bome Rade Proverbs. Rakey: | Notice _to Creditors. | J. R. KILBURN, | ) W. S.COWAN, t he has known: 5 UCTIONEER, Valuator, ete. Sales A contributor to The Freisinnize Zei sae doers ston the pales ot a horns | Tn ne 5 of WILLIAM Wholesale and Retail Dealer's A rine ounties of Perth of Oxford. Coedete ttt ) 4 {i Os! - us rig gy aptly octtended . , tung ae x ep med pr f = est | ten beate in» Soe we have known l@te of the Town- | Pertland and Thorold Cements, | tort, Aug. wort, m ae “peal ey. ’ rid a heap o ses ‘ Cockle’s Anti-b us k relieag sluggish-} Binod in the County Sewer Pipes Culvert Pipes, Taran: & NiCHO Wen voncerning women. tappears | cess of Liver* Yndigesf¥a, Sick éadache, “Of. érth, Farmer, Deceased. | FI 3 é LS from them that the southern arte gor Ih je and Heertbarn in an ‘incredulous! wa RE BRICK, &c. A’ ‘ GsIO ss RS YOR bib uTy or STRATFORD count themselves the mst chitalrous | short ipaée of time. Try them, you will Nowe Eis heweby given, puryuant to Sorted ¥aRD & OFFICK ~ ALBERT «1 STR«TFORD | op ghe shortest potice om on en r mivconbhe ie ‘ P fF of Ontario, 1867, chap 11 terms Cerx id 9 4 ae and gallant toward the ladies, are more find them effective and absolutely {tee from eat Eyre or yjer: Boag Las gto : « Orrin: —Old 98, Market St, Strat! Of the teary wayenent coarse and insulting in their prove rug | deleterious ingredients, ciateua or demaeda sgniact the Satape of ie "3 i . F % B LO x AM ’ mera ut, = —* = . Late our , o sel — PEMPREY, late of the Township of ELLICE, in the | . — pak reese breath than the colder northerners. Although SCICIDR IN WATERLOO COUNTY, (aunty of PERTH, Farmer, Deceased, who died | SLATE ROOFER. Ww. D. WEIR, —— . me , the Germans, the Seandinaviats and the - on of about the Heh day of Angst. 1880, are | —AND DEALER TX — ICENED AUCTIONEER aed Appraiser While ws see the ee eaves ngli 4 Lire to we Yespet ér, Dec ¥- -The body of Alexan requested to send by post. prepaid, or deliver to ° . a Counties of Pert om ee Salea = Ofshe granee—t i tive S00te foglieh are not compime ntary toWO | a yicKenzie was fourd today in ®] the undersigned Soictor, for MARY DEMP- Canadian & American Slate tended ip all parte 0 tthe ermete ae White wo yet tak dows oot up ‘men in theif proverbs; they are “rarely | swamp atout four- miles from thie place. | SEV and JEREMIAH CROWLEY, the Exece | wen Kenids ace walssT, MILVERTON wu ° SOG = ore oO We Testane the - P =“ > ormuw: ve b 14 Tse. To week et the ther brutal.” ‘The throat was cut from ear to ear, and | [or ot ihe lad Ot ean tarot becEMGeR | BOX 107, om 67 MILTON STREEI, incon oad the Gais ethey ware The Frenchrnan onze: “A man who | the cutti g was undoubtedly the work of oext, a statement in writing of Uheir names and } STRATFORD Ww, B. FREEBORN, _ Py 0 “ar se i mn Bes 6 of the crave _ has a wife has a plague." “A man made { the unfo earch men himeelf while in a fit reese, and full particulars ot their clafme and | LATS ASD ORs, aWESTAL SLATE. ' 2OFINO. LLB ASK, OST Let us launch us ernoothiy ot of straw is worth double as much as a | ot Gespstr, trought on ee ot emptoys by the ——— niemiaimmmiatattanataitel Pe qe and Pett VL". On. awriionet. Ss oney ty iatons billows of the iawn, woun-made of gold.” The Spaniard | ™e? t. He was over 60 of age and And Me ice te further given that after the sald |on hand Gia shina eonks te el ar ra hated seer tot | Wane Rates of Interest. Spretal at- And drift oat across the main saves: “A woman's advice is never of any hed lived in this tocaity ter more than 20 | test mentioned date the said Execulots aE san svarantced wt ectertiem. Oi