ean aay 4 3 f . "if a Hees E ? he Atwood 3 DIAMOND RINGS Perfect and flawless only kept in stock. J. J. JOHNSON 3 isk WEDDING RINGS Newest Style J.. J. JOHNSON Gne Dollar a Year. Otherwise Dollar anda Half Don't forget our Voting Contest begins Nov. Ist. Seo our prizes. at the Durg Store Y) Via Wilt pfu Z Soa = SSS wg LD ry Ae s See '<7 uf 4! 4 y Why Canada must borrow - Because Canada has put her hand borrow hundreds of millions of ~ to the plow and will not turn back:-- dollars-- our country is in the war on the And, this money must be borrowed side of liberty and justice and will stay from the people of Canada:-- in it till complete victory is won and Therefore, Canada will presently the unspeakable Hun is smashed and come to her people for a new Victory beaten to the ground; Loan to carry on. ~--a nation at war must make tre- + + + e mendous expenditures in cash to keep Canadians will loan the money by up her armies and supply them with again buying Victory Bonds. munitions, food and clothing; -- The national safety, the national honor and the national well-being require that each and every Canadian shall do his duty by lending to the nation every cent he can spare for this --Canada must finance many mil- lions of dollars of export trade in food, munitions and supplies which Britain and our allies must have on credit; ta, --for these purposes Canada must _ purpose. hare / ~ ; - Be ready when the call comes to see your country through in its great war work ; 1%, ' _* } wear & t : e. Issued by Canada's Victory Loan Committee ° " in co-operation with the Minister of Finance eee of the Dominion of wt il canis ' ae, " ity oy ob Hot J. A. RELLY PASSED AWAY Aged Man Killed At Henfryn. Mr. and Mrs. David Bell received Next Sabbath Rey. A. E Jones, SUDDENLY. Alex. Fraser, aged sevyenty-eight the sad message on Friday that their of Clinton, will preach anniversary commercial travellers in Western Ontario Sunday, Oct. 6tb, and that be waS lla. m.and 730 p.m. A thank- ed Monday afternoon when G. T. R. Sunday, ' 3 &. m. an P cieomss he "he. drockville. 'Carriage train No. 196, runoing from Kincard- dangerously ill, caused from septic offering will be taken. On Monday Company. died Friday morning 'at his ine to Palmerston, struck bim at the Polson. He is now in Boulogue night an entertainment will be given home in Listowel, in his fifty-third year, crossing. His body was badly mang- bospital asd his many friends wish consisting of music by the Atwood a . ne Mil with = led and death was instantaneous. He bim a speedy recovery. choir and Miss Nicholin, A.T.C M., grippe, and a Second son, Frank C. Kelly, was endeavoring to cross the track Fred Liersch receiyed a telegram &£ Listowel, and addresses by Rev. was recently reported wounded, and is in advance of tbe train but did not on Fridéy from Kelowna, B.C., con- "A. E. Jones~and resident ministers. in allow enough time to enable bim to yeying the sad news that Lawrence Admission 25 andlic A splendid Mr. J. A. Kelly, one of the best-known 'baat, of Henfryn, was instantly kill. Oo!y son John bad been wounded 00 germons in the Methodist Church at Rae TE Ort We Recommend these tried remedies for your cough, colds and la gtippe. Do not neglect these at the present time. White Pine Cough Syrup Coghlin's Palatable Cod Liver Oil with Hyphosphites Laxative Bromo Quinine Licorice Linseed and Chlorodyne White Pine and Tar Compound For Poulticing nothing better; than jP. D. & Co. Thermofuge. Ask us about these, we know what they will do and what they will do and what they contain. All prices. E. G. COCHLIN. Atwood 23 Ontario + Salt Water Herring. . Fine Salt in Barrela and Bags = Begin the day with Baker's Cocoa Is, itself a food, a pure delicious drink, should also be considered a valuable adjunct to a meal as it contains a large amount of nutrictive mat- ter in an easily digested form. Its use permits the savings of other and more expensive foods. PF rit => You pay the same war tax on a pound of cheap tea that you pay on Red Rose, in other words you pay 10c war taxon a cheap tea which will ' ; __perhaps make 150 cups to the lb. and you pay #4 3 q t i easily makes about 250 cups, try it. Red Rose Tea is good tea. ss eo OO HO HE Ratatat E. T. Greensides & Son} Goods Delivered. [License No, 8--471] Phone No. 5. prae Stratford Bread always on hand. Ice Cream and Soft Drinke The Store of Satisfaction This week we expect Grapes and Tomatoes. Have nice fresh Grape Fruit. This is the month for sending Christmas boxes to our sold- ier boys. 7 lb. box, 2 for 25c. We bave everything that would make Christmas like Christmas for them. Try our Groceries both for quality at low prices. Fowl and Potatoes wanted at highest market prices. Special in resturant for Saturday night--Oysters and Pie. Highest price paid for produce--Cash or Trade. Earl SWitZer, esc yooronen [License No. 8--16574] Goods del i i town. I [License No. 8--3617] THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE 2 New Fall and Winter Goods s of New Dress Goods in Silks, Serges in all colors and many lines sie we could not possibly replace. & = 7S p (42s rae ts 3 New Flannels, Flannettes, Shirtings, Hosiery, & %3 Gloves, New Underwear for men, women and ; children, New Clothing for men and boys in all Wy designs and sizes. SAS > During the last woek we have visited the npaets Gad: find we py Ws are selling many foods at present wholesale prices. hepre 2e2 (07% sent high price of wool and the recent jump in raw cotton ov warrants the wholesaler in stating that fully 20% will be added -- = oS fi $< SF ~ BN Ws Ie yy ee ' Mis 5 to the now existing prices. Ye YB We are carrying a heavy stock of good reliable goods and those y o7e(p) 2 UZ. >, NOs 7% in need of fall and winter goods would do well to purchase early before the stocks are depleted. 3 Highest prices paid for produce -- cash or trade. § aw. R- ERSKINEZ PEST? i i i i iss Nicholin is d Orangeman. He was a member of 40 80. Marshall bad beon killed in action. time is expected. Miss Knox Charch, and the board of education Mr. and Mrs. Marshall and family pt a oocyte ng apa e funeral Was ne on je 'ai . ll k bere as at time 80 as } - Sehen-cnmelary eer Seep see Children. Gry : shay 'ware aula of this rvillegs ber of the Toronto Coriseryatory of ae --_----_-- >+--_--_- and the people here sympathize with Music. She will use her famous ' Saye for Victory. CASTORIA them in their loss of dear son. Cremona violin. / ; = ¢ ~ AB 'Phone 1, ATWOOD, ONT Sportivo OTT OVISIOVTIAI VIZ OV at Oa ee ENS fs BUONO TAR A YZ ESMEESMEESM ERE Sees z= Gav EMCEE EE, fe