* -- 'DAUGHTER CHOOSES THE FARM By Katharine Henry. If you can make farm life attrac- cause for discontent to the farm sent eeneneg eTeE TENET tive to your hter_s] eee your daughter s A but hard work. work is never done keep on longer: True, in one sense the work never done; one can always find an- other weed to pick, another plant to, ten dollars to spen boe or another window to clean. But & man ought to be master. of his farm and sometimes call a halt on work eather than jet the farm drive him and his children. Every one on the farm is willing to work to the utmost is air tastes good, sir. just as twice that amount for her. some of it foolishly; so do you. never has any to use? seyre Probably her work could be made, 5€@ itt" Se esis much easier by the use of labor-sa¥-| « Said, "Well, look, there it. is. ing machinery, especially in the house. | 'er ee You do not use the sickle or the grain' si i I want to see it in my own eradie your grandfather used. You; "22°: have bought two or three improved| ,, Your jm ina' wants some money reapers since his day; but are your ae wife and daughter still washing with Of what benefit is PPh her .-- the old-fashioned wash-board in the! hoa: an immense fa if ab h heavy wooden tubs that grandmother, 'Pousand dollars in bank, if she has had and are they still cooking over not five cents to use as she pleases? "She will some day. inherit a nice thee, style = stove yr _| sum." Yes--but she needs some of your daughter has n fortun: | it now. ate ps cot jee to attend or even to visit}. s ool where the home-making arts| are taught, she will not be satisfied | ver, heart oe Foaths to use the awkward, heavy, worn-out! " tools of her grandmother's day. does she get out of it? Or if you do A running stream on' the farm will! things on a smaller scale, when you supply power for an electric plant at} sell the cow she helped to raise or the ho great expense and save the mother turkeys she fed all summer, does her end daughter hours and hours of | work get recognition? Does she feel hard work. An electric washer, ele. | that she has been recompensed gtric iron, motor for the butter churn Perhaps you have a mortgage on and the new, sewing machine and me your farm and feel that you cannot , e@rn oil stove, will not cost as much! afford some of the things I have men- as one large piece of farm machinery tioned. Then give her the things and they will make life a different you can affords There are a thou- thing for your home-makers., sand little pleasures you can give A well-equipped bathroom is some-| without money and without price. thing which every farm house needs! Lawn swings, porch rockers, croquet and which the family has a right to/ sets, quoits (old horse shoes) cost lit: demand. It need not be any more) tle and they have great possibilities expensive in the country than in the! in pleasure-giving and home-making. city---less expensive if you can run} If you can afford nothing else you the water under its own pressure.|can bring your daughter a handful of Health, time and labor are conserved! wild flowers or a specially choice ap- by the installation of a bathroom. | ple because it is her birthday; you can ometimes our farmers' daughters, select a fine chicken for the table be- are deprived of pleasures they might! cause it is a holiday. It will cost easily have. If your daughter de-! nothing for you to give each of your sires to take piano lessons, let her! girls a small plot of ground that have them and help her to plan for an| shall be her 'very own: to plant and hour each day when she may be free;market. Her zeal and industry will Try to keep the way open between Try to see her When you sell a tract of timber for two thousand dollars what she will love her_; ame ones she cannot live on nothing, The fact that you provide your On some farms the family with ample food, clothing and . The working ; shelter does not meet the problem. day begins at four o'clock in the morn-; An old darkey who was much poorer Ing and ends at eight in the evening after the Civil War than when he was and if the sun set later, the work under the protection of his master, ex- ro plained his happine&s' by saying, "Free Your daughter would rather -- j she pleases than to have you pay a bill of Suppose she does make mistakes and spends How is-she to learn to use money if she He looked me squarely -in the face)' Canadian Food Control License No. 6-276 ' By Andrew F. w F. Currier, care 8t. West, Toronto. surgical operation, or in connection with childbirth, it is very evident that he or she has a@ deficiency of blood, for there hag been*a loss of a con- siderable portion of the normal sup- ply of the body, consequently he or she is anaemic. It a man cuts his throat or rup- tures