weet AT hls Neondene ag We Stree Millie eo ’ ur ci cals a2 aol : bir af the raid deonased | FYE” : wank FP. &, » Of our childish dreacws agar. use, but unless you follow it she will rail years. __. _ cmoaget cop hae men thereto, Pav on waere j @@ Yact:—NearG T BK Station @3-1y Ont, Set fond. Jane 13th, Lame ody ‘ t bes si v P i 31 ry ie been giten a8 = Vorage off, bear ,atyouasa fool. Be on your guard Nearly all usae are slight, at first, but ed Wo oF tale of which native bes goer ed t selig ; ' A we te 2 execuion e. ™ . ¥ JAMES PROCTS 4 agi a. lad woman, but do nok put thelr tendency is to 0 lower the system jiabie. ‘or the said ameta, of any part thereof | Et U bu bey A EL. ‘ sin TALEATOR aT Ald our seagulls, nightiz 3? pour We. in a pood woman.” ‘‘There | that the sufferer Lec mes a ready victim ee ee —— terenved pig ria at the FOR THE A‘ cTIO or. ete, Sipe ae} at . nly aie Bai , ratent’ disesee. T teach ios ' ~ . we mdles every Satur = Where no wikier thatt o#+3 Ered wonly one bad woman, but eve ry “iid to any prevalent disesee. The use of dat al me dias at Pe , Old 68, Market street. lees xe partny il abel > band belie ves be possesses her. The Ayer's Oherry Pectoral, in the beginning b dav o ember t4e9. will receive peomp 4 ¢ wife . 1 ae ° . . Italians say: “Ifa rae jooes his ife and of a cold, would guard agai inst this danger. . W. LAWRENCE & SON, | Cheapest Store in the County. pm The old laughs we used to lore, & farthing, he has oniy lost a {* ing.” : oe aoe City of ere Solicit ors for You can buy godide cheaper there than an, 1 mo ait stuble ain ret The chief failings of the sex, according Death Dealing Drugs T254t waid Ex | an bay conde cheaper there than amy . & re yes — Fain ese sie ants Gxeieuattl nig Fae, toa whole host of English and German | Sach as Calomel, espns, etc., are : ily o'er ghe vay proverbs, are changeableness and talka- | remedies better left alone. They often For Sale. Cheap. rkbawman of the ee tiveness, the former of which is equally | saken event ong fcrnatitutions This 3. ‘ t ourselves 9 true of men and the latter hot disagreea- Surdock Blood isitters never does, it con Gt. ROBES, GLOVES AND MITTS, WHIPS, 53 gore Sar aoe a . : on tains fo mineral or other poison, and cures { ‘ e your ha elt >it ble to men in the Latin nations. . 1 . : 4r Highest Price Pad for Skank, Coon, . rer tine and « The cl hat “W ‘sindsand all diseasca of the stomach, liver, kidneys, | yity Muskrat and iieat Shins, Also Sheepskins -—— os Fats fo 19 charge tha omen’s minds 899 | howels and blood by anlocking the secre- | and Deer Skins ou —Jaines Whitcomb Riley ia NO. Picayune ‘April winds often change,” and the state- | gions and removing all imporities. JOHN F. 8C ee THE KEY TOU HEAL] H, ment that * A woman's strength lies in Strat? a. Now 18, 19 rt a * Daguerreety pes her tongue,” appear to be accepted in vere ag Pitas ry Onerart. -j —— Pal asthyt Sarious readings throughout. northern ecombtoed ill effects of over crowding, = Dexverseptriee were costly things at eee > sedentary occupations and monotony of JOHN ‘SWIFT, ip te first. “In Enyiand,- where the process Fira} The spécimen of “a Yankee fife ureonly too well known to those who ; ‘ ie site Das ‘-BLOOB had been patented by an enterprising sipwart! is characteristic: “Women cam } pave ¢o pens the best of their lives Iaboring OPPOSITE THE G.T. R. SHOPS, 4 “ * j person who stole it from France, the keep a secret, but it takes a big crowd of . factories and crowded workrooms. The | JY 48 3OW ON HAND a most complete Fall charge was 24 guineas ($12.07 for a da- them to doit.” The Chinese say that ulsory continement weakens the gen- Segey of ~ ‘urreotype only %jx4jin., and 4 guineas * ‘A woman'stonguo ia her sword,” but erat al health and induces chronic constipa- BOOTS and SHOES (820. 