Atwood Bee, 30 May 1918, p. 1

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"t-teey ¥ = DIAMOND RINGS oy 3 Perfect and Seber only kept he / 2 J. JOHNSON § Vol. 29, No. 12. E. H. SWING, Proprietor ATWOOD, ONT., THURS Newest Style 18k WEDDING RINGS : MARRIAGE HNSONE J. J. FOHNSON Y, MAY 30, 1918 One Dollar a Year. Otherwise Dollar and a Half TRY a PACKAGE of PRATTS BABY CHICK FOO} ---- of the Ehna rete Teas pie = THE QUALITY STORE ad LIVE AND LET LIVE" There's a time and a place for fishing, and There's a time and a place for buying Groceries. Now is the time and Anderson's is the place. It will pay you to call ee OUR SATURDAY SPECIALS Our large can of Tomatoes ....-. Canned Peas.... Canned Corn Kippered Herring Seeded Raising .... ...c-e-seseeesereee & Salmon ........- eovvasesya occ ecsocvacesonneccencace -soceee reg. 35 for 25c Bulk Raisins -....... reg. 15 for 12c Oliye Oil Soap 4 for 25c sdavaadews 6 for 25c Garden Seeds ......-++ These specials will pay you to call while in town Saturday pigbt. Kincardine Meate and Listowel Bread always on band. == Bring your Produce to this store. a | A. E. ANDERSON, = Phone 2. 8. reg. 25 for 22c &™ reg. 20 for 18c & reg. 20 for 18¢ & reg. 20 for 15c ceacccecerse eevee FOR. 18 for 15c ATWOOD Goods roe i LOSE a At ASKS The Red Hardware Headquarters for everything in Garden and Field Seeds Garden Hoes, Rakes, Spades Poultry netting, all sizes Sherwin Williams Paints ae Milk cans an Chick Food, Outer rey and ial & * 9 Wallpaper "ings any room in i the house. Complete line of Royal Purple Products Washing machines, Wringers and Wash 5 Higgs taken: taken - highest m market price. ATWOOD eo: 6 Phone 12--3 Cc. W. J. Stockford J >) oe ae ce oe ae « > oe ap <« eX BARR RR RA REAR RR ARR RR Lf * 8! 8 Oo? ot oy wEs Oi Ors, 8+eeer es es Oe t je ee ce ee ce eee If you are in need of a Coal Oil Stove it will pay you to call at Roger's Hard- ware Store and inspect them for your- self. We have three different kinds to choose from----Wickless 3 and Heatless. FURNITURE AND HARDWARE SORERUKERERUROKOR NER om ototeot atari ROGER, Atwood BANK OF HAMILTON TT "Dominion Government is doing everything possible to' stimulate greater production of both agricultural and manufactured products. It is the only way in which an adverse trade balance may be avoided. The Bank of Hamilton as a pure- ly Canadian institution will further the aim of the Government by its favorable treat- ment of productive enterprise. ATWOOD BRANCH ; A. M. Robinson. roved and signed by the Reeye and lerk. A communication from the Clerk of the Samper of Pickering was reac and r DA . Kidd and Mr. A M Robinson a otal le age to have at least $25 of the e labour money of Atwood south spplied towards oiling the Main street of Atwood. The council authorized the clerk to instruct the Pathmaster of At- labour as report of the Engineer, dated March 1p 1918, on 'the Nicholson drain as serv' the hedet y gemm of a by the smile { Logan, tt of the Engineer, dated March 16th, Por, on the d repair and improve- ment of the Ki ekeciieatt drain and Branc the clerk have a by-law prepared in re- lation thereto. caw! No. 700 of the a of Elma, known as en Branc McCourt drain By- rvisionally adopted and that the chest instructed to have the same peer and served on the par- es assessed and that the court of revision be e held at the | harlenlbaead hall, Atwood, Saturday, June 29th, at eleven o'clock for said court of revisio Moved by Coates - -- IiIman -- that the council do now adjourn to meet as a court of revision on the assessment roll and that the Reeve be chairman of said made were as follows :--Jas. Pearson, President Maple Leaf Portland Cement Co. too high assesse: 8 pt 16, con 8, and 8 pt lots 24 and 25, aa 13, reduced 3600 on buildings and #800 on land ; Wm H. Reid, too high assessed on lot 27 con. 5, redu $2U0 on land and §300 on buildings. roll having closed, the council met for general business. By-law cited as tne North Maitian a delegation asking |" wood south to apply $25 of the statute | aa Moved by Walla allance -- Smith--that the] og pality ben vt wove by Illman-- "smith-- "that the re- in Logan and Elma be adopted ie that | sbi oved by 'Smith--Vallance--that By-|* determining the appeals, ifany, to the} .