Milverton Sun, 7 May 1914, p. 4

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The eng » Suit ‘We have clothes for yo cal how particular he may eS igi suit oe The M. FLEIse ald ieee yi ah a Man's ung men who find his spring suit here no matter ns ail Hie y ia clothes made by HHAUER are both ‘*fit” and ‘‘fashion,” Also Agent for 20th Century Brand dut Have you seen them Well, Sir, you musn’ To us they look bette: we took our time and any mistake about it, Studs, Necktie Pins, A pleasure to us have you see them, Jewoler and Optician Byes Tested Pree All personally selected Mis se About those new Diamonds of ours yet ? ‘t miss them. r than any we have ever asked you to look at. didn’t make And don’t YOU make any mistake about it these diamonds are abso- lutely perfect in every particular, Newest settings in Ladies’ Brooches Rings, Lockets, Gentlemen’s Rings etc, well as you, to P. H. BASTENDORFF Milverton, Ont, And CENTRAL Bee @ specialist mere mare onpar any other callings ko HAND and THLEGR, nce for our free casmlog D, A. McLACHLAN, ~ Se re ONT. Gur dlapace at ane thes hres quanta, — COMMERCIAL, in Business. tanteiee a dan rea: the i ely an at = Principal — To — Winnipeg and North of tlek: DPA, | HOMESEEKERS’ EXCURSIONS MANITOBA, ALBERT ‘A SASKATCHEWAN Bach Tuesday until Oct, 27, dbctsateg 00 Edmonton and Retura $45.00 From Toronto and stations west bet Toronto, Proportiona fares trom stations East of Tororo. Retura Limit two months: Particulars regarding Rail and Ocean men my apo tieket a, eas ay Be write pI a F. W. THOMAS, Local Agent LINWOOD. \ Mr. and Mrs. ©. W. Parsoll spent Sunday a awkesville, A little baby girl has come to make {its home with Mr, and Mrs, Frank Brenner. Congratulations, 4 Misses M. Fin’ > Eee, Corp Schnelder, of, Milverton, and Beat me Tuesday with “Williams. nn. of AGlvestont Messrs. J * William Stumpf and Weitzel. of Elmira, Lanta 2 our village Sunday. Ao soring weather see: e young (people wear plea- Sachren and Mrs. N Ring are spending a vacation in “tor: onto. Mr. McKee, of Lebanon, a position as assistant agent at oP, sy aint ion. has taken the Baker. of ris ray of w days with friends, s been mak- ing decided improvements is new use on Rink street. Alf, McCloy-.. of St reer L. A. Heim ies nt Sunday with Mr. le Jacob Seifert spent the week- end in Monkto: pay Bara eink and sister Margar- spent a few days of this week in Strat fol a Mr. A, Allison who has been pan ea for some time past as the TinvwoodListo- C.P.R. ure. r. E. R. MeCormic! of Lon- don. who has heen. on the “London— Windsor run succeeds .Mr, Allison wel Banner gives the fol- Sf ate funeral of the jo;—“"The' funeral lat Charles ‘Tibeaudo. whieh took place Saturday morning, was attended. The members of fo, 70, Listowel, marched in a G.T.R. station, meeting for Wiarton. Amon the citizens of Listowel whd attend- at rtor e interment took ri lace were: C. L. Doolittle. MeDougall ans mbers 0 the pec cortege was join ev. M faatera, of i hurch, Wiarton, Rev. Mr. Ford. rector of Christ Church. Li wel. officiated at the family. resi dence here av at the graveside at Wiarton. the floral tributes ong award bean Hifal floral offerings fi the C.P.R.. the Broth ree of Train- men L0.L, 870. Diamond Black Preceptory “No, ae and Court Royal Oak No. 26, owing is ah report of Linwood 5 school for ri ;— 4th: eGramiar, EB “Srookshanks 89. Grookihanke ti W. Btri kar 10, . Strome 70x. W. Begas Fe" {tn-Geog.. Spelling Bonus 90, ‘w. Hahn H Wray Sr. Srd—Geog. Spelling E Crook- shanks 92. J, Beaton 90x. W. Boggs 73. G. Wray 72 Jr, 3rd—Arith. |. Duehert 38. ie Bone ts gr. B Wra = Kreataweise ol Dechert 08. W. Schlueter 02, L. Ament Those marked “x” missed one exam. € "BD, Suthas toh erpesleal port of Junior Room April. fe ti phina * Koe yeni ee anh Kreutzweiser. pYarthur, Dechert. “Mel- vin Koenig. Mary Schlueter, Edward Schlueter. Willie Stricker. a Lantz. Louisn Dechert. Melvin Ament Jr. ¥[—Bertha. Burnett. flarry Kreutzweiser. Hann: wah Lutz. Jetret Manse ee Harvey