Atwood Bee, 2 Jan 1914, p. 6

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A Rey's HEAR & stony. Tells of a Formidable Battle With a Bie Beuly.* A reader of 'of The - ater Com- panion sends 'this narrative = an actual aoreners that he a boy in sof Veabmont: tt shows tee alas of determination and courage, even without any other means of defence against a beast as dangerous as a bear with young. Late one September afterncon IT) started after the cow.. I knew that r| she would probably be with the young: cattle in- the woods, £0: ie - short cut through the sugar biish.'"' I supposed, of course, that the dog would follow be fs av thre rade . . ---- "aw - ' Danting et the Gerinan Court is al- Ways ea matter to be taken seriously. The Kalse> is himself en expert and will have only experts at the State, balls. At all these functions the Court dancing. master cccuples a place of ¥antage from which he can watch the dancers, and any -mistakes or clumsi- ness will be certain to bring the de- : ttimation that he ther invitations. to dance at Court. Prof... Willlam Howard. Taft, Yale, until rectatly 'one of the accent men in thé United States, of which he was President, is as bappy to-day as a -on Christmas eve. Why? Because, wien. he weighed himself he was down toy271% pounds, back to! big maples I saw near the fenge at was on the North-side, in the Circ! ils of 5 ht "direct the great sources of power | White whales, walruses bigeas ele- onc i ' * cle | wat memory, each fact in tis bs : 4 the weight of 27 years ago, Swear itt the farther side a dark object that ét Ss Maa The Houses he.| proper place and convenient for|im nature to the use and conven-|Pphants, and fur-beawing seals dis- ¢ went on the federal bench. left the residency 1 was about on the. verge nervous prostration. qT) weighed 341 pounds. I wasn't happy; and I couldn't have been a pleasant} 'certainly did not belong there. As; T anproached, the object moved, 'and then stood on. its ea a was-a good-sized black bear. It} -- | Graphite Denetotion a a Great ¥ In Bombay, India. Students of nayal history re ber the name of John abies ( Ca frigate in the War of 1812. "He akc whnts rose to the rank of admiral. Ta "A cur. tail'd Memoir," he gives the story 'of an 'adventure in Bombay, when the city was threatened euh des- truction by fire. On 18th Februery, * observed the -- City fire in several places. - Signal was made by the Captains, Officers and. Crews, from each Ship, to proceed on Riker: and assist in caving the City, my station 1803, at Noon aga ing. chiefiy built of , the prow | press of the Flames was awful, and th j the Religioid of Fire worshippers stages of the }tt Admiral for) reas ae i tiene 'He mY od a jong red woo! omffier 'trom Pama hd gree a put the erds neatly together, folded the mufiler SRE dbitberstiy, compactly. {and -- it with great ---- ed, classified, and packed up onthe use. He had no doubis"as to what he wanted to do with this educa- tion: even at seventeen, puttering around in his own father's . back- Bes eg ar and | its success and the graduates are Re reward. He has , pone: 'its. shores. are fine harbors; vias His Constant Helper. Trting the college r he Tires between his ag and his home. His wife, who was e 'Miss Stuppait, sister of the Meteor- ological Director, is his ot assistant, if nct in a technical w. way, ia many other ways in w : man may contribute to the success of oes husband. His life cevitres in the School.of. Practical Science. success pf 18 iion the dreams he dreamed forty years ago, of a country that would need skilled men--engineers to jence of man," and of h's opportun- ity in this way to serve his country. If to-day Canadians have been able to carry out the great engineering athe | National Route to the Wheat Fields of Canada, is one of the most ing geographical featu Necrce It is half as one as the HUDSON BAY. ef the, North-West. ~ Hudson Bay, the. Mediterranean strik res of North Mediterranean Sea; it drains a yast territory three million square in- area; 'vast rivers flow into in the couniry surrounding it are rich mineral deposits and-fine farm- ing } ; but it is a region désti- tute of human habitation, though port themselves undisturbed in the water. On the land srpsli is wealth, with no one to take it a . Moose Bay is in a latitude farther Sat Bt | being that of the Chief of the In: "Or ? { e ~ 1f- : : ~ " fon aa Mig. en at cn peste pret ag todas and habitants, no effort to arrest its} yard at the mechanical devices with jr a hee = 5 to nya onda. ecu tee oad tea are here