= Abstract From Statement to Government ASSETS pare at Bank Balance, etc... Sil oe 970 1 Loan OCTOBER Sist, 1915 LIABILITIES = Estate, cee ste..... wesesone' Notes in circulation.............2..0.. $ 2,754,810 1,980" Depoaitan..<.ivecavssbcisessisescaitiecs 35,664,917 3 its by other Banks ............ 254,570 Set cox 3,789,792 Other" Liabilities...........0 600. 0... 909 29,600,179 To - Shareholders. 2,336,407 Capital all paid up .......s0. e000... 3,000,000 SSS SAE Ap ON 357,823 Reserve Fund & Ae Profits . 3,750,000 A safe depository for Sav'ng: or Trust Funds. Unexcelled Facilities for handling the Bank accounts of farmers, busiffess firms and merchants. : * Atwood Branch A. M. ROBINSON, Agent | % ta eae ; heat ae Seeley, Who Fitted Czar of Russia, Called to Stratford. F. H. Seeley of Chicago and Phila- delphia, the noted truss expert, will be at the Windsor Hotel and will re- January 8th.. Mr. Seeley Says : Spe atic Shield as now used and of rupture perfectly, affording im- mediate and complete relief, but ceived the only award in England and in Spain, producing results without surgety, harmful injections, medical treatments or prescriptions. Mre Seeley has documents from the Un- ited States Government, Wash., D.C. for inspection. -- All charity. cases without charge, or if any interested without charge or fit them if desired. Any one roptcred should remember the date and t: ke sdvaningy.¢ of this Sscpacenae ernmént will not only retain any case} - Limited, and find the same to be correct. Dated this 20th day of December, 1913. TuHos. E. SHEARER, } Ivy D. Suitu,) "Uditore. "Geo. Bray Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Public. r Listowel, Ontario Born.--In Elma, on Monday Dec. 22nd, 1913, to Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Partridge. @ son. A very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mrs. Thos. Preston, Britton, on Wednesday, Dec. 10th, whé her daughter Mina Elliot, was united in marriage to Mr. Walter D. Jickling. The bride, who wore a handsome travelling scit, was given away. by her brother,: Mr.. Andrew Preston. ee wast perform- ed in the presence of re- latives of the family by Her M: Nichol, of 'Knox baa Tidinee ANNUAL MEETING. The Annual Meeting of the Elma Cheese & Butter Manufacturing Co., Limited, will be held at the Factory on Saturday, January 3rd, 1944, at one o'clock p.m. for the purpose of receiying the Treasurer's and Aud- itors report, the election of officers for the ensuing year and any other business that may be brought before the meeting and also Tenders for the supply of Ice to fill ice house seven feet high ( blocks 20x20 inches pure and clean, and not less than eight loads of ice to be delivered each day when drawing) will be received Ly the. up till four o'clock pm. ou Saturday, January 3rd, 1914. cai Jr. Geo, Lochhead, dé Beaty Be 4 ys | Ea ES : = wa aus a cares rhe ie et ; © : ; me a . AS Ty faved 4 Amun -- Al ) y VD ADSIE | V ae ie E CCOL res An old fashioned greeting PBL ce see ee ce ee : as 5 he. * ~ j : 5 Se ia , To halance : Tast audit. vassewees censeans'ce Fer Spee ee as :, $ 48 58 ae reo Cae ELMA CHEESE AND BUTTER MANUFACTURING |" 902796 pounds choose, whoiseale.7.70.0."gssn 79 : ' ~--e a ey ery ety a a Sete Hag bea 72067 pounds cheese, patrons and 'others........ so OBR AB ess ¥ _ + Just a glad "hello" to say, Zz COMP Limited - by Pare 3105 pounds cheese, maker 404 52 4029906} 2 nterest on deposits ank Pia ae = A "Wish you all a Merry Christmas!" for the year ending December 31st, 1913 " Fines for deterior cosh hes SR ESRB re Nha in 's : ree ' In the good ol ned way _ *» (Incorporated, Aprif 28th, 1879.) _ B. F. Howes, one-half telephone contract......,.... 7-50 che ay ea lap = a me ' RD OF DIRECTORS Seed agen alae We'll sincerely wish once more" : | ; . 40420 72 With a merrier merry Christmas ake e ween ; EXPENDITURE. ; : s Than you've ever had before. : er Oe ee Paid by eh -- Thos. Dickson, Adam Willoughby, -- J.B. Hamilton, dr. atom beabenua' me 57 84890 07 Geo. Lochhead, Secretary and Treasurer. Re B. F. Howes, maker by cheque......... ....sss000- 1497 7 R. 8. Ballantyne, Salesman Ben. P. Howes, Maker.