Atwood Bee, 30 Jan 1914, p. 7

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* ie ine Catiooe. oe 'says the London AFTER EFFECTS OF Overcome by the Use of Dr. Wil |' + jiams' Pink Pills Thro ai Epladi itacee (he ugho Huezzs) prostrates thousands of) busy men and women every winter, fed their health and leaving ae ag umerous serious ailments. t is that cause such widespread misery. Here is the reason. La gri leaves behind it weakened vital a a shattered nervous sys- » impure and: impoverished blood, and a low state of health that Sandoge the sufferer extremely liable to rheumatism, indigestion, neuralgia and nervous disorders. You can avoid la grippe entirely by keeping the b and pure through the opeastedl use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. Or if, be- cause you have not recognized your blood weakness, la grippe fastens its fangs upon you, its disastrous after effects can be driven out by the same medicine. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills increase and enrich the blood supply, feed the starving nerves, and thus impart new health and néw strength to enfeebled men and women. Mr. G. St. Clair, con- nected with the Sun Life Assurance Co., Halifax, N.8., says: "I was taken down with a heavy cold and la grippe and was eee to the house re some weeks. I had, the best of médical attention, and al- though the doctor said I was cured I was still far from well, and did not have the vim necessary for a strenuous business life, and i aid not attend to either office or field work. Talking with a friend he said "Why not try Dr. Williams' Pink Pills.' I decided to do so, and before I had used a box felt an improvement, and before long the Pills made me feel like a new man. I can't there- fore say too much in favor of this valuable medicine, and hope that any = may read this and be in n of medical 'attention will be persuaded to try this truly wonder- ful medicine." You can get these health-renew- ing Pills through any medicine dealer or by mail post paid at 50 cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 from The.Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ----------kx____--. DRIVEN BY RADIUM. ' A Hint of an Age When Substance May Become a Fuel. An era when radium might be us- = as Ane! ice ships and motor cars 0. E. 8. ital 1 cle "T am not saying this with any seriousness," he remarked wi & smile; but an experiment he car- riéd out--one of a series in the course of his lecture--indicated that there was foundation for his obser- vation. In solution radium decom- poses water, giving off an explosive mixture of gases. Mr. Phillips pro- duced these gases, and by fusin them with an electric spark crea' sexrene of air which drove a smal! 'Amati experiment | described was a "sporting event," as the lec turer was doubtful on he could encompass it. In practice it was very successful. From the stage along the roof ran a glass tubing, B5 feet in length, conn with a tube of zinc sulphide. The lights were turned down and in the dark- ness. radium emanations were pumped through the tubing, and in an instant the sulphide was glow- ing luminously while the audience --many of whom were medical men --loudly applauded. Like an ultra-modern conjurer, 'Let the Breakfast Call mean dish of orisp, golden-brown Post Toasties gerved with a sprinkling. of sugar and some rich cream. This delightful food made of choice Indian Oorn-- fiaked and toasted--is ready to serve direct from the 4 [ Canadias Postem Menicenlt Oo. e.- | Windsor, package. Just the thing 'for break- fast, lunch or supper, winter or summer. A try tells why! Toasties . ate sold _ grocere--everywhere. by DREADED LA cn 1s and the after effects of la grippe face. _ Phillips. ep Chro roni- his finger Ticats then he passed a pote of radium dn a tube over it and was gone and an opaque sur- demonstrated he drop- items of information And ppe | ped _ little. to the general public, such e Beta rays of radium kes a ieloctis of 180,000 miles per second. The Alpha rays or helium have a velocity of 18,000 miles per dacond. There are 20,000 tons of radium in the sea. One ton of radium is equal to 1,- 500,000 tons of coal in point of radio-ener A gramme of radium diminishes to half its quantity in 1,750 years ; it is slowly giving off energy during that time equal to 3,600 horsepower ours. In view of the fact, he said, that exhaustion of the coal supply was put at 200 years, science )must begin to look about for some new source of energy. "This," he ob- served, pointing to a retort stand as an example of hidden possibili- ties, '"'may have enough energy to a a steamship across the Atlaa- hk _____ RAILROAD FOR ICELAND. | From the Capital to Extend Fifty Miles East. A million-dollar railroad is to be started in Iceland at an early date, extending from the capital, Reyk- javik, in an easterly direction across the plain of Thingy distance of about 88 miles, to Olfusa bridge. Ultimately it - proposed