COME!SEETHENEW || NICHOLS 3 Spring Dress Materials amukeeae we . <a Friday, Jan. 30 and days following Lot 9, eB For months we have been planning fea nes Good Stock. : urchases of Dress Goods. A careful study o hy Oe Eel as 's trend, careful selection from samples, and many Everything bi * trips "to market" results in our having just the There will ba x Mothers Know That | Genuine Castoria ials that are best suited to the prevailing style of The farm 18 sold = '® in the colors that will be most fashionable for the , from aoa iy ' ' Alex. Morrison, Auctioneer. coming season. Ne maser Digestion. Che LOCAL |. Mr. Murray and Miss Jessie Inglis} f Rest.Contains neither left on Friday for a two weeks visit eit | O Nor Mineral. : -- ~ }among friends and relatiyes in Strat- : OT NARCOTIC, You will be: made bi aa -- Be sure and hear Miss McIntosh Bee peerkip and Galt. o for at the Musie Hall, February 6th. A load of the members of the I. O. most welcome PRODUCE ys aS 'ida te visiéd 0. F. were at Monkton on Tuesday Miss Ella Hamilton is visiting evening attending the At Home of Eggs 32c¢ - with friends in Stratford and Downie. the Monkton Lodge. eval Butter 23c _Mr. Don. Love, of Saskatoon, 18} Gar Joads of baled hay are being ' visiting at his home on the 12th con. shipped in to this station for the use look or to purchase. Dried Apples 5c Miss Margaret Edgar spent the' lk the ahaa in the Hl eg Chick: week-end at Stratford and St. Marys. is is something that has not bap hen Mr. Hodge, of Calafornia, was the Ped for years. get ag guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. Hodge last} MAnRIED.--At the Manse, Monk- hd ath Elche. week. tonsby Rev. J. Ferguson, on Wed- Suc towel : 8 4 4 i is yisi Jan. 14th. Mr. James Man- EW YORI Gowdy & Co., Limited J |, Buses, torte is vai pestar ton. MORTHEALENEW Yr Irty tears : 0 y 89 ing with her daughter, Mrs. Andrew, ton, of Elma, to Miss Tena, second < e Mrs. Albert Hammond and daugh-| | making bugio Exact Copy of Wrapper. : great success, has entered into a con- ter Eillgn, sre visiting with ME ae tract with the patrons of the Thed- . ford cheese and butter factory and Born.--In Elma, on Sunday; Jans} will move. there to take change. some uary 25th, 1914, to Mr. and. Mrs, time in Febuary. Wynn Price; a daughter. Cc Ww d. The new combined newspaper in The next meeting of the Literary ream n Wante vill | Montreal is to be called the 'Montreal Bosicty will be held in: the Music edie Hall ou Friday evening, Jan. 30:h, Herald and Daily Tolegraph. at 8 o'clock. The meetingis in charge HIGHEST PRICES WILL B WILL BE PAID BY US ------ A popular young lady of Atwood}of Mrs. Kidd and Mrs. Ratcliffe and THE CENTAUR COMPANY, Hew Yonn erry. Terry daughter of Mr_Jno. Flood, of the cal At6 months old -- "The store for all the people" Listowel. A -- horses perishéd-in a fire, Saeaeey weet, saith 35 Dost $-35" 2 that destroyed R. P. mathe wi livery , Mr. H. W. Hamilton, who for er ec i at Tilbury. , some years:has conducted the cheese- Sic il ee PLES a ess in Monkton with md , (aS ---- = --_ (Pie TO I ee ee lerton, Toronto. g B | has gone into the floral business, fur-/the programme will consist.of instur-| Test every shipment, | ther importations are anticipated. mentals, songs, readings, maypole Pay every two weeks. 