Thornton Douglas. Casu anv One Price. —_—— Buy Overcoats. Where you please, but don’t buy blindly, Visit our store and post yourse ft how far your dollats will go in reliable clothing. Mens’ fashion- able Overcoats, $4.25 to $11. How- ever, printed prices mean actually nothing tll you coinpare goods and prices, Largest stock to choose, from in the County ot Perth. Mens Fancy Scarfs - In Cashmere and Silk, plain White, Checks ‘sen80n~ Spots; Stripes; -€ key ahie-96t priees_you'll find right, B85c to $2. Lined Kid Gloves,-75c. to $1.25; Lined Kid Mitts, $85 to $1.25; Astrachan backs, kid faced gloves, colors black and brown, $1. Very Large Stock of men’s Imitation “avd Fur Caps, If you've an idea of -buying | yy one, we'll save you money, Fine Clothing Made to order. - Samples cheerfully given. Our Methods Are steady, dependable, all — we round methods, "no eneee efforts on panicky. clamor... Lhe very..people. having the least money to.spend are the ones our ré clothing means most to. Thornton & Douglas, Crotites,* Hats NISHINGS, 5 Ba cecshamdbor. Stratford Ont. J. H. Dufton No. 1 Old Albion Block. Our store will be headquarters for HOLIDAY PRESENTS. Our stock in larger than in any — year, Direct importations rom the Publishers and Manufac- turers in Grect Britain, Germany and New York. ‘Miscellaneous Fooks In this line we have the largest stock ever shown in Stratford, It will be a treat for you to see it. We “ean supply Sunday School or other libraries ch “wtantageous terins. Fancy Goods. A beautiful line, which we have marked at-remarkably close prices, Photo Albums. The largest and nicest stock in the city. Our prices are right. — Christmas Cards. A large and varied assortment from the best makers. Bookletts. This lint must be seen to bé a i Our line of these boo ‘plete one we have ever shown. They | 3 are so pretty we want everyone to see them. Call and examine aeninenel you-buy.or not.- -.. Christmas Papers. We have all the Christmas num- bers, “London Illustrated News,’, ““Grapiic,” “ Yule Tide,” ‘* Holly Leas,” “Pictorial World,” “Lady's | % Pictorial Papers,” _Hilustrated | aoe Figured, and the three grea’ dian papers “The Star, - “ nthe . Globe,” and “Saturday Night.” See the F saitiwcal. oh g te popular books wha we are selling at 29 cts, each, handsomely bourid i in cloth and worth from 50 to 75 cts. each. This is the higgest ‘* snap” in the. book line offered: This is a> far superior book to the one sold by the dry goods ~house at the same price. J. H. DUFTON, City Bookstore, No. 1 Old Albion Block, ann Fur-} | BOARD OF WORKS EXPENDI TURE FoR 1889 i The f olewing te thet reportot the Board | of Works expenditare for 1559, presented | by the Chairman, Ald. D. Scrimgeour, at! the inst meeting of the City ¢ — and | which was crowded ont of last week « ‘Treas : work posk ty 18S. | ¢ ‘rossinys ti new cedar block cross ings. 24 vow eedar plank crossings Culrarts, D pew tile culverta, 4 wood abouts Atphalt Siden aike new 8,878 square yarde —1,0570 square yarda | Iai Plank Sidewalks ta -1,300 rode of streets gravelled. jrom Ratitroad Hill, — A large Gracel,- Karth and filling culverts, crossings, & Sewers, liraina, €c a Saeween ‘four and fiye hundred feet of large pipes and some emaller covered; aleo & quantity of ditching Sas been done. Bridges st. has been « rather expensive item fill ing with earth, new sidewaik and railing. A new icles and filling has also been made on Gore at., Purifier works, also néw covering on bridge on Romeo at, ones laid and Thistle and weed cutting ony stones, Ac. that so many of the and crossings are wort ah. WORK DOXE FOR MARKET OOMMITIES. Drawing. away snow. and ioe and _ Cash paid Treasurer for work done for private parties. * a9 72 Total ‘expe nditure for 1889 $12 525 24 Attached is acc. of work done 402 33 fe ere oe 13 wWirieh bese tit bees taken i Bio acc. Oa accvunt of the eatly spring = the ~ Tong open