[ ; J. J. JOHNSON 3 DIAMOND RINGS Perfect and flawless only"ke : in stock. -- J. MARRIAGE LICENSES WEDDING RINGS Newest Style J. JOHNSON Vol. 29, No. 24. E, H. SWING, Proprietor 22, 1918 One Dollar a Year. Otherwise Dollar and-a Half~ Use Creonid for spraying your cattle and ke 3 e flies away at the Drug Store Teas and Coffee a -- icenze No. 8--1232) " LIVE AND LET LIVE" # Good Goods Makes Good Friends Now is the time to buy Tomatoes Ag they are at the lowest price for the season. It will pay you to make this store your Headquarters when in" 'own SATURDAY ONLY 8 Bars Castle soap 2 Pks, Corn Flakes 9 " Shreded Wheat 3 " 9 ity by} o Kincardine Meats and Listowel Bread always on hand. Highest prices for Produce. market price. Goods delivered. ETHE QUALITY STORES ¢% Bring your produce to Anderson's and make sure of the highest -f- : ATWOOD 5 { CANADA FOOD BOARD. LICENSE 9--10017 ] The Red Hardware Beatty Hay and Sling cars $18.75 Rafter brackets and Track bangers.............+++eeee 12c each Slings (set of 3 with 5 ft slats, centre trip) ........ $18.50 set Guaranteed pitch forks...........sscesssseceesses coseseeeees $1.10 Wire borse muzzles 25c each Knot passing pulleys 75c each Biodor whips 35c each Harvest mitts........cccccccecccceese secetceeee weeessenenee 50c pair Best machine oil 50c gal. Oilers for binders 20c Carborundum sharpeners for section kniyes 85c Rivets for section knives 3c oz _. Creonoid cow spray; kéeps away the flies........+. eon Sl. 25 gal . Sprayers for spraying livestock... 606. Sweat pads, any size, best quality iesivacetenin jaw' -Geaatnene . 106 Everything in Hardware at prices consistent with quality.° © C. W. Stockford ATWOOD Eggs taken at higbest market price. Phone 12--3 PAINTS ntil sold out of Lowe Bros. aints we are offering it for 95c a Quart a fa * = Wht et ke woe J. ROGER, Atwood FURNITURE AND HARDWARE 3 ----J BANK. OF HAMILTON ~ HE Dominion Government is doing everything possible to stimulate great- er production of both agricultural and manufactured products. It is the only way in which an adverse trade balance may be avoided. The Bank of Hamilton as a pure- ly Canadian institution will further the aim of the Government by its favorable treat- ment of productive enterprise. ATWOOD BRANCH A. M. Robinson 'Union church Threshing has commenced. Elma Fair, Sept. 23rd and 24th. Bank building. The harvest will be analy com- pleted this week. day, August 31st. Be sure to attend the Patriotic garden party at Union. /Miss Annie Jolly is at Toronto at- tending the millinery openings. Mrs. Fred Liersch is improving in health. after being very ill for the past week. Mr. Jobn Vallance is able to be out again after being ill with typhoid feyer. Miss Carrie Hone, of Toronto, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. William Gilmer. assisting his son Murray at thea barvest. Miss Mina Morrison, of Toronto, is holidaying at the home of Mr. L. Pelton. Mrs. Young, of Brantford, yisited ber daughter, Mrs. J. P. Greensides, last week. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Tatham left on Saturday for their home at New Liskeard. Mrs. Pugh, of Mitchell, "is Pnesday with Mr. and Mrs. R.A Thompson. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Community canning clubs haye Brantford, Ont. " Miss Alice Moffat and Misé Baily, of Toronto, are bolidae at the home of} Mrs. Jolly ee are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wilson, of town. Miss Lillian Richmond has been engaged as teacher of 8. 8. No. 10, Grey. She will commence her dut- ies on Sept. 3rd. You can help us along by sending io the names of your visitors or any local news in your vicinity. Call us 'up, 'phone 12r11. Mrs. Jas. Turnbull, of London, and Mrs. Alex. Cameron, of Listowel, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Greensides. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Ramsay and daughter Beatrice, of Wiarton, spent afew days this week with Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Thompson. In Mondays casualty list, LW. Wickle, of West Monkton- and Quartermaster Sergt. R. C. Paul, of Listowel, are reported wounded. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Winnipeg citizens are saving money by daylight saving. The city light department's receipts were $12,484 less for May this' year than last. The Ootaric Railway and Mun- icipal Board bas issued an order lim- iting the use of natural gas. No con- sumer may use more than 5,000,000 cu. ft & year. The city of Cincinnati has passed an ordinance making citizens person- ally liable for damages done to neigh- bours by fire caused by their neglect or.carelessness. Mrs. Huggics and Miss M. Hug- gins, of Monkton, and Mrs. A.R Terry, of Atwood, spent a few days at Listowel the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Featherstone. Miss Margaret Edgar has returned home to ee after yisiting at the home of Mr. J. B. Hawilton's. Miss Edgar was successful i in passing her Faculty examinations. A garden party will be held on the ounds on Friday. August 30th. Itis under the aus pices of the Maple Leaf Patriotic iety. Supper served from eeven to nine. Good programme is being prepared. Admission 35c and 25c. A new roof has been put on the a Elma Council will meet on Satur- 2 Mr. W. G. Inglis, of Stratford, is} been formed in Victoria, B. C., and, ; McFarlane and two boys of: . ped for the Bee ? }, of Stratford, is Haye you . Flight | Li i' parted m E wages for all post- i> eyader near Sud- mby the Dominion her Sutcliffe and bg a week at Thorn- "Forest. Rev. 3:3 family are: dale, Lond Cecil Call ? 