Atwood Bee, 14 Mar 1918, p. 1

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~ ATWOOD, ONT,, a --_ 4 18k WEDDING RINGS Newest Style MARRIAGE LICENSES J. J. JOHNSON ' i MARCH f4, 1918 One Dollar a Year, Otherwise Dollar and a Half . It does the work. Get it at the Drug Store. oe -- - © * Teas asd Coffee a spe. ialty 'LIVE AND > saedel LIVE™ t THE apie} er Point with your Baking best quality counter, and our prices are rig ht, such as & Heinz bulk pickles 20c per qt Tomatoes 1Se Toilet soap 2 fcr 5c Lemons, Kineardige Meats. Fizhest prices pafd-for Buttel- and Eggs. * A. E, ANDERSON, -- ae It is aypleasure for every ook to have succeis: To BF » do so you must have quality groceries. We ifwite you to our store knowing that we can give you the Bulk Raisins 2 IbeYor 25e , for 5c Seedless faising 18¢ 5 Listowel Bread, Cakes and Buns always on hand. ATWOOD Goods delivered. » We guarantee every article that goes over our EF wy. es wg ww ZS SSGEEBLERESEE COSS sf PAINTS, VARNISHES, STAINS AND ENAMELS for =~ Fafhiture, Floors GS RC Autos, . Buggies, $a. - Inside and outside work. ~ es ty Pe: LT Pe 9; afa 4 Orders taken now for Seed corn. Ta W. Stockford ArwooP ele ame 98,05 5 9599 9 9 FF J OY J > o> Ge Ge GP Ge > o> Ge ¢ RAR BR RR AA AA BA A" BA RA BA BA BA BA Let us show you all our store FURNITURE AND HARDWARE GoodF urniture Value Style Novelty Variety All are here ; that's why dead days are very scarce in this J. ROGER, Atwood Banacor Hanamsrone Established /872 Capital Authorized, $5,000, , ,000 -up, - $3,000,000 - eee $3,500, : Capital Paid-up. Surplus, Uncertainty O one knows what the future may bring forth. Now, while your health is good and your earning capacity unimpaired, is the time to accumulate a competence. One dollar deposited in the Bank of Hamilton will start a savings account, AIM COD BRANCH SASS A.M. Fcbinsen Manager Li ' he ro-c ZA "Local Team at Ur. and Mrs. Peter Ducklow before . +i urning to their home in the West. 'Crows are here. «Boon pill be Maple Syrup time. ~ St. Patrick's Day, Sunday the iran, ' Miss Minnie Campbell left for Tor- Monday. Mrs. G..W. Stockfotd was ab Elora | over the week-end. é | » Mr. Jobo Roger wepret Torootc }iast wéek Oa business. * a | Miss Peart Stratberg is lthe millinery with Misé Jolly? od present visiting in Palmerston. Mrs. A. M. Robinson and daugh Ruth are yisiting at Teeswater. With this issue the BEE eénter#) onto its 29th year of publication. First display of Sprig Milli De March 22nd and 23rd--A. E. Jolly.4 Miss Murray, of Stratford, is | ing her sister, Mrs. T. G. Ballantyne Mrs. (Dr.) E. D. Déwde, (hee Mf | Agnes Ballantyne) is visiting ip to Mr and Mrs. Ray Bart left do ee for their home at Landis.' ask Mr. W. R. Erskine parchased fram | Mr- Litt, of Mite ni fine ives horse Mr. Robert LaF and Oryill }Danbrook lefé for the WW¥esb i Thursday. | Mr. Thos. Dickson lost bis fwr yoar-old colt on Mopday night Gomy indigestion. Mr. Jobo Boyd of Saskatchewan spent a few days at eee Ore wants. Main St ; of Donega!,, } was at StratfordtJast weet cas A jury: jman at the Perth Spring assizes. i] Mr. Thos. Peebleg loaded a\car of | six horses and pouléry on Manday | for Sask., Will Stevenson is in charge | 1 of the car. Mr. John Boallof town is not 'en- i joying very gcod health at present. } Mr. Bell is one of the old pioneers of | this township. Mrs. David Alair and davrghter Effie, of Port Colborne, spent the past week with Mr. and Mra. And. rew Peebles. Mr. H. J. Young, of Ellice Tp., bas purchased tbe Monkton hotel proper: ty and expected to take possession in the near future. ~Mr. James Brown has been Iaid up for the past two weeks. While he is somewhat bstter, he is not able to resume his work yeh Norman Cunningham _ returned home this week from J.ondon having been discharged from the army on account of being under age. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kerr, of Mount Forest, announce the engage- ment of their daughter, Mildred M, to Mr. W. Reginald McClory, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McClory, of West Monkton, Ont. The marriage to take place in March. Mr. Frank Riach's sale of farm stock on Tuesday was largely attend: ed. Mr. Chalmers weilded the ham- mer and secured upwards of $3 000 Mr. and Mre"Riach will shortly move to this village as the farm has been sold to Wm. Holman. Miss Dorcas McCourt,.R. N, of White Plains, N. Y., and Miss Bnid McCourt, graduate nurss, of Green wich, Conn., arrived in town on Sat- urday and will spend a month af the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel McCourt, King-St. P Mr. Arthur Simpson went to Greenwood on Friday to bring home sixteen head of young Jerseys that he.purcha3ed at a sale. They reach here on Tuesdiy and are a fine look- ing bunch of cattle. Mr. Simpson has now a large herd of purebred Jerseys. | and is like a letter from home. rf Mr. -and Mrs. Thos. Peebles and Mrs. Robt. Lesti®: Stwiedn is wefehstr Maoyres stations. leet 'Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hart spent Bdnesday evening at the home of PLavrs. --Have your new Spring nd