If you cannot pay Cash Buy your Investment Securities on our PARTIAL PAYMENT. PLAN Under this system the risks inciden- necessary to make an initial invest ment, and as a few dollars have to be paid regularly each month until the purchase has been completed, the in- vestor is constantly prodded into sav- ing tead of ering these monthly instalments. Write for Book- let and at the same time ask for ex- planatory details as to how to invest $950 to yield over $120 thin VW ; curity is Carat Investment Jews BRYANT, DUNN & CO. B ; OKERS Canadian Pacific she eth Toronto Direct Private Wires t Montreal and New. ovk Offices COMPLY WITH LAW i " Pe eS, . ¥ STOPGLARE LENS Safety for Yourself and Others ; No Glare $3:0 00 free Circular at your dealers. 'direct ~ STOPGLARE LTD. . HAMILTON, 'ONT, ie 2 BATTLEFIELD TELEPHONES. Romance, Adventure and Action in In no war in the past have the elec- tric signaling systems covered 50 many square miles or such a great di- versity of requirements. The com- manding general wants to know how a cert#in division is progressing; an artillery captain wants to ascertain just where his shells are dropping; these and a million other facts must be transmitted every" hour of the day along the hundreds of miles of battlefront, says the Electrical Ex- perimenter. And it is really marvel- ous how the army signal corps have perfected their frail-looking wires and instruments so that they will _ work under the most unfavorable con- us action --all of these come to the signal corps man in the pursuit of his duties more than ever before. To-day he may in- stall a telephone switchboard in a cheerful little town near grand head- quarters, situated a dozen miles back of the battlefront. To-morrow he may be stringing wires through a shell- swept forest. One case will serve to show the lottery-like chance these men take. An English military line- man had been busy for several weeks in a district near the Aisne battle- front. He had ing out a perfect pee of wires and pear His captain came along and pleased to learn that all of the circuits had been tested out without losing na man. The same captain was grieved to hear the next day that this brave lineman, his work done, had been picked out of a pole top by a stray shell. > The poultry business comes about as near to furnishing an all-the-year income as any branch of farming. Models bationers nning toe | 1s apni' ons desired: "three course 7 sir Seats gy eats = Mackinaw Coat. years. Price, 15*cents. rice, 20 centgz-each. from your local onto, Dept. W. + -----__-__- FARM TO FAMILY. 5 7 . A Way to Discover Whether Middle- man is a Real Necessity. Two dollars and forty cents was the press report. One of the potatoes had a card attached signed by. the farmer | who grew them, which said: "I sold at $1; what did you pay?" Here again we are faced with the ubiquit- ous middleman, concerning whose elimination much ink 'has been shed.! This little coat is suitable for the boy or girl. McCall Pattern No. 8122, In 6 sizes, 4 to 14 A good model for the Spring coat suit. McCall Pattern Ne, 8177,: Ladies' Coat. In 6 sizes, 34 to 44 bust. No. 8149, Ladies' Two or Three- Piece Skirt. In 7 sizes, 22 to * waist. These patterns may be obtained McCall dealer, or from the McCall Co., 70 Bond St., Tor- price paid for a bag of potatoes by a| Kingston lady, according to a recent | There will be a greater need for pro- TORONTO pre aco FOR INSANE TRAINING 8CHOOL 999 Queen Street West + Toronto Apply Miss V. West, Head Nurse. N urses, Wanted. _ EUGENIE RENEWS YOUTH. Former Empress Revives Interest in People and Events, The Empress Eugenie, despite her "| great age, is said to be taking a more active interest in events than for some years past. The war has had a re- viving effect upon her, she sees more people, laughs more and writes and receives more letters than for many THE NEED OF NITROGEN. Use of Explosives Accounts for Loss of Fertilizing Element. English and French scientists are giving much attention to the problem of nitrogen and its relation to crop production. The British Government is reported as about to put out an edition of Sir William Crookes' mono- graph, "The Wheat Problem," which appeared 25 years ago and was eVl- dently read understandingly by no one except the Germans. In this little book Sir William pointed out that the population of the world was steadily increasing while the area suited to the production of wheat was nearly all developed, There- fore it became a mere mathematical calculation to determine just how long it would be before the human race would begin to be hungry for wheat. But since Sir William Crookes' the- sis was first published a second factor has entered into the problem. Millions of men who used to be engaged in