~~ —_——_ CU SP PEE MEN MB te r : Sn ms a SNS a a OO x eterno ok wormae RETR REIDN RE emanepinneh —amenerreena ee oe prance ot “4 : se “Ta Fecklem disregard for the interests of ihe Wantto read evidence to you as briefly és | taken place in cundemmation, on ‘the ladies in the audience here to-night, that | from taxation ooght in.all fairness and jos. my be jedgmest I thought ft to sy : ) rs people, which bas reenited in the 5 pomible to show how they can be proved. | part of the Government, of Mr. Mackenzie | lam oppesed altogether to giving the par- | tice te pay taxes, as the little fot which be: that it was a mistake separate. schools were Desletion of the Surpive And I shall re ofp vou Sirst the evidence of | or hie conduct in this reepect. [bare no ; liamentary frivchise tp either spinsters, longs. to the workingman and the wage ‘ established in Ovtario, thanderboits were coineptiegs stan He prow.inont dealers of the city of Hamil- | donbe think it was a pretty honorable | married women or widtwai (Lond cheers.) | earner. frost applause} hong, ens 5 oe shot st mie fro one ehd of the tountry to the. 3 ae Pit. ot 7 ae Me vel yy $m. indicatin, the way in which this leewsing | thing, Mr. Mackenzie doiog what be did I have pemmact in this ; but, sir, we do | —and th. nis other by my Roman Cat — i Id end his cconumica: Goverument,and , stem «ES Geer, #ualt alo refer to} & this occasion. Now, let us see if we | give to widows and spinsters the right to | things for which Reformers of Great | of whom voted against ma, However, I have } os ened With a large quantity of _ two other documents in préefof my position, | have mot, over Mr. Lottridge’s signature, | vote in municipal elections, . 1 | Britain and this country haves right to / a right to ey, and speaking in this andicnce j and other resources of thik country. ard | snowing tha the licensing system is made | that it was in the interost of the license’hold- | think is, because I contend the women want | be proud ix the separation of the state and I do ask, was euch trea fair. | ? i j leaving as aconsidérable amount to pay Of us) of tor the parpese of bolatermg up the | ers to support the Reform party. Now, you | the vote for the same reason that Miss An- | the church—(applause)—the interests of the | (Cries af No” and cheers.) It will be a sad ‘ E | account of ratlway obligations. am bof | fortunes of the Government at the expense of | know, geatiemen, that there is an inspector | thony wanta i on the prisciple of | state and the interests.of the church have | day in this countey when any peblic man t Puts Ais Principles Before the Electors going to diseuss, sir, to nig t Y agerna! ee" | the peuple of this prevaie Now, sr, there | in Hamilton, and that this inspector makes | woman's rights, that they may be | been completely separated, and Ieay, there | cannot ex: n en opinion in this n ke ae > ; Sete which : bes” ta ein the Houre, | os53 certain Mr. Lottridge who-bruaght an | periodical visita during the year forthe pur-i-bebiad _ the moral reforms and ; fore, that any sy: of taxation that takes | without ha: the ef the great Chere — of the Trovinee i n te * | action againat the Hamilton Spectafor for - of ascertaining whether the law has | be able to give their eu t to measures -in | ost of my pocket, or oct of your pocket, a | of Rome b him ia the discharge | . i - : P libel, ancl in the course af the investigation 2 carried out by thore who are engaged in | the protection of morals and matters of ha- | dollar or t ts of any sum whatever | of his dyties. { ing.) I re- | this ~countgy bas ur.dos Pte whick teok place im accordance with the | the trade. Now, it would be very moch in | masity. Now, if we give this licensing | against my will and compels me to contribute | peat what I said ot the last election. ee | vie years been placed ‘M8 bowers given to the judge presiding over the | the interest of those engaged in the business | power to the county councils and comms. | for the support ef any other church is mis- I say that I 4hink it was a great mie ' —s the Frevince of Ostari ghee ctaim. court, Mr. Lottridge waa exami and the | if they could get « little warning of the | sioners, chosen directly by the people, and | thievous. 