-% court. The decision of -- court on appeals The court of revision on the asséesment |' a Moved by Ittman an -- Smith -- that the Za largem ok and the clerk have a copy yoo pete fovad by Coates clerk not all owners > or ail a . by the eer's report on the drain that the said report will be 'ead bo and considered on Saturday, the 29th day of June at two o'cloc Moved by Vallance -- Smith -- that R, Earl Switzer and J, Maxwell Smith of Atwood, in the township of Elma, named as distributors of Government fish inthe township of Elma, on behalf of said township do hereby guarantee to ihe Ontario Government Fisheries pay- ment of the fish account and that the Reeve and Clerk guarantee payment on behalf of this council under their hand and the Corporate seal. A number of accounts were paid. Moved by Coates -- Il}man -- that the council do now adjourn to meet again in the Agricultural ball, Atwood, on Satur- day, June 29th, at ten o'clock for general township business. -- Geo. James 'Johnston. considerablo period of time from Johnston, an old and respected resi- dent of Elma passed away on Satur day, May I8th. Mr. Johnston was born near Ottawa, nearly 80 years young man. On March 15th, 1865, he married, Ellen Whaley of Milver- ton, the marriage ceremony being performed by Rev. Thos. Lowry. He leaves to mourn his loss three sons and two daughters, viz: James, Samuel and William, of Mornington, Mrs. Geo. McNichol, of Donegal, Mrs. Kargas, of Saskatchewan. The funeral which was conducted by Rev. A. C. Stewart, of North Mornington, took place from the family residence on Monday, May 20th, to Fairview cemetery, Listowel, where the re- mains were interred. Five nephews and a son, William, acted aos pall- bearers. Atwood Branch Bible Society The an: ual meeting of this society will be beld in the Methodist church on Friday evening, May 31st at eight o'clock. n address will be given illustrated with lime light views by the secretary of the Upper Canada Bible Society, Rey. Jesse Gibson, of Toronto. The subject of the address will be what the Bible bas accom plished on the battle fields of the war. Mr. Gibson has been secretary for a number of years and will be able to give a great amount of information ia connection with the work of the Up- per Canada Bible Society. An offer- ing will be taken during the meeting. J. A. Turnbull. Secretary. ---- Children O: ry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA ment By-law, be provisionally adop-| <4 printed for}¢ LocnneaD, After an illness extending over a heart trouble and kidney disease, Jas. | : ago and came to Mornington when «| pr YOUR CHICKENS at THE DRUG STORE focuted as Attempted Shut Power off Motor. May 25. -- Herbert Tay- pd farmer, and for two years Sopstable, was electrocuted at clock Saturday morning when off a motor on a 550 line at Dinning plant of the Perfect ills; Ltd. He was assisting in ® cement blocks in connection he erection of a new dye plant | sred the work room of ti sharpen a chissel. An em from the engine room cime proed the power on and inster! n troubling him Mr. Tayle Sted when through sharpening isel to turn it off himself. In this his hand came in contact ithe fuse clip and the current through his body. The engine employee heard him groan and ang into the room found Taylor Bed out but still standing with and on the switch, while the Mnery was going at slow speed. pmediately took him down but s gone before a doctor arrived. "s wife and a daughter were bet a Pe ae Mw VID NS as | NYALS HIRSUTONE The anteseptic Hair Tonic. Removes dandruff, keeps the scalp in a healthy condition, stimulates the growth of the. hair. Something we like to recommend as it always pleases. Price $1 a bottle. ~ > Kodaks and Supplies Printing and developing. E. G. COCHLIN. Atwoo: 2 . ntario OPS while efforts was made to re- spim, but there was at no time bope. A pulmotor might have "of service but there was none pwn. Mr. Taylor was born in field, England, and came to Can when a lad. For many years he pd at North Mornington, and retiring was for two veurs an Meent man as town constable. Be- idgeeMrs. Taylor, he leaves two dau- ps, Miss Elizabeth Taylor, steno- b sr with the Perfect Knit Mills, ' pliss Helen Taylor, with the feService department at Ottawa. Other John lives at Toronto another Joseph, at Mount Cle- -Mich. 