Atwood Bee, 24 Jan 1918, p. 1

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__----J-d- JOHNSON 18k Wedding Rings , Neweat Style Marriage Licenses ~ J. J. JOHNSON Vol. 28. No. 46. i ATWOOD. ONT. THURSDAY, JAN. 24, 1918. EL SWING, PROPRIETOR. Take Bromo Quinine for your srippe--the little red box GEORGE BRAY Barrister, Solicitor Notrary Public Listowel, Ontario J. CECIL HAMILTON Barrister, Conveyancer Solicitor for Imperial Bank of 'Canada.._-Money to Loan Office--Main-st., Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, dentist. H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, Notary Public Conveyancer Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton Listowel, Milverton, Atwood Offices, Listowel and Milyerton Money to Loan. D. A. KIDD, M. D. Main-st., Atwood, Ontario Physician, Surgeon Accoucheur, Coroner Executiye Officer of Board of Gealth Specialties-- Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of women and children. FARMERS ATTENTION Make eaiey in your spare time this Winter by selling Nursery Stock and Mew Seed Potatoes 'This is the right 'time to start on Spring Sales. We pay highest commissions and furnish our Sale S with |) erature with a "'punch" . Send for our list of ston Offerings and dull particulars. STONE & WELLINGTON The Fonthill Nurseries Osea 1837 ) * } Poe es For Spring Planting. We need no further introduction than oe +, that we have been in the Business SIXTY ONE YEARS, and are now prepared to meet existing conditions by offering our high grade trees and plants di- rect to customers at RUCK BOTTOM PRICES. Send for our illustrated circulars of hardy varieties whieh you can order direct and save the agent's com- aa of which you get the benefit. Our prices will be sure to interest you and all stock is absolutely first-class and true to name. THE CHASE BROTHERS CO. of Ontario, Ltd. Nureerymen. Established 1857. Colborne Ontario eee Winter Term from January 2nd entral Business ollege, Stratford We employ experienced instructors ive thorough courses, give in- iyidual sdiention to pupils and place graduates in positions. This # school is one of the largest and ® best Commercial schools in Canada Write for free catalogue concerning our Commercial, Shorthand or Telegraphy departments. " W. J. Exurort, President D. A. McLacnuan, Principal TENDERS WANTED The contracts for hauling the milk on the different routes to the Elma Cheese and Butter Company's factory will be let on Saturday the 26th January, 1918, at two o'clock p. m. Tenders will also be reccived for diyiding the whev up to 10:0' clock a. m. on that day. Thos. E. A aie J. R. Hammond Presid Secreta-y. FOR SALE.--One aged Dutham shorthorn bull and one bull calf. Apply to Otto Schmoh!, lot 27, 'con 12, Elma, R. RB. No. 2, Atwood 2; could be performed. - | half an hour after the accident. ceased leaves a widow and one daugh- | ter. - HYMENEAL. MURRAY--AYERS. A yery quiet wedding was solem- nized at Knox church manse Brand- on at noon on Wednesday, Dec 12, when the Rev. R. H. Lowry united in marriage Edoa Ellen, daughter of Mrs. T. Ayers, 253 Sixteenth street, to Mr. J. Leonard Murray, eldest-son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Murray of Elgin, Man. The bride was gowned in white silk crepe de chene and georgette crepe and silver lace trim- mings and carried a bouquet of bridal roses. She also wore the gift of the groom, a cameo brooch. After the ceremony a dainty breakfast was served at the home of the bride's mother. Mr. and Mrs.