| 3 Pe | geabicn! maker by cheese 404 52 1 ; - GUE ANGWUED --ver-cacessesecteajesivesesSey Sucns: oath 1813 66 : E Cheese bakes o.oo ci lecdssesscscicesece cen, . BUTTER ACCOUNT. . ioeetent on buildings sash " rf Wes es : nsurance on cheese 4 RECEIPTS. : ; 5 Fee filing Government Report a To balance from last audit .....+........cseeccce se ceeceees $ 41,62] ., D- Murray, dividing whey 105 00 "* 14946 pounds butter, wholesale.. ....)..............- $4310 79 «3. Ls, Adolph, hardware BOCOUNE...22 + vores sees 1 85 "376% pounds butter, patrons and bps teen 108 44 , (D+ Murray, work at ice 2 50 "1903 pounds butter, maker.........5, .:csssereseeees 5532 ©. 4474 55| ., D- Bell, work at ice ; 2\50 " Ben. F. Howes, repairs to separator, Bas te. ; 10 801. « Jobn Hamilton, supply of ice ..........cessee0ee0e 57 00 : phone contrac! , Bell Teleph tract 15 00 ee $ 4596 97}, 16 bales Scale Boards 41 60 EXPENpDETURE. - . fieel ae & agen Co., steel vat °....... 120 00 = é 3 ompson, 3 agitators 45 00 is Paid patrons by c cheques : $3881 77 B. F. Howes, cheese ¢ QDIOTING csv aveserseiavearesses Store will be open Evenings until patrons by butter tease 108. 44 3990 21 2 B. F. Howes, board account od oe y Christmas 3 B. F. Howes, maker by cheque...4.....-.:-. 254 94 : B. F. Howes, pasteurizing, elevating, etc......... 100 00 gis B. F. Howes, maker by butter...2 55 32 310 26 E. G. Coghlin, supplies ...............25 ceee seseees 6 30 Beginning Saturday, Dec. 20 " D--D. Murray, dividing skim milk..., 16 20|. " Nichols'Chemical Co., sulphuric acid ....:...-:.. 3 64 . Freie pana As Express .......-- fa 6 40}. asvend Bee. printing and advertizing............ 10 25 : " Butter boxes . 46 00| ". Dairyman"s fees.......c...ccccccsesccussceceessee veces Gowdy & Co Limited, Listowel *" DeLaval Dairy 'Supply Co. ropa Separators 15 90} " Freight and express '4 *9 Cash and one price " "Wm. Furtney, cement work at separtaor......... 5°00} " Draying ........ 5 20 "The store for all the people "- Robt. May, crating separators. .4....0.. 0.0.05 150} " Hoseand ticking.........5..cccc.ccsceee cesceseece eon 63 "John Coghlin, teaming butter and boxes......... 8 00} " Wm. Hume, shingling stable 4 50 *" R. M. Ballantyne, Ltd., parchment paper ....... 5 75| " Geo. Hamilton, rep. engine, boiler & other work 4 50 "Insurance 20 85} " Sand and brick 1 "John Roger, pt. hardware account .......:6..6...4 30 00} " R.M. Ballantyne, Ltd., castors & test bottles .. 8 rs "J. C. Baker, for coal 251} " Who. H. Jolly, shingles and lime.................. ' 19 92 i ream Wanted " R:8. Ballantyne, pt. salary as saieous oecies 10 00} " . Telephoning 8 00 " » bd "Geo. psig eee pt. salary as Sec.-Treas......... 35 00| " Terry & Hodge, blacksmith account............... 45 20 PRG isc cccs Mba eee Nb bees daipesecs * . H. Mi i HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE PAID BY US aia il 8 | -: Sete io ee 7 00 : $ 4526 97! " Postage and Stationery 3 24 Test every shipment. MeRAR | El i ten ag acon ag --, i? 48 02 ie Ir R.A. Roe, of Elma,. accom-| | Fairbanks, Morse Co., rep. justing scale ... 3 a every two weeks. Cash cheques at par. . . . D. A. Kidd, M. D. panied by Misses Carrie Roe and} < Chas. Kesso, repairing engine 2 00 t us send you a can. It will cost you nothing to give us a trial. 2 Outari Annie Wynn are spending the holi-|- " Certificate for scales .........c...22..0sceceeeee seees 3 00 Call and spe us when in town or write us for fuller particulars. Main Street, Atwood, Outario. [days with Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Y.| " Taxes a 46 81 . REFERENCE, BANK OF HAMILTON. PHYSICIAN _| Smith, of New. York. «| ™" John Close, blacksmith account .................. ~ + 200 Perth Greamery Co. Aldrich Bros. SURGEON The guessing contest at L. Peachey's| ,, i ane prin, ii 21 75 Listowel Ont ACCOUCHEUR store closed on Saturday evening. m ex orrison, repairs wagon Cee ecerensneeccee 1 85 s Managers Contankn te number of beansthat were seal-| .. BS peg sate Ec salary a8 salesman ..... ? 