< pi a FS 2 S e tered LRAPP ADLER LLL thet mite pte PLL Lb, * as injurious ts it contains the same drug, caffeine.) he —— BANISH PIMPLES AND ERUPTIONS Which the HMousewite Will Do Well in the Spring Most People Need a Tonic Medicine One of the surest signs that the Hen The apie WAYS OF PRESERVING EGGS. to Put Into eats May and ie eee and heir product is atthe lowest, pri ‘ice. PRISON BY PROXY. =, System of Punishment in Vogue in ~ Russia. The ‘‘prison editor’’ is a reality in Ruesia. He is a development due to the insscurs life which every ho keép chickens for h -|newspaper not under official con- lea, | WOO eat capekeat %s the pimples, | sumption to preserve the surplus trol has to The latest inei- that ‘come frequently with | the [vt these months so dent which revealed, bie, existe change from sates to spring. These | | paeo to lay ‘the table. can! was the case BE ean prove, that: the f be ‘supplied. thetlesi sane ag usu ble the ee 4 jose persons. who have to purchase. bs r id rs coche upon sre eggs all the year around might aleo pee to be an iitsterads janes of needed to put it right. Indeed arte bi ll pe winter use, SuP-/ “What happens is that by law a there are few people who do k The name must be Tegistered a of not need a tonic at this season. rigpeetsite nes cy ee i Litinemcare pit Sie Bad blood does nob merely show it- self in di To rp, stabbing pains of sciatica ani neuralgia; poor appetite nati a desire to ayoid exertion. You can. not cure these eras by the use of purgarive medicines—you need and ts toni¢e golyy a i Williams? Pink Pills life-giving, nerve- restoring powers, Every dose of this medicine makes new, rich blood | which drives out impurities, stimu- lates every organ and brings a feel ing of new health and energy to| ak, tired, siting men, women and |/¥ ar dr y nei eh ae ia The yolk should be perfectly give this medicine a trial an round-and show perfectly cleat,” Tt y it will restore the ap the ite is a coping spirits, and ith new, health-giv- You can get these pills from any medicine dealer or By ma. an at 50 a box or six boxes Fs Wiis 4 home eae te Dr wil Medicine Ag acbalar Th sashit i Brockville, ft Reels joat la eo butter in the palms ‘ot “the hands and t ing the eggs bh nel Selfishness, Ceo ih faco We all know that selfebhost ca aiken ech ei ea ore Ken aus in, | DOwRut ab any drug store Another |t ila: chai fat ei Lied chicos way is to dip the eggs into boiling Semuy Jeg tea tty water for less than a minute ters which. We eo on all sides of us nown or even Characters ehrivel before our eyes and we cannot understand w! It comes to be a common experierice to sce lives that start off wilh ¢ every promise of brilliancy and power, cellar oe answer. should he sonal before being pre lumbago; the | 5. ia ge very ne downward when storing epgs. ‘To Whe e eggs are bought they ndling chimney costs As most people know, egg shel are e poms The Hoy bled ieee r the chick to breathe. Also reason the point should be est egay lool the instru- se (after puting in ti egg). If ri quite full ¢ g is not perfect- y fresh, and, és course, the larger the ampty space the older the egg. is ba The object de be obtained in pre bai! eggs, ‘is, of course, to ae vent evap the air is ex cluded eggs will keep’ perfectly i for months. 7 person so registered that rei tetion is taken by the authorities, it would obviously not nes Ae i. ent for ‘the actual editor to be im- paren either in non-payment of the frequent fines se or ag a re- sult of a direct sentence by way of shy abot a ee is si - arse for an appropriate ‘con: n the ‘provineial cogaized i stood in the case of the prison editor that if the Soares be dibh mensurately larger than if it inontinaey ane aa guardhouse. In the lutte he takes his “eit aig) ery, chaitottab lg a dicoeiboa® edly, beiy anpphis sd from outside with his m drinks, tobacco, and re pi matter at his employ cost Sate ss A Nova Scotia Case Of Halifax Sends Out a Help to Many People. long enough to fon of albumen inside the shell, then put them th ‘ough a very thin | syrup made by dissolving sugar in water. number of eggs can be done at the same tine quite conveniently if they are put into a colander or fry- Halifax, N.S, Dec, 15.