Atwood Bee, 16 May 1918, p. 1

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DIAMOND RINGS \ Perfect er Pawle ny only io & wood Bee! 18k WEDDING RINGS Newest Style MARRIAGE LICENSES J. J. JOHNSON "AAR, we Vol. 29, No. 10. E. H. SWING, Proprietor ATWOOD, ONT., THURSD: MAY 16, 1918 One Dollar a Year. Otherwise Dollar and a Half We Sell Boxer Wallpaper for every om in the House at the Drug Store Teas and Coffee cael : THE QUALITY STORE a Q LIVE AND LET LIVE a ale ia | et : Day R % Start The Day ight : Ke Re by having a cup of Anderson's Tea or Coffee. The ty best that money can buy, and you will save money +4 you buy now. x --~ FRIDAY pee SATURDAY ONLY @ " Bulk Raising ............ce+-seeeeseves 2 pounds for 25c ee Our large can of Tomatoes for .......0++ «ss00+++ 25c K Seedless Raising... .......seeeseeeeeee 2 pounds for 35c he Heinz bulk pickles .........0002 seeeeseveees per pt: lic Rx Red Salmon.... . 4..-per can 25c Roe Ammonia per phe + i d Herri per can 15dc Die tox gate 4 hars 25c ees Kincardine Meats and Listowel Bread always on band. caf t=" Brive your Produce to this store. =4 xe *% A. E. ANDERSON, : ATWOOD re 'Phone 2 3. Goods delivered t: * RRR a CG rin | si iaabies l; GIESSEN The Red Hardware Headquarters for everything in Garden and Field Seeds Garden Hoes, Rakes, Spades Poultry netting, all sizes Sherwin Williams Paints Washing machines, Wringers and Wash Boards Milk cans and pails Chick Food, Oyster shell and Grit Lacqueret, av Seeger: ie Elastica, the unequalled floor varnish Wallpaper for ariy room in the house Complete line of Royal Purple Products Aa Bags take taken at highest market price. Phone 12--3 Cc. W. Stockford 7 Kea GGe 3 4 SE Se SoRBEESEAENTE | E | SSeS ay | f zs ce | ce ue ! | se ct er +, Ke -- Re a 5 Ps If you are in need of a Coal Oil Stove Pas at rt it will pay you to call at Roger's Hard- se 2.4 rs ware Store and inspect them for your- re of self. We have three different kinds to BE x % choose from----Wickless and Heatless. rs: rs pt ™ "4 "al *J. ROGER, Atwood % , e eo FURNITURE AND HARDWARE : . ETHEL Few organizations are more zea lous and practical in their work than the Ladies' Aid of the Methodist cburch. Last year they raised $670. from dues and entertainments. $300. were paid to the church Building Fund and $191 for the new organ in Dies From Injuries. Brussels, May -11.--George Hend- erson, aged 30, whose auto oyerturn: ed last evening near Seaforth, died from his injuries. His neck was bro- ken and no hope was held out for his recovery from the first. Before laps- ing into an unconscious condition he rmoade a statement in which he ad- mitted that he was to blame for the fatality. In trying to pass a car which was abead of him on the road, he ran into it and his own auto oyer- turned. As the fatality was purely accidental, no inquest will be beld. Mr. Henderson came here from Sea- forth sometime ago, and had worked up a good draying business. Besides his wife and three small children he leaves his mother and two brothers, James and John, al! of Seaforth. The funeral was held Saturday to the Maitlandbank cemetery at Seaforth. The Late Mr. Bennett. The late Mr. Bennett was born in Cornwall, southwest of England, in 1847 and came to Canada when 21 years of age, coming first to Downie, where he spent two years, and from -bere to his farm on the 11th con., Elma, where he has resided ever'bince. In the yeur 1891, he married Miss bigging, Mrs, Wm. Adams, Mrs. Chas. Vallance, of Elma; Mrs. Ben Bell, of Medicine Hat, Alta,. and William, who resides on the home- stead. Mrs. Bennett predeceased her busband 32 years ago last August. Two anda half years ago Mr. Ben- nett was married a second time to Mrs. 8 Wherry, who with the child- ren of his former wife, mourn his de- parture. In religion Mr. Bennett was a Presbyterian, being a long and loyal member, of the Presbyterian church at Atwood. Inthe absonce of the pastor, the Roy. W. A. Amos, a for- mer pastor of the deceased, conduct ed the funeral seryices, assisted by the Rev. Lf. J. Fair, Methodist minis '\ter, of Atweood. The pallbearers were Wm. Bell, Thos. Dickson, Jerry De- war, T.G. Ballantyne, W. D. Gil- cbrist and Wm. A. Morrison. Dur ing the past two years Mr. Bennett suffered from diabetes, but was able to enjoy life and the society of friends up to Thursday preceding