. = NG OF THE LONGEX ) ACID STOMACH IS DANGEROUS © ee : MOST FREQUENT CAUSE OF Dominion of Canada. CHRONIC DYSPEPSIA... > 1 Field Marshall Haig's Report cort States Ti That Enemy's Losses Were | | + 5% Gold Bonds Very Heavy--British Positions Penetrated but Enemy You must neutralize the acid in your stomach, says Doctor, Failed to Attain Objective. _ or give up.eating sweets, meats, potatoes and salads PRICE: 98%. and Interest . -- an oe : and quit drinking tea, coffes or liquor. H ; Ad tch fi London says: On|over front in and near the ; : Due: Ist December, 1923; to Yield 5. Te the us saan! Novthess France Cambrai sector, am bpd araal x Alarming inerapee In s dyseorela'an and stomach disorders | ie largely fun: to too ! 8 . Ist December, 1927, to Yield 5.6 .| the Germans on Thursday began what @ ear-marks of being the be- much rich food ae : oe one use of so-ca eg igeetre ' Ist December, 1937, to Yield 5. 608 may be the greatest battle of the war. Ma teste pana WES = pectetagi! ev athe sonceck | Baron Interest payable Ist June and December r |The attack was made wee a scalte pare fighting is proceeding from a ' . > hitherto unknown during this war of/ point north of Lagnicourt southward tomach specialist take a little '. Bearer or Registered Bonds. major offensives. to Gauche Wood, just below Gouzeau-| ordinary bisurated maga le--nothing Thorotore be vety catefa wh wae suit 2 ce Field Marshal oo, report fromjcourt. The attack was preceded by a aad tnassap sonore ine couse of ve of your reMable stomach specialist or "take a Denominations: $50, $100, $500 and $1,000 British headquarters ~ France de- heavy bombardment from guns of all| stomach < | ttle ug tae bisurated on eee . scribes the German sHtaactes as com-jecalibres, and the duel between the op- nothi se--to correct the stomac Fbien bonds are ate bet oo Daa a me = ern ag ped prising an intense bombardment by/posing heavy batteries has been rock- iS ms 4 proceso aciatty, , and thereby remove the caus for future SDebinion of Canad da bonds of | tis diautiry, of anges, the artillery and a powerful infantry ay the countryside for hours, | and the tissues will be| If you have an acid stomach, you { other than issues made abr: attack on a front of over 50 miles.| The Germans have employed gas! pomerg and © aie Yet you gO must confine yourself to a diet of milk Some of the British positions were! shells freely, and a constant stream of, around with a gone or more of this and eggs, or if you wish to eat such More complete information gladly furnished an request penetrated, but.the German losses are|high velocity shells has been breaking "#@me powerful acid in your stomach ' articles of food as meat, potatoes, sal- declared to have been exceptionally | with frightful Sane far back of #2¢ then wonder why your stomach | ads, sweets or ric& foods or gravies, or heavy. the British line digest. And when you put food into an fee, you must take a teaspoonful of - OMINION ECURITIES On no part of the long front of the} Germany is staking everything on; acid stomach, the acid simply com- | bisurated magnesia immediately after ORATION LIMITED attack did the 'Germans attain their|this play, and if the great attack) bines with the sweots, meats and pota- | cette to neutraHze the acidity. Ste CORP objective. fails to break clear through, it is be-| toes you eat and the tea, coffee a and tistics show that 90 per cent. of t HEAD orFice. TORONTO 26 nino st. A despatch from British Army/}lieved that the Germans will be fin- oe you drink, and makes a lot | people who have dyspepsia and inde REAL Head ters in Fr says: The/ished, for they hav thing furth |gestion have an excess of acid, and MONTR ESTABLISHED 1901 iianiatie ENG. eadquarters in ance y y have nothing further ee Next. the