Atwood Bee, 12 Sep 1918, p. 8

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Sika Si win this war every ounce of the strength of each of the allied nations MA ; 3 OF THE | _--_--ELMA COUNCIL. tt pad Geo. Lochhead ap-| _ must be put forth to meet the organized, trained and disciplined efficiency of the Central Powers--that gigantic, ruthless force which is the result of fifty years of planning and preparation. And every ounce of every allied nation's strength is in the hands and brains and hearts of the individuals of each nation, because they are free peoples. Now the individuals of each nation must live as well as fend therefore a proportion of the effort each nation must living necessities, So the less each individual takes for himself or herself for personal use the more effort will there be left for fighting and winning the war. Every 'cent you spend represents that much effort be- cause somebody must do something for you in order to earn that cent--somebody's effort must you instead of to the war. ee tad he war can be won only by the surplus strength of e diverted from war purposes to Therefore the less you spend--the less of somebody's cot you take for your individual use--the more will ou leave in the national surplus for war effort. "and material be given to the allied nations. represents that surplus strength. and save more, to help to win the war. The rr money each individual saves j So the truly loyal Canadian will use less, spend less, Published under the Authority of _--The-Minister of Finance Canada RRRaRReRaRRaRRRRs LMA FALL EXHIBITION ~ MONDAY | a AND "> TUESDAY September 23rd and 24th, 1918 Liberal Prizes are offered for Liye Stock, Farm Produce, Ladies' Work and Children's Work. Children's Sports to commence at 3 p.m. on Tuesday. Boys' race under 16, 100 yards...... Ist, $100 2nd, 75 3rd, 50 4th, 25 Boys' race under 13, 100 yards...... 75 50 - 25 25 Boys' race under 10, 60 yards ...... 50 35 95 25 Boys' race under 7, 50 yards ...... 50 25 25 25 Girls' race under 16, 100 yards...... 1 00 75 50 25 Girls' race under 13, 75 yards...... 75 50 25 25 Girls' race under 10, 50 yards...... 50 35 25 25 siirls' race under 8, 40 yards...... 50 25 25 25 Boys' Obstacle race under 14. 100 yards--Ist, 75 2nd, 50 3rd, 25 Boys' or Girls' Potato race unger 14, to pick up 6 potatoes, on ily one potato to be picked up at a time, return and place in sack until Ee all are placed in sack--Ist, 75 2nd, 50 3rd, 25. Girls' Needle race under 14, run 25 yaris, thread needle and back to starting point--Ilst, 75 2nd, 50 3rd, 25 Boys' Sack race under 16, 50 yards--1st, 75 2nd, 50 3rd, 25. Grand Concert in the Music Hall on Tuesday Evening. Lillian Mae Kee, Entertainer and Impersonator. d. H. Cameron, "The Prince of Canadian Entertainers." . Wilt Spencer, Comic Vocalist and Impersonator. Will furnish the Entertainment. T'lan of Hall at Coghlin's Drug Store where Reserye Seat Tickets may lhe procured on and after Saturday, Sept. 14th. Doors open at 7.30 pm. Concert to commence at 8 o'clock. Reseryed seats 50 and 40 cents. Admission to grounds, Adults 25c ; Children lic. Wm. Morrison, President. T. G. Ratcliffe, Secretary. RRRRRRARRaRRRReRR Mr. and Mrs J. E. Rowland re- [11, Gravel road, 8.00. ceived official word from Ottawa on | Moved by Smith -- Illman -- that ert, 45 ; man drain Imp., 165; Ralpltr Kerr, irep bridge lot 1 con 6, 50c; Jobn Coates, teaming iron and lumber lot '9,con 8, 800; Gordon Th :ompson, rap bridge s r J and 6, con 7,100; Mr: Izen, iron for bridge s r 10 & 11, |eon 7,800; EK. L. Tabor, iron for | bridges lot-.9, con 8, 1000; Geo. |Chapman, work at bridges lot 9 and lsr 10 and 11 con 7, 2850; Wm, | Coates, overseeing bridges lot 9 and 'sr10and 11, con 7, 12.00; Fred , Curtis, 106 yds gravel per CO. W. Har- |. | vey, 15 90, 157 yds per Fred Ballan- 'tyne, 23 55, 95 yds per Jas. H. Dick- son, 1425, 69 yds per D. Saunders, 10 35 ; Bank of Montreal, interest