The Kind You Have Always Bought: and which has apes in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of and has been made under his per- LIP, sonal supervision since its infancy. All Counterfeits, Imitations and Allow no one to deceive you in this. "* Just-as-good"? are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children--Experience against E. iA. o What. is CASTORIA Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is pleasant. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than thirty years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising therefrom, and by regulating the Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; giving healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother's Friend. GENUINE CASTORIA ALWAYS Bears_the Signature of In Use For Qver 30 Years The Kind Yeu Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY, " . : Se Ss ale eS ek gate ees Me ee Me Se se SM Se ME Me ee Atwood Meat Miarket = F A A Ll AS AIS US AS ZIS a -- All kinds of choice fresh meats on hand. Ko me --Home made sausages, bologna and headcliceso. x z1é --Highest cash prices paid for hides. as as --Terms strictiy cash. ae ae --Dealer in all kinds of live stock. is a All kinds of stock hogs always on hand at & me reasonable prices. 2 J. MI. Smith, Proprietor = aie ee es Sie wow a inane (GEORGE BRAY iain Solicitor 2 SRRSSEReETEN YOU CAN SUCCEED entral Business ollege, Strattord ' Ce ee eek ek eo ee Barrister, Notrary Public Listowel, Ontario J. CECIL HAMILTON Barrister, Conveyancer . vey Ontario's Leading Commer- | | Solicitor for Imperial Bank of | cial School makes SUrCeSS ensY. We have three departments--Com- Canada. Money to Loan | mercial, Shorthand and Telegraphy " ' a 7 | We give individual instructions and Office Main-st, Listowe!, next |* students may cuter at any time to D-. Foster, dentist ~ | Gr: woates are placed in positions eee a ' lis is your Opportunity as thefe isnygreat call upon os for trained H. B. MORPRY, K.C help, Write at once for particulars. - b. > mL, Parrister, Notary Public W. J. Ecatorr, President Conveyancer D. A. MeLacunas, Principal tyes . . ° Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton Milverton, Ollices, Listowel and Milyerton SRE TECRLEL BREF SEEHR SREB FARMERS ATTENTION Atwood Listowel, | | Money to Loan. | D. A. KIDD. M. D } Make money in your spare time this A ° ' . . | Winter by seiling Nursery Stock and . . : New Seed Potatoes + ag Main-st., Atwood, Ontario | This is the right tine to start on Physician, Surgeon } Spring Sales. Accoucheur, Coroner | We pay highest commissions and a : aoa | furnish our Salesinen with literate ire -Exeeutiye Officer of Board of | witha: 'punch™ to it Health } Send for our list 0 [Ne w OF Gerings and full particulars. Specia!ties-- | Ieye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of women and children. | a FRUIT TREES AND PLANTS For Spring Planting. We need no further in introduction than STONE & WELLINGTON The Fonthill Nurseries { Established 1637 ) TORONTO, ONT - London, Mareh 1 -- Fifty two wees, just one ful year, of unrestrict ed fsightfulness and its results on British shipping was completed with | $eES CERRCR ERE ECR N EERE RE HETERO RENEE - LISTOWEL Word has been received from Gun- ner J. A. Schinbein that be has been granted two months leave of absence. He is leaving for home immediately, jand his many friends here-will be pleased to welcome him back. Gun- ner Schinbein enlisted with the 55th Battery at Guelph. Mf. and Mrs. Adam McKeever, who have been sponding the past few months with friends in the east, leaye next week for their home in Heward, Sask., Mrs. McKoever -has been ser- iously ill at the home of her parents in Peterboro hut bas recoyered to such an extent that she is able to re turn to her home. A cablegram has been received from England stating that Andrew E McKeever, son of Mr and Mrs. Wom. McKeeyer, town, bas been promoted to Mujor ic the R. F. C. and invested by the King. Major McKeever has now the proud record of having brought down forty enemy machines and is still going strong. Listowel unites in extending to Mujor McKee- ver heartiest congratulations. a GREY - The 50 acre farm-of John Baier, being N} Lot 26, Con. 10, has been purchased by Isaac Lake, who lives adjoining, the price heing $2000. This gives Mr. Lake 125 acres now aud will enable him to pursue a wider range of farming. Mr. Baier goes to a farm _on the 16ih Con. of Elma | township. Sap AND FatTaL ACCIDENT.