Atwood Bee, 6 Jun 1918, p. 8

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BANK. OF HRIFT is of alone it is not sufficient at the pre- sent stage in Canada's development. The be used for the produc- money saved must tion of new wealth in order that the growth of the country may be unhampered. of Hamilton assists and encourages increased production. Bank ATWOOD BRANCH A. M. Bobinson. HAMILTON vital importance, but The London Toronto St.John,N.B. Calgary FOR SALE BY J. ROGER M°Clarys Sunshine Furnace Montreal Hamilton : Different Kinds of Heat Your furnace should not only give you plenty of heat, but the right quality of heat. a Some houses would be better without any heat than the kind their fur- naces give them. If you study the Sunshine Furnace you will know what the right kind of heat is and how to get it. Saskatoon Winnipeg Edmonton Vancouver ¢7 7 oa Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ballantyne, of Downie, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ballantyne. A yery pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Hamilton, Holstein, on May 22nd, when their daughter, Miss Lula J. was united in holy bonds of matri mony to Mr. John Gordon, a pros- perous father of Elma township. GEORGE BRAY Barrister, Solicitor Notrary Public Listowel, Ontario J. CECIL HAMILTON Barrister, Conveyancer Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Parinru. Accipext.--Saturday mornin Mrs. Samuel Ducklow. of the Gravel roac while going down the steps at the back door of the houee, her foot turned over causing a fracture of her ankle. INCREASE OF MILK AT Etaa Factory .-- At this season of the year, the number of po of milk at this factory is above ast year, by over 2,000 pounds ; the num- ber 'of cheese manufactured per day at present is twenty-nine. Passep Away. -- One of Elma's oldest pioneers in the person of Cieorge Wieben, of the 16th con. passed away at his late residence, Friday, May his 94th year 'The funeral was held on Monday afternoon to the Monkton cemetery. Rev. Jesse Gibson, of Toronto, and secretary of the Upper Canada Bible Society, gave an illustrated lecture in the Methodist church Friday evening. His subject was 'What the Bible has accom- plished on the battle fields of the war."' After a period of two years without a rector for St. Alban's church, Atwood, the Rev. Mr. McLeod, of Chatsworth, has been officially appvinted by His Lordship Bishop Williams. The Rev gentleman commenced his duties on Sun- ca presented his brother, Mr. Weir Ache- ter the King's army. made a suitable reply. Tr, all present. Death of Mrs. Ballantyne. Stratford, June 3..- Mrs. William Ballantyne, Downie township, passed away on Sunday at the age of 60. Her hus- band, three sons, Russell of Avonton, James and George at home, and two Dickson, of Atwood, are brother and sister of Mr. Wm. Ballantyne. Mornington Man Took His Own Life Friday. Friday morning. May 3let, Edward Gallop of Mornington township, com- mitted suicide by etrangling himself with a cord fastened to the bed-post. he Coroner, Dr. Kidd, of Atwood, was called and decided that an inquest was un- n . e leaves a wife and four small children. He was a young man, well known and a respected resident of the township. Despondency was the use of the rash act. The funeral was held on Sunday. ea EI EE TE Given A Watch And Pen By Neighbors and Friends.| ~ Mr. Andrew Newbigging received a} ; surprise when the neighbors and friends gathered at his home and pre- sented him with a,wrist watch and fountain pen accompanied by a well|# a number of the young people of the} 2 vicinity assembled at the home of Mr. George Acheson, of Elma, and son with a wrist watch, safety razor and soldier's outfit previous to his leaving for London where he will en- cheson The evening was spent in dancing and games and a very enjoyable time was spent by a lifelong resident of expression was made thatal the: ; the: Rev. Harry Ashby is Re. attend eee | eulogizin oe sang him. with a purse containing $19) Mr. Ashby is well known i a few years ago he was rector Alb@n's Church. Eighteen Porkers. Mr, Henry' Roseman, of Elma. is the owner of a brood sow which gave birth to a litter numbering 18. The little pigs are all living and Mr. Rossman refused $ each for them. n this village. of St. he social evening spent together. Ist, at the y th ee ' t of Health Met Sat day. shall, London, England; Rev. J. T midsummer meeting of the Elma| Chatham ; Mr. Ho ard and Henderson, : Board of Health was held in| New York ; Mr. J. H., of Windsor ; Mr. k's office Saturday afternoon. All | Troward, of Paris, France, and Mrs. A Presented With Purse. affair and waa evuddenly asked to come n the good work Mr. Ashby has Wm. A. Shoebottam presented Atwood. He was 1 res; by the Baptist denomination of which he was a member. He had a host of friends wherever he ive persons today who will feel tr. pri hi ing | appreciation on his leaving to| Marshall was-a gifted preacher, had « fine i ne ee ee fag forged apart ann maton th om ; ane Thr romaren.srorn,thalol {one te en eed ° a et him. r. Ma occupi Before Going To London vor addremes, songs and i number of important churches in Lan- H Mak kd D6 on and Birmingham, Eng parta, Neighbors es Gift. a nicely pre lunch was ser-| Beamsville, Arkena. Belleville. 