KONE a oll end of this term ils mig! “Austin's room tot > An adjourned me meeting of ar “ lic ail Board was he oto every Girl and Boy Oarrraz, Par Ur - - 8 Reeunve FUrD +x 1g 9,000,000.00') Susrivs Paorrrs Torat, AeseTs - - - #24,71,618.07| a ~ ESTABLISHED 1872. “SCHOOL SUPPLIES HEAD OFFICE : [’AMILTON. ~uying their — . (from toc worth and up) ‘ AT J. Livingstone’s _ Drug and Book Store Secure one before gone. : iy J. W. Scott & Son, Bankers, |=: ESTABLISHED ial OFFICES : Listowel, Palm Clifford, also with: J A. Halstead, Mount Forest’ and Shelbu General Banking Business transacted. DRAFTS BOUGHT and SOLD, ayable in all partaof the DOMINION, UNITED STATES and CREAT BRITAIN NOTES DISCOUNTED DEPOSITS RECEIVED. current rate of interest allowed. A large ese of mao private funds to lend aoat tes security 6 M4 per cent., with priciloas of Savi annually, Marriage Licenses Issued, J]. W. Scorr & Son. J. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr, LISTOWEL BRANCH ESTABLISH- ED 3! YEARS. DIRQ SCTORS: HON. WM, GIUS N, President, JOHN PROCTOR, GEO. RCACH, A.B LEF, JOHNS,HENDRY 4M. P. P. GEU. RUTHERF RD, J. TURNBULL, Vice-Pres. & Gen. Mgr. A, M. WATSON, Inspec! ANCHES | SAV_GS LEPARTMENT. [eposita §1 reste & year, in June and int ‘December. No = your BO Geter Cont a ae $8,000,008.00 _ 99,760,097.09 Ceeraccamab 1876. 7B Miprectical and General Manage.” HEAD OFFICE, TORONTO, i Fred ‘} 82.900,008.68) B anches:in the Provinces of Bri “Eee ag ae on rows BRANCH. SAVINGS BANK DEPARTMENT — Deposits received and interest added to principal twice ® year, SPECIAL attention given to the discounting of #30, ios te 000, Ibe , PARMERS BUSINESS 5 © specialty. Notes of responsible farmers sale Botes collected and advances made thereon. DEPARTMENT hy every reagan for making prompt returns at low- _ baAPrs bought and sold on any part! of t CORRESPONDEM in all Lprceetnas of Can- ada, United atatcs Tied Great Bri BANKING BUSINESS of all Aol on most favorable terms, Corres- acted pondence solicited. ALL BUSINESS STRICTLY CONFIDENTIAL. B, FORSAYETH Agent, Listowel, sbare of attention. cabinet of stuffed birds and animais presepted to the school by Mrs. Petch will add much to the interest of the pony iu this subject The subject Aide as Literature, NEW BISHOP OF HURON. —— a * ager fa fravet of Strat- ford Elected. Three Ballote Were Required—The Election Made Usanimons. Lo: don; Ont., Nov. 29 —Ver. Arob- descov Wiilmms of Strafford was to- pigbt elected Biehop of the diocese of Haron, in succession to the late Biehop Baidwiv. ‘Lhe ch: ice was made on the third ballot, at 11 30 o'clock, by the Dicceran Sycod, asermbiled in apecia! eerrion fur the purpose of electing a Birbop. The final ballot resulted: Clerical vote cant, 181; necessary to elect, 66: Archdeaoun Williams, Strat- Jord, 97 ; Canun Furthiog, Woodstock, non Rev. Dr Tucket, Toronto, 1; Can- n’ Cody, Tyropto, 8; Principal Rex. ford, moeaee!, ) biauk, 2 ; total, 181. Lay vote cast, 168 : pecesrary to elect, 85; Arobdeenas Williame, 121; Ouvon Farthing, 42; Cavon Cody, 3 ; Kev. W. J. Armitege, — 1; Rev. Dyson Bugne, Luudon, 1; total, "168. Archdeacon Wilttume was then declar- ed--eleoted..by the Chairman, Dead Davis, whereupon the Synod broke in- to sivgiog the Doxology moat fervently. On motion of Rev. Canon Farthing the election was made anauimuns, The Bishop-elect ie a vative of Wales, and came to Canads in 1887, taking a professor's obuir in Huron College, Soaberquently be was p< mroy arsivt- apt preacher at the Chapter Honre, this city, aod fur three years ap Special preacher at St. Paul's Cathedral. Io 1892 be wae appointed to the reotor-- ship of St. Jammer’ Stratford. He iv 45 years of age. is wife is a daughter red bw jute Hanurbal Burwell of tors CAUGHT IN ABELT. - Joha Conway of Einoe Township Ser- iously Injured. Stratford, Nov. 26.— While engaged sawing wood with «traction engive as motive power here to-day, John Oon- way of Eltioe township met witb an accident which may prove fatal. He Wun potting ob a belt when bis arm aud head were drawn between tho wheel and the beit. The bone of his arm. wus laid bare, and he received terrible wolnd on the head: -It—is feared that bis skoliie fractured. He ie now at the city bu@piteal in a very Precarious condition. [He has. since died. } E. G. McDONALD ENGAGED. 