Patti's Generesity te Kelecs- An incident in the life of th warm hearted and lamented ( Patt: ia well worth to a few persons it may prov told tale When Mim Kellogg's musical ability w: ag to tee towks wis fted, irks#tta reportin. though 4 twice d many years ago at ra } r oe migecal criti iotuais, to the ott world, anit lo many im the vw atheet making at audi for the intreocdsus charming young girl The whom the de ungenrrous of singing his part, por erveh of thre ¢ wormage, om yvulanle was} i t ‘ on (he occa 1, for, instead i hocesery to he merely burine rchestral aceon: t faint were the young trémbling they fright or and more as if a genuine possession of ler. Hi for a moment,as if about to desert when, distinct and clear asa bell, the center of the b vtheair w wiabe n up aed -earried along unii-the delutante gathered the courage and heart to show the high quality when gradually the beautiful voice in the audi- ence fell away and the dificult aria was finished in triumph amid thunderous ap- platse” ~The fate of the future Atnerican prima donna was that morning decided through the ready-tact and unselfishness of the litthe woman in the audience, who pre dito be none other than Carlotta Pa..i! ‘And a charming picture she made,” Says one who saw her, “marking the time with her tiny hand, in her anx- lety to help a woman and a stranger, placing the very crown of success on the otherwise defeated aspirations, by the encouragement of her own exquisite voice: and never,” he adds, *‘until-b hear the wondrous voice of the angels will I hear anything so sweet as her lovely voice at that morning rehearsal so many years ago.” —Boston Transcript. stage voice Was whe Posneint al, lee Worth of Silence. Men creat in deeds are often taciturn. Does their taciturnity arise from the dif- fidence which fears lest words should ex- ceed deeds, or from aconviction that safety is promoted by silence? Wash- ington’s reserve e him stiff, formal and ill at ease in company, but it also prevented his plans from being betrayed to an-enemy and the country from being deceived ‘by his —_ William the Silent was’ serve that i OO his designs, even from those acting with him, was neces- sary tothe independence of thy Nether- ewe: A writer in Leisure Hours says Aavlpius, = the commander of the emperor's armies in the thirty years’ war. He insisted that the deepest silence should reign around him. Uis officers took care that no loud conversation ghould disturb their general. They knew that a chambevlain had been hanged for waking bim without orders, and that an, officer who would wear. clanking spurs in the commander's presence had been secretly put to death. In the room of his palace the servants glided as if sn an- a dozen sentinels were stretched across the streets in order to-guard him against the disturbance o sounds. Wailenstein’s taciturnity, which made him shun speech, and his love of silence, that caused him to be irritated | ete his! at the slightest noise, were constitutional temperament. He smiled. he wever asked advice from any one, and he could not endure to be gazed at. even when yiving an order. The sol- diers, when he crossed tho camp, pre tended not to see him, knowing that a curious look would bring then punish- ment. — Boston Budget. | never Time to Reform the Calendar. An ingenious Yankee, with an eye to adjusting himself to his environment, has_moved a reorganization of the cal- endar. Winter, he contends, should be- gin on Jan, 1 and include March; spring should commence with April and in- clude June; July, August and Septem- ber should constitute summer, and the fall, beginning ¢ ir October, should not end ull after cal- endar would Pi the mischief with tra- ~ditiona, but it would come nearer to ao- rience, than does the present antiquated European, article: The cession of the equinoxes is too slow alto- gether for