a blood-vessel in his: brain, or a dilated artery, called an aneurism breaks there is so great and sudden a loss of blood that he dies, for blood is essential to life. It used to be thought that because the blood carried humors and diseases over the body, it was a good plan to occasionally draw some of it off, and bleeding for hundreds of years was fashionable practice for almost every kind of ailment. Sometimes it worked well and peo- ple were relieved by it, but very often it was mischievous and a person who had been bled several times in the course of a disease became so anaemic that he was practically or actually killed by the treatment he had receiv- ed. T. H. Estabrooks Co. LIMITED St. John, Teste, Wiealoes, A vigorous sugar maple may lose a portion of its sap every spring, it is one evidence of the prodigality of Yards of Beauty. I was once called upon to plan the landscape gardening around a mil- lionaire's home, and the only stipula- tion he made was that I must make use of the native wild shrubs. Nor was this a difficult restriction. The stately elder, the sweet brier, the modest wild rose, the unassuming pokeberry, the clinging bittersweet, the ever-gracious wild grape, the ivy, sumac, dogwood, mountain ash--all these and various other varieties of plants converted the bare grounds into an attractive estate. : Beautiful grounds need not. be ex- ive. The most lovely flowers and plants that God ever made grow are found in the woods, along the fields and shady nooks. They are ours for the asking and the digging, What is prettier and yet zo rare as a! large of wild violets in a shady' to work on'that lesson. . When the] bring results that may even give you heaviest summer work is over and she some pointers. i ights Out, "Lights out!' along the land "Lights out!" upon the sea. The night must put her hiding hand O'er peaceful towns where children & week-end or to go away for a few days of rest and pleasure, let her do so if you possibly can. It would not cost much to keep a Mice little saddle horse for your daughter's use (it could be used for light work too) and I can think of no | other one thing that would go so far: toward keeping her happy and con-! tented with her life on the farm. There are so many beautiful and! interesting things for a girl to enjoy | in the country--skating, driving, the sunsets, the wild flowers and animals, the birds, the farmyard pets--but if she is in treadmill, all heart is work- ed out of her and she is too tired to enjoy the wonderful beauties sur- rounding her. It is a small matter to bring home a pair of skates for Annie's birthday or to pick up a new book for her but how often do you do it? sleep, And peaceful ships that darkly creep Across the waves, as if they were not free, The dragons of the air, The hellhounds of the deep, Lurking and prowling everywhere, Go forth to seek their helpless prey, Not knowing whom they maim or they reap. Out with the tranquil lights, Out with the lights that burn For love and law and' human rights! Set back the clock a thousand years; All they have gained now disappears, I know. one farmer's daughter who, And the dark ages suddenly return. in spite of many obstacles, became a stenographer Her birthday falls dur- ing her summer vacation but she nev- er spends it at home. For weeks before her twenty-first birthday she planned for a bit of leisure and a lit- tle pleasure on that one day; but her father chose that date for beginning work on the new shed and she spent her birthday over the kitchen stove, cooking for the carpenters, Do you wonder she vowed then and there that befere another birthday she would | Removing a Stubborn Nut. Kaiser who loosed wild death, And terror in the night-- God grant you draw no 'quiet breath, Until the madness you began Is ended, and long suffering man, Set free from war lords, cries, \ "Let there be lights." --Henry Van Dyke. --_» slay-- a Mad harvesters, who care not what P. we - m3. little attention and give: stability & your landscape effects. i Select them so that you will have blossoms from early spring until late frost. While the best arrangement of trees and shrubs on large Sead requires the services of a landscapd| expert, a few simple hints will serve to prevent the inexperienced persom from making serious mistakes. Plant in masses, with the larger shrubs in back and the smaller ones in front. | Leave plenty of oven space, which is| generally made into a lawn. 