18k WEDDING RINGS | Newest Btyle _Lcenagh aes - JOHNSON a Year. Otherwise Divas aotcles ig , very useful at this season at the Durg Store : With Acknowledgments to Luke Fildes, R.A. 4 X every home there comes a time when every thought, every hope, every prayer for the future centres on the recovery of one loved one. In that hour of anguish, every means to recovery is sought--the highest medical skill, trained nurses, costly treatment. Does the price matter ? It may be so great as to stagger | would pinch himself to relieve the , the imagination--a sum beyond sufferings of a loved one at home; the possible. and surely he would not pinch But does anyone ask, 'Can we less for our fighting brothers in doit?" Money or no money, they Fréince, doit. And somehow they pay. » Without suffering actual priva- ~ Jt may mean. doir :. ions, nearly every family in Can- ~~ co SOE. ae ct ' a ali Ph ts a ae RS Er ctu Te es ele Re Al iin Dire ne EL ae ae tardshipe "They Suake wobec able 'savings, they achieve the impossible, but they get the money to pay. to enrich the life-blood of the nation. You who read this, get out pencil and paper NOW. Set down the items of your living expense. Surely you will find some items there you can do with- out. + + + To-day in this critical period of our nationhood, there is impera- tive need for MONE Y--vast sums of money. Only one way now remains to obtain tt. The nation must save, every community, every family, every individual Canadian must save. If anyone says "I cannot save" Jet him consider to what extent he Determine to do without them. Start TO-DAY. Save your money so that you may be ina position to lend it to your country in its time of need. Published under the authority of the v Minister of Finance of Canada. y is Thanksgiving. ppox is prevalent. Mra. | hall is visiting at London. Oil Cake Meal for sale 'by C. W. Stock- ford. PS "Mise Irene Johnson left on Friday for Detroit. Miss | Cowan, of Galt, spent last week a! r home, her received this week a car e B/C. shingles. nt last ate with ucknow cars of bailed hay fog. shipped station last wee IW of high es Mary Cowan s ' Ripley and 5000 ; ople took in the Milverton Fair was the total receip' Melvyn Graham, of Moose Jaw, a week with his parents al Barton has moved into his new ich: he bonght from A. Tennant. : Barron, of Stratford, was in town day in connection with the t. Ch Piocas received a nasty kick from one of eres. last week, that has laid him offhis wor A ial sale of wallpapers at The werdware, Atwood, for one week, Oct. "eal 18th. M hos. Cock well, of Belgonia. Sask. is visiting her daughter. Mrs. Jag. Smith, 16th hn who is very i A Stevenson has purchased the fine $on Jot 2i, con. 3, Elma, known as the k farm, and moved onto it this. WmeMcClory of the 16th con. hag ye his house with a good coat of cemen®& when plastered and blocked off will Jopk well. Th eral of the late David Graham, whe accidently killed in London on Mo) of last week, took place Wednes- day oodland Cemetery. The se was cgpdncted by Rev. J. T. Cosby Mor- ris of Ackin Street Methodist Church. Rae Tmngford of Toronto had , "of tle anniversary seryices Medion | last Sundae which "thrift, ean make cheerful sacrifice * |f-| FS ottotaPoP sate tartar eand ata oreoturaor Dotan rar eare Barrel Salt entral Business ollege, Stratford, Ont. Rm Teas and Coffee a specialty. (License No. 8--1232) (THE QUALITY STORE: " LIVE AND LET LIVE" ~Fowl Wanted Potatoes Wanted Highest market price. Lady graduates of last term are now earning as high as $18 and even $20 per week, while young * men are earning still better salaries. We can not meet the demand for trained help. Write us at once for particulars re- garding our Commercial, Short- band or Telegraphy Depart- ment. Students may enter at . any time: Get your Groceries Here D. A. McLacutax, Principal y TRY OUR NEW BREAD TRY OUR MEATS. Highest price for produce--Cash or Trade. NOTICE-- Any person wishing to help with the Christmas boxes for our boys on b Rinely aon leave donations of money wi th . Money is asked for bet the A can be made uniform. mare 7 A. E. ANDERSON, : ATWOOD Cc A STO R I A * Phone 2:3. Goods delivered. + mes For Infants and Children In Use For Over 30 Years Miss Pearl Ellacott, tencher 'st! Miss Elliott, of 8. 8. No. 8, Elma, ---- Roe's School, spent last Sunday with | is attending the Teachers' conyention Signature of now in session at Stratford. | friends at Monktoa. 