Vol. 24. No. 47. E. H. Swing, Prorrreron. METHODIST - CHURCH SUMMARY OF SILVER ~ - CORNERS FACTORY. Pounds of milk received 1571038. Pounds of cheese 139531. Pounds of milk ayerage 11.26. Price per pound 12.85. Cost of making per 100 Ibs. 1.53. Disbursements amounted to $17,- 951.18. FOUR ECLIPSE. During 1914 there will-be four eclipses---two of the sun and two of the moon, and a transit of Mercury over the sun's disk. The annual eclipse of the sun, Feb. 24 25, is not visible here, A partial eclipes of the moon on March 11 12be seen here between 9 p.m.on March 11th and 2 p.m. on March 12th. A total ecilpse of the sun-occurs on Aug. 21st parti- ally visible here. On Sept. 4th a tial eclipse of the moon. occurs ae tween 4 and 5 a.m., and on Noy. 7tb the transit of Mercury. The Quarterly Service will be held Lord's Supper will be administered. The pastor'§ subject will be "Death and how to conquer it." The Quarterly Official Board will meet Monday afternoon af 2 o'clock and the Church Trustee Board at three o'clock. There will be no service in the evening as the pastor will conduct service at Donegal at 7 o'clock. Rev. Dr. Husser is in Mitchell to- day (Thursday) conducting a Sunday School Institute. > ------- PRESBYTERIAN NOTICE. On Sunday the first day of Feb- ruary at the morning service thejh Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be dispensed and the preparatory service will be held on re Jan. 81st, at 2.30 p.m.--Rev. W.A. Amos, Pastor. Government experts and engineers have been sent for to examine the sinking of the Turnberry township main roadway for one hundred feet. It has been filled up once with stones but is now down again about six feet and impassable for two hundred yards. The residents are much alarm- ed and fear there is a hitherto un- known subterranean river connecting Lake Huron running through the district, and that eyerything will be swept away eventually. The students of the Stratford Nor- mal school held their annual " At Home" on Friday evening, January 23rd. In spite of the threatening weather it wasa great success, about five hundred attending. Those who attended from here were Misses Ada and Alice McMane, Jessie Inglis, Margaret Edgar and Messrs. Lloyd } Vallance, Chester Little, Murray In- glis and Albert Cogblin. SS SSS >) Fine Salt in Bbls. and 100 pound bags. a -- -------- Teas--We carry only the best Salada and Red Rose. The Star Grocery H} Here's a good nee list of Goods wanted every day in the 7Sor Saaon ies t +; Intereati _ Moreover .on ac if .... 2 pounds 25c 3 pounds 25c 3 pounds 25c 3 bottles a an Vi peri fine. large clean stock } Finest selected Blue Brand Raisins............ Vanilla and other extracts......... 1 can Corn and 2 cans Peas Rolled Shoulder, Breakfast Bacon, Back Bacon, Long clear Bologna, Cooked Ham, Headcheese, Weiners, Sparerihs and Pork Sausage. FISH--Fresh froxex Herring. Fresh Water Herring in kegs, Salmon Trout in kegs, Salt Water Herring, Finnin Haddie Cod Fish and Oysters. FLOUR AND FEED We bandle only the best brands in Milverton brands. We have the Jewel, the Five Jewel and the Pie Crust and in the Lake of the Woods we have the Five Roses and the Harvest Queen. We haye just received 2 mixed car of Bran and Shorts and will sell Bran at $23 per ton, Shorts at $24 per ton., also haye Milverton Bran, Shorts and Low Grade always on band. FOR THE HENS--Ground bone, grit and oyster sheil. We pay the highest market price for Butter, Eggs, Dried Apples. " Goods delivered to any part of the Town" | E. T. Greensides & Son enene 6 5 Announcement next week W. R. ERSKINE, Ma'n Street, Atwood Phone 1 SB ICL IC WDB ILI VOI IN ILIOD ! - next Sunday morning, when the | | FOR F ' ELMA AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY MET. The Annual Meeting of the Elma Agricultural Society was held on Saturday, Jan. 17th, 4, There was a fair attendaice © Ps members. The officers elected 1914 were as follow:-- President.--Chas. Vallance. lst Vice-President.--J. 8. Cowan. Directors.-- Geo. Gordon; J. W. ers, W. C. Hewitt, H. Ronnenbe Ino. Ballantyne, J. L. Horn an Artbur Simpson. i Auditors:--A. M. Sweeton and Stevenson. Hon.-Directors:--Y. Coulter, Thod Dickson, T. G. "Bdllantyne, Alex Struthers and V. Shade. Lady Directors:--Mrs. G. Locb- head, Mrs. Wm. Morrison, Mrs. Terry, Miss Ella Hamilton and Edi Hammond. Delegate to the Toronto Conger ion:--Chas. Vallance, with J." as alternate delegate. Sec.