his death, when he was seized with apoplexy and, iu spite of the best of care that love and skill could do, be passed away on Saturday in the presence of allthe family exeept Mrs. Bell, of Medicine Hat. During his brief ill- ness be was nursed by bis daugbter, Mrs. Charles Vallance and a niece, Miss Inez Ballantyne, a recent gra- duate of Woodstock hospital. Frieuds from Stratford. Downie, Mitchell, Millbank, Belmore, Gorrie, Bluevale and Logan were present at the fun- eral. GS -- Capital Authorized, $5,000,000 Capital Pald-up, - $3,000, Surplus, - - - + - $3,500,000 In the Beginning . Te primary object of the Bank was to encourage the habit of saving, especially amongst the small wage earners. The Bank of Hamilton hes never lo:t sight of this object. | The small depositor is always assured of courteous treatment. One dollar will open a savings account. AUWOOD BRANCH A.M. Robinson Manag >r Elma's Assessment Roll. Mr. Geo. A. Hamilton, assessor, has returned the Assessment Roll for 1918, the summary of which is as follows : 4 Total No. of acres cleared ...... 55791 Total No. of acres woodland...... 2938 Total No. of acres slasbland...... 8604 Total No. of acres wasteland........43 Total No. of acres assessed...... 67376 Amt. of land assessment... $2,533,040 Amt. of buildings " ...1,054,260 Amt of business " ..... 23,222 Amt. of income eee aaaae 500 Total assessment .......... $3,611,022 Total value of property exempt from taxation ...... .......... 39,300 No. of children between the ages of Sand 21 ..............008 927 No. of children between the ages of 5 and 16 ......... ceccevee 675 No. of persons in the homes.....3,124 No. of male persons between 2) and QQ ossciccosawccesene paccnuns 759 No. of daye of statute labour.....4547 Number of births Number of deaths........2..0.e0e00- 0+ 27 Number of dogs.. .........ccceeeeeees 470 Number of female dogs ....... gcsiteaD Inez Ballantyne and from this union} _ '! Mrs. Samuel Loye, Mrs. James New: Brommht Down 35 Planes. Li » May 11. -- Capt. A. E McKeg@mr, a Listowel boy who has been ted with bringing down thi enemy planes, and being awar the Distinguished Service given: lendid welcome bome by addition to other minor expenditures. | the 8, with Major Bishop and A balance of about $75 is on hand. | othe is investiture took place at Officiary consists of Mrs. C. Cleaver, | Bu m Palace in February last President ; Mra. W. Slemmon, Vice | Capt. Keever enlisted with the President; Secretary, Mrs. §.|Qnd4 "s Own) Battalion at To Cole; Treasurer, Mrs. Geo. Addy ;|ron 'went oyersenas in Novem. Assistant Treasurer, Mrs. J. A. Cole. | ber, » where be joined the Fly- ing ge and was immediately gaze asa lieutenant. , Late Mrs. Forrest. Mrs. Robert Forrest who died. t home in Atwood on May 6th -born in Glasgow, Scotland, ig @ years ago and came to C when a young girl. In June, 1 Smarried Robert Young and res & farm near Donegal. Mr. Yo 88 about 20 years ago. About ¢ later she married Mr. Fo » who survives her. The re mai Where taken to the home of her r, Mr. William Orr, Sr., at ih in, from where the fuveral too on» Wednesday afternoon The ces were conducted by Rey Fi don and Rev. R. A. Miller. She so" survived by one brother, Mr . Orr, of Milverton, and two sis 'Mrs. Isaac Atkin, of Milver ton, Mrs. Jane Ray, of Listowel The wing pepbews acted as pall : Wom. Orr, Jr., James Orr, Rie Orr, Eli Atkin, Wm. Ray a0 mas Johnston. Among the fore ibutes, were a wreath froin brot d sisters, spray from Miss J y, Listowel. Friends were pr rom Stratford, Atwood, Lis to id eee. Fire! Meeting ¥ He Id.Friday Evening. in the Music hall with a fair attend ance. Mr. Geo. Lochhead was appointed chairman and Mr. T. G. Ratcliffe as secretary. The micutes of the last annual meeting and the Treasurer's report which showed a balance on hand ol $47 98 were adopted. On motion, the Chief, Deputy chief and the heads of the different departments have sole control of the chemical fire fighting apparatus and the same be kept in Roger's hardware store in @ position where it may quickly and easily be obtained. The secretary was instructed to notify Hay Bros. that the fire hall had been placed on their property aud to enclose one dollar as payment of the firet years' rent. John Vallance, Wm. Robh and Thos. Dickson were appointed a com mittee to have the fire hall