'Palmer- On Thursday evening of Inst week the ladies in charge an eyed ston an bo in Ontario He wasa familiar figure at the Baptist Association and conventions. He was educated at Spurgeon's College. London, England. @ was twice married, his first wife died seven years ago, e was married a few ears ago to Mrs. K. Switzer, of Atwood. who survives him. Since that time he as lived in rétirement, loved and res- ted by the whole village. He leaves six sons and one daughter--MNr. S. Mar- os' Sharp, of Vancouver. vice was held at his home on Wednesday evening, King st, Atwood, conducted by hie minister, Rev. Packham, assisted by Rev. J. F, Dingham, of Wingham, and Rev. H. J. Fair, of Atwood. Internment took place at Komoka, Ont., on Thursday the services was conducted there by Rev. H. H. Bingham, of London, and Rev. McLachlin, of Strathroy. . "Rey. Harry Ashby, the popular rector dnoghaers, Hay and Annie, at home, cs Glavenlt Church in Tandon f oad DONEGAL. a our brothers survive. vr. T.| sip, was pleasant surprised at a gather- . G. Ballantyne and Mrs Thomas) the congregation held at the home BB do gh iy oe, te he. Court. Mr. W. Ford and sister Miss Lizzie epent a day last week at the home of Mr. D. F. Hy Miss F. J, Cockwell, of 12th, spent Sunday as the guest of her friend, Mise Vv. | Jennie Bay. Mrs. A. A. McLellan epent Sunday with friends on the line. Mr. R. B. Hamilton, of Milbank, will occupy the pulpit of the Methodiet church here on Sunday, June 9th. A number from here took in the pre- sentation on Thuraday evening of iast 7'week for Mesers. J. M. Hardie and Sam Geoghean, of Listowel. ., of Fi I of money was m "| who has | One Time An Elma Resident After an illness extending over fi yvecks, at her home in Li eel, Caroline 'thompson, beloved wife of William ienderson, passed away on 4 une let. Some years she lived 'ef . he vicinity of Atwood with her husband, ir. Hom ho predeceased her wet eer ed about eleven years ago ma) .. A year her now bereft highend. also the of At wo da g, of the Weet, and Mrs. vid Thorndyke, died some years a The by the Rev. Mr. Dunbar. jady was in her 75th year. MAITLAND. On the evening of the Sist of Maya number of the friends and neighbors thered at the home of Mr. Geo. W iles, wher an address was read anda presentation of a wrist watch and a puree e to Norman Hiles n called to the colors and has reported for duty at Londan. Only His Hat Visible. Milverton, Ma¥"®8.--James Buchanan, a retired farmer who residee in the village, had a narrow escape from death while working in a sewer. slack by the recent showers, cavec him, only hia hat being visible. work his fellow-employees were effect his tescue. For a time it was thought he would be i not much the worse of the crush, Rev. J. H. McBain Honored. Rey. James H. McBain, pastor of St. James' Methodiet Church, Simcoe, who has received a call to a Kitchener church, was presented by his congregation with a purse of $135. He is an ex-President of the Hamilton Conference. Rev. Dr. Gray, former pastor of St. Paul's Presby- terian Church, made the presentation address, and the presentation was made by Mrs. Ede, who is eighty years of age. Listowel, May 31.--Eleven factor- ies boarded 1,645 cheese. Sales were at 22c. From now on meetings will be held only monthly. may be, or is rea Not (P.C. 1012), ef the 20th DOCUMENTS TO BE CARRIED ICE is hereby givea that, under 1918, every male person who is rot en ective service in Naval cr Military Derees, cr in the Navel cr Military Ve Ailies, and vho apparently may be, the description of Class One uncer th JBLIC NOTICE sonably suspected to be, Military Service Act, 1917, who fer any reason may Qne under the Act. by every male person who is not on active service in any of His Majesty's Forces, or in the Naval or Military Forces of any of His Majesty's Allies, and who apparently within the description of Class Gne under the have claimed that heis not within Class April, 15 the provisions of 22 Crder in Council 18, upen end after the Ist cay of Junc, ary of Itis Majesty's rees of Ilis Majesty's or is reasonably suspected to be, within s¢ Military Service Act, 1917, by whom membcr cf any other society or body Mficc-holdcr competent so to certify undcr the regulations of the church, order cr denomination, society cr body, to which he belongs; cr EXEMPTION If it be claimed that ke is exempted from or not liable to military Rervice ¥ Naval or Military , @ certificate of the fact signed by an cron whose behalf, it is at any time affirmed, claimed cr alleged that he is not, whether by reason of age, status, rationality, exception, or otherwise, with'n Clacs One under the Military Service Act, 1917, as defined for the time be ag or that, although within the said Clzss, he is cxempted fror cr not liable to military service; shall have with kim upen his persen et all times or in or toe exy building cr premiscs where he et any time is, Canada. Monoy to Loan Office-- Muin-st., Listowel, next to Dr. Foster, dentist. H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Barrister, Notary Public Conveyancer Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton Listowel,* Milverton, Atwood Offices, Listowel and Milyerton Money to Loan. D. A. KIDD, M. D. Main-st., Atwood, Ontario Physician, Surgeon Accoucheur, Coroner Executiye Officer of Board of Health Specialties-- Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of women and children. day. Atonetime Mr. McLeod was rec- tor of Milverton and Trinity, Elma. Miss Ruby Jobnson is visiting at Milverton. Mr. Jack Pelton, of visiting at his home. Mrs. David Wattora is spending a few days at Wingham. The anniyersary services of the Epworltb League will be held on Sun- day, June i6th. Rev. A. J. Loye, of Staffa, will be the preacher. Mitchell, May 31.