'Avoid' near the house? Plant gen ously © rennials so that the: formal effect, which is generally avoided in beautifying the home grounds. Use vines profusely wherever pos- sible, selecting those which are hardy and not seriously affected by pests. This applies also to other shrubberry. In selecting trees consider the matter |} of litter and the shedding of leaves. Some trees, such as horse chestnuts, are beautiful, and have many desir able qualities, but the flowers which they shed litter the ground and will cause stains on clothing that are difficult to remove. While a great many interesting and valuable points about nursery stock may be learned banks of streams, in fence corners, in| = nature in supplying the means which may be the means of attracting con-) are concerned with life, but let a tree genial people and making friends.--| that 1s sickly or poor or withered, Mrs. J. L. Nesbitt. lose a similar quantity of sap and it '| will promptly die. A person who has plenty of blood may be anaemic from the poverty of its quality, especially when it lacks the proper quantity of coloring ma- terial called haemoglobin which con- tains iron and oxygen; iron and oxy- gen therefore are essential to the y and to the blood. A person who is anaemic is pale, not for a few moments only as in fright or sudden emotion but all the time, the face, the lips, the entire skin are colorless like those of the dead. e same is true when the skin is of greenish color as is often the case in poorly developed and poorly nour- ished young girls or in those who are Weather-Tight Sills. The~sill for a frame house should be set in mortar on the foundation wall to prevent the cold air from chill- ing the floors. If that is not done the furnace will have to be forced just so much more in order to heat the rooms on the first story. The average contractor will tell you that it is not necessary to use mortar. His argument is that the weight of the house bearing down on the sill will force a tight joint be- tween the masonry and the wood. That is true only when the top of the all is as smooth as glass, and would lied about once in a thousand ~~ GOOD HEALTH QUESTION BOX Currter, M.D. a x * columns; is en es or make of Wilson Publishing Co., 73 Adelaide suffering from tuberculosis, cancer, malaria or lead-poisoning. hen there is anaemia there is al- most always loss of appetite, strength, and weight, and poor nutri- tion. The anaemic often suffer from buzzing in the ears, dizziness, faint: ness, and shortness of breath. All of these symptoms mean not only that the blood is insufficient, poor and deficient in the substances which build up the body, but that the heart by the action of which the blood per work, that the kidneys cannot per- forth their task, that the lungs do not contract vigorously enough to supply the blood with the proper amount oi oxygen, and consequently that the brain is unable to respond to the usual*demands by which thought is created. An anaemic person wndér any cir cumstances is therefore more or less disqualified from doing work and in ; many cases he is entirely helpless. | QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS. X.--Please tell me how I can get ; rid of a very troublesome corn. Have, used various means of removing it, but it has always returned. think it would be dangerous to have the doctor cut it out? Answer--In matters like this, least two courses are possible. can use a felt corn plaster which pro- tects the toe from the shoe and fre- quently is all that is necessary, or you can have the corn removed by a com- petent chiropodist. Of course, it will come back again, as long as you continue to wear shoes. Reader--Please tell me the course and cure fofvaricose veins. nswer--They are due to the pres- sure of the blood current in the veins working against gravity. This results in dilatation and weakening of the vein walls and frequently causes drag. ging sensations and even pain. Some- times relief is procured by support- ing the veins by a bandage or some other means of support, and if this is not effectual, it is necessary to tie the veins and cut off the circulation from the vessels which 'are thus diseased. i at u Cases. a ict ae save on your fuel bill|, 'and obtain the best results from : = furnace, see that the joint is jade THAT "FEELING are muy oF f i ru! 'know why the first floor cannot properly heated, and is likely to place the blame on the furnace when the "Yes there is some feeling between the Farrar sisters--" "And a very sweet sisterly feeling I hope it is," said a gentle old lady who 4 over that!" red > eon tinued to read of poor Aunt Matilda's daughter found him in the Hbrary so , engaged. - "O father,-don't Waste your time cried. "You are too. grief when she discovered the theft of her Christmas bank. A minute or two later he looked over his glasses is kept in motion is unable to do pro- \ Do you s ce n opening under the sill is\the whole trouble. A little foresight at that place when you build will avoid serious annoyance in the future. Good Advice. Robert Louis