-- Tuesday evening about 5 o'clock as Benson and Gus. Wheeler were chop- ping in the former's bush, a falling limb struck Benson on the head, crusbing in his skull and from which he died early Wednesday morning, neyer baving regained consciousness. Strachan Lros who were working in the neighboring bush were called and the injured man was taken to his home. Doctors dressed the wound but tbere was no hope. A wife, who was a Miss Wright, of Jamestown, and two children survive. The fun eral took place Friday afternoon to Brussels cemetery. Deceased was the eldest son of Lawrence Wheeler, over the sad esgic MIT CHELL MITCHELL, March 7.--In .De | troit, Mich, on Teb. 6, beloved wife iof Mr. N. Coneenia quietly passed jaway to her last resting place at the ripe age of £5 years. Deceased was greatly esteemed and beloved far her many kind acts and patience during her life. She wasa faithful wife and jtow: ing mother of fourteen children She and ber hushand were residents (of Logan, near Kennicott, for a great many yeurs, but moved to Michigan (18 years ago, and their old friends 'and neighbors heard with deep regret ithe news of her death. Her,busband 'is now 92 years of age and quite hearty for a man.of his age; 13 child jren. also survive. Mrs. Rebert Smith jof St. Marys, formerly cf Mitchell, is a daughter. Forty six grandchildren and sixteen great grandchildren also survive her. Her death was a great shock to ber family as she bad been len] xying goed health up to the last. ho ber death her husband has re- turned to Canada and is living with iE is daughter, Mrs. Robert Smith, Church st, St. Marys, where he will {spend his remaining days. = lppcicntianiiciiiatssacis Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The Manitoba Legislature was pro- rogued, after carrying enthusiastically Premier Nortis' strong war resolution pledging the Province's united sup- port of the Federal Gcvernment's war efforts. Attention is again called in camp orders to theregulation issued in The 1Cn nadian Gazette on Jan. 12, whieh | says : "No employee of the militia apd was 38 years and 7 months oldi@ and was born in Morris township.| , He was a fine stalwart feliow. who} \ was most highly esteemed by the! jie community who were sadly alte dott Income , omeach Form is given below. form that fits your case and fill them in. Pattee For a or both, Is provided. Individuats.--All persons unmarried; and all widows or widowers OP pe securities eepararely. Fill in mark on page 4. Dertaernighs be cast aeed aot ta returns, but the nerships must. ~¢ and J Stock normal tax on" income g i and Canadian Red Cross or other approved War Funds. Trustees, Executors, Administrators of Estates and of the distribution of income from all estates handled mus te Soe distributed. A separate Form must be filled in for each estate . Employers must ee eae other remuneration paid to all aggregate to $1000 or over. »: Corporation Lists of Sharehelders.--On Form T5 corporations and dividends paid to Sharcholders residing and the amounts. Figures in every case are neslect, a fine of $100 for each ch day of default may be | the Inspector of Taxation for your District. In _ the other two, with the Commissioner of Taxation, Dept. of - Forms may be masters at all leading centres. Postage must be wn Sy ape cob deceenants forwarded by m by ma -- to Inspector of o a Forms ee Are now available ' Returns must be filed on or before 31st March Dominion Income War Tax Act requires you to fill in one or more of ty the five special Forms provided Delors 31st March, Pa 8 In order to assist the public to understand just what is required of them, information Read ming then ag three copies of the g false statements, a penalty nity of "$10,000 0 or six months' persons w income is derived from dividends, list ue pages 1, 2 and 3 only. Do not Companies, no matter how created or organized, shall nay tha the $3000. Use Poss n F2--giving particulars "Of income. uctions, show in detail amounts paid to Patriotic Fund Assignees use ros T3. Full particulars d amounts of salaries, employees during 1917 where such remuneration amounted in the in Canada during 1917 stating to wham paid, 1917 income--all Forms must be filed by 3let March. For lg In the case of Forms T1 and T2, keep one copy of the filled in Form and file the other two with the case of T3, T4 and TS, h See Saar aie file Finan ce, obtained from the District Suepectert of Taxation endl taza the Foil Department of Finance, ions fully and without pat eae, hose incom individuals forming the part- well as details of amounts bonuses, commissions and shall give a statement of all ttawa, Can-dcs Sa po Of Taxation, George R. Tambling, London, Ontario am peel M Meeting lan, Henry