4 aectuy jections can | ~were established ; | alr; that the little beret which I vate tact ee evidence given to thepublic for the first time. | time whew this inspector was going Tre Women Have the Right urged inst the connection between the | in the Province of Ontario, and I wish to day A GREAT SPEECH ; honor to lead since 1879 has had much to do | pate able to give you the sworn statement of | roand, im ofder that they nught put te bare thelr arsan mchd «nerd for thia | “te and the church, and tessres which | that my Reman Catholic fellow-citizens : @ | with the modelling of the wire) ai, bp icrridye, upon which I rely ax proving ‘their hoase in order. One «f the | °° - en rts psd paper | have been adopted in this country should not | could see . proper tegisiation which sppears | the charge which I made agsinet the Govern- , casual duties of Mr. Lattridge was getting gery he le “eg oo Anca’ _ aaa | longer be allowed to remain on the statute teow RSueh: Batter i Weete' Be our statate book of = today. | inent of che day. Now let vs see who Mr. men the information. me —— _ ae ee amen, oe book. (Applanse) I aay that the | ert oh think, sir, that it isastrong argument that da che «< & te sitaote rr ater t the power should be taken away from the ¥. : in oar opinion, when they cimim | Tyeeriige was, Mr. Lottridge is the leading | you what he seut out. as a strictly private & Son, They ought to be subject to taxation just as that of | in o : Mowat's License Manipula- | living in'the country, when they claim Poe: « rtyer in the firm of P. Geant communication, dated the 18th June, 1886, yrs Administration in which it is cow vested. se , st have a chattel mortgage ou about 45 saloons, | to every one of the men who were customers - }eeherchant or tion Arraigned. | far the legislation which has-been iv the im | oid there are.a considerable number more as | of his brewery ¢ * Dear Sin-eYou are here. (Cheers. ) man carrying on any basiness in the country, * terests workingmes, 1 call you % | cosmern. Le The t: ¢ what course Mr. | by potified chat there will hee general in- . ae : : Lottridge took, gnd what Mr, McKenzie, the | nett week cial THE-SEUOR TOE OERARS MER Se Pe ing teas wincte wan | eeu geri, te ott Hern, | Ree pete Pe az oe rere . ° . BP-mphe daring the elections of Burns Falters. . Yours traly. ivate. * ‘ FRENCH SCHOOL QUESTION in the interests of tle peuple of this country. | Now, ix i be said this is only an isolated | ref a M. L aaaant Thaseiior. l come now, sir, fora moment or two to tive the haggard f pemninee ap (Applause.) Sir, transaction, but I vcwture to say that | Now then we bave, too, © the question of the control of our edecational i on small of salaries of © § Arraian the Covernment of Mr. Mowat It te the Best Evidence i under the hand of an official of the Govern: | system. Every See is id of the workingmen now exempt from taxation under in respect of its administration ef oar crown | fo. the perpose | mest of the principle ander hg pron | think | educational system of this province. It is of existing law. (Applause) Bat, sir, we lands and territorial revenues. I will point) tion which [take here, jt | this license a Sat ee “tia and brie want « radical change in our system of taxa- Separate School Amendments Thor | ot to you briefly that « large portion of the | i, the kind of evidence * se to Chee eee emg, See Se ee | eae —— ne Serer a tieseh | tion, for there are masy and many exemptions . y ur timber bh there i d , and ‘ ‘ 8 oughly Discussed. lande-has been spent by the Administration | =r dey of Homiieen, \oppres ia hr ce On the Ich Febreary, 1888 be wrote | uposrit- Is is