pp ON. the holidays, <. res "thie store de paid phics Yor al the jal in the vicinity and for miles around---to trade. | F irstly oom By the quality of our goods. We are here to replace any article that proves not just as represented. Tell us when our goods fail to give satisfaction. Second] yaa. By the moderate prices at which they are sold. At the close margin of profit possible only to those who And Thenaa== BY BETTER SERVICE, prompt and painstaking at- tention to your commands. We buy produce and pay every cent that the market will allow---cash if you wish it. Gowdy & Co, Limited _"The store for all the people" Listowel. ra Cream Wanted. HIGHEST PRICES WILL BE PAID BY US Pe Test every shipment. Pay every two weeks. Cash cheques at par. Let us send youacan. It will cost you héthing to give us a trial. Call and see us when in town or write us for fuller particulars. REFERENCE, BANK OF HAMILTON. Perth Creamery Co. Listowel, Ont Aldrich Bros. Managers Write it--1914. Miss Florence Wherry is home from the 'West, Carman Huéser was at Dutton "ere te Mr. and Mrs.-D. Hodga. spent th : holidays' at Mitchell. 'i Mr. and Mrs. Wm. _tambe were in Harriston_ for Ne Miss Mildred eae: of Toronto, was home over the holidays. Mrs. J. P. Greensides was in Brantford over the holidays. This is renewing time.--We have clubbing rates witb all papers. Miss Irene Johnson, of Detroit, is visiting at her home in town. Mrs. Grant Anderson, of St. Mary's spent New Years Day in town. Mr. Wm. Porter, of Mimico, spent hed Loss at his home i in town, day on the 71 ith con. Nett Béekey morning | the Rey. Dr. 'Husser will speak on 'Ideal Liy- ing Mr. Robt. Hamilton, of Chicago spent abe holidays with his parents in tow Mr. a Mrs. Wm. Coppin and aughter Frances, of St. Catharines, spent New Years at the home of Mr. Wa. Wherry, 10th con. oe a ONT.: beet Bosiness training school We have' thorough cou 1° 'Comméreint Shorthand, _ avd Telegraphy ; is mg and nine competent 3 We offer. gee ailvantages ee offered élsewhere. You do no know what an up-to-date | school spr 3s for you =---- ats ave ved our free cata' Write for it at once. D. A. McLachlan, Prnepa ; Bt vii . sont New Yor] s Young of Brantford, sister, "Mrs. J. P. Green- oe 3 with her cousin, Mrs. E. A. Mr. and ie McCallum spent the| holidays at the home 'of Mr. Hugh i Me Court. _ Mrs. W. G. Tnglis and Miss Nellie McKeown are visiting in Stratford this week. Mr. and Mrs. Tindall, of We ad co spent New Years with Mrs. Geo. | Grabam. Mr. Geo. McKay, of Moncrieff, has been very ill, but at present is some- what better. Wm. A. Hammcnd, of Chatham. AUCTION SALE. Unreserved auction, sale of furm stock, maplianie. effects. The People's Auctionees have received in- structions from Fredrick Seelhoff to sell at public auction on Hast half lot 28, con. 12, Elma, on Tuesday, Jan. 13,1914, The -following val- uable effects, viz: black driver 8 years old, black mare rising 3 years 'Jold, brood mare in foal 5 yesrs old, filley rising 1 year old, gelding rising 2 years old, 6 good cows supposed to be in calf, farrow cow, 2 fat cows, 5 steers rising 2years old, 9 heifers rising 2 years old, 3 brood sows due in March, 2 store hogs about 125 !bs each, 100 hens, 2 Massey-Harris binders 1 nearly new, Massey Harris mower nearly new, Massey- Harris hay loader nearly new. Deering hay tedder, Deering side delivery, Frost & Wood dumprake, Frost. & Wood cultivator, Deering cultivator, culti- vator with seed boxs Massey-Harris seed drill, aet harrows 3 sections, set harrows 4 sections, 2 steel rollers, walking plow, 2 gang plows, truck wagon, lumber wagon, pair bobsleighs pair heavy bobsleighs, cutter, 2 bug- gies, cutting box, 10 horse power on truck, root pulper, hay rack, gravel box, fanning mill, set weigh scales 2000 Ibs. capacity, set double har ness nearly new, water troughs, 2 sets boubletrees, neckyokes, chains, pair good horse blankets, range burns either coal or wood, wood cook stove; wood heater, Magnet cream tity sap buek-'s und « hoe articles. Everything goes serve as the proprietor has ¢ farm and is retiring. Sale- to coe mence at one o'clock sharp. Terms-- '110 month's credit on sumsover $10, on furnishing approved joint notes, that amo ant amount and under, cash. A discount of 6 per per cent. per an- num off for cash on sums over $10. W.D. Weir & Son, Auctioneers; Fredrick Seelbof, Proprietor. - eee aa Bank of Hamilton IN BUSINESS"OVER FORTY YEARS 4 OCTOBER Sist, 1913 Abstract From Statement to Government ? A safe depository for Savings or Trust Funds. the Bank accounts of farmers, business firms and merchants, A. M:ROBINSON, Agent . | Notes in circulati : $ 2,754,810 . otes in circulation.......,....