fall, the repaire have bern an usuatty heary:4 DS RIMGEOCR, Chairman, DOWNIE. Council met this 16th-Dec. Members all Minutes of last meeting read and Resolved that the collector make 1, being the amount due for noa-per- lh avd of statate labor, giving Mr Me. instead of paying for it understanding as to _ to be levied on ths Dow 8.S No 2, Band D, a sum fice — sient by levied, Jailantyne, aid school, wished the council to pay the deficiency and collect it in next eur’s rates oved by Mr Thistle, sec. y Mr Clyne, that the matter be left over for the new council to deal with at its firet meetin, Mr jon uot having aa yet removed his fence off road allowance, it wag resolved that Mr Wood examine said road, aud if fence ia not removed, that he will report to the reeve on Saturday, 2ist inst., 4 ings will- be instituted to obtain > peer width of road at said place. Resolved that time be | extended for the cullector to return his roll | till the 15th January, 1890. Orders issued : School am Separate es Stratford, $50.40; St Marys, $24. 80; Union schools, No 2, 3 8 Jigs. $572 8, $402 60; pr SNe 10,8269. 83. 9. Charity, David W he = Cerney, Barbara Soeder, Mrs Schriner,- Richard Morris, ach; Mr and Mrs Scholtz, cages #10; labor, D. K Erb, $3; do, co) tract, $1.50, T. O. Kobson, town line D & B, half cost, $2 65; Wm Fulcher, townline D & B, half cost, $1; R Murray, $11 10; Wm McKay, TL, SEH & D, half cost, $3.95; do, $4; J. L, Hotson, building foot | bridge and rere en Avonbank bridge, $5; W. W, Cowan, iron bridge at Avonbank, $1275 lees $23.50 for old eid; | Robt Frat re a me, Tepa prides, ech pn lot 15, con 1, $1.50; G. penses Hy coun’ Kacecmge ort y $1; R uglass, Fapin ditch, pte EOE V3 repair cA Pat Keily, cleaning i, a 7 cons div 3, $4; — Word igging ditch, ard, $5.14; dicen Clyne, in- ‘su , documents, &c., 11; | taxes eae ts Ha aE” 29 each: H . re » St Marys _ $1; John con 11, lots 10 and 11, $—; D. S Campbell,. s fees, $124 80; o aed P. Smith, clerk, $90; Wm tcheson, sateacker, Gite do $30, douncillors’ fees: G. Frame, reeve, $70; R. — deputy reeve, 580s: Gee Geo Wood, $45; Jobn Raseeil, $45; Richard Clyne, $46; P. Smith, writing and deliverin, cellos -oourt. of revision, $5: Sebring ville fe P.O. poste Be Oe The ecunell adjourned to meet Se. — PL mirn, clerk. Don't Fool away precious time and mone with your health experimenting with un certain medicines. when Dr Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is to positively sac comb in-its curat pee action as to beg ig as s aiscaees of segs ry skin ae ali scrofelous afflictions. omey | ae for it will be refunded. $500 Reward offered for an 8 incyrable | éase of Catarrh by the proprietora of Dr Sage's druggists, Rgmedy, cte., by quantity drawn for grading streets, drains | Mayor was req The long bridge on W aterloo | cleaning up market equare .... $11 2 13 loads of gravel $8 SS aod Sloads “sand for paving $3 00. 11 3S | Material and.isbour for making new platforn op front of Nas myths and Ahrens’ new building 17 5) | 240 33 REPORT OF BIARP OF WoRKS, 1859.—Ex PENDITCS Gravel and sand, 2,957 5da.. . & 2164 4 Lomber, 279,00. ft........... 3713 51 a W74 cubic yds...... 1536 63 HUTT Tots ireese cen beses 425-03 arth from ecxilare 474 00 Hardware and “Biack: mithing 242 10 ting oa brilge......-.-.+- 23.00 Tree planting Kaine weleewe $2 3 Snow ploughing Tar 172 35 — and carting. ere 966 00 Labe oe TAME RRR AHS 3653 55 Ce ne blocks. OTTTTrTrree 236 00 1888 ace,— Vincent st, bridge... .- $1580 68 A. Hepburn : & Son ace 24270 Sundries.... . 58 37 Gas Co. ‘ 150 vO —— 23ant 75 Total expenditare. . —— 58 Amount paid .oa 138th asc al. Galt and trifle .