Sipie a Markets Toro: --Extra choice heavs ateers, Lie aa KT $11. 2s to eg Hiss -65; butchers! "cattle, chole Es $11.2 . good, $10. 76 t hant----Na. on Wty "to etek) do. co xo Tor Tiegs toba whea' ut 1 Northern ¢ Hin N 0. 2, do., $2.208; gholce, Hie $10.50; do., bulls, $9 ore eer e eaing'2 erly $8.50; d es ar pre on ton 8; in st Fort wii m, includin c 50; 0., roug ulls, ¥ ° ; Manito or N Ces Stic: No, | butchers' cows, choice, $10 to $10.50; . C.W., 94he No. 1 feed, 928c;|do., good, $8.75 to $9; do. medium, $8 No. 1 feed, 89fc: in store Fort Willfam. to $8.50; stockers, $7.50 to $8.60; feed- American corn--No. 1 llow, kiln ° ; canners and cutters, $6 dried. $2.05, track Toron 036. 50; milkers, good to choice, $90 to Ontario oats--No. 2 w ite, 97 to 98c; 14 to ner No, white. 96 to 97c, according to ee ag $90 to $140; light ewes, $13.5 freights outside. to $14.50; sheep, heavy. to tis: Ontario wheat se, per car yearliny e: ae to Mag PEE t, Ba basis in store Montrea 4 ; calves, go: © cholce, oO | No. 2, 's 3.70 to $3.80, according |$17; hogs, fed and watered, $19.50 to; Luga that the German de to freights out OM a ae 0.00, ob 418.60"%0 5 med, of cars, $19.75; do., | which entered that town a day or two ey--Malting, ac- | f.0.b., ' ° .60, k cording to ait outside, ua, yo treal, Mar. &--Steers, from, $9.50 ABO, are leaving. The i aaee moy: Buckwheat--$1. to $1.8 according | according to quality utchers wi to 3 velghts outside, bulls, $8 to $10.50; butchers' cows, $7.50 _ing to meet them, have a --No,. 2, $2.08 to $2.10, according | milk a ca BiRs0'to si5.60" £ Mag Ft ; the main railway and occup a m7 to: freights outside. calves ; + sheep, small stations within 12 miles 0 Manitoba flour--War quality, $11.10, | to $13; Jam bs, $13 to $16; select hogs, | new bass, Loronte. - off cars, $19.60 BO to $19.76. | Pskov. Large Russian detachments big out ncn apd BS meni A Pea Ne tien ne tin ap are concentrating near Pskov. The ne t t = * prompt shipments en Ontres! frelaht | Ce ARCH OF FLORIZEL railway men are forming partisan prompt shipment. Millfeed--Car ots--Delivered Mont- detachments along the line. WITHOUT RESULT. real freights ks included: ran, per ton, $36; shorts, per ton, $40; middlings, -- From Smolensk comes the report ; white, per oy to $46; good feed) 4 despatch from St. John's, N.F.,|that the Germans have met with| Hay--No. $17 to $18;|says: Men from the steamer Terra. strong resistance within 16 versts ton mixed, $14 to, $18" track Zoronto, | to 54 the Red Cross} (10.7 miles) from Orsha, and | Nova, who boarded word reached lots, per liner Florizel "after raw--Cuar | = incch Toronto. forced to_retire., been trying to cross the~ Beresina | sho that signals had been observed, : ~ Country Produce--Wholesale {on the ship, rapidly breaking up on River and consolidate the ground in| Butter--Creamery, solids, per, 1b " to 474c: prints, ber Ib., 473 to 48¢; ey the rocks near Cape Race, reported order to begin operations in en ato - 36 to that there was no living person|tion of Orsha and Gomel, Ré PNB ait Bal ae un ase; | aboard Guards concentrated at: Kroupl sl fowl. 26 to Bie: cks, 23 to 24c; geese, | Every part of the vessel spiral tion prevented the Germans from 21°to rkeys, 30 to Soc. 'above water was searched and the advancing in the direction of Orsha. sVhatesniers are selling to the retail ; | trade at the ollowing pric en: odies of five men and ae woman SIE emaNbiR aT neese-- New ee to cy 23% to 238e: tatty cheese ro ta iat 'we re recovered, None, however, was | large twin. 26 to 26%c. | identified. The body of an unidentified Butter--Fresh dairy, choice, 40 to 4tc; | creamery prints, 51 to 52c; solids, 49 to | woman was washed ashore on Wed-| 60c. |nesday morning. i | CITY OF VENICE Exes---New lald, 55c; o. 1 quae te 61 ao Advices to the Government authori- The Germans have! | Cartons. 