit . RSNISC SHWETA Mwie RS rbWin ene e swrwiebiarete e 361,106 66 ; 154,761,440 04 : 2 TO THE SHAREHOLDERS: -- } ' Capital Stock Panbep SCRS Fp WN ER eine-d vo Kiweireamiaws AD USO wiele'e wre melee Shire 11,560,000 00 :.f Reserve Fund .......cce ccs ce eee cctccceceecueccrece +» $12,560,000 : | Balance of Profits | carried forward 20... 6... cc cece 1,015,119 68 | --_------------_ - 13,575,119 58 ; ------ 4 108 (at 12% per aac eenen payable Deo. 1 Coe eer e re eme ssc ccncotecrssssccneceseene 346,800 00 , Sawnccens ) 8d ess 08 sa wen caeele due > 3,426 141 ----_-_---- 350,226 11 $180,246,785 78 -- --_--__} ASSETS ae Current Gold and Sliver Coin ........ cscs vere cececen 7, Dominién Government Notee ..............; Lpaaigncnd iiorers oo \ 4 . { 19,468,209 72 e: Deposit In the Central Gold Reserves .............,., : 2,000,000 4 Deposit' with Dominion Géveramhent for the purposes ite ~ 1 of the Ciroulatien Fund ..,., aye 578,000 Co Bie "Notes: of o SWViebetadles Coibenedas 2,576,878 07 Cheques on whee Banke 2... sci meccsccseenseces 249 32 Le Due by other Banks In ME vecdwieceoseagerateds 1,160 12 Due by Banks -- nanking Correspondents dieswtiere than Im Canada 2.00... co.cc ccc cece ccc ccuceees 3,603,452 06 Divainien and Provincial ee Securities, not market value .......... ccc sec e cece ees 4,127,312 91 Canadian Municipal Psu and British, Foreign and Colonial Public Securities other than Canadian, mot exceeding market value ...............00005, 2,081,533 63 -- and other Bonde, Debentures and Stocks, not . : 1 market value ..o...... 0. cece ecu eee 14,565,306 32 Call 'tnd ue haan in Canada, on Bonds, Debentures esse oa OMROWTNE STD SP hab ene vanes ws 9,002,193 01 H \ Call tne Short Loans eleewhere than in Ganada ...... _ 10,817 AG 8S ; ee 72,385,791 71 Loans to Provincial Governments ..........:......... $3 247,435 '62 eat' ia Cities, Towns, Muntelpalttics and School Dis- CSN ES CNC SOW AWE G Hele 05 6500S cla oo one eevee 3,686,624 08 Other Caicos Loans and Diecounte (lese rebate of CH O40 O40 WOO OE QCECS ONE EC CC twa es os ee edes 98,606,925 14 Overdue Debts '(estimated lows provided for) ........ ~ 175,673 57 w+ A106. 736,058 68 Bank Promises, at not more than cost, less amounts written off ...... Liablitties of Customers under Letters of*Credit, as per contra ...... if 108 66 / Base * $180,246,788 73 4 PROFIT: AND' LOSS AQCOUNT | Pa Balance of Profit and Less Account; 30th November, ' 5 . 2 AMER a's vn shece babes ches Mae Fee RES artes $ 610,219 36 Profits for the year, after deducting charges of manage- ment and all other expenses, accrued interest on deposits, full provision for all bad and doubtful debts and rebate of interest on unmatured bills \ 2,142,100 22 . ; ---~---- -- $2,762,319 58 APPROPRIATED AS FOLLOWS: a ; x ages pe -- 102, 103, 104 and 105, at 12 per cent. ; RENE ORS Ten ee ERS Me tains ts pile we 6 eb.ches $1,387@80..00 Tismseierse: te te Officers' Persion Fund ............... 100,000 00 Written Off Bank Premises Account ...... gece 250,000 00 ~ Batance of Prefit and Loss carried forward 7......... 1,016,118 58 ~ ------~--wme $2,752,319 56 EDSON L. PEASE, ! a - "se General Manager, ° a - *y . ; : : aa Pad