eh ~~ DIAMOND RINGS Perfect and flawless only kept in stock. J. J. JOHNSON =|The 18k WEDDING RINGS Newest Style _ J. J. JOHNSON Vol. 29, No. 20. E. H. SWING, Proprietor ATWOOD, ONT., THURS: JULY 25, 1918 One Dollar a Year. Otherwise Dollar and a Half 1 ain cle ele' ci o' en a0' cn' 00 00 co co on co 60 60 60 C0 se on ce on oe Pod sot sot kot ic OO IO 3 ; salaiates t- S™ Teas and Coffee a eee Barrel Salt Ry + Licenee No. 8--1232) . * THE QUALITY STORE & t- " LIVE AND LET LIVE" ': $ -}- $ ee -t- Notice : -f- x Leave your order with us for " : HUCKLEBERRIES ® $ now is the time to order . $ : -- Call Saturday and get your share of our specials. x * It will pay you. "3 -3- -}- 4 Kincardine Meats and Listowel Bread always on hand. > -t- Highest prices for Produce. -$- A. E. ANDERSON, : ATWOOD +: Phone 2-3. Goods delivered. "5° * co. oe ce ce ce ee oe co em ee ae ae a oe S Z Bi: Red Hardware he ° Washing machines, Wringers, Wash Boards Sewing Machines, Needles and Belts Screen Windows and Doors Paris Green, Watering Cans Turnip hoes, Pitch forks, Scythes, Snaths Rope, Slings, Hay and Sling Cars Machine Oil, Carborundum Sharpeners Sprayers and Spraying Material Handles of all ans no ' ree ~ Wire, Steples "a Fencing Tools = C. W. Stockford ATWOOD Eggs taken at highest market price. DDS OD IN IIS ee e of a SE 5 Satie G Phone 12-3 3S wiry : a ORK HONE PAINTS Until sold out of Lowe Bros. Paints we are Offering it for 95c a Quart J. ROGER, Atwood FURNITURE AND HARDWARE > om oe «¢ > oe oe Ge ae oe « MUMMKKKCKKRREE + -- * Golden weal: Mr. and Mre. Abraham Baker cele- brated their fiftieth wedding anniver- on Monday, July 22nd. Mr. and Mrs. Joho Baker 8th con. Elma gaye the dinner to the family and guests, and the supper was given at the bountiful repast. Ina reply to the toasts, Mr. and Mrs. Baker ex- pressed their appreciation and thank- fulness to their Creator for giving them the long lease of life and re- markable health which they both en joy. They were the recepients ofa purse of gold by the family and other remembrance by friends that will not soon be forgotten. The family were all present -- Silas and John ~ and family, Atwood; Mrs. J. R. Ham mond and two hcaties of Angus- ville, Man.; Miss Belle' Baker, of Gormley. The guests were--Mr. J. C McLachlan, of Toronto, brother of Mrs. Baker; Mrs. Peter Baker, of Gormley, Ont, ; Miss Beula Stevens, Gormley. Mr. "and Mrs. Forster and daughter, Marion, of Mitchell ; Mr. Ralph Baker, Toronto ; Mr. and Mrs. George Baker, of Stouffville. Mr. and Mrs. Baker are esteemed resi- dents of this village and the BEE with their many friends congratulate them on this occasion and trust that they may be spared to celebrate their diamond wedding. Report of S. 5S. No. 2, Elma. Promotion to Sr. 4th. Pass 528. Nettie Galbraith 701, Margaret Jobn- son 692, Jessie Cleland 625, Alice Shearer 616. Promotion to Sr. 3rd. Eva Galbraith 682, Hector Aitchison 612, Mary Twamley 581, Jean Cle- land 565, Cameron Porterfield 562, beare 552, Harold Turnbull 546, An- drew Leonard 453, Ada Hamilton 450. Promation to Jr. 4th. Pass 468 521, Mary Leonard 512. ; Promotion to Jr. Bed RA ie ws e) 3, 4 ] 'dith Phourpedin " 0, Bawerd in nard 385, Frank Chapman 234)Nel- son Schott 81. Promotion to 2nd -- Ada Shearer; Bruce Twamley, George Galbraith, Jean Park, Jean Pretswell, Martha Pretswell, Orrie Johnson, Leslie Porterfield, Jack Hardie, Wainwright Newbigging, Ross Hiusser. Promotion to First-- Myrtle Shear- er, Marion Aitcheson, Maggie Leo- pard, George Cleland, Geoage Ham ilton, Lorne Galbraith, Russell Hui sser.