on overdue debenture, 9.73 ; Wm. Dit mer, rep road lot 28,tle&1,300; Jacob Riach, rep culvert lot 9, tle & 1,400, rep culvert s r10 & 11, con 18, 4.00; Jos. Pfaff, grading lot 29 & 30,tle & @ Elma's share, 5.00; Edward Rock, iuspecting g ling, lot 30,tle&e, 100; Ben Schade, rep road con 16, Gravel road, 5.00; Andrew Weir, grading s r5 and 6, and 10 and 11, cons l6and 17, 96 00; W. R. Struthers, tile culvert con 15, tle &g, 600, Simon Engler, con- crete ---- lot 9 con 16, 290.00 ; Wm. | g light and work bridge 'lot 9, con 8, 2200; Geo. Chapman, bal concrete culvert e r 5 and 6 con 15, GO00; R. ; Code, lumber, 1.60 ; Thompson Coal ;& Wood Co., cement and cartage, 4550: Hy. Ward, spreading dirt sr 5 and G, con 15, 3.50, rep-road lot 9, con 16, 750; Harry Luddington, farm bridge lot 5 con 15 re McKen- zie drain, 2000; I. Parkinson, grad ing sr 3031, con 18, 400; Jos Johnston, 15 yds gravel per Alex. Henry, 225, 3 yds per Chas. Bleck Andrew Machan, 57 yards Saturday evening that their son, the Council do now adjourn to meet gravel per Chas Bleckert, 855, 15 Clifford, had been wounded in the | again in t Agricultural ball, At | hand from gun shot on August 3ist, | eosa: on Saturday, Sept. 28th, at 10 Jos. Holman, 1.89 ; and was admitted to Third Western | Ho: pital, Carditf. . o'clock for general township business. Geo. LocHHEAD, SECRETARY. I 225, 12 yds per Thos. Campbell, rep road, Monkt on, tle and 1, 400 : Alex. Grant, rop culverts con 10 and 'yds par D. Bartja, 6; $2 00; poin istributors and fie aiiece for Elma. J.A. Turnbull Tax Collector. The municipal council of the town- ship of Elma met in the Agricultural hall, Atwood, on Saturday, August Blst, 1918. _ Members present--Reeye, William Scott ; Deputy-reeve, Samuel Smith ; Councillors, Wm. Coates, John ie man and Chas. Vallance. Minutes of last meeting were read, approved and signed by the Reeye and Clerk. A communication from the town- ship of Pickering re appointing a delegate to farmers convention in Toronto and filed. Moyed by Vallance --Smith--that the Council do now adjourn to meet as a Court of Reyision on the North Maitland Enlargemort By-law. Moved by I!Iman -- Smith -- that By law No. 704 for levying the rates on the different. school sections and Union school sections in the town sbip for the year 1918, as now redd o third time be finally passed. Moved by Vallance--Smith--thbat By-law No. 703 appointing John A, Turnbull, collector of taxes for the township for the year 1918 as now a third time be finally passed. Moyed by Smith -- Illman --that the Collector's sureties be accepted as follows :-- Himself the sum of Five thousand Sais A. Love in the sum of Two thousand dollars ; John B. Hamilton, Andrew Robb and John Love, each in the sum of Three thousand dollars. Moved by Valianco --Smith--that the report of the Engiveer, dated July 38rd, 1918, on the Improyement of the Frgeman drain as sery ed on the Municipality of Elma by the Municipality of Mornington, be now read, The 'esi was then read and con- sidered Moved by I!lman -- Smith --that the Clerk notify the Municipal Coun- cil of Mornington that according to the Engineer's report, there is not yet an efficient outlet for the Im- provement of the Freeman drain and that they do not construct the Im provement of the Freeman drain un: til such time as an ellicient outlet is obtainablo. Moved by Smith -- ~ THlenass -- "that Jas.