us eee ay Warn TROW TAB | Captains im Hudsén’s Bay operating With Police nea from Ottawa sige t— fe Bet) “The Situation at Port ‘Arthur Has): Become Hopeless. side. sian Wounded will rejoin the ranks after a two-weeks’ stay-in the hospi- “The wounds caused by the Jap- anese mies rahe ice the tnost part sg n thoy occur in tho how- pa CLOSE AT HAND. The Moscow correspondent of the -London Daily Telegraph claims to know that patches Gen. Stoessel, the rt Arthur, sent by the destroyer Kas- seny, to Chefoo contained nk psa of the hopelessness | the situatio 1 butlets of which en cop- isd literally | ¢ wounds ot which cause vie AN the roserves 4 ese, SUBMARINES 1X FOR- JAPAN, A despatch from Yokohama says : t Sevonty per cent, of the Rus- in- which they car itor ry. trade off in —___4—____. -DREAMS. FATAL RESULTS. Woman Looking for Her Savings in Pantry. A_dcspatch from Chicago says: As goous | fr Canadian SELECTED ain Apple Flitters—To 8 eggs add 4 n salt,~1-qt. buttermilk and teaspoon soda. Gweeten with sugar. ald {fOtr enough for a — thick batter. Mix the soda in a little but- termilk. Have apples pa ed as for ples; then mx the ee apples in the batter. Have land hot 1 nd a in your pan and drop batter in with r and see" how Cranberry “Ieliy—To two quarts of berries put just enough: water to cor er, but rot t them. cook until. thorough soft_and Speake | then rub them rove & coarse sieve with a w ‘easure the pulp, and to each patie allow a ctrp of granulated measuring 44 andi3 inches at the widest parts, are cut. On dar of the pieces veh ower ork, the’ monogram or initiala with gelncoloced floss. ‘ork, seams being foather- stitched with eyallow flosa, a yellow silk cord finished thc edges, the hack of tan colored sateen, A blotting pad with kid sores | i ~pretty- Pri A- square oard is covered on both sidan with blotting paper. the absolute corey of io. Tail of —Five submarine Doats” arrive nr the fortr e sacrifice of, on Wednesday, is state se Rostoropny, Wohi h was sunk by] they comprise the commander in Chefoo harbor ‘af-{ of 50 Halland boats that have rot Sho had ucliverod her despatches | ordered in the United States. rathor than to have her fall into tho hanils of the Japanese. ONLY 2,000 ACTIVE TROOPS... the Wei-Hai-Wei SOrreenonnens of} the London Daily Express says the Russians who arrived there (rom Port Arthur in a lifeboat on W a THE SHA RIVES. from London says: Find emackaty Oyama, Gen, Kouropat- kin, an the aeeisstilcnic briefly report Russian reconnaissances on the She River There ins heen sharp skirmishing, in which there were sev- eral casualties, but neither army — is BD corresbondents that the The Russians ‘isolated points, The sian cannonade has lately daily sened in ularity and intensity, Marstinl Oyama ant his generals are confident that the Japanese ror om Cannot be successfully assailed, wha evor reinforcements the Tuesana imag against them. the besieged c¢ that water and Se wniion are ae searce in’ Port Arthur, ut. th there is food enough there to for several months. many deaths from Thore are now fewer el 2,000 a bodied troops ui the a thousand inst | typhus fevor. ab ctive are | Tokio to reports increasing doser Art aur garrison in- stories | Stundard tions from Port te the Japanese line the deserters tell indicating ras nua of the ! same correspondent says! the: Russian ‘forts on the sea-front o Port Arthur no longer fire on approach of Japanese warships. serra A JAS OCCUPIED POUTUEN, A despatch from F ied eodiee Gon. Oku's Army a Tus The Russians are aitswitie some ats yee ty in front of Gen. Oku's army. t dawe on Friday detychments. at- i ed on two Dlaces the leit and Hingis ae ons entre repulsed ack iments nnd the left iglit. AS q re- Japanese oc- ¢ The Russians left many dead ®on the field. wr with 30,000. cases The tusso-Chinese | attempt to run: r Port Arti -of canned meat. Bank financed the the blockade, which captain’s bonus steamer cleared f the ee ce port Vinee, Chi It is reliably