8 Principal of “phe | Listowel Public School—Ingpeator's Report. repent, Inspector's report dated at VF Nov. 25th, was read as Geo 7—Having visited the aifferést. cecartmanta of the Lis- Bowel oe Bebvol, 1 beg to report “es follow The attendees shows the number snrolled as 427 while the average at- _fendance is 879 or 89 per went. Classification—The pupils are very prota oF sent. At the haifa dozen ht be promoted from Mrs, P graphy and History, 1 cau see po vantoa why the pew course as Outlined for these subjects should not be fully carried out dur- img the year, Some of the Art work = ag undertaken in all the reows b little or po difficulty. The Teneecasrian Work and Clay siudelling might be left over for sSuiné Lime yet, epee is now ap optional subject ap form LV work. there ig aby conaidatalite number. of pupils that do not go beyond Form 1L¥ work it would be well for the Board to consider the advisability of bav- ig «otha anee taught ip fhe rourth Fo The Cimiseene and Secretary were authorized to draw the balance of the Public School estimate for the ng oe pamely E. G. McDonald, Principal of the ‘Harriston Public School, was $100 per year. Mr. Donald is a er of the wal h Bchooi and holds a second-class pro- tessional certificate. He has been 8 ersonal he applicants all bh hed excellent recommendations _ thera were about ten o t the Board woul in engaging. take c! we at the he i then a¢ijour.cd to meet op Dece ver 13th. é iN PERFECT TUNE. The Toronto Globe mo . Bpeaks in the Highest Terms of tho Meister ee Singers. Speaking of the Meister Glee Sing- who made their first appearance n Toronto on nun Night, the Toronto Globo 5s: “They ——v very sioqneat and beautiful mus four voices are enn nrg ‘balanced in the en- — and the harmonies are ren- dered in what “is known a6 just in- rps Pe tbat ig to say they, are ip perfect tune with regard to the par- ticular key in _ Which nt) musio is written. fro a niswelorte or aby instrument tun- don the equal tem, In rega tone, quality intonation, the quartette may be compared to the Kineise] String Quartette of Boston, The assisting artists were Miss Ethel Heury, a reciter of much per- sonal charm, with r) of a piano, which he played himeelf, highly amused the audionce humorous sketches, the first of whioh-was de- voted to an illustration of the or- chestral goto ie nner to ap udp-to- date lurid melo: Saturday on, only 25 Plan at Livingstone's. t] and 35 cents. The Montreal Witness, commenting on the false ballot-bores, enya that the horrible part of the exposure is the fact that such was the belief of the operators pin the utter rottenness of public morals h that they did not shrink from entering i i mak. ing crimioal. propositions to a large pumber.of persons, This is true, and it isa melancholy fact tbat the minds such men as are implicated should bave been torned in the direction of in- venting devices of this kind. There has been plenty of material to start such a train of Nicene hag it nee pot been mere calum tf exagge tion, The West Eig | Faete were eer ae bad as the fa xes, The The ornise the Minnie M. was equally bad snd -equally astounding in ita re- Velation of the depths which pereeies ingenuity wil 6 At Guelph on Saturday the we of Sonth Wellington chose A. W. - son to oppose J. P. Downey, M. L. Two children of Mr. James Bowen of a were ee Kiroape—in waheen ee a Bes lst, Semes sen,, in his 80th yoar. Fansral y afternoon at Z o'clock, to Ste Pals Chareh cemetery, Bhipley. BY-LAW NO. 465 Of the Town of Listowel, To Provide for the Election of Commissioners Under ‘‘The Municipal Water-works Act.” —<- WHEREAS the Corporation of the Town of Listowel has construc system of water-works ip the said Yown of Listowel and it is desirable that Commisgioners should be elect- ed who may exercise and enjoy all the powers, rights, aa eure and immunities whic “The Muni- cipal Water-works Act" and ameud- ments thereto might have been ex ercised or enjoyed by the Council aa the officers of the said Corporation © said* Corporation. desirable that this By-law providing for the election of Comunissioners for the ex- ercise and enjoyment of such powers, rights. 