the American climate. Facts are on the side of reform, and if the weather does not speedily repent and bring forth fruits more meet for repent ance than rank Grass and drops ical pota- toes, the newly Loxpom, bee 7 sud horn accused, er than eighty, } eliher as are aried, LF yz 8 Sigh 4 them, the d=age being obtained from two a local tellers. These tiysteri por the last seven years ed th e famous been such & state of chi A Little xd give ri Blood Bitters, a cures dyspepsia, as adults. $5 a bottle. reprutatic A murder big z= cot tomencedat Gros Heache re who nat women, ee he olk léa pular has pands have been going 06 Never since the days of Hieronyme Spara acd La Toffania, who * Mar 1 lovers 8 “Sp ar ak May kindle a one Ore, just #0 dyspepsia lo ae tu countless we cured and the blood puri k of Ba pe whi Eight y F remale Poisoners careely the crimi al annals « aly a, aber bho and they pals or ac- is of many | & o as fortune tis org for na di San “and lesale ta tielies ladies with in has there com until the rdock h always bad bleod and all com plaints of « similar origin. No reme nedy for blood disorders can equal " Ayers Sarsaparilia., T hough concentrated and powerful, this medicine is perfectly gafe, and maybe taken, by children aa well Physiciins recommend ‘it in preference to any other. Price $1. Worth OF ONTA on Dee ee Company, for instant, has this da: wie city to Slat instant, inclusive. Stratford, Deo. 10, 1889. KIO. BRITISH MORTGAGE LOAN CO. DIVIDEND NO, 23, N OTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN, that a Dividend SEVEN PER CENT. Per omy on the paid-up Capits! Btock of this f ending the Slst Dec and that ¢ i coune ts papuble ob the or = the Company, of Stratford, on Thursday, the 2nd ay raf Jan'y, Next. The transfer books eit b be closed from the 16th By order of the Board Wa. BUCKINGHAM, Manager 727-2 adtort, er 5, sae. ARE! PAINTING, —Class reg Te FRee Oesere Oct. 7 SHE E P wgned % —_ 7. Ellice « Ewes bot a Lan for thelr returns “A this notice will be prorecuted, Kinkora, Dec. 10, Tk NOTIC star ED ON ** mgned, Lot west <k. paying expeases. le 3, 1883. © spring will lead to their recovery w Wu. eae dn. Corer of ile and Ontario Streets, Stratford. 118 “NOLIGB. Smit ind D FROM MY ¥ PREMISES, Let Con 14, in the i. of Ellie Deane or aah the calves; w.J. BUYERS, ND D FIGURE. PAINTER. axp St. Parnicn Sts. @m-ly MISS RUBY MACKENZIE D to give Lessons in CHINA Private for China Decorating Suitable for 8 Sm heifer Anyone giving will be LOST. Sui ab Ont. P.O., Sm ATE i + ag THE ie PREMISES of the urider- in :the To nehify = reward give aol detalning them ates V. HENNESSY. Kinkora P.O. T7-at EK. E PREMISES of the uote are ready in Lev, 1 Sept, e by proving property and PATRICK tiny roys en oO Nice, on about black Sad white in senting beifer Ellice, Deo 7, 1989. NOTICH. Serene, ON THE _ PREMISES of the under- Township of middie. Fi greene « 4 can hav same by proving property and pay he MARGARET CARROLL. Stratford P. ve 727-3 roGte, y when: you of agriculture will be called on ‘to revise the calendar. —Brookly n Citizen. A Queer Mine of Valuable Wood. Forty auilea above New Orivans is the old bed of the Bonnet Carre crevasse. Fifteen years ago the Father of Waters burst his bolts and swept through th to Lake Pontchartrain. Ejve years ago the state of Louisiana, with the assist- ance of tho rebuilt the could Hot restére altogether the condi- tions prevailing antecedent to the cre- wasse: - The-rivér in thie ten “sears It passed through the swamp piled up its sands against the big cypress forests there. —-1t--has 4eft belrind a turied est. The piled up sand has deadened nearly all the trees, and a shingle mill is now at work there ‘manufacturing them into shingies with all the rapidity with which that machine works,—New Orleans Times- ‘Democrak, ‘ The The common: fiy lays mote than one Sad