is the restlf. I'm bard as nails. pa by, each as lakee as a govd-sized PTOStess co auld be expected of them: which had amused himself, he rs eke te a ey mr ag 7 portion of Hudson Bay is at about I can walk day or lay golf all) "~ While the Fire was raging Vio-| had discovered the Hmitations of pee ee eee se the same latitude as the North of | dog, 'limb a néar-by maple. I call-: 'ed to the dog, but he was ro far, away that he did not hear me. The® day, and |] love everybody Stevenson's old home. at Bourne- lently in the. district 1 had act in, the Governor Jonathan Duncan, lo mere native observation and inge- nuity ; so he had pursned oe ag need and provided for itby organ- izing the School of Practical Sei Scotland. The climate also _com- pares very favorably with that of mouth, which. it is now proposed _ . nence. To-day his graduates are A : should be acquired as a memorial, was cubs soon came down from the tree, ; Esqr, came up to me, znd while E/ing knowledge from Port Hope to to be found in every part of Can-| the same latitude in some other given to "R. L. S." by his father,and ; and three scrambled over the ¥@8 replying to some questions or| Toronto, and there, finally, over- portions of the globe. e Bay ag , Big Peo eo tin : " f it, so that he can now! #4a, and some of thenr are among was dashed "Skerryvore, after The fenée. I saw no more of them at remark he had made, Up came sey-} took most o it, so that he can nov the: inqet, eminent 'in-Ak i does not freeze across in: winter, famous lighthouse, Several pathetic that time. nor did I find the cow eral of his Staff Officers and Ex-| hold up the intricaries of the engi- ' o eminent in. the profession the winter conditions there being peterances to Fd om Bournemouth" that night although I stayed in! 'claimed, "'Sir, you had better quit | Beering science for the observation o Galbeaish'e tolie "in hana eth kimilar to those of the Gulf of St. are made in the author's "Letters," . of: Valid a: ik 4 h Vigdal & : uth no longer wearing r c yin h n e - sae. where he says he "lived in Skerryvore; the woods until after dark: She, 'the Citadel directly. Such a streeé| of youths-- ge E4 shoal. bass bean 'oficies the | Lawrence, and navigation is pos 'had strayed unusual distance. In 'the morning T renewed the This time I took along the medium-sized mongrel. I old logging like a weevil in a biscuit." 'But the! best, perhaps, is that contained in a} letier from Samoa in 1887 when writ-! ceareh. ing 'o Sydney Colvin. He says: "You dog, a and that gaunt old monument at! was walking along an 'is in flames, and im a house in that Street there is a deposit of five hun- dred barrels of Gin Pewder. Tt must: soon take UPtfe. and then ne person can sustain the Shock, nor mufflers--who are sent to his de- }partment of the big mill of educa- tion close to Queen's Park. F. highest degree. His i athetes yr} have not had to unlearn what he taught them, nor fill in painful gaps he had left unattended to. His pol- icy has been thoroughly adjusted tv" is the city of Quebec. sible during four or possibly © five months of the vear. The Hudson Bay roftte would bring the great North-West _as-near to Europe ax Tt offers per- haps the best route to the Yukon Bidoomsbury (the British, Museum) are! % ? the' can o ne be } all I have in view when I use the word! ee lookitns: ye sie price he doe! he Wallacot thi: City, reich ve B the conditions of the country; first Histviel aad is the aational route _ home. Some passing thoughts there | miss ng : < ad he arranged to give every student to the great wheat: felis of the may be of the room at ig bagi running towards me as fast as he and the blackbirds in the Chine on; could go. Close behind him eae: a May morning, but tho essence isithe bear that T had seen the night not stay a moment,"' The Governor | replied, "} will nev er bos the City on such an oceasion.'