-Nicholson be paid the sum of $2500 as part payment of the con- oKenzis drain. "oy y Sm William Scott and 'George Loohbead be fuel distributors and commission ers for the township of Elma. Moved by Coutes -- Illman --that the Reeve and Clerk issue orders for the payment of the following accts : J. A. Hammond, ditching lot 31, con D. A. Thompson, gravell: ing lot 18, con 6, 70.00; A. M. Sweeton, discount on cheques, 3.05, postage and stationery, 5.29; J.T. Mann, 55 yds gravel per A. J. Hend- gon, $25; John Mann, 59 yds per E. L. Mann, 8.85; Geo. Nichol, 24 yds per A. J. Wenderson, 3 60 ; Chas. Goghiin, 28 yds per R Hull, 4,20, 45 yds per R. Coghlin, 6.75 ; Atwood Bee, postcards and printing re Free D. A. KIDD, M. D . Main-st., Atwood, Ontario -Physician, Surgeon Accoucheur, Coroner Executiye Officer of Board of Health Specialties-- Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases of women and children. H. B. MORPHY, K.C. Iarrister, Notary Public Conveyancer Solicitor for Bank of Hamilton Listowel, Milverton, Atwood Offices, Listowel and Milyerton Money to Loan, ~ J.CECIL HAMILTON _ Barrister, Conveyancer Solicitor for Imperial Bank of Canada. Money to Loan Oftice-- North side Main st , Lis- towel, over C Tabberner's office. The Kind You Have Always mae and bgp has been in use for over thirty years, has borne the signature of and has been made caer ke oe sonal supervision since its Allow no one to sibel you in this, - All- Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good'? are but Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of Infants and Children-- What. is CASTORIA , Fede pe Soothing & Eat tt is S eeuts Pie cane neither Opium, Morphine nor other narcotic substance. Its age is its guarantee. For more than years it has been in constant use for the relief of Constipation, Flatulency, Wind Colic and Diarrhoea; allaying Feverishness arising prpeheaa ae ve praition ts Stomach and Bowels, aids the assimilation of Food; gi healthy and natural sleep. The Children's Panacea--The Mother's ool GENUINE CASTORIA ALways Bears the Signature of In Use For Over 30-Years The Kind You Have Always Bought THE CENTAUR COMPANY, NEW YORK CITY, F iieieieieiaieiaieiaieie (License No. 9--14293) Atwood Meat Market : --All kinds of choice fresh meats on hand. -- Home-made sausages, bologna and headcheese. ~ --Highest cash prices paid for hides. --Terms strictly cash. --Dealer in all kinds of live stock. All kinds of stock hogs always on hand at " redsonsble prices os . Smith, "Proprietor TENE TEAS TEI EOI IS APP, AbeantlZ, BI, AU AM, SI le. Siete: RR | op. ate. abs. Als, Ate, Ate. Als, AU, ATs, AD, SU AMY, IZ BIL Ot Ie Ae Ae AS Al AL AS AS Al Al TH * Al TS AP AS AS ae AIP AE AN ANE A A OA ES Sh epee st | The Pandora Brings Relief You won't know the relief in store for you, and the new pleasure in life too, until you have a Pandora range set up in your kitchen --daylight oven, ther- mometer on the oven door that banishes the guess from your bak- ing --a hundred con- veniences in cooking and kitchen work all combined in one range ---the Pandora. ® For sale by John Roger M°Clarys | Pandora Range Montreal Winnipeg Calgary Edmonton Vancouver Saskatoon London Toronto St.John, N.B. Hamilton a8 Walter's Shoe Emporium RERERSESESESELAELSERERES PALL TER from SEPT. 3rd. entral Business oliege, Stratford The call for trained help i is greater now than ever before in the history of Canada, Our graduates are #e- curing splendid positions. i We have Commercial, Short- ; hand and T&A graphy Dept. 1 2 fi you purpose taking a business E college course during fall or winter months. -- Write now for our free r ss iiegiiiahumanaeainin CEP DE EE b catalogue. 4 W. J. Extuorr, President 4 D. A. McLacniay, Principal _ eae 2z2ee We extend to you a cordial invitation to visit our place of business next time you are in Listowel. Compare our prices and judge for yourself. See our Boys' School Shoes on sale at $2 68 to $2.98 and $3 25. Girls' School Shoes on sale at 31.98, $2.48 and $3 50. Men's Fine Shoes, size 6,,64; 7, 74, these are excoptional good shoes Sale price $3 4 Men's Heavy Shoes on sale at $3.85, $4.50 and $5.00. Ladies' Fine Shoes on sale for $2.48, $2.98, $3 43 up to $6.48. Our stock is fully complete in the Iatest styles in all lines of Footwear and Gents' Furnishings. Every article is guaranteed to be as re- presented or ycur money hack. WALTER'S 3 Listowel <

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