Listowel Standard, 2 Dec 1904, p. 5

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Dec. 2 IF YOU WANT FIRST-CLASS MEATS | AFRATD OF "BIG CITIES ENGLAND LONG TF TRIED T TO KEEP DOWN | PBeriner __=R(GHT - - PRICES STEVENSON THE CITY BUTCHER | FRESH GROGERIES of all kinde always on hand) breakings of 8. J, STEVENSON, Wallace St. —_—_-— + Morphy & Carthew, BARRISTERS, ee elt &C. the Bank of Hamitto: eet Foote and ‘ovnan marley LB, Mornay. J. M. CamiHEW, ” Money —— ee 7 | LONDON'S POPULATION | Kawa Passed Thut Made it an O&euse 1 ‘ Sine and Number of Buildings, | From the days of Elizabeth to those Ie of Charles II. the various English gov- : ernments csigeat by every means within | thete power from the huge metropolis. which carried off over 80,000 perso: the fear that with the deluge of bulld- ing the population would be “poisoned by breathing in one another's faces,” enlion attendant upon a. Th winter of last year. and happy. tes incapacity of the police of the time / were among the contributory causes which brought about~a long series-ot vexations and annoying prohibitions. 1580 a proclumation was issued asks the erection within Taree | Recently: “The Berliner Gram-o-phone T bought of you was a God-send during the long cold It cheered us and made us giad T would not part with it for ten times what it cost if T could not get another.” We have thousands of similar letters telling of the pleasure and oo derived from the Berliner sing. your: Tas levorite hymns or Gram-o-phone. Pet beet ey med thing, from ke-Walk to a Masurka =—_ sed gives a thoumed as tha Costa, iy a es more it "—s0 Sag hy minutes. —— a Prices of Gremmcocsktiieddl Blewett & Bray BARRISTERS ape es @otarios Publicand Cour 4oucitors for io ey to toa 2m ‘House and Ont. si Yorm. Blig & Lown A tion. MUNEY LO, LOAN AT > <2 PER CENT, * R. Ruewert. no, BRAT. 9). Cecil Hamilton, B. A. Barriste-, Conveyancer. MONEY TO LOAN ar 4 PER CENT fice, St., next to Dr. Foster, Dentist. ” Beach’ office in Atwood every * Wednosday afternoo rove [abee & Makins, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, &C. poletiatatos ae aieccpente Bank. y to Loan. iSTRATFUBD, ONT, 1. P, Manes, Kc C.J. MaKkina. dR. wv, M. BRUCE, ENTIST Peel 3.; seh Di: rie (ntario; D. D.S. Trivity Dat, rity. ‘to ® Post Graduate Haskel Schoo of Broiotic be antistry, Chieag + from vhs mtauidt to rooms ov Bevaret Spore, Entra by same stairway as Dr. Ratherford, Main Sts » Listow wel. JAMES MOORE, M. D,, C. M.; F. T. M C, . Memiber of College of vot aa ans and Surgeons, OUntario, tant House Surgeon in 1900 to the ‘Toronto “Gen- eral Hospital and the Gravenburst Sani- tarium: for Consumptives Office, tirat house west of Schaefer's store, CARTHAGE, ONT. DR. BROWN, L. R.-C, P., London, England. Graduate of London, New York and GRAND CENTRAL HOTEL, LISTO WEL, 2nd- Tuesday in Each Month. Hours 10 a.m. to 6 p.m Thos. tery iia ATWOOD ONT. yasuEe of Marriage Licenses, Commininner tn BK. Deeds, Mortgages, Leases and all Convey - CLIN gen to lend. R. G. Roberts, HIPLEY, UNT. AGES? ter the London Insurance Compauy. Also Mon nay te te Loan in any sunk trom #200 aud beagle ry ata low Tate ot Bleres' on sesy ‘terms. cashire Fire GT. R. TIME CARD Trains leave Listowel station daily as follows: WwW talus, UWEN sUUND Aub oe DOVEK—voiu, Passenger B45 aw v mixed 2 p.m. ; poor ger be i me. Gulng north, ¥ ries) a. m., wud "PAL TEKSLON AND iNGaieing ~ ee lob; Fruspepger ; mix p. ma Praveen 9 =i 1. ay ie Kiveardie Mixed 7. w ; passenger 12.50 p. ta., and 8.00 p. o Executors’ Notice to Credi- tors Matter — Fer at Balam ue Ll 6 ‘Lowoship o: ” eee Perth, Widuw, Deceased, is bereb, “given creuant to R 8 0. wae ie peer 129 tbat al Pevaune having claime aiust tle of the eaid or demands. 08 who died on or about the 2%ib day of May, . 