VERBAL CURIOSITTES, “| M mrstuomrimmrese | | A REFRIGATOR FOR $8/SALESM EN Sonia aap Tt Breught ‘lizy from the Meeting, but i oli WANTED. > Its OMpring Waa @ Failure. - — 2 ~ Sate FRANK STAUFFER'S RESEARCH AF. Over at the West End theré livesacol. | & Wonderful Vegetable Diseovery That B =e ER ONES A oe aor ees B HIGHER... by toenails Steady om TER THE ORIGIN OF WORDS. ored farnidy which is noted f6r yossess- I Rewmereg.the Torribte Nesults frment ao : vamnto ad “ea i . = i. ing a breed ef cata which it stears to of Overwork, C A N A 4 = f ‘Sq ’ ¢ > V7 B3 : ight wan, Send for terme : j Many Expressions That Seand Awkward hare a monopoly of —r cogrkably intelli- woe . Ss Ss s . Sy CHASE BROTHERS Co. and Redundant Had « Sensible Begin’ ot anismals “abdy ave not alwas A True Invigorator. : acutaapen ruthorne, Ong... ning — Words That Have eeu Puisted be ek ind Not dor as . uae WIRE CLOTH, for -Window and Door Screens. | TA KEEP EAW BD ¥et-Hetaiw-Their-Origivat signinesnee. "Pe Gi » Bae ce Hilt SES er as inn Fe akness apd prostratjon f the nervous ~. , The otigin of some words {s a pecutiat aA Nere hom a daught poten vusely Sele ial over work and GARKDEN HOSE and SPRINKLERS, WAGGON S. as the subsequent deflection of their at oe : Wotty which brings sostow apd suffering to ' led, called one even cee ait as. i . ; Reins epicrenting, The conta an up an ally where ths peopled | any Catan lame, Tee ci LAWN MOWERS, of Canadian and American Make, CPE exoenstoTT ning end» daqueer origin. A promontory call semetS of nerveu® weakness, are seen of . a Ae etootyt bd octewrrerrrtt create te , ore rot oor, . 1 4 - ery bewt quality of Oak Lambe t NTals inte ihe ai ’ la X. oS seepared t “farmed the shore eels: mesic bi G ibe die pa phe " : “Does Eliza Orangeblossom live h ere? Tt wig Pi sane “a Tarred Fel Straw Board, Plain and Tarred. mre 1 ° — oe a0 sibs ane wnedis the : ; ufitetreabing slwen, leek o metite = ° ew - @itrance into the Mediterranean) ees the lady naked. ape diag lla 2 ee “c ” : . - LOWEST PRIGES The ancient Moors t nilt a f rer r nh. | Yes. she do, ma'am; but she pin’t in | Pepe. and lost energy and strength, ate the Blue Belt Building Paper,—a superior and can @ -rrant them to be the siesta A CUTiress Uy ne’ eis ute,” as he stou Yo: first symptoms of more serfous and danger, . a . ee nak co Cpanmtaatitat To,” = Bok af you chop tn 1M ocx’ | oc tenia Felstethe wap taal Pente article. Mixed Paints of the genuine aigntoct farining and Bout on cat 4 = srifa,” tic by tit ie out or r her. Paresis and Insanity beyan. Do not delay . : g Durable in Canada. ELA dEN a a € a maby * sae She the way daand seat he lady " tlonee ene - i ““ " Wide and Narrow Tires al in stock. 1 Shortene:| to tariff, Another word with et i ed a at ae ated ~ en amomentlonger, ke some time it will Le Elephant Brand, at make 10 ORDER Farm on 4 Spring War can, wish a@ queer origin is the word stoker In in theliving room o MO SOM = @} ‘tom late to r “ram yout lest heakh and the New National Stee! ol: Sell-Cnibeg A Azies Old English “steik” means to “shut,” Were several cats present, one of which, vitality Use Paine's Celery Compound the stromesat Was on #. preg se wad ise rn ascrawny but alert looking Maltese with I us tut W. wih are