'came home from Stratford' 4 al on Wednesday much imptogmee health. is Alma Kaiser, of returned homo after ®Mr. and Mrs. Percy Mrs. aod) London, "hi holidaying: Annett. Charles drowned in plane whick blew out-in In New attention i Mon of Brighton was ort to save an air- mded on the beach and Hee lake. Hand, where particular W¥en to child conserva- tion\ the iF death rate has been steadily jommmed, and for some years past hag-qglmeximated 50 per thous- and. "+ irchased the timbers in Mr. Bla the old vi ing mill and has had them také nt and is moving them onto thef@mmtiat he recently bought he will. eve the frame building adjoining: Mr. auth s. Alex. Annett and sons Earl' ager of Detroit, are visiting .w Mr. and Mrs. William Annett. dw, Mr. and Mrs. Dem- ghter, of London, Mrs Sof Lakeside, and Mr. Srlow, of Thamesford, ikend with Mr. and Mrs. 3. * Hamilton received a Sunday from his son hat he-had safely land- |, with him wero Cecil Middleton, Weir Aitch ford county, Ontario, produced eight and quarter million pounds of cheese in' 1917 as compared with ten and a half million in 1910. The county @lso-bas five milk factrries of fairly recent establishment. Mr. Henry Armstrong of Moles worth has sold hia farm to Mr. Ben McCormick of Trowbridge, and has purchased at Trowbridge, the one hundred acre farm of Mr. George Adams, with stock and crops. . A. E. Halet of South Norwich threshed 14 acres of barley, which yielded 910 bushels; worth, according to present market prices," $1,150. Another farmer in East Zorra brought into the cattle market 19 bead of steers for which he received the sum of $3,480. Russell Inglis, who some time ago returned from France, has been hon orably discharged, haying been wounded at Lens and though now partially recovered, has been pro: nounced a3 unfit for future military service. Mr. Inglis was two and a half years in the army and at his discharge received the honorary token of good conduct. Sixth Line Elma. Mr. Wm. Ioglis yisited on the line ar Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Hiles spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Robt Farrell's. Mrs. Wm. Sharpe yisited at the home of Mr. Jobn Leonard's one day last week. Misses Marion and Edythe Alex- ander were the guests of Miss Edna Reid on Sunday. Mrs. Alex. Buchanan and two children and Miss Ethel Porterfield visited friends in Ethel on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Spillett, of Listowel, where the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Russell Nutt on Sunday. CASTORIA | For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Always bears COAG the Signature of School Re-op Soon school will be re-opening holidays. scribblers, etc. : = We invite you to see our new line of school supplies such as rulers, slates, rubbers, A full line of all text books on hand. ' See our new scribbler ine all prices. E. C. COCHLIN. | Atwood i i a es ee after the summer Stratford Meats--Listowel Bread Corn and Rye Flour. Fruits of the different varieties position to take care of your o quirements on these. also be offering, these are a .good quality. + + =. Sr i + > 2 oP C8 oD o Oo t Goods Delivered. Sfratford Bread always on hand. [License No. 8--16574 The Store of Sa Tomatoes This is the week for Tomatoes. ee ee Switzer's orders.- Special for Saturday Wa" Kitchenet Meats and Bolognas. Raisins reg. 18c for 1ldc. Corn Earl ewInzer, [License No. 8--3617] 5S Fow] "= Ducks values, either cash or trade. 'Phone 1, ATWOOD, [License No, 8--471] THE STAR GROCERY scarce during the past week, but with the fine cool weather, we expect to be in much better this will be true of Tomatoes of which we will have a good supply of excellent stock and if The later and better varieties of Plums will be on and we will take care of your re- Triumph peaches will We are notified by the growers thet Seem will be scarce, so make sure of a fen of plums. > _We expect gahave a. E. aT Greensides & Son a . Sete OO Te eT eT ee eT eT eT eT Ee et ¢ . ' * ' ' * + + + ' a Fly pads reg. 2 for 5c, 3 for 5c Stratford Buns and Fancy Cakes. Leave y enn delivered around town. THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE FOWL : We are in the market for any quantity of Heavy Hens Light Hens Chickens over 2 ibs. for which we will pay the highest market Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce. aw. R.ERSKINE; Fine Salt in Barrels and Bags have been very rders, especially e will look after you place your order early w you. yellow flesh of Phone No. 5. 1. Ice Cream and Soft Drinks ] tisfaction Tomatoes is the place to leave your Flakes reg. lic for 14 Phone Central our orders. S = NOs ca leeeta, Pees = - => /2< SARS =f WSS POUEE SSP <= . . ae 4 Bolee es e oY = =f = a? BP, ~ Ys > S AY ote tw. = FP wales wate s se -- , % aS > YW >! cP, 4 a me =< ee BP; ~ $ < >» > e2 as a. ~ ws Ps 7-8 o. at 35 72 on) xs > BAe 4, &? ah = vas i ~ > ¥ 4) te = ws Bus BSA SS <P y ONT