to extend this line Thorsjaa, where the line will branch off in two directions, one going to the geysers and the other to Cerbak. The propo line passes through a rather populous country, and one which is much frequented by tourists. Hereto- fore the means of traffic in that country have been rather meagre. There are some few carriage roads in the southern part of the coun- try, and a few vehicles are avail- a the '|able, but journeys are made gen- erally on pony-back, and in some instances are long and tedious. The country opened up by the new rail- road is already an important dairy section, and with the operation of ie new -linesthe value-of the. Jonds increase. ee ge HEALTH FOR BABY To keep the baby healthy and strong his little stomach must be kept sweet and his bowels working regularly--that is the secret of health in little ones. 'The mother who keeps a supply of Baby's Own Tablets jn the house oan feel rea- sonably sure that her little ones are going to escape the results o childhood ailments, for the Tablets instantly relieve 'and cure such ioables as~ constipation, indiges- tion, colds, colic and worms by reg- ulating the stomach and bowels. Concerning them Mrs. Jas. De- roche, Cache Bay, Ont., writes: "T have used Baby's Own Tablets for three years and have always found them 'the best remedy for lit- tle ones." They are sold by medi- cine dealers or by mail at 25 cents a box from The Dr. Williams' Medi- cine Co., Brockville, Ont. aoe SPAIN'S MILK SUPPLY. Derived Mainly from Goats--Hy- gienic Dairy Farms. According to the most recent sta- tistics published here, there are up- ward of 3,500,000 goats in Spain, writes Consul General Morgan, from Barcelona. In every town of the country bands of these animals are driven through the streets dur- noon hours and milked in the pre- sence of the purchaser of the milk. country where the milk is put up in bottles, but they are of small im- portance. The entire production is consumed in the country, and only a small portion thereof is made into cheese. The finest breed of goats ind those. producing the largest quan- tity of milk are raised in Murcia province, south of Alicante, whence th ecountry's supply of these ani- mals generally comes. About 60,- 000 of these animals are slaughter- ed each year in Barcelona for con- sumption, and the export of goat- skins from Spain in 1912 amounted to 1,797,754 pounds, 'valued at $573,64 ; The goats weigh between 655 and 96 pounds, and the daily average milk given is a little over two quarts' per goat.- Tho milk retails at 13.5 to 14.5 cents a quart, ac- coring to supply and demand.. The animals are fed entirely on dried alfalfa and beans, and the cost of food consumed by each -- average about 9 cents a ple: rice at which they are so! vaslae tween $20 and $35, according to the size which will petleps. be seco eile ing the early morning and after- | Rheumatiem There are few goat dairies in the! 14 -} _ in Two -- were perfectly Bridget A. Briand, May 17, 1018, FOR PIMPLES AND BLACKHEADS \Gatcara Boap and bot water aod contin bathing Tor some treatment ta best on rising and retiring. At other of the goat and the quantity of milk she gives. They live to the age of fifteen or sixteen years and are gag coe at the second, ear. former years goats' milk was ured almost exclusively rece ga the country, and even now more used than cow's milk, and it Jis highly recommended for invalids. In Barcelona the consumption fallen off in recent years on account of the fine hygienic dairy farms which have been established here, these dairies being regarded by competent authorities as among the finest in the world. The cows kept on these farms are imported from Holland, Bygiand aad Switzerland. Flowers, Frult and Sunshine In January soa always, pre to be be found in Caliscnnets "The me rvoren did so. Then he e @al winterin piacs, re. ¥ fortably and jently by the Chicago, | © Union "Pacifio and North, Western tine "whe ea child, Mouldn't - you ia the, fanveat and mont difeet, Tins | Open the gate for yourself!" com ein and observation par} "Because," said the little girl, s Is Fouret cee Mires, splendid. train "the pits not dry yet.'" e and a} pe to % h Ges = Right. = eae teas inskias, ry a apo ga ana seni to pe have aj} ¥® Route offers: Safety--Speed--Scenery od < in common a excelled dining t. "Bow's that?' / Bates, ustrated matter and full é ulars on Sppltestion. B. nnett, "Tf they don't agree with yon it's ea Yonge Street, Toronto, best to keep away, no matter ow Se Natives Like Salt. If salt is not essential to life, |- why do those who have little or none of it-crave for it? You should see, as ve seen (writes a cor- respondent) the whole population turn out of an African village'on the approach of white prospectors in the hope of obtaining salt. C) men demanded it, the women clam- ored and the children cried for it. Even the coffee-colored babies slung astride their mothers' backs thrust forth their tiny hands and devoured it as greedily as our al lish children do sweets. <A spoo ful of salt all round established amicable relations, and when it came later to bartering I found salt by far the most valuable medium. Value for value, salt procured three times as much as calico or fancy goods.