Schlie- er, Otto K ter. Beatrice Wra Svat Carnochan. Elton ir. Prim, ert Lantz, Elvin Schlueter. dr, Primer—Herry Lantz. Elfreda Wilker. Elma Dechert. Lizzie Lutz. a) ae at i MoLeese. Teacher, WELLESLEY. Mr. Henry Behrenstiehl. of Bridge- vort. was a business visitor here for a hae days. of last week, . J. W. Green. of the Mail and faanbice staff. it epee. eh is ar- family brite to going to N will stay” ‘intl the end of June. M Mra. W. Kaufman vis- ited friends in Neve Hamburg oo Sun- day. . Wilhelm: fost) a valuable week through, blood poisoning. Seeding has been very WOR ee eo of the frequent rain and Mes, Jacob Kelte Burns Milverto on. wnt visiting with eriente ere on Sunda ir, August ‘eltorborn is at’ pres- i a4 up with a sore han ichopp haa severed his porter. with the Albion HOMESEE oat Roun id. trip ‘tickets to toba. Alberta 4 ieago. St. éach’ TUESDAY wi inélusive. at low farea: Thi Rd Aid att oe 4 The Gi Wiad:ita, Banta Trai "into Calgary. Berth reservations and in ML md stefan via Return tiie two months, RAILWA) SYSTEM KERS' EXCURSIONS” ith. on sale x 27th rough Tourist Pullman Sleepers to above dates. I ving ze of cars, 8 now running particulars at a (age Trunk ticket offices a yale ©, E. Horning. D.P.A.. Toron' ‘0. Ont, J, ©. CUNNINGHAM Phone hoes: ise Won Mill ee Weak Or KI KID Mr. Thos. Allingbam spent. Priday and Saturday at the: home oi Ges ate. vray and Mr, Geo, Wri apne, ‘uedsy nt Mn, Wesley Alling Jam's, Mr. R. Milner and Miss Milnervis-~ ited at Mrs. Robert Johnson's on Sondey TRaussel Al imgham and friend acted divine service at Hollen on Bunday evening. s Kate Kennedy of Linwood, i a ia few days ‘of last week wit! so ES at Poole WHAT MARES An A COUNTRY GREAT dian Magazine — It is Ng it to be a sitet size alone~ are a great covntr: must be great-hearted; it r ui noble: it must te, Meg ale wners meed have mo jobs fi eas long avid Henry Thos, Calder and Me- |) Bay wees (pustuels fiattars: fo let “Dhos. Tanner visited P FARMER'S WIFE ALMOST A WRECK Restored to to Health by ia! E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound — Her Own Story. London, Ont.—‘‘I am phigh ‘3 wife and a very busy pecans are mi One ie tol jas Lydia E. Pinkham’ 3 a Vepetanls und as she had been greatly Compo below by it, I began taking it and s00h got aly Cis ony, periods became natural agai perfect he: valth, in fact I have never felt 60 Scart in my life. Lysie By Pinkham’s Vegetable Compoun medicine women need, ae wey think this letter will ae other ti please pub- lish it.""— . YOUNG, Tambling’s Corner, toni, “Ontario, ae Wai er from thos ing ills Secntakr ear ahiete ab shal not doubt the ability of Lydia B. Pinl Vegetable Compound to restore ren health. pave e the slightest Soube to Lydia E.Pink ham MedicineCo. (confidential) Lynn,Mass.,for ad- ‘ice. Your letter will be opened, read and answered by 2 woman, and held in strict confidence. OROSSHILL. an . Ed, Petch. of Berlin. visitors in Crosshill on Sunda: and Mrs. R. Foster and spent Sunday with hee M were Laura frien Gilmour | and salt taba up tes Bing on their farm south d Mrs, svent Saturday nd be Nichol. bt t of Waterloo he home of Mr. fe, tine Seas took place in last es: 4 4 and Clarence Babb. of Stratford, call- y three weeks with her MIL) BANK prints and Mrs. Chas. Barrett. of fiers, ae nt Thursday of ve a Mr. D. B. Grieves rae tig in Moody and son. of Rip- he a “valine friends here, P. Rennie. ‘of Listo. me wisitoea at Mr. Dd. “MoCloy"s iri ; Mx. R. Ross. of Toronto. visited | over stay yrith his parents. air jad rs we! on t trom Buffalo turning oat srs. Arthur siete of Londo: on a number of friends here ay. Mrs. Taylor who spent the past r daughter, Mrs. HAWKESVILLE. Mr. John Meyer. of Waterloo, spent Heh of days in the village last hile Louise Huefner ieee geass . of Dinos con po ing bells are ringing in burg. Listen for the chimes in near future. r. ae Ludwig spent at, noe seep our the Monday lenhammer. of Water- loo. erry a visit. to pun burg on Fri- day. Mr. Thamas Wallington. spent Sat- urday at “Waterloo, aa Lottie Wilkinson. of Elmira, is the guest of Miss Nettie hep Mr. Joseph Baechler in mberg ball on Friday uicht. Ra Allan Stone. of took, r, Arthur Hilliar and daughter Roy Crawford, returned to her home . of Elmira. were visitors at Mr. at Wallecehurs "on Gaturday: pave stanton: ROU oy Crawford, was n visitor! Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Messinger, Jr.. at Stratfor on Saturday. spent Sunday at Heidelberg. Mr. Dave Muleahy and Miss Roul-| yr, Stanley Zinn, of the 14th of ston, of Listowel. spent Sunday with | peel,’ s pent a couple of days at his friends her: home h ‘rs, Geo. “Wray was a visitor at Linwood on Friday. Mrs. John Watt Wy il while. visiting “at Mr. a week ago is improving Mrs, John Ha was a vi Milverton on Fri: Tepresentative of the London Aa yertiser made a canvas of the village last week. ho_took sudden- fu Reid's ‘or at Lord’s Bupre T » Communion f the 233 » . Wa Shearer; Treas. 4 Benttered Helpers ‘Treas, Boyd. eas rimers was the only ue who was pr raaent ‘hen the was oxpanize a twenty pret ae Sacrament of “the Lord's Barven will be administered inj Knox church on sunday: May 17th. Th 1 meeting ot be ey eld iy tie Yoda: lock sharp. An 2 f ; re requested to be present and bring oF is o subject for the next years Dron Rev. K. ‘Metou nm. BA. of ae ford. will conduct special missionary poy? in Grace church on Suni ext, Services 11 a.m. and 7 pm fveryone, weleome. : os k will conduct special i y next at Gorrie Pordy XC 38 ‘Following ‘a the standing. pupils. of of Millbank public polo! pete and April. Names are in merit j— tin, B. Hawthorne. —W. Martin. B. Hawthon 0) wire fence and as thrown off and sustained a F nner, N, McKee, M. a br ‘Sr. Lene v. Suitter, bay bruised and Jack. N, "pail Love. G. ; Ose Sr. I1—G. Aecinan and not ee the worse for the maidens Lennan. equal. C, Tanner, A. Hiei a oshtte er being “wet” for a ech time Dunbai fe MeLeantn. L. Suitter. W. rosshill has _n 7" Jes a 34 ert tie license 6 shill. hot iia D. BtoLenner, A, Raby. F ich exolted es ath ‘30th. was eee Gri ¥ TRutherford. &. Malénies Fonewe Weir. Mi Moke. J. Fewi Go. A. Smith, Principal SCHOOL R REPORT. | Report of’ junior room for April;— ' gr. IT—N, Rutherford. Wagler. Report of 8,8, No. 6, Mornington. MoLennan. atk Knox ‘or the month of ps ©. MeLennan, A, Wood. H . 1V—Emma Erler. C5 Sr. Uf—Warren Reid. Sheldon fo. 2K. Aang M. Wau Watson. William West, Muriel Mead: ter. G, Nuhn, I, Coulter, J. ows. Cecil Watson, Fi Sota Ate r, I1I—Nellie Dowd. Richard Lowrie. K, Erb. E, Erb. mtn iM. “omuwtord, D, Moffat. W. Craw- Sr. I—Irene Meadow: for : Te-Bimer “Beld and» Brelyn , Pearce. L. _Diemert. J. Reid, equal, Warler, M. Melehaes. 0. Mank. B. Sr, I—Sheldon Hetty, owrie, , Jr, I—John’ Wor! are Primer—R. Raby-.R. MoWill- Vrimer—Harol Robi inson, tama. J, Ne roll 15. average 12, { Mary M. Little. Teacher. Senator Wm. Gibson died at George Sleeman. a coin collector of Guelph. has a specimen of the first copper coin struck in Am It made in onneetiout in’ 1797. of copper. and of the value of three Ine lish half-pence. his ome at Beamsville on Monday morn ing aftér a lingering illness. He was prominent in Libera ae Poets iH i i .G.M. the Grand Tod Canad ‘Knights mplar and Canadian Capitylar Mus- nr nts. 2th | ene Fopal ‘Guy on Wednesday. 4 B. Lantz ° | of Elmira. pare Sunday her: Tr August Ahrens speiit Thursday nthe ‘Twin, City. P Messrs. George Dreisinger and Hoelacher. ot Elmira. spent ‘Thursday villag use clei and fishing season rived. Take your choice. is: we are too tender-hearted to beat even a carpet. Miss Edna Mayberry of Tistowel. is a guest at the home of Mr. Joseph Peterson, ry. Currey Tanner was a visitor to Linwor nm Thursday. Messrs. Millar Hutcheson of i eck called on friends here on Fri- “Nirs. (Dr.)' Thompson spent Satur- é Eli day Mt Arthur Haid, of Hamilton. spent. Sunday at his e, r, Manfred Forwell. of Waterloo and Miss Alma Forwell. of Berlin Visited under the parental roof over