—When in: dizziness and @ nervous Upon my druggist’s re- commendation used Dr. Hamilton’s and then after’ a umber of: youre |i. baal ig basket and then dipped into the |" “I felt better at once. Every day I have goue by to slowly that | jiquids, but it should be seen that improved. In six woeks 1 was a. wel the promise is not pant ing redeen every bit of the il man, Sine italy, after differ- Wa ign ourselves to the superfi- it physician: “had faile d to help me. realize that belioved ned @ source of acy: night be rt by selfishness, the ner life might suffer, ability was decrem by it last thing we imagine. h- Deserved It. A gentloman was once walkin besida a well-dressed girl, and thought to himself, “I wonder if she takes half as much pains with her heart, as che does with her clothes?” A poor old man was coming up the | analys road with a loaded wheelbarrow, sal just before he reached the girl made two attempts to go into the Seedioea CHAGIT howe bub-thie gate was heavy, and would swing back he lightly forward, w (persons ww that |e?! eggs absorb odors, bute Bey pi quite as much as butter does, so for this reason they should be placed by themselves until a sufficient quan- lavor when bonatieeaes may attribute to some fault, nese! Avwsoder pail is handy for pack- ing the eggs away in, using dry bran to prevent breakage. SR ACERS BABY’S OWN TABLETS GUARANTEED SAFE i Baby's Ac Tablets are the only od r little ones that are absolutely eicchaeea to iotly ree from opiates, narcotics and other harmful drugs. They carry the gusrapice of a government st to effect, so the moth- ers hae little ones are ailing need have no. fear in ba the pable. They cannot possibly do hanm, and never fail to do oe The Tablets cure all. childhood ailments such 3 e gate open.” Sho “aia” ©0, and re- oatiCe nade eay hey ous use ceived thanks. ‘She deserves to| nothing else for their babies. They have beautiful clothes!’ thought| are sold by medicine dealers or by (ha at 256 conts a Vox from The pren Be Hae for che has a beauti- fu , Pons Sees HAPPY NOW Family of Twelve Drink Postum. “Tt centainly has been a blessing in our home,” writes a young ase in regard to Postim. “I am one of a family of twelve, v before using Postum, would make a jyality peneon ungomfor- »eir complaining of head- acho, diane, eres sbomach, ote., iow: drinking ‘Tea is just “Por years motlier suffered from palpitation of ue ph sick head- and bad stom: and ai times ould be taken yioleaily ill, Abont o @ year ago che quit coffee and “fit gat Postum. r was rp pe oe with headache and dizziness al) tl he drank coffee. All those trouble of my mother and brother ie appeared since i etum has the place of co! UA sister was vit nearly all her life with headache and theart. ¢rou- ble, and about all she cared Bs Gg no permanent eshe ep an) would take the place of co! we her to bles are all gone and she is a happy ra ery enjoying life as people comet given. by the Canadian Pos- tum Co., Windsor, Ont. Postum tow comes ‘in two forms: Regular Postum— must oe well boiled. 15c. "and 5c. peoker 8, Instant Postum—is a soluble pow- ‘ul ‘asclee quick- Wi in a cup of hot water and, with sen all the attributes of a co: S\ seat of deposed Winchester and York: In wealth and i dis wel Bmouth 9) Wi ae Medicine Co., Brock- ville, 180} : PORT ae L ON ‘DON. Tt Has Eelipsed Al All Other British Seaport Towns. id the mushroom cities of the modern worl e chiet portof the United Kingdom, tands like an ancient oak with it sehy “deep in the soil of byegone in perhaps, no glamor ol ae interest attending its fin, such as ae invests the de- » Athens and Car- tinge witha roi ‘of veneration ; but m of time the sears of history, it posses- mmun- Pat 3 se 5 ap = § ge 3 2 £8 4 & é yy one it oulsteinge a early competitors, and in e Seat of the national es wot has acqaeree and ich is As the xecutive power it has recognized as indis; titable;- influence it surpasses pe odateial areas of the Midlands the north. solentlli receareh te the homes of BP! an adventurers and the start- ing points ‘from’ which they set out on great commercial enterprises across the hi, seas, Have fallen relative insignificance, Alone of all the peep ea of ports notable in m: ® 5 ¢ 5 cream and sugar, makes a ‘dehitious has pursued the even tenor of its pees instantly. 