-....+ ,754, Cash, Cheques, Bank Balance, etc.....$7 Hy meh Deposits.........cceccesseesseee seneceees 35,664,917 Call Loans £,0% Deposits by other Banks ............ 254,570 Goyernment "Bonds and other In- Other Liabilities.....,............ .... 85,909 Louies ee ents den eeeeeee peccccecseeesscece Pea omg To the Shareholders. : 308. Capital all paid up .......... -....... 8,000,000 * Real Psiate, Building, etc.............. sya ce Fan a & & Bulan ae a 3°750,000 ee ee a Total Asse Be vasevenier sa OWGe " $46,000,000 Unéxcelled Facilities for handling Atwood Branch | ----h spent the holidays at his homé on the 14th con. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Smith, of | Dutton, spent New Years with the Rey. Dr. Husser and family. The Elma Council will meet next Monday, Jan. 12th, at eleven o'clock for organization and general business. Mr. and. Mrs. Earl Switzer and family, of Strathcona, arrived in town on Wednesday evening of last week. Miss Edna Ayers, of Barrie, spent the holidays with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Duncan, i2th con. Mr and Mrs. J. Cowing ard grand- son, Of Innerkip, spent last week at the home of Mr. W. G. Inglis, 8th con. . Miss-Hanna Little has returned to Stratford Normal School after spend- ing the holidaye at B ine home on the 8th con. Andrew Robb delivered to T. G. Ballantyne two one-year-old steers ikl which he received the sum of 176 a McMillen, of Priceville, Ont., has been engaged as teacher for the Junior department of Atwood Public chool. DIED.--In. Elma, on Monday, Jan. 5th, 1914, Effie Ellen beloved daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Adam Smith, aged 1 year, 1 month and & days. The funeral took place from the fam- ily residence, lot 28, zon. 8, Elma, on Stores Jan. 7th to Elma Centre 6 annual meoting of the- Donegal eése and Butter Mfg. Co. Ltd., will be be held at the factory at Donegal on Saturday, Jan. 10th, at 1.80 p.m. for the purpose of receiying the aud- itors report and other general busi- ness that may come before the meet- ing. , Allan Petrie, President. Emerson Vipond, ___ Secretary. ANNUAL "MEETING. Thé annual meeting of the Elma Reform Association will be held in the Music Hall. Atwood, on Friday, January 9th, 1914, at 1.30 p.m.; for the election of officers. and other business It is expected that E. W. Neshitt, M.P., of North Oxford; R. T. Hardie, Barrister, of Stratford, and others will address the meeting. JAS. NEWBIGGING, W. DONALDSON, President. Secretary. ANNUAL MEETING. The annual meeting of the Agri- cultural Society will be held' in the Agricultural Hall, Atwood, on Satur- day, Jan. 17th, 1914, at one o'clock p.m. for the purpose of receiving the auditors reports, electing officers for the ensuing year and transacting any other business that may be brought before the meeting. Chas. Vallance, President. ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Elma Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Agri- cultural Hall, Atwood, on Tuesday, Jan. 27:h, 1914, at two o'clock for the purpose of receiving the reports of the Directors and Auditors, for the election'of officers and any other business which may come before the meeting. Z. G. Ratcliffe, Secretary. J. R. Hammond, Seeretary. ANNUAL MEETING. The District L. O. L. of Elma will open in the Orange hall, Listowel, on Tuesday, Jan. 13th at 2 p.m, for general business. and electicn of oflicers. soun Allord, District | Alford, District Secretary. ANNUAL (UAL MEETING. . The Royal Scarlet. Chapter of the istrict. of Elma will open in the range hall.at Donegal on. Wednes- day, Jan. 14th-at 7 p.m. for. intitine tions and election of officers... Jobn Alford, Com. Bethe. odin: at "Barth, 16 : J. 8. Cowan, Vice-President. "Atwood, Ont.. R. RB. No. 2. J. R. Hammond, Secretary and Treasurer, Atwood, Ontario. . SF. Love Atwood'R. BR. No. 3, Jas, Moffat, Carmunnock, Gat Jobn McCloy, Mil §. 