the time for egz lay~ ing to maturity is only about two weeks. Most of us have studied:ceometrical pro gression. Here we see it illustrated. Sup- pose one fly commences “to multiply and replenish the earth” about June 1. June 157 if all lived, would give 150. Suppose 75 of these are females, July 1 would give us, supposing no cruel wasp or other untoward circumstances to a terfere, 11.250 flies. Suppose 5.625 of - these are females, we might have, July 843,720 fies. —New Work Telegram. At Manufacturers’ @atribating at Constantiy arriving from that will re We have the finest CHINA, and Fruit fears 5 Ce Hw Tea Pots or Glass Baking Powder for CROCKERY, «xp FANCY GOODS, : ‘That were ever jmported tn this City. Rare Bargains im Teas, Splendid Momaja Coffee A Carefully Selected Line of Spices. To the Retail Dealers of the ena onder Brilliant ‘Self. Cintoe Stove eit Ivory Starch Polish, The Little Wonder Powder, For cleaning gold and silver Plated Ware, and Howard's Frozen Perfame, raou JAS. HEMPHILE, Manofacturer, LISTOWEL Post Office, Prices, _Addrest all ommutications and orders for the | ot these can be neces nd my circulars, dace i am ~138 KE 4 Sl YOUR EYE =—ON— Watson's Store For that large Aasortment of Handsome Christmas Goods England and Germany, at 1 cheapest line of with a Only.a few GLASSWARE the favorite dish, nts a Package. sicestaers our Jet and Gold —- left." hat | —FIRST-CLAS FARM FOR Con nsumpt jon Cured. old physician, retired trom practice, | nerien had placed in his bands by an East | In ‘ cure of Consum ptto mn, ” sth ne and ali Throat and Lens , sitive 1nd radical cure n¢d all Nervous ita woader for a Complsinta. alter having teste: i rative powers in thousanns of case hie suffering I motive ane pred fering will ser i" free of charge, in German ho desire it, ths & ot ail» stands oy ‘polo NnINg et F rench or Eogtish, with ful ! directions for wen for thts ing and Using Seat ty tail by idressing _— stamp, Paming this paper V “4 A. Noyns, 149 Lorwer's Bic a i A New Element Must be infueed into the blood of the weak and debilitated, who suller from — of the stomach, liver, b: ag kida or blood. This revitalizing a aaittan t is supplied by Burdock Blood Bitters which out all imperitits repairs waste, i restores health to the entire system, ane Save Your Hair ¥ atimels use of Ayor’s Hair Vigor. B This preparation has ho equal as a dressing. It keeps the scalp clean, cool, and healthy, and preserves the color, fullness, and beauty of the hair. iy becoming bald and three ON iL. “ Some time sane T lost all of measles. r due new growth apt red, then used Ayer's Hair Vigor "and my __Taick ons ~—r my hair in Me apt oe oe Bor ‘four or five 5 color, and requiring bute small quantty to render the hair easy to arrange. Mrs Bailey, 9 Charles strect, Har -erhill, Mass. “T have been gee gor for savers! yare nd believe that it has hair to retain its ratural Ars. ing, Dealer in &e., Bishopy ille, Md. Ayers t Hair Vigor, |=: Ayer’s Hair Vi; caused sere ry Goods, Tel Estate iuchang, H — te rey PY A w bol ee ba * Me wat i4 foger y. frame sere jot ve | eravel oad) * James Bievenson’s Mowat, Ket wie ot * $700 $800 Duggan'’s vty ~ $825 just north month, w ia & years. Dr. J. C. Ayer at Gos — Mass. | Doaro oS \Gokt by Dreggists Perfumers. TCS MAR E JAMES HARTLEY, Proprietor. Satiefaction Guaranteed. Notice. Tv HE WEST EN ty kinds of Fres Satisfaction £7 Give us a Call. dD MEAT. MARKET |s now con- r ago PaULt, Cutcher. All Meat, Pow Proprietor of Stratford, Nov 19, 180. NEW BUTCHER SHOP. | o2« spot Marker int ‘note . Bie “9 etaate on ea Sausagrs, Mogna, pa A on nee and pr ane, delivery in ii ordera taken will bx my first atten ALFRED RIC HAR ‘DSON ® rep Stratford, Nov 12, 1880. 