reported that the dig-) scraps . JAPS HOLD THEA GROUND H despatch from Gen. Hind quarters in the Miele, san, Kuroki 'ging of tunnels to pierce Une Slat the u Vin Fur pungkikwan Forts has. alre dy be- rej ports + cireniated dure fgun, The sappers are mafing =e wees in the eastern ‘isfactory progress against 203 Metr papers “‘prohaubty telegraphed , which, when it is captured, wilt | abroad to the effect that Gen. Kouro the |} harbor untenable for the patkin, in ma a genoral heirics, - had n the Japancae vit. Russian warships a distance of three miles, are wholly BATPLE IMPENDING. unfounded situation has re ; mainod entirely unchanged during the aoe omar last month except that both armive have doubtless strengthened pa de A ond accumt ilated supplies in M pas BIG despatch says: Appearances A from St. again point The Ja o an official athe a severe setback in the vicinily of Sin- tsintin, in which direction ‘they —, were attempting to execute ide turning movement. Military opinion searcely belioves it) possible that the two proat armies can winter | ess than a rife shot-from cach} j other, though, the heavy defences on; louch side made it oxtremely difficult | Hor either to assume the offensive. 1t however, that If the) + broken Gen, Wou- Field) Marshal Oy aia + Mae initiative, as the Hus jsians have the better of the aiitnrehy, The: tiictane continue thelr recon- on : engagement or change in tlie Japan- |? ese entrenched positions, continuc te ignore which takes place ront. of the central army, and in Iminy places the whole line of trench- es is so close that the Japanese car draw fire at any time by displaying | io caps on aticks fow casualties result daily rifle fire. from | ae behind Uhem, winter quarters ITS CAPTURE CERTAIN. iene, The Tokio peg origi of the in London Times says that the-publica- | tien of unofficial news from Hort Ar thur is no longer prohibited. besiesore® works are rapidly, notwithstanding Petty sorties, which are It is noticeuble that ao leading journal, which recently urged an immediate assualt, regardless of 1 =i loss of life, new deprecates has inasmuch as the capture of the tee is certain in the neat tu This reflects the national es which is calm and confident. despatch says: On ; ect of the arrival of the Monday last a detachment captured Baltic ficct exhilarates Admiral To- | tine Russian camp at Iteaicham The bos ag which is longing to Russians were reinforced, and enmdea- ade for . ae eee of the Dlock-lyored to retake thie camp with soueithen in . ts force of 600 infantry 300° cav- ae e assaults fromtairy and four gins. After a figtit o rma ogra The }ihat lasted three hours, ¢ 550 eh ek of who 400 Shee driven toward the Tsien River Puss, ed; Discabedults fatlod as igerds a re pl dead and rix prisoners the eetts fartifications, but resulted |?) mel een vou ne ipl anion mt ~tn-the-capture~of-the-t Able equipments, Th SENOS CaS | ai furte, “furnishing commanding j2!tics Were about Positions for siege guns and nidi ing materially in hastening the end. For this reason 8 ase not dismayed by the’ terrible Prisoners sitlisfactory yw aceunwihiting spring, The Japanese also ar reinforest, The rivers , frozen sufficiently to permit movement of yee and commnissariat trains, : the country actually ts better atiaptei to 1 Japanes eo advance than during the sumimner, CAPTURE RUSSIAN CAMP. A from Tokio _ ENROLLING A desnateh to St, Warbin states tliat avective fave openal CHINESE, Petershbiry from the Tapemmiso | m a fm i a tecruiting office fer ison dows not alas at Shitintin, 95 kilometr excond 8,000, of which number only lfrom Sia ninting They have sd aothines are provided with Winter ‘trite thousands of cireslars, t- Mere Viting Chinese to enrel under the [Sapam se flag ‘dod light tho Murope- oe in|* The cireulars point out that the " ireligions of the Chinese and Japan- fese are identleal, and their languares ‘similar.. At the outset. the Japanese | enlisted daily an average ‘of 7,000 | en, Wao