eave troughed and to haye the flcor raised to a height suflicient to prevent trouble in getting the engine out. The same committeo are instructed to in yestigate as to securing a better sup- ply of water in case of fire. Geo. Lochhead was reappointed to ring the fire hell a reasonable length of time at each fire. Officers are - Chief, John Roger ; Deputy-chief, Wm. Robb; Captain of Fire engine, W.. Blackwell ; Cap- tain of Bucket brigade, J. P, Green sides; Chief of Hose department, Thos. Dickson; Assistants, G. Greensides, Albert Gordon and Jas. Henry'; Chief of Hook and Ladder dept., Wm. Shera; Assistants, A. R Terry, Jobn Vallance and W. B Coulter; Sec.-Treas., T. G. Ratcliffe ; Auditors, R. A. Thompson and@®. H Swing. new collars for your summer frocks. Don't forget the "boys" need socks, we have those knitting needles for socks and sweaters. A. E. JOLLY. Atwood, Mrs. Fallis and daughter Miss Viola, were visitors at@he home of Mr. J. A. Turnbull's last week. Androw McKee, of Ethel, had fom milch cows killed by lightning in his 46 |and, following the water pipes into the stables, killed the cows, missing. however, a number of calves which were among the cows. Ord litary Cross and bar, was} ire de was held Friday-night barn. Lightning struck the silo, deil'- | A full line of Eastman Kodaks ~~ age _ BROWNIES, Etc on hand ranging from $1.50 to $13.50, also Films, Film Packs, Fixing Powders, Developers, Printing Frames and Paper. Let us do your Developing Printing and Enlarging. We guarantee Satisfaction. E. GC. COCHLIN. Atwood Ontario x Listowel Bread, Buns and Cakes. t Trish Cobbler Potatoes for seed >THE STAR GROCERY : Aunt Jemima Pancake Flour 2" °° i 33 < Aunt Jemima is to add cold water, whisk the batter on the griddle sa and in a jiffy you have the most delicious pancakes you ever a tasted. Did it ever strike you that you will lower your weekly ty food bill if you m: ake pancakes often. 100 pancakes 10 good hearty 4 x =m x -o+0+6104 86780) 84 8 + 64 @ 5 | , 22 Ge ae Oe Ce Gf SO Ge Ge é ARMS RA RE BARE AA AR RR AR A = appetizing dishes in one. i5e package. mar your hens Wodehouses Invigorator is a pre- ventative against all common di- = seaso. No danger of croup or other common diseases and also an i ue producer, fattener and developer. Nothing produces plumpage Bt: like invigorator and sink means health. To try itis to be e+e +6 1.0 +63 8] > o@ oF 88 oe <« | o> © + @ F059 -@ + @ tf convinced. = 4 "Wy Sade houses eat Chick Food is the best on the market for raising young chicks, get a package and be conyinced cae 30c a package. Try Wodehouses Creameal for your calves and pigs. x Milyerton Flour, Bran and Shorts always on hand, Our stock of = Groceries are always fresh and clean. Highest market price paid for Butter and Eggs--cash or trade. E. T. Greensides & Son Goods Delivered. Phone No, 5. > ob 2e Ge oe Ge Ge Ge « MM MM NM MM ee ee ee ee > oe oe ce Ge. oe oe Ge '« ~ oe Or © + 0484 848s | BAR RA AA AR A > aie Gib Gd 6 6 Oi Om Ob 0 0b 6000 tn en'al > oe Ge oe « I IE ) 22 22 62 Go-Go 62 Ge RA RA RE AA BA BA BA AA BS ' Resturant now in full swing The Store of Satisfaction For Soldiers-------One Day Only Saturday ! 6 bars Chocolates for 25c Indiyidual Sizes--Of Bake Boans 10c; Pork and Beans 150; Milk, Sugar and Coffee 30c ; Milk, Sugar and Cocoa lic a can; Cream: Cheese ]8c ; Peanut Butter 20c. Kitchener Meats -- Large and small Bologna, Back Bacon, Roll Shoulder, and Picnic Hams. Seed Potatoes $1.75; Cooking Potatoos $1.50; Cakes and Buns for Saturday. Earl Switzer oa neaeee ae gy Leave your orders. Goods delivered around tewn. Ripe Tomatoes. . fn sming bons! fom AE We have received a shipment of S a3 New Spring Goods' ' be) ee And we can show you some nice lines in Re Fa Prints, Ginghams, Poplins and Voiles for Spring ae We have also a good range of Shoes for Men, Women and Children at reasonable prices. §& ZU SS <4; Come and inspect ours before buying elsewhere. Sy : Ex _ sna % Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce. ty ow. R.ERSKINE, i 'Phene 1, ATWOOD, ONT RUS ETON EY) x e BNIB seria 12.) oi} os @ + 2) 2) & ? o-! I paphiphpiihbpbpir ip bs hp ptbbbbi piri brhrprhbia nahh bbb b ahhh bbsba ha sbbasbacnbhbcibhanndbbah aah bas sbpAspdite Abb bbbobbbbbbbbb boo bb bbb, ebhbbbbbb bb bbnbbid

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