system the superior of which | oop" in the interests of the od this ‘ x . ” igns i officer. witnest— you, the intelligent “obeervers—that True Principle of Taxation The Evil Resuits of Partisan Control ef Ns Affairs. F of Mr. Mowat, and what we, the Oppesition, have been ke Magn Bo do, from time to res . and gen’ on thas i Wane “i re t tion time, is that these gentlemen, when they are ‘ ‘ Provinctat Secretary's Drranrurxr. . i. mest watortnna! ing classes of our who have aoc ode ft rae of he ep | Ere ba er setae ng Ce: | "~~ eosab Perens en vag | thing hey hath lectin, Derr | bt und ro at Apa i limits, - 7 ‘OROXTO, anno $y Sot mmnpiary remvenennagives in Tus. | nrvetiven in the, city of Mamiion, The “| of a. commissioner such as the late Dr. Ryer. | + *ovld ses sir — Ti positions to the . in the of . : as yenerss ; Did you ever tell any pager) that you were | the sth , and in on heagnuant a bes tueed: | Shee Somer niet Ca eS ate ae | tation to Sates nts B comtrorern Upon the | choose to do it, the temptation y | eoees magne tie Contras Secktinet oor @ Magnificent Demonstration—Larme Rep> | Goins that, sir, these gentlemen, forgetting | Liberal parte} “ te the fact that wth Maite i i i fesentation from Different Parts of the | the true pri of liberaliam, have an- wnt: Teetesl oljects to the question and the enty provincial eavernmens thet Kes made nay ter, no matter whether he does righe or |.ticn of provincial rights, of iness refuses * f enlorve 5 in) le i ee ae oe Bebe Do you sbjoct to aggwer it? cerned tndstend terirheps tacslatbewaterand | Tine: wd the tompeation of toe oer Rae on may ee a ae = dove with the ti “eee of thie 4 bid you way ange ing of the Kind! sony that e tieman of pdb Sy ter for the purpose of making ao aseeiben rh to the poe questions iu Lave Down Hie Principles With no Un | country, and they have insisted on bringing | Ar Ait something like it fiueare and position ealled on we the other point be Gover certain Sound—His Views on the Rela- | into the market a Jarge quantity of the tim- ” L was going where my interests were. wo any, eke mere vere oe tae wnt Edin winging the administration of the Education of most legislators, they would be doing more tion of Chureh and State, on Tax €xemp- | ber of the country without entaiting = eae htt was reer interent to cide with Chat | ment, and thus wo have again the difficulty of a a party me melee of the ponte of * country. ‘ resenta: ta them int i Pleasing all parties. once tages re is'a call, sir, on ail hands for tiene, Labor Lenisiation and Otner Oues~ | Their” "ocufdenca, The. dite | mnt tide ony that TeaidT was going where | {have the honor.to be, sir, xowr obedient | system directed tewanie the administration | to be done to equalize the enormous ditler: | entered ences that the rich of] A SECRET BALLOT. A Ef 2 i i g if i | | s. fd i 4 : : E : F g 8 f g i & ; aT i 8 3 I ‘ ; i ; i ; Hi 4 F° f : : uy t Wione~Short Acatesses BF Otere—Mis | han been. that st quantities “i =f save civosb oat that Meo Mowat | Signed.) ~ F. W, Maxxrxa, 8 ee ee rt hg ich and the i n “a Chief O@icer. ane n e pot to game : si CEST Le Srterer fatale erse have toaw fend tata | nding oe Sh ‘prac roi aMeCalty. Ban soparate sobeel-cassadaantacahous which I-| fiat te tiie free couaery-of Canada, thanks | £0" Seam guua nee Poy Tyee en the meee en the pretence of fostering righteoasnens. (Laughter. He- ta ‘contin. _— let oe Me. Hane it ogee shail have something to say to you, has | God, as they do in other Binds, bat they do Lain ready to ford every facility for the reiterating w goes {From Tax Exrtnz (Dally) December 17. the hands of speculators to the dmoant of ; form wan . i du = hundreds of thousands of dollars on. the pale plat Mellel te, bor Tt al sn jovernment. So that we hare here, sir, a | partinent of Education. Every one of these | by any Legisiature would be to pay attention The - 1 hing pee! Loxpox, Dee. 16— demon- | advanced value of those limits, and has!) wizht call to mind the of a man, ha t : of these rela atration in the political history, not only of abate Baer out of the hands of the! who some 1800 years ago, made some obser. | this licence law is mop ndministered for the Has Taken Pisce Since Then, as they exist, and to the improvement of the cuguertertatel be taken to support the London, bat of the western counties of the | payers of this country. Also in other | vation about himeelf and derogatory to his purpose of pleasing —a and in the | .