DIAMOND RINGS Perfect and flawless only kept 2 in. stock. ds J. JOHNSON iIThe 18k WEDDING RINGS ' Newest Style MARRIAGE 'LICENSES J. J. JOHNSON ) Vol. 29, No. 15. E. H. SWING, Proprietor ATWOOD, ONT., THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1918 One Dollar a Year. Otherwise Dollar and a Half Let us do your Developing and Printing ? Films for sale at the Drug Store. (deme No. 8--1232) S THE QUALITY STORE # " LIVE AND LET LIVE" It pays to buy first quality call at Anderson's and you are sure of the best{quality that money can buy as our quality i is second to none, and our prices are right. In war time it is up to us to economise and to do so buy the best, you will find it at Anderson's. Call Saturday and get our Bargains 2 Headquarters for produce---Cash or Trade. Kincardine Meats and Listowel Bread always on band. ATWOOD Goods delivered. for home for a few days. SISSIES WII « The Red Hardware Royal Purple Calf Meal is made up toa standard not down to a price. A well balanced calf meal or substitute for milk must contain at least 10 per cent. fat and not more than 20 per cent. protein when over 20 per cent. protein calves can- not digest it, hence the reason why you should feed only Royal Purple Calf Meal and prevent Meo ames ; with your calves fat e than p Ec. W. Stockford 3 ATWOOD "Bgge taken at bighest market price. Phone 12--3 7 cay it -- exercise of the General bos- COAL OL i TOs If you are in need of a Coal Oil Stove it will pay you to call at Roger's Hard- ware Store and inspect them for your- self. We have three different kinds to choose from----Wickless and Heatless. ROGER, Atwood FURNITURE AND HARDWARE Besure you register. Stockford bas a lot of grain bags sale. Miss Alice Porter, of Toronto, was Miss Leona Hammond, of Toronto, is holidaying at ber home. The penalty for every day after June 22nd until registered is $10. Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Inglis and were at Stratford over the weekend. Mrs. Carrochan spent Sunday the guest of her daughter, Mrs. Gill, of Ethel. Will. Thompson has been trans- fered from Listowel to Harriston as baggageman. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Terry and children and Mary Hodge spent Sun- day at Monkton. Mrs. Wm. Forrest and daughter Jessie, of Saskatoon, Sask., are visit ing with Mr. Robt. Forrest. Mr. W. D. McDonald, of Simcoe, motored to the home of Mr. W. A. Gray and spent the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. John Coghblin and Mr. aod Mrs. Jobn Ballantyne motored to Guelph on Saturday. George Chapman received the con- tract on Saturday of putting io a cement culvert on the 4th cor. Four student from Atwood com- menced writing on their entrance in Listowel Wednesday afternoon. Born. -- In Grey, on Saturday, June 15th, 1918, to Mr. and Mrs William Hanna, a son (Jobo Roscoe) Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Dickson and "HELLO 1-- When it comes to "hold- ing thé lime" a couple of women ev- gaged io atelephone conversation can beat General Haig, hands down. Jobn Doerr, aged 71, a resident of Bornholm, 'for 30 years, died at his home Sunday. He was a wagonmaker for some time, but lately had kept a general store. "Tt we were all non-smokers and iotalers" says a temperance jour- nal, "wé could all live until we were Fy hundred years old." There are, of course, obher arguments against it. Another artesian well has been struck by Driller Hartley, for the Waterloo Water Commission, at a depth of 860 feet. It is estimated that the. new well will have a daily flow of 00,000 gallons. This is the second well struck within a month. Children Cry ~FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A cettain man with his little dog was driving a Ford car along the road when ifbecame stalled, and not able and fastened it to the dog's tail who pulled ig into the nearst garage for re- pairs, OB. entering the place, a con- stable'stepped up and arrested the man, WBo was taken by surprise and asked for an explanation as to his atrest,#yhen he was informed by the officer, & at it was against the law to tie a tig can to a dog's tall. _-------------- ded Fifty Dollars. Mr.@. H. Ratclitfe of the 1918 e and Finance class of the Toron# University, has been award- ed a-mpbolarship of $50 from the Board Trade. Marry is the son of Mr. afd Mrs. T. G. Ratcliffe of this villages Grey. -|Mr. and Mrs. eee. Dickson ang ; ont. : pita Mr. and Mrs R. A. Thompson and family visited Mr. and Mrs. Overholt of Eastwood on Sunday, it being their sixtieth wedding anniyersary. Mable, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Greensides of this vill- age, fell off a chair on Wednesday, causing a fracture of the collar bone. Mr. Melyyo Henry spent a few days at his home prior to going to Ottawa to enlist. Melvyn bas bean braking on the railroad for the past year. One of the latest jokes is to the effect that there will be no honey flow this year. And why? Because the Government is conscripting all the "B's Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA The sale of wood belonging to Kesso & Sons was sold on Friday at the bush on Ab. Thompson's farm to one person, Mr. Malcolm, of Listowel. The purchasing price was around $500.00. Mr. and Mrs. H. Richmond, Misses Mabel and Alice Richmond, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Morrison and Mra. Robt. ESTABLISHED BANK OF HAMILTON ECOND only to the requirements of the Government is the encouragement of increased production on farms and in factories. At no other time in our national life was the increment of wealth so essen- tial to our welfare as it isnow. The Bank of Hamilton offers facilities for the justi- fiable expans'on of business. ATWOOD BRANCH A. M. Robineon. Anderson attended the funeral on Tuesday of the late John Gray at Stratford Mr. and Mrs. George Lochhead, of Atwood, announce the engagement of their elder daughter, Annie C. to Mr. Lloyd D. Vallance, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Vallance, of Atwood, Ont. The marriage will take place early in July. Notice. -- Any subscribers to the Patriotic League who have not paid anything on account of their subscrip- tion, or who are several months in arrears, will kindly make payment on or before July lst, on which date those in arrears will be notified. --A. M. RoBINSON, Sec. Treas. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears Signature of a SET Ee WHAT ABOUT A SERVICE FLAG These are now used for display in the homes, stores, factories, lodges, etc., who have mem- bers on service. Supplied with one or two maple leaves. Canada's National Emblem is at its best in the fall when it is a rich red with autumn tints and it fittingly represents the red blooded Canadian who is at his or her best serving king or country. Hang one in your window. All prices. =" CG. COCHLIN. "ae BLIP REI PRS I ORs to make it go, tied a cord to the car} ~~ eh p Statistics -- Total acres, % 52 ah total path, 51,900-; total assessment cf twp. $2,853,450. Ages of residents 5--21, 742 ; ages of residents 5--16, 547 ; ages of residents 21--60, 659 ; total' population 2463; births 29, deaths 15 ; dogs 387. Quit Whining, Start Smiling. People, who complain because they cannot get some of the little luxuries that they thought they enjoyed be fore the war commenced, are asked to remember that their forefathers liyed without sugar until the 13th century, without coal until the four- teenth century, without butter on their bread until the fiteenth, without tobacco and potatoes tntil the six- teentb, without tea, coffee and soap until the seventeenth, without um- brellas and lamps untilthe eighteenth and witHout trains, telephones, gas and watches till the nineteenth and some of us even at the present day have not got an automobile. a Successful Anniversary And Garden Party. The anniversary services in con- nection with the Epworth League of the Methodist church held on Sun day, June 16th, was a splendid suc cess. Rey. A. J. Loye of Staffa, preached hoth morning and eyening and was greeted * a good attendance at both seryices. "in the morning for a few moments he spoke to the young children, then addressed the congre gation, taking for his subject Vision ; especially our vision of God aud our opportunities. In the evening bis subject was Service and the young peoples motto "Look up and Lift up. Mr. Love is a splendid speaker and his discourses was yery much ap preciated by the congregations Special music was given by the choir and a special Epworth League offer- ing was received. Monday night a grand garden party was held on the church lawn and was well patronized. After lunch was served the program which consisted of solos, humorous readings, duetts, etc., were given in the church by Rev. Mr. and Mrs Dayidson, of Belgrave. Altboug some what lengthy, the programme was enjoyed by all present, and both Mr. and Mrs. Dayidson will be welcomed back again to Atwood at some [future date.. Rev. Mr. Alban's church also took part. proceeds for the entire service am- -{- L'. -}- ? $ CREME MONEE MENON EREM ON OREMENRERERORER: Stratford Meats--Listowel Bread and Fine Salt in Barrela and Cakes always on hand. {License No, 8--471] Bags i THE STAR GROCERY Pineapples are done. We were sorry to disaappoint so many of our cus- tomers on pines, but the reason was the wholeeale fruit merchants could not get them, so it was a dissappointment all round. The strawberry season will stait this week, but the supply will be limit- ed owing to the small acreage through the Winona district. They will not at any time be plentiful, so don't delay in leaving your orders with us at once. Other fruit prospects as we have received word from the principal! grow ers around Winona--Raspberries will be a light crop. Cherries, white sweet, good. Black sweet, very light. Red sour, good Currants Black, red and Goose Berries good crop. -Peaches--owing to many trees being winter killed the crop will not be ". Wo we spominig Beason, and can assure yaa any orders exitrasted with us will re- % ceive the best of attention. - s E. T. Greensides & Son § Goods Delivered. Phone No. 5. SOFT DRINKS PALM DAIRY ICE CREAM [License No. 816574] The Store of Satisfaction STRAWBERRIES--tThe Canadian berries will soon be start- ing to comein now. Be sure and leave your orders early and we will be able to supply you with nice berries at the yery lowest prices. If you enjoy a good cup of tea, buy it at Switzer's and you will be sure of getting the best quality at 50, 55, 60c per lb. Special for Saturday aa" Cakes, Buns, Cookies, Kitchener Bologna, Weiner, etc. Earl Switzer, Mam -- Goods delie ae around town. ounted to $92 00. (*. a R.ERSKINE, ZA SS faves DUP goes Ss (Etease No, 8--3617] THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE "WOOL Sins S70 & = Ss Sas EE ISS v Ree NOs 'o. ES S =i 1225 ee, Cad SEES AER MES PANS SPS = py S SOE eRe ee NARS ~ aS We are in the market for any quantity of § Washed or Unwashed Wool for which we &% will pay the highest cash market value. -- " SST pus SS Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce. BBY p IA) RIPZ *Phone 1, AS WRON ONT