warranted ©) rum eighteen hundred and ‘‘stoke” to «hut up.” Chancer sara: . bbed bt nd i how, and the dull eos will regain their miles without rin ed ” “Ss amiable and in- 0 “Then hadst thou the gate stoke” (shut) BT?" exe e Seiied Up: RISERONY Ne brillancy, the cheeso:ill grow re the Baggies = Demos rate vitals in Stock, The - i ts the Wértingly against the visitor's dress . ; ; t Bottom Pri than on the engine who puts the “Yor . t i brain become clear, the nerves st ny and coal into the furnace, and then “stokes”! ~~ /70U come "way rom dar, you . ring of all ki ind propa attended te £m Repai ‘ Malty! exclaimed the colored woman | “¢@dy, your sleep restful and re fresh &- Trotting Sulkics Built to Orde the deor, becomes a “stoker,” or shut . ap; setive good, and health and happit V V7 d up-er! jto dpc at. te fice daw me? eet te will take the place of misery and sifieri ng. e mM O e , e mc O e GEO. MINCHIN, & COMMON BALIN ATION, ‘go cber t'de chu'ch and git gt Peempcr A. Sahiston, the well known lithographer a Shakespeare The annual fair in the isle of Ely was Dring her home. You go fetch ‘Lizy! of Montreal, writes: ‘In the sumer of Shakewpeare, May 30 1888. 45-ty called St. Audrey's fair, and much ordi. She repeated, holding the door open, 1888 I had to work very bard, iad i ST. JEROME'S COLLEGE. . mary but showy lace was sold to the’ The cat after sidling and wavering on | troubled considerably with insomnia (sleep- o Beri, Ont he threshold t, ! besaness). your Haine’ cpeaia = ° ene eons iad Compound, and after taking the country lasses. St. Audrey's lace soon * aONG & a as cats always , ¢ ee became proverbial, and from that cause do in order not to appear too obedient, > Bois it Hk Loe COLLEGE OFFERS splendia tawilitios : taudry, § corrupticer a of St. Audrey, was disappeared through the door. sma of two bottles, felt Hi nadia Has Barnes to his New Store, On} aw student wo Puosormicay and actu : *” t's rest gave me hat) marta ¢ established as a common éxpression to.“ Will—will tig eat bring’ your daugh- | “ge tne ener a the day, and: inste al of D St., t ame 4 futtion, $125.00 par cata Pee pan denote not only cheap lace, but any other * i ae pongo! — il ‘Starting om, ape A a aie OW nie ticulars eddrees 00 por anton. For par i 8 bless ye, you wai as ii com a day's wor . oe eee SEN Hc Sicve see,” said the colored woman ao of being about to commence one Two Doors South of the Commercial Hotel, Rev, L. FUNCKEN, C.R.D pd its quality or value We now spell the Some minutes went, by, anc tho lady |~ T started out in good spirits, | ‘ari Where he will have a Large Assortment of Berta, July oth, 1a08. Lino 2m 1 1 ' hink th and strong. My wife and various rge _ word * “tawdry” and ‘hee it in the same pyre to thin at the mission was quite to whom I recommended the medicine, COUNTY OF PERTH. sense. ailure, when the 'ddér Opened anda have been benefited , and in fact New Goods, Watches, Clocks, Jewellery UBLic NoTcE! Pees Wasdia wi be le The salutation, “How do you do?" rapping Corge “” gg pe ome * Paine’s Celery Compound is a houschold 5 Pte tendance at the Clerk's office on the first end sounds like an awkward andgedundant Maltree cat et her heola, The girthad | wend ia our fondly. Silverware, Spectacles, Fancy Goods, &e.,c., 9 [Reese asech eet, eee ee to eee fentence, and yet its origin was.a sensi-. a & , — er Al s office on Tuesday and Wednesday of each wee, bie~one.: Dow” tn “old English: “— fatumy, dic you send dat'ar Malty ways in tock. from ten to. three o'slook..The Treasurer wil! bs * to fetch me? Fhenredag ree ad nee acnten, Wek is nounced do, means “to be able,”*to “Co'se 1 did.” A COooK BOOK . aaa Thursday, a and Saturday of cach thrive,” ‘to prosper." 