3 re Sere t ae ever known to disappoint | Tastes----- LAD A" A teapot Test is better than a page of Advertisement. ahs Black--Gréen or Mixed . « e Sealed Packets = WAR-TIME CARE OF HOUSEHOLD LINEN. 'The careful housewife looks well; ' Sometimes an ugly tear mended .so it does not show. this follow a thread in cutting out the 'part to be removed, mitre the corners and use tiny stitches and thread of the color of the goods. A plain mate- rial.can be so mended as to almost - | fy detection. If new goods must money it certainly behooves us all to redouble our vigilance in this. direc- tion. First let us see how certain condi- tions shorten the usefulness of such| used to repair that which, has been things as sheets, pillowslips,* table, Worn, the new may be placed in the cloths, napkins and. towels. Much; strong sunshine for few hours, or wear comes from laundering when by More if necessary, to friction she dirt is rubbed out. Vigor-} |same shade as the aoe ous rubbing, such as is necessary when , method will do away with the differ- linen is badly soiled, wears it out' ence in appearance - renders the much faster hin when only partially 'patch less conspicuou soiled. Hence it is economy to wash| As patriotic citizens we will each it before the first named condition is' erideavor to save every bit of cotton reac Epa. A gentle rubbing preserves' and wool goods by using carefully the fabric longer than a vigorous one. what we have on hand, thus helping Strong washing fluids cause disinte-| to conserve the amounts needed for' gration of the threads and should be' war purposes. A search of attics { i i H ' The Canada Food" Baar, make: the 'oh statemen "Recent saatabcenients that the | food situation oversea has been Treliev- ed by the special efforts of. Canada and the United States dre being in- terpreted in some quarters as indicat- ing that special food production and cae efforts no longer are irl. Kelly Made a Strenuous Effort » Her--but Kelly Failed PF. Roney Weir Je PART If, Gatusha came "striding | slope gh them idn't a come?" ; I was going to Father's ranch, you ' know eat it. I confess that I jam just an ordinary blub of a date ied on and not,a mysterioys and ro antic citinal, May I stay and finieh mA optimistic reports relative to en?" the easing of our Alliés' food posi- tion are baséd on the assumption that the utmost effort to maintain. and to increase production, and also to con- serve food, will be continued on this continent as well as oversea. "Fortunately, there hes been an un- usually large grain crop in the United States, leaving a surplus over present consumption which, with the available surplus from Canada, and with con- tinued conservation in both countries, Pr called out Galusha, his white sail and beady black eyes appearing ust above the gatepost as if they had m disconnetted from his body and as in olden times. "Hey! EE ¢ , the hill and then he "dodged seen him!" "You managed without hin neevenced Corisande cuttin did not go on to ~ (kage: 'called. him back. work which he is Ar | 8ome strange epiered | Kelly's heart leaped at | 'lie. She did care rs little;s was not all stone and ' ! Galusha went mutteri Thenhouse building. Ke | knees, continued to dibble' and said never a wo! |glowered above nine nilenth _ Galusha' s brown hat disapps had o indee cried Cotisand hap- "He is going to marry me and (The end.) The Fattening of Chickens ' ©; The profits obtained from market- until ing lean, poorly fleshed, unfinished ayer chickens are so small as to be freq- The large supply of food for| e Air. live stock, which also seems assu: i Hane th in the United States, will be reflected, 'This is the song of the Planc-- in increased production of pork and, The creaking shrieking plane, to a lesser extent, of beef also. he throbbing, sobbing plane, "Hopeful though recent develop-} And the moaning, groaning wires-- ments _in the food situation have! The engine--missing again! >| been, it will ~~. be safe until enor- One cylinder never fires! ; es have been ac-| Hey,ho! for the Plane! cumulated on both sides of the. At-| | This is the song of the Man-- (farm acki | lantic, and such reserves aré not yet The driving, striving: man, "Woneek ite oe trouble, it Faee in sight. A comparative crop fail-; The chosen, frozen man-- | ure on this continent next year would, ' 'The pilot, the man at the wheel, in the absence of hold-over reserves,! Whose Jmit is all that he can, }Make our Allies' position almost as' And beyond, if the need is read! desperate as it was gar Ne nie : Hey, ho! for the Man "Canadians cannot afford to rela hans in food production or food conserva- Re = on of the Gun-- tion because all that can be grown or 70° MuUttering, stuttering gun, save Nothing. maddening gladdening gun--- ould 'be more dangerous than to as- That chuckles with evil glee me that our position is yet safe.' At the last, long drive of the Hun, |The Food Board wishes to emphasize | With its ey yee ae | especially the necessity for the utmost, ey, ho! for the : | effort to save this year's harvest from This is the sorig of the Air-- waste or- loss. The responsibility The lifting, drifting air, resting upon city and town men to; The eddying, steadying air that the farmers have sufficient| The wine of its liimtless space-- "I have known all the ze were not the man who ni by's = i ecs: finish guch best place to feed*poultry is on the) may be a ait eg but guilty of that crime," "What was your pRB ee xouresit off for somethin t e farm. Proper feeding and finishing will | pu re-/ not only greatly increase the weight | » me' of the birds, but will also enhance! Thed the oe. = every ounce of fiesh sae was I to know <it was the of; e greatly reduce ae you rm? You said Galnghs Shad: i eoportion ¥* offal | in relation to the, sent you to bring me and so I fol-|#mount of edible meat. ee lowed you as I world gladly. follow; There is 7 a cite of ; hg now across the world if you would from e to seven cents per po e-- the price paid for well- fleshed | "You must not talk to me like that." birds as compared with lean unfinish- | ote me but I have already told! oq stock just off the range. | There is always a market for prime | "You--rather took pogses there at the forks of the road ember. ou stood up like a sprite and said, 'Squary never heard that word oe 80 satel 4 ai | 8¢e I loved you; at leas She > bly b es avoided even though they facilitate, and store rooms would probably bring was my nom baa -,quality poultry, while the pdorer hj) to bring in the crops is still May it nerve us at last to dare cleansing. The careful housewife understands, to light. a good many articles still breath sharp usable. Fortunate indeed is the "You rag a yet not enough to. quality has to be sold at whatever | price can be obtained, depending on { | pressing, and must not be ignored." Even death with undaunted face! Hey, ho! for the Air! too, how the wind can injure articles h while hanging on the line to dry. An' h hour in a stiff wind will shorten the the I kno b period of usefulness more than iseinn ot than an attempt to buy: month's wear. . The rays of the sun, "¢W at the present time. and a gentle breeze are harmless, but! avoid allowing igs clothes to flap i in| the wind. not only whips out | hems, but octet breaks threads and does much damage to any fabric. Hemstitching should be mended as soon as the first thread gives way. is then easily repaired so the b will scarcely be noticed. it means a bad place, Each week the What Not To Can. ; reduced to a very sound common-sense |basis this year and only those pro- I have | found parsnips, carrots, onions, cab- * pieces should be bage, sweet potatoes and even Irish gone over carefully. and the tirfiest | potatoes canned--all of which is sheer break mended inen back one forth -with Fs or; heen kept as effectively. threads drawn from thé best. parts plér way. we This becomes Invisible! Stone jars of small size with ston after laundering. Don't Jeave it un-! covers or with paper or cloth co sans til a patch is requiréd. A patch is' pasted on, can be used for Orne unsightly while a darn is not. i in which "the sugar acts as a old a" A well darned table cloth, towe] or servative or for any type of pickle i in bank." napkin will wear twice as long