® “THE FRONTAGE TAX BY-LAW. Public Meetings of Citizens Freely Discuss the Pres cuased,and that be won 1d n« ot try to inte ald that be chject to pay mount on if they would permitted to do it sed have « guarante< they would net have to pay towards the repaising or my ef ronda in any Downie-t «© the street and Cons of the ather ats f the city went the have not that ‘civil *, al if "the ane Question - F “ ; : age tar by-law is 4 they or any _ anilar raaneerire co ald have that done The meeting called by e Maye r on wet , ewceping and Tuesday eventing at the request the it of the genera! council, to discus the frontage tax by pt p the ontly , i | re year expeaded in law submitted to the coupe, Wan BEBO Ys enat? Once the by-law ls t attended, the Wall being weil filled, an | ogad a Hts stings, aud «eon | indication that the taX p ayers feel a keen | = die ae tue). — in the iguenst jon. at BE Kit .. % M M or spent eae romptly at ovlak Mr Mayo the menep.go? ' Batler stepped to the proms ob the plat wv fe = one form and explaibe athe object of the large tron eref tas rateps - « * ' meeting He then asked the audience to pent in street appoint a chairman and secretary. impeovs men oe hed the + payee to dixie On motion of ex Mayor Macgregor the | tt tag, bill hy. xix sed ask thetowtres if they get r So . | the worth of their money. Some atte ey that nested to retalp the chair; : : ; get ¢ i be only thes acd Mr u. Mowat Whs appointed , secretary. tie p th : T ivrmanh ¢ ined ti e was ve the he chairman . sined that b the mot be taxes ¢ tee full abar tiprev eterna ~ entirely neutral on the «ah jee. to be dis- which their property trom nt ence the people either for or against the | | rai provides for that akis ‘On a rj - by } b berng taxed-acoording t 7 te vy law. ett With the eounel who way deride tt L. y tes Mr W. Easengy vias the first ape aker | taxed according to value iewand of tows ; te and was greeted = th loud app! on i i ” rd. He madea characterix eotuing forwa | ch which excited much merriment Ke spec e refrained fre expressing b ws on the subject before the mecting, saying | lthey all knew where to find biin when pepe any subject was before them intended for | j the benetit uf St rd, in whieh he had Nved for 35 years, and den lany man to ™ Bes anything tieregat ry j 888 ontinan. Appiauee.) The _siaditeen le caubot i the mre Lh ng has not opened with @ seed | | deal ot-electsicity, but as yet. much light be sail to hia character | nin k A bean bw jastic » ta hepewe toe i per Sapper: to the {romtaae. os for Smits ce, the yyw nie street « higtes eres om 4h oat tt ~ of eng ae shed on the qaestion before it. ark * ‘ . j it the station, t! nr (Cheers and laugiiter.) bs 2 the ta H Ald daly, the mover of the motina in Ss wesetie ; teat tre the council to have the frontage tax by | pre oaity “ts anit rm they cout | law submitted to the people, explaine d his |» erties to the liceal # tion. He bronglt the question before | making of roads only hting, &., @ wotic iw i sec taken that receives benefit from these, , the coune il on the ground that there were j tm patna ts taken and the rate stra torte | a number of the ratepayers who wers die j the man with « @ vacant kc none eee neh as hie text f « ’@ w tisfied with the present mode of spend } door neizhbo: & pIhces wher is we ing ne ste i x} rae oven and om injustice the council can desl with it, a» for in ing the taxe i { blak i vacant, the tot | who were desirous of having an ity of —e- improvements frontage tax system, there to give them th ut privi ilege | Ald Douglass,w ho sec conded the motion, npportun- under wished ore he next spo \hen he cntered the council and became acquainted with the wotking of the ‘present eystem of making local improvements be felt that it was a wrong ayate m and tried to remedy ie = ~ commencement of this year get a motion passed in the | board ot pa erat pahanlind with jward appromriation but fa He again tried to ot the exp nses fo r loest im ' prove: Ten t+ pat Foor ipeeer add peeedestal dtegt 40 Assesatrent in propertien te the benefit cach ratepayer recerve Lut was again | faleniad- wh Siar ta. hua dain tet emuon.