sey DIAMOND RINGS : Perfect and flawless only kept in stock. ; | j. J. JOHNSONE wy e 18k WEDDING RINGS Newest Style MARRIAGE LICENSES J. J. JOHNSON E. H. SWING, Proprietor Vol: 29; No. 25: ATWOOD; ONT., THURSDA JGUST 29, 1918 One Dollar a Year. Otherwise Dollar and a Half Use Creonid for spraying your cattle and p the flies away at the Drug Store Barrel Salt i QUALITY STORE "* LIVE AND LET LIVE" Tomatoes ----w AND 9 _ Plums <Q THIS WEEK --at You will find a full line of fresh up-to-date A. E. ANDERSON, = Phone 2-3 Groceries at Anderson's. Call when in town. TRY OUR MEATS. Highest price for produce--Cash or Trade. ATWOOD Goods delivered. { CANADA FOOD BOARD LICENSE 910017 j AFTER HARVEST REQUIREMENTS i The Red Hardware Wallpaper Hay Knives Drain Cleaners Posthole Spoons Draining Spades ~ Fence Stretchers Pick Axes and sledges _, Gravel ar Cement Shovels Paints, Varnishes, Glass and Putty Black-and Galvanized wire and staples eC. W. Stockford ATWOOD Eggs taken at highest market price. E 6G Phone 12--3 7? On as Toronto Exhibition is on. Monday is a public holiday. Labor Day, Monday, Sept 2nd. Elma Fair, Sept. 23rd and 24th. - Elma Council will moet on Satur: day. Mrs. W. G. Shera is visiting at Stratford. Mrs. C. B is iday at Hensall. Johnstone Peebles is home from Hamilton. Public schools will re-open on Tuesday, Sept. 3rd. Miss Jean McKay is visiting with friends at Moncrieff. with Miss Ida Parker. Cadet Melvyn Hanna was home from Toronto on Sunday. ~ Mrs. A. Forrest paid a visit to friends on the 14th con. last week. Miss Belle Baker after visiting at her bome has returned to Gormley. Edaa Willoughby has returned home after holidaying at Trowbridge. Mr. and Mrs. Lea, of Toronto, spent last week with Mrs. C, Wynn. W. F. Thompson and Alber Thomp- son, of Hickson, was in town on Fri- day. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Mr. and Mrs. motored to Pike Lake one day last week. Miss Lizzie Terry, of Monkton, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Terry. Mrs. Jas. Dancan yisited the past week with Mr. and Mrs. Martin at Br , Grasby." [LEER NESTE EES an Until sold out of Lowe Bros. Paints we are offering it for 95c a Quart J. ROGER, Atwood FURNITURE AND HARDWARE Pot or ee ce cio oe oie tie oe cio ew an ele ein cre ace we aioe oe a | sgt HER aRoteteateatat ater fe | BANK OF HAMILTON HRIFT is of vital importance, but alone it is not sufficient at the present stage in Ganada's development. The money saved must be used for the produc- tion of new wealth in order that the growth of the country may be unhampered. The Bank of Hamilton assists and encourages increased production. ATWOOD BRANCH A. M. Robinson Mrs. ©. W. Stbcltord and daughter Orvilla were at London oyer the weekend. Mrs. Chas. Blair and children,.of Milverton, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Blair. Mrs. Ditchfield and children, of Stratford. spent a few days with and Mrs. W. G. Shera. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Roger, of To- ronto, spent the past week with Mr. and Mrs. David Watters. Mrs. James Hammond and her two daughters left for their home at Angusville, Man , last week. I bave 100 bags left over from the seed season in first-class condition.-- GC. W. STocKFORD, Atwood. Mr. and Mrs. Art Raines and child- ren, of Brantford, are yisiting with Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Greensides. Lindsay Donaldson has returned to his home at Stratford after visiting at the home of Mr. Richmond's. Mrs. Wm. Vipond and daughter Nellie, of Stratford, spent the past week at the bome of Thos. Parker. Mrs Stephen Brown, of London, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. F. Riach, of town, and other friends on the 14th. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Mr. and Mrs. Rabb and Mr. and Mrs. Black, of Palmerston, Sundayed with Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Greensides. In the absence of Rev. J. F. Sut- cliffe, Mr. T. E. Hammond took his work on the Atwood circuit last Sun- day. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Robb. Messrs. A. M. Sweeton and Andrew Robb, motored to Hamilton on Sat- urday. Isobelle Vallance and Jean Thomp gon are spending a few days at Har- riston, the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lambe. A car load of brick was unloaded Saturday and hauled to the Elma factory wero a Wick chimney will te erected. Mrs. Henry Dayis and three ehild- ren, of Hamilton, returned home last ae Miss Curry, of Brussels, is yisiting A. R. Thompson , Mr Mrs. John Murray and Miss tson,. of Avonton, spent Sundaygemith Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Ballan Mrs. t. Brown and daughter, Mrs. t6 and son, of Wyandotte, Mich.. visiting Misses Mary and Agnes is0L. Dr, and Mrs. Bothwell, To- ronte, Mgeand Mrs. W. A Bothwell, Hicks pent paitey with Mr. and M hn Roge Mr . Willoughby and child- ren hay turned home alter spend- ing the two weeks with friends in Fo and Molesworth. A essage conveyed the sad news tar. and Mrs. Wm. Danbrook of thi age on Tuesday that their on 5 y had been killed in action. La} Watt, Miss Elsie Watt and Jane DeWolf, of Iowa, and W. Hégpilton, Winterborne, were the gue' -Mr. and Mrs. Albert Mc- Baio week, M