Stevenson was once was passing through the room. The! @t his daughter, who-was intent upon door closed; the two women in the| her embroidery, closed the magazine window seat continued their discus-'@Wietly and picked up a paper at his sion of the sisters whose feeling for: © bow, Aunt Matilda was forgotten. each other was in no wise friendly. | nice ean Oni we tna winrar i dipestin ais _ "did yo as estimate served between members of the same, tht About seven hundred million dot- called upon to address a Sunday! family? A certain. man who for '#t8' worth of material is wasted an school class of young girls. He told | three years has tvorked night and day, oe ager ngs etonie yeRr® them the parable of the talents, and, inventing an electrical labor-saving! No, father, I' didn't," replied the then went on to say that there were! machine meets a friend and pours young woman, about whose lips there three talents everyone possessed and) forth, perhaps in more or less tech-' lurked only the suspicion of a smile. ought to make use of: "Tongues that nical terms, his faith in the work to, 5% W&# not aware of this startling they must use to cheer and make which he is devoting his life. He! Ste of affairs and, after five mi- happy all around them; faces that passes on, comparing his attentive, | BUtes, could not have told whether the they must keep bright as new shill-| sympathetic friend with his brother, | CUntry wasted millions or billions of ings, so that they might shine like; who sometimes leaves the room with a} dollars. -- But she loved her father lamps in their homes; and hands that' frown when he tries to talk about the! °"4 ip him for his knowledge of must be kept employed in useful work! subject nearcst his heart. The pol- oe oe that inferested her not cheerfully done." Very good advice! itely attentive friend probably enough ae he knew that her father in these war days for all of us, what-! tells the first man he meets that he ever our age or sex. has wasted ten minutes that morning listening to Brown "rave over that! d There was hot the slightest "feeling" A Frenchman has invented an effec-| crazy notion of his"; and that very | etween them. ; * tive silencer for aeroplane motors day Brown's brother whirls round in| - Sena camiad Person: can: live that is said to reduce the power but 2; his office chair and confides to his: ac y fhe Sais the per cent. | partner: "I don't know one thing} ™°™ cle ee Ae ,, = -- | about electricity,--the subject gets on} Current in a new electric iron is'/my nerves,--but I have faith in John. They Foo! Themselves. from beoks and the pamphlets of nursery companies, observation is. equally important. Consider the ulti | mate size of the trees which you leave the farm? Scarcely anything is more tantaliz- There may be a County Young Wo-! !"& than trying to remove a nut from ' ae eee ---- in °F | Following method 'will almost' alwagal iatrict. neourage your daughters : ' to join and help the cause all you can. ee cos | o pap and enable, They wil] seek associates somewhere. j e nut to be screwed off with com-| Help them to find worthy and elevat- | parative ease: ns pre ing comparions. If you can get AS eat a ee thes 6 a th . the touch " the public library - your | of ---- pend the calaai hic sree . nearest city or secure a travelling li-| ¢ "We, rida brary from your state Mbrary poe 5% sufficient to enable the screwdriver " mission you can have a supply of ex-|to get a good grip; sometimes, how: cellent books at very little cost. Read, ever, it may de necessary to deepen; some of them yourself and discuss; the incision with a file. Frequently | them with your children. This makes! the chisel itself answers very well | tive, and therefore my grounds conversation worth while, at table, on! for a screwdriver. Thus gripped it the road or at such tedious work as!i8 8 comparatively easy matter to weeding or corn husking. start the stubborn nut. | If you have not airoady done so, Saturating the threads of the nut! read, in the life of Harriet Beecher| With kerosene a few minutes before Stowe, how her father, Lyman Beech-| 2ttempting to unscrew it, often makes L c i Stories, wit and conversation" Ay one, Penetrates. quickly' to the -usted re- time when the family spént a long | C@8Se5 ° e nut and softens the rust. quite perceptibly. -- | evenin reparin 1 i rr ; | oe ene Se for their for any reason it is not advisable' to indent the nut head with a cold; m Henry Ward Beecher was one) chisel, opposite sides of the head may vied with cach other io see who\could | 0& filed away slightly 80 as to enable tell the mast About a given book, Ivan-| the Wrench or vise to get a flat grip. hoe or some other standard book, Mr.: With a sharp file it is only a momenBs Beecher turned into a game oven the '*%k to file away the smu!! bit requir-' Fard task of chofping and storing, °4 to do this. The pier has removed the great pile of wood ench autumn.