Atwood Bee, 17 Jan 1918, p. 4

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By Jobo B. Huber, M.A, M.D. s = : to Health If you 'Pr Huber will answer all oe ! be tters pertaining 16 Bee columns 3 'be an re wered personally if stamped, apareseet Ledingy is o® sag will not prescribe for indi vidual cases 0 > diagnosia B. Huber, 'care of Wilson Publishing Co, "3 West adelaida t Every child has the right oy te prceatebioens disease. Baby's Development II. } |arms. Seizes -- carries objects to Second Month: Squint in occasion- mouth. Enlarge its al until the end of this month. Baby} with the conmineans 1 and k. now recognizes human voices, turns| Sixth Month: Raises itself in 1 its head toward sounds, Pleased with, ting posture. Laughs and raises an music and with human faces--not/ drops arms when pleasure is great. however with all it sees. Sleeps "Crows" with plea sure. Compares three, sometimes five or six hours. on of father in mirror with orig- Tickle it about the eighth week and, inal. : it will laugh. Clasps with its fore-|* QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. Have it Snipped off. finger at eighth week. First con-| sonants from forty-third to fifty-first | I have been troubled for the past yet-appeal-to them , days as am-ma, ta-hu, gooo, ara. Sixty-first day, cry|4 years with an elongated palate. Third Month: of joy at sight of mpther and father. | | have painted it with yarious reme- Eyelids-not completely filled when it dies. I have bean advised to have it looks up. Accommodates its eye-| snipped, but others claim this would G00 HEALTH. QUESTION pox | vocabulary | be d + Portraits 51 wis 1s "« much, Kline," eedn' Mr. ai Suen expecting | to give a little one myself, Really, the thing! Brecpons SAYS SO. Jim, what are you doing?" Young Uncle Jim's Goats spectacled eyes revealed sudden alarm. "Hold on, Eveline!" he implored. "Don't move! There, that's better, Just keep still a minute more and lll ¢ one." "But what are you doing?" "Making your portrait, of course. I It's | ™ Uncle to com "Nothing a Jim res' I smiling. Unless he were greatly mis- complete revision beforé very long. Eveline made a dash at the paper. | "Why, Uncle Jim, I didn't know you drew! The Load Line. arm kept the. Jess?" paper tantalizingly out of reach. Jessica pushed back the "Curb your impatience, Artists can't be browbeaten._ _When_face-to-her- the-mastérpiece is finished, it will be "I've no put upon exhibition--not before. 9 fully. "It had better be finished pretty inet But my head does ache, and soon!" Eveline threatened ominously. you will be here only a few days. I'm "It will be, There will be an ex- afraid I can't resist the temptation." pile right to," sight to light and distance at ninth! cause an impediment of speech. 1 week. Notes the ticking of a watch, find it worse when I lie down at night. | at ninth week; listens with absorbed} Answer--Be sure first there is no| attention. Now some considerable | infectious inflammation of the up- | baby! | per air passages then have a good | Fourth Month: Eye-movements per-! doctor snip it off. Applications hav- fect. Objects seized are moved to- | ing been tried and found wanting, this | ward the eyes. Grasps at objects too!is the best way. It is possible for an) distant. Enjoys seeing itself in mir-| extra long palate to obstruct breath-, ror; girl babies exhibif this phe-|ing seriously ring sleep. No: nomenon earlier and more winged ag difficylty will follow amputa-| than boy babies. Can\ grasp with H thumb contraposed to hand at four-| Winter Itch teenth week. Can hold up head! | have the winter itch of which you "without support. Sits with back) write--an itchy stinging sensation| supported at fourteenth week. Begins | jnearly all the time; and my er! to imitate. i nails look like warped planks after a Fifth Month: Diseriminates stran-! rain. My hands crack easily in win-. gers. Looks inquiringly. Takes ter, I have to be careful about t put--- pleasure in crumpling and tearing ting them in water. My skin is smooth newspapers, rings a bell with zest;/ enough in the summer but chaps with | likes to pull hair; has been known to. the first Norther in the Fall. pretty nearly if not altogether eviscer- | Answer--Eczema, fissured, of the ate an adult ear or uproot a mustache. hands; am mailing you advice. As Can sleep ten to eleven hours without! you note, water makes the ailment food. Desire shown by stretching out | worse, always does in cases of eczema. | | wth thee," "y 'enw thee." 'e: the! first the demon seems to be speaking, | in the second the man himself. 26. Eanes pre reprimanded wally sharply. Hold thy Benge shaver ally, "be muzzled," "silence 26. Tearing him aad ering, out witha loud voice--A pictu ful convulsions- ' INTERNATIONAL LESSON 1 1. 21-45. Golden Text, John 9. 4. ' Verse 21. They go into Capernaum --On the northwest shore of the lake.| © ~foen tit Pi " inca De ' te, Tell Hum and Khan © e region.of Galilee round 'ee oe 'next JANUARY 20. 27. --A word used only by Mark Astonishment a gi peo awe. Questioned--Discuss An Lesson HI.