1€) for one twice, that big. In this * ‘sho never lets it grow rusty.”—New | tion, indigestion, and various forma of ’ ; ; country the prices for the two sizes were York Sun. skin,diseases. Holloway’s remedies are Of the — Manufacture and be nd be en Geet Th ati, My ide, 16 at el PE ere alitha elonced avenses of os worth #1 © a you are . ugh oie the brother test t Styles. ove ply 6 and Tiwch, made from boat Kidn nd Liver, ’ pelet _— of priceless valde to persons of this class, Prussian iron, 8 A cigows @ and 7 inch, tt els, eye an . at first $5 nd $10, but eventualiy, when Difference In Eggs for thev can be used without entailing lona worth the. Maw Port's s encahing leona a = ret, | ingoff gradually without weakening other recesses iaeucdent the field, daguer- : egeta fure and we them w_ betore re q else ot phe cleriix ‘tems tom, purities ax reoty: = cae. down to 25 nnd 50 canta, | In form and general aspect the differ- Ps wort, beg purely vege i with, B there nice reasonable ‘ane at stall etc mM; conn,” Yes can ov fig Bo prt mace i Nagethnn mine at th 5 = ss + \ Canadian and Americ at whic oh there surcly could have been She atnong birds BES ts endless. Some | out a harckeess on the most delicate system. | ,,,, . i on rope 2c a pe Sipe toetitle, eolue. — gs go time ~Correcti: Acidity ~no-profit-in--them.—The daguerrecty pe. 2° elongated, some. are spherical, sone The expeririice of more than forty years RUBJERS AND OV ERSHOES. tated ie Boston. Eos ectric soaptor thc; Laundry globe, : 9 had to-bo very carefully protected from. &° © ] proves that np means surpass Holloway's| Repairing of all kinds done Neatly, Cheaply | 12 dare for thc, Castile, § bara tor ssc; utycerine; wa the atmosphere, and even then was pop- 52° ce are dark and others gray or white, | remedies for curing bad legs, bad breasts and Frowpaiy. a poed ceed of tz cakes: Ortiats andl, s Skates veep. 7 pe is skew ‘ others very bright! The shape of piler. and wounds of al} kinds We havequted goods chough to show that w miarly believed to fade outvere long. It t ©e5 a ine) John Swift. fe have a lot of crockery aay offers as ninch diversity as their size and dos sea Io natcee ve eight. ‘They tay be thrown, hower é, . gpeke wittea f Se ie wee The Reliable Boot and Shoe Man. own rit so come right along, Rementsr to speak authorit: itivaly=that a propo nto six dierent oF. typical voreai fee | readers that‘I have # positive remed 4a CCAL ! COAL, i ad OL ¥ *? MARKET st REET, erly made daguprreotype would not cylindrical, the ovals. ~ epherica the above named ms By ‘ita thinely ' . * OFTORETIE JANES CORCORASS fade ont. Jt would become covered. bya °* icular banc The } ot thotisani af legs cases have been —-' c film..of ‘een that woald render che oy icular form of egge belongs to the Pas- eigen cared shall be glad to send | EGG, STOVE, No. ‘4 NUT, AND H U BE R & N IC HO LS : ra~ }.4¥o poitles of m’ : _ BRIAR. HILL. pictare qqnite-inrisitte; bot that” coat sere end Gallinces...tio: excl. tothe tg however aflirmed by Mr. A. Bogarilas —anid surely nobody has. a bettér Fight’ * Auctioneer, vir, for Cousty of Perth ef Stratiord. nex. to. any.of any ty be i ts " tirat pacious birds and the Palmipedes, the your readers who have congumption iffthey L = ; cei — ee 2 see peop nieal ‘to the Wading birds and some send me thefr Ex xpress es and P. oO. eh saat spuwcoars is + ORY wel serweme pptverweet : - Btaatfosd, by Ons Stns, 1s. ‘ o3>-dus TREASURER’S SALE OF as when rst made, Tis bG. had’ a Palmtpeds, the short fo some yamé'and!