40 00 ---- -- . ed in the bottle numbered 1083. The| ,, 4"terest on borrowed money ; 22 50 H B Morphy K Cc Executive Officer of Board of Health #itper was. Miss Nowport, of town, A. Willoughby, shipping choese . veeee 12 00 FARM FOR SALE. o ee y Specialties, Eye, Ear, Nose, Throat.| she gussing 1090, "Jas. Donaldson, work, boxing and meetings. =e 41 20 Barrister, Notary Public, Convey- Diseases of Women and Children. | "NOTICE TO CREDITORS--All| . Jas. Newbigging, ' tenes 17 50 A farm containing 100 acres, more ancer. --e aosall accounts for repairs and small! « Thos. Dickson, " " a Rt 17 30 or less, being lot 9, con. 6, Elma,on} Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton J Cecil H . s must be paid on or before the| A. Willoughby, ;, a Bri, Meee aths 23 70 the premises *thére is ' good bank} "1 i.t el -- Milverton -- Atwood . . = Gir airiineyy 192% yee Reverie ii Rete aa ts 60 barn, 64x44 ;° a good driving shed, Offices. :Li ; ; Barrister, Conveyancer ve thoney to pay my own accounts.|. « Geo. cae bal. salary as 'seoretary: -treas... soa 100 00} - 30x40; | hog pen and hen house, 56x ces,;Listowel and Milverton Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canad fe Anex. MORRISON, ATWoop. Sudivoreiss 500 20, and a brick veneered house all in Money to Loan. t Loan = Al C PSR LOTS, snot walete, <A euel cectank ull ; oney to i most eyery trade and profession $ 40420- 72 fonced sgid well drsinedend a num-| 7 CATES adic pin Hato One MMMGE Ys special intoredte "Toate Recapitulation. gee pepe rirctage Le Listowel Business Branch office--Main-st., Atwood, in oe je papers, but only one Total ndmber of pounds cheese ............csscssees-ssereeeees 31310 new susie! "Teruo mae known on - COLLEGE same building as the Clerk of Town- sti truly be called The Farmer's Total pounds milk made into cheese ..... .......00..sseeeceee 3472293 pest ieee ' ship of Elma. Will visit Atwood| Business Paper. That paper is The P application "to Frank Nicholson on any time and grow with us. » 'Weekly Sun. Every farmer should Average pounds milk to pound cheese 11.09 . me peas or Alex. Morrison, At-{ p,, parfioulars, address, . overy Thursday afternoon. subscribe for The Sun. It will be Average price per pound cheese 12.848 wood. Edwin G: Matthews, y Principal " Ren Ti ---- = |found very helpful and pay for itself Ayerage test for cheese ......... iss dkeuiiasenp Sapeevnae-Sesseuae 3.698 . "a " enewing ss many times over. Tons of cheese during the season ...... .....eeeee 156 tons 11072 Ibs. ae a ee Total number of pounds butter .......... ....ccee.ceecee ceces 15513} 7 Winter Term From January 5th Total pounds cream made into butter 24068 CENTRAL Total pounds milk made into butter' ......c.ccceeee eee eee 179032 Kj Average pounds fat per 100 pounds cream ...... ....... ... 27.428 YY, y Ayérage pounds fat per 100 pounds milk .................... 3.827 ATRATFORT, OFT. « Average pounds butter per-pound of-fat'....... tye tT neees 1.16 zs peta. beet Busines training = Average price per pound butter............c.c.ccccecee cesecees 98.84 ; school. We haye thorough courees £ ---- ; ASSETS. ; a ie "|'To cheese boxes and scaleboards on hand...... .....sssse--ssesees $ 31 70 ' @ pnt -- Cash in Bank from part December butter ..................0064 878 08 . sin Telography Value of Jands : 250 00 ; ; size j Sei ctaaity atid sue competent Value of building and plant .......0....ccceseneeee © ceeeee ceeeees 7600 60 : instructors. : $ 8759 78 ' ' We offer you advantages not LIABILITIES ° > dtiered elsewhere. You do not , . , } know what an up-to- date school J! Amount due treasurer ......: ..cecsecsssscscscceecere cocescacees seacs $ 61 4 ; can do for you unless you have re- ' e 3 ceived our free catalogue. Patrons for part December butter, BBY -coccecvoce cacccvccccsece ses 800 00 ' 1 ' Borrowed on note, Mary G. Murray 250 00 \¥ fo: once. : id 3 = - | gain pecarc Rorrowed on note, Jas. Donaldson, Sr...........secceeseeeee ceerees 200 00 | Bank of Hamilton 2 D.A. McLachlan, Principal ar 1 or BI Total Assets over Liabilities................0+ 7448 64 IN BUSINESS OVER FORTY YEARS Rupture Expert Hore We, the undersigne @aving examined the accounts of the Receipts and Expenditures of the Elma Cheese and Butter Manufacturing Co.,