? And He havy- sufficient instruction in drawing surveying to make him of use during his holidays and inmmediate- North-West. G%ld is there, speci- mens of gold-bearing quartz hav. a S.C. and the museum.' ibefore. At the same time I heard in ing been brought into the Hudson > rg previously thanked me for my : ; : } & § Many stories are related of the} the cubs scramble up a tree to my; unceasing txertichs, now tumed ly after graduation--so that the Bay' statiqns, pyrites containing Stectenata th eee Waftiies ve | left ;Tound -to me and said, 'Captain eet Ce ore Se eet ier ene gold have been found by the Geo- Macdonald, the noted millionaire : dovigal aulaladri uber, pu then, in othe ets, he | : , 7 ay iluvia manufacturer and generous benefactor | I was in a bad hole, for the ino-| 'Carden, See if-you can Save us iven the xt ots 0 trad 'in i nd fogica Sersay, pars ve oa of McGill University, Montreal, Un-| ther bear evidently thought that! Ajj' g 2 g* : ea ning in and | gold has been found in the valleys. til a few years ago Sir William never | her cubs were in danger, and the; We were led to the Street and} an intimate knowledge of the brin-| Gypsum, iron, copper, silver and had a telephone in bis office, and! jdog was leading her straight t°-/|honse. The Street wae. in flames on ciples underlying his professional | jead are abundantly indicated in never made use of an elevator. Some! ward me. He dashed past me with-| bath siles. The ten sorry Magee work, rather than the practice of| many places. time ago a young salesman for a fin- 1} ] wwii wy & it. In th's way he has avoided giv- i anetal house out so much as a yelp of recog zine therein was culy more secure 4 secured an audience . ing what the student would be cer- with Sir William and was anxious to; Hons and I had about fifteen sec- i than any other House in that Street 4 7 : REAL KINDNESS. sell him some bonds. He presented onds - make up my mind what to; by having louble doc Wood tain to get again after graduation see on p mving a double Yr, a ay d hi d th a - s his proposition so cleverly and so ef-| do. had no weapons--not even porch and closed Windows} This anyway. and has ensured the tes Requires Syhpathy for Others and fectively that the millionaire said hea am Bs knife. I knew that I was {Porch had. now begua to i ite instruction in scientific principles Gentleness. . Nould take a couple. Going to a vault,; no mateh for the bear at rauning, which: we « . a) ae and : which are not always revealéd or} |, he drew out a steel drawer that was | tel) we soo extinguished, and jf: I once knew a man who.pledged noted in active practice |}so I decided to make the best fight ; Nobody is more patient with the saki lhe . > the I could. Near me was «a mul-hele breaking the Door open T 'beheld crowded to its utmost. capacity with ee himself to do a kind action every on . i bonds. Sir Will! 7 it ca the dread 'Combusti ' ' A : = ae 8. a fave es ns G Ht CEO-|: tha road. which had been file od = dread "( ombustible matter student than Dean Galbraith. No! vy of his life. * He became a terror its o get in the two or : ithe Ground Floor. I ordered my } r to his friends. we are inform- three papers which the young man had; With spruce boughs to keep th men tou off Duck Jackets & Should one-ean handle fiim-heffer. No'one by student of human na- handed him. But he could not make, sleds out of the m T seized the| ar aa ae Dean Galbraith. © in 'the university combines better |? ye him and has-|C#ch a Cask, placing the Jackeb}- ; built the |ture, and we may agree with t did Overt to Sersen it from the falling} > practical experience--he ine acs far as to admit that the people Midland Railway, and assisted room for them, and, passing the docu-| ments back to the salesman, remarked largest limb I could find, tily broke off the bushy end. quietly that be had changed his mind,| > omen! - ean. Fire from the Houses. The distance years this thoughtful : who are always wanting to be hene- aa, 'ye had not space for eny mora ht bat it 13 the best -- wea from the Sea Wall did not te % r of engineering 'has been oe Seontatnctlies of the T es . C. }\ficent to us are a great bore. In Londs. The caller was so completely oi: et ae one hundred Yards: . ~~ = his influence to the FORE ce lidee: said ca fall snort Seay the daily round we do not, most of onate tka caren Reet turn- that! 8 When-the bear saw that I didtret| . There-seemed to. he gam 6-earth- of fi 5 Sieiias ESHER EE cmplem , us, want little tips ir y* shape of fetink oak tak run, stie stopped with her -forefeet ; tion on the part of my Men, ¥ pon whom he has ; + kind -eetionst)' < Ae ned Waneh: re ditional that the Dean meets all be- ginners with a discouraging "No,!' or "I don't think so."' But this is to put men on their mettle, to make single argument to "present, and thus he lost the sale through Slr William not possessing a steel drawer capa- ther take no more than we give. As a general rule, the trying Die ple who are always exuding: "kind actions'? must be convicted of stu- ampresied s and his ideals with such table success Was Then a Trade. de, and; ff my blue Jacket, placed i growl | the first Barrel of Gun Powder on™ etng | my Back, aud was