acid may eet into your that this is the real cause of their Germans on Thursday launched a}to offer, except a gradually weaken- stomach walls, producing a stomach trouble. heavy attack against the British lines|ing defence. . ulcer or cancer, and muy half the! Keep the acid neutralized at all cases of peer Rm ever nt re 'times by the free use of bisurated Seen ens ----_-- ( $9.25 to $9.50 po: | under the most s treatment; the magnesia so that it no longer inflames Markets of the Wor |Bockers, $1.76. to Hy "Gi tae a $9 HH at others, sooner or later, all die, and'the stomach walle, eat slowly a NAVAL BATTLE TO STIMULATE \ $20.25: canners endl cutters, $6 ta $6.75; | stomach rig ng practically always masticate your tood thoroughiy, an Ikers, good to choice, $90 to $125; d0..! means death in a year-at most. But your stomach will soon get well of its » ---- ed com. and 5 bs to $80; 1 . to $125; light ewes 9% 50 to $1: sheep this is not all. The acid in your stom- | own acco: OFF DUNKIRK FOOD PRODUCT ION. Toron M ar, 20 Manitoba. wheat heavy, "$6.26 to $7.50: 'yearlings, $11.76 | ach passes on into the intestines, up- | Bisurated magnesia is absolutely XS, 1 Northern, "82 238: No. % 2. do 204; | 2 $12.75; lambs. $18 to $20.50; calves,| sets them and disarranges your liver, harmless. It {s generally oe 1 " 2108: 00d to choice, $16 to $17.25; hogs, fed that you may soon rabon's a seri- by physicians to be taken in 3h: and watered, $20.50; len pod store Fort William, Inctuding. 'eke te | cars, 320.18; ao fo.b., a3, syimned °f | ous operation with the surgeon's knife ful doses immediately after eating or . i "Mtn te oba oats Montreal,' Mas. 26--st , i mdiciti wh v y have any distress from Results in Sinking of Four Ger- Dominion Treasury to Grant Aid g CW, 92 22he: extra N otf eed She: No, {tg aunty. $9 "a ae hatchet! Bani | for gall stone oF ame cite. a (Zen ae ot bes vee at oa ren man Raiders--No Allied to Various Provinces. Ciglieh Btatee orokient termites the | $10. 60: jcanners. cattln $5.50 to. $6.0 00: | aaa pag Bh ance eg ae errant aa Po more 4 A despatch from Ottawa says:| Ontario oats--No. 2 white, 94 to 95c; |) Sheep to $13; lambs, $14 to $16.50; | burn, or e - esata More ben $250,000 will be furnished No. " white. . 93 to O40. ficcording to | Milk ott cog "320 t 5 $A2 he 50; nelect - of the stomach of cher srfapioins | Be gore to obtain bieurated mag A despatch from London says: Two relehts side. _" +o hich indicate stomach acidity, they nesia and not some other form of the p the Dominion Treasury to aid Ontarto toes 2 Winter, per car a ene take some advertised digestive pills or magnesia, as other forms are used as a nd two torpedo : German destroyers ang: P e to carry | 'Seas---No. 2 $3.60 to $3 60. according buy a box of tablets from the nearest laxatives and as mouth washes, but boats were sunk ina naval engage- 50 .60, or their part of the campaign for to. freights talc , druggist. Such remedies may give they have not the same power for ment off Dunkirk on Thursday morn greater production. of yee in Barie Sieh a $1.78 to $1.80, ac- ANADA 0 ASSIST temporary relief, but if you go on fill-| neutralizing stomach acidity, which ing. The British official report Fenda: C cording to freights z outalde : 7 your stomach with @ lot of druge |is sued iy bisurated cunsia, a anada, Sir Robert Borden announced 3uckw atest o $1.85, according "Vice-Admir&al Douer reports that o freigt fae you may get to the point. after a while which is inexpensive and can eastly : mW athlon becukred of-Donkirk be-|™ n Ge potas gi i pte Rye. ouside. according to frelght | ~ IN SHIPBUILDING when no food of an any iene wat stay be obtained from any rellable drug \ . - out stomach, \ tween 4 -- 5 aa on _-- which has been promised by the Do. Boag ni flour--War quality, $11.10, on your we we idea ve an |store. . yr v aK oro as Guatdll Dickens waco engaged with minion Government, will be distribut- sOnearto four War auallts, $10.70; | es Placed for 43 Steel and | URGE THE FARMERS s y ne Toronto n ontrea! ace or a hans . ee Bi pe ro crow FLax crors. SUBMARINE LOSS a force of German destroyers whic 0 * freights, prompt shipment. . Ntarlo 5 seis Wives saves $60,000 Millfeed lote--Delivered Mont-' 46 Wood fi ' had previously bombarded Dunkirk Quebec . ................ 