1tshouhl-—not ae : : . - during same ingaeettedamiaucy, tar tris saneaun? “Wal now, P'm tired o° havin’ dat cat er poet ees Cheapest and Best Goods in Stratford. Give me a Call. Wan “. DAVIDSON, Oo. Clark, to saying, “Bow do you thrive?” “How fUerin me up wherever I go. Seems mal any lady pondig wt Co. Montreal. W.H ROBERT — ener do’ you prospe The colloquialism, like can't go nowbere but you send her end Cun. ‘ . Ss. P “Fie ix a do-lem (dow-leas) fellow,” had after ine! De eet tO pee eens STRATFOR Stractord, Oct. £3, 1880. Te. | Marble and Granite Worke | ° ao d » wh in’ sittin’.quiet in de pew listenin’ to ‘ coe sais fray na 0 priapen. ——s Matildy Johnson relatin’ her 'speriences ost | ‘ab IF YOU WANT Ge*tanutactarers of Po orview and’ Cue When, as Americans, we use the word rn ing an’ >. ‘t a tbe. in walks dat ee dian Marble cod Crauite Monutveat, Tombs cute in the sense of “clever” or “sharp,” "ht up de aisle, and begins mewin' an Tops, &e. Insertstions cut tn Engiieh aad wo keep within the legitimate, which Y°™ lin’ atde pewdoo! _ Oh, dey wus all | Dervaer, MAL Good V alue for: Y our Money sg ee Stratiord. “gannot be said when we use it instead of 0%iN" And Taughin* and nothin’ fer me Tele = im) hw. pretty. ‘Ain't it cute?” has bee adopt- ter do, o'co'ss, but ter went right out, 1} 500 12 45| Toronto ............... 8 oni 13 8 ———— er seit micnewente evar in we nes| udemnsc| sate] GROCERIES, CROCKERY — tent. When we hear aspeaker say “'sist- “gou wouldn't like ro ay fotched home seoccnconcooe! an ag! f ’ ; p > + Well ren” (sisters) we consider him lacking in “8Y fom de pra’r meetin’ by.@ little, teem London .......... area omlres 7 aii : ‘i Designs, 1 i aw legitimate ® word as “Tha tie ir Gaull no ‘_ ae inwardly 9 30 4 20) Bt. Marys... i io 70 GLASSWA RE aia meningeal «= “brethren,” and both words date back to sig oy. esp Guetpa, Shakes-; ? the time of eran who. called. the ‘¢koning that. she wouldn't. t her cal sel Went enton. sco 30 a . BOUQUETS, fates “the fatal sistre admiration for the cat was so greet thas | 4 90] Tor. & Stratford west..| 11 10 All Kinds of Household Necessaries Brekets of Flowers, Choice Flowering and RIGHT To SAY = - — a go slp ering to get one of ; oe 7 rts — i aoe a 99 Se ao . Foliage Plante, ¢o te If it is tosay “ ho ang ber ittena, anima, owever, Was ), 12 45) GTR of Toronto! - tw - A a ae Pact orate: wie vaantenn aac oe say 2 Great disappointment. Not that he hag 4s] Ba LW. Rast... 8 0 The Best Lines of Ales, Whiskies, Wines, and all kinds WH. Burnham ‘sGreenhou y ert, scemed to be lacking particularly in in-| 9% 3° B.& L. H. weet... .... Li 10 , ? Cn Wehr, “anywhen?” The others merely survived & pa | Goderich, Sea f L . Feb. 15, 1888. 