dire ctl followed | on a small log at the roadsi hegan to snap her teeth aod At the same time the dog, s cfous enough to accommodate the sa- curttte es, ' me face the bear, tovk courage, 'and' came back to help. 1 shouted as loud as I struek the bear on the my clib, while the dog went rpund ee could, < SHOCK CAUSE DUMB TO SPEAK. eoukl, and nese with Remarkable Cases of People Dumb for: hy every Man of my Crew, the Off. icers first. Flakes of Fire falling in all diree- tions. artd depusited our first Bur-, then in the Sea, over the Sea Wall, We got safe through the When Dean Galbraith first be- 'came associated with the teaching of young Canadians, there was no such thing as the engineering "pro- them defend their position. Show the Dean that you can support your | case, that you are eo merely a! 'sloppy thinker," and he becomes at onee an ally.--Britton B. Cooke | pidity or selfishness. One half of them like to purr over all the good they have done, the other half are so obtuse that they cannot see the foolish impertinence of forcing their i behind and began to bite her heels, | and off again double quick to renew, feusion."' it was to a large extent in Toronto Stat maces i would be Ynuch Years, Speaking. is She turned pi him in great fury. 'the effart. And thus we most Provi- "ae trade," based upon a system of fepater without fa . i i inpaa! ae ee ee I followed them, shouting, and pelt- dentially, Successfully & oppor- ere ene. There was: no lit- NO HURRY. But kindness is another matter. distal for 21: Fearn ia alowty recovering ing the bear with stones that I tunely repeated our efforts, wotil Pera he we engineering science ; . Real kindness of heart does not pases Ma : picked up among the roots of an. the Contents of thisdreadful Store} Worthy. of the name. There was no|A Traveller's Experience With A New want to be always parading itse!! both hearing and speech--the shock of the tragie end of her brother, who drowned himself in the Stour, being | upturned tree. I had it in mind to tree the bear, iwas Cleared. real educational standard. Engi- neers were trained by big firms as exican indian. To the natives Central America in some particular definite action. ; Often itis rather shy of such things. 'egardetl as responsible for the mtracu-, but I soon discovered that this bear} -- ee apprentices. There was little tabu- tine is of very oan hs ay oon It is a quality of the tind, the ous eximple of shock succeeding had no notiop of being treed. Back } lation of principles in the profes- oe oe thete Mxtetentat nothion ¥ mo 4 spirit, of the soul if you like, and it jhere doctors have failed--recalls sim- | she came with renewed fury, fol- | UNION JACK TRIUMPHANT | sion and comparatively little staa- be done today. A little of 'this spirit reveals itself im life as a whole ra- ge Fee tis oxo the narrow escape of l¢Wed by the dog. T gave her 9n- -- ; |dardization of practice. as in a good-humored Mexican ther than a string of fussy liti'« 2 boy from drowning of North Shields ther blow, and the dug r onewed A Ceunle of British Sailors As- nag a was one of a few stu- Indian that Mr. Charles F. Saunders deeds. Anybody can do a kind ac- fish quay head a remarkable sequel. his attack on her rear, until she} teunded the Brazilians, ents Of-engineering in the world |tells about in his book, "T' dians tion. To be kind requires eym- While efforts were being made to re- turned on him again. Over and The harbor of Rio ds Janeiro is who sought to change these condi- ~ ae ne _ Houses ae pathy for others and gentleness to tore the apparently drowned boy to' over again we .went through this tions: His opportunity came when ear ei ¢ Quakerish name their faults and comprehension of one of the woaders of the: world. and' enough American ; ways-to make kim think that hie little their dim, vague yirtues. ; bespeloashees by means of artificial) performance, unti) her interviews You.onter @ aarrow. strait, gasrdee the Government asked him to take' a eh 3 Ene Se Ant ee with the dog became of 60 lively a'y. gy taweting conical mountet charge of the old School of Tech-' store at the foot o PE eee the result. of an accldent, - pushed ;@ature that they told on his ecour- aud discover -a glorious inland 200 nology, in- the old Public Library .would be e prohiaaie vehicle in nich - Dentiition of Happiness. > through the crowd merely out of cure 8%¢- Accordingly he wade up his osity. As soon as he saw the prostrate, ™ mind to desert, and left me to fight boy, although not if any way or tod the battle alone. to him, the