| i ‘drawn to The frantage fait « He saw the admirable resulta of thut cyst mt in St Th iad wher the streets were ‘ well sidewalked and oovlevarded and where the roada were in excellent comdition. in reference to the «yet m and was per suaded that it wae based on a just foun dation. He also found that the statate provide 1 for alm mat all the objections rxisect apatist ~¢ therefore be Hered | it shone be sian by the rateperyers of } { Stratford. } Mr PD. Hay in emphast# upon a few derived froin the proposed change. ie | v ork that would be dons would be of j permdaeas _ ter. Te woubd < douse a ond deal te , pointed address Taid of the benclits to be { they wonld very detied the council, It was that were only tinkering at the best. The old system is a system of waste, The frontage tax is a vast improvement on the oer 2 mse the people get what + reas now half uinaey fe ended in the spending of it. Alderman argo an owas the next speaker. ad come he said like the rest of the wi iced to hear the act ex- plained.and therefore as he believed it was the intention of Mr Idington to ex- plain the — on the ee he would not give his views till. efter Mr Idingtonspoke. | Ife had aad the motion when it was | brought before the couscil and was the only opponent to its passage. He did not | think it wise to submit the by-law to the | people, because the system,in his opinion, | Wot td not work satisfactorily in this city anlit would be attended with some ex pense. Vhe by-law waa not petitioned for ty the people tad he believed the sover- ‘eign power should be with the je in vall matters, The first he had heard of the ‘intention of submitting the by-law again | to the people was when Alderman yA all spent in repairs the ! went from one. to another for + the purpose of trying to get a resolution ‘drawn If it was the wish of the n. | people to have the by-law submitted, and they expressed themselves as desirous of having that done he would have been only too happy to accede to their request. A LUCTD EXPOSITION, i Mr J. Idington, Q. C., in an able and | interesting speech gave a clear exposition of the law in ceeerd to the workin oak! the frontage tax systern and sansw al | midst of the “objections raised “by the |oppotients of the system, He geatnced speech with Aa r the effort made two var ago lar ey law without success, ‘o its being consid to pass a ores owing no as sprung } witbout due consid: they were therefore not But | om. =e «ration and the away © hoae ple .m cil must understand it, and a large major- peuple should be in favor of it. the present system of mak- ing local improvements with the one pro- j, and showed where the present ‘system failed to give satisfaction, such as ward ara bbing, want ef system, foolishly spending money on repairs that were valusiess. “There was not a city or town of the size of Stratford, that hé knew of; in the province of Ontario in which there waa not at_at least one street of « class Character to which the citizens ate point with pride to a stranger visiting in the city, except Stratford. bie could ot point adtranger to a decent street = the whole city, and it is a me “+e ment thing that we.canno do #0, Hee nt ae must be ade opted thao the been the present: system he did 153 believe that « | cduneil, con be elec who vost | plec lye themaetves to rpen 4°$}2,000 for the i Seittg af Glass, substantial road of Therefore he aundied the statute ah uld be taken and the land , jt cut of the gemrral tax. & ve by-law sides that ir veneral rebate he benefited | ity can be asse-sed ave ove half t t b | law | in regard to sever waion just as it i+. Only | when the ey tr te will the people be | oamenee f arch tle the frontage | SVatem rk aiveation that we =e not } come before tae ime to come | covered wouth half a e nore to curry Bway the dr would hare to be built first, the expetwe | for Fcssse wand be Sorne hy the city bocauee it Tie assemment