as a 'which vinegar and spices act as pre-, neglected one and look none the worse serving agents. These containers for the stitches. differently from avoid wear in the same places. Turn pillow slips before siits come It is wasteful to put into large con- in them. Rip the bottom ends and tainers any sort of preserve or relish resew with the corners as first made that is used in small quantities only, half way along the sides. This since there is sure to be waste when brings the wear in a fresh place. the product stands long unsealed and to vegetables which are not preserved w of no more discour-! Our canning problem needs to be pieces nonsense as each of these could have ousewife who has a stock of house- confess to me a you are skulking old we to last until the close of --"Observer," Royal Flying Corps about the count: o, not enou r that." "You would better a she said bit- and went away into th | Kelly As an additional sugar conservation medsure, the Foo oard has ordered t that, until further notice, manufac-| {turers of canned fruits for sale must the market and the amount of effo' rt | put forth on the part of the -- | Birds generally make the greate! gain when about three to four ed jof age, and the average birds make | the most econaqmical gains during the an "and first two weeks of special feeding. Henrietta was noisily clearing away} Chickens can be readily taught to. the dishes, Kelly went up to FA oi feed by lamplight; this is a great and acked the bag which he had convenience, as it is desirable that the time of feeding be spaced as near- | ossible twelve hours apart. gh crate system of feeding is much Insects as Aeronauts. moré economical and efficient. In| According to Lieut. Depret Bixio, of practicing this method, one is able the French Army, who is a naturalist to carefully note the progress being 5 well as a flying man, many insects Ga-, made by each Bot and the feeding follow captive balloons in their as- ; dof .the.m iy can often Snr He Nas seen Dies on Sa-Dish. ss Yan tha' ents ar ppere "cling to tt 'the re is ice of the raters the balloon until the air becomes too tell of pen fed b {rarefied for them, when they let go the gate and at "plait ate which For amplification of the forgoing ®24 niglorous tine pie soccct are ~ hang over the water on the river|jinformation apply to the Pub lica- * S Ras ng these in- tions Branch, Department of Agricul- , Ottawa, for Bulletin No. 88 v= -- sea it, the the Division of Poultry of the Exper- | a imental Farms entitled, "Preparing jy aves bank 'will git back to be: er bank as it vas intended » She Poultry Produce for Market. j Lord to be--covered with gras¢ and a | thistles! And the Borate "hel NEW TEST OF PROOF OF ean have potatoes on it, co mer, Lord willin', an' old ¢ Galusta Pie. kins livin'! s~here landscapin' has been ' ener performance from first "BREAD RIKER The Order is now. effective. q not apply to jams, jellies, or mar- alade. --------_@----__------ days together in the garden she ed going to let him slip y without 1 ir Kelly set his hall. ere ok no lusha's part to keep the delight a) your dealer-- | cha wy} four Joaf size $2.75 ; 's eight loaf tre $3.25. E.T. WRIGHT Co. "T guess you 1 needn't worry ov: wr the river bank, Young Men on the Farm Who Cannot Go to War CANADA Must Have Greater Agricultural Production. French Academy of M Medicine Will Use | CANADA Needs Men Tae in the Best Agricultural a New Experiment. Single width sheets must have a seam in the mi idle ol turned, but neatly | The sides will have to be narrowly hemmed but that is a trifi- ing matter in war time. So far nothing has been said of un-' derwear, but care will result in a sav- ing here also. As suggested, wash- ing before a garment becomes badly. from freezing by alternate layers of done in the garden.' soiled saves wear, even though it means more pieces. Watch for: breaks and mend them before they be- come large. Dry all colored iia' in the shade to prevent fading. is used frequently. to las Uncertainty as to whether a person | Glazed earthenware Jars are good covers to prevent the solution from § becoming dense through evaporation. Every