58 to 60c; N Ste, ' " arin. nen . " j ties that fisher folk had reported sig- | sse poultry-- ec N ye " ens, | , 82 to 36c: fowl. 26 to 30c; turkeys, 3 nals from survivors on the Florfzel' Austrians Case Out Reprisal to 40c; ucks, Spring. 37 to sone" Keese, caused the immediate despatch of the | For Ital d Innsbruck. a aa pouttey Turkeys, 30¢: chickens, | Terra Nova to the scene, although or Italy's Rai on innsbruc Ib., 2 he hens, to to 33c; ducks, agents of the Red Cross line declared | A despatch from London says: | Bean Rah fininn, Fae nicked. ua. | that all survivors had been taken off ' Gothas dropped over one hundred} $8. rail rm 50: ai D hand -picke d, Burma | by the rescue fleet which returned | bombs on Venice Tuesday night out of | $8.25: Limas. 18 toe1se to | here Monday with 44 persons, most otha sheer lust for a bate them members of the crew. fell close to the Ducal Pal Provisious--Wholesale Of 136 men and women who sai iled | Bridge of Sighs and aint ae = {Smooked ments--Hama, medium, 34 to Pee herd port on the Florizel Satur- Church. The despatch suggests ae Cs Dix OS 3 < o fe; ie 'ae: "Siesta bata Say hea an were _-- om oy serious damag: a J2e; backs, plain, 42 to b ie where € ma is vi \- xony, 48 exe _t lean ses | PLOTTERS AGAINST nts were struck ain tena ag on m € ong clear 2 % 28¢ clear belite "8. 27 to 28" on CANADA ARRESTED. tims. One-third of all the in | surd--PDPure lard, tlerces, '293 to 30c; tubs, 297 to 304e; pails, 30 to 30ke. | Venice are now reported pa Pg compound ter es. 254 to 2 bs, 239 A despatch from D Detroit says: Gov-; A despatch from Vienna says: The 0 * Patls. 70 to a6he. ernment agents took into custody here | j official statement issued at the War shortly before midnight, five men, ' Office who, it is charged, have been engaged : Thursday night says: Montreal eentiers "In reprisal for the Italian air raid Montreal, ats--C eredian i* Ma Western, N°; 3 $1. ie xtra No. feed, in manufacturing explosive bombs for! ,;on the open town of Innsbruck our local wit, * sien: beg et Sid [use in destroying oe plants. | flying squadrons on Tuesday bombed 1 Plour---New | standard Spring | T men were arrested near a little! railway stations and milita k cats -- of ihe. gh ake to Hated | town named Brighton, Mich., 35 miles |of the naval port of Venice Mas $35. ' Shorts, $40. 'Midalings: $48 | outside Detroit, Lane brought a ae] | hits resulted in fires." to 60 louie, $60 'to 62. Hay--No./ der close guar Their name onal withheld for he present. WAR TAX NETS $127,350 Winnipeg Grain + ¢ Winnipe ---- J ont nniver, : Mar s Cash Prtoes:-- BRITISH CASUALTIES IN MONTH OF JANUARY she: Bote 9. 0. 1 feed Bote: ES aes FOR FEBRUARY SMALL] A despatch from Ottawa says:-- +W., $1.7 No. 4, $1.713; rejected, The sum of $127,350 was n $2-33; feed. $14 W., SEN Ne wc. A despatch from London Says:--} Government soot "ree ei $3.26% British casualties for February were February by the war i" as 'Winter, aggrégat-!to the 'statement issued For the x Mipneanotis: + gi ee: ing only 19, 492 , divided: renal 4,542: Inland Revenue Department on Thurs- N _ vellow. $1.78 to sisi Oats----No, | Wounded, 11 398; missing, 8,463. Of-| day. e total revenue from all z 'white. 2) to 934c. Flo me unchanged. ficers' casualties were: Killed, 219;| sources for the month was $2,555,597, tout. Minn, Mar. 5--Linseed--$g.91 | wounded, 411; missing, 94; total, 724. | ----<.---___ E 03, arrive, $3.91; May, $3.91} Men's casualties were: Killed, 4,328; Rem : " , ember that b: 2 540 ita july, $3,874 "asked; "October, wounded, 10,982; missing, 3,463. | who olesom -- =e om em --- et labsor 4%, P ainaag edpPaba Ki katatith a fw ----------------= ©{Jelil =f = rit? Betta i SSS ISS . . BO Tig ~N,. e Akrebe ------ iret gr fiurr | ye, vemmain® : r-- Nahr et Avia ' b lawia® 9s Yesufo--> elurish sf Yor efat ' ala 'ad! & i Neby Tari 7 ohus. : Sane 4] oo oRentis "Stes, siwet Khel Fusai & Belt Nabale -- * er sae "teh . efelr é ALS Ann Sinia etlh ie (a dda Nalin iit ' ° 23g MEH _! 