Milverton Sun, 7 May 1914, p. 6

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af HS ed oes few elioice farm The Milverton Sun And Monkton ‘Times ‘Age PUDLISID EVERY Teason MORNINO The Sue Prating Office ‘Main Street Milverton, Ont FumAcirTiOW nat One year, $1; a1 tls, G0 Bait pntan, 26 Sendy: nea Advance, Subscribes sted mA pik ld Hable to pay $1.50 per year eaten RATES car O Mos. 3 Mos. Mow y $4” ” 835 22 3 12 % 3 E 1 “8 Bight c efor first Iusertion’ and Hetrr'soute pet lina fovea subsequent ins ion will be charged for all teanslent 4 seein withont specific directions ba be Inserted untiforbid aud charged acs ee for contract advertisements must bein tie ofice by hoon Mondu attention, MALCOLM MacBETH Gahiither aad Proprietor BusinessCards 0) ‘ORONFO UNIVER: wud Bridge Work @ apecialt; OMce; Over Metropolitan Hank, Milverton ¥, PARK E: DRS. PARKER & VE OFFICE - PUBLIC DRUG stone, MILVERTON Hours=10 to 12 o'clock p.m, aan) rand 2d lock’ p to 80 and * Mc KE NZIE,} M. dD. sai ian and Surge HONE: ON Office hours: $0 far as possi p.m, and in even ARTHUR PARKER peat on Physician DRI Se Call or write, I Hotel, Milverto Willvii iden FORSTER, Eye, E Uhtont oa. Horset Seipien New York Op: and Aural Lnsti- tute, Clin. ‘sisi, Ear, Nose and ir i t olden Square and ost London, 3 Wal te opponite ch Stratford. "Phot H. B. “MORPHY, K ore Darvlster, = Notagy Publis, - Conveynneer Solteltor for Batik of Hamilton, ISTOWBL, MILVERTON, ATWOOD Offices: Listowel, Milverton an . R. BLEWETT, K.C. Solicitor for the Bank of Toronto Omics : Bordon Block _ StRATEOR ONTARIO aa ARR, Veterinary Surge milvesten, Graduate of Ontario Vetorin Treatsall disease rials. Calls by tele phone or otliée wise promptly attended to ne meet! ms ee ‘all ye __Sectetios. ilver vor Siar ho ge a Bee Ivarton every Mriday night at eu. in. “inal hall hd ne, of f Haro breth m alia a. wal PPh Loth, i A i Baie "No. 2 Mily pet i "the aieeonae nveyanoer, D aan oma Affidavits made sitan Office in Ben Weir lock an 8 MERS, | Monkiena Ont, it, No. Eales hae Pratt rth, Roal Esta‘o bad to tale OTEL, Mil- Firs! acoammodation We sommereial eee and other! hree jood ling aa. Soda of Liquors er ie ‘| ed adjust’ ‘the general ~| lost all attraction for us? —=|arcby ahead? “| ugliness when we see it, a nd] cansed: butterfly dresses, NOTES AND COMMENTS Strikes among. and high school. children bumptious disorders among school fraternities have help- adult con- sciongness to the ideas and feelings of modern youth; but it has-been reserved for the schoolboys of Vien. na (Austria) to push, matters one stage beyond any yet experienced in. this” part of the world. Largs numbers of these young people are engaged in a propaganda to compel | °° parents and school] authorities to concede to pupils the right of elect- ing and dismissing teachers and to agree to the substitution of life in public dormitories for that of the home. The last demand is significaut. When children go wrong, in school or out, during school days or after, the fault is commonly laid to lack of home training and t neglect of their duties. youth of Vienna, on the contrary, ask the outside dormitory—or a new scheme of flat life which comes to the same thing—as an_ escape from the domination of home infiu- ence. The pressure they bring to bear is the menace of suicide One wonders what home life in Vienna may be like—whether it is worse in itself than elsewhere, with Risers’ parents failing more egre- others, or whether hitherto regarded a ply conservative land, is sur passing all the rest in the substitu- tion of personal preference for dis- cipline, of feeling and sentiment for experience, and of willfulness for submission to law and order, The than as _| hint at suicide adds the Jast morbid by! and demoralizing touch, a Youth is effervescent and some- times ‘reckle€s. One hopes that these young strategists, or bulldoz- ers, will forego their plan to rule others or else to ruin themselves. Their tone is fortunately different, in some important respects, from that of our own boys and girls, but. it presages the coming of a new day to