60,000 real frights, bh bags include d-- Bran, per Ww en Vessels. at Cost for 10 minutes 'Two enemy destroy. | QUeBes fon, S805 ahortas'per tone $0, of $64,500,000. A despatch from Toronto says: The 1] 897 572 TONS ova Scotia ............. 30,000 Hay--No, 1, per ton. $17 to $18: : * : : t ers and two enemy torpedo boats are Mew divwtewisk 25-000 wih Sa tot sab tren Beane A despatch from Ottawa says: De- defection of Russia deprives the allies 9 9 believed to have been sunk. Surviy-| Oo Srunswick ......... Straw--Car Tots, per ton, $8.50 to $9, »,/0f and gives to the Germans the larg- ors have been picked up from two en- Prince Edward Island . 5,000 | track Toror tails of the Canadian Government's est flax-producing area in the world British Columbia ..,.... . . 15,000 plan for assisting in meeting the need n consequence there will be a tre.|This Has Been Replaced by New emy torpedo boats. é conn try Produce--Wholesale of the allies f. hant : "No allied vessels were sunk. One Geaketchewans « vise 0s0~ss . 22 Be _ERRE es --Current receipts, cases return- een 'a Sir pawl ---- wine mendous demand by the allies for flax, Ships of 6,606,275 Tonnage. te eeeeee eoeeeeee * able, 39 British destroyer was damaged, but! Manitoba... |. seceeess 25,000 Eviter--Gresmery, esllas, 48% to 49; |course of his speech at the opening of hires is used extensively in the manu-| despatch fi8m Washington says: reached harbor. The British ind creamery, prints, 49 to 50c; dairy, 34 li t. Alread hh b acture of airplanes and other in- jas i ; to_88c. artament. Already much has been | + ments of w d the Provincial | --Secret figures of the British Ad- ties were slight, There were no LEMONS WHITEN AND Li ive po ultry Buying price, delivered, |done in the Dominion by the Imperial STSMENES OF WAT, 0 FS TOvIICE ® A French casualties," BEAUTIFY THE SKIN | Toronto:--Chickens, 27¢ "Milk fed ernment through the Imperial and Federal Departments of Agricul-| miralty on submarine losses and world ture are now discussing plans to en- shipbuilding were made public here chickens, at; hens. fi db ie 22c; courage the production of flax in this "ha we ® - "An 3 2 ---- hens, '4 to 5 'ibss 6 to Bo iain ns, over Munitions Board for 48 steel ships, Tiniradey by the Beltish Fiat i | Make this beauty lotion cheaply for |® eg A rodsters, oF Cuckngs, "°C; | with an aggregate tonnage of 211,300 = ,,| On thursday by the mbassy- ITALY _ENROLLS your face, neck, arms and hands. nepiaased pou oul ry---Chickene. 4 $00; mitk tons; and 46 wooden vessels, with a P Se idan otc ae They show that from both enemy : ens, - s . : 'AS the: ovat iot caste a hens, 32 to 6 thes 240; bene. over 6 tonnage of 128,400 tons. The | attention of the authorities to the| action and marine risk on January 1, : -- bet ALL CITIZENS ead eeeuin st pegai eet: gered Sirkuve bee ee 10,000: 12 es vessels 966-In need for flax production. They claim | 1918, allied and neutral shopping: had b > ) ' Spink oF the "akiet erfal | »3° eene._ New large, 23 to 28k¢; twins, ay 3 bs Pog imi arial meal that flax does not exhaust the soifto! lost' since 'the war began 11,827,572 me ckataig uarte dete ontiinee" and wonderfl ie 9 sate: spring im made, large, o jing 'ane " ee sg peria is be. so great-an extent as barley or wheat,| gross tons, while shipyards outside of Both Sexes Between 15 and 60 ane ota by stuéering the jufce of |, Bean®--Canadian, rittaas bushel, $7. ons Hoard an e€ capacity that profits are assured irrespective of | the Central Powers were turning out \ to $8; foreign, hand-picked, hesken ng brought.up to approximately 250,- | weather conditions, that when flax has 6,606,275 tons. Must Serve the State two fresh lemons into a bottle con-| 86.75 to $7. 