1904, are requi: ed to send Db; t or to deliver to Blewett & Bs ay Jisiowel, Ontars, the > the Execators sana ba so the 1 of Nov, 190i, their names aD with fall particulars in ace Nov, 194, rt ixccators of the said aoe ue. ry said a among the partine ool thereto rr regard” oaly i olaims of which ron or persons fom or tenements “upon sites Suen! no former house had been known to { have been erected. Later came another proclamation, by which it was ordered thut only one fumily should’ live in, each house, that houses erected within | the past seven years and still unlet should remain empty, and that all un- finished buildings on new foundations should be pulled down, There would appear to have been neither order nor system in these vary- pe proclamations, which were issued every six or seven years. Thus at one time buildings were prohibited within ten miles of London, at another (as quoted above) within tbree miles, and, while under Elizabeth unfinished houses only were required to be pulled down, orders were issued later under which houses which had been erected orgy years were ruthlessly demol- bh By—ne Further proclamations of the same period commanded livelihood and means should reside in | their counties and not abide or sojourn | in the city of London, so that counties | remained unserved,” but these seem to have been-of no effect until the reign of Charles I., when they were renewed and definite steps taken to enforce obedience. All persons of livelihood and means unconnected with public offices were ordered within forty days from the date of the notice to resort to ‘ their several counties and witb their families continue their residence there, d they were further warned “not to put themselves to unnecessary charge in providing themselves to ‘return in winter to the said cities’—1, e., London and Westminster—"‘as it was the king's firm resolution to withstand such great and growing evil.” Even this had iittle effect upon the public in its first issue, and a copfous list was prepared of offenders, includ- ing a great number of the nobility and ladies and gentlemen, who were accus- ed of Uving in London for several months after the given warning. Most of these had made a pretense of quit- ting the city, to.return again after a nigel —— hoping thus to escape malty of thelr disobedience. at ee as a bolt from the blue in 1635 when Mr. Palmer, a large lund- holder in Sussex, was brought into the star chamber and fined £1,000 for dis- obeying the procinmation as to lHving in the country and remaining tn Lon- = after the prescribed period. He asa bachelor, and be urged in his de- cas that he had never been m bad never been a “housekeeper” and had no house fitting for a man of his birth to reside in, hls own mansion in the country having been burned down, but his judges were inexorable, and the fine was accompanied by a severe reprimand for baving deserted bis ten- ants and nelghbors In the same year information was filed against Sir John Suckling, the poet, and many others for the same of- fense, and such was the terror caused red these prosecutions that on all sides folk of condition and quality were to be seen preparing for fiight into the country, cursing the hardship of being confined to their country houses and leaving town and its pleasures behind. To encourage gentlemen to live more willingly in the country, says a writer of the times, all game fowl, such as cee gee partridges, ducks and bares, t certain times forbidden to be arared. or eaten in any inn, In a proclamation issued by Charles Il. in 1661—one of the Inst in this dl- rection—among the inconveniences set forth as daily growin: by the spread of new buildings w+ «: The increase of the people in such great numbers as to prohibit their proner government by the wonted ollicers, the enhance ment of the price of vituals, the en- dangering of the bealth of the city in- habitants and the damage done to the tradespeople