ao 1 Northern, 6. a 2he i jin store Fort Wiltiam. Pete aR A5 t. aero 2 3 Ccw., |Teoa. 7The; 3 merican corn--No. ba o: re 81e:; No. oes tario minal; sid to Sic, asta, in Cire. Aiontre Peas=oNe. $3.70 to $3.80, se are "$1.78. acco: | treixhta 4 outs de. | Manitoba nant. -First patents, . do. $11; aiv anne: Millfeed--Car lots. delivered , road feed tlour, Hay--No. 1, hew, per ton { $16.50: mixed, do., $13 to $1 ; Toronto. Straw--Car lots, Butter--Creamery, so olds. a ib, 428 Ito 43c; prints, per Ib, 423 to 434c;, dairy, per a 36 to 3c. on resh gathered eggs, 50 to 52c. ~ t row ase noultrs-- = i ry ne. : ow 9 to 20c; ducks, 23 to a *} 22c; turkeys, 28 to 30 With the Draftees Potntopa -- Wholesalers Britt . frrowers and country shippers (crac --_ sritish & Colonial Press, Lt@ olaae stock. f.o.b.. outside oe ' | | == -- o $2.25 for Delaware, and W °9 | - eo * Ont Os. | iat, sess wo ves| WOMAN SUFFRAGE [From Erin's Green Isle GERMAN DYE 4 trans at the wv, large, to 38) : Cc se--- New, J 2 © 23he ' : aeameeuon 0%) WINS IN U.S. = - RECIPES CAPTURED ' arge twin, 26 to 26 + - = ™ { Butter--Fres dnirs. choice e 40 to 41e; NEWS BY MAIL FROM me sreamery prints, 46 to 47 olids, 45 to 7 46 = LAND'S SHORES. ; "Margarine. iad ine cartons 65 to Te; Obtained Exactly the Required -- | Group in British Textile Trade 7 X,1 flosuge. 46 to 46e; select storaxe.| Number of Votes in House. Hanveninwn in te Bescealif Tele of | Make Most Important * -- ; , 'Happenings in e Emera sle ' = Most recent picture of Gen. Sir Edmund Allenby, who, by to a hee millcered chirkenss Ib, S00: owt, |__ 4 despatch from Washington says: | adit . j Discoveries. his recent victories in Palestine, is putting another red spoteon 124 to turkeys, 35 to Sie: | ducks, Woman suffrage by Federal constitu- | er fe ee Ad hf Lond s: A the map of freedom. Live nouitreotirkers, shes Spring | | tional amendment won in the House | men. | A despatch from London says: len pkens, tb, 20 to Bler het b to Ise (On Thursday night with exactly the 'group of men in the British textile duck. Spring. 20 to 226; Kee oe "to required number of affirmative votes, The passengers on steamers recent-| trade has captured the secret recipes HOSPITAL SHIP EXPORT 20, 000, 000 ow Honey--C orn Extra fine, 18 Oe: | While members i in their seats and|!¥ arriving in Dublin, from across the | 'of the greater German dye _ industry, ie SO: 18 of of $3; N ul $2.40 to $2. 50. | throngs i in the galleries waited with|channel, were nearly all female har-! according to The London Daily Mail, SUNK BY SUB. BUSHE per Ib: 10°, IS} to 19c: 60's, 18 to 184e. 'eager interest, the House adopted by a |vesters returning from England. | which displays the item under large 'ga.00" to oy a are ast | vote of 274 to 136 a resolution prov id | Major G. F. Wilson, R.F.A., recent-| heads. The recipes, numbering 257, Bur ma or indian, $6.5 $7: Japan, |ing for submission to the states of the | ly killed " action, was the youngest belonged to the great Badische works , sPotatuen Ase lew gine. Wis $2.95 to | 89° called Susan B. Anthony amen¢- | son of . H. Wilson, Carrickmines | and are now in the keeping of a Lon- * Conveying Wounded From Gib-, ¢ anada Has This ern Now. ntarlos, Dag. $2.10 ta $2.25. ;ment for National Enfranchisement of House, Saenie Dublin. {don bank. The Mail says:-- | was torpedoed and sunk in the Bristol | Cifannel at about midnight on Jan. 4, on her way home from Gibraltar. All the wounded were safety transferred to patrol vessels. There were only three casualties among the crew, Hears being. ig. th discussion of the supply of Canadian! wheat avai subjects. Ni" aro estimate- submitted to the conference' | Western, indicated that. the total quantity of 5 : wheat in store in Canada at the pre-! sent sie was abont 80,000,000 bushels. 