| "Respectfully, Da. T A. SLOCUM, PR. JARVIS, peters * 3, iny stiftedt Digds gnd the sphe rical to! , , 164 West Adelaide st, Torqnto, Ont, Coal Me reat. - Office over Toltom's Yellow Front, Market St. a for: Taxes | ».| Bry iad hs tog ae acral, fected. if pictures that had vanish from sic-ht fifteen’ vears béforr they were! ) ngcturpal birds of poyy and the ki put lit his Abe for treatmeiit sa If afarmer has a flock. of 100 Lens they. ee produce in egg abe lis about 137 pounds of, ; Tndis 4.3 Tanpertint. nemtadioniindsinhtn use a. Mee chalk annuntiy: and” Fet not ti pound of as 10n ne —— the om enietenge didi tae sro the substance, or perhaps not even an | paid S of seererceees Ps ‘ “ nea of Pp > aes c , L; yt ¢ | os vo ober, 0, commanding me ae see hontai vi; 4 of plea al ounce, exisjs around the farm house | Ps not he ba Wibeieting comnltiy? of todeetn be a a ‘ones applications of it Knpf @ today, and; iwithin the circujt, pf their feeding’) pissing de ee oan les shea ene I hevebs give Notige, that wnlew such Arre a Sd igrounds’ Tho materials of-theirananu-|) gooaa ts “aie 33 FREEMANWS i ai Uosts are-sonner ran Fy proceed to sel} Ue oot of tha j tea! 4 factursare foand in the food eonsinied, feepted,, pargnt of innumerable } : ualich thirent St mia: be necemmry for fame’s ‘roll of the imu:ortals. deserves‘ Lou are malatics. That AY ex's Sarsaparilla d-s WoRt POWDERS the poyment of Taxes * thereon, to stand that of: Lopis dapques Mamie} toast ae — eee HE he Sal is the reat cure, er Tadige ation, even * | At the Orty Hak, in the'Ci: ity of Stratford, Paguarre. ‘ - JONES, + hem i m plicated w ver Com Ix aul. 1fCongellpn- aaa other birds are’ contifually picking from * pheieae the ee Soles ere. sph ae 9 The Thi ri i hey af be y Never Siniled in TAfe.> 4 ‘ithe earth. The instinct is keen for these’ from a: Sook. Lake, of Brockway , Gestroyer af worms ia Chitwace a, Day danciry, 1880, ‘A. inast. cemarkablé casy: was brougtn apparcaily eee and. refractory pes Rag Tim ty EW = de Ick 107 OF mA senna : 2,4 Site pare eee sae Sears to light by the esronér” rently duting Substances, t are cared with |" a op complaint > indigestion : : : : a Patented an inquest on the body'of an Sea ll, a’ eager a relish a» the cereal grains or coain my life a at — iooke peed PERS No. 30 Ontano St —Sign Lot 362 Wem ne SeutOnens. Tota girl who died Thihday nig! ctele fo one, insects. If hens are cowfined to bars or | gour. lintold ‘ago : AND BORDERS ~of the Big Boot: - toe b RRs Big RS room shanty’ which: ay. ight fa. Gag! outbuildings it is obvidus that the ecg Lo rhb phony rpg armen and ted rarity suavT OPEN ZED a. ° don's survey, acre oe 200 255 55S awidow ‘and her six children, Josephine producing machinery cannot be kept —— ~—— grey J ha Mi akon i = And added to my Stock, thich makes a grand Lot 25 Susth One wait. rabeki. tho ded ciel, who was the eld- long = a unl — es materials for igrtsts ° colicat igen on dnnsted y variety to select from. ‘New is the time to have THE OLD R6LIABDLB b hchianea’s aartage 2 —_ 221 373 12.96 “$st of the family. hed never waliced a: the shell are supplied in ample abun- | all. Within the time mentioned se paocot ? Lot sci. West Romeo street, Arnold step in her life, eheshad never seen the! dance.—Popular Science. physiciang treated me without giving to, Painting, Graining; and Papering Doe} BOOTANDSHOESTORE.