in the boroughs by the migration townward of the popula- on. . But it was all of no avail. Nothing could stop the increase of “upstart London,” as it was termed by some of the old writers, and the prediction of James I. that “England will itself be London, and London England,” is fast approaching verification. What would instigation of their wives or to new ode} and fashion their daughters, y part Pe hs claims notice shall not have been re of wees claims notice sb distripution us as afore- said. bh dav of Octot 7 3 tht A.D. 190. RGE GABEL, groan BLLis, } Xxecutore By BLEWETT & BRAY, their Solicitors, -_—_——_— A NEW LOT OF Amateur Photographic Supplies at - - C.A. LEE'S PHOTO STUDi0. ist Proofs, aad their. country hospitality and ié City, @ generni-neuisance-te-j the > kingdom?" ~ewhat over a century Iater, in 1773, a bill was brought before parlla- ment in which it was proposed to put a tax of 2 shillings in the pound - pet rents and annnal protits) on sentee Trish Inndlords, and this wouk appear te live recorded nate tempt sire te pe absenteeism in uJ hd re fi Por cp vise 3 Years. eran has of eather t. Sebanad el tee n kom, sick 4 eo ering and crying ting Teeth send at onen Bie, - tile Rass Test by a A NEW PHOTO. Call and see it. that “persons of | ba ranteed for five yeara com tote with 3 Records $5 to $45 Listowel = Sash and’ Door Factory. Builders and Contractor prepared to contract for the jeaction af ache of buildings. Planes tioas drawn, and estimstes farninbed on Spplication. SASH, DOOR FRAMES, BLINDS, ae Ye Th ete Ue E de Planin py Everything inthe buil ng line. will be given prompt attention and iT CLASS pA iE P 304R- dr. Charges Moderate. -——Note—Si all sizes, $2 pants for only $2 and $2.25. lines for 50c, a yard. fold on oer monthly pas payments if Assivea. ‘Write for —— isto ff Records. ange your 2 rimedes vin: Agent will exch PRE then you uy fs mre Boor fr sch ee eee ae ing? © for four. THE BERUNER GRAM-0-PHONE. 0. of CA CANADA, LTD, MONTREAL, ?. @, FOR SALE BY ¥ J. H. GUNTHER, Listowel. IN LAST YEAR'S NEST. Nature's Lament at the l'assing of the Year —A New Potnt of View tn Wild Bird Lore. A the leafy curtains are drawn aside and the little cosy nooks Inid re we see the traces of a idden world of summer life. ‘The avsts so carefully concealed Visitors are freely disclosed, chifity. but in the atindoried nests, prouinent and distinct in trees and shrubbery, there is a feeble protest F aguiae the universal decree of obliv- ) The little visitors may be as helpless and as evanescent the leaves that concealed their dwellings, yet they strive to leave Peta of their patient and active jindustr: Some are so typical of the sraxittte work of the builders that they can he the hope and ener © spring- time of life. The ad-lined nest the robin, baked hard in the autumn sun, has resisted the disintcgrating forces of rain and wind. In the close dogwood shrubbery a catbird has pik ed uy an unreasonably large founda- tion of heavy sticks for her lo constructed nest. Now that the ostly- con- cealing leaves arc pone it makes a conspicuous object where it concealed by or al throughout immer. § ii, Stragpling nest will end ee perfectly the surrounding branches more completely hidden smaller and more compact the careful builders carcfully wound st the bright little redstart recalls the fiery glow of his brilliant crescents among the green leaves. The decp nest of the Wild canary seems sufliciently com- pact to withstand the changes of many seasons In the top of straight, svmmetrical red onk which Still retains its withered leaves — the hig. broad nest of a crow seoms on weather-beater sUrviver oa. many winters. and the woven basket of the oriole hangs from the outstretched arn of the willow Close to the ground is the etrance relic of a stranger conflict in bee poet petueal strugyle for cxistence Some little