--Aunie Lochhead, Teacher. A car of coal was deliyered around the village this village. Rey. and Mrs. A. T. Bell, of Moles- worth, are yisiting Mrs. Margaret Ballantyne. Don't borrow The Bee from your neighbor. Subscribe for it and haye a copy of your own. It only costs $100 for a whole year, or less than 2 cents a week. - Me. and Mrs. Alf. Holmes and two Ldaughters, of Stratford, Mrs. Ernest J. Smith and children, of Brockville, and Miss Dempsey of Stratford spent last Sunday in town. The decoration service of the I. O. O. F., Atwood, was held on Sunday afternoon at the Elma and Donegal cemeteries when nine graves of de- ceased brothers were decorated with flowers. Tho engagement is announced of Jessie Edna, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jobn Gray, Atwood, Ont., to Mr. Norman Ament, New Ham- burg, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Ament of Linwood. The marriage to take place early in August. --= BANK. OF HAMILTON NTENSIVE cultivation of the soil and improved factory methods are essential to increased production. Prudent expan- sion in both farm and factory is urged by '. the statesmen and financiers of the Do- minion, and the Bank of Hamilton encour- ages its clients to develop their business and enlarge their output as far as their working capital will warrant. ATWOOD BRANCH A. M. Robinson PUBLIC NOTICE. Take notice that all psrsons tres passing on these premises for the purpose of picking berries will be prosecuted according to law after tke 23rd of July, 1918. ALBERT W. DUCKLow, _ Let 19, Con. 12, Elona. "STRAYED Strayed from the premises of the undersigned on or about July 11th, four heifers, 3 yearlings and early spring calf, one being roan and the others red, Any informat'on regard- ing the samo will be thankfully re ceived and liberally rewarded. Mrs. DAvip SEILOR, | Lot 22, Con. 13, Elma. Monkton Post Office. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA their home in Atwood, all enjoyed |' Pp Pass 468. Lorne Shearer 552, Mervyn {Coney-!¢ Gordon Turnbull 616, Robt. Mitchell G This is Kodak time, Let us do your printing and deve! oping, all kind of supplies at the Drug Store. sip for Farmers. th County Resources Com- forwarded to me the names Atwood who on their Re- cards signified their willing- sist on the farms. Any o. wants help is invited to 8 or call at my office, At- we will do what we can mitté of mi nd ' gistreel ness %@ farm 'Geo. Lochhead, Bec'y Branch Perth County . sources Committee. r ctors ; Meeting. Bt to adjournment the Di- $@@the Elma Farmers' Mutual Marance Co. met in the Agri- all, Atwood, on Tuesday ' 5 uly. All the members of were present. The Presi- sided. The minutes of the ing were read, confirmed Claims for losses by from the following were paid . McMenamin, Maryboro' a, $7500; John Seelboff, r killed, $55.00 ; Robt. J. 'Elma, two heifers killed, W. J. Scott, Mornington, d $70.00 ; D. G. McQuarrie, killed $12500; J. E Rowidh, Grey, house damaged $3 ; Jas. "Egmstings, Mornington, mare killed § 445.00 ; Thos Newin, Morn- i yas alsg paid $400.00 for loss puse and contents by fire y sparks from chimney, and bigging Estate, Elma, were 646 98 for loss of barn and ® by fire cause unknown. Ap- for insurance were accepted $ The feust to meet again at the us- gie.and place.-- J. R. Hammond, eg Amputated. B.S. Rothwell, an esteemed inent Elma Township farm- ong on the 2nd concession, nt a very critical operation gay Seesocon. Dr. Lucy of fi Dra... the, knees. The Operation was suc- cessful and it is reported that the patient has since been progressing |splendidly. Mr. Rothwell has been ailing with heart trouble and gan- grene since early Spring. At times he was very low and there seemed little ehance for his recovery. Tha operation was suggested as a last hope and despite his critical condi tion thé patient resolutely concurred with the physicians. Members of the family, and bis many friends are now hopeful that before long he will be quite