Were imini@dia tly supplied With Japanese uniforms, -Sithsequtent iditterences reflued the enlistisents to thousan:t. The recruits are called battle ‘and from dysentery ee Oct ae a Nov. 12. The the sinking of a} hobrdtet prtle at Port Arthur are be- lieved i as oe they are not’ confirmed official * awit Ld ai STORES BURNED. need a result of had at [im ee bottom of a suga There have been | al te. a9 well oe fvisk the de- | Nussian defen- { the | i ‘head last year, and $185,000, | in Shantuag Iro- |t at the cattle matured very slowly, { Sungshushan, Er Mnaaran and! ap- | where the Russian reinforcements are | ing to UCravow,whene hits. | ees ‘batch Deen atolon from a iline cases Startled the 5 fand exploded. froin sleep. in ‘mado a brave atten nyit to flame, and finally succceded, do of a mattriss, but only after. he, he wife and child, ad atfutky ahitlene fra. Conet wing tnken to a Hospital. thern digd white 1 «| CATTLE EXPORTS FALL OFF. nents From 1 Mohtreal Ddring Season Show Decrease. A cia from Montreal says: Cattle exparta from Montreal for the cabon amount to 112,611 head, ‘against 147,201 last year, and 77,516 1902. exports: this year heal, against 60,019 15,830 jin 1902, Liversool and mepere wore the chief objective: points, with Glasgow third. TOne’ shipment. of ‘hyo head was sent} to South Afric. y Jesses were made by — the of wanch cattle this year, great medsure to the fact! 1 were the best. iments is Jargeby ‘fact that ; ‘Portland and Boston | (ing to the toot-nsid-reautli disease. *% EACKED aaa AND PEET. in poor condition even at) The falling off in the aie] | Tervible —_ of a a Poe on t Near Montre Trom Montreal a lunatic, | | hod a atch Arnold, SQYS: nvdilatexd | aville. iLhor the ordati Asylum visit relatives. He secured and cut off his loft Nand at the wrist, then split his left foot open at. linstep, and hacked the toes off right foot. When discovered) Arnold | iwaa jhimsotf dotthiers Tt--was ity tliat his life was suved, (of bloud was ereat, He was} ‘brought tothe Royal Victoria Thos. j now lies in a critical | chopsped tongue may be jpital, where he jcondition. Sep geo) Seep | INDIANS THCREASING. | Slight Devan 2 For Year, But | 800 More for Decade. A ucspateh from Otlawa SAS: Indian population- -of - Crnada, jshowed in 1903, years proves, , that er the r jqaat acl wv, care which is exerci sed ov arrested tho so that Federal Government. has very heavy death rate, n the last deende the Departznent enumeration gives increase more than eight thousand souls, CARING FOR pastas ies aaccomete Taree age = of of Russiah Soldiers be Sent to America. A despatch from Vienna says: Reliel Committee of Leinbere, according n telegram town, despatch 42 by train on Thursday even- ce. they will he ‘nt on here. On their arrival in Vienna wh wan will be given a steamship ticket to’ America. Another of 400 will shortly follow from Tauber. Nearly all the deserters are reported to be entirely destitute, j cin. ‘ihat duserters FORM IN HOGS. While symmetrical. proportions in Rains OVOr the ure GMa teu It oor hard, thon stir in the sugar and stir until, clear, and in a very few min- utes it will jelly; remove from — tho re, and pour into -glasses and set In .. wot place. A large quantity ma: nade at one time, op it will keop : like. other jellies. |mushroom stuffing. a boar arra PR, orig possibility of a = battlo south {ining ina “ae horrible manner on Va jen tay jt an axe jit the iSeason with his In pinch of g: proceeding to mutilate |« with difieul- iteciueh be together, ns the flow linto sliallow jars. and c The | whi Seid’ ae hima for an advance jcording to the latest returns Bid tho | tien the tu men by one ‘of the Dopsrtaents of the jneli tong pieces o Noll the turkey, the skin should be on the outside, are! cover. with some thin strips of salt pork. Tie the rolls firmly with twine. Put tho rolls in a stallow pan With just sufficient water to to which has been added a mull onion, a car- rot, and scasoning to