30c. and 50c. Se The cost per cup of both kinds is about the same. ‘There’s a Reason” for Postum. Id by Grocers. ways to continued heights of pro- sperity and success. Ee The Test. ‘ BD. 4 Di, Hamilton’s Pills strengthen the stomach, improve digestion, stre1 , for m All dea! aya 's Pills of Mandrake and Butoonat ae Frozen London. Not for one hundred years has the thames been completely frozen within the London (England) area. he year 1814 was ushered into the Then came London Bridge pe Blackfriars Bridge the Thames soon became one large sheet of ice, ‘i presses on the ice aa He inted various mementoes of the occasion ; whilst in the middle of February the River Thames became the site of a During recent years, avest approach to a frozen Thames was seen in January, 1881. Sweet Home. Rai she make you feel at hom: No, but she made me wish T Drueemige Gared in @ Daye ENN fa fa ta. aes he ontte & or Protruding Piles. First applica Elves rellet. » Boe. Bina Money is pitifully cheap when it is all a man has, Minard’s Liniment Lumberman’s Friend Oh, Splash. Maiden—What’s this trough of the be we read about? Corney—Oh, I guess that is what nd the aa greyhounds drink out of. Interest. to All Women} .« Message of | Y “HA-DRU-CO DYSPEPSIA TABLETS Proved of Great Value to Me” ‘There is only one explanation for the numbers of smaneieatle letters that o receive praising Na-Dru-Co Dys; ponies ae that is that these picts certainly do cure any kind of stomach t Ie Pre a ica e letter nee Miss a Armory, 60, N.S. h as ive them a fair trial, ase. edd} compounded according to an exception: ally good formula, from pure Ingre- dients, by emists. If you are troubled with your stom aH as! pour Drugglst about “Na-Dru-Ca psia Tablets, com ry the aetna Dmg and Chem Co. of Canaday Limited, and told sarong Dominion at soc. a box. ISSUE 19—"14, —- Best Money He Has Ever Spent WAS WHAT C. HA FOR DODD'S KIDNEY PIL) Had Been Ailing for Six or Seven Years when He Took'a. Neighgor’s Advice and- Found a Complete Sure. PAID eee Man, May 4th (Speciat)— plete cure from a protracte: The facts i “ friet are: He had Kid- ney Disease; he took Dodd’s Kid. ney Pills; cats eured him, But let r. Hansen tell his own story “T was troubled ce my K fo: r six or seven “My back was so eore. get out of bed in the mornings, eines, but they did me no 4 a a ‘= they wene a ‘at medicin “y bouahita eix sites xes of hea and 2 of feeling Now I am quite well, the best money I ever life was what I paid Kidney Pills,’ Dedd’s Kidney Palla are no cure- se They sick Kid- that is ~ob in tee Dodd's y aieaed for the: si SCREAMED WITH PAIN Middle La Have, N. sho just foot feo pela ot (Signed) Miss L. Parks, May 17, TO REMOVE DANDRUFF Prevent dry, thin and falling hair, allay itch- free sample of each, with 32-p. book, send Post-card to Potter Drug & Chem. Corp., Dept. D, Boston, U. 8. A. Royal Chitaren Well Informed. everything This pla knowing all ae placse of jntereit) beforeha: oe mends itself so greatly r that. she reg eer her cchiuteed Sbieis hue same, and the young Princes and Prineees are consequently extremely well in- “| formed —— 6,000 Seen at One Time. ydney Chapman, lecturing to the Victoria Institute in the theatre of the Royal Society Arts, ondon, gave a general census of the stars. He eaid that under the Only s| sands of the sea for Tote no one ever have eeen more than half of the visible ones—that is to say, three thousand—at one time. Minnrd's, Lininient Co., Limited. MINARD'S nedy LINT- throat, Mis dota anid all ordinary ailinents. Tt never fails and prompt! cure CHARLE! Port Mulgrave. WHOO'! Said With a Regretful Sigh. __Miss Young-—What iu your opin- ma: Hine ‘plder—Whenever the man is and remained as such for nearly ten W The i'd not finally | Willing break up uniil the end of March ata ie foad ta Ons ay, On the ice were erected tents and | mays LAX A’ ove, BROMO QUININE booths in which