--Jesus At Work Mark teaching. In verse 22 the 'wonderful ' Jatter is a little to -- Hum. fa Hyn e remains} @ syaaroee Which. until recently night e seen By the traveller--heavy blocks of scuYptured limestone iying| among the weeds. any scholars incline to Khan Minyeh as -the re Capernaum. There is no Semen at cither place to-day. Capernaum is indeed "cast down to hades," de- folate ruing occupying the site of eo usy lake city, the scene of so much of Jesus' blessed work. Straightway-- Indicating the rapidly moving activity of Jesus. Synagogue--The center of ewish religious life in every town. is institution plays an important part in the ministry of Jesus and his apostles. The services were very simple. After prayer and the veal ae of thé Scriptures any one who a message might speak. This aforded Jesus his opportunity to teach. On the sabbath day --The rest! day or the seventh day. The day formally set apart by the law to be! devoted especially to God's service. Repeatedly we find Jesus and his dis- ciples in the synagogue, with the peo-' ple, on the Sabbath. 22. e taught--How he taught is clearly seen in Luke 4. 16-28, where he reads the Scripture lesson for the day and makes that the mast vd his remarks. Astonished--The old truth | in a new way, with a new tnterpre tion. As having authority as the scribes-- custodians and interpreters of the law, constantly quoted other Jewish teach- ers. Jesus' teaching was his persona) | view. He quoted no one, but on the, other hand set up his authority over, against the traditions! view. # have heard" bad and so, "but I say unto | u." He taught not as having the eriptures for his authority, but as if e were the authority for the Scrip-. res. They had never heard any- ning like this. His presumption not y amazed them; it enraged them. he seribes had all outward authority " of prestige and precedent, but their teaching was dry, formal, and lifeless, © with no influence upon the people. 28. Straightway---A e scen quickly presented while Jesus wa teachi man with an sieiibeaayt fe southwest of 28, A abou ut --The Teeion "about Capernaum. In Mark the most significant of all Jesus' ae is the casting out of evil | spirits from those possessed. Modern | medical science would find most of the | ry, symptoms in line with lunacy and/| epilepsy, but there are elements here | 'hich do not seem to bear out this ex-| Mente fully; fo stance, the double personality of the possessed. and the confessed knowledge of the , personality of Jesus as the Christ, on the part of the demons. , 99. Into the house of Simon 'and ndrew--Peter was a marrie n, his brother living with him. The oes march rapidly, from the won- derful work in the synagogue back to the house. 30. Simon's wife's mother lay sick | of a fever--Luke describes the case: | "holden with a great fever." Caper | naum lay in the bottom of a cauldron, fee hundred and eighty-two feet ow the sea level. o-day, as ancient- \ iy Mg fever" is a common scourge. The fever left her--The mode of I ehe Sure is not stated, nor are any ex- pressions of Jesus given, but simply taking her hand he raised her to her; feet." Merely the fact of her restora-' tion and her immediate resumption of her household duties as the evidence of the cure. 32. When the sun did set--Mark's 'indication that it was the close of the Sabbath, which ended at sunset. There was, consequently, no risk of infring-! fiw by bringing their, the Sabbath ee to be heal 33. Sick and posse -ssed with demons: Thus 'are distinguished the two classes of sufferers, the mentally de- 'ranged and the bodily diseased. 84. All the city at the door--A ' vivid picture of the surging mags, and the unwearying patience of the Great Healer. Suffered not the demons to speak, because they knew him implies that their testimony would in some way embarrass his work. Mark re- presente that the demons had a knowl- edge of Jesus' Messianic character. | which it was not fitting to divulge at this tim | ~ converted my original dollar into $4 50.! spirit--Literally in an unclean spirit, | ich denotes the intimate scenection | pich the "spirit" and the n does not seem out of order for r men go afflicted to be in the synagogue, since his was a menta] malady a8 not is ied an unclean physical disease. out--Screamed out. Suddenly while Jesus was speaking there burst forth the scream of the possessed man 24. What have we to do with thee? ert thou come to destroy us ?--The un-, clean spirit is represented as conscious: _of the incongruity of Christ, the Hol: " One of God, with the foul spirit an that the purpose of Christ was to de- stroy the evil spirit. In 1 Jo sy 3. 