the cultivation of the soi] have gone to She preserves all her faculties, and her black eyes that have "looked on so much" are brilliant still, Her form is now bent and she walks with a stick and is no hkenger fastidious about dress, though she once set the fashion. Nearly all her entourage are dead. -- +4. e--0---_0---0---0--_ 0 oO oo , WOMEN! IT 1S MAGIC! q LIFT OUT ANY CORN r Apply a ay 'dpone then lift 7 , corns or calluses off with > 4 fingers--no pain. Just think! You can lift off any corn or cal- lus vithout pain or sore- Municipal War Time Piggeries. Victoria, B.C., Esquimault, B.C., bers of the Legislature with the duty | of carrying the message of produc- | tion home to their constituents. "The tragic cry for bread of the. Allied peoples across the water," said Sir James, as n impressively presented to you at this session. Dominion Statistics Up-to-Date A valuable feature of the 48th an- nual report of the Royal Bank of Ca- nada is a compilation of statistics for the Dominion brought up to date. A Cincinnati man dis covered this ether com- | pound and named it freezone. Any drug-! gist will sell a tiny bot- | tle of freezone, like here! shown, for very little' war and by the use of explosives have been for the past three years liberat-, ing at an almost incredible rate the} jsupplies of nitrogen which in a sane} and normal order should have gone to; enrich the soil, Thus the human race is hurrying itself on toward starvation by two | direct methods. It is not cultivating | foodstuffs and it -is destroying the! chief element of which fertilizers are| made. The greatest supply of nitrates in the world is found in the Chilean} nitrate-of-soda deposits. But these are not inexhaustible and the war has: been drawing upon them for explo-! sives at the rate of nearly 3,000, 000 | tons per year. Germany long ago foresaw the dan- | ger and dey eloped facilities for fixing' the free nitrogen of which the at.) mosphere is partly composed, The! method employed requires enormous | mechanical power, such as_ is repre-| sented by swift-running streams or, great waterfalls. So, when the war put an end to Germany's commerce, that country was not wholly depend- ent upon nitrogen imported from for- eign countries, ernie Righteous Wrath. There are many kinds of hate, many kinds of fire; And some are fierce and fatal with murderous desire; And some are mean and craven, re- vengeful, selfish, slow, They hurt the man that holds them more than they hurt his foe. And pasha ide is a hatred that purifies t The anger al the better against the baser part, Against the false and wicked, against the tyrant's swor Against the enemies of love, and all . eost. You apply a few! drops directly upon 2 tender corn or callus. Instantly the soreness f| disappears, then short-! (HH ly you will find the corn; | or callus so loose that! you can lift it right off. Freezone is wonder- ful. It dries instantly. It doesn't eat away the orn or callus, but chrivels it pen without even irritating the surrounding skin. Hard, soft or corns between the toes, as well as painful calluses, lift right off. Thereis no pain before or after- wards. If your druggist hasr freezone, tell him to order a small bot- | {tle for you from his wholesale drug ouse. --_------__ -- ------ To-morrow May Not Come. | To-morrow may not come. What then? To-day would be my last with men; From dawn to dusk, my final chance To wield for truth a shining lance. And these would be my last few hours To prove my worth and use my powers. And with the setting of the sun My work of life would all be done, And I should be remembered here "record should appear. So I need not pass and leave behind A single deed or word unkind. ------__ 9-- - LEMON JUICE 1S SKIN WHITENER GIRLS! Row to make a creamy beauty lotion or a few cents. ' The juice of " ewe fresh Jemons strained into a bottle containing three ounces of orchard white makes a that\hate the Lord, of | O cleansing indignation, O flame | righteous wrath Give me a soul to see thee and follow in thy path! Save me from selfish virtue, arm me| for fearless fight And give me strength to carry on, soldier of the Right! --Dr. Henry Van Dyke. "ls _---_--_-- Back Yards and Vacant Lots. Now is the time for organization. | | duction in cities, towns and villages |; this summer than ever before. Plan what you will do with the back and lor vacant lot now, so that when the ® | Season begins in a few weeks hence, | | you will know what to do and will! lose no precious time about it. Once! whole quarter pint of the most re markable lemon skin beautifier at about the cost one must pay for a, | small jar of the ordinary cold creams. | |Care should be taken to strain the lemon juice through a fine cloth so | no lemon pulp gets