refreshments were | Tablets. Drassiste refund money if it : d W, GROVB'S signa- sold to the thoieands of Londoners [falls onan box ise, bobs who enjoyed the novelty ot prome- — in midstream. Pri Sy thetic. Ethel—Jack tried to kiss me. Marie—How impudent! Ethel—But he was interrupted. Marie—How annoying? Try Murine Eye Remedy If you have Ri —Soothes Eye Murine Eye Remedy, Li Murine Eye Salve’ in Sey $0, | Eve Books ae by Mail ‘An Eye Tonle Good for Murine pied Bees Con Chieago ~ Hard NChaee “She has a heart of stone.” ‘Perhaps no! “She has! I can make no im- pression upon it.’” “Have you tried a diamond?” His Trade. Warden (to new prisoner)—What park ean you do? What was sone occupation ? Lord Pall wa *cellist in an jorchestra. Wai ie a Paiaul as we'll set you to saw- ing wo Small Por Portions, “How did you find that piece of steak, sir ’’ asked the smiling waii- “T really don’t know,” sai large man, gazing at his pla un Angry Customer. “See here, ‘waiter,’ the indignant customer, “‘here’s a piece of wood in my saus thing! I don’t mind ecati dog, but I’m blowed it Im exis to eat the kennel too!” Keeps Him Up to Time. “What is Flyppe’s wife's first e #* am Graal And it suits her,’” “She’s always on the watch,’ ‘Minard’s Liniment used by Physicians, When a man fails in business he begins to look around for a politi- eal job, sters 1h 2 ion is the best time for a girl to) 90 eal OT Gbilezes a bit. r in anticipation of a liberal tip. |p just happened to move that: little ar Bieces e potato and the steak was | on * di exclaimed Fewer Births in Germany. The preliminary statistics of Prussian births amd deaths for 1913 were rather, mor than 15,000 fewer births than im t xcess of births 50,764, 4 38 being 824 above that i number of births in Pry was about 100,000 fewer 1908. As Prussia is about two- thirds of Goren the Prussian re turns r guide to the posi- tion throughout the empire. The Fixin’s. A edie ten teacher, after ex- plaining to her interested clase that ‘Wists have steatheray beard ur, sheep have wool, ete., asked the question : Now, who-ean tell me what oy- A BHieHE little girl, very ile i to recite, answered, ‘‘Orai ¥ Limited Knowledge. “Have you any experience with children ?’” “No, ma’am, 1 daeiad? worked in the best families Warts Disfigure the Hands painlessly removed in at all dealers, Oranges In England. Oranges’ first went to England about the beginning of the sixteenth century, and found ready favor with hose who cow after Cavendish deseribes Cardinal Wol- sey as entering a crowded chamber hand a very “holding in his y fair filled up again with part of a 8] wherein was psteane and other confections against the pesti- ssing among tho press, or else when the Was pestered with many suitors pm Modest. may heve sbragged aboub my “That's true, you haye.’ “And I may have referred at times.to the fact ates Py) ancestors were heer) pe “Yes, I have ha aa do that.’ jabs us still think [ am ated to sor i never inti y employers could not get. ah wien me. Rheumatism Goes 408 Quickly Its Virus Forever Destroyed EVERY CASE I8 CURABLE. Aa aa to Rheumatism Your aching joints, your stiff, sore muscles, those sleepless nights and suffering days—good-bye forever— your day is gone, erer, cheer up, and read the Bod news 8 man thet me @ month ago, ai dade ‘don’t pots pes ee quit lint plaining, limber nswer was, im rheumatic, 1 can’ do it joked me over in a pitying sort los way and told me to go tore for Nerviline and Ferro- pain and no peteiias can do in a oe like this it can do for you peasy d vende years Nerviline has been pocorn rv Rheumatism, Lum- rae ant ack. 1 te the ie ateady that never dis- as _ ety Serious, Mrs. ‘Thompson—My hi band. is seriously ill, He’s ee . consult- ation now. Laundress—Poor man, do you think it hurt him bad, Ask for Minard’s and take no other, OF SCALDED LEG |-* POINTED PARAGRAPHS. A long life without ald _age—ob, S Gs err ishhuman, but to forgive is a rr ey till is operated on the And Foot. In Bad State, Inflamed ay Festered. Could Not Sleep, “Aub momors Mpa cosecn ars mpletely Cured by Cuticura | One geatleman who calls wnother Ointment in Short Time. ntleman