-Murray left on the 3.10 train, amid showers of confetti and the best wishes of their friends, for their future home near Elgin. = -- DONEGAL NEWS. Mr. D. McLellan spent a few days with friendsin Stratford. Quite a number from hers attend- ed Mr. R. Henry's funeral on Thurs- day. Miss Florence Cockwell of 12th con spent a week visiting with friends in Milyerton recently. The Women's Patriotic League will weet atthe home of Mrs. H MeNichol on Thursday, Jan 24th. There will be no service in the Methodist church here on Sunday Jan 27tb As the Anniversary services are to be hela in the Methodist church Atwood. LISTOWEL Mr. W. A. Kibler, of Kitchener, bas rented from Mr. J. H. McDonald he fr, Healer and uncertt: or, and" it Short ly start a boot and shoe business. ~ Miss Wherry was presented with a shower of kitchenware, and a hymn book by the ladies of the Methodist cburch, at the home of Mrs. R. A Seaman, Wednesday eyening. The ladies honored her in recognition of her birthday anniversary. In common with other communi ties, the coal situation in Listowel is quite serious, though as yet there appears to be no actual suffering Mayor Watson has been in toueb with the office of the Dominion Fuel Controller and received encourage ment to go ahead, if necessary, and take coal from those who haye a lib eral supply, for the benefit of others not so fortunate. Already ten tons have been taken from the bigh school eee ape Farmer Killed At East Zorra. TAVISTOCK, Jan. 21.---Martin Heist, a well known farmer of East Zorra, aged 47 years, died Saturday night as the result of a painful acci- dent. While going down the cellar steps Mr. Heist missed his footing, aod fell down, fracturing his: skull Two doctors and two nurses were immediately called, but in spite of their best attention tho unfortunate man did not regain consciousness and passed away before an operation He lived only De- ---- A new kind of short course was started at the Ontario Agricultural College, on farm power; about a hundred and twenty young farmers are studying gasoline engines. It is probable that a general elec- tion in Ontario will take place May or June The present Ontario Parlia- ment was elected on June 29th, 1914 The Governmert dissolved the House on May 29th and went to the people under Sir. James Whitney. Lon Newton Rowell now in the federal Union Government, led the Liberkl party. The Conservative Goyern- ment was sustained at the polls, returniog with a majority of 57 in a House of 111 members. Premier Whitney died on September '25th, _ and he was succeeded by Hon. Founp. = Atwood, aladies hand bag. Owner can haye same by enil ing at this office and paying for ad. Hearst. Mr. Wm. Proudfoot, K. ruary 6th, '| attendance was not yery large. art o the store Dow oc- H. Hearst,. Now Sir he .938. Exports of motor ve- Mr. and Mrs. Hugh McCourt, of Maitland, celebrated the fiftieth an- niversary of their wedded life last Thursday, the 17th of January, and are certainly to be congratulated on having arrived at this noteable epoch in their life, and that the kind hand of Providence has blessed their happy union with health, happness and pros- perity, and though now in the seven- ties both are hele and hearty, ap- parently have several years yet to spend as liviogexamples and advisory to their much loved family, who kind- ly remembered them on this memor- able occasion with presentations of gold. Among which was a fine gold brooch to Mrs. McCourt and a fine gold watch fob to Mr. McCourt from their son Samuel, of Lodi, California. The. community join -the-family io warm congratulations, hoping the worthy couple will be spared to them for many years, and that when this life with all its sorrow and solace is past, they will have an happy en- trance to the Haven of Rest, where farewell tears nre never shed ard sorrow is unknown. Elma Agricultural Society Held Annual Meeting. Saturday afternoon the annual meeting of the Elma Agricultural Society was held. in their hall. . The Mr. Young Coulter was appointed chair- man and T. G. Ratcliffe, secretary. The minutes and auditors report for the past year wero adopted. The question of holdingaspring show and the entering the field crop competi- tion be left to the directors. The socicty will select the judges for the fair. The president was appoint ed a delegate to Toronto convention of fairs. annual fair on Sept. 17th and 18th, aise cee rule Asia be chanaed callin E following officer were appointed & President, Wm. Morrison; Vice4 sident, John Ballantyne; 2nd Vioe Ivy D. Smith ; Directors, JW. Diek- son, J. M. Ovans, Ralph Love, Wm. McClory, Geo. Gordon, Walter Black- well, J. S. Cowan, Arthur Simpson, Howard McMane; Secretary, T. G. Ratcliffe; Auditors, A. M. Sweeton and W. A. Dickson. 