in, then this lotion ine keep fresh for months. Every man knows that lemon juice is used | next day. : pu These cover population by provinces, public debt, revenue and expendi- tures, field crops, trade summary, |mineral production; insurance, com- | mercial failures, food and fuel prices, | immigration, etc. The publication | ; also lists 'the names of those of the staff overseas and brings out the! creditable fact that, 1,000 employees ! of this institution are on the Honour Roll. Feeding Grain in Stock Yards. No grain may now be fed to live- stock awaiting slaughter in stock yards eight hours before killing. Bar- ley above grade No. 3 and oats above No. 1 Feed, may not be fed to stock in sock yards. Millable wheat may not be bought or sold as poultry feed. Grain for feeding or decoying migra- tory wild fowl is prohibited except under license by the Canada Food Board. I consider MINARD'S LINIMENT the BEST Liniment in use. I got my foot badly jammed lately. I bathed it well with MINARD'S LINI- 'MENT, and it was as well as ever Yours very truly , FG. McMULLEN. Thousands for Farms. Thousands of men are needed im- ernor of Manitoba, has charged mem-| mediately to help on the farm this summer. The increased acreage of cereals is an imperative war time nec- essity. Employers of labor should al- low men with farm experience to go back to the farm. Minard'e Linfment Believes Neuralgia FOR SALZ a ao IN rs. market. A great chance for a oan with cash. ply Box * "Wilson Publishing Co.. Toron NEWSPAPER Onta ts] he e. go,f0r 3 @uson Publishing Co.. Lta. "Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS cen. TUMORS, LUMP: exte: out pa es before too late Dr. Belim 'fen TAmited. Collinewood. 'On GUTICURA HENS ITCHING BURNING Rash On This Little Baby Over Face and Head, Quite Disfigured. "When my yhaby wa was four months old we had a rash all over her face and head, and was quite dis- figured. Her skin was in- flamed and sore, anditched and burned and the rash later developed into large red eruptions, making her cross and fretful. The ba- by could not get any sleep. *'My husband bought a a x of Cuticura Ointment and a cake of Soapand I used two tins of Ointment with two cakes of Soap and she was healed," Signed) Mrs, A. Down, 1040 Gertrude St., Verdun, Montreal, ¢ ue., March Cuticura Soap and intment often prevent pimples or other eruptions. For Free " ple Each by Mail ad- pt. Sold everywhere. dress -card: **C re; Boston, U. Us. A" Oleomargarine Released. The Canada Food Board has ar- ranged with the United States Food Administration to allow 1,000,000 pounds of oleomargarine to come into Canada per month. "MONEY "ORDERS Remit by Dominion Express Money Order. , If lost or stolen you get your money back. The price of a meal in France in a blic eating house of even the cheap- est kind, is no less now than $1.20. Though they have bread tickets in Italy, in many places they have no flour to make bread. Lintment Cures Burns, Bta Tokio has about 45,000 telephones and 60,000 persons are said to be seek- ing the service. ' , Minard's a bleach and remove such | | as freckles, sallowness and tan and is the ideal skin softener, whitener |} and beautifier. Just try it! Get three ounces of orchard white at any drug store and |} {two lemons from the grocer and ad 'up a quarter pint of this sweetly fra- grant lemon lotion and massage it! daily into the face, neck, arms and hands. | ee Now there are middlemen and middle-| the garden season starts it starts with Queen Mary's Silver Wedding Shower | = Constipation Cure sa: "For moety He commended oots, known as 's Carative Syrup, for the radical cure of constipation and indigestion. It is an old reliable remedy that be: fails e work." 30 drops ia daily. Get the Genuine, thirty years I the Extract of R J j ) A druggist sa . Mother Seigel' te ye te : | Se 2 J Ee oe ee a ee ee ee ee ee ee ee JT i Ti J i ee ee oe ie LA Outdoor Workers are subject to exposure to all kinds of wea : weather, a and strenuous ee can treed os belselin o: besd diet firet_ twinge of rheumatism. Use Sloan's Liniment. and con- venient, no need to rub, no stains; no clumsy plasters your pain pei algia aches and stiff, ity vorg muscle 0 cafe all releved oe by the erik Cane bottles atoll drepalany, 250 Soe 1°00. Sloan's Liniment KILLS PAIN j Stoan's Stoan's prices not Increased 28c 60c $1 'HOW TO AVOID BACKACHE AND men, which is to say that some mid- ie rush. There is no shortage of vege-| The Queen Mary's Needlework Guild | at druggists. diemen are necessary and some are/| table seeds except parsnips. Wholesale in Ontario earnestly asks the people | ee Sear not, and the best way to find out whe-| dealers have plenty of seeds in stock.