| ‘usiieegcet van “°° °° 7° light of day, never heard the sotnd of | —— ete = Be i took seemed to do Neat, Cheap : and 1 Expeditionaly, a Lot 115, Kast Cedar street, Alexan- : y permanent Li ntil T corhmenced dei =r Grant's sarvey, 1/5 &59 3.71 12 30 voices, never uttered an intellicible sylla-j _ The 1804 Detar. the use of Ayer’s # Sarsaparilla, Sich Toth Alex: ble since the day of her Lifth And was) “There is something curious about the has preduced wonderful -resu Soon CITY WALL PAPER Daud PAINT g OP To Reduce Stock styler + Grant's wurvey, 1/6 acre, 61-87) 12.92 never known to smile. | American silver dollar and half dol- after commencing to take the Sarsapa- i a: eau = . 9 | ast tg eh yo nays peg is62 3.8 19.40 - Sho ate what wag give a ber, rejecting lar of 1804," said a numismatist, **There pr wo Raggy Fpl wiheemyeaerton IDINGTON’S BLOCK, FRIE ST. WE WILL SELL AT G. W LAWRENCE . nothing, und ‘never making asign that | were about 20,000.0f the dollars coined, | and with it came the ‘ability to digest 690- Wm. CASSON. LARGE R LDUCTIONS — “Treasurer. eho deained more. . Tho only feeling that | but not one of thena ever: got into circu- all the food taken, my strength im- | ~ A POOR MAN'S FRIEND. str tier october sn, ie this sewi-inanimate creature ever be-|lation. Two of them arein well known! Fiooths of He a] and after Ja few few $ For Cash q eo teeta i 5 trayed was when a flower would be, coin collections today, however, and! directions, I found myself a yon well | poh will save days of » ahi ndman? a ° placed in her hand. At the time of her! they aro the most valuable of all Amer- | woman, able to attend to all household | ?..? lari time and a piped “e Hills. one ne aieets FLOM NOW TO ‘ we oy sleath her body was no larger than that} ican coins. Why the dollar of 1804 was oe The medicine has given me @ | frendis Prauy Davis JANUARY 1s, 1390 ; f an ordinary 10-yeat-old child. Afj!never seen in circylation after leaving new | of life. 3 £ ‘ 4355 Ms a . her limbs ‘were Ya 9 proportion, but her! the mint is one of the unsolved govern- A ] e P AIN- ‘K ILLER. Toe in -- ’ , a i= knees were drawn up: to, that ‘she had | ment mysteries. It is asserted on good J = p I > . S FINEST QUALITY oF oe been able to omit What sur- authorii, that the two 184} dollars now : OF $ arsa afi ay PP beg narows. t AEN st qonan Seconlony ‘Re aoots conn oiaiaaiel “~ Prisod the family and tho néiguors most in existence, while haviog been made siigy @ Eee TS Dyspeprin was Chara din Ca "SHOES, was the smile én tlie face of the dead from the original dic, were in-reality | Ors J. C, Ayer &. Co, Lowell, Mass, | Throat, Cous' , t. oF ‘irl. Her countenance looked Tike that! net coined for many. years after that Price ¢1; six hottigg, $3. Wiarth $5 = bottle. ‘2 UBED re SAT CT, <4 carey Weed, ‘ SLIPPE RS, Ec. i LA of a be autiful an *>) in sweet répose, and year, when they were surre »ptitionsly ar 1 == the eign ch e. "Pate | ub getting of ‘ the tips were} arted ja a heavenly smile, struck, and, it is supposed, issued to a WAN TED! / ralgia and Khe sons ite eee Soluby Dewera | Neat, For cy, Sty tylis! , Comfort able; When 1 enCone re wet thong Ly she, had never smiled in her life. pha high in authority, from whom M* ily, ohn sodens oF Rene Stock, on on Solery ra ity ing hikes WP. Weg g pee, aud Subet: ‘ val - . oa bimuaety nea them hv ipesa returr ~Chicago Herald, + hey subsequently passed into the collec- miapion. I can make 4 wecemfl 8 OUD "EE Bi ».