'MITCHELL The residents of the seventh line of Logan. were shocked early Satur- day morning on learning of the sud- den death of Mrs. Tig Wood, who bad died during Friday night. Her husband found her dead in bed about 3 a.m., she having passed peacefully away while she slept, without a struggle. The shock was a bard one for the family as she had been doing her household work as usual and ra tired for tbo night feeling quite as well as she had been for some time not having had good health for some months. Besides her busband, one son. Wilfred, and two daughters, Gertrude and Della, curviye, also one brother, Robert Gummow, of Mitch- ell, and six sisters, Mrs.. Samuel Wood, Willgrove; Mrs. Wm. Parrott and the Misses Gummow, of Mitch ell. The fueernl will take place Tuesday afternoon from her late home, lot 12, con 7, Logan, to Wood- land cemetery, Mitchell. About 3 a.m. Satarday morning in getting up to answer the telephone, Mrs. Fred Wood ; 6th concession, Lo- fon, missed her footing in the dark and fell down the stairs. Her hus- band heard her fall and rushed to ber assistance and found her lying at the foot of the stairs. Besides being bodly bruised and shaken up her left Golden Wedding | Golden Wedding. It was decided to hold the Monday evening, January 2Ist, a Roodly number of their relatives and neighbors gathered at the home of 'Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hamilton, 8th coo, Elma, to take part in the cele- bration of their fiftieth anniversary of wedded life. After a most sump: tuous repast which was.done..ample justice to by all present, the tables being waited upon by a granddaugh ter, Mrs. Gladstone Perry, and a niece, Miss Fortune, of Frankfort, In- diana, had been cleared. Mr Jas Donaldson who had been present at the wedding of the worthy couple fifty years ago was asked to take the chair and in few well chosen remarks in which congratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton on attaining to their fifty years of wedded life or golden anniversary which was voiced by all present, called upon Mrs. Perry and Miss fortune to make - presentation to the worthy couple, to Mrs. Ham ilton a beautiful brooch and to Mr. Hamilton a fine easy chair. After ad- dresses by the Rev. Mr. McDonald, J. A. McBain and others, Mr. George. Hamilton treated the audienco to a good old" scotch song in his usual worthy style, after joining hands and singing Auld Lang Syne, the happy gathering broke up, wishing Mr. and Mrs. Hamilton many future years of life's comfort in their respective a- bodes. Some of the family were not able to be present on account of dis- tances, but all were present in spirit. Among tbe guests present were some who were present fifty years a- go, namely, Mrs. John Grabam, Mrs. L. Pelton and others who brayed a yery cold night to show their appre- ciation of the occasion to the worthy couple, the good will of the whole community is tendered and the gen- eral wish is that they may long be spared in their present enjoyment. . Albert McBain is laid up with Miss Muriel Roo left for Niagara Falls on Friday. Mr. Samuel Vipond is not as well as his many [riends would like to see im. Hear Miss Jevohn Nicklin and W. Piercy in the Methodist church on Monday evening. Mrs. Robert Pearson, spent the week-end with Mrs. Emerson Vipgnd. Mr and Mrs. Norval Hall, Sr., are spending the winter with their son on the 6th con. Elma. Mr. Ernest Smith, of Brockville, enalled on relatives and friends in town on Thursday and Friday. of Grey, Mr. and Mr. C. Ersman attended the funer- al of his uncle, the late D. Fryfogle, at Wingham on Saturday. Pte. Roy Hanna, son of Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Hanna, of Erskine, Alta., is now a prisoner of war. The anniversary of the Methodist Chureb, Atwood, will be held this Sunday aod Monday evening. By the explosion of an acid tank at the British Chemical Works, Tren ton, one man lost his life. Miss Rosstta Little of Donegal and