4 . : -, pat fe 'SBire ini ' é gyKudee F oor ah Refi Wem, Gzer f U, pusin Dukka (7) --. "en Rem whe? Jericho maays Beitizt@ = Beit Hanning 0 . hirve % Maakkir el Jamvs Hbalded el Enbo, Shatat sa yw JERI vege US ape ee Abu Dis off Obenebbe obeiteljemat / Sur Bohir' € re genni? , gis" J * Feit Tenir -. ; Bile' an 4 R.. S¢meo weit J elt Fefjar nt Batt girs Beit Onde Panels gq = i zine salad Hath { ale © - Simwor ¥ Tf Redes? * "eaDamsing * (Ae bron pose fy a Neva Q ' "oae 7 KhBirein - 7 al of 1 } a 20 one at re Se e wi es -. SSS Detail map of Paledine showing Jericho and the line of British advance. { Deported to Build Trenches for the Huns. This is how the German Kultur works. Italian women, captured in the put to work behind the lines building reserve trenches used as a second li der the guard of Austrian soldiers, Teuton-Austrian drive last fall, are ne of defense. The women work un- URGENT REQUEST -UBOAT SINKS COMES FOR FOOD = HOSPITAL SHIP Great Britain Wants All That Torpedoed in "Bristol Channel | Can Be Spared, and With All Lights Burning. Quickly. A despatch from Swansea, Eng. A despatch from Ottawa says: | S@ys: The British hospital ship Glen- | "Every carload of wheat or flour and |art Castle, which went down at 4; bacon or frozen meat that Canada can|0'clock on Tuesday morning in get to the seaboard is badly wanted." | Bristol "Channel, was torpedoed, a ch is the effect of a cabled mess-| cording to survivors, 34 of whom were age received from the British Minis-| landed here. Nothing so far has b try of Food by the Chairman of the (learned of the fate of the others, Canadian Food Roard. cluding Red Cross doctors, nurses and "Compulsory 'rationing of meat, but- orderlies. There were approximately ter and fats came into force on ied n- day throughout London and the hom counties. Fourteen million pedple.are | °T® 'restricted to about 1% ole I eat, 4 ounces of butter or margar-| seven ine and % pound of sugar per. week. | No. 8 ai of whom were members The Glenart oe went down in minutes torpedo struck in hold. The feboats on the star- board side were fqg the most part By March 25 compulsory rationing of | Sse: foodstuffs will be universal in | Smashed by the explosion. Only these these boats could be launched, and the United Kingdom: The congestion | life on the railways in the United Staten | with the greatest difficulty. to aggravate the alre -- ady ---- serious situation. Every carload of | | DAYLIGHT SAVING wheat or flour and bacon or frozen IN FRANCE MARCH 9. meat that Canada can get to the sea- board is badly wanted. A despatch fren! } Paris says:--The "The Italian Government Commis-| new daylight saving schedule for the sion states that the food situation | Summer goes into effect throughout there is unchanged, but all the allied' France on March 9, two weeks earlier countries are naturally affected by, than last year. the decreased imports reaching them | It is estimated that the saving from American ports. made in gas last year was 7 per cent., and in electricity 15 per cent. SHIPPING LOSSES te SHOW AN INCREASE. | Sharing the Honor. | In her life of Lord William Beres- | vw | Three hospital ships bringing 817 in- A despatch from London says: ford, Mrs. Stuart Menzies tells this Eighteen British merchantmen were :;story of the generosity of that stout- sunk by mine or submarine in the past hearted nobleman, week. Of these fourteen were vessels At a regimental dinner given in his of 1,600 tons or over, and four were honor shortly after he