Seats suits fitted on "Spirella" rand corset. Guaranteed satisfac- gon will bethe result. Consult Mrs. " ¥m. Peter, Atwood. "APPRECIATED, --In renewing his fubscription to the Bee, Mr. Geo. A. pennant, of Eye Hill, Alberta, says The Bee i is very much appreciated bh Bidred left to-day (Thursday) for home in Hoosier, Sask., after pending a faw weeks at the home of dr. Andrew Peebles. © Soldiers crippled in the war are ..3g trained in England to tend ctric machines and as assistants in pb to announce the engagement of ;Lida Charter to Mr. Wesley batt, of Fullerton. The marriage Re place latter part of March. . John Oliver bas been chosen Rito! British Columbia, in suc- sto the late H.C. Brewster, ill be no chasge in the are Duff, Central appeal Mi against the ex- dfs as a class, and ht be called up in Yt a - <T" WaMr. and Mrs. Wm. Annett, of Grey f WALL PAPER } This is our new department, having secured the agency for the FAMOUS BOXER LINE which was handled and sold by Stanley Ford while here in Atwood. We have put in entirely a new stock of there papers and we ask you to let us show you our samples before you purchase elsewhere. Drop in anytime you are in town and we will be pleased to show you through our line. It is not too early to choose your wall.paper as spring is just upon us. We solicit your patronage. esauS5 Atwood" CG. oF @/ HLIN. ; rs. i antype and spent the oe in vitting: nnd psocial way. After hay- ing laneh-a presentation of silverware was made to Mrs. (Dr.) Dowds, a former ~Atsvood girl, who was com- pletely takén by surprise. G ODERICH, March [1.-~James Mc- Cragken, the young Morris Township ifarmer, who shot his wife at their ijhome on Sunday, July 22, 1917, pleaded guilty to manslaughter here | this afternoon: at the opening of the spring assizes, and was sentenced by Mr. Justice Masten to fiteen years in | Kingston Penitentiary. McCracken took the sentence calmly. The property at Blueyale helonging to the*Bluevalo Cheese and Butter Co., hasbeen sold to H. H. Ham- mond, of Moorefield. Mm Hammond has put in a stock of ico and is mak- ing all necessary arrangements to continue the creamery business in Blueyale. The affairs of the com pany will now be wound up. Patrons of the creamery will ba pleased to learn that the business will be con- tinued. At Osgoode Hall, Toronto, on Fri- day of last week the following judge ment was given :--Schade v Brough- ton --J. C. Makins, K.C., for defend- ant. R. S. Robertson for' plaintiff. Appeal by defendant from judgement of County Court of Perth of January 22,1918. Act u® to recover $2 25, alleged to be balance due on purchase price of land. At trial judgement was given plaintiff with costs, and for de- fendant on counter-claim for $25, with costs. costs. ae A Mock Trial by Twenty Different Actors Breach of promise case olso dog cass. Characters taken hy all pro- fessions--businessmen and yoemanry Don't miss this treat, the last of the season. Music hall, Atwood, Friday evening; March 15th. Come and en- joy a laugh. Proceeds are for pat: riotic purposes. CASTORIA _ For Infants and Children in Use For Over 30 Years Always bears the Signature of © Appeal dismissed, with} ff Dutch Set Onions and w% Multiplyers. Buy now as they may be scarce. THE STAR GROCERY White Fish Fresh in Crisco 85c¢ a pound Pure Lard 85c¢ a pound Lard compound 80c. The last Shipment of Fish this Season x STEWED White Fish. Putin a dish half coverisig with boiling mitk % and cook on top of the stove for ten or fifteen minutes. Drain the fish and rub oyer with butter before serving. i! wx SPICED WHITE FISH---Sprinkle a whitefish inside and out with ground cloves, alspice, pepper and salt. Place in a baking pan pour in m eutiicient yinegar to 'bake the fish--serve hot or cold. FEED = Milverton flour, Bran and Shorts -- always: on ven such e : Invigorator. - Feeding it wil keep your poultry healthy 'nat free from Re. disease and greatly increase the egg production. . We also have Wood- mp houses Tavigorator for your horses. sheep and pigs. Try a -- at2ic jp -§- 50c and $1.00; - * E. T. Greensides & Son ee Goods Delivered. Phone No. 5. ' tuibatiot tata tor atentatatatatatatatotatoratatatat The Store of Satisfaction Headquarters for Ice Cream and Fruits In groceries we have all kinds of canned goods Salmon Tomatoes Peas Corn, etc Fresh Bread, Buns and Cakes SATURDAY SPECIALS--Lettuce and Celery Dutch Set Onions for sale. Butter and Eggs taken as cash. Bell Telephone in connection or. Earl Switzer, Propriet THE PEOPLE'S OPULAR STORE UZ ~~ M4 TEN ay Bee omy ee N Atay tite, Se Se SS? ERY a0 SAS 4 A) fs We have received a shipment of Ay tes Ay Pz >= ye SARA p22 ~ SSS New Spring Goods ANG =? And we can show you some nice lines in Ae = Soe RS BAA ~ Prints, Ginghams, Poplins and Voiles for Spring cS We have also a good range of Shoes for Men, Women and Children at reasonable prices. ii: <3 =e a he x Come and inspect ours before buying elsewhere. Bue SS A Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce. . lw. R. ERSK INGE "Runge 1, ATWCOD, ONT

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