-4 taken place, I venture to think, by condition of the workingman: {fApplouse) public schgola, and that no doliar of the Province tase, took Stet portions of the country this sane policy bas | fejlowenen. You recollect the man who | ge interest of the Government of the the pporters : wheo M ee Meredith, yd on prevailed and a has erat — thanked God that he was not as other men : rn W. -P.. | said, to permit a large the re. om i other testimony from : 3 delivered an address in the Grand Opera | sources of the country in these timber limits, ag LL ba whens hd Bie aa enoagh 10 | other pretty cleat evidence of the way in rh throe: rong tho” nani heat men, (Applause. is increasing dy from year . which this license law was being adminis: | 7) Ryerma's position with that direction already. I am glad w see} yi ittance of te schools inte Ontarle.- “to Year, to pass A Littte of the Pharisees tered” by the .goveinment of the day. 6 thie’ matter. Mr. Mowat and his the platform a member of the Local Men's Liberal-Conservative Association of t Lond Into the Pockets of Specutators, in ~ erage fbi mee ages * public a — ~~ ae, — ann frienda throughout the country take peen instead —(laughter applause}—but I say this, county es ie grou . i the double galleries which surround the | 1):, Mx ag ee par lled that if Sr. Mowat would show that his Gor: tions that had been. made by the Scott Act rd Peer cena from the aon wale . ernment is conducted on the of | mayistrate of that county, when re- anditorium, were crowded to their utmost | We ha b prinei; had ‘ awe the | truth and righteousness we would be better | tura was brought down it proved this, that pacity, and literally hundreds of citizens rig ; Err oboatt onpacity, 7 able to come to conclusion as to what we | sbout the time the general election was ai to were either unable to gain admittance to the bbelere aay eee ot ced | tHink of their conduct, notwithatanding his coming on in the pe pr Dundas, the Scott They say that when giving up the manage- or had to stand crushed together in the lars ; it the — the ment of that department be said tothe Gov- BS pence entire three hours which ernment that the only way in which on was cei heoplt.. meeting cocapied. The gathering.was lor the cantrel of a Mialeher _. Yepresentative of the best in the commercial, Leeann ta Pestommns responsible mercantile; agricultural end genera! interest to t the country. I do not deny of these districts. . advantage of the other men int , or ion looks well in * that a vay Hope a but I say that in practice it is_an entire mis - | epenrer et meme tratanaren | Seth's dss tn nterny aio sen setae tet eet to be “belore...we- should. be | “aston could come to, thi order that it the political head has not been in the inter- Sept ta bss and | ould be to b interest so po with the Liberal ests of education, in the Inserests of the peo- ple of this country. Now, I want to 1 It was'one of these two thin, Lot A Pt = "Roars and = Sagi ae What Dr. Ryerson Said in 1908 point, in order that er et eras or eet | on was to the teh line Oc ccnbaean ow edadpaor gabermslyrw ittee of ted }-- You see Mr, ; ou in doing oe Be veseted ont tn Oe oer. Mr. the Government of the day bas since fol = meaner sone. ing to direct tax: ought to have been if he bad given» ~ $ men this =< ~ Mrs Chairman,- Ladies Geaitieen;— * determine how we are to aid one, let ue “thet are improperly carried on. Dandenong gn