-Treasurer:--T. G. Ratcliffe. Fair was left to the discretion-of the. directors. Fall Fair was Sept. 22nd and 23rd. A field crop competition in Oats tries are received by the Secretary before the first of May, the entrance. | fee for which will be $1.00 to ne bers of the society. As the prizes 'for |r this competition are extremely bral |g it is to be hoped that a large number) of entries will be secured. ; Further particulars will appear a later issue. ----- > Miss Mclatosb, the talented elocutionist of Woodstock, © sisted by first-class m talant, will give a concert Music on. cert mission 25c. Miss Mary Murray is visiting with | Stratford friends. | The Elma Council will meet on February 7th, for general business. TILLY--- TORRANCE. | A very pretty wedding was solem- nized on Wednesday, Jan. 21, at. |" 'Beechwood Farm," the home of Mr. +and Mrs. Adam Torrance, when their | eldest daughter, Ethel Mabel, became |the bride of Jobn 8. Tilley, of Moose Jaw, Sask. Rey. John Little,-pastor of the North Mornington church, tied the knot in the presence of a goodly number of the invited guests. 'Fhe bride looked charming, gowned in palo mauve taffeta silk with overdress of pale mauve silk marquisette with pearl trimmings and wore the cus- tomary bridal yeil and the groom's gift, a sun burst of pearls, and car- ried a beautiful bouquet of bridal roses and maiden hair fern. The ceremony waa performed under an arch of eyergreens with carnations and streamers of white ribbon. The the arm of her father, to the strains of the wedding march, played by cou- sin, Miss Eva Torrance, of Milver- ton. Miss Susie Torrance assisted as bridesmaid and looked charming in a gown of chamois silk and wore a corsage bouquet ayd the groom's favor, a pearl ring. -/The groom was ably supported -by his cousin, Mr. Stanley Leggatt, of Hamilton. The groom's gift to the best man was a stick pin set with pearls. During the signing of the register, Miss Mabel Kemp sang, "Because," after which the bride and groom led the way to the dining room, which was beautifully decorated with white and pink carnations, smilax and ribbon, where a sumptuous repast wus par- taken of. Rey. Mr, Little acted as toast-master and proposed a toast to the bride, which was ably responded to by the groom and he in turn pro- poséd.a toast to the bridesmaid, which was responded to by the groomsman. The presents were numerous inielaaing several checks. Childre sn Ory - FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Children Cry CHER'S -- ORIA CAS i | 5 2nd Vice-President.-- W. Morrison. }{ i Dickson, C. W. Harvey, Wm. Struth-|4 The queston of holding a Spring i The-date chosen for holding the will be held provided sufficient en- | ¥ = 'Ony. of Listowel, were exceptionally - . . . 2 Bi thet a ber Deu! aon pea 1" Sellinn Bays ET 1day and Saturday Selling Days e supper served by the members -------- the hungry throng, suffice to say, did bride entered the drawing room on}. PERTH COUN CIL FOR YEAR 1914. S.E. Smith, R Reeve of Wallace, |! ected Warden. The County Council for 1914 which}; will conduct the affairs of Perth is as follows : Blanshard--T. Mclrvine. Downie--Geo, Kastner. - N. Easthope--Julius Cook. WILLIAM CAMPBELL HANGED AT MONTREAL © Montreal. Jan. 24.--Wm. Camp- bell, colored, was hanged this morn- ing for the murder of Geo. Muir, with whom he quarrelled over a woman. Just before the execution this' morn- ing the condemned man asked per- mission to address a small group of people gathered in the death room, but Sheriff Lemieux would not per- mit it. Just as the trap door was sprung one of the jail puards fainted | | i nt _HAD A BIG NIGHT. Felted, Gaol Pagal" and Dance. -- , onday evening was Scotchman's ht, rom 'all parts of the dis- : wept were present to ebjoy to- eet the Melrose Camp i ig noted 8. Easthope-- Werner Krug. with a terrible shriek, causing much By cight-thirty upwards of 400 Tse a -- RB. Armstrong, George! excitement. Campbell was a Virginia man.' He was wanted in Cincinnati for the al- leged murder of two women settlo- ment workers. In a signed statement left with the jailer, Campbell said he :was the victim of a frame-up by detectives. He warned all colored men to beware of the entanglements of white wo- men, CIC GOVE CGO i IE THE NYAL STORE Nyal's Preparation of Cod Liver Oil with Wild Cherry and Hyphosphites. muse and encore. Mr. McCulloch If your little daughter is not so robust and sturdy as you @ welcomed back by Atwood would like to see her, give her Nyal's Preparation of Cod Liver pany time. Mrs, Nesbit Ham- Oil: fave three solos in good style "was heartily. encored. The foiaHs composed of Wm. Robb, fe Porter and John Peebles and z i, McMane, accompanist, dé- d the gathering so well that d to come back after cach Miss Thompson, choir 'of Knox church, Listowel, ithe house with her numbers » apy encores and will welcomed by an Aiwond = Hugh Porter who-has} had assembled in the Music filling it to the doors. t. George Lochhead, who acted airman in his efficient manner, enced the entertainment by Bon Mr. Young, of Kincardine, | umber on the bag pipes, and the evening enlivened all pre- Many numbers of which he ready to give. Mr. Geordie hilton, one of the camps most HY Tespected members, sung sev- B0Dgs, pleasing the audience just as in years gone by. Mr. & McCulloch, of Toronto, baritone r, made his first appearance to , rood crowd, und was well re- » his numbers were good Scotch , and were sung with the yim ness that brought rounds of Elma--Wm. Scott, 8. 