8) the work of the Son of God i to de-| stroy the works of the devil. "tf now who thou art ae Md One of God - a verse decung are said to tre Bees se. they knew title a 'Ope of God as-! - esd i> F re in the New Vatemans ? oe ead ake @. O pers 6a s¢em n d east have we to do ra PDair | When the roughage for dairy cows clover or alfalfa hay, the grain rations may be 200 pounds corn- and-} cob meal, 100 pounds ground oats and, 100 pounds gluten feed; or 250 pounds | corn-and-cob meal, 100 pounds wheat bran and 100 pounds gluten feed. Bulls, like bad eggs, are best left | strictly alone except when it is neces- ee to handle them. Give them enty of exercise and keep them wiare they can see the other cattle and the attendant. Let them have no | chance to try their strength and they will not be so likely to manifest it in an ugly disposition. There is not much milk in timothy hay:~-Instead of feeding it to dairy cows, give it to the herd bull and use alfalfa, clover, vetch, cow-pea or { velvet-bean hay for the milkers. hibition of family portraits in the, "hat's right," her uncle agreed rigs after dinner. Seven sharp." heartily. "I'll give you five minutes And Uncle Jim fled to his den, sacred to et ready. from feminine intrusion except by great sunset, and it will be wonder-! special invitation. ful down by the water. Besides, I Unel e\ Jim was esteemed in the have an errand that way." family as a rising young biologist, to. Jessica was prompt; it was not quite' young fellow to boot. His invitations on their way to the wharves. Even! were never slighted. Even Mr. Evarts before they caught the breath from | joined the procession to the library the bay a bit of color crept into the} at seven o'clock "He probably has pictures of our ness fell away from her. But the' skulls or something equally artistic!" trouble in her eyes was still there. por grumbled. Her -uncle, talking lightly of one But there were no pictures' what- thing and another, was in reality ever; indeed, at first sight there was waiting; and presently the outburst | bern enjoyed the exhibition so she said. "I am very sgh Ido hope you will be able keep me 'awway," nded, with twinkling | ge he took down the "portraits" a few minutes later his eyes were still ee Eveline's would need a rather "How about a walk till dinner time, of infant, papers on ie oak and tarred a tired she 'said doubt- "Look at all the work wait- There's going to be a! say nothing of being a very lovable five minutes later that the two were | girl's face, and a little of her weari-' 4fE oem, = FE Department Is for the use of our farm readers who want the phi! le of prs ye on any question regarding soll, seed, crops, etc. If your aver stamped clent general Interest, it will be answered through this colum 'Toti anew and addressed envelope is enclosed with your fetter, a Se entie Co. © will be mailed to yqu. Address Agronomist, care of Wilson Publ o., Ltd, 73 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. io Mistakes in Buying Land. | fertile; but that is no proof that it is One of the first things to consider ' 'worth as much locally or anything when planning to go te a new place, | near it. While it may produce as is to find out whether that particular! ™uch per acre, you may not have 2 section of the country is suited to the Market for your crops. There are sind of farming you propose to do.| too' many things that influence the Next, find out whether there is a good; Values of land for me to try to call market for the things you will grow. | attention to them all. The best way en-there-is-the- all-important ques=/to-find out the-value-of the land.is_te tion, the health of the community;: go and talk privately to the people next, the moral and social conditions, Who own land around the 'piece you of the people. jare thinking of buying. - 'Ask them Many people who change locations al! about it, what it ought to sell for, are induced to do so by some real ete Next, go to the locaf banker estate agent. The individual decides and ask him what the land you want that he wants to go to some other to buy is worth, and find out how much place to live, and writes to,.maybe a Money he would loan you on it. Then | dozen real estate agents in as. many, 8° to the tax books and find out what different places; and the agent that the taxes are on the property, and claims the most impossible things for What~per cent. of value property in his special section of country is the-thet county is taxed. Better take one that gets the most consideration this trouble than to pay two or three in far too many instances. As I, times the value of the property. have had some experience with this, I; Another big mistake many people want to give some advice to people make in buying farms, is to buy a too who contemplate moving to a new expensive farm for the amount of cap- location, 'ital they have. You can take a very | Never buy until you are sure that little money and buy a large or high- you have the kind of land you need' priced farm. You pay down all the | for your particular kind of farming; money you have :as first payment, | don't buy land with the idea of row- | then you find that you have to go in | nothing unusual; then Jack gave a came. ing crops that you know nothing debt for your supplies. When your shout. He had 'discovered a sheet of "Uncle Andrew," Jessica cried pas-. about. When you go to a new loca-' first note comes due you can not meet paper covered with Uncle Jim's sionately, "how do you stand it?" tion