gecure Before proceeding to address the observ- terprises and those mineral | how they did the canvass during that Government tha‘ i work. € ations which T intend yo make tos at are knocking at the doors af | ton mei icemee inet a Ton abe me the school svat 8 P pabli i d the day, permit me gaid and assistance for | Q. Did you make a canvass before the last to thank my fellow citizens for the manner in d ment. I think in refusing that election of license-hoiders! A. Yeu, = partial wen ths | heeepees Guavecaeet whoomine mapeehens we they have received me here to-night. Government has acted ina Who was with you? A. Mr. McKenzie. 'y thould | upon the votes of the majority of the electors of t is now some seveuteen years since I manner for the in- The license inspect A. Yeu of this | one riding: : honor of being called to the posi- province of (n- How maaoy- you canvass?" A! T don't and be swept out of | Now, sir, this language was prophetic. a a: eres te _— of — know. Perha exis _ y tem, i. Ci poe, hoe pag we ae ve wa! re- ladies t trade jamen eet te ry Salento mete te| rae cera foo |S ceegentrgri voc! & We mer | ra eee ere of trae | he, goons td Beeee, 8 oo until now wi t acts, of this Administration: " ne to be in the no i party.- r’ i ief | . 5 bc hg ed apnea saaghetae Seth ernment bas come into stor Ue tentoare at wh Hee 7a coy to gene Inthe my a. not right tf the Eacrmons menetrated to-day oe pene eee ae au t sale gc aad their care both parents and chileren. Now, the man in the course of wp enreer’ extend: | ine bee ren tendon asked Mr. Square scale Sala be as tbe a make an Soa . and part of she pony of psseontty ox lmabinede _ duty of cdaaating youth b eo ox ever soventeun ox cightten Years, us mine | beta to-centre in the'Parliament at Toronto | 708 ce with hin. Trad “lof the inspectora and commissioners Opposition is to wipe out this political of the country, he cannot | Stir, ‘ has, will in all things have satisfied allof his | &% i? the sxecative baving the confidence of | *¢ a ogy ane.) in: the lntecents of the partyin for the | head. ef t. and to ony (20.02 Without bei this or that | Doon this. propesition which bie grace ie constituents, but attall events this I'can aay :| Met Parliament all power and authority | @; You seket hime 10 canvase for Burnsand | 11004 coors" jo ln whether itis aCon, | that the great ‘educational interests of body. Now I know of no country | fot tune, He T beve week skal Mes Sonali’ “be Foeremeed by the Thave heard Mp. | [yates tA 1 told lm 1 wee rote canvas | coreative oe Li Gov ; I ips sda a * | under the sun rights of the Roman discharge my duty as the ta- | Mowat on the floor of the House declare that | with me. say it is not right, it is not fair, it i ot nized in ty politics and do Catholie citian ara more upheld then in thie tive of we party, ing dares y Did 300 and Mr. MeKansie canvacs any: | 10% ny that instead -of le a irighewy daties thar {| S°°8! giretinse._ of __Onsarie, Tone & Hy = i a to my } esi y the beast in. peel Ap peer eg Hye —_ Q You didnt go aot cay t interests in the hands of the Govern- | any state has. to be- raised 0 highest to sg Pigg Whee in Nad Een we > Permitted alwys (Applesen) Tam bere tonight, or, oom ne nee, Sen 'Teeme BAe on. | ened the ebedetousn af Rqatr tearen tread | sang je with his Yellow-cltins in | Pet him and that ought net to be | to preach seperate Pr : : how they have seized hold of ‘the appoint. | & Did you canvass sleue, Tmean with these hate teaee ai Mgate Setenents Gaenad | aoa be, Soe see wi oS = to him aa freely as to any good subject | Pisnowace separate wink ot of theriaay cota a] fesse oat ole sei | paenirprgte Tea Nor nace | fe mg tn of eect ede wit | Finucane moka acy. | Ratio eae “ee it tees Same = erring | sb lavaive. of pee: wo = yen Sa W CanTRaS you The Purposes of Influencing Legisiation, ee as worthy citi- atallevents, if not in practico—that is, Wowueuur am addressing them to-night, and I