Seelhoff, and Wm. Struth- r. Poundkeepers :--Harold Peter, W. Mania Council of the McCormick, John Hamilton, .. Wm. fal Aeon met in the ny Turnbuil,- Richard Coghlin, Geo. twood, on 'Bata 4Y+! Chapman, J. uo Br nia ar a | Hymers, Alex: oe peu Mar-+ ; 5 preaenit:--Reeve cay. Baines! Files, eputy. Reeve, Sambol sae Huiecksst: i i Councilors Wi. Coates, "John Partridge. a Tenders were then opened for construction of the "McKenzie Drain" as follows :--James Nicholson at 43 cents per cu yd for open portion' and $60.00 for tilo portion -- McDonnell & Murray at 46 cents per cubic yard Moved by Coates--IIlman--That the tender of James Nicholson to construct the "McKenzie Drain" ac cording tothe Report Plans, profile and Specifications thereof for the sum of 43 cents per cubic yard for open portion and $60 00 for tile portion be | accepted and that the Reeve and clerk have a contract prepared and signed in relation thereto. The amended report of the engineer on the Maitland River Improyement and the order of the Drainage Refer- ee confirming the said report was then presented. Moyed by--Smith--Iiman-- that the clerk have a By Law prepared in relation to the Improvement of t Maitland River. Moved by -Smith--Vallance--that | "| the Reeve ud clerk issue orders for the payment of the following ac- 'counts, yiz:--G. T. Railway rent for sewer con 8 for 1917, $1 00; Norval ; Hall, breaking road 8. R. 5 &7,300; M. EB. Battaor, account for spikes 2 7 75; John Cogblin plough ing road con56&7 gr. road 800; Hy Cran, light at culvert S R. 5&6 con 15, 1.00; Robt. Cunning' ham, cutting pitchholes, con 9 Gr. road 1.25. | Moved by Smith--Vallance--that ' the Council do now adjourn to meet again in tho Agricultural Hall, At- od, on Saturday, April 6th 1918 te Era Shia _ at ten o'clock., A. M. for general town- Love, Robt. Nichol, CO. W. Harvey, {22!P Business. -- GEO. LOCHHEAD, H. Danbrook, Wm. Little, Sam Ach |S¢°retry eson, Joho Miller, Sam J. Love, Geo . O. Fisher, Alex Grant, Jas. Smith, Children Cry Wm. A. Gray, Wm. Struthers jr. FOR FLETCHER'S Fred Ritter, Chas Ducklow, J. 8. _approyed and signed by the seve and clerk. Communications were read from the Hydro Electric Railway Associa tion of Ontario and the Organization 'Resources Committee and filed. A. petition of the Trustees and thers of Union School Section No 6 Elma and Logan to have the bound aries of said Union School Section altered was presented. Moved by Illman--Coates--that the Reeve and Deputy Reeve bo ap pointed with power to act, to arrange with the Council of Logan for a meet ing in regard to the alteration of the boundaries of U. S.S. No6 Elma and Logan in answer to the potition of tle Trustees and others of the said Union School Section. Pathmasaters, Poundkeepers. and fence viewers were then appointed. Pathmasters :--Jno. Hamilton, 8. Weber, E. L. Mann, Jas. Henderson, Thos. E. Gibson, Russell Coghlin, P. Gordon, R. Hull, A. Bradford, E. } Knechtel, A. Hewitt, Geo. A. Hamil. | ton, Wm. Shotts, W.S Shearer, T. | Shearer, Wm, Rac. Wm. I. Coleman Thos. Haddow, G. Mayberry, Walter Ward, Thos. J. Tughen, Wm Smith, Thos. EB. Shearer, Ed. Shearer, J. P. Aitcheson, Geo Cleland, Robt. Tay- lor, Geo. Sanderson, Jas. Hamilton, Arthur Forman, Geo. Porter, John Coghlin, Robt. Galbraith, Walter Inglis, Jas. H. Dickson, John Me Cauley, Jas. Keith, Scott Sy milton Geo. Ruttan, Thos. McFur.e%e, Jas. W. Dickson, D. Saunders. Fred Bull- the 21st ee when Rev. D Lae at ho &6 con! the fact that we have been in the Business SIXTY ONE and are now prepared to meet existing conditions by offering eur high grade trees and plants di- rect to customers at ROCK BOTTOM PRICES Send for our illustrated circulars of hardy varieties which you can order direct and save the agent's com- mission, of which you get the benefit. Our prices will be cure to interest vou and all stock is absolutely first-class and true to name. THE CHASE BROTHERS CoO. of Ontario, Ltd. Nurserymen. Reasitenad 1867. Colborne Ontario A spring day in the air is worth two in tho almarac. - the weekly list of shipping losses on February 27 by the Britisn Admiral ty. The tots l ef losses for department paid and rated asa civilian jis permitted to wear uniform. Only the year, oflicers and other ranks who are called were as follows: Ships over 1,600) out on military duty and are paid as tonnage, 820: smaller craft, 176; ' such are permitted to wear uniform." fracd total, 1,286 or approximately . 