mother has had the courage to ussert herself and refuse the imposi fron of an uAjust burden. “The nest is So loose as to seem untinished, and is hanging a few inches frem the gfound in some close, 1 hazel shrubbery All about the withered vines of the hog peanut tsine in easy confusion. The leaves that must have made an ideal nook for a litt domestic establishment hang shrivel- led on the slender vines, and the stems of the hazel are entirsly bare. The — aps oie of the nest, its nearne to \ground, the many leaves “need in its neh onlll and the absence of soft, downy lining suggest the indigo bunting. But in the bottom of the nest is the dry, empty shell of a cow-bird’s egg This isten d shame! poe tor has failed in one eff im- pose her natural duties onthe -mo- therly care of another. w- birds, little black marauders that they are, assume no domestic respon- reas? but move about in venrent ocks through the nesting The guilty mothers slink away; long enough to lay their eggs in the nests of other birds, and the young impos- tors soon starv crowd out the rightful heirs. The little mothers dis- covered a new floor is built in the nest above it, and the brood — = ope and reared in safety. e@ parent birds innocently submit ” the imposition it means the destruc- tion of t tive. His callow beak is forever op- ” ‘ bs nothing for the weaker nestlings. They are crowded out in the struggle that secns often to result in the sur- vival o the unfittest. e indigo bunting is a wise |ird, which helps ship of this abandoned nest. unduly sensitive about any intrusion near that sacred spot. and if follow- ed or watched will persistently and exasperalingly keep away and ign its existence. en she found that ari heroic struggle to leave spot. The hazel twigs grew round as if specially designed to support a close - foliage bles curtal by the a ofa — ° domestic happines' hs abandoned by the "little oh wv pricth to the imposition a spurious ing. peti is not weitbout its aoe and its tragedies. BM HUM “he from ge posi { Train up a Child An, when up, send him or her tot = Lf. TERM BEGINS SEPT. 6TH, 1904. o Coursea— Commercia) and C Shorv Send for College Journal, hand, A. L, McINTYRE, Munager, Largest and Best in Western Ontario. | pe eenn Chlige STRATFORD, ONT. This school onets andl sain of do ing the best bag Education in the Domini i . EVERYBODY GoM) and take ad vantage of the Wall Paper Bargains In order to make room for new stock, we are making great reduc- tions. | 5c. Paper at 3cts. + 10c. Paper at 6cts.° 15c. Paper at 1|Octs. 20c. Paper at 13rts. Window Blinds 4j:or $1 Special Bargains in Curtain es. ; Painting and Papering promptly attended to. Satisfaction guaranteed. L. @ PLETSCH, Painter and Paper Hanger, MAIN STREET EAST. a ¢ for our interest-rg books * Inve: » Help’’ ant “How ae are zed tse rough sketch cr tr cel of you: vention Or Lprowerient aud we wittel tree o' Rabie, eke aato a ther it is p obably, Een ee pikatiens ns have often duct fully us We cen ie Montres . tnd d, Washington: thi iay 3 ate Lat $0 bialne ipbest ref brosdast be lnventi ’ rie epic business of Manpfac- [ MARIO Patent 2oN a otioens {Marte sileg ALE, fe rag enteat CASTOR iA For Infants and Children. Bamfcrd Bros. J. Gabel, OPTICIAN AND JEWELER Listowel. A Good Time Piece is a Faithfol Servant: a watch era clock we guarante> it te go accurately, and guarantes ft te Keep a-going accurately. J. GABEL ENTIRELY NEW STOCK OF Pure Drugs and Chemicals. 4 R. A. HUNTER having acquired the sole interest, will in future attend to the want ot his Customers personally. | 74° -Family recipes a specialty. R.A Hunter. BUGGIES, FOR SALE Top Buggies, your trade. J. 5S. SPECIAL BARGAIN SALE . During the Next few Days. Big reductions on all lines i in LADIES’ COSTUME SKIRTS. A fine lot of Fancy Waistings just to hand, regular. 