0 S abantty.29.000,000 bushels, mes Twas Convenor. She was an 'had 'seeding "this year. raed nt been within the as tetlad ferred zone, as delimited in the statement s-| ntreal. as 2 90c. | Spring. wi wheat aleite ites, see a like amount ish as es for. rMoestic consumption, leaving: Pe somewhere in the neighborhood of 20 a sued by ne _German Government on/ 000,000 bushels immediately avail-! fe 443 Jan. 19, | able for export. | Ne Pt stock, 48e: Most of the survivors of the Rewa' Among the other subjects consid- cocetace --Per vag, 'car lots, were landed at Swansea. Many of, ered was the question of adopting a} -- them were without clothing of any | standard grade of flour to be milled | Winnipeg Grain kind. The wounded were removed] in Canada. It is stated that there is! ane iniprs: » Jan, Ww. immediately to a hospital. si : No The torpedo which sank the Rewa ; went directly through the Red Cross x painted on her side. a likelihood that such a grade will be, agreed upon. It would be of a quality | midway between the present higher , patents and the existing lower grades. i2 Whether the milling would be confined to this standard grade in the United ; 120,000 AUSTRIANS United States Markets World : Breadstuffe i Toronto. Jan, Herta rae et a feed, eed Villilam. in aire "Fort gi LA pee oats--No. 2 white. 81 to No. 3 9 Winter, al. according to freights outside. | Barley--Malting, $1.36 to $1.38, ac- ;eording to Treights outside. ° \ Buckwheat---$1.5 o $1.58, according strong ou t accor to \ a mple, $10.10, in bags, preet: Eo. 95, ronto; $9.80, bulk, seaboard, prompt per ton, $8.50 to $9 | Conntry Produce--Wholesale od j > i' | Women Thomas Falkiner Wilkinson, for' "The capture is of first importance raltar to England. Available For Need of Allies. | Provisions--Wholesale | But for the promise of Speaker E.. years in the service of the;in economic war aguinst' Germany, A despatch from London says: Not-| A despatch from Ottawa ~says:--{ 326 "ae aag Ne the a oe a 4\, {2 [Clark To cast his vote from the Chair, National Bank of Irelfnd, died re- and will free the British textile in withstanding the pledge given in Sep- | Members of the Board of Grain Super- ts ' yg eae to suet aweaktast bacon for the resolution if it was needed, the! cently at Cape Town, South Africa. | dustry and scores of other important tember, the Germans have sunk an-! visors, Imperial wheat purchasing | less, 45 to Secs. DIAM 28 0 change of a single vote to the opposi- Owing to the amount of hay being industries from the bonds of Germany, other hos ini ship. An official state- | committee, millers' committee, grain Naat ores eee rp Nene bacon, 28 to}tion would have meant defeat. Re-/hcld up, the:Army Council announce It means that when the war is over ment say owers and Montreal Harbor Com-| °1. rd ure Jara" tenoen "284 to 29¢ . |publican Leader Mann, who came from | that they will put in force their pow-| Great Britain will be in a position te His Majesty' s hospital ship -- mission on Thursday continued their , tub te pails, 29 bs Mg :|a hospital where he has been under |ers to compel the sale of hay. | compete equally with German dyed aooet Paty *No. local white a to 9 le Sri --Mani Soe 11,60; THE DRAFTEES Wi WERE TICKLED To OEATM WITH THEIR: NEW UNDERWEAR I 7 -- heat-- ee re vi No, 1 MOTHER WILL" BE PROUD ea rding to in ju Montr = $16.50 to 6. track P. J. Shaw, clerk of Enniscorthy, re- goods in every market in the world." ports that not a single case of drunk-; In the course of a long story de- scribing how the recipes were o enness or bad behavior had come be-} tained in Switzerland, The Mail says. fore the Court for the last six months. The Dublin Master Carriers' Asso-; that the merchants who captured them' have refused tempting _ has from treatment ever since Congress con- | vened, and Representative Sims, of ; Tennessee, just out of