sight gave him sueh- Mother Bruin returned to attack som that his speech suddenty =n i with the same vigor, and | be- N Cghikde Nort cceeem eee, orn So Bie Be watinr eecous, Bat inved to speak freely, and has suffered | I did not dare run, for 1 had lirard no further impediment Since. people vay that & was dangerous to: It is not maay years since a remark-, turn your back to a bear that was able case of dumbness excited great showing fight. So I hit her gain interest in medical circles in Germany. | on the ne Be, _and shouted at the top Twelve eo ---- Oe Baverian | of my voice. Much to my surprise, * bad been kicke |. WHE the scant? Mat oe com she ran off a few-tGds, sat dowa, | pletely Inst the use of his volce. A yea and looked at me. Tor some reason later he was riding a doomed horse te she seemed to loose her fierceness ; ut knacker's yard, when the animal,! perh: ips : she had seen her eubs in ike | surrounded on every tide by abrupt: and many of the m wi ith the most fantantie: out- I should. imagine, save the . Stephen Coleridge, ix ories," that all the fleata. of the: world might anchor there in safety. n the early seventies a couple of English blue-jackets in ah ure climbed to the top. of; ; the mountain that guards the en- trance, hauled after them a flag-7 staff and a Union Jack, set up the pole on the summit, and unfurled the flag to the breeze. searelf of | at the corner 'of Adelaide and. Chureh Streets, The politicians of the day were willing to accept the: conditions of the day, They con-! ceived of notbiag better than technical school for machinists, a view of the limited amount of mon- eountry. Galbraith * proposed School -of Practical Science _ to} teach engineering principles, and he was able, by reason of his per- sonality and reputation to convinese aia project which at that-time and in! (ey available was not suitable to the | i in} place of the School of Technology a! to make the journey To him, says the author, we un-| folded. our plan 'days up in the pueblo village, and w 'asked him if he could help us to rent | ing our disappo t, he added "Well, y soon fou r With that he int to the recesses of his La disappea iHittle abode dwelling of spending a stew! | house. No, he thought no one had | Bifition of happiness :---"To jany, and vem. ey a Then, see-'ed by a husband of whom you are : 'proud. To be rich enough to you eat your lunch, and I' life. Max O'Rel! puts into the mouth of the happy wife, in one ef his iclever sketches, the fol owing de- € lov- af- ford all the necessary comforts of To be poor enough to make pulliag together a necessity." She does not say "a husband whom you love,"' _but "of. whom you sre roud." He knew that much of our Ye ate our Tuneheon in leisurely | appreciation of cach other is a mat ifashion; then had a bit of siesta, and ter of reflection from the impression finally went to. look for é rd produced by our friends and re'a who clearly had plenty of life in him,' their escape. That seems the ae { The astounded and indignant | f oe ely a eh NS Sees F hearnet are doar oF ae house he wi > 'tives on the minds of others, W ber began to kick and plunge in @ danger-| reasonable explanation, At |Braziligns awoke one morning to | SaDsheds chercing kis ohn 7 * Med et yiis the husband whese apprgciation ous manner. fan we are told,; events, I teak advantaze of the! 'find an alien bunting flying aver! Sinco that time Dean Aialbraith ahonentty, 'ead ' mark a: "¥ ¥ ie! ol f his wife's charm is not ef Ahanced lost his head completely in wild excite- | armistice. and walking backward, |-theér territory from its most eans- has devoted himself to the task of Pretty soon ft ~s . oe ae b y the admiration of other® men! i thie one N rn Saag 7 imade good my_escane. |picvous eminence. Protests were | teac ching and directing the young} we. w wnited~tuanic five minutes by ll equally, where is the wife wh. speech to the boundless antennas After I had found the cattle and, ledged with the English minister, | engineers who come to him as pu- ithe watch. At the end of that time did not feel the pride in. ber ha- of his friends. driyen then home, I got a gun and. who, with the utmost politeness, | ipils. Teaching, and upholding the he- came out and glanced round the band an almost necessary elemec- returned to the seene of the bat-T one find no further trace of} ee en PERIL OF ST. PAUL'S. fight, | | apo logized for the thoughtless es- | principles capade of some entirely unknown | of the profession he loved, have heen the oue occuna- store,' picked up a large