* aud Subetastias "Liga Ty dyy ARAYI GAL CURE iil ons idk Sanaa . pat referred to, The Rat, dollar of, of ; Se ES Peete re Aw é Beware of Counter felis, ard Imitattons. a _ . - have ~ Bae Visstiggase off, . Sell Ezcs hg Wetght «> |180$.is Burrounded. by.9 pagwery equally") LEONE taraisn handsome oats bree snd py | A eee Ae - P Se eer ¥IV8S; EPILEPSY or ° § « scene in a‘ grdcery: “Pwo! profound. There were aver ,150,000 of , yee caer er eee aerate eek. Write for H OS- LAWSON Ss}: FAELING SIo tates rought in ‘tone s tb fede tbe coingg.but Rot one of thes ywero’ : ; BO. @ cre Ad Kea Tes NEW ‘GOO — ’ inthe Pince eae alwas age he beg? - te e one was exidontly peat de his eg53 ever ki, own to be in circulation. the : Vata 185" Soni i ‘f agai proudot the birds fist Inc them. | otfier band, tat 700 gone Gatiaea were: WEST * Just” Received. ., ich point she rensca tot pet personae eae Ue baka flock of fing Pisqpouth Rocks. | ee in, that year: atid” sfictimend: off Faniily Meuse Canada: _ Reg Doar +0 dome ree Syn [ie sana ‘costa You Elves ohn und she exzs they Ti ware bebiliies ese are in every cofffctioh and numid- - DISINFECTANTS." stenivoad: 38h i tinted Sa sitcureyom, Addteest HG. ROOT, M.C. doren Of. theta weighed cist aioe! ynatist's shop.”—Philadelphia Press. ba . Brauch Oloe, 164 West Adelaide Street Soe, chacamsinnetlsgiae| nse eee | (RIN, OF FU -WRERLS:| °gtt.XB OE BIScienriFic AMERICAN == synces egch. The other faltier _ . Pure Alr ene |B Poison re) | L t - x aa his’ cat withtut siete & bord had “an foglishman ix credited with the “FREE PRESS, "Tasect Pat der Iz ESTABmISHED 1d~ 5 DONT DESPAIR. i nothing to say'6f them ot (lie for TRA’ discoy is a nee Of Prokdiic : s : popula? sctentifie and | oa SL so8 Giscoy ery Peoducing per} - LONDON, ONTARIO... ~ — © Sponges, Chamois, &., dc nechamical paper published and Ras (ho aid thet. A doze =] a LS eges ve, shed pectly pureair from the cops bustion of | ~ . ae ponges, mamois, Ce, ~ | esreulation Of any per of its cians sm the FYOUR BAIR & FALLING “our. j twenty-one’ ounges, an_averge of one, coal. : The process is very, siuple, a ce THE HANDSOMEST 3 PRIN TKD PAPER = ze 5 ings! ‘Pues Hlustrat od. week. bead ‘ we a or gray, there 8 a out oh the the gnd. three.quarter, ounces: each... Beth described: ax fellows: It consists of By AO. “2 Seats Poh rdaceeat ee oe ar Ts: 4 “HAIR eaaee: 4 : , tots of eggs wero-cartied tothe rear of prick chamber about 5x2x2 feet, built E i JOHNS’ : pe by a clerk, apeye and — upon the ground. Atoneend is a feed AUL TE THE. NEWS. WN. FULL, Arcuitects & & BUILDERS DE. De RENWEND'S got acent apiece for his eos chamber and a fuel chamber, and at the vg ‘ NO Of the small-eges ‘passed ‘a bystander other a powerful exhaust anid? blast fan. ames ih ber ot eit Uaeful, DRUG 5S T QO R E, ney caper : . in going ot he.winked knowingly and Placed intermediately beficen the cham- Are given wench week. Market Souare. said: “That man with the big eggs. ig. 4 berand the farrtite-baffie plates, splitting Special Market Dépar Stratford, Sept. it, 1889. 582-2 fool; his’ bens eat a heap. mere than plates, a standing, bridge’ with perfor- dsricalcerah Department ooo mine; make no-more egs—though they ations at thd batk, and a hanging bridge [Capital Story aleays blades a Sas — SB Pe : are -bigger—but he gett mo. more-for with pérforations at the front, There Txpeniows Pusate Colanin them. "—New York Matl and Siprece aré gis several carefully pro portioned Hmmorous Reading. MEDICAL HALL. ‘A Remedy for Priekly Heat. Jnlets ta supply tar epetie en of als ‘Just the Thing fo for the Family! uisite for perfect combustion. fesu- “I Bave just diseotered thet if any per- ing from a fan mouth of twelve incites | °° = her of the : honsehoid eagerly looks for Thermometers, it cach Weck NVAUZO Aan sata. ity eH