to look at a piece of land with it; hence you lose what you paid down jeri writing, under a big inter- "Stand what, little girl?" her! the idea of buying it, never be in too' on the place. If you had bought a rogation point. uncle replied. "*Adore,'"" he read " 'Darling-- "All the sin and suffering and pain, Crazy over--Crush--The thing---Ele- in the world. If I find it so hard gant. Garnish plentifully with here where I see so liftle, if I feel the italics.' The boy's voice, full of per- burden of it all] the time, a do you plexity, ago to a whoop of joy. "I stand it over there in China " | know y--it's They were down by the 'whaeven "Never sated; " Eveline retorted, then. Before them were a dozen ves-| colaring a little over the applause 'hat sels rocking slowly on the tide; some, | greeted the recognition, of the salient already loaded, lay close to the water,! characteristics 0 vocabulary. but many of them sat high, and all) Js fellers--Play bal] those showed marks upon their hulls. | ead--Sport-- Airships Her uncle pointed to one of them. | "Do you see those marks?" he ask-' "Do you know on" "Here's another, '--Pu unk ti bet!"" Jack grinned; then he hunted up the, ed. for " 'Rational! -- Graft-- Statesmanship | The girl shook her head. Politics--Yellow Journalism-- | "They are the marks that indicate Sound----Sane--True Democracy--Rant , the capacity of a vessel--the amount ommon sense, the rarest virtue un-| of burden that it may legally carry. der heaven.' You will see that they are not the This time Mr. Evarts joined in the| same; the limit of safety differs in dif- vs. \ Turning a Waste Product Into Dollars and Cents. By Lawrence C. Longstreet One day about a year ago found me/smailer pieces can be used with a lone dollar in my pocket and kitchen stove, and the larger ones in no work in sight. After doing some! the sheet-iron heaters commonly used in this locality.- The wood readily hard thinking as to how I could add | sells for $1.50 a load here to my available funds, ; I thought cf! some pine stumps on land belonging | two-horse load of the wood brings $8. | to a milling concern. On inquiry 1 It takes about six stumps to hon found that the owner would be very: a two-horse load. They can be blast-! , glad to get rid of those stumps. _| ed in from one to two hours' time, and | Accordingly, I invested my dollar in' at a cost that will enable the blaster to, as much dynamite, fuse and caps as it more than double his money by selling would buy. That wasn't very much, the wo but it wag@ufficient to blow out and It is easily possible to make money break up three full loads of the, both ways in a business of this kind. stumps, that I was able to sel] at $1.50 Men that have stumps on their land per load as fast as I delivered age are usually willing to pay a fair price In short, in less than a half d t» have them taken out. This will at least cover the cost of the work, and the amount realized from the sale of the wood should be clear profit. It sgems strange to me that so many farmers permit stumps to remain in their fields when the stumps can be} 'taken out at no expense to the farm rm| The average-sized stump in this owner. By that I mean the stump; , part of the country will yield a good' wood can be sold for more than it! one-horse load of the finest kind of' costs to blast it out. I believe that} firewood. When the stumps are! if farmers owning stump land knew blasted out they are broken up into this, there would be more clearing} pieces about right for firewood. The' , done. _ ! With that capital I purchased a larger supply of explosives, and repeated the operation on a larger scale. Before I finished I had a pocketful of money in the place where the lone dollar had formerly reposed. Our Will was fishing in the brook, When 'las-a-lack he snagged his hook. what they are. big a hurry; better pay a few days' smalier and cheaper farm you would hotel bill than to lose a few thousand, have had no trouble in meeting the dollars in the deal. payments. Better buy a small place Now let me say that it is an eas$ | at first. And never pay out all your , matter to get fooled in reghrd to val- | money--keep enough to run you until | ues in farming land. You may see a you make a crop. You can make farm that looks as good as farms sell-, more money if you = e a little money ing for $200 per acre near your old. to use as you go. Go slow at first; it home, and in fact it may be just as' is the safest Way. vesse! to sea overloaded However 6; Was great the amount of cargo waiting to; As the poultryman starts the new be transported, no vessel can carry | year, it is advisable that he start oper- more than its own appointed share;| ations on a well-planned system. Sys- no matter what the urgency, to carry| tem saves both"time and money, and more is a crime makes the work more pleasant and "It is God's world, rie not ours.