which conservative elders in more than one part of the world will have to adjust themselves. There are those who view with pain and alarm the manifestations of « wild, irresponsible temper in art, fashions and social amuse Are we degenerating } Have and grace Is an- Many moralists an- gloomy menti, beauty, classical form swer these ‘questions with aflirmatives. and and conservative But certain in England learned writers —| continental Europe are disposed to fake a reassuring view of the fads and freaks now raging. ‘here is no decadence, they say. not really like it. Ours is an age of high spirits, of humor, or rather boisterous play. We are amusing ourselves and others, We are try- ing queer combinations for the fun, of the thing. We are not even naughty, We are at bottom seri- ous, brave, bata progressive. We canplive, and die for noble Sahat ae blue wings, Sebi paintings, futurist music, and the like, are mere modes of Lee We are amateurs) in little comedies and farces, but we know when and mist to stop, and nothing that is ibaa "endangered by our frolies and antics. This theory is aeanpnoried by his: torical parellels that are at Teast interesting. If it be sound, the cue is manifestly to laugh at, and with, the faddisis and freaks, This w LY pebHape be more effective than ti | ades and jeremiads that only make he alleged fun more furious an violent. were no match for the pork-eati ee: ‘ What Ancients Ate. The wheat-eating See ates eet a ‘gwoat-eating Greeks the the by doped ‘00D k i alll Sit of perp Gan and HTN 1 1. hn “ia aie ete, Cider vibook ve Pee saality ila = Dealey I vs a Coal Cement, and ime, eeare eM oes Gited | of Pecans Stais: the Metl:chtere of Raglan aye and the sa Gers endurance on a hun- rb neh ya gaton ; lovely on reputable is in the) yy, saUusage- talions have proved their} reat ppc st dred INTERN ATE / MAY 10. Lesson Vi. The Us Luke 16. 1-13. fter deliveri The Je wish follow parable. special meaning. A the lesson is from the whole tails are used m A steward—Or, position of this stew er than that of hy m in Luke ho freed man, This ployed man, agement of the estat The same was that he was was that the steward, m of his profits fro Render the stewardship. ther or not the char; The expression migh the final account, p the surrender We: his 3. The stew ir to be gui To weak to position, his is his own f id and eine v obliga to inet fo care t for him when is taken im. from him as tenants who had noi the seed and receivin, the products. to’ the first owest thou unto my the debtors duced the amount oe ment to be made und: ay whereas on tay ie had doubtless tak ie had put down in As the debtors did n extent to a they bed in other years, ed epantiel diet highly the-stewar 6. A hundred nee he measure equal and three-quarter oil was an importan Rape tine. . Hundred measur A hapa of wheat ten bushels, and a h be worth about five lars, the steward dealt wit duced but these exa bats et Beha te aot ie was commended jo the sons of this wo ate far-sighted in ¢ tions for the promot’ temporal. well: light should wis equ r r 1 fake to. your: eousness—The expres: pre of unrighteousn e book of i. aout a li does not deed waalcl unrighteously etimes Uatthy Inere,” ‘ge upon his a Ma eaa friends of he enka abernacles, course, gome of the homes of the ear ca 11 evil; but its piano here not condemned, master finidea service, Mt would oe inpaey ne a servant to ek ah content with ; ways be filti Heng aN are yery. i ih di ome time, or "ar THE SUNDAY. SCHO: STUDY what the owner represents in Very likely As manage: if Some one reported to account ‘This would show whe- that ney will feel in duty —His lord’s debtors: one at a tim aa e arbitrary way s for si steward's oviding se himself that nes of the mammon ae unright+ in a “deceitful. we: cou a assis' suggests mint from our DG} temparo! tl eines will, ye fudeed our Atinas uae intrusted to us D ger vant eat serve two mas- g jude § aa jae Sailey-e8 the Prior Rivers ' man named Steven NAL LESSON, njust Steward, Golden Text, , Luke 16.10. \ Verse J. Said ‘also unto» dis? ing other dis- esus