ot summer jy didtieter, comes rushing a column of Bnd Agricattgral, Department sa noted featere a B Ja i. theres va the places in a weak solution jog air, marking on the prrometer at ita | of the" TREE PRESS.” bein aware arse ence your mark ts mot reipered H prs age a "ei dry them with a exit a steady, uniform temperature of papa hits i, stated arometers. Bicectate beset Gana or hlanabe. ae wanls powder —_ 00 ‘decs. Fahrenheit. Not ‘trace of % <a —ALL KINDS AND P. S. Nag t EL yak gaye + tiem a H with a powder made of equal parts of gmoke or fume is vkible to the eve; nof | LARGE $1.00 PAPER. BIGE : “DEE & . Pasens Goteteeres <4: : faller’s earth and rice flour, they will gaint of any Kind’ 4s perceptible to the. In Clube of Sur and. upwards, Tic each, D Th GumunAs Deviexs OA pre x. ¥- - ” , i . ivave perfect ease, i ‘should he’ done taste or smell. —New ‘York oe BALANOE.Ok OF 1883 FREE. airy ermometers, a A, vw. ens x crea Ba Pe ae Ms - 3 : and Bp giervin ns Snape atts, Ow the Niéw Pork wiecapea tt" elk ‘Hahpsoms.— « t » Bet gis B. Fine Si ore. a Geod Stove, ; PREPARATION; | bin —_ Feihedy, bat einply Spyly a hy has been said by peopleot wane t Ghrigtmas - Number : ~'Phermometecs. : sy ails 7) Mele pe on nattite’' “aed ‘wit proper, : e cold cream, .which Ser ruchow over: obse: otf thy o - . ‘ ". x » « hie ‘And ote thaf wil! give you every estiofej tee wil 4 Gne bead of halt and i ite . » she palecd' id irs ok eet rvation that the impulsive,.exucitable AXD= gives ry ens tet, Ah Gane ys tion “y “ nathing ele VOL: I hace — hiddee man onthe platform near the middie of ‘FOUR CHROOS * A; H. NASMY TH &. CO., : tien ge te =: _bateess. Departing to tg hair a much desired ‘ ey \ that 2 ens ©3 the car just as the coming toa iGiren away tree of charge to every mibmériber fon - poftns +s beauty. that you get it. All ; ‘ . ere nearty Wild with she irritation stopieho is jumping: sated nrg | 1:00... Artista who have seen the advance sbegte of 63 Oxtanio. Start’. A Brandenberger reitabte drucgtets wal: Se tare aloo that yoo f = i baok: ‘orth, the Chr gem,” and 2 col > ‘ q egpetwre ; 4 Nee om eens bite * tot in cite in a he certain thich door ta-run for, ia tte aces ajoog wagth the price t presons wale ription, @rRurcrmé Nicat Ber, bi ones Wen, the only he eon aii botiles. If Fe Olive Ha — hor cotd Creauh. — “niserable, anancin the -workd, but beis Stratjond, Nov. 12, 1889, . pic Oa the Marks LEquare. ito Dower areata, Pra pr bt i pie 238 a ‘not; the most truly Wwretéhed ig therone Agents - Wanted Bverywhere. . Ute A. wend, : rice #i per , Py oe gore Martha Wis hingtod tero Who has put -his ticket in This pocket and ag oartpaelis ~~ germination ay _— a Mana 5. Goatees Row | isres see 2m, mets ar a oe wn wis, Bet oe & > most more, Gers for loss of appetite im your horse Monthly Paym Frontpienes, Wares, ea, and, Toupess a sand a Gen. Grait.” is the way “4 ‘@ dollar and mingty-fivetcents’ | money can be mate duniog the fall and sinter’) and eattle. [All work oodered. 5 cco dd and A heeaase see te Seon ied ween yor te a local sport gnnounces |i possession of ©) ene gy Oelgpe hs erect an ia = A CRYING Evil. — cules are often atari 78 gan ried” Want any, this in the coreect place tone to. Sent 19 $10 in. an bulls by the vignettes on pens Oppe New ¥ i Tribane gives op ~~. -- ~PRERPRESS- —— freggal and ¢ worms are BRA for the new sive ae re pied tall i : sei in een Victinie New Tor London, Ontaria, ' Dr.. Low's Worm : yeep safely pacer sail A. ANDENBERGER. Grows the hair te best advantage. Mention 2 Uy i : Dec Sra, 1839. T0. 6=— Worms. . Peper when writing. spam, “F