for dining of et . ‘orem Q eewers and the me truck *e vould borne by tlhe wine 4 tt oniing as the; were bene _ be: | tore aos th ot cuuld & nh tt ota tion t the pean eikth the mun ipa m 1 de white aid the cittzene along the yer Ate | sau dt have. to be pet od ar eee that t ‘sane bee boa on 6 coc streets in the ert: jiet that the satepal ext 1 ahould pay f rt the Keeping t ims ir tite? ceived ther vd ative + ave _< tos — per y t we where t # Whore the property is poy — ox a few neovre ent” phat a thé Wosstion sr amid spines questions on differ Tiingten tired EaTMAS 7 BI LA Ald Davide m nplied He was not yet con Vinced hy Mr Tdi gt. aw Tait the a rable adopt the henmee tax bysaw The q est bow ithetisiotss Shem ver tilated. ae a tha one eyetem cf making inc improvements in a place of this kind oaght to Sa. face bo metatial duflerence to h: personal- ye ~ V adepted the p — —— or u is proved'e-beus weft to ihe payer it would Le sv to bim but they “thould pon th caution and tiin —— ie even Ghoer ance: Alludiny to Mr Ha bomas, they had only ty formation, if informafion i could hee called bent its working in thet youny ity. asiopted it, neither had Woodstock whoosh he stood they had made local improvements in these places on the trom x plan. re was nothing to peeves them from doing the same here. Even in Toronto it dae partially but there the cirer tirely = rent. They had thic a 0 ecttled siecle. ! evtimated that it would take or $180 00 200 to + varry out * scheme under the by enh Were the taxpayers of ree te ‘to aaenme an en such wagnitude | The burdens could not be die. Li) said the company's rty wou! any amountof expenditure on © statnte ae to how the cost of local improvements applied and who a a right to vote on the by-law. He mend, tet to cad ands wads ene. the ciseere-ia i i tiny orements would be more largerly made under that system than they in the mud then - rong ag prove of the principle pee this frontage tax system. n said . was in favor ~i having the public ok try tila tater dare and hei aates dtob-ina > peatbian to oust Ps them..a de statement of ae 0 position of the town, but i: éouldn’t t the council to tpone | the So He urged t peo ¥ the question.on which they were asked to vote ina few — Their tax uld not be reduced u the ‘pro: unless there was a system large y allex of population. They would im pey dearly tor their ate and they would pokeny not more for their money t they were getting now. He didn’t approve of the way in w their improvementa were carried on bat they didn’ ee faithfalold employee like Mr wn andpuot sa young an man in res getic comeieanae Ate of Mr Idington’s inte tired bearing “on the rie, Davidsori. -resw agro hia t | Woodly i oe a Cvosiderable see wast P Lilaghsn replied in a tee remarks, and referring to the alderman's saggestion that the clausesof the act relating to the in the papers. rye a would m@ve, if Davidson woul , & motion thet it be done now, at the expense of the city: The motion was put and ayreed to » Mr Back baiem, -from the body of the all, reeted that another meeting cheat be held to furthe: discuss the qoes- tion, as it was one‘af the most important that had come before the public for many j Downie #¢. Bat he did not beliewe for a | years. It was a large questich and would moment that the property — holders‘ou further - discussion, (Applause). 