--London Chronicle. Helpless From Rheumatism Cin Pills Clve Prompt Rellef By Curing The. Kidneys. Mr. Samael Longmore, of Montreal, cays: "Just a word of praiee for GIN PILLS, About fifteen months ago I could not walk across my room, suffering severely with . I took GIN PILLS and be came quite well. Two months ago, I had Rheumatic Paing with Neuralgia. -I re sorted to GIN PILLS _--. for one week became quite wel 50e. or est, Sample free ot you _wri & Chemical of Onanada, Limited, "Ponune. , snetmecenahensia ti iemmenncnencastnanies / A. Scottish agriculturist was re- iting his experience to an Irish- n, and was ve ry proud of the} fact that he had p an acorn seed which had spring up into & beautiful oak t "Ah!?. said Pat, 'that was gn: Sure, I once planted a dead cat, and in & short time up sprang @ sanitary in- apector.' Wanted. Wanted -- Twelve well-educated, conscientious young -women ag pupil nurses in City Hospital, Cleveland, to fill. vacancies cau by graduation. Unusual variety of experience. New Nurses' Home soon to be completed. -Finest con- tagious disease building in the State. ternity Department. Two months' Visiting Nurses' work. Monthly allowance from time of acceptance. Children's Ward and Ma-} "Nerviline. No other liniment can '80 quickly, can pantrate so deeply, can bring ease' and comfort to the back-weary renkeate as Nerviline in- variably does. cure. For lum- bago or sciatica son would go far to find relief so speed erviline y as For chronic rheumatism there | pain-destroying properties in Ner- @ that give it first rank. The way it Iimbers up.a stiff joint and takes ogy - ree but you r, also get the 2c. aan size of Nervilin, th» king of all pain- relieving rem a one Wanted Ugliness in Olden Days. Some bygone housewives a to have regarded u gliness ime quality to be dostved in their ser- vants. When Eliza Coke, daughter of Coke of Norfolk, was about to marry, she wrote to her prospective mother-in-law :. "Pray ve e goodness to decide as you think best about the pretty housemaid. I wish she were less pretty and less fond of dress; but if her -- and principles are good neither are ly objectionable faults. I-think our establishment will be a pattern of morality, particularly if Mr. Stanhope. engages the squinting butler and the terrible housemaid 6 mentioned to me."--London Chronicle. The Reason. A little girl of seven or eight years stood ore day before a closed gate. A gentleman passed slowly. The Jittle girl turned and said to "Will you please open this gate for me?" much you may like 'em.' or Result of Suspicion. man dat don't trust any- body," "maid Uncle Eben, '"'is mighty liable to figure out moral responsibilities in a way dat'll pre- yent anybody Sum trustin' him.' CORNS ARE LIKE KNOTS. * Year by year they grow harder and in- eldentally more painful. Why suffer when vou oan be cured for 250. spent on Put nam's Corn Extractor? Fifty years in use and to cure. Uee Putnam's Extractor, 25c. at all dealers. Chance to Escape. "4 'Papa, now that you have bought Laura a piano, you might buy me @ pony. "Why so, Tommy ?"' "Then at least I ex go riding when she is playing." Minard's Liniment Cures Carget in Cows. Boarding House Criticism. Landlady--"Will you take tea or coffee 7' er -- "Which ever you call it Phd ay Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtherla. New Friends. "You're so nice to your friend, Emma. I've never heard you say anes but good of her.' That's very natural. I hardly know her yet." .Which is Ungencrous. ane always keep my troubles to my Die Gaite right, too! When you tell them, you are taking up 'the time of the man who is waiting to tell you his. the bi es dapat and the pee | disorders. 3 and you nse in strong, vi of law and order in the world, Corps, he numbesr Bo: to t nearly rit ett are co: tirely of b Bie see types wot British ee iioee chosen spe- cially for their strength and endur- ance. These men are commanded by eight British officers. Official! their duty is to patrol the 1.060 miles of coast line from Suez to the Gulf of Aden, to suppress native An officer of the Egyptian army who is home in Londqnon furlough, gave some interesting details of the camel corps and its work. . 