7-3 TO THE PUBLIC. Presse Ta0 SEK NOTICE ont ie Steam Dye _— Patrick s*reeta, will Meet be es “Sorting Fd a short be done at the gh err par Soe ie St,, until further notice. Don't fail to give usa call. J. C. HARRISON. Strattord, Oct. 2 1300. OLD Cov NTRY E BUTCHER, 9 ALFRED ION, class Foeeg “3 ROOMS TO RENT. USEABLE for Insurance, or Medical over Tus man office, Erie alge only afew pes A from Office, J. FRANE PALMER, Tus Tusns ofhce. FOR SALE. od a EAST QUARTER OF LOT 7, in the 16th Concession of the Ti ot in the County of Perth, containing 28 Acres, more or jess. Good Dwelling, Barn and Stables. Terme Apply w W. 8. COWAN, Auctioneer, Stratford onsy. Or to EDWARD TAYLOR, Proprietor. tly 24, 3880. TOT House to Let. THAT NEW BRIOK HOU 3B ON CHURCH STREET, Oront RESIDENCE OF 8. R- HESSON, Complete ag fore Baih, Water Gort S on City aise ., and all eaten im- Y. -PAREEDCS & SUN. suena 7B! FARM FOR SALE, OT 17, CON. 1, Towner oF MORNING- Tox, 50 acre land, ance high and are and in aca fae oO. weer from debt. rs to pay for it. on the lot 9 young orchard, and good aE sold by ist Feneerys will be leased years Forfarther psrtioulars ap MRS. SED. LUPTON. South, St., Stratford. Stratford, Dec. 10; 1482. T7-3t s— SALE, Ellice,Co. of Perth. land. highest state Ras BCILDI NGS_—-Com- Oo TTAMES BENNUCH.. ber Yard, Stratford, ty Los! P. Or to Mas. E Mc tt ecu the Premines. Ellice, Nov 24, 1580. 12> locality, ted Moree $1 600 F For ‘tha bic Mel S16 Gt Keb, divi a ro wt ot, betw Hi » $1500 aids We This can also be sold on monthly pay ments. J. Brunswick a out interest, will give youa les ded in 10 years. . Net $1, 250 f For = teat ihe ef the — $1, 350 For that ope bonutitaty —— Cc. $2, 100 fe Fort that n — pong rot Milton ue Vacant Lots for Dwellings. $100 each for those lots on the 8100 phos ims for th $100 each for thoee “ts two lots on ‘Huron and $125 cuakheed eoneieor i lotson SApetane Bruns- ave. $200 cach for these two lots on west side of Erie st, corner of Caven st. ,_$t25 eacn for two lots on west side of Vincent st, THE _|DIRECT IMPORTATIONS —_—_— NEW CURRANTS, - RASINS PRUNES, FIGS. OUSES FUR SAUE. alf ne tra i Jom tout ch | Ww NEW ORANGE, . LEMON, CITRON PEELS. w. G. We erat ‘Taal Pst ate hoe iggcts + ioe ated pelt heal eal ortt yn to PURE SPICES, t mick dwelling on porth | liaabeth siyeet, wall couse very cheap Apply to W. UG. Mowat Real Entate TEAS, * mara ass Sl ay COFFEES. | E. kK. BARNSDALE & Co., Good Fresh Prunes 5c¢ per pound + frame house i st ame house, cellar, an d part | new aA on and ge -— tithe ra good tr lot, on Ch aroh st, i ion, ry east #200 down, balance on very paay terme | Mr, Joho emia For a nice 14 story frame nd lot on Rew enuth ade of Rebecca st., kstuuen t up for cash Jno’ Swift's —_E—_ west side of For either of those neat new frame cottages on eat side of Wells st, of t tho = inte rest, will give you a free Duggan’ STRATFORD, ONT. The Most Popular and Progressive Business Training School of the Province. Bry frame house in re new painted, on south o John #t. Avondale mbes at $1,100 tod is well Wainer = good splentid reoel bernia st. “ingen _ storey frame house on Nile st, between Milton price is only open til July "| Tse i acre offered in this School is net oligo oes in Canada for Thoroug: hness ; it raped oe half ot ths that “Comfortable systematically, and ed ness, in the truest sense of the white brie k double ho: side | hase temarkable record from the first day of ite existence, “ word. An ineti ould not be built for | leas ‘aon Now 18 THD TIMPS TO BVTESRF. Resolutions, Testimonials, &c., Engrosed in First-Clacs Style and at Prices to Suit. For Catalogues and Ci W. H. SHAW, Principal. rame cottage, beauty or a good 4 erty frame house and protean Stratford, Sept. % ou ve, oe " ememmedend ¥ 4, 1 ¢ per mon’ Sree demo mye te elt stsvahed on we ue wick and Douro ie George => ste, 913.25 and near a4 eplendid large fraive house a a Rebecca st., more money. C. that neat large brick cot lot and o ball on west side sf that neat of woh a on ste., oplendid 1} story hor Mr. E. W odid frare choles large 2 storey frame “house and lot. House is boousitully | re a near Mary st. Mr. w. J. Bayer’s. the north half of a splendid that neat frame house, with good cellar, —_ tnd t the choicest lot in | orner of Nile | table, “2 Lae aeetite tand, f the —_ of Downie, near Erie et) ” Ver Wires goat tee Grange and y a good | iaeks gh ibe n property ng ps. oaths pre Brand two story white nick house, and 1 IAMOND. BLOOD PURIFIER 7 OSITIVE CUR for Dye ep ct, Let ody in a snes a, Sona penanty. 