2 t x Besa f re a 1 + (Langhter.) After pay ing bis respects tot frontage-tax system sheuld be. pablished4 Ald ~~ —- sent they had to pay 22 mille on a deben - cumnuiatiag aad Tre audience unacimousty sereed to adopt the enggest on and to adjourn tt tore debt that had been « meeting till<i#zt Monday evening at 4% for which they had tery little to show. e'elock, in the same place “What had we he asked, for 22 mills. of They coald not have a better object lesson than the streets —— at bee © present time. Ifthe people of Market reet desire to repair oan thoroughfare, , faxation | LIVELY ADJOURNED MEET. bet The edjodrned mass meeting regarding i: 1 Heavens name ict t do 6. Ap- frontage tax, tock place Monday night Wea. : v There was a good representation of -the presse.) codstock., Sare wat innipeg mee other places had aot eat of the mud. electors present Interest in the question, eeetne to grow rath: Visor. noped to see the by law cagried by thuttes os chaismes iovtte! , - abe sach @ majority thet wt Aid Hilt the clty ished to sddrese t} . hae out of the mud for all time Ww come. Ap *) or pla - ae “is emt rng ee _— - He « oid Ald. Davidson, in repty. overt that matte hich #hie¢ ere . net one of those places referred to had it afiected their ia . .. ea ml 2 onted that adopted the hy law they avke wt dectare en onmarsvp Mgt is ein here to vote for (apjlau-«}. . B wee merite. At first it looked as tf there would staunch advocate of the fre n_.: tan, sod t e very little speaking, as no one present he was doubtless honest in his conviction, seemed to be fired by euthasiaam to aif why, ig trae that the British Mortgave their elcquence. After waiting for a time Loan C mpany refused to pay their share for some one to make a move and po one of the street watering in Mitehet]* Mr. responding, His Wors ~~ rising, stated Buckingham belonged to that corporation. that if there was to » no speakers he Street waterti¢ Had be property there ° was worked under the frontage tax system laughter and applagee Mr. Backingham thought it of Mr, Devideon to be personal would adjourn the bod g. Ald Daviaon, who was in the body ef! the ball arcee, end ea he did so re marked: Kather than tet the meeting go by defaalt, he would say something himeelf, or very wulair He bad hot a feot of property in that- tewn; and shad said : y sil that he ba he — ‘pret y me arly i th ve had merely written his instra _ ma while to say af & emer ties Ting - ‘ acting a the nerseptative of cot Vien he reac ied the piatfors ,and had | ing 7 9 : yn oe tt meat put off hi top at, he carne the trout | Por " wey OD) 7 ora a cause it was an injustice amd bowed hie sacRnowledgements to the | | ‘ a ; : hearty appianee that greeted hie ap. ; Mr W.4). Mowat then alvanceld to the pearance there e thought that Mr j froot “Fellow citizen he began, " 4 st Buckingham, when he moved the adjourn. | *t sad here to hari tack ntens c mentot the isst meeting, would have com- ; Mstocations of that greys haire told suas forward and aii sodieloing ile first pointing to Ald a Kieon <aeangird 4 y ° « disected their attentivn to an article in the | But he got po fare hen page Herald, Vap rs, as atale, were not re him off wit hisses, cal calls, and « orien tot "hic k his m ous eponrible for the epiaions expre ened icy Mayor Butler asked the a to draw Bat when such | : aients opinions were backel by efit vial cous | fe Evite, and ag the eu ee “See VEEP ment, then they were rerponsible, It had | 4 poustrative against Mr Mowat, he took been insinuated by that paper that he, as | his seat. ; ° county clerk, had taken the ground that | Mr. James, Macdonall said that former be had saw fit to take, by inetructions | from the county council The county | provement with frontage tas. The greater council were gentler xen and above such | pat of the improvements that had been tactics. He bad never been bought by made in the places referred , to have been man; he ned always come oat straight | ™ forward on all public question ona, and cof ae misrey ment, on the street facing + while towal eapeoranate fon the dollar of value. Godere pavements they would have to put in sewers, etc hey wiehed for greater liberty, and did net use ey liberty they had. They should rather ashamed of their back yards than their ron How many, be asked were’ there | whe. were willing to pay $20 or $30 of an ims rease above the witis of taxation ? These gentiemen ms that they blushed for eur stress die sk® UprOvemento