'DONEGAL. Bite a number from here took in ports in Mitchell on Friday last. om daggereas Cockusl spent the M eo the weekend? witit her friends!" the Misses Sttcthers. Pte: Steye McLellan, of St. Thom- as, spent the week-end with his bro- ther, Mr. Jas. McLellan. Mr. 8. Corry and daughter Miss Jessie spent a day last week with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. MoLoellan. Diep. -- In Atwood, on Tuesday, May 28th, Rev. Richard Marshall, aged 77 years, 6 months and 7 days Service was held at his late residence Wednesday evening. Interment takes place (today) Thursday at Komoka The difference between Victoria Day of 1917 and that of 1918 was extremely noticeable, one year ago onthe 23rd of May, a heavy snow storm prevailed and the 2ith was ushered in with snow andice. Tits year the weather was delightful, + ing advantage to outside recreation that was enjoyed by thousands «! the fruit trees are now coming out in loom, whilo the fields and bushes looms up with their dark green tinge, the gardens are mostly all planted and small vegetables are shooting up, with refreshing showers such as we bad on Saturday and Sunday, com and encouragement for a bumper crop ia all branches for the present year. Atwood Presbyterian Church SERVICES For month of, June-- 9--3 p.m. Rev. A. C. Stewart. 7.30 pm. Rey. i. A Thomson, and Y.P.S. 9--8 p.m. Rev. J. M. Nichol. 7.30 pm. me E. A. Thomson, Y.P:S. 16--11 a.m. Rev. y A. Thomson. 7.30 p.m. Rev. A. C. Stewart, and Y.P S. 283--11 a.m. Rev. E. A. Thomson. 7.30 p.m. Rev. A. C. Stewart, und Y.P.S. 30--11 a.m. Rey. E. A. Thomson. re Baten p.m. Y.P.S. CASTORIA For Infants and Children Peer ee reais Listowel Bread, Buns and Cakes. THE STAR GROCERY Ripe Pine Apples Tis is presering meek for that luscious and Crown Brand Cane Syrup to secure such splendid pines at such favorable prices, extra large size, beautiful desert quality, aleolarge preserying pines, specially choice fruit. ; The American berries is now coming Strawberries in more freely and the price reason- able. Canadian berries will be starting soon and we expect to have a good eupply on Tuesday and Friday of each week. Leave your orders with us and be sure you get what you want at the oe Ge ee oe Ge Ge Ge Ce Ge OF * Se DED PIE PL _ Smith of}: : y a0 on 4 Va MN KM KM Ke KK RA KA RA AA AR lowest possible price. Wodebouses Invigorator is a pre- For your hens ventative against all common di- No danger of croup or other common diseases and also an some fruit, the Pineapple and this will likely be the last chance soas6. egg producer, fattener and developer. Nothing produces plumpage x To try it is to bs like invigorator and plumpage means health. only 30c a package. "Try Wodehouses Creameal for your ¢ and pigs. Milyerton Flour, Bran and Shorts always on hand, Our atock of gy Groceries are always fresh and clean. Highest market price paid , for Butter and Eggs--cash or trade. HE. T. Greensides & Son # Goods Delivered. Phone No. 5. t- people. The country never lool core better for years than it dy es at this| period of Lhe erring eseyson. ates vhing prosect a Leaniini ageramues, ICE CREAM SOFT DRINKS . The Store of Satisfaction : Tea ! housewife-who loves (good) tea--We have it at 50c 55c, 60c and 70c a pound. Our Raisins and California Currants at 15, 18 and 20c are excellent why not try them. The full, rich flavor of our tea will appeal to the Try us for everyday wants, such as Ciothes pins, Lamp and Lantern globes, Sulphur, Saltpetre, Dust- Specials for Friday and Saturday Strawberries, Pineapples, Buns and Cakes. bane, ete. ti Cooked Meata, Bologna, Eari SWItZer, taccsoroum Goods delivered around town. bined with warm weather, gives hope }. In Use For Over 30 Years wwe ofl Uirden Always bears S er) &4 ho 2 = as UZe> sa SSS? y > By = ITI, es Bd aS ' y GES Ure Sy SSS? 3 =} SS, ty x ¥) ty = we J EEE SSS y ~ Ss va a > 9078 7D 'o>/, Ss ~ We have received a shipment of New Spring Goods ae And we can show you some nice lines in Se a Prints, Ginghams, Poplins and Voiles for Spring § 2 We have also a good range of Shoes for Men, : Women and Children at reasonable prices. > /Z2 > SS? Nhs Ba: -- eS (4-3 or y a 5 & x - Come and inspect ours before buying elsewhere. iy; gy) 'Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce. Ww. R. ERSKINED 'Phone 1, ATWOOD, ONT MR i NESS "y'4 w

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