6mly it, for Mackay quotes the expression, “I — gence—he was oe jen emonyeh, om . » an Mitchell, and ee rn ; ; _. @, iguors, M4 will talk the matter over with you any- the contrary, to get himse! ge | P.D. and Btratond | 3 Go To ——— = _where..and. ansywhen.” “Craft”.-and: fe and petted without rendering =F “10 30 “6 20°C. Bsed LE Ry. ad oo ~ juocess access the Test tut of of ‘Worth “cunning” at one time stood for “akili” Tturn whatsoever. He sits in the win-| 9 30! 12 45) Buffalo’... 8 0 Hel ( Ae and “ability.” The word “botch,” ap- dow pretty nearly the entire day, watch- | 490 Western States ....../ 1110) 7 00 : tos: tad workman or his work. is 28 = panorama on the street with evi- —2 00) 12 45. Kagtern States... ier} 8 7-90- =from the word “bauch,” meaning indif. dent thterest> and never appearing to oraes wana. ferent....."‘Putting. the cart.before. the {¥¢am fora moment. that Le has. any (Deity) Gadatet, em. . NBW sTORFH social duties.—Listener in Boston Tran- ulree, Hampsted and horse,” @ common expression for begin- 10 30 Nithbarg............. 1 00 - ning to do a thing at the wrong end, "C"l’*- ——_______. j mae Man a MYERS’ BLOCK, DOWNIE S7REET, was in uso as early as 1533, and first ap- E Pre 1 4%) coy and rll 3 00 1 in the Greek of Lucien, nearly; r a Opposite the City Hall. & ethinz in the tele —______. Crear a paren rer nthe tdephene Hoe] Tae Saooae ma ning, BES “Vamose." a slain expression w hich a Riletare y aad {Sam Duy , Thursday : e . up President Carnot’s ministers Ly tele- | ail from Listowel at 10 30am eame into use after the Mexican war, is plone and denounced them in a most OLD COUNTRY ninth . EB 0 I the Spanish camesn, ‘Het-as re. To Mail via Halifax Packet closes every Thursday m, - vi,erous and treasonable way. He was 00 a. “bully.” moaning to worry or torment rH “- i vagzering manner, is said to have “Tested, but the French courts held that estes aul ttn tans nate, Famous Heary Bodied.O0 for all Machinery, na awe ny 7 wT, f Hi 1 . 2 2 a teste iat many Sap yy frhoneratepna wire are “aE Ree | MOOT, BROS & Co, T nick a vers take In ike ka ee rket, not penal offenses. This shows that peat Hage ¥ will be open to box holders oO, oron O, Which drove od ac a na i " » — at m. ican be a cee usion of Borger, the erteninal laws do not keep pace with Money Order and Savings Bank Office is open use it once use it always, new inv entions. It is so the world ever, | trom 9am to 4p m. See aed Dane eed Men la over the telephone very day a TA BLAIS Pema, McColl’s Renowned Cylinder Oil, | PILLS AND ) OINTMEA : They tele Rens home that business will A Assistant. money. Bother is said to havo been ie o- down town and that they Stratford, Nov. 4, 1889 satin es a ig plea ak Cagine Cylinders The finest on harness, This univermal medicine te a Household & firstused by @ sergeant, who cried out caunnot be home to dinner, and may be SK FOR LARD to two incessant talkers, one at each ear, detained late at night. There is no re SDon't toth anaes detained late at night. “Ther ne For Sale —F JEFFREY BROS, * Stratford, And d SCHNEUKER & ROTHERMAL, Milverton, RIFY THE BLOOD, tmps Sat tone te © powerfull Canteen ts of the fow words in the rhe for qinier and dine w ithout & aus Stratford, May te RVoUs OS SYST M.and act most English language which passed intoa forcign tongue