| much easier. At this time of the We have a certain amount to be re-/ year it is not always the most pleas- { ferent vessels. But wherever the line | 'is, its place has been carefully com-| puted, and it is a crime to send that! | | sponsible for, but not nate. To ne ant task to go out to do the chores to eke more _than ee sive us, to} among the poultry, but the man who ani sven lites nd takes a deep soerens| in est hited goes plan for you or for me, that is to los . co in the our lives beyond the safety line--to do in the moral world what is a crime in the physical world. Here's my man Will you wait here for me? Her uncle and the other man dis- appeared behind a pile of freight. Jessica waited, watching the vessels ; in the bay. a OHoos0) Buttermilk is equal to skim-milk for feeding hogs, while whey is half as valuable. Whey, being low in pro- tein, is not well suited for young pigs and should be fed to older animals. To keep the hens out of the hog house, hinge the doors at the top, so they will swing both ways. The hogs can "push: them open and the doors will swing shut after the animals have passed through. There isn't much cur] in the tail of a hungry pig Corn, when fed alone to young pigs, produces relatively slow gains at a | high feed cost. One lot of pigs which was fed nine parts of corn and one | part of tankage gained nearly twice as much as another lot on corn alone, and required almost twenty per cent. less feed for a pound of ga It's a poor practise to candies hogs in small lots and hold them in local stock-yards four or five days until a car-load shipment is collected; facili- ties for feed and watering are inferior in small yards, the hogs make no fur- ther gains on their feed and often | suffer actual loss of live weight. Local ' buyers would dg well" to spe¢ify a cer- tain day for the delivery of hogs from the various farms and load and ship without holding. ~ Farmers also could club together to make up car- load shipments on regular week days. Fencing in the Garden.¢ ~4*" Another year's use of our fenced-in n day: oats e hen there are nar winds or r cold rains, or if there is snow on the ground, itis best to keep the fowls in- doors. If they have plenty of house room, and a gopd supply of litter tc encourage scratching, the hens will not only busy themselves, but Will warm up their bodies and feel a great o| deal more comfortable than if allowed | to be outdoors. It is the comfort- able, contented hen that does good winter laying. Keep up the good work of culling. courage the workers. Follow good business principles. Gather the eggs several times each day, and especially when the days are very cold gs that are intended for incubation should be held in a temperature of 50 degrees. There is something wrong with pul- lets that do not start laying this month, Either they have been hatched very late, or they have,;not been pro- perly fed and cared for. Do not ship dressed poultry to mar- ket before the middle of this month, unless by special order. Many peo- le have not yet fully recovered from the holiday feasts, and chickens do not poe nar eee aren CMake Sheep can be wintered with a smal- ler use of grain than is needed for other live stock. All depends upon 'the kind of hay or other roughage | used. Coarse-stemmed hays like , timothy, red top and blue-grass have very few leaves and therefore are poor sheep feeds. Timothy is un- palatable, causes constipation, and the dry timothy heads work into the wool, causing irritation to the skin, lessen- ing the value of the clip and making shearing difficult. When timothy or other coarse-stemmed hay is fed to sheep in winter quarters, supplement- garden has proved that the expendi-} ary protein feed is needed. From one- ture for fence wire, posts, and labor quarter to one-half pound of linseed- required to fence it was a good bus- iness move, says a successful farmer. ur garden is twenty rods long and? four rods wide, fenced with strong four-foot woven wire that will turn strand of barbed wire six inches above the woven wire. The ends are en- closed with substantially made panels of the same fencing, which allows of their easy removal for plowing and cultivating. There is no longer worry and dam- age from our own poultry, stock, or dogs, or those of our neighbors, and the permanent support for vining plants furnished by the fence is worth the effort of fencing im itself. Fur- thermore, our chickens'can now have free range for a much greater portion of the year than before the hen-proof But did he hesitate? Not he Just waded in and set it free. r) garden fence was erect hogs, chickens, or any stock, with the | meal per ewe daily should be used, de- ' pending upon the size and condition of the animal and the other feed used. A shed opening to the south, built in the corral, protects sheep from cold rains. This equipment, including fence and shed for 100 mature sheep. costs about $125. It affords dog pro- 'tection, simplifies the breeding of ewes, the feeding of grain, the wean- ing of lambs, and safeguards against exposure to severe weather and, if 'well drained, provides dry quarters. | { HIGHEST PRICES PAID For POULTRY, GA o FaktHane Please ie ig particulars.

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