'Cash chequas at par. f Try a Bag of ; | The Annual At Home of the I. O. panes 'hererpelee moving Let us send youacan. It will cost you nothing to give'us a trial. ; p | O. F. will be held in the Music Hall : hibited ; Call and see us when in town or write us for Tuller particulars. : s+; on- Wednesday eyening, Feb, 4th. REFERENCE, BANK OF HAMIL e ¢ 'ONn M ] M 1 3; A large number from Atwood aod _ MILK DRAWING. Perth Creamery Co. Aldrich Bros. os OQ aSsine ea | Vicinity will be in Listowel on Friday} A meeting of the Sharebolders.of 'Listowel, Ont ie re gers i : §| evening attending the Masonic At/tlre Donegal Cheese & Butter Mfg. d : Oe ee Oe . Home. ta pe ® Ltd., will be held op Saturday, ---- ie ~~? "For vour nors 38; ers AR! ' a ' scoot of doko an ildvon-off |704tes.--William Little, President. | Barrister, Solicitor, eee FP | the streets. . - Notary Public~ } : ; tal | | A stranger said to resemble the. JOHN KEESO & SONS Listowel, Ontaric pape TRACT . 7 | missing Prof. C. F. Lavell is reported; Are prepared to pay the High. Porites Femi ee A addressed .to the H vaville in the neighborhood of} Cash Prices for all kinds-of ENTER Ottawa until Noon, on Friday, the 13th § | Huntsville. : day of February » 1914, for the conve y- . , : . W ance of His Majesty's } , ' iS Mrs. David Alair and daughter re-t: to be delivered in Atwood Yard. Listo '| Business - Contract tor oar jeans ine peoveeed - EC) 9 twoo turned to their home and sheep $2.00 per Cwt. in Port Col-} They will haye their Saw Mill COLLEGE each way, between and over Britton ( Hesson and Burns W. oe ) Raral Route, any time and grow with us. from the Postmaster General's Pleas eagure, For particulars, address, next. erated notices fae further . . @ bourne last week, after having 'spent) jp operation about May Ist, to Furniture Dealer and Funeral Director. t Ik month with her parents, Mr. atid} do all kinds of Custom Sawing. Mrs. Andrew Peebles. All custom logs will be cut first 7 ' |Edwin G. Matthews, Principal | Contract may roposec a , -- as a iceman Toner Tey be obtained at the Post Orfice Y.y.V.V.1.7 7, . ritton r (APRA FARRAR RR RR RAR AR AR AR A APA AAA AAR U t uJ i H. B. Morphy, K.C. ane and at the ice 'of the St a nepector at Lond Barrister, Notary Public, Convey- Pret Oe Depertanneé, Mail Service Branch, ae Sa ancer. 2nd January, 1914. Liabilities Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton Ottawa . G. C. ANDERSON. To the Publicr + Listowel -- Milverton --'Atwood . Superintendent. Notes of the Bank in circulation ' 6 3,250,820.90 Offices, Listowel and Milverton bie oo ag. Deposits not bearing interest ......0...scsescessseccceceee 8 6,425,819.36 = Deposits tearing interest including interest accrued to Money to Loan. justo, date of statement .....---.+ 29,482,352,03 --------_ 35,908,171.39 Balances due to other Banks in Canada 7,135.99 © Balances due to Ranks and Ranking Correspondents in the United AUCTION SALE. STRATFORD, cr Kingdom s.! Foreign Coun 212,542.99 Acceptances under Letters of per ' 98,331.89 AUCTION SALE of Farm Stock and Canada's best vane' training = 6 95,008.002.28 Implements. Alex. Morrison, auc- school. 3 tioneer, has received instructions from Three departments 4 To the Shareholders: William Raycraft, to sell by public P 42nd Annual. Statement Capital Stock paid in ...s..sssecesseccessee, $ 3,000,000.00 auction on Lot 22, Con..14, Elma, on pee ram Reserve Fund $ 3,600,090.00 Tuesday, Febiuary 3rd, 1914, the ated BANK Balance of profits carried forward .....+...+ 151,131.75 ts wah. cas 5s following :--1 black horse rising 7 | Telnarravhy O Dividend No. 98, payable tt December, 1913. 