a sick bed and jhardly able. to to his seat, 1 feed, wa ae; No. |begogh the votes which settled the 4 'loc: --Canadian -- offer yoo sell the recipes to the Brit- ish Government for the _use of the Government dye works, permitting the bulk of the profit to: go to the nation prices i-- 3 CW ciation have offered. their men an in- crease of three shillings and sixpence speculative TROOPS ete SE See 3 war hh hance-arporal Albert was. iced. MESS AGE ON PEACE ed with a hand-propelled chair by Sir vanes Gallagher on Aer " the Dub- Constable O'Boyle, of the R I.C., has Urees Trotsky To Accept No 'been awarded a certificate from .th: Dishonorable Peace With Society for the Prevention of Cruelty The property known as the Castle | A despatch from Petrograd says > | Clyde Estate, near the town of Fer-! As the Russian peace delegates pass- | ,moy, has been sold to the Cork Timber} tiations with the Germans, the Rus-! At an inquiry held at Wexford, it| sian troops in the trenches near Brest- was stated that last year £10,000) worth of salmon had been caught - n War Pensions Comm Teutons to Animals at Carlow. ed along the way to renew the nego- 'and Iron Co. for £3 6,000. | Litovsk urged upon Leon Trotsky, the! FIGHTING WITH THE FRENCH. | States or whether the millers would be | x,y apelis. Minn. Jan. 15--Carn--- | Bolsheviki Foreign Minister: jthe Slaney River. 8 ow 65 to 70, Onts-- p & able to continue the production of the 3 white, 7% io st Flour ~achanred es fens aon make a dishonorable | ? A despatch from London says:| higher patents wit® the standard as elie a : aariged | Baittee of Aumeleniare, haere Somes I - J ay 84) Duluth, P idaning roi 15.---Linseed------On | A qd tch, detaili hi 1 ott Commenting on the formation of a| basis for the fixing of profits has not track. $3 Re, Oe oO ee fiche, ere eid other jed a scheme for the re-forestation of | : Czech-Slovak army in France, which] yet been determined. denanes: % '0 need "May. $3.50: July, ,important facts, was received at Smol- ! the county. | SS was authorized by decree printed in| $3 ask tober, $3.30, nominal iny Institute, the Bolsheviki ae The Urban Council of Newry have : the French -Official Gazette, December Rive Stock Markets ters. Trotsky replied, urging: assed-a'vote of thanks to Mr. and HUN MUTINEERS . 'athe food Garrison Artillery, at sistent that the food has decided to take {shortage in the Spring to meet in part i their needs. ! reduced officials see a possibleyghort- a million pounds sterling on the understanding that ihe - dyes will be sold freely to all British manu- facturers needing them. 90,000, 1,000 BUSHELS OF WHEAT The North Tipperary County Com- 'States Decides 'Exsbitations Are Necessary to Relieve Euro- pean Food Shortage. despatch from Washington says: situation in Europe is re- "We did. not overthrow the Czar to Mew Robert Kerr for defraying the' garded here as so critical that the food 'expense of planting trees to beautify, administration is planning to release jan additional 90,000,000 bushels Ire-! /wheat, despite the fact that the nor- S VOTE. : noice on decided to establish district | /mal export surplus had been shipped by | American people will be asked to save of to make up the deficiency. . of the middle of December." e The demand from the allies is so in- administration a chance on a If consumption is not e of flour in the United States in May before the new wheat crop comes in in June. $2,500,000 TO RED CROSS. A despatch from Delhi, India, says: Estimates indicate that well over half was raised A 9, the Vienna Neue Freie Presse says ) 'Toronte. dam 15 "Extra choles heavy | Sy the army already numbers 120,000 Sia th S41 40." Wottece eames leaex. | bow to German Imperialism." : HH to 811.60: butchers! fie ste se: | ---------_-------- | the town, "Although it will not have any de- IN ARMED