ob- ; they have taken | @ didn’t to run againsl him? 4. | I say proper way to deal with this _— . any case, the view of the tolerant majority of oy owe served in several q the control of ‘the ed system into | Na} need toces ioe nm taken | question is by non- the what Telaien oy bie wil enous | the Province of Ontario. (Cheers) Look | Sfmembers ged deal said abcut why I have not spoken | S00 tats patronage sad'powess ons en | SEEM sates Poe eee ee! A Yom } WHY ould Gee eoenty’ esveell ae Saray 8 cclting there toilay. There feat a epper. | Hates astute “| Mr . . r 1 A Yes not be entrusted with appointment -* ate echool fim one end of the United States | 20% it is our Derede I uhiak they can trust me that Feil | Me%—I venture to say thet in this country of Siesta: latin numa forthe porpose of administering | Tye'marpe’, of siectuay te the, Legilative | f America to the ‘otner—(loud and pro- | se we dat in one when the time ly comes that I first thing to look to and prevent is the And it didn't strike you to get any of them! | thie law? “Are they not just as pd We lave 5 tale, longed cheers)—yet think what bas your prelates and pom Aer ay nh me for those of | &*tting into office of the young men who are o us and freer from om than . paar hehear Eon pote geting, abe) a coula, thas pe fod capenatawhe” political aspirants. This is the which, | 0, Did yon think is proper thing Ser MeKew- | appointed tof the day? I rn ene Hers tice, blessings which have never been denied | With grief.” God iad sand there as the leader of the Opposition, 1 enunciated Now fest bear in mind who the wi want y our county We have a ballot by w ® wan of unacru- | tr the Roman Catholic people of that coun- | obey their Fauit peak, at the last session of the Local lature and h rey not be entrusted with that same duty. And the means of detecting | try ; but we in the Province of Ontario have | sected I have to say they would not find faalt if | endeavored so far as possible to: add to that | he n ante Pile es "| im the great centres nt man voted if be desires to do so. | given our Roman Catholic fellow-citizens con opening’ Taare ticket | bolo tthe hoes ofthe people al toe loct | Ay dent now that Tanold ve a Judge | S2Tgued Tag seh pie tesaateet i | haghre'see as ne est thn bal oncuvenmuiie |, We wake Se ee ee Ea Se Sete werk wares be oe. ty oye do you! A. don't want to | the duty of looking after there important in- | has been the means and is made the means of was bailt, So | ™% fr. fon some were done, sir, these scandals refer- teresta. Conservati timicda ( % which a aeeuick over ences to the condact of public officials trom “Th guid yos ott sourseltt you were an or Th vp in the Scoslced sis pean rary dpe Sac ae pry a fe any country pag beads be by Mr. Mowat is not entitled to the confi. | time to time would not have been made. I | specter! A. Valens T am compoiltd to answer ‘and in the democracy in this our | the freedom of the secret ballot, but they liberal, more | ionreme, the —_ ae Eee ar Oe country. (Cheera.) | also urged ia the public interest that the G Von deciinn 12 capenea on opinion ‘upon the (Cincers.) I believe that we can- | know that the way in which they cast it can nag og state shall be New, see ve ir. aioli been eoeney ois ot ne wt timer oe yrogriet re hess meking sach canvass os Mae aah ert Soe poesia al shin eonotry. be ews _ tha she ballot can. eng fe | has r by principles it 2 constituents, through | county should wank to enurese can go times, |- can ascertained eater Frrst, them the of thin country | Tided in, | the” interest pf the offce: | winery anaes “oF BSR 84 | duedows the hearts of the people is to be | voted. Many sag be oppeead: tw te ay ees limita of our ood you sbaus we haves anewer ~ Mr. Chairman, Sl toveay that an af ey gree on. Be. Seeeeth tof - aod thet ture to sa a ele et et , ' 1 my con eee cay Anite ak aoa sowteme this’ of the administration of the day. has See teeeeeds of all’ Uyuet. dealers? eet septate rizente tech to advance the'Tatereats of the great trae, | state must The other ; Government by saying that thle Government | been te provile means by which their friends a'Did you ever make this an argument that | Wit? the sdministra opr saga masons of the’ people as the placing in their ret | tom is confided’ to the the lst genera leten und tome "previoa Fatten at the Public Expenae. i Ret ina fave, sud Y alds't ne why the THR propen dom om poe ar rawr preprint Nang alok as eae wood | Soe of . os . general . elections. aseaults ‘were. a - z BI would nave: ¢ ; appre} . Rade “upon, them, ty the Opposition, were | Feity each an thin, the policy that I have | Santuesatett Be EE amend a | mined eras sence Tih the reget | sy char ahs apes mot Carpi), he presides over | Sislope in por ein) sammy were | outlined, would tend to remove in a ‘Would you ir? AL It which it is permitted to investigate the way that at the ves mateo Dp - mois te onthe great measure the possibility of these effico. prea road oom ees 1 Tay have ould Gn cares be Prong politica! paint ee scome in which any man votes, which permits ‘only tree 10 beading o Saean ita Senin bard ceesgded Senreiebnaeteereed periademe yentaadnyedl anpagh sn oor = Reform parr. re = ay. Soren te you, sir, and I appeal to Mal a heles Seay nen Seve . us, ind: vot either, and cam dictate ‘the Sect aon all not the policy their in their business tacties tlemen whether ice complished {tis onty by constant | ihe as far an powible each locality should | license holders? A. No. I sid I'thowght 1 | the Hennes system, as pew ire Posy read sicasae We behaps ha Sed wnalo the solioced gn een tl pest sep ge crs bs eet ai aie ietsmaatrer sae ronal ee have the dealing with and control of ite own ee ene ae eee sition of the Local Hoase, is not more in the pone dieg ar aaa Be ass Now, I say I believe that there ore hun- that ultimately the ei erent wil ..dheplace affaira, (Cheera.) What to be made in this | Mtereste of the temperance people of this Letasrestnga Seesacptnes r Grote, be nat thousands, 4 oor Ress Chae: _ conducting the affairs of the cidbeedies eversix: nineteenth century, that it was the interest perc Mac RP cs pm arate Me to which I call yoar teoight and lic fellow-citigena who do not subscribe country in a manner opposed interests id wr! 3 of the Ii to su the Reform | TSP> the dishonest administratior~of for which I think I bave the right of calling | those views, and wh> do not feél themselves this A Systeri of Trranne"and Coercion of the t wind puvaple siald thit he the law as it is on the statute book to-day. for the support ef the great masses of the | a position to bind themselves together ina If thie is the true position, thea Now, sir, I have to-night to-go over a geod Uauor Dealers, ar ak ipplaesh--anes thes..the.. Meleren enepmes dias Mater Aracinaige Ben Bg people of this country; is to compact to defedt or work the two there fo ne sencen in the world why the _ deal of'ground. have, in the course of the | , Abd "now I begin, to speak. of another Gane critters t0°'Uoo. Nese fame ae Looealer "s:daoncoe——~ a hash vac alld the thing it was intended to’be, » secret bal-”} great factions in the “tate. “Wint ‘are the.| Cetholle Merarchy’ should ‘not be trusted observations which I am to make to you, to prnagocbabene yy gt i ceetee Sere viges es ~ acskeas of Ontario and were abusing tia -# Herren mu? Nang uae ih by sees at OS ve can in secrecy | evils, f might ask of-the great pariia-; with, the appointment of the trusters, and _ trouble you by i toms ss Watir an tatty tite tata ee aa T shail do | ‘tie power, this:livensing system, in the “in- Opposition | Ses cast his vote, wiiich he cannot do upder the | mentary system! Isthere not. _- not necessitate a ag, ng genio aw : ference to the Public Records apon- some other dceasion, but I. sball | *ereste-of their party ! sea “= flight Hon, W. ©. Ciadstons, exinting syatem. ieee ee Creat Danger to the State | fares of an slection. 