had won the under that tonnage. Seven other ves-| Victoria Cross he was being carried sels also were sunk. |round the table on the shoulders of Arrivals, 2,274; sailings, 2,398. his old "pals," when he espied in a° Merchantmen winoccasaicl attack-' corner of the room a doctor wearing , 'the ribbon of the Victoria Cross. The The losses fo British shfpping, inthe moment he could free himself from past week show a considerable jn- the affectionate attentions of his crease over the previous week, when friends he made a dive for the doctor, | the vessels destroyed numberd fifteen, and, hoisting him on his shoulders, re- twelve of them over 1,600 tons. In gardless of the man's embarrassed the preceding week nineteen British protests, he ran round the room with | merchantmen were sent to the bottom. him while all present cheered lustily. ! In the zenith of his pleasure he was | thinking of the other man, and wished: him to share inthe applause and cheers of the evening. With charac- | teristically quick perception and sym-| pathy he had guessed what memories were arias ts in the old hero's heart. | pe Britain Releases 817 Prisoners. A despatch from Amsterdam says: valid German prisoners from England for in lagu hay- . arrived safely at Rotterdam °e or - If boifed icing doesn't harden try bojling it longer. Germination teats tests of all grain to be! sown are especially necessary at this is the | een | in-' 200 persons aboard the hospital ship, | of the' From The Middle West BETWEEN ONTARIO AND BRI TISH COLUMBIA. | ftems From Provinces Where Many | Ontario Boys ond Girls Are Living. Lieut. L. Proctor Chalmers, a Win- ~ nipeg man, has been awarded the Military Cross. Lieut. H. Strachan, Calgary; was presented with the.Military Cross and the Victoria Cross by King George at , Buckingham Palace recently. provincial health officer of Alberta, states there is more smalipes in the Province than there has EK Winnipeg branch of the Red Cross has received from the Pablic schools of the city the handsome do- nation of 1,000 handkerchiefs and 560 , wash cloths. | By amaigamating the sireets, sew- iers ~and cavenging departments, Ed- jmonton hopes to save $5,313 this year. | It is expected that the present tax rate of 17 mills in Winnipeg will b2 increased to 23 mills for the current year. The citizens of Calgary will usked to contribute $200,000 to Red Cross this year. Regina now has a street be the car fare of , Straight five cents. No tickets are being sold on the cars, An asylum for soldiers who are imentally defective will be opened shortly at Red Dear, Alberta. Licut. Meiklejohn, Winniser, has , been invalided home from the front. Western municipalitics. are to be empowered to purchase and e<ll see ls to local farmers. J. W etmore, Swift Current, Sask., who was rejected for overseas service with the Canadian forces, has been ac- cepted for sorvice at°the British-Can- adian recruiting station at Chicago. His two sons fell at the Somme and his wife died through grief. It is estimated that there are in innipeg 10,000 men belonging to under the Military Service Wi "class two" Act. Manitoba hae providing for a pu be responsible for supplies. The girls of Manitoba University are preparing to organize for the home adopted legislation rchasing bureau to the purchase of all ! ' fardening and home canning squad this spring. Major G. S. Robinson, who before 'enlisting was manager of the Alliance | Trust Co., Calgary, has been awarded j the Military Cross. Doings of the ua tkq. a a IF Yop WANT TO ty AG» Whee LE Y WM, :! Wid HAVE To oF a A 4 Hud) =>" x lleg --< 2% , - - = ° -- Oat fe os, - +e ve Ly thy cA y Z LG te AS" LOVE" You CAN COME. HOME. AND in HSTEN To ALL THE PET NAMES, ADDRESS ANYBODY FERRI "Love" ISA TERM USED JN KEEPING SCORE, ) TELL N v--¢