100 mennam 81. DLAMOND-OrTL, The Finest. Scented, Best Tasting and sarest Pain Cure in use. Great Baby Remedy. tle 25 cente. IAMOND CONSUMPTION CURB! Sure Core for ASTHMA, Throat and Lang troubles, $0 cents per bottle, PIAMOND SALVE. A cure for all Skin Diseases aod Indolent Sores. 25 cents per box. at, be om For the south halt of that large new white brick double — on Blake 2 cost that of three"? storey the west side of Nile property wil interest. (MOSSBURGS’) north side of rth jsid 9 Hibernia ‘orman av near John st. tou aod Forman HENCE No canis os ied : Salary aw uses Pe Pata. * 3. with They 9 rantes what we adeertis. W rie uO WN hester, N. W. (This house is reliable) EAT SPECIA L SALE tor pair for those G and ot. Old hi 8450 for $1 ee para « at, weat iiding yng s Age Per} pe Merehar iZw stone g2 50 tario #, 850 for $1,500 bride. aoe The “noyai” Flavoring Extracts absolutely pace... __-. ee tee ee lot oa Romeo et, near Water $300 each for those large lots on corner of Well Regent sts, near freight sheds. $209 for let Grange and Douro $900 lot east of the $350 each for wake comme sete for half of two 5 tote on Cobourg st, near Waterloo # re lot #50 cack for eee three lots on Faistad at, near 8700 for yy aoa = Tots on south side of Ontario hose wre street at. per feot for “6 ~~ on north side of Ontario st, next to Poresters” bh: store tole itor Tyas ony sare money fast. R BD ¥ R OW Brandenberger’s Block, Wellington-St., Where we are now Offering Great Bargains in BOOTS, SHOES, TRUNKS, VALISES, &cs Men's, Women’s, Misses, and Children's Boots in Great Variety, and at Prices that will make you bay. Just note some of the Bargains we are Offering -— Ladies’ Dong. Kid via worth $2.50, now $2.00. h 3.0, 2.00. 1.75. on brig side of Front st, between corner of Front and Albert st. and Hibernia at, cto ote ber Norman and Douglas shoot g fos lots on Huron isch ec t. } acre on Cobourg st, near Front et. side porth of j acre ot os Albert st near Nive st bgt Sacre loton Forman ave, sdjoining ok, a ee place for a market . T. Barker’. anne 8.tes. : —iipary wear, from 0c, up. brick stores Ontaria = ed s rent to pay . This early new and bi ® nme order— or Apply E soa for 24) fect on Albert st, near is Repairing ‘nestly and promptly executed, at the RED PRONT, opposite the City Hall, Wellington Street. GROSCH Bros. cod HOFFMAN D. D. OLIVER, Resident Pianoforte and Organ. - Tuner. REPAIRING A “A SPECIALTY. The best of city Every job guaranteed. | at A. T. Macdonald’ & book na stat- ionery store, Oddfellow’s block, Dow- nie-st., or st Calder's hotel, Erie St, will be promptly attended to. Agent for New and Second. | Hand Pianos. bor P tok for 30 feet on Huron st, near per ‘Toot ie 40 feet on south elde of On- near “a west nite of Erie et, frame el for i = Huron #t, west of atone John ©) acres, bine the sat fo ot 4, con or aah} of LA 5, con 3, Downie. D. EOL ls Cok North Besthaps, ‘Business Chances. references. ers left Stratford Livery Stock Co. HORSE EXCHANGE. (Late J. W Dorner, Handsome Turn-onts RGR Se Polite and Courteous Attendants, [Telephone in Connection. Mcd@ey to Loan dD. D. OLIV ER, PIaANo Seen Sieationt, Oot. Bit, MOOR. “NATIONAL PILLS. aré-the — purgative and anti-bilious -medicine; they are mild and si DANNIE CONNOR, Maxacza. Pee ogg : Tit Sept, 0, 1880.