4 ~ Oh hildren Ory "FOR FLETCHER'S CA STORI A A memorial service in honour of Pte. Lioyd Smith, of Monkton, who was recently killed in action is to be held in the Methodist Church on Sunday, Oct. 20th. Rev. Mr. Doan of Hensall is to have charge. Last haJf of ee. cheese shipped on Saturday, Oct. 5 Newry 3907 Lbs. $ cai Donegal 8893 1956.46 8. Corners 9188 " 2205.12 Maitland 10498 " 2309.56 Elma 91708 " 4775.76 4194 $12106 44 Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Leonard, Mrs. aod Mrs. Wm. Inglis, Mr. and Mrs Jas. Gray, Mr. Wm. Allen, Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Gray, of Stratford, Mr. and Mrs David Armstrong, of Tayi stock, Mr. and Mré-"H. Porter, of Grey, Mr. John Hume, of Toronto, Mrs; Geo. Roger and Harold of Motherwell, attended the Diamond Jubilee on Sunday. Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA MOVING SALE--We have to vacate our present store in a wee®grso. We are offering pany special birgiins before doing so. Sale starts Saturday morning, Oct. 12th. We iootts you to our store to see our inany special bargains in Floor oi! clothe, Donaleum, Carpets and Rugs, Men's Hats, Caps, Coat weaters, Under- wear, Shoes, Men's and Ladies' Rain Coats, Braces, Collars, Laces and Em- broidery,. Ladies' Shirt Waistse, and many other linta. Big showing of Ladies' Coats and Furs. Comeearly. J. M. Scitxpeinx a Son Clerk Lochhead has completed the Collg@tcr's Roll for the township for 1918, and Mr. John A. Turnbull, collentor, is now in possession of said Roll. The total taxes placed on said Roll are as follows : Total arnt. of Sounty rate $23026 37 Townsbip rate 12632.25 " _ G. & G. Railway 488.69 ~ Municipal drainage 10485 87 # Award drain taxes 43 49 ** Dog taxes 972 00 "Statute Labour 440 25 "School taxes levied : by sections 8352 34 "Municipal schools. 4511.43 Totat $ 60,952 69 van been ery Will. Angus, Mr. Jas. Dickson, Mr. | Our Big Tooth Paste' Special All makers of tooth paste have advanced their and powders from 25 to 35c. During the first two weeks of October we will continue to sell you our best selling tooth paste Nyal's Spearmint at 25c which will be raised to 35c after this sale. Buy your supply now and save money, Everybody knows what Nyal's Spearmint "a paste is like. "Two weeks only." _E- C. COCHLIN. Stratford Meate--Listowel Bread Fine Salt in ae and Corn and Rye Flour. _.[License No, 8--471] THE STAR GROCERY Fruit The fruit season is about over, plums and peaches are about done. Grapes are the maig fruit now. We expect to have a good supply in this week and next. Blue, Green and Red. They will not be much cheaper this season, as the crop is light and the demand heavy. The. Bartlett Pears are now on, don't delay in gett- ing your supply as they are very scarce and will soon be over. tf, - 4 ee) 4 ie Pe z we eo eet x"? ah ; Ss iC wh pk ih ee a x, E. T. Greensides & Son Phone No. 5. Goode Delivered. Stratford Bread alwaye on hand. Ice Cream and Soft Drinke [License No, 8--16574] The Store of Satisfaction This being the week for Pickling we haye a fresh supply of all kinds of Spices. Also Vinegar--Malt, White Wine and Cider. Special forcoming week--Corn Flakes and Shredded Wheat Regular lic 2 for 25c. We expect to have a large shipment of Grapes. Earl SWitZer, sovesuronn" One Goods delivered around town. Ly y Rs SVE [hic icense No. 83617) Wk EwH <Az 3 THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE Wi Sates PUG Si 27 Sey RW NZ < New Fall and Winter Goodss< RSS WE Sr: 342 ae New Dress Goods in Silks, Serges in all colors and many lines § ie SMe we could not possibly replace. Nie Suh 4 YO 82 New Flannels, Flannettes, Shirtings, Hosiery, NZ 52 Gloves, New Underwear for men, women and Ni 7 children, New Clothing for men and boys in all We ; designs and sizes. ah ; VE pvee During the last week we have visited the marketa and find we ee 3 are selling many goods at present wholesale prices. The pre- M6 ¥% sent high price of wool and the recent jump in raw cotton Moe eves warrants the wholesaler in stating that fully 20% will be added Si : to the now existing prices. Me YR We are carrying a lteavy stock of good reliable goods and those Ne oz =. 73 in need of fall and winter goods would do well to purchase early § _ before the stocks are depleted. Tt Ue Highest Prices paid for produce -- cash or trade. § 2W.'R. ERS KINE) "Phone 1, At woop, ONT «ORB Vi ize Se ad Use =P LoS SSSP RSS