and was afterwarda taken sands. Business transactions are carried : on ety telephone. Av man hag made a back in a modified form. The Saxon bad bargain and does not wish to i called it's “tincan,” but the Gaul, as is °° ; : - sxomoting DIGESTION and i 2, placed the nous before the adjec- by it. He eee ay ae tele — and], RAT, Seattle whole Redlly frame wt hee } pronounced the i as e, thus you cannot swear le Voice that came| = —SSSSSS=. == tremblinga, Vigour. Nervous Headac ig Bh-el eere Itbecamea Eran ithe buzz. No witness heard what he IMPORTANT CHANGE OF TIME A V O I D H Surrytet, Laasitude and G amenie bi solttnay haar g Pi nieh t Fenc® said. The law has provided against ob- rom Main Liv EABE.—sou 'm.—Etpree | te weillkno mi rede _pammdrta S, it . their =e mg ol scene matter sent by mail. Telegraph "8:56am. w.—Rupecen, a their rated it amon, pagiras companies rule out cuss words. But a é inte la af tena obi er man talking to yow by telephone -_ MAIN LINE 906 &. m.—Expre oy ser Rata eas nis Mesatshen pi gangs are remarkable. Going Stns you as if Soa wees a pick a "gene |And Save Monéy by getting a Free Sample} 03 paneer back to the time _— bath ae You cannot smash his jaw and you ss po ee ny . = can ae meg on t et stand it.—New Orleans Picayune. FOR LONDON.—10:96 a. m— Mined. of the TEAS that f Chaucer Gower more than p- m.—Exprese. a nad ha ‘sore the cuivas sane foreign! Mistook the Reading. FOR GODERICH.—6:15 nm Mined. Ris A WORLD-WIDE REPUTATION Alfred it ve unintelligible without ths Gillifloyer isn’ t much of a scholar, and {235 pl me bts . WOUND more Sontsithy Ten tetee theother night when he was reading to 8:15 p. m.—Express. ; } - re aid of a gloesary.—Frank 8S. Stauffer in his old f hi ed wife out of « owen: FOR BUFFALO, Hop tere ior itfidvatmabe tual eee r, hs came across an item about some an d >... 4 aT ‘DIREARES, * He Ueard About His Grave. ronan having charge -of twenty-five FOR PALMERSTON. WIA mroN, 80 m.—Mixed, Sells’ jat 12% Cents 25 Cents ne Blas Da Ib., a eoiagt Giandelar }uny Py closing. and heatic te ay he kindergartens, The last n being a little "12:05 p. m.—Exprew. wl ha pe id. 95 | \BSCESSPS a.d FIS ULAs, for. alles this torn during ‘ae sh re he blurred he read it, “‘twenty- -Give kind er FOR PORT vorm—en that : compare them th what you. ve shemnere asvibe: aout, . ——_ Ered entiend tee ola ads, * Betven sient rerio and 60 Cents per 1b. for to petiars and gift tea | x1 ¥evnaLors it ynwerpamed, Teer, “ as she snatched off her spectacles in as- CKSON . .G bie + nic Hg een ag — al tonishment, “twenty-five kind er gar-| 4. A. F. PHILIPS, & LIPS, Agent ot at Stratford companies, ‘ Wanufactured Only “st Frofemor Hotiowar’ ond I Wan ne tin company. G G, One ters! No wonder there's so many busted ; Hundred and Twenty-fourth Indiana P win GRAND TRI TRUNK RAIL’. “_—_Btratord, Fly 24, 1800, ry 1383. OXFORD » id LONDOR. : = I was a gal we used to knit wold atta 134, 2. 94, i om. nt. Iwas sick nigh unto death | i £ Bs. each box ie "pot, aud = Canede ‘a et . is i? d if M mate. Contims Lee om and heard the Srrvcthine right hasdsone wel cer the | Zhe Great Ontario Short Line pois, ecg! 18H, wed the Leger atene | say toa man who entered the Fi sey 7 CAUTION. ~~ Rave mo Ager :*° a ro selvidge off the cloth when the boys got | To Manitoba, Northwest Territories| eed AUTION, =” hove pe dgery tt. dug? “Three, was the reepocea, “Well, &Pait of trousers mado out o'stora cloth, end British Columbia, 7 BIG BARGAINS!’ Or rh mre abate Zoe 0 hela ‘ m (Se zt. fat ee * dig one about # foot longer than the Now everybody must have lastics. Twen- | Via NORTH BAY ! y f treet, London, they are apurllbce ty-five.kind o° gartera. An’, of course, ~In— Os usual length, for, that tall sergeant will i ry 4 [he Tivie Marks of my said Medicines ’ ' other things to a h! This is what Sa- ee , ease fn and also at Westin. be dead by morning,’ and the instruc- i “ ‘ wast RATES Pa . egut Ottawa, woliow ‘ tions were carried out, but you sce I did = Togy and-Nary Gansett Prer's doin Te i Points in Oanada and the Teas, Syrups, Canned Fruits, ney ES = not fill that grave.” ~~ United States, “No,-you don’t look like a resurrected Then she replaced her specs and went ith lier knitting.—Tenas Siftines Apply : m.1: Back t His Old Stana n \niniEaeire.. | _.o#%ttirukarnsees, | Coffee, Baking Powder, Canned Vegetables 2 oa corpse.” — “Tha reason T did't die was got bot : __Seaaeah ta tegen dl betchorient, ace ects oo ae D. McBETH. ter the next morning and nts -ranpuyery} G h balm-that bh ee scuguameenmetcaees ; : 2 , } ; PLEASURE in asmouncing to-his old a determined sot to Gl» grate that, oSoaade but SR AIeati af Mammal Palo cae pel ives | SURAES, “Spices, Canned Meats, | Hse Sees .2 st Sng Uptine 2 Gig Miaietta 6.) oe, seni tin ‘neta friend on the] logical discovery ofthe seveateeathcaat | ao Drag Store: "He will keep in stack = Inge aaoet street a day or two ago had his grief as psi when . we st of the Sonst class ; The Sperrew and the Allignter. suaged by Ea expreteton of syinpethe Se ~~ ae = es 7 Ae for er eeae All the Best Brands of ; ~) MOU itceaed, oer posites An alligator and an ‘English sparrow reccive: peirues were from & | ing of the blood, These. t two discov: Be were scen to engage in » tattle near rural district and it was ‘evident had not | Harvey's circulation theory and Ayer’ | Wines, Brandies, Whiskies, Ales, Porter, = jen, Fla., the other day. ‘Tho ‘gator seen cach other for a long time. Meet- Sereaperilia, are prominent pasearke in FANOY WOor WoRK provoked the fight by snapping at the ing on Clark street. one of them cried | the history and progress of Medicine Tobaccos and htt AND CARVING. uly antagonist, almning with precision %0 eco you. How ar Sau, anyhow?" | Bose Island Reporte, -|_ ; meee ge pee ym antagonist, aiming with precision © m ks you. How are om I can atate that we h Hagyard's wen £ thé-eacrian's eyes. The Jgat wr finally moh aa _ oes perpen eg cheek Yellow Oil with pea care fox wablia, B 5) ; 696-14 D. MoBETH. five up the contest and sought safety “* une VOLY dia sore throat, cuts, burna chapped W A = S H- R O Ss’, sie Froeacthe sparow’s attacks by hiding it- week.” “No, did you? -Say, Joe, bow's etc. We can recommend it te be very | otz Le g want cheap ratsne ae i ae if under water.—Detroit Free Pr: a Hera ud, and good in miany different ways, bay nd tee ; j é Island, . 1 Mus Angt Hazes, Rose Ont. | Where you are sure to get the Be.t Value for your Money Hiasa tole tor Setienle wore :