75c. Farmers, bring your butter, eggs and fowl. of Ladies’ Mantles - and Capes. selling at half the regular price. Men’s Tweed Pants $1.50, $2.50 and $3 lines for All lines in Underwear, Hosiery, Wrapperettes, Flannels, Tweeds, Caps, Gloves, Skirts, etc. I j oceries Fruits, Peels and all Christmas demands very complete. We want Our stores are well filled with seasonable goods. GEE. GREAT BARGAINS AT THE Up-to-Date Grocery. of broken Sets, a margin. I will give all kinds of Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Berry Sets, Toilet Sets, tor one month at cost price, Any quantity I also carry a full line of Groceries, which will be sold at Canned Goods and Fruits, New in Stock. All kinds of Farm Produce taken in exchange. JAS. ARMSTRONG THE TURKO, VAPOR BAH SABINET A Cincinnati man has proved vbe- yond a question of doubt that che Fomans a Greeks bad No Physicians for 600 ears But Termal and Vapor satus, abd that they owed their spiendid nealin, warvelious vepefits of these baths wiluUUL expensive apparatus, bath- rooms, und at smallest expense, ibe now “famous” Turko Cabinet was the result ef his efforts, Astonishing is the Improvement: in eee health, feelings and comple- a. the most remarkabie 1n- vention of the twentieth century, ns it mukes the siok well, the we strong, and it has done that mrhiols ghrsisiens and medicines have failed ta £very one knows that disease 1s due to the presence in the blood or vital organs ef poisonous matter. Below are the complaints that the usage of the oe Cabinet does oure> The Turko Bath sradicates poi- son, ong “t is lebpeseniia for these poisons to remain in the system of a siowise mature to do Open Buggies, Road Carts and Wagons, If you, want anything in the vehicle line, | now is the time to buy,“as1 have a large stock on hand and will ell at closest prices J. F. WILSON, H Mill Street Listowel. Chiuaren Cry for CASTORIA. A call at my carriage shop will convince, _ and women gain their 1 streo cts emaociate' individ- wai recover Thue lost fiesh, achee ‘pains and songestions disappear and a new human being develops from, in many cases, total Kheumatism Lumbago, Soiatioa, Asthma, Stomach BN les, Bilious- ness, Fever, La G rip ropsy, Piles,, Kidney and Nervous ibaa oa niver sep Sleepless ess, Gout, Malaria, Colds, Oatarrb Regen, Erysip See Neuralgia, Pleu- risy; it isa scr rful specifia in al Female Compiaint: an, woman or child who properly m | uses the Cabinet WM. STEPHAN, removes ail ebstructions thus ° «.ofDMONLALS, ears | was oe mith cod Pt, and legs,gand t were numb and stiff ail the time. After Hbeumatism—I was not abie to put my owm clothing on, nor had i slept in bed for over _ weeks, W hat “ ep I got was by sitting in After te fourth bath Lalept have iiheumaetism don't tail to aly the Vapor Hath.—Mrs, RK. Wilkinso Veterborough. one week's use of the baths my trou- bie was all gone.—W wm. Log ‘eok Street, Peterborough. My stomach was very bad, had a ree cough, and bad Bat tte, Park 8t., Peterborough, My oboulder, hand and foot were very badly swelled with rheumatism tots of remedies but none of any une, —dtidney Gibbs, ashburnbam, Ont; This is to certify that 1 find your Greatly relieved, in fact 1 feel dike ® mew person the next morning. L highly recommend it + isa remedy at every family id bave in their possess ap 1: would pot wit for ,woney i a must be healthy to give vigor and zone to the body a piness to mind. Wishing you every sue- coas in tbe oeuse o suffering buman- ity.—Mrsa. J. O, Kidd, Listawel. Main St, market. Stoves! Stoves! Stoves! If you want a good RANGE or_ HEATER call and inspect our lines, the best on the Furnaces, Stoves, Galv. Iron Plumbing, Gas Fitting Heating, Pumps, Steam Fittings, Iron Pipe, Etc. PHONE 40 .| AMERICAN” AND CANADIAN COAL AND MACHINE Oil. LEADING STOVE; DEPARTMENT. ZILLIAX & SARVIS. _ he ee

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