housewife should study the 5. ways and means for the storage of root crops, such as trenhces for cab- bage and turnips, which are kept straw and earth. Sweet potatoes ean be stored in bas':ets in a warm attic. Navy beans and lima beans and other legumes it would be wiser to store dry than to attempt to can. CONCERNING P+. CAL. Famous French Mathematiclan In- venftd Many Modern Conveniences. When Blaise Pascal, the famous French mathematician, was sixteen years old, he wrote a treatise on conic rections. His sister, Jacqueline, at twelve yenrs of age, was the author of a book of poems. In the French Ideal, Mme. Duclaux tells of the fur- ther trfumphs of those wonderful children of the seventeenth century. Etienne Pascal, their father, being yompromised in a rising against the 'hancellor Seguler, filed from Paris in 1638, leaving his children in the charge ; of a faithful housekeeper. But the children wore already personages. Jacqueline, about twelve years of age, meeting Cardinal de Richelleu one | day, asked her father's pardon 'so _ prettily in verse that Richelieu not | only recalled him to Paris but Soon | afterwards gavg him the important | post of adjutant to the intendant of Normandy and sent him to Rouen in 1639, ®upressed into the business of his futher's office at Rouen, young Pascal, nt sixteen years of age, conceived the | idea of a mechanical es reckonur, | independent of the will, and energett- cally gave himeelf to this invention,»: which eer a him for more than two | years. -, He sviced fifty different madels, work of the artisans who were making | n _ Souls ene has happily | the knight-errant BO hither: # { ! ! i i] of Bist | thither in ease of cieutions wortty of his steel." The calculating machine of Pascal is the ancestor of all our modern mul- tiplicators, the little boxes that hand out change on the counters of shops, the mechanical computators of taxi- cabs and the mathematical machines used in scienific laboratories. Later, : Pascal designed or perfected the War- ometer, the hydraulic press, the wheel- | barrow, the omnibus and the,dray. ----_ 4 Canada's Cold Storage Stocks Canada's cold storage stecks of pro- | visions, though large when measured in pounds, comprise but a very small 'fraction of the' amounts required overseas. Canadian Companies re- | porting to the Cost of Living Branch 'of the Department of Labor, held on | June 1st, the following stocks in stor- age:-- Butter, 1,689,2 cheese, } 190, 098 pounds; and pickled, 17,203,938 pounds; pork, fresh and pickled, 29,458,903 pounds; bacon, hams and smoked meats, 13,- 113,967 pounds. How shail these | stocks compare with the British re- | ' quirements may be understood by not- boat? Freak e alive or dead is especially great on } 'the battlefield and prompt decision in| er | uch cases {s far more important than | d ath civil life. Dr. A. Terson has just | fore; pe 'wen he With fears, Fecommended to the French Academy | Ww f Medicine a new test, those u.ready | ie called out sharply. | known having proved insufficient. The | go finish your henhouse!l Kelly will, best of these latter has been the in- | have to explain to me what is to be jection of fluorescein, as devised by | Then she went Icard. But even this is uncertain, for | out of the door and down the little in some cases men who are still alive | Kelly following the gate to the river, jdo not show the green coloration of And, wfter all, you will never see 'the whites of their eyes foliowing in| the little boat here among the rushes jection, which the test is supposed to | and me in it under a red umbrella; Produce. jand the ducks quack-quacking and| Dr. nee Zone placing in| snapping their pink bills--and you the eye a ute quantity of 33 per! don't care! ou are going away and cent. cation of dionin (ethyl-mor- | oe ind see all oy after you phine), glycerine. If death has al- | plagned ab and promised it-all--and ee ready taken place, nothing happens, "Tl do care," he denied. "It's kill- e man has the slightest trace ing me!" lof life still in him the white of his | ire is breaking my heart!" she cried, 'eye will immediately turn