--Francis Boyd, con. 5, Logon, died on Wednesday, aged 88 years. Mr. Boyd was a great Orangemen and had 'walked" with- out a break for 75 years. Lena, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Greensides, under- went an operation in Listowel on Tuesday for her nose and throat. Dr. Large did the sergical work. Big Bargains in store for you.-- We have bought out Mr. Crabb's general stock of dry goods. We will place this stock on sale Saturday and next week at prices before the war.-- J. M. SCHINBEIN & Son, LISTOWEL. David and Mrs. Milne, of Ethel, celebrated their golden wedding at their home last wéek. They were each presented with a purse of gold by their grandcbildren, of whom there by reason of ay exemption granted or claimcd or application pending unccr the Military Service Act, 1917, or the regulations thereunder, his exemption papers, cr a certificate of the Registrar or Deputy Registrar of the district to which he belongs evidencing the fact; or ad Detroit, is OTHER CLASS If it be claimed that he is not within the Class, or that he is exempted, not liable cr excepted upon any other ground, a certificate of two reputable citizens residing in the community whcre he lives having knowledge of 'the fact upon which the claim is founded and certifying thereto; ", AGE If it be claimed that he is not within the class by reason of age, an official _e date of his birth, cr a certificate of his age signed by two certificate cf t! e , the community in which he lives and having reputable citizens residing in krowledge of the fact; or MARRIAGE If it be claimed that he is nct within the Class by reason of marriage, 8 certificate, cither official or signed by two ypttable citizens residing in tho community in which he lives and having k: lodge of the facts, certifying to lis marriage and that his wife is living; ct FAILURE TO CARRY REQUISITE EVIDENCE If upon or after the Ist day of June, 1918, any such male person be found without the requisite evidence cr ecrtificate upen his perscn or in or upon the building cr premises in which he is, he shall thercupon be presumed to be a person at the time liable for military service and to be'a deserter or defaultcr without leave; NATIONALITY If it be claimed that he is not within the Class by reason cf his nationality, a certificate cf Lis nationality eigned by a Ccrsul cr Vice-Consu!] of the foreign State or Country to which he elait-s his allegiance is due; or a passport issued by the Government of thet Country establishing his nationality; or PENALTY And he shall also be liable upon summary conviction to a fine not exceeding $59 or to imprisonment fer a period rct exceeding, one month, er to beth such fine and imprisonment; and morcovecr, any such pcrson may forthwith be taken into military custody and may be there detained and requircd to per- form military duty in the Canadian Expeditionary Ferce so long as his services thall be required, unless or until the fact be established to the satisfaction of competent authority that he is not liable for military cuty. ACTIVE SERVICE If it be claimed that he is excepted as a member cf any of His Majesty's Forces cr cs having since the 4th August, 1914, served in the Military or Naval Forees of Great [ritain.or her Allics in ary theatre of actual war and has been honourably discharged therefrom, official documents or an official certif- cate evidencing the fact; or Spring Term From April 2nd entral Business ollege, Stratford FALSE CERTIFICATE The use, signing cr giving of any such certificate es hereinbefore men- tioned shall, if the ecrtificate be in any matcrial respect false cr misleading to the Commercial life offers the great op- {are soyenteen. There are also six ERGY . Par : portunities. Recent lady graduates | great grandchildren. Mr. and Mrs CLER Knowledge of the person using, signing, cr giting the same, bo on ioe Gf this school are earning ss high J. W. Boyd, of Bima attended the If it be claimed that he is excepted as a member cf the clergy, or of any | punishable, upon summary conviction, by a penalty not exceeding five hundred inet ' , y religious character, or is a ministcr of s| dollars, and by imprisonment for any term not exceeding six months and not recognized order of an exclusivcly religious denomféation existing in function. Canada on 29th August, 1917, or as being 8 less than one month. Charles C. Rock Dies At Brodhagen. Brodhagen, May 80.--Charles C. Roch, ' BY THE MILITARY SERVICE BRANCH ISSUED | JUSPICE. OF THE DEPARTMENT OF. rs our free catalogue. aged Bh ate = t 6 Leora rips men in n, died at his home. @ Was a con- Otta' W. J. Exuiort, President tractor and builder and the owner of a wa, May 22, 1918. - saw and planing and chopping mill at Brodhugen. In the election of 1911 he SS wag returning officer for South Perth. D. A. McLacatay, Principal .

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