3-5 of all classes per day. The high- Jo this town a whole lot of people est weekly loss was a total of all) | haye no pLones in their home for the classes during the week ending May | jconyenience of their women folk on 5, 1917, and the lowest during the } account of the cost, $20 a year, which week ending Noyember 11, 1917,| lis altogether too high. We notice when the loss of only 7 ships of alf| ithat in Colborne Tp., near Goderich, classes was reported. the Township Telephone System 'showed that although the charge was Local railway _ authorities have | only $1.25 to each subscriber for op- been notified that there will be no | erating and maintaining the lines, special excursion rates granted this) the system was able to place $500 in year. In the United States the ban la reserve fund and expects to mater- - been placed on excursions of alljially lower the charges for 1918-- <inds. | Chesley Enterprise. Ellocott, Hugh McCourt jr., A. Quipp, Allan Huston, Chas. Buchanan, Ed. Smith, Jas. Scott, Stephen Roe, Allan Barr, D. Steckley, J. J. Struthers, Hy. Weibeo, Jos. Holman, Jobn Mc Kenzie Jas. Holman, Fred Dabus, Win. Pohike, Jos. J. Lambert, John McLennan, Chas. Bleckert, Jobn Flood, D. Bartja, Alex Stewart, Wm. Near, Dan Matthews jr., Joho Near, Dayjd Adair, Wm. Gernhelder, J. J. Kuépfer, Jas. McCrae, J. A. Turnbull, Geo. Gordon, Jesse Rowland and P.: Ducklew. Fence Viewers:--J. B. Hamilton,' Reid Moore, Thos. J. Taghen, W. A.; Dickson, David Park, D. A. Thomp.-! son, Thos. J. Sproule, Sam Sorry, Geo. Cleland, Alex Stewart, Henry Duncan, Thos Bilacott, John McLel- CASTORIA Price of hogs this week $19 50 Many people wonder why February should have only 28 days. It origin- ally bad 30, but when the name of the month cf August was chauged ; from Sextilis to August, in bonor of , Emperor Augustus, it was considered that a month so greatly honored should be given an extraday. At the same time people felt it would be hardly fitting to lefigthen this month and not lengther the month of July, which was named after the mighty Julias Ceaser. Therefore if was de- cided to lengthen both months, and two days were taken from February to do this. "Silver Wedding. One of the moat delightful social evenings ever held in the Methodist chutch was held Casreasy evening r. and Mrs. me" fo. their con- oveasion, ap their 5 ing aniversary. The Ladies' "hia of the both appointments assisted in making © this a most happy and enjoyable event. The tables were arranged ina most unique form and beautifully docorated in pink and white. Amid the strains of the wedding march, played by Miss Daisy Her, the people #at down at the takles All the wait- \ers were attractively dressed in white ; After supper Oliver Bowring was call- 'ed to the chair, and introduced the 'followiog program: Piano solos, by a | Misses Daisy Iler, E. Quick and Byron Eede; readings by Mesdames Erie Herdman and Eva Clark; duet, by Dr. and Mrs. Husser, and adiiress- res by Wm. Hughson and Dr. Tusser the latter giving a brief account of the several circuits on which their ;married lifo had been spent. During 'tho evening Dr. and Mrs. Huaser re- ceived hearty congratulations on at- taining their twenty fifth wedding anniversary, and hopes were exprees ed for their future usefulnees and 'wellfare. The following ministers 1 isent regrets at not being able to be ~ | present : Rey. John Henderson, of | Ripley, who performed their warriage ceremony at South Woodslee twenty: five years ago; Rev J A. Snell, who was ill, and Rey. G 3. A. Kingand Rev. T. Frears, who was unable to provide a substitute for his own meeting. The following telegram was received by Dr. Husser from the District Meet- ing which assembled in Walkeryille thatday: 'The brethren send beart- silver anniversary of your wedding, and trust that many happy -useful years may be given you." The even- ing closed with "God Save the King," all going away feeling that it was one of the most pleasant and helpful social évenings they ba bad A over spent. A copy of t! the se Cotets Motor Head- light Law, which was recently passed by the Ontario Legislature, shows that iu order to meet with its require- |ments a large number of motor cars _owners will have to change the head- lights on their cars. The new law ,says: It sball be unlawful to carry as a motor yehicle any lighting de- vice of over four candle power equip- ped with a reflector unless the same j 'ranged that no portion of the beam of the reflected light, when measured 85 feet or more abead of the lamp, shall rise above 42 inches from the level surfaco on which the yebicle stands." Children 1 Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA iest congratulations upon this the shall be so designed, deflected or ar- * n ciendinina oatane ee