'Smith. Fullarton--Oliver Harris. Hibbert--A. A: epachoune Logan--John Rudolp Mornington--A. sei Listowel--A. W. Featherstone. Mitehell-- Wm, Martin. _ Milverton--F. Zimmerman. Wallace--S. E. Smith. Es uc This is a fine old standard remedy--a great flesh produeer--- prescribed for either children or adults who lack flesh or strength. It has been known to arrest the ravages of wasting diseases and is a great help in restoring thin or emaciated convalescents to complete health. Children who cannot take pure Cod Liver Oil can take Nyal's Preparation. Large bottle $1.00, smaller bottle 50c. Our customers tell us that Nyal's is better than any other Preparation they ever used Won't you giye us an eojoeuiae the next time you want hing in drugs or medi to prove this store's leadership ? 9 in singing setetel Toles ive Ri id, 'at Peterboro' gave four 'that brought the house to laughter and encores. The duetts given by Mrs. Steyenson and Miss who had. their hands full to servs will be the closing days of Schinbein's Big 15 Day Reorganization Sale. Extraordinary values will be offered all this week, but Friday and Saturday 80 until the inner man was com- pletely satisfied with the good things provided, afterwards dancing was in- dulged in until the wee' sma' hours specially. of the morn when they all joined <P - bands and sung "Old Lyne Syne?' ate DRESS GOODS 168 MEN'S A lot of good, heavy Dress OVERCOATS Hugh Simpson of East Garafraxa and.-bis wife Elizabeth, were murder- Goods, 54 in. wide, all good Including Fur, Fur-lined and ed by their son Edgar while tempor- colors. Fur-collared Coats. arily demented, who afterwards qgm- On Sale 59c. Friday and Saturday we will mitted suicide. offer these Coats at COST and Mr. Chas. Henry, of Logan, suffer-|f§ GINGHAMS a BELOW. a A , Saturday night If you don't need the Coat Cn eeods.ioss On : y nignt, this winter, it will pay you to when bis stable along with contents, Reg. 124c and 15¢ buy it for NEXT wi - yy opens four horses and six cattle On Sale at 10c. ee were destroyed by fire. The cause =! of the fire is not known. A small MEN'S AND BOYS' insurance was carried in the Elma PRINTS SUITS ; Fire Insurance Company. Saturday will be the last day bat "vod wii be abla to bay Every Suit in-our Store has The annual meeting of the mem- been marked down and has a bers of the Atwood Public Library lic Prints ticket on. willbe held in the Clerk's office on For 10c. ; . Monday, February 2nd, at 7.30 p.m., MEN'S SUITS for the election of a board of directors Reg. $22.00, for ......... $18.00 for 1914 and other business in the LADIES' AND ---- Reg. 20.00, for ......... 16.00 interests of the Library. All mem- COATS : Reg. 15.00, for ......... 12.48 4 befs are requested to attend. T. G. Reg. 10.00, for ......... 8.00 Ratcliffe, secretary. Ax = rig -- at be 4 Boye ShETs : Pee eats Motatoab, A. ee chat en a 'offering < = Reg. $10.00, for......... $8.00 a large audi ss ia Old St. Paul's Church in this city. -4 the Original Value soe nar _ a. pe She is an elocutionist of rare ability, Ree 5.00, foes... 3.79 and her readings are wholesome and FURS . eh ge ns d without affectation. Miss McIntosh has a winning personality and a pre- possessing appearance. She is bound to secure an appreciatiye house.--R. H. Shaw, Rector of Old St. Paul's, Woodstock ' DIED.--There passed away at the home of her daughter, Mrs. McCoig, Walkerville, on Friday, January 23rd, Jean Clarke, relict of the late John Watson, i in her 84th year. The re- mains were brought to Atwood on Saturday evening and on Sunday afternoon the funeral seryice was held at the undertaker's emporium, conducted by the Rev. W. A. Amoa of the Presbyterian church. Inter- ment was made in Elma Centre Cemetery. The deceased was for- merly of Sas' having lived'on lot 7, con. COAT SWEATERS In all shades and styles. per cent. off reg. price. WOOLLEN GLOVES, reg* 30c, for 19¢; 20c, for 1dc. WOOLLEN TOQUES, reg. 50e, for 39c ; reg. 25, for 19c. We will give you. a Genuine Bargain on every Fur in our 20 We haye some Muffs and uffs At Half Price Come and see them, Have you seen the $40 and $75 Ladies' Fur Coats on Sale at $15? Big Sale of Odds and Ends and Remnants next week. J. M. Schinbein "Listowel | "RENEW. FOR THE BEE. cite we