taste. Simmer gently till done. ten hot, make & sauce by quire | the stock . notion the rolls were simmor cold, glare and Senawent sendin ing bps tho table whole, and Slicing in thin slices when nooded. Rechaufe—lrom the re- inains of a turkey cut all that is jwsable into small slices. Take'-. the eon amull bones and trimmings, over them with water. ‘Simmer for an hour. or more, a:ldi ny ernvy that may be left over. Mince | tlie turkey liver fine. Strain the 1 yauor from the bones, etec., and return jit tlie saucepan. -Add the liver land lot the mixture: boil up, Put ithe slices of turkey in another pan, dredge a little dour over*them, add ie Piece of hutter and pour over all e ithe gravy made from the bones and | trimenings. the whole get hot - land leave it to simmer gently for ten turinutes, © pickled walnuts jand tt any! sporti of walnut ae gar, Tace the slices of turkey fro’ | the pan alv{ lay them on some soait picevs of tonsted bread, which have don a hot platter. Pour serve mg the gravy over all .and jliot. Poe ee very. jallow salt Rod round mace. each four Press.the meat cover the top j with. melted hutter. THis will keep several days in a-cool Place. Boilod WINTER FEEDING HINTS | SHOULD BE als} 74:0 Mfattening of cattle is carried on under such LEADING —— TYPE OF CATTLE WHICH - +o Feed ‘Is Very Essential to Surcess. Widely different cir- eawtanees that it is Bilis saat to lay down any hard and fast rules, and say that these are right ond all others wrong. good prices. Of course woight can be combined with quality, much | the better, pus aalty. i om ie. An Abundant Supply of Cheap| _ \for No The apes 2 Prices Yn Live and Breads Stock tufts, ~~~ Bia DATUFFS.” Toronto, Nov. 29.— ‘oose. No. 1 wortheen: ern, 87c; 9, 8 northern, 26, Georgian Bay, ports; 6c more grind- ing in tra: Plone =-00 fe t. patents qioted at $4.2 25 rie $4.45; bu sacks east and west, 1l5c to 2c ee for choice; Manitoba unchang- 5.385 to $5.70 for first’ 5 ‘0 $5 lo $5.30 for bakers. Millfeed—$ 14. 50 to $15 for in bulk; $17.50 to $18+rfor shorts, dnd shots Manitoba, $21 fon shorts, $19 for bran, expor Barloy—Steddy: A7c for. No, 2, 44¢ © 0. 3 extra and 42c for No. 23 malting putaiiic Toronto freights. Ityc—Firm at Tie to for No. _ Corn—New American yellow, 5 aA Jid_ A are % blotter, ter with yy way of variation, mako monogr upon it. TON’T ror Mt MOTITERS., Don't. tell the children what ; mnean, wait on ie chititen; them wait on Don't break children. Don't talk about ear Penner: Don’t. scold at. the table Don't” hurt their self-respect censuring them before othera. you mony a pees e to your hey are Hable to an attack of on- ne before they are 20. The Very Latest 3 Items From All arts of the Glqbe. DOMINE NION, Bright colors and much gold threat |i will be cflective. r rse, patchy es ppaleate: and ba FLASHES FROM THE WIRE |i: butcher's relat of view ne sicer ra n those parts of the carcase the rib and loin cuts command over ON THE BACK AND RIBS. In addition to the gencral form, with good backs, loins, there is, says t , Prof: Curtiss. a cer- “character, style and that constitute an important actor in determining the value o becf’ cattle. One of the first in‘lica- tions of this is to be found in sin and cont, A good feeding. ani- mal should have a soft, mellow touch an . ut thick, ‘and heavy coat. A harsh, unyiclding skin is an indication of a chisel circulation, clea Pro et placid, ae Bcieee a te wi horn, a fin bone, all to inieate noah dead: ing mualtiy am! capac o take on a finish of the Raeirits ae and took atid Thos. F. Hunt, of Winnipog, an cvendose of cough modicine divd, Coarseoned, aca inva re Calgary ratepayers vote Dec. 20 on a by-law to raise $60,000 to install! a municipal electric light plant, A by-law will be submitted to Hiamilton ante in January 1 raise $20,0 or the proposed moun- | tain drive. . : Haimilton’s assesment, notwith- Standing Ure doductions of the Court of Revision, is increased thia year by $2,000,000, There are 2,000, ‘ used in the world, saye — n, a ey entry on the 15th of December next. “all lands not dis- of within tie limits of the J. Macdonald will next week |° leavo. “Winnipeg aR the Peace River ith rg ty of bth Pn that country fon the ‘fer Uie Liam, or half ham and half ‘tongue may be used. | Turkey Soup—Take the remains of ‘the turkey when there is not suffici- tent Jeff for Hashing, amd place it in A sauceran with all. the “bones ad of gravy or stuffing ns,-Simmer gently for-at- | Ist ra thee. Re- the “Mould to the fire, season, when boiling adda Handful of of macaroni. Tet = sar boil gently until the maca~- - Thi2 soup Bes be flavor- ed with tomatoes, the strainod juice from n can of tomantors being — sub- stituted for the maonroni. Tn this cas¢ a little onion may be added to soup should he thickencd with a talluepoontul of flour when it is boiled up after straining, FOR THE SICK ROOM. For invalid,.. grucis give tho nourishment needed, yet are not as hearty as the same food would be prepared in some other form. Egg —_ a olk well, add 1 teasnpo Je nutmeg or ims vanilla. Av slowly 1 cup 4 whatever animai form are pleasing to }Of Kot milk, scalded but not boiling. the « important office true indication no more apt ve, in that they are. of. utility. iNustration of this | ruth can he pointed to than an inci- i cracker crumbs, ber Which occurred at the St, wis show-groumts. one year there was a: fairly ape showing which canta only win of Gret bovars in eos) they really oreupy a more | and stir in gently white of og Lo th class jwa for chainpionship of fat barrows over | till hot, then add ‘mea af_the fon polling Water and 1 eg beaten’ stiff. Some wie prefer salt‘ and pep- ler flavoring. tablespoons . acd he up m cup hot water and sal water and milk on the Pot crn ae Moal~—To 2 tablespoons corn eee dour, 1 pt. . milk. patch from ‘Tokio says Telegrapatng on ‘Thuraday- ‘the head™ quarters of the a army before Port Arthur reports “The conflagration ip Boh illest near the naval guns, runic. esday, began VOLUER Ga FY to Yinkow, tributed the field. for Mtn, “They Were whence tliev wore ta Japanese regiments — in The ‘correspondent vouches the truth of his story. ac Senora end TRAIN STRUCK TROLLEY. morning o t is probable = that the coal stores have es burn- spree ed," - A derpatcn from. Clevelund, Ohio, Says: people were injured, three cae possibly more. of whom Will dic, as a result vos a collision be- tween a f MORE TROOPS FOR RUSSIA. A despatch to’ the London Stan- dard from Odessa says it - Aariar itatively stated that Rus caps earner It is said in cit the he Empire ae the > mobilization will begin a JAPS pee iG OLD RIFLES, Many Injured, Three Fatally, Near of Clevi breeds. ‘The sioner tem Shor Pca Yy narrowed down to a Po! a Berkshire and a Poland-Chin, At the conclusion Judge Ferguson sere his rea the Hehen: "aan in. these general character of hog demanded the packer that should be kept in breeder alike. Ho celled in liaving more even side back linca and a re uniform cov- ering of sam, less thickening of front shoulder, less flabbiness In belly and flank, ter < ham “The jpondent of the Echo Paris 5 writes “In the Battle of River the bo’! as ‘The electric car passengers fourtéon men and one woman, all of !ma whonr were more or less severely races bs jured. ; G ) men put out of action on each train hod ee derailed. Tlic |to a back that hu auee | Yo yee the final seer being in favor of the |Omht to cook a long remarks desired. Strain ateag a si were inchided information as to the ;5sweeten to ! ! Hour and corn mea cold water. artd the boiling water sand milk, Cook ‘threo or four hou abe Corn meal rley—St ir 1 tablonsioce suit the taste rust Coflee—Put 2 slices of brown | toast’ {n -1 pt. boiling water. simmor gently until] toast is oughly softened. Strain, add sugar Viand the 8 ‘the. globules to ter. | gToups, Jolin=J,, Cowie, Scottish export on curing herring, who was sent by the Minister of Marine to invostigate the | — fisheries on the Pacific Const, | s that one of the largest herring rps inl trices in the marie cun be estab- lished (here. bo OREIGN. As o result of recent outrages eastern Turkey, thousands are with: out food or clothing. The ladies of Japancae charitable organizations are arranging to send New Year's presents to the soldiers in the field. The steamcr Fitz Willian, with cargo of oil, has becn given up for lost. She left Liverpcol on Oct. 29 for Gothenburg, and no vestige of} her has been seen since THE COMPOSITION OF MILK, Milk is made up of water and sol- ids, the solids varying 16 per cent Mi) ,000 h. p. of water te th this ti Dominion pm the bill. hard to tes euallticn: and above all, —— sary ave vigor and copsti- well sprung ribs, heart girth and g-ceneral robust ap- pearance, With the vroper heel type in mind, it wili not be dificult ta recognizen Sultable stocker. To find him is a more dificult matter, Owing largely a Stockers for fecding. To get factory animals compelled to east porte own. he dues 86 ich’ importance cannot be attactied i the selection of the sire. If showld never be for- ag that hie is half the herd. Goo cows are all right to breed pee bat the dull should always be marred a S$ poor save ‘itty eents or a first cost ten to fifteen dollars when the _ fin- ished animal is placed on the market. Hesides this, tlic price nt which pure- baed bulls can be obtained in these days leaves no excuse for the use of AN INFERIOR ANIMAL. .. An abundant supply of cheap feed is essential to success in winter fecd- in, We ‘can no longer finish our cattle on a ration of hay and grain with any margin of profit. We must have something fa S t cost, and corn ensilage fills It is beyond doubt the best nd cheapct winter fecd ut our dis- posal. The chief advantages of on- si is the fact that can bi nu fms oC ies dear with aa satisfac- corn holds tirst mee t has solids, Cache solids not fat dissolved in the, ater ko a thin syrup, or serum: Fat will not dissolve in water milk itis foul ii Cie foriv of scroscopic globules, which vary in size from 1-2,000 to 140,000 of an: inch in diame “tor Voe globules in thie milk of Jerseys am! Guernseys are Jarger than those in the milk of Shart her ns and Iol- steins, As the amilking poried of a cow intreases,, they become smaller and omuch more numerous, “la drop of milS, freshiv drawn from the uchler viewe:) under ao mic Regia the globules will appear evenly tributed over the field. milk lias steed while group themselves ia little bunches they are at the right te mere ture to be sticky, Vhey will ran gether when agitated and may the will! - \O- “a ter granuve is the explinna- | tion, of shat tukes place in churning. ig. , the case come at to the naked tye ap put- | With Th and caands of growing o quan witht, it. he rh fatten cattle at reasons tHe of : Thay con feeding Rai apart fro Seer nutricnts which hes. ain, in that they exercise a benefici- flect upon Lhe digestion and gcn- eel Hiealth, Cattle that roceive lib- oral rations of sacculent feed, such as roots and ensilaye, will have the sleek, thrifty appearance of — grass- fel cattls, and there will be little trenble with indigestion or having them go off their feed, as is oftan, with cattle that are fed ex-. clusively on dry fodicr and grain. - The grain ration depends so large- “ly on circumstances that it wilk< not ‘be discussed here. It is always well, however, to commence with a com- \parative’y light ration ard finish the tnore coneenteatet grains. Water ant salt should always — bo within casy reach, and Loe: cacele PSOE PLE 5 os and west. the }- a farmer is almost | bushel any |cording to quality; mt ie ican unchanged No, 2 yellow, No. 3, at 66c, and No. 3 mixed 61 kc, on track Toronto. Oats—Continue strong at 33c No. 1 white, cast tow freights; 2, a2e, low {freights, and 314c 32c, north and west. Oats—$4.10 for cars d $4.25 for barrels on track for broken lots ies and 40c more for broken lots outside. Poas—Are scarce at 