Mrs. Geo. Roger, Mother- well, and Mrs. Wm. Clarke, of Rus , Mrs. Thos. Marshall,-of Full > spent Sunday at the home of J oger. A fen party will be held on the Uni urch grounds on Friday, Avgagmee0th. Itis under the aus pice: ~the Maple Leaf Patriotic Soci Supper served from eeven to mime. Good programme is being +6 The Trowbridge orches¥a will Beepresent. . Admission 35c and 250. ae rodhagen post office has been do ay with-and residents in that eigherhood should be addressed R BR. Wael, Bornholm. All small- post ts) "not distributing points, we fand, are to be closed owing to the expense to the country in maimmining the offices and rural rye) overind the same territory. ; Lowe, a well-known farmer, on" zninth concession of Grey T ied late _on Saturday was owner of acres Tani , and bis only son was recently eallpd to the colors, being home at nt on a 60 day leave. hildren Cry FOR FLETCHER'S he a Diz D.--In Monkton, on Saturday, Augist 94th, Margaret Weir, relict | of the late Alexander Stewart, aged 90 years, 5 months and 7 days. The funetal was held on Monday after- noon from her late residence to the Elma Centre Cemetery. The late Mrs. Stewart, husband predeceased her about eight years ago, and was one of the pioneer settlers around Monk- ton. She was born ir Scotland and goming to Stratford at an early age settled near Monkton. A strong Presbyterian she was an active church worker until advancing age kept her confined to-the house. She was not ill for any lenght of time though. She had been knitting socks for the sol- diers for years and bad knited con- siderably over 150 pairs. She is survived by four sons, James, Strat- ferd ; Alfred and William, Monkton ; Albert, Detroit ; two daughters, Mrs. Gilbert McKenzie, Sarnia, Maggie at bome. _ Directors. Meeting. Pursuant to adjournment the Dir- ectors of the Elma Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Co. met in the Agri- enitural hall, Atwood, on Tuesday is 20th August. All the members of the board were present but Mr. Gowan. The President presided The minutes of the July meeting were read, confirmed and signed) A claim for $40 for fuel burnt from Henry Campbell of Grey, was paid, also claim for $5 from Hugh McKay of Grey, for damage to his barn by lightoing. Tho Beo was paid $25 for printing. Applications for insur- ance were accepted amounting to $176,800 and the Secretary was in- structed to issue policies for same. The meeting adjourned ti!l Tuesday the 17th September to meet again at the usual time and place. -- J. R HAMMOND, Secretary. CASTORIA For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years ie Qo f/lliden |: Uae week after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. William Peter. S Signature of Pa Soon school will be iia after the summer holidays. We invite you te see our new line of school supplies such as rulers, slates, rubbers, scribblers, etc. School e-ring =| See our new scribbler covers, all prices. \ A full line of all text books on hand. E..C. COCHLIN. ontar Atwood : Stratford Meats--Listowel Bread Corn and Rye Flour. THE STAR ae : : Fine Salt in Barrels and Ba: TOMATOES--The late varieties are now on which are very choice and the price is reasonable. : We will have a good supply in each day this week. PLUMS--We will have a large quantity of the cs choicest varieties of plums this week. Green ct Burbanks and Bradshaws are ex- Gages, Now is the time te get your ceptional good. plums. PEACHES--Are a light crop and prices will be high. PEARS--We expect to have a good supply of Pears Bartletts are hardly ready an which will have every care. E. T. Greensides & Son " , Goods Delivered. Phone No. 5. Reece uM Me » oe « > oS ow ¢ Stratford Bread'always on hand: Ice Cream and Soft Drinks {License No, 816574] The Store of Satisfaction Kitchener Meats and Bologna. Call in and price our Tomatoes and Plums before buying. Special for Coming Week Dust Bane, reg. 30c this week 25c. Brooms, reg. $1.25 for $1.00. Mocaroni reg. 15c for 12¢ two for 23c. Try our Teas and Coffee. They are good, in order to get them be- fore tho public we are making a special for the week. Special Black, reg. 60c for 54c. Black reg. 50c for 46c. Golden Butterfly, Japan, green, reg. 60c for 58c. White Swan Coffee, regular 50c for 45c. Phone Central Earl Switzer, Leave yous ert Goods ieiiveret arom town. os =" e a s 2 nA ° Ps % 3 ee 2 ENTS APES ANAS | 4 = -- SNe? THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE FOWL We are in the market for any quantity of Fowl] = Heavy Hens Light Hens Chickens over 2 ibs. Ducks for which we will pay the highest market values, either cash or trade. Highest Prices paid for Farm Produce. ow. R. ERSKINE hana 1, ATWOOD, ONT Us 0 RO or PRVRU RENE NE SIE: ae7 Le4 S Visti x REG PIs 2307 SP, yee) 2 CARS SOs PPS 3 5 oe AGS, as =f =! 4 => 27. AO ngs PEUIPS. > as He AAS PYGP <> ~' i) yi =? SS psd v Cyeoetartieuraclee scar Yee er, BUPENE OIE SSS ~ sss PPE, aS ib a Ay PEPPNBPE YB magne mpg P Sisstiess 4 a =, = ~ 28 III? \o ae, S = rs RS NS 4, NUT eh titey OF. SERS ESS SAR a PACU ASS MiG 5 MS ARRAS DUPED IS 9 EX 23.2 iz fat, We BE PEIUPSIUES eS Cee SS SS Ps Wee < > 4) ta. = ~ 7 ta. Aas << <> Eattottee Us ay 1s. Sy SSP rss 4, a pas BAY YEN NY RY Vez LULA eS Ses a