0 tons a year , . . taining three ounces of orchard white, | ,Comb honey--Choice, 16 oz, $2.50 pe Ab Bak a year. * , - been pulled the land is in excellent These figures, long withheld, are A despatch from Rome says: From! Gare ghotld be taken to strain the dare cohin bho per Goren: seconds and hi ext aan sd Me "ome + md condition for the cultivation of fall' now made public, an Admiralty me- March 20 to 31 the Italian Govern-| juice through a fine cloth so no lemon : key chad y the ee oard | wheat, and that flax production on old| moraridum says, because they will not ment called upon civilians of both! pulp gets in, then this lotion will keep Provisions--Wholesal ¥ G utilized at Fou y the Domin-/soq land kills the destructive wire | stimulate the enemy and because they sexes, between the ages of 15 and 60/ fresh for months. Every woman |, B#'relled | meats---Pickled pork, $49; jen overnment. Four cargo steam- | worm. will impress upon the people the mess pork, $47, y' e g . F * : : years, to enroll for voluntary service, | knows that lemon juice ig used to; Green meate--Out of pickle, 10 less | s with a total tonnage of 23,500 tons ey a necessity of united action in making k giving part or all of their time, with- | bleach and than smoked. are to be completed and placed in ood losses by submarines. With them out pay, to aid the following 'indus- | rotkian ere ae ee 's metun it tn te tee to 38 ae ieee | commission this year. Next year, Heaping the measure helps a heap ae an eae to British builders to tries: Agriculture, metallurgical, tex- | the ideal skin softener, whitener and Higa eg LE ; acks, a: | pik hel y cag ships are to be ss in the marketing speed up -their efforts by bringing - o Cs . ss, H y e tile, chemical, building and road mak- ! peautifier. _ | breakfast bacon, 39 to dic: cottage veeaenick nas Gutadaette Gece, A parachute for aviators that has | more men and women to work on the ing, also the minor crafts, such "| Just try it! Get three ounces of TOUS. 34 to 35c, y been invented in England is compact task, and warning that the recent fall- saddlery and military clothing. orchard white at any drug store and Lown ose: in casan Stet cher eellien boo Council an expenditure of $25,000,- enough to be worn in a helmet, ready | ing off in Britisheproduction must not If voluntary recruiting fails to give! two lemons from the grocer and make , 24#¢: fat, backs, 26c, * 000 on shipbuilding for instant use. continue. enough workers the Government re-| up a quarter p " ot this sweetly fra-. 303 > dike: ee at} "-- Sihe; ----$--$ Fe aes ee ag gerves the right to enforce enrolment.' grant lemon 1 and massdge it geet erice: tierces, 26 to Ba tubs = Italy is the third belligerent to adopt | dgfly into the tace, neck, arms and | °* '° *6#¢: pails, AOR te B76. RED GUARDS CAPTURE : this service. Germany, at the begin- hands. It {s marvelous to smoothen Montreal Markets SIBERIAN TOWN jf * ning of 1916, adopted it, and England} t the following year. France now H awaits the Chamber's sanction to en- SCALE IN MILES rough, red hands. whlontreal. "a 26---Oate--Canadian _ - --_4,-__---- estern. No. 3, $1.07h: extra No.1 | A despatch from Moscow says:-- feed. 073; No. 2 'f 2 Ps | THREE PALESTINE TOWNS e45. ne a o Nod, eat white. $2.07; Red Guards and revolutionary