CAMP , ie B80, fe $9.76; | do caine |HOUSE OF LORDS | The Central wages Board of cisive influence on the military opera- \ Whale, » $10.60: do. good bulls FAVORS WOMAN'S : tions," the newspaper adds, "yet, it YAS ns ote. Met ee ke 'eee | the' ' _ , bod de ough b 50 > if : may a Gs otelderable harm in the|Confirmation of Report That tae cows. chelue, $9.00 te S16. dc. | ; A' despatch from London says: The country sedate i ; : event of the transfer of Austrian 95 5 Serr Kood, EX HO to $4 do. medium, $7.75 to | House of Lords on Thursd 1 e deat as been announcec 2 25,000 German So s s. lambs, $18 to $19: eo: + { 4 n rsday rejectec . troops to the western front. The , Idier | oan amis as, rey pty ree te t. | Lord Loreburn"s amendment to the re- | Major Frederié E. Nixon-Eckersall, greatest harm, however, is the moral Deserted. | $8 Te feeders. § 0, $10: canners | presentation of the people bill, by ,of the Royal & ~. @ffect this wholesale act of Czech} A despatch from Petrograd says:' Kowt tool 0 $i40. fe | which it was sought to exclude women | the front. 2 eroags4 may have on the military | Confirmation of the report that an B10 Tia int ewe £0; ,gPringers rect 'from the suffrage. The vote against | pninins ifines ane power of the Dual monarchy. armed camp of 25,000 German soldiers' heass $7.75, yveurtings. $12.25 te amendment was 184 to 69. 300,000 TURK DESERTERS have mutinied against being shifted to })," Same fea ret sisc8 | The new franchise bill before tne GERMANY DEPORTING 1000 TURK DESERTERS the western front, and are holding the | $17 50 | House of Lords revealed ae op SIA, | 88 2 N 'TING TANDAG & FRENCHMEN TO RUSSIA. | CONDUCTING BRIGANDAGE. | forest. near Kovno and are threaten- a ae ;sition to women suffrage. Earl Lore. | { . . ing an attack upon the other German iy) Sibssa AIA . {burn moved to omit the clause from | A despatch from | London says: A! : \ é A a from -- says: A'troops from the rear if they resume Will Not Take Over Museum. i the bill giving women the Parliament | Gon' official statement, accordingto | ons 7 mga ik reece ane ed here | offensive against Russia, has been' <A despatch from London says: The jary vote. After a two-day's debate |. Amsterdam despatch to the Central INDIA CONTRIBUTES BSS She in the Qttoman Empire | borne out by four German soldiers strong opposition to the utilization of ; the amendment was ain | News, says: "As a reprisal for the re- there ed roving bands of brigands, j Who recently deserted and who offered | the British and National History Mu- ce Jtention of inhabitants of Alsace-Lor-! ertmates to ee 300,000. Theyjto enlist in the new international seums for Government offices has had , Hughes Cabinet Now S# Seen In. raine, against the law of nations, 600 henge wow hank anon: from the army now being organized to fight for its effect. Lord Curzon announced in| A despatch from Melbourne says: | French will be conveyed to Russia co ventura wae ¢ pl yee They | Socialist principles under the direc-| the House of Commons that the Gov- jThe new Hughes Cabinet has been from January 6, and within a few © owns, and some-jtion of the bureau headed by Boris ernment had not found it necessary to; sworn in with practically no changes. ! days 400 French women will be sent Reinstein, international delegate of take these bhildings fo the Socialist Labor party of America.' purpose. times attack regular troops in order aver ood. to get arms and r that) Hon. Frank | Tudor has given notice of to the camp at Holzminden (Duchy amo tion of no confidence. fof Brunswick). as a result of "our day aid of the Red Cross. " collections in =" --_-- -- pre aor = The Doings 6f the Duffs. -- 1 HAD THE BEST Time THIS AFTERNOON AT MRS, YOVNG'S LUNCHEON HER GUEST FRom NEW YORK 15 AVERY iS SHE OF THE HIGH-BROW OR THE LOW-NECK species? ANOTHER- MOVE re) Pose \