a liar is no gentleman, Paes aa Fortunately for the aver: H fer red. Wher a fool has nothing to say he's never cian pee he says it, More than mortgage is needed to bes a tee warm in cold weather, - Shescaided | Only a tool will neglect his family itin theeveningand could | in order to pose as a public bene- sleep that night and | factor, An ordinary ne of the id is or 'y few ailments the a phy- sician has been willing to undertake to eure without a surgical opera- tion. ——_— Little Brother Disgusted. “Does the pay siete ck ait asked a friend of t the little prother. “Nav”! “Weplied the ttle robbed, diewittealy. need to talk. All he has ter an is ‘0 yell, Pach gits everything in the house worth having Request. Sister (who wants to be left along aa 4 moment with her suitor)— it’s cold in the house; go in the next room and close the win: dow zi—But it’s closed. Sister q ell, then, open it. Terrible Sealiin g Aecident ZAM-BUK Gave Qu ICK RELIEF, For taking the pain out of a burn there is nothing io Was the Hang heard my » and avoid sealding them I ve vessel a quick turn, The effect of this wai that every drop of the boiling water poured over my fi limbs, had twoapeds I told my oldest boy to bring the Zam-Buk (which we always. keep in the rats ‘ app! Zam- Buk: freely, an in cx eased.” I continued using Zam-Buk, and ina pronaaearye short time the sores were comple’ a." Zam-Buk is ailiy good for cuts; brulses, eczem~ ulcers, ee plmples| ete. Price 6c. per ee The Dissemblers, T'd really like to know cial O38. ere are many success, but one of the most important is to be able to pretend you are bed te ood e wien you’re not, Highest grade beats kept whole ~ and mealy by perfect baking, retaining their full strength, Flavored with delicious sauces, They ha FARMS FOR SALB. 4. w. DAWSON, Ninety Golbarne Stren Toronto. T2027 AVANT TO, BUY OR BE Erol, Rjock. “Grain, [oF Dalry Pia, write TT. Brampton, oF Pithorne Rt. Toran HW. DAWSON, cenar St, Toronts ‘ NEWSPAPERS FOR SALE. YOD WEEKLY IN LIVE TOWN IN ork County. Stationery ani) Book Business tn connecti Price only $4,000.” "Perma Uberal. Wilson Puplishe ing Company, 73 West Adelaide Str: Tarento, MISCELLANZOUR LIT EY Q)NON. GRownns, apr ture re Spiny Sindee he, OnlOn Weaders,. RG Coaxces.. THO Sotarpal Eating Ver Talent. ~ Conneetion between feeding and enius mmented on by wiadled ‘so did his »phile. Gautier, himeolf te talent, Theo genius 8 r proof pointed to “that, more barre than A man,” Balza re. Du- maz, “always aia eal jolly, ¥, to the “hippopotamus in breeches,”’ Ros- sini, and the plump and well fed ap- pene of Victor Hugo and Sainte ie} : “What 1340 Did For Us. suffering from the intense cold by reason of scant bedding ane lack of fuel, he searched for ele toga to put on the bed to inor warmth, and hit ona unfinished com thrown to a watcthanoer: Suggested the manu- facturé of special bed covers of the same material, and these articles, gave his own mane, im fame and immontal ara, Se le. ——-%. Koop Minard’s Zintmont in the house, Bs Ieeke more pitiful than old) woman array in duster 8 cast-off finery. Pgh sal oa) tated ia now sok ia thie reed: ferent sites of crystals; Hivery graia, no ventter its (red label) 3 Th Entiever ‘grain from top tobottons Ya att Gis size ot Coarse Grain ( atabel) : Like small dlamondy and almost’ as brilliant, but quickly meited, cane ‘sigan, shows by iyais 99-991100 to 100% pu ‘The weight ts sonendl ‘well as the quality, cured; colts didtona, Most f: INFLUEN a, And all diseanon of the IN’ Catarrhat Raven. Pinkeye, Shipping Fever, Epizootic orn affecting his throat, uarantoed to are KITCHEN : One burner, or four—low flame or hi ee slow fire or a hot one. No co clean drop ee tows ve with Fireless Coo New Per éction Oil Cook-stove piskns pense, cooking at less cost-and a cool, In 1, 2,3 and 4 burner sizes, with cabinet top, el racl Es me all dealers and general Sone * Royalite Oil Gives Best Results THE IMPERIAL OIL CO., Limited ECONOMY ‘soot or asl etc. a new Oven. Toronto Quebec gpa: Montreal St.John Wii Vancouver \ 7 we ‘cane, | coltn, wtaiiions—all, a 8 and cone itd oe eel compound POHN MEDICAL CO.