troops ' force a similar scheme. The move- CAPTURED BY GEN. ALLENBY.) atin STLg0. Spring wheat grade have recaptured Blagovieshtchensk, ment here was directed by the Central jlbs., $5.6 ac Millfe a kt Seen Shire KA S after a battle with the Cossacks. They 2 * a under Ciuffelli, Minister of | A despatch from 3 Leadon says: The $40; _midantnngs. see" Rae: penis, have restored the Soviet authority as ndustri British have made another advance in| its S17 _ per fon. CaF | well as order in town. --o-------- Palestine, capturing three towns, it is| -- | Recent despatches said that the RUSSIA SPENT ON WAR announced officially. A counter- attack | Winnipeg Grain -- Siberian Bolsheviki had murdered a 'Ba OVER $25,000,000,000 by. the Turks was repulsed. The! gaye, Now oF oiet s3yo; extra No." vj number of Japanese at Blagovieshtch- statement follows: | 83 No. 1 feed, fake: | No. 2 feed, 85fc. ensk, which les 500 miles north of ] A despatch from Petrograd says:--| "We occupied Beit Rima and Ke- Pas ge x Ww a 'b 08, 4, nw Harbin. The Bolsheviki leaders, in- "e dcorscens Russia's total war expenditures are --_ both east-south-east of Deir | $3.91; No. 3 . $3. cluding the president of the local ~_ 4 @ MAINZ L A nay 2°: ,599,275,000 roubles. Ballett, _unopposed. We drove off al | Soviet, later were arrested and im- \ eTREVES 5 ussian troops in the Pokov roan counter-attack at Deir Ballett and se-| " Vaited States Markets 'prisoned by- Cossacks and volunteer VEROUN JoTHOMVILLE a have retired. ten versts, a German|cured Elowsallabeh and the high yellow. = 81.16 to Si8e) Croke, ¥ militia. The Red Guards and sallors e "Y SSAARORUKEN: @ MANNHEIM ultimatum having been presented to. ground to the westward: Airmen white S38, f° Shc. Flour unchanged. in the city were disarmed. FARIS unrest ee NS BADEN ; e 18 Bran--$32 | is seed--$4.24 to = Pp BERUN@ weotoene | 4% COLoGN \ Cc eponn * y ec them as a result of an attack on Ger-| dropped 470 bombs on establishments | Puluth, Tear, 26--Lin man troops. in the vicinity of Elkutrani_ station.. {$f 33: arrive, $4.24: May. $4. 28; July, In consequence of the disorganiza- Direct hits were observed onthe ob - oy Ree retober, $3.74 asked. Factory Building Wanted N f tion of transport, an aerial pestal pee j Jectives." Live Stock Markets Factory Building with Rallroad Sid- C vice between Petrograd, Moscow a ee Toronto, Mar. 26--Extra choice heavy 'ing, one with several acremeof ground, & e the Crimea, and between Petro far| The. world needs men who can steer, '$13. 60 to $13; do.. choice, $12 to and. with bolier and engine installed } 2.20; utchers' cattle, holce, i referre ve mepslon= con o. @nd Sweden is planned for the near change cents into dollars and dollars to g11.86: do. ill, i Be gloe, | $11,60 DF Mulldings, sd an ventory ef the Scene of British Aerial Activities in Germany's Industrial Centres. -- Sceted that i into sense. | m m, } p50 to $10.75; do,. commgn, machin ry or equipment which goes Map shows most of the more important German towns welb within t is reported that the Ukrainian} To keep potatoes from sprouting, | $19-25 to $11; do. good bulls, $9.25 to pricess This may "mean a new industry Gretone borders bombed some as many as six times by Allied aviators, : | aheageon is negotiating a loan) fill the barrels half full and give! 89.60; do. medium bulls, $7.85 to $8.50; for your town, Br gaa Foe Contractor'® | Berlin is about 450 miles from the Western Front,.and within range of the , 'i yan . i rom German banks. them a good aostsiiad mgcasionally. | cows, choice, $10.26 to $11.° ae H. & S. P.O. Box 96, Toronto! Allied airplanes. . pn ee -- Fal @ OGFENBURG , oF REIGURS | 1S THIS THE SPORTING EDITOR? SAY Nov BIG RUM, Youve GoT MY GOLF -| SCORE 9'7 IN Your Ags, OLD SHEET AND IT SHOULD