also atten i words 3 would e: bo doubt anakida Jes phneiden the rich man—The owner Pos ived in| § in many par- to y The ‘ard was high- nan referred to was a slaye or a "steward is an em- who has entire man- e, cused unto him m the estate, of thy ge was. true. t also refer to reparatory to stewardship. nowing himself} *p time dig, to proud , too guilty to expect another immediate concern elter. is ate debtors. these men under in hope bound position the n his Probably paid their to pay this t owner furnishing ga share of How much lord —Calling e, he the Led Ben C- ious ions en more ‘han the ac not aah, the had been rob- they conside favored sures of oil lions. t product of res of wheat— sdusled about undred would hundred Cae y in which h his master’s mples are ais pra owner} tld are shrewd heir transac- ‘jon of their The sons of Sie alert. in riends by sion the mam= essis used in| shock a and later became binical expression. ily refer acquired, but alth,’? and st. by the poor sanity of tie including, of f the steward. m is certainly And Jesus ue O unit ited to, the wishes be | “Paral Tal ° earers the wisdom ihe temporal). rd “Now are we the sens of God’? =I, John iii. 9. ration toward ed the Eastertide just now closed it is evident that our thought has Hoe entirely chee upon the fu- ure, We hi lieved that. the tite upon this Rae of the grave ois thing and the life up m y Se ity, in words, shia been taken by to mean a new kind of existence upon 3 ich we were to Gia when this istence was done. To believe in re eternal life has been to believe that man survives into the sitdted to investigate this eternal | been to endeavor to eet Pa veil which hides future the present; to prepare for he Palit life has heen to use this world as a kind sup- posed 16 exist in the wor ld to come. Immortality upon which we enter or which we ‘put As Shakespeare, in ‘Measure for Measure,’’ makes the provost express it when he an- nounces to Claudio his approaching execution :— “Look, here’s the warrant, Clau- dio, for thy death now dead midnight, and eight to-morrow Thou must be made immortal.’ by In looking at immortality from this point of view we are d ping the natural, but no means the ontrary, we are placing in the foreground what pro- perly pelgtee in the background, or rather we paint | in the Sauna of indefinite idea of futurity that walsh properly be- longs in the ennetals favepeniind of present realit: “The future state,” says Ralph. Waldo me in his essay on “Immortality, an illusion for the ever et state,” bate at eight to- | immortal provost the could no than ite the very tainly Eternity yet to-m As Petra his great thing Buta an e Tmmor thing mo: in the tri present 1 sons of G. the emph now has inheritan even now that eter entered seine we dimly in of the ly ‘“‘a slee; pass fror pee Holm are immortal Iwall the a ye} next day. eternal ‘life whieh has characteriz-] coi he would “be nake him mo: which we pray; ey contains ‘* istence can ever have; that the life spirit must be snywhene | that Boa i ee on- ETERNITY KNOWS NO FUTURE If immortality means any- all, it means not that we to-morrow, the + oF awhenever Boa may ‘landio, for example, made immo jorta morrow. man was at, a Steer when the addre: him, or’ not at. more make him immo' ‘ould destroy his spirit and rtal. Eternal life, from nature of the phrase it- sell, includes not simply the future, but the past as well, and most cer- Also the Present. means not yesterday, nor ‘orrow, but always to-day. veh’ expresses it, in one of sonnets ‘— “Nothing i a there to come, and no- ternal Now does always therefore, is some- Tt is tality re than a future life. uest sende o! ea: jod,’? says the apostle Mi hasis upon ‘now. en the glory of the ai citanl ice descended upo are we in, the nal life for the coming of yen now are upon that immortality have long discerned only the future, All of which lived here if ‘ep and a for as we m one day oe ae to ohn Haynes NEWS FROM SUNSET COAST WHAT THE WESTERN PEOPLE ARE DOIN — ‘ Progress of (he Great West Told in a Few Pointed Paragraphs, Agitation is on foot to haye