go- ing on slowly but sate j making a steady progress He hop d the ct izens would not put thrice foot into a net th be ipes wiuo peor ed it, They were getting to be weilkuown They nad better hie themselves back to Strathro a kids, he turned his attention to the writer of the article, WG Mowat, who waw seated on the platform. Mr Davidson then bx came irenical ; be would like to ask that young gentleman what he had done or ever was liable to do for Stratford * (Applause ) | He had been drifting hither aud thither, | and had made his headquarters some: | where ont rentier nee ante } hen, be age How. mach interest | p base he at stake * nidat the thunders of | } applause, our rep Bs r could not catch Al Davidson's remarks until he arcived at | that point ‘where “if it were not to clear | himself from the” tenpultatt ita thet hat been cast upon him, he wouid t writer beneath his notier.” (A He (W G M) talked af things be knew pnotbing about, If he had cleaned ap bis gut out of ~loaald Idington speaking, he bad his my ata ' former meeting PI Mr Idington grew very demonstrative *n premises last summer, bis own child--; and he was bound to «peak. He pitcned gen wenld not have been eick, aod the | his vorce away above his ordinary style child a next door peighbor laid!) He mare ly, wished to reply to Mr Mac in the cemetery Sonsation ) Ald domaid's cha Charges that were more Davidson was as cool and collected as | or less Mr Marshall said that ge = Hee they wanted to tax Mr Walter Marshall more than was just, the c. = we roar step and. protect him, Dae .te there pore too marty Walter Starahall a apon the streets. (Laughter.} ~ A voice— What about insinuations now? He was willing to pay for improvements. He then explained that lease holders when residents for one month could yote; free- not ask an elector to vote for or against the by law, but 10 or 12 years hence would Referring to the same, and would have t Keterring to qxeupfisin, he land wherever he found it. Concluding, he anid, that if they thought the Frontage | hoklers coukl vote ther residents or Tax by-law — right, vote for it ; if not, | non-tesidents; income voters were not vote against eligible ta vote. , Mr Wm Sackiagiew stated that it was Mr W. G. Mowat delivered a short upon some other gentleman's motion that | speech and Mayor Butler pronounced the the former meeting adjourned. He merely | benedictior. D.N. HOGG 2 C6, were sieoneo es f errr rm proposed a Y sh | UL | david- "4 . § bee THE LIQUIDATOR has decided on making startling reductions for the Holiday Season. Ladies Mantles, “Tadies — Jackets, Ladies Newmarkets, tuadies Gossimers. Discount of 50 PER CENT. or one half_ off original prices. quarter off criginal prices, Wool Shawls, Clouds, Fascinators, &c., &e. Discount of 25 PER CENT. or one quarter off original price, MILLINERY--All at Reduced Prices and Special Discounts -| Kid ae Wool Gloves, Cashmere (Zit ‘ves, Lined Kid Gloves and ‘Mitts. Discount of 25 a CENT. or one quarter off original price. Satins, Plushes, Velvets, Velveteens. Discount of 25 PER CENT. or one quarter offoriginal price. d, original price . A Good Gray..Flannel, wonderfal value, . . * Reduced to Cost, only l4c. Choice lot of Dress Goods, several shadin for which you are asked to pay only cya SATEENS,.in a variety of colors, reduced to 12 4c. original price 25c. REMEMBER the business is in Liquida- tion, the Stock must be Sold, therefore these tremendous reductions. . ? N’T MISS THE Liquidation Holiday Sale. j if he-hac jast-partakemef «gia fice, bat | they who hoped to-carry this tromtage tax the way be did- demolish these two poor | were designing men. The frontage tax unfortunate writers, reminded one of | puts into the electors hand power that is whouttig teas with a cannon. He woutd | now invested in the courcil Suppose Mantle Cloths—Discount of 25 PER CENT. or one are CHECKED SILKS, 35ce. & yard.