Miss Emma Little, of Monkton, are spending a month at Brantford. Rev. W. H. Graham. of Stratford, will preach anniversary sq gices in the Methodist church on Sosuay. Mr. James Henry attended tbe funeral of his uncle, Robert Henry, of Milverton, on Thursday of last week. Mr. Wm. C, Wilson, of the 8th arm was broken above the wrist. Dr. Smith, of Mitchell, was quickly call- ed and'on his arrival set the injured | member. Mrs. Wood will be laid up| for some time. | li In the United States there are 550 | manufacturers of passenger and com mercial cars, with factories located in | 32 states. Thev have an invested!, cxipital of $736,000,000, omployed | 280.000 workers and pay $725,000,- 030 annually in wages and salaries. During the fiscal year ending June 30, | 1917, they produced 1,806,194 motor | vehicles of a gross wholesale value of | hecles slone during that period am- £CO registred automobile owners in |: be U. 8: bas ' ated i this week visiting his son Pte. Ernest | j di * | Coo coke und con. is laid up at present with a yery sore foot, caused by a horse stepping on it, Mrs. Young. of Tamilton, sing jtwo solos in' the Methodist church on Sunday that were much appreci- Mr. Wm. Wherry, was in Toronto Wherry at the Spadina Military iE Tospital. The Alberta Government has ex- which expired this year, until 1925. The species is all but extinct. Sask- atchewan has a permanent close sea son for antelope. We received a copy last week of tended the close season for antelope, | the Acts and proceedings of the 12th. Synod of Saskatchewan of the Pres- byterian Oburch in Canada from the Rey. Andrew Henderson, of moe who is clerk of the Synod. Surplus, - ihe The th am Capital Authorized, $6,000,000 Capital Pald-up, - $3,000,000 $3,500,000 Success GUCCESS i is seldom attained without at least some thrifty man who saves regularly is a who reaches the goal of his ition. Start a savings account to-day at the Bank of Hamilton. Atwood Branch A. M. Robinson, Manager YZ ad _A " ~ a --Terms strictiy cash. Atwood Meat Market -- All kinds of choice fresh meats on hand. --Home-made sausages, bologna and headcheese. --Highest cash prices paid for hides. --Dealer in all kinds of live stock. All kinds of stock hogs always on hand at reasonable prices. J. M. Smith, Proprietor . * 4-3 = Buy at Our Money-Saving Prices # x Whether you want to furnish a Bedroom, : Living or Dining room, or what not, you : will find in this store what you want at a "¢: : price-you want to pay : : : J. ROGER, Atwood % FURNITURE AND HARDWARE . foo ooo OOOO POO a OOO gO gg Og a ng gga ge BBE ENB ENE WE THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE &% le = Ss FI 1 Fi 5 eAL Upers. Gi PSs OR y.2 Fourteen ladies of the W. M. S. of Atwood Presbyterian church were at} | List@vel on Tuesday attending the| {Annual meeting of the Woman's} | Missionary Society in Koox cburch. | of West Huron, has been chosen pet feat to more than $90,060,000. |The threo speakers for tho day were | leader témoporarily, and the Legisla- |On July 1, 1917, there were 4,242, ; ture has been called to meet on Feb-/ ar three returned missionaries from In- | Mrs. | namely, Dr. McMaster, d Miss Campbell. F EZ SLEEE BE 2 SRS = AAA Seasonable Goods E are supplied with abundance of cold weather goods at rea-§ sonable market values. Alli ' woollen goods are advancing} rapidly and many lines are passing off the mar-Sv< ket. We have full lines of ladies and gents un-§ derwear which we are offering at the old prices. ty Woollen and Flannet Blankets, Sens, in and. Youths Overcoats and Suits as; low as the present wholesale prices. . We have Listowel Sweater Coats as well as the' lower lines from many different manufacturers Highest prices offered for Live and Dressed Poultry, Butter and Eggs. PEREPIUEEZUPS OS CES ES S35 ~~. ss SRSPRSP ORS 48: oy SS BIT Wye sys PZPERIEER SRS : S33? ise --, TPE Up cate CRSA ORs | & W. R. ERSKINE *Phone 1, ATWOOD, ONT NE eon N sx "se BY) sy 3S yy MONG LANG LEM LINN hi m 43 NY Be N : PERERA: ye a ZRVEN Pose esks

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