1 ee god to rend wo yun axtraqis from the pablic | endenrer. vo show whet we all knee You.wil eng you didnt go.any further} “4. Jets of she Lees pitty. Grant Bete. mining elections, sed the evil remslte which | $ this solid compact of the minority, and is perrn § me, hear.) ‘Thanie not .. J therefore--hope, Mr, Chairman and ladies | every constituency knows in regard ot the Veraee ‘Tuldsrs' to copper the Rafer: | Northampton. goeated ype pg aes wernt in by Ontario — from one side to the other and ex-| yi, not ® traitor to his country would snd gentlemen, that in view of the great | to that question, that the licensing syztem is'| party" A. I may cave said so. position was that the of priors pale" J cog as — Scting from thet otber what thet other im cen Sneeinell barn Ak that involved prin- iseaes upon which the of this country | used as a huge means of buiding up and | Se much for the testimony of Mr Lottridge | should be taken away / the Govern Agua by <8 | conscience could uot give without the euch a6 thee. man, laay, whk are about to pronounce you will bear | ea: the ment in power, -Ba 20 hie evodast, the resema shy be sisoged of thé day and should be jor tha heats deavored:to impress these views upon the | 1+ ot thet compact party! I say that a2 grin Pope: Tete! Pots with me pationtly daring the course of Eee) we baie te used asa means of | bis Aad, as w the courte of of the county coupells, the ‘pewly pew, L think we have & right tomy to the one of the dangers to modern civilization... I betes ar hh pare gg admitted observations shall feel it my duty | terrorizing these eugaged iu that basiness. | Mackenzie, license inspector, I have never saprasieage onpetbors in the county, poet pS rept pe say that this method of a solid compact, by | tn. ar te chink be dein’ ss Why it was only thé other day that a | heard from that day to this that the Reform’ | We have the in favor of what. we wer avg are dish ara cod upheld tbh nth portion nee wilting te Sve: dere the’ —— a is tod saxiipss cen. te eae tem and | kenzie, ochre Rigen gv om scecrarunae the queen Vioter of the Linen by the Government of this provines. ' Rew T iy, Deis aun ieee he ~~ * your i . = to bd showed that froa: one enid of lp A to }) You were ted for the of dis. | party in the United also in favor of | “Oe for © moment to the question of eroment, 4 which es gy § the other there charges could tra’ chareing § mty onder the law, end | the position which we } and upon these Exempticns from TYeration. shocld ery, Unite, unite, against a common made and supported by evidence incoutro- |‘ you fo bosiness.to go sroand and with: groanda, too, J appeal to ladies and | (Loud -applause.) This subject hasbeen | enesiy, there is danger in the com- ' {Cheers.) You may say that these thia gentleman, Who tad himerii an influence | gentlemen, to. support the of the Op- | under dis msaion in the Province of Ontario, | munity.”_ (Loud and prolonged cheers.) ‘| ate only assertions, thesd are chu which | upon the license boklers, You had ne,busi- | position, Amd let me mention that the refer. | and the Government rela Pkrc ain fh prdainan ahem te speak with you upteve, bat I ant to you in | pees to go about with him for the purpose of | ence to the word ladies calis my attention to | tinkered with it and appointed & some emppasia on the s and can. in the regard * apd matters which aeons sae, tweets be, Jeter: 46, ay pe | Se See ae eet re crite to do sx but is. baealways backed | facesof my fellow-<citizens, that I hare have been lately brought to. light. that the | Hidcal party." But,. from that ¥ quarters, to give the women the franchise I Gare. meebo Now, siz, in-my jodgment, a°| never been an iithavl tom 1 eas bocnees E charges and Lito this, nothing, the kind has mamas wasniioan y= oerd desran many large of the property exempted | Gared at the iast general election, when ie , i . i vf / ¥