gray somb- rero adorned a magnificent hat- Nena: set it carefully on his raven in her affection for him? & the bears persons, and gravely told the Ta- | tion of Dean Galbraith' 8 life. _He locks, viewed himself in a square : ; - jzilian government that of course he | does not golf, fish, nor motor. Heljnch or two of mirror that bung be- Pearls of Truth. Weight of Cathedral Dome is 32,000 ee ; would have no possible ubjection to declines every offer--and there have | hind the. og ome one more last slow x an! dennot'-ravel--out - the : Tons. : _ i the prompt removal of the, flag and | heeao many--to obtain twiee his pre-|look about, { into the- next room, stitches in which early days, hare Tn an article on "The Peril of St. Tipping the Executioner. } pole. The emperor, however, could) seat 'income by aovepting appoint- patiod ane of the F tert fave thee i knit him Harriet Beecher Stowe. Pact' in the Architects and Balle! ot ine "executioners: tn England ;find no-subject in a)] bis wite em-| ments. in the industrial world. He fight, aoe aves, ps tet : @ had been It is only when eorevis'no POs- ers' Journal, Mr. W. Halley states that the weight of the cathedral | used ta add very considerably to, pire. who would volyrfeer ts make declines al] requests--and there are keeping him waiting: sible ameligration that endurance dome down to the top of the piers {s' their official salaries by the extor- | the ascent to. the summit of the many--for his: services as cunsult-} "You ready? Let's go." is fine courage:---H. 8. Merrimsn. $2,000 tons; that the piers y aatet tion of tips from their victims, and! 'mountain, which the people of Rio; ing @-gineer, unless he can. be cer-| ;_ egy The perfect civilized man is not merely of a covering of Portland a man of any rank was expected to} de Janéiro consideres unscalable. fain that such work, however lucra- only a sound, strong' body, 'but a over a core of rubble;-and that the pwnd his executioner "anything from | In -this- embarrassing dilemma, | tive, will not interfere with his- fa About Company. ' very elaborate fabric of mind.----B. fome leans over a few inches tobe five to fifty, guineas. If the tip 'the Brazilian evaramnete determin- | lege work; if it gives any su Company is one of the greatest G. Wells. south-west, a deviation from the ragh DR): were ietat enough: it was possible} « ed to knock over hy shoot- pleasures of the nature of man; for The great thing in his: world is, which has increased in recen tion of nflieting with his Saaty" "Wren through lack of oow dat ak to defeat the onde of justice. Thej ing at it, The Satna fleet was; he reyes it. Sometimes he per-| the- beams f joy. are made hotter |net eo mich ehete we standeras in . design inadvertently left too smatl a famous Jack Ketch once contcased | ordered to shoot the vffending pole:| mits. hémstif the' luxury ofa cande by. reflectio® when. related to an-., What direction. we are sesh margin of safety in. site supports. The, be haying accepted 20 gnine an om off the top of the mountain, Either trip iq the nérth country, a region other ;-and otherwise, 'gladness .it-|O. W. Holmes. T have come to the learned ' as a surveyor for thé C.PLR: Alone, ) love 'during his years. self must grieve for want of one to express itself to. It is unnatural the. seqnelusion from rather painful and laborious Bas od he i tent to put in With a tent! ¢. ndh litari-. i that in a' world imper- " portunity tix si "off hs scaffold and the target was too narrow ra a, jie te conteu put in with a tent) for a man to court a ug solitari-| experience tha probihits = Riad ad mingle with the crowd. W hereupsn | successful shot. At any rate, the | and some. grub avd paddle throwgh| ness; yet a desert is better oe -a| {ect as thisrworld is, and with hu denne arear round the cathedral. Ketch made a feint of pursuit, | Eniglish flag. flying over the proud} the wilderneises, silent save for the debauched sampseaah, for the w man nature still Fema tbs to at nee) Ls eized a white faced little « tailor; Brazilian city, remained, braving lapfiiig of lake water abd the sigh-| ness of the place ix but euebperful, tain an idea) perfection, ae! an Your umbrella will last } longer if from among . the --snectators { strung. hint up insted. pou dan't roll: itor vent tt the battle and the bievze, = it) rot away. ring of & vert:, On boceaxion he paddled from Lake Su- ane such while the panies of bad persons is {Pre 'absolutely Resins: ler infeeti ous. --Ful rovést Deana, f

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