67c to G8e for No. 2 west (or eas st. SGc, east Une hanged, COUNTRY PRODUCE. Butter—Trade continues steady and prices are se ee iD Creamery, — pri Pepe 20c to a Beliedegn: cgpsels De Dairy tubs, choice ..... . d edium: ' do inferior grades uey. rot she good do Toate wells Cheese—Quotations " tor job ts here are unchanged at 10he to 10jc for large and 10fc¢ to lle for twins, E are quote 16c l4c Lic lfc 15¢ ci 23¢ per dozen, nt 20c¢ to 21c, ina limed at 2Uc. Potatoes—Eastern at The to on track and 0c 0 95e out store, Ontario stocks, Bic to on track and 75c out af store. loultry—Quotations are Sje to 9c for chickens, Se to Ge for hens, to 74e for geese, St t c for ducks, Ale to 12c¢ for young turkeys an to 10¢ for old turkeys. Baled Hay—There is plenty coming forward to supply the demand and quotations are «inchanged at $8 per ton for car lots on track here. Ba Straw—Is firmer in tomo - at $6 per ewt for lots on trac re. az MONTREAL eNUEE TS: sed al, Nov. 29.—Grain—RounA of No. 2 white cag fens ‘quo at ‘Ble gc per bush ie fool ent 80; straight rollers, ie 40 to $5.50, and_in bags, $2.50 to $2.65. Millfcod—Manitoba bran $17 to $18; tario bran in bulk, 50; shorts, $19 to $20, aml moullie, rolled oats, and the tone of the mar- ket is about steatly at $2.20 per bag, with barrels quoted at $4.65 to 4. Cornmeal—Is unchanged at $1.20 to $9.25: No. mixed, $7 to claver, $6.25 te o $1~ $1.35 to $1. 374 im 2, ae ne bushel, A ppevidsia Toney Canadian short cut pork, $16.50 to $17.50; light short “cut, $16.50 to, $17; ‘Amo rican clear fat backs, $20: compound: lard, Gic Tc; Canarian oe Thc: kel{le rendered, 8§ bacon, 12c te Ie; fresh Killed abat- tole hogs, $7 to $7.25; Reavy gs, S41. ue _ mixed lots, S400 rs seleats, $5 to $5.124 off ca Rececayayd fall shite, ie to 19ie:; eoloret: 1Mfe¢ to 10Z¢; Quehce, 9jc to ave rinet 20tc: ordinary grades, 10% to finest, 19¢ to 194; otter: grades 1S ye. dette ahd Woe Sai oe dairy, Ihe to 15 Selvet. new laid, gatherel isda alia, a Wee eth 2, Ve ay Oe to: 2te: ntraleht 2he to 21c; No. Sealy cee 1D, VATA ARKET. Nev. 29.—Trade was a little peiakce ut the City Cattle Mar- ket to<lay though there Wax no mat- erial change i prices For the local butcher trade there y detnnd, the wholesale having hati a chafice to dower their stocks on hand, and so were buying in fresh supplies “Phe pros-. pects of cooler weather also helped uality was s00n picked up. hes pias feat pete tle were a slower sale at Omics ure measure Wy mcans ; of a little scal os the eyepiece of aj imicroscope nes on this’ scale ; mark om the ficla of the microscope, | litde globules falling be-, sing the imicro-j jeer: “foun a contains from 50,- ca un ' scope It has \single drop of mils Heating and agitating causing run together in hastens cream rising Pasteuriving milk breaks groups of glob thinne } gravity sated of tlic same percent- ge of fat. through the ment, which thoroughly t rs of some 2 the Sno raS cine or even ordinary. black oil, which is perhans 98 cheap and efiective as anything elec. Canta enter! GROUND MEAT. Tho grotind meat used by poultry- men, ant purchased in a fine coni- tion, is (rst pressed by powerful ma- chinery. in order to extract. all to derive all the oil, the meat must be thoroughly heated, and steam is used 3 it. "The bones are allo ughter-: the pickings of the Hof which-is thoroughly at meal” are the sam otlof Ground meet Ge 3d. "ani : run was 100 loads, with 1,145 are ‘ sh nd lambs, m4 calves. ernoerorrraceirally nothing doing in the export [nv. ¢ Old Country Riarket Is very Jow, Sania AUOEA One arti! no possible profit for tho brtaoes cattle; ship) Butehors—Trade a little ri for cdmimon choice cattle stendy. 3 Stockers—Not many stockers © of- A fair demar for foot few good feeders Shee} sat ‘Lamba—Market steady ‘all sold’ ave ores steady, Hogs— teary, No change in the ertetions from last. weok. selects, While steaming of the cones ‘ot Moxicy recently, those who were on the Pacific Mail steumner Peru no-