8, authorities and immunities ae atures. ould also provide for t first clection of such Commissioners, y hol simultancously the poll- ing, (if poll be required) for the preggers thereto and la soteiniE of e. elec fa 1s THEREFORE ENACTED by he pg rata of 1 the Town of Lis- caval as [follow = siatonack shall Le eclect- undeA."The Municipal Water- pl Act" and amendments there- to for the purpose of exercising and enjoying all owers, rights, authorities and immunities conferred y, or under the authority, of, the said Act and amendmente- thereto upon the Corporation of theLo wn of Listow 2. The Board of Commissioners shalt Soneist | ha tres meanders: (of the he. Coumnnis F ad o cipality oat i at the Council Chamber n the T Hall in the Town of Lis- taieal ap Pe ppoint, in writing, two persons to’attend at the final sum- ming up of the votes, and one per- son to attend at each polling place on behalf of the persons intereste in and desirous ete Send of t num n bebalf of the persons in- ceveatad in and desirous of opposing - passing of this By-luw Tuesday the Third day of asuuey A. D. 1905 at the hour of ten —— in the forenoon the Clerk the Municipal Council of said See of Listowel shall attend at the said Council Chamber in the Town Hall in sev Town of Listowel to sum up the mber of = given for and agninat = By-la\ ”" be taken on ‘this By-law at the places y day of January, 1905, be- tween ‘the hours of n place Soar turning Of- ficer there ae ee . Ward. Polling Place. Deputy Return- ing Officer. Rismark Seaman's Shop Henry Geddard Gladstone Town Hall Willlam Bright Victoria Squire's Shop Simon Squires Dufferin... Morrow's Store. Jehn Stewart Lansdowne Barber's Shop 6 On Monday the Twenty-sixth day of Devacabar’ 1904 at the hour of ten o'clock in the forenoon ~ meet- the electors of the Town of B dates for the off under this trie If no more etletas for of- tice of Commissioner are the — to be h Claus e of Commissioner n ber ted to the board the said Clerk rn shall be Return- ing Officer for all the p e lapse e-hour from the ‘time fixed for holding the meeting declare elected to be office of Commissioner suc however to be: subject to the eouent | New : IN EVERY LINE. NEW PREMISES ONE DOOR: EAST OF IMPERIAL BANK. ‘Fall ll Goods of the proper proportion of the eleo- tors to this By-law, being afterwards given, 8 In case more osndidat pro purpo the electors to this By-law as ‘here- inbefore provided but s elostion sent o: he electors is then given to this By-law. 9 The provisions of “The Consoli- icfpal Act 1903” and a- mendments pene ace Phin any) as to the holding of the nomination meeting 1 ane apply as they may be appliatls. to. the eieaioes of Com- missioners oo his ta oes shall. take effect nd come into force on-ant after the Beene’ day of Jan Passed this 1985. day “aA, D,"1905. ing the wopentionl by reaohalion of. “the 2 sald Bouncil Yor the publication thereof gnd that-the date of the first irst publication of Baid By-law and thie notice 7, the First day i a that the poll will be held for taking of the vi ifi he the F mentioned and fixed by the éifth paragraph of ciao proposed aw being the B 3 day and placea therein fixed for t taking ‘ votes of | ohe said ei- otors, Dated at ry this firat day of Decomber, 1904, { q shall only take effect in gaso the as- t roper in-| Two « Dwelling Houses~ and T Shop . NOMINATION MEETING. FIRST COUNTY CUUNCIL DIVISION, CUUNTY OF PERTH. wil' be Lg te nme at the otice is hereby held pursuant to the ‘Manicipal At Town Hall, Gowanstown, ia the Township of Wallace, un the Nineteenth Day of Decemher, 1904, between the boars of one and two o'clock in th he purpose of Nominating Candl- dates for the oftce of County Counciilrr ae the Connty Council Division et the County of If . greater mune of Candidates are nomin- ated Can is dto bo elected, the polls will be opened at vesiity places for coat che Rel {J tubsvisions wit m4 the tia district on ONDAY, 2ND DA JANUARY, no longer. Ne mon itu Ofte ominatiu Dated this Ist day of December, 16 FARM FOR SALE. 50 acre farm, being ak No.