| 'erY stubborn bolts by both of these Then when the Inst piece of wood was! Methe's. and ean recommen: them as The h pleasure and enjoyment to other peo- | le. ar thought and play. blem 'few seeds will make a profusion of pretiy plants some of which may pos-' sibly be moved. néss aven of a tenant's hae is not a plant. Oaks, elms, and other large | trees should not be planted near the' ouse, as in time they will shut out! too much light, unless pruned heavily, | which will destroy their beauty. The improvement of one's home grounds is much more interesting and! worthy of respect. I feel that the | exterior of my own home does not belong to me alone. I have a moral : | responsibility to add to the attractive. | ness of the neighborhood in which I, in: part at least belong to the owner of | every eye that gazes upon it. The! architecture of the house, the decora- tion of the grounds, the walks, fences and general surroundings are each | the attempt easier, for the kerosene. tb . contribution to his community. | is one way in which we can give Whether the house is a log cabin or a mansion, it is, after all, a home, a| lace of love and adorztion, It should be the moxt restful place 'on' h. To make it so costs most y The tenant's pro- is som®vhat different, but a But the attractive: ps . 5 a ca n time stored and the lact chip cleared away BIe#! ** "Ss of temper : nd time, 'quality that eazily dies, [have ob he doclarsd a holiduy and took every: Sate Le: 'served that landowners desire the one in the big wagon for w Asking) Chic. [ports grest quantities of neat and efficient tenant. Plants and 'Pp . foi horscs%es Baa conversa the metal flowers about the house show ideals The questicn of ee is ofter 3 into Lids bodes. ~that go with character. A pretty yard n a x : , i ' a : \ ' i ' : a = nef a hi eet » © 5 * ae Bs is usually as contagious #* < j idle gossip, once it is well under way." controlled by a button on the handle,' When he needs more cash he can call} Some people think they are never which shuts it off automatically when! on me. Some day there will be one! talked about because they never hear the implement is idle. member of our family to be proud, It. - of!" Now, this brother does not weary "I have learned that mistakes can FUNNY FOLD-UPS | John with a recital of the names and | often = set righ thai anxieties fade, OUT: TTED- | business reliability of all his custom-/ that calamitles have sometimes a com- SE Ce ee ae oa oe ad -| ers; why should John be offended be-| pensating joy, that an ambition re- ! cause the merchant cannot patiently | alized is not always~pleasu-able, that j listen to his "ravings'? Members of | a disappointment is often of itself a /a family, as individuals, have rights rich incentive to try again."--Arthur te that are too often overlooked. | Christopher Benson. | A theological student produced sev-; | eral of his sermons one morning and! | began to read them to an admiring. {father and mother, and to a ma ried | to i. Aled | rother who was suppos Farmers who 3 | with admiration. As he turned page | f their wool | after page he noficed that Lis brother direct to us er prices | was nodding and grimacing to the in-! than farmers who sell to the jfant that lay gurgling in his arms. : general store, @ ; At last he could stand it no longer. ' __ ' ' ' | "I care no more about your baby TABBY bag ate THE FENCE. | than you do --< my sermons!" he WE'LL HAVE TO WATCH THE SINNER. ; cried hotly as he left the room. Py ee That young man had neve held a' rach sonar te RTE baby in his arms and did not know | General Store the overpowering sensation it gives--_ We pay the highest prices of any firm especially when' the baby is your own. ! entry and are the largest woul the int { cA d r The young father, an accountant, had nail ne wR eh piel BS ASK ANY F. who has sold Bi sipit, so ways, and note what he says-- or, better etill, write ne for our never risen to the heights to which a: Ship ue your sreet to-day-- will be ' man ascends when he reads the words assured addoqaecationn % he* has written for the help and bet-; _ term of mankind. It was easy: enough for "feeling" to arise; until, H. V. ANDREWS both fearn tolerapce, it will not wing , 13 CHURCH &T., TORONTO side. . ~ = ' | An ideal situation exists in a family | in which the davghter is a writer of | pleasant short stories. Her unimagina:' | tive father. revefs in facts but cares i ' F - : ; nothing for fiction. He considers it as his duty, however, to. read his daughter's stories. One night his 'SMOKE TUCKETTS ORINOCO CUT COARSE FOR. PIPE USE