'British est or sore throa' t try Nerviline. Rub it on Teens bak ergy ikea cc ewan anc er it ian - ene a ger i plenty of it," he said family sise bottle Ry the mont --, eThe official headquarters of the corps are at Cairo, but the men are seldom or ever seen there. They work principally from Aden, but have no eet instructions. Whenever there is tro¥ble or sign of Souls among the by tmbes there the « corps Always a. ride with their Sifles ready ~ to alert and on the watch for the tae thnks enemies who know so well how to hide in the desert." The duties of this splen- did force are, in fact, analogous to those of the famous am North- west Mounted Police Women with Sallow Skin Here Is a Good Treatment! You Get Results Quickly. Womanly beauty ty is largely the out- ward expression of h Every woman with wala -- and reeds a potent tonic to regulate her system up the stomach--to insure good digestion--to "give new life and vit o the whole system--where Is ae . 'reraedy ike Dr. Hamilton's Pills? Dr. Hamilton's Pills enable you to eat what you like--they correct con- stipation--make nourishing blood-- If nervous and can't sleep your re- medy is Dr. Hamilton's Pills--they poor complexion needs medicine--| ing instil force and' vim into a run-down} us s Co., earch out the at of your conaition the Dr. Hamilto n asks every weak. and debilitated person to use his Mandrake and Butte.aut Pills. They make old folks feel young, and weak folks feel strong. Their effects upon insomnia and langour is marvellous.- Hundreds declare they soothe and quiet the nerves so that a oo night's rest al- ways follow their To look well, to yl well, to.keep well, use Dr. Hamilton's Pills. They are mild, cleansing, strengthening--good for the young or old. Sold by dealers in 2560. boxes. Se Modern Development. "T suppose that your son is de- veloping apace,' Y. and a pace that is much too fast for one of his years.' Minard's jiahuee' Co, Lim ins--I have used your MINARD' 'a entely cay that ' youte. "tt betw: the handa and in+ oett will never fail to e head in twenty-four une. ., ie also the Best for: bruises, Youre gray sprains, LESLIE. Da ouch. <--EuEte ns Address Miss Frederika K. Gaiser, | -- Principal. ISSUE 4--H. War's Awful Toll. A striking illustration of the ter- rible human waste in war is, fur- nished by the census just taken of the new Bulgarian territories ac- quired by conquest. The malé pop- donia allotted to Bulgaria was re- duced during the hostilities from 175,000 to 42,500. In Bulgarian Thrace only 225,000 males remain out of a total before the war of 494,000, while in the district of Mus- tapha Pasha, where fighting waged so long and fiercely, only. 4,000 i are left out of 33,000, the to- tal before fighting began. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, Etc. The Lawyer Knew.: Defendant--I don't know. what have done if it hadn't been for Lawger--T know,.though. Yot'd have done time. False Alarm. "Why does your dog keep run-| ning to you?' "'He's a Russian wolfgound. 'His | name is Mickzewick. Every time I eneeze he thinks I'm calling him.' He Takes Them. 'Dobbs says. he takes a number He takes some of mine before I even get a chance to look at the pictures." LIN. }. ars-and whilst ed| Miss Jenks: after all. ulation' of that portion of Mace-| _ sooth atanyd at $1 bottle, 6 for $5, and U's wilicure. Thousandso De rs 1 eo, Our book ree. of Dr. B. J. KENDALL CO., Enosberg Falls, Vt. FARMS FOR SALE DAWSON, Ninety Colborne Street into. « Ww. Tore -JF YOU WANT TO BUY OB SELL Sb A Fruit. Post seem, or Dairy rare, rrite H. W. -Daweo Bramptoa. or Xolborne &t.," "Toront io #. W. DAWSON, Colborne &t., Forenta FOR SALE. AL GOOD NEWS NEWSPAPERS E HAVE SEVER West Adelaide Rtreet.. Teron NURSERY sTocK, Sivarieten. Free ae ae RERRIAS, FIPTE Varieties. Son, Grovesend, 'outa MISCELLANEOUS --- TU LU in al and external, out pain roy our home treatme' before too late. Dr. Beinks Limited. Collingwood. MPS, roxee iin 2 Medias The sou of a Pianoistho Piano Action Giandmolhev- Sap: The close intimacies of _ ses seem to consist a. comparing gouts and rhevm LI 1D SUL (7 ao moTA ie 97 per cent. pur uiphur, liquefied by a few. other fngre diente just as pure a hes other eore you may have. Leading nurees For = Bi! fuue remit rect a 4 as Gok a i ~ his n. SULPHUR 2 PRODUCTS A Poor Plea for Wooers. "So you didn't marry the rich Was it your own doing? "Oh, yes. You see I took no for an answer. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper. The Lesser Evil. Briggs--"You must have a lot of trouble keeping your wife dress ed up in the height of style." Griggs--"Yes, but it's nothing to the trouble I'd hate if I didn't.' Try Murine o Eye Remedy If you have Red, Weak, Bacher! Eyes or Granulated Eyelids. Doesn ' Sage Dru es = Murine E ikemedy, oo 25 Murine a Salve in Aseptic Tu ben. 25c, 50c.° Eye Books Free ey Mail, An Eye Tonic Good thet Care Murine Eye Remedy Co., Chicago A Man of Regular Habits. "How lang before Mr. Jimpson ; will be home?' asked a man's voice over the telephone. "He telephoned a few minutes | ago that he had just left his a answered Mrs. Jimpson. "He w ss eix saloons.on his way, oa will probably spend 10 minutes in each one. I expect him home in, something like an hour.' . Constipation- is an enemy within the camp. Tt will und cometicatis ----} Dr. Morse's " Indian Root Pills

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