purplish-red out. "It's breaking my heart be- 'and swell, but: this inflammation will cause TO i you, Kelly, Kelly, _ you aeeconer repidly and leave no m) vagabon You tramp--unw orthy-- e 'ect. untrue--yet I leve you s@isI can' | hare on here without youl love you, I hate you! 5 {rou come here with your talk of Lom-!. If the price of romst beef and veal | bardy poplars, your lilies, your white is high try stuffed gqjf's heart with picket fence and little boat and ducks | vegetables. Wash t eart, remove | | quack-quacking and snapping their, the veins, arteries and any clotted j pink bills, with your handsome eyes 'blood, and stuff with"dressing, con-| and your cruel strong fingers, and | sisting of % cup of §aked hominy, % | es e me io you so much that I| cup bread crumbs, 2 'level teaspoons row myself at you--I--who have al-| o¢ molted fat, 1-8 teaspoonful of salt, pg a eg aay own way and rul- | cayenne pepper and a few drops ,ed wherever I was She wept wildly and he gathered | onion juice mixed with % cup of hot her in his arms, laughing and sobbing | water or stock. Skewer or sew,dredge | a jittle himse ith flour and fry slightly in fat, ad- "That was my brother, Comstock, are to the fat one atalk of celery, 4 "out there with our machine to-day: I slices of carrot, 2 slices of turnip, am Kelly Howe, James Howe's son.| bit of bay leaf, 2 cloves,.% teaspoon | jae heard of me father, eh of pepper corn. Turn occasionally! aps, because you Bat G rom the 'same until well browned. Put a bit of fat | on the top, add 1% eups of hot stock or water and cookin the oven, slowly for two hours. Serve with carrots --_------_~4---_____ Stuffed Calf's Heart 1 and pepamiate managed the | days; ig ham and smoked nieats, ing how ee would last as the! ore began dodging just for a soure ain. the amounts mentioned would ee see how long I could keep supply Britain's requirements as fol-; away from Comstock. The in- lows:---Butter, 21 hours; cheese, 2% Vited-a girl to are"4 the summer at _days; beef, 21-5 days; pork, 14 4% | our house--a rl Aunt Alice had made up her mind I was'to marry. | Aunt 'Alice is lik® you, Cérisande; he always had her own sy rything. and always, ex listens' have it. I didn't want the i and turnips. eee wen ane Cold mashed potato mixed with cream cheese, onion juice and a lit- tle mayonnaise makes a good sand- wich filling. 4 Maximilian Harden is editor of Die to Zukunft (The Future), a radical and liberal German periodical noted for h pi she frank eeiticiens of the Government, 53-4 days, [, Sony Soerneee "Who spe aks sows---who reaps,"-- Pers Proverb, picked out for me so_} J ian YOU will be of greater value to your country aud to yourself if you acquire all available information re- garding your 'business as a farmer. You can obtain oe inkonnalag during the Fall and Winter months at Ontario Agricultural Coliege Guelph THE COLLEGE "TEAM --The College opens September 20th and closes April 12th. Thie is convenient for most farm boys, as the hardest work of the summer is completed before the com- mencement of the term and students can return to their homes for the spring seeding. COURSES.--The Two- Year Course is particularly designed for young men intending to be good practical farmers. It im. cludes -- which are of practical value in all the work of the farm. e Four-Year Course for the degree of B. 8.A. is a two- year Sontituation of the two-year course. EXPENSES8.--In order to encourage young men to attend the college, the fees ure fixed at the lowest possible figure. Bozrd, $4.00 per week; Tuition Fee, $20.00 per year. Public School Hducation is sufficient for admission. , COLLEGE OPENS SEPTEMBER 20TH Write for a Calendar giving full particulars Q@. C. CREELMAN, B.S.A., LL.D., President UU TE TT Tn Tn nnn no UE TTY TT TT TS TT} HE outward beauty that distinguishes a Wiiliams New Scale Plano Is an index of its Intrinsic worth. Ideals are bullt Into every one of these famous tnstruments-- Ideals of craftsmaehip that maks for the most enduring quality. ee Bungalow Medel, $450.00 WILLIAMS P CO., LIMITED, OSHAWA, a Canada's Oldest and Largest Plano Makers niga pas mB ni a a)!