{of this Province to contribute to a' \eNENENEENANINSENSS SC ther a given middleman is necessary | shower of Soldiers' Comforts, Supplies | ae not is to try to get along without | Minard's Giniment for sale everywhere. "or Honlae ae igh hl a VAR BSORBINE§ Told b "Wie. Lench Fr with w o buy them onations ADE MARK QFG.U.S PAT OFF Mrs. The farmer and the city household- | Penalties for Waste of Food may be sent in until the last week in Didicns Seikaal 'Ankles, ° Ons ria rom er are generally supposed to be the! proprietors. m h * | May and should be addressed to Mrs. Lymohanits Poll Evil, Fistula, id oe: | worst victims of the middlemen ant, | F -- ey -- or other re-| Arthur VanKoughnet, 80 King St. Boils* cvelli Sto ness Providence, R. I.--"I was all run if the victimizing can be lessened in|? P » Private household-| west, Toronto, during which week a th i rain ee Sores, Cuts, th, was nervous, had head. ' When Tea Or {this case, there should be some hope pe and ee companies, or! meeting will be held in the Parlia. t fs peshcernciaea WM eee eres " . jin others. Here is a suggestion loole.| rie SS wasting food in-| ment Buildings, when the shower will SIFE ANSEF AND GERMIIOE ached all the time,' Coffee Disagrees jing toward the accomplishment of an consumption,' pe on view and reports made of the s not blister or remove the I was tired an had 'that end. Let the newspapers in the | 'Brough careless storing or other| contributions recetved. Immediately hafrand horse Cone worked. Pleasant to use. no ambition forany- Theres always a 'larger centres of population feature | "2U5¢s: te subject now to eavy after, shipment will be made to Eng. $2-50abottle, delivered. Describe your case thing. Ihad taken d | t '2 "Farm to Family" tion 1 * Nis | Penalties. The maximum of $1,000, land, to arrive in time for her foe special instructions and Dook § R free. a number of medi- ~safe an Pp easan 'condensed want aa. wave. Tha Bl) fine or not less than $100 may be im- Majesty's Silver Wedding Day, on map at ng ety oooh, ee egg cio ener ae Sty § 1 "uy, 4 tha i ro) ne da' cup to take its place carry advertisements of farmere who Pt, oF imprisonment for a period July 6th, 1918 Sit scrbeadem daca ersemaae eee THe Tyend about Ledte T 'had produce to sell to the city con- oe ond 3 ng three months, or both 7 W.F. YOUNG, P.D.F-c518bymans Bidg., Montreal. Can, E. Pinkham's Vege- } INS TAN sumer and also advertisements of the! ~~" and imprisonment. Fire Losses in B. C. Forests @bsorbios aad Absorbing, Jr.. ara made fo Canade, table Compound and : POSTUM 'consumer who wanted to buy from| ' : see peal ---- ee ae Oe 20nd what ited done fo : A 'the farmer. To get the movement The | re season of 1917 was an un-. women, 50 E | started, a half-price rate might be of KEEP YOUR SHOES NEAT usually severe one in British Colum- sags sit My nee b ' - ¢ <ovinc} ackache an : 1s NOW used fered and the new departure should be bia. Reports made to the provincial headaches disappeared. I gai in weight and forth ine, so I can honestly recommend Lydia % %. Pinkham's vous. table Compound to an ones who if suffering as I was."---- ELINE Lynés,.100 Plain St., Pevvdancs: RL Backache and nervousness are Forest Branch show that, exclusive of the railway belt, a total of 986 fires occurred. In fighting these fires, the! Forest Branch expended $88,246. The total area burned over was 258; acres, of which only 2,825 acres 'twa merchantable timber. land; 16,226: acres contained valuable reproduction, | 1 ! well a in the' news columns of the pape The strestixdug manager having i the courage to make this venture iwould gain considerable fame for his paper and would also prove conclu- i Sively whether the farmer and the | consumer really do want to get rid of regularly by thousands who live better and feel better yA | thy condition which often ances because of the | change. the middleman. SHO and 159,386 acres were classiged. as; poy ie serious ailment. i ( rs a el cateovess ook sie not os a Women in this condition should not k : err per--mmneret unmerchantable mature timber. The} ue Geng sion without help, bu' a eae roast is -- with a cup MQUIDS an/PAST ES total damage done is estimated at 509 rofit safest yachts ex sienes. and ' eof cold meat, a small onfon and a BLACK, WHITE , TAN, DARK BROWN 291,726. The staff of the Forest by amous root and herb remecy, } (ooked gren'pepre, al pt trough] | "@ROBDOD SHOES || Erarch ins steed severely drough| The Marl Heallg OInrmene._ | Lyla Fipthum's Vegetable Com the meat chopper. Add a cup ofil] DRESERVEsseLEATHER ||listment for overseas service. [Agi Situ" ttt sa"id ance) | Byala B,Piakham Mod.Coy,Lyan, Mase, mold and bake till brown, Jie FY.DALLEY en MAMILTON, CANADA. WIRST REMEDY COMPANY, Hamilton, Canada ED. 7 ISSUE 16--'18, Minard's Giniment Cures Dandrug,