improved. > Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S Just Twenty-One. One day last week Mr. J. E. Row- land, of Grey township, had a sow that gaye birth to the number of 21. This old hog beats the record for greater production. Of course noth ing but an old pig would do such a thing. This wanes a rink of Atwood Bow- lers composed of Messrs. John Roger, T.G Ratcliffe, Walter Blackwell and 3e0. Lochhead took in the Western Ontario Bowling Tournament. Fifty six rinks competed for handsomo prizes. Miss Enid McCourt, graduate nurse who has spent the past three months at the hom= #* ber parents, Mr. and Mrs Samuei' McCourt, of town, left on Thursday last for White Plains, N.Y., where she will spend a week with her sister, Miss Dorcas McCourt RN., B.CN, at the home of million- aire ©. A. Andrews, prior to taking her position at New Britain, Conn. BIRTHS. HAMILTON. -- In Elma, on Wednes- day, July 10th, to Mr. and Mrs. T. D. Hamilton, a son. SMITH. -- In Atwood, on Monday, July 22nd, to Mr. aud Mrs. J. M Smith, a son. LITTLE.--In Elma, on Monday, July 22nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Chester Little, a son. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years elke OSE ITT EEG IN TT Vag IT ret "The Best Face Cream I Ever Used" is what one our lady customers tells us about NYAL'S FACE CREAM - Knowing what it is made of, we were certain it would be hard to improve on. We hardly expected that a big quarter package like Nyal's would win favor over other high priced lines but it has Believing it the best article and best value we have we like to recommend it to you. Let us show it to you and tell you about it--Nyal's-- that's the name. E. G. COGHLIN. OSD GO OOO Atwoo io empha and CASTORIA Stratford Meata--Listowel Bread and Fine Salt in Barrels and Cakes always on hand. [License No. 8--471]} THE STAR GROCERY Raspberries & Huckleberries wo acio oe cie on a cin eo Bag TIEN OE Od Cee GO This will be canning week for red Raspberries % The stock is now at its best both in quality and * supply and we again urge our customers to get " their orders placed early as the very dry weather is ripening the cherries very fast and they will soon be oyer. The Montmorency is now on which you Rp COREE | all know is the best sour cherries grawn for canning and preserving purposes we will have a good supply Red and Black Currants are coming on. Their will also be some Gooseberries. E. T. Greensides & Son Goods Delivered, Phone No. 5. RRR RRR RR RR i a Stratford Bread always on hand, Ice Cream and Soft Drinks [License No. 8--16574] The Store of Satisfaction Here is where you get value for your money.---- Leave your order for Raspberries and Huckleberries. They a quality and it will pay you to order early as they will not be very y plentital. We haye Salmon, half tins, at 16, 18 and 25c each. Large cans at 25c, 306¢, 35e anc Onur Raisins and Currants cannot be beat for quality and value. Seedless at lic, I8c. Seeded 15c and 18c. California Currants 20c. Black Currants 38c. + Have you tried our Téas at 50, 55 and 60c. Special for Saturday -- Cakes, Buns, Cookies, Kitchener Bologna, Weiner, etc. Phone Central Leave your orders. Goods delivered around town. Earl Switzer, ~-- 2 ee, [License No. 8--3617] * THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE _=WOoL_L:! K} J >t 4 v7 ca ~ =! 7. = ~ Os hes "s < BA ' y oT : x ~! .ot ~ SAY Ww oa m3 $2 LEE OHSAS Tes } UIE We are in the market for any quantity of KY Washed or Unwashed Wool for which we 8% will pay the highest cash market value. EERE SAAR ABS: 3 = SPSS + i Ate 'by Ae . Z eZ NOs) eae Se BPr2 =f ~ <r " = ~ 7 Sess c SohF-T? ky. Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce. W. R. ERSKINE, 'Phone 1, ATWOOD, ONT PP: >. ASey tig ey tex _-- i ~ PPS +. x aes a