8. Rothwell, _Britton, J, K. Baker, Henf T. E. Shearer, Listowel, BR. R. No. 2, x Stevenson, Atwood, R. R. No. 4. * Auditors, Jas. H. Thomson, Henfryn, Ontario. Wa. H. Jolly; Atwood, Ont. ' Bankers. Bank of Hamilton, Atwood. Sterling Bank of Canada, Monkton. To the Members of the Elma Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company : Your Directors beg to submit the following report for the year just * closed : The number of Policies issued during the year was 449 and the num- ber in force at the end of the year was 1482. The amount of business written for the year was $1,353,415.00. The amount expired and cancelled was $1,165,715.00 leaving a net amount io force at the end of the year of $4,318,450.00 being an increase of $187,700 in the amount at risk. The Premiunr Notes held hy the Company amount to $215.929.50 and the unassessed residue or amount available on Premium vowe: is $196,132.19. The Company has met with heavy losses during 1913, but these have all been paid promptly and a balance of $8,777.22 has been carried over to the new year and a balance of $605.25 of the 1913 assessment still to collect. The Auditors Report of Receipts and Disbursements with certified statement is appended thereto. The Directors who retire are 8. S. Rothwell, J. 8. Cowan and James Moffat, all of whom are eligible for re-election. It will also be your duty to appoint two auditors for the year 1914. All of which is respectfully submitted. D. B. Grieve, President. Dated January Sth, 1914. AU J. 8. Hammond, Secretary. DITORS' REPORT. --- RECEIPTS. Cash balance from last audit ........ $9857 53 Collected on assessments of 1913 ' 7780 83 Collected on previous 457 45 Toterest..........66 seccsscees 164 O1 $ 8402 29 DISBURSEMENTS. Paid for Losses Statutory assessment and Licbnse eae stationery and advertising. ' Rent of bal or meetings $ 8862 28 45 09 42 00 PPP eee Pee Creer er oe ieee! ee Treas Auditors salaries si 4 *~ Adjusting claims 49 "Grant to Underwriters A sti 5 " Sundries............. . eepasecpnyde eoURsend © eenek Nesesdederensinnds 9482 60 - ASSETTS. Cash in Head Office 41 88 Cash in Bank of Hamilton, Atwood 4427 Cash in Bank of H Listowel 2032 85 Cashin Sterling Bank, Monkton hin ieee eevcanves 2275 31 Unpaid assessments........ 605 25 Safe...... $100.00 Premium notes available.............20... «.- 196132 19 $ 205514 66 LIABILITIES. None. We the undersigned Auditors of the Elma Farmers' Mutual Fire In- surance Company hereby ceftify that we haye duly audited the Books, Ac- counts and Vouchers of the Company for the year ending 31st December, 1913, and that we find thé same to be correct. We also certify that the foregoing Financial Statement on which this our certificate is endorsed is correct and that the cash balance a the Bist . mber to the credit of the Company is as follows : Cash in Head Office.. ; $ 41 88 Cash in Bank of Hamilton, Atwood ka 4427 18 Cash in Bank of Hamilton, Listowel 2032 85 Cash in Sterling Bank, Monkton................2:-cceseeeescesesecees one 2275 31 W. H. JouLy ) Signed + Auditors. J. H. Toomson) Dated this 5th day of January, 1914: Lossés Paid in 1913. Robt. Hanna, Jr., barn and ofatents by fire............0.. ceeeeeeeee $ 4452 00 Philip Sippel, horpe damaged by lightning..................00c0e-ceeeee 75 00 John W. McKay, house damaged by lightning M52 GesiTatns caNeoewasn 3 00 Walter Kerr, cow killed by . 55 00 M. Krauter,:cow killed by 5, See en 50 00 Jas. M. Dickson, cow killed by " 55 00 M. H. Mueller, steer killed by = 28 00 Wm. P. Anderson, = ney by | ct tcmns vp raicabbisekees 250- 00 Jchn Ritz, two steers killed b * "A 73 00 John Langford, cow killed fgg *: 62 00 Jos. Cummings, house damaged by A ene See 8 00 Robt: Buchanan, calf killed by Eos poiftees paslaxiasessoee 13 00 Robt. Harkes, barn damaged by 'é 5 00 Jas. Hamilton, cow killed by 35 00 T. E. Alexander, buggy burnt in fire at Listowel 12 00 R. Karges, calf killed by lightning 15 00 Jas. and nean, d barn and contents by fire ........ eiaeake 340 00 Wm. H. Cleland; barn damaged by lightning Dstt tiaticevearws achat 3 00 Thos. McLellan, heifer killed by 30 00 Jas. W. Scott, four cows damaged by - " 50 00 Robt. Buchanan, heifer killed-by ge RE ar eer 85 00 -Geogge Hurst, contents. of drive barn by fire 246 49 | David Bartja, drive barn damaged by lightning CPE TPES TEN 6 Emerson Vipond, bara and contents by fire 1925 83 }Jas. M, Semple, barn and contents by fire 1016 56 David McNeil, house damaged: by palit ior a re aR 8 00 Saniuel Lytle, barn damaged by 5 ; : 6 40 Jos. Pia, ei iy ane Be: ah Ni nvenseanttr ie ckeakaye 4.00 : ie $ 8862 28