a eNT A. Hewitt spent Briday at St Clements. Mr. and Mrs, ones beens es Wat- erloo. were visitors B. . pies and daughter Miss Tat Thurs at Elmira. Reidel ce Stumpf Miss Louise Moeser ee Sunday at her ae fol Heidelbe: NORTH NOBNINGTON Messrs. N. T. W Waddell and L, Lon- ey spent Sunday evening with friends: i “er ~ Agnes and Bellis Ande ag of Listowel. visited recently their sister. Mrs. Airsanday Robin- n. Rev. Mr. nin AES oceupied the pulpit in the rth Mornington church last Sun r. Sam Barton visited in this sstion on Sunday evening. iss Etama McCourt. of Milver to ith her sister. Mri 8, French, Tayistook. made busines salfeton’thd line. son Triday 5 a) s. Dave Jones and little “Miss Margaret spent Sunday : former’s parents. Mr. and Oliver Jones. Hazel Whaley. of Peffers, visited recently | with her aunt Byron Torran at “Two Maples Farm,” e BRUNNER, Me and Mrs. Wilton Yost. & See the latter's moter irs, C. Mrs. ler, of Port is at present yiaiics her daughter. Mrs. D. ipp. Mrite and son James spe Se with Mr. and Mrs, Miss "Melinda Fink ‘pear oh lays with relatives in Lin) Denstedt- 9 atte immermann, Sunday. Mohr. of — Stratford. spent a few days with friends here. The best reason for using paint outside is because of the fact that it protects your prop- erty against the wear and tear of the weather. Of course it improves the: appearance too, and adds much to market value if you wish to sell, but the chief reason is that the building that is kept painted keeps in good condition. ‘We are Agents for Sherwin-Williams Paints and Varnishes. The makers of these paints have studied’ the principals of paint protection for years and so every Sherwin-Williams product wears well, and looks well. There is economy in using good paint, so come about — Sherwin-Williams Paint (Prepared. nd talk to SWP for voir buildings-«$-W Porch Floor Paint for verandahs and porch floors— S-W Wagon Paint for wagons and implements—S-W Buggy Paint for buggies, automobiles, porch furniture, boats, canoes, ‘etc, . We haven’t space here to tell you about all the different Sherwin- cs p Williams products. Just remember that there is a special S-W finish for every kind of Ls Come and see us about your painting needs, F inkbeiner ‘Hardware oe HARDWARE, STOVES, PAINTS, ETC. ~ MILVERT« ce We are prepared to meet all the House-teaning Wants ; Our stock of cleansing materials are winners, é y Try a package of Gold Dust Twins at 10c G or 25c; Sunny Monday Soap at 5c a cake Childrens’ Dresses have a new range to show you. Our prices are right, as we buy direct from the manufac: turer. Before buying see these dres: New praises ‘crepes Curtai hrapsdas Goods Rushings Corsets We carry all the new lines of the ante m $1 If you want an old pata laaa $2.75, re set, we have a few left THAT YOU CAN BUY CHEAP. New shipment of W. G. & R. Shirts arrived this week. Our range is very large. Men's Fashionable Clothing arry a very pretty. range in Tweeds, Worsted and Navy Blue Serge. Prices range $8 to $15 yin and see the range we carry, Big penas ° prices GROCERY SPECIALS FOR A DUA Roasted Rio Coffee per lb 15 cents Icing Sugar per I 5 nate den City Bean tin 7 ‘oma Guster Corn Flakes per ‘ari E S We speak Katie to fill and want BES 2000 dos in 'en v= 22 doz. for which we will pay you. WM. K. LOTH “The Arcade” MILVERTON, ONT. J The siesta of the United Stat- es will aocording to the estimates of Re census officials be 109,021,992. Can LisroWwe lee : Will aye to grow'a. reat deal yet. ie ESS i ee to pert population but it af —————————————— L_BUSIN COLLEGE no! ie Ai popu- 1 . lation of the United States was no Any time’and grow er than ours is now and the pro- reer bability is that our rate of adyance- For particulars addreis twill be greater thark that of EDWING,MATTH: iment the Unite rincipal years of its histor; 2 We Parlor, Den, Diningroom, Bed- room and Hall Furniture Rugs and Linoleum | We sell the ibe 4 | toby Piano Go-Carts | Also — Rais,

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