[69 and south halt of Lot No. 70, Ist concen of Elma ut 110 acres ued and cultivatig, 40 ucres aE ae = § a 5 & 4 a S A i i} About fear t wiles from Listowel, on leading Lf not auld hey iq rented. For fur- ther particulars apply t i. 3. B ARNETT, Lot Ne, 5, Ist onl Wallice, 44 Listowel P. O, FOR SALE. The undersigned oat ell a comfortable frame buuse on on shop, with land frame dwelling on Mill street, A erly owned by Mr, Don hoe. ae properties will be sold reesonab! y to 43 ft sR’ Py FORGE. an FARM FOR SALE: A good 100 acre farm, half lotsa 1l and 12, lat concession o} %, 80 acres cleared aud onder good cultivation, balance hard wood bush ; well watered and well fenced § YJ. M. Schinbein. bo WEL'S GREATEST STORE. — $ 5 25° ro ot, your choice for 84 e|Special Reductions for Cash on Ready-to-wear Skirts. ‘Rain Coats Reduced. : Rain nor ‘storm could not dull the enthusiasm of our Dress ‘+ Goods Sale. That speaks volumes. We challenge any body to match our values at our prices, .|month we ‘will place greater values on our counters than ever. | No boasting, come and see for yourself. For Saturday and Next Week : TOO MANY JACKETS. LOOK HERE. Some last year’s styles, but good styles at that. $8, $10, $12 and $15 $4.75. $5, $6 and $7 reduced to For the balance of this reduced to * Rain Coats reduced to $3.90 se 46 5-50 7-75 tas «sé sey Men’s Suits, $7, $8, $9 and Sro,odd lines, some extra values among the Overcoats. Special values in all kinds cf Overcoats, Boys’ Pea Jackets. - J, M. SCHINBEIN. H. E. THIELE. ait i —_ Dealer in all kinds of ..| First-class Meats, =| Sausage, Rologna , and ead-cheese. Prices as Follows: Been +++12 1-2c, per Ib. Roast. ae aries Boil ..-. 8c. se ba -12 1-2. ‘ Bologna .10c. od Pork... 10c. ee In order to compete with the cheap meats that are selling in town, we have also decided to handle a second line in Beef, Pork and. Sausages, at the following prices : Boiling Beef...5c. “ 6c. R eef.. —s 8c. Round Steak-. Sausage 10c. car “tb. or3 ie foe 25c, Atso the very best of Home Rendered Lard at 12 1-2c. per. pound, good fa caer s n atraw shed;' good AS cocci — oo Nae ter from cheese tantory, less than miles from Listowel ; convenient to ch vol, | D tee apply on pieinives to Mra, or w WILLIAM: BRIGHT, n Clerk, . ROBT. SHARPEN, Wroxete: ner Ib. | i he outer sur- face of f ici gold and all the details of workmanship and finish are identically the same in Z 4% gir and in the costly gold ones. Each chain is guaran- teed GENUINE by W. S. BARTLEY, Watchmaker and Jeweler, Wallace Strzet- pooeen esr aoe An analysis of the popular vote at Beet by the oat at ke tecent Federal election showa that Wholesale Rates HARRY THIELE, Dodd St, Butcher, , Sir Wilfred pense ‘» popular majority | will be close on 50,000. Ontario gives a Conservative majority of about 4,000. Dr. A, H. Hntchison, V.8., of Mit- “ ohell, died suddenly. LISTUWEL MAKEETS. Deo. 2nd 1% teeeeeeee rs om coro Sn * SSSUSSHssiakaky, s a Pee awe @eenw-1 AUCTION on aks Tuesday, Deo. 13.—Bale of fekm atock, im. lements, ete, for Robt. Arhy, lot . Bt concession of Mar y boi b. Sale In at 1 o'clock shanp;<und - will te without reaerve as the ister told or farm ao sod ia mo into town, Scott ose al ee atock, ig im south half lota 7 and 4, 5th Wallace; sale to begin at 12o'clook noon, iat ple is giving up Bo Louis GRAND IDEA, = THE RANGE THAT NEVER FAILS. 3 ., any range yet. ‘Grand Ides Ranges havethade a record for themself “for 2 22 nay en and ae FOR SALE BY ra B. GERRY. WEEE REE RR SPIN Sp LDL DG WRIGHT & THOMPSON. LISTOWEL’S CASH STORE. A Word to In future our one aim will be to sell the best goods for the least money. the Public. _ Small Profits and Quick Selling---Quality for Quality---Value for Value. ‘BARGAINS IN THE FOLLOWING. LINES : adies’ Mantles Ladies’ Fur Coats, Ladies’ Fur Ruffs, Ladies’ Satin Skirts, Ladies’ Rid Gloves, Lad Ladies’ Underwear. Gents’ Over-coats, Gents’ Kid Gloves, Gents’ Overalls, Gents’ Fur Caps, Gents’ Clothing, Gents’ Fur Coats. Di ded thPIER, LEATHER WAST BAGS te ae Don’t Forget our Dress. Goods Sale. ‘Our Grocery Department is Full in Every Line. Highest Prices Paid for all Kinds of Farm ree WE WANT YOUR TRAD Wright & Thompson, THE CORNER STORE.