99,000.00 years, 1 dark bay horse rising 9 years, Former Dividends aim : 354.00 I : " : -------- § 6,841,485.75 $ 46,527,483.01 " submitted to the Sharcholders at the , Assets Mecting held at the Head Office of he Bank, Nu Hamilton, Menflay, January 1 bay horse rising 12 years, 1 roan Courses are thorough and prac- colt rising 3 year, 2 cows supposed to|% tical be with calf, 2 heifers supposed to be Individual instruction is given by with calf, 3 spring calyes, 25 or 80 Shae experienced sta " taf. hens, 1 set single harness, 1 set of r graduates succen - double harness, 1 Massey Harris Students may enter at any time. ww eS el i ed de SRAAA RAPA AR RA RA AR RR AA AA RA RR AR AA RAPA RA RRR [RA AA AA RA AARRIAA RA RARRA AA RAR RRA ARRAS >] 19th, 1914. Current Coln = 8 Pa binder nearly new, 1 Massey Harris he r ie salalogoe and see Doulton Roles, adh rt ys dae mower nearly new, 1 Massey Harris|%= what' we can do i BOARD OF DIRECT ORS Notes of other Banks . aoe 210.00 dise drill nearly new, 1 Massey Har- HON. WM. GIBSON, President. iP SMeahes Oa ether, Banke 17 9.8 ris cultivator with seed box, 1 Mas- D. A. McLachlan, P rincipal * ss * Pr Balances due by other Banks in Canada ....ss4...ceeese+ 905,057.87 a a : J. TURNBULL, Vice-President and General Manager. Balances dure by Banks and Banking Correspondents clse- sey Harris disc harrow. nearly" new, ARAMA LT. gh, tan oat Fs : eepunee, 0: V.0. Doatiuion ned Provt Tinclal Government. Secusities, not apa a Eoin, Ween Bien ob 2 ete ' _ '4 mcm vi . fing iarket Value .:-:.s-erteceecsrcraepeeesn ee "286, 153.08 rows, | plow, water troughs, 1 cutter, ° GEO. RUTHERFORD W. A. WOOD Canadian Stunteip i Securities, m and Tiitish, Hore Foreign, aud as ian 1 top buggy, 1 gpa tire buggy, 1 D. A. Kidd, M. D . oc ' set of slings all complete, 1 meet | ° : : gg i non por ape Stocks nt 610,000.48 barrow, 1 hay rack and gravel-box, 1 Main: Streot, Atwood, Ontario. : Profit and Loss Account Call need sivert oct exceeding thirty daveylosaaie Canada: good cook stove, 1 good coal heater, PHYSICIAN Balance at Credit of Profit and Loss Accoiit, 20th Nov- ineposlt with the Domstules Gosetiaaes SA eae . 1 organ and other household furni- SURGEON Bist tex' vou Snded Sod i 8 251,157.86 A Note Circulation es scsi scccasncsipesecisuvkke ivecnee ee sen a ture and other articles to numerous i AcCCOUCHEUR go 1913, of r ed 29th -- Other Current Toans and Discounts ia Canadaliess rebate" to mention. , Terms.--All sums of CORONER , ef antmagumant, inter eat. aseteed Real Estate other than Rank Tremiges «......... oe $89,008.87 apie pores tie ott | Executive Officer of Board of Health its, rebate on current dis- Seal) tediee ot nee ee seer ter MEH Se ee eee See ee rem YOO | «os ieles Hive. 'Rar, Noss, Throat on on ; for Bank Premises at not more than cost, less tqivent amie: on furnishing approved joint notes, Srbigaes les, Kye, tar, Nose, ; . bad and doubtful debt. 498,273.40 Mortgages on Real Estate ats Eby the Banik sests-.-147 76,081.98 land owners as security, or adiscount} Diseases of Women and Children. MS Soseneae encode ; torres £6 cae caulk of lor cauk veilit ------ Other Assets not included Ee a sd iss cele cent off for on credi J C l H 'lt ppropriated as fi : " 3 Liabilities of Customers under Letters of Credit as per i . : rR ecl ami on : 8 96.327.488.01 Barrister, Conveyancer , > : Cc A STO R [ A Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada ; : 2 Money to Loan Loss Bet icactas HON: WM, GIBSON s Office--Main st., Listowel, next to epee $151,131.75 . 3 President -- * For Infants and Children Dr. Foster, dentist. te a J. TURNBULL ; = - ¥ rrisiey dele For Over 30 Years Branch office--Main-st., Atwood, in ce-Pres- and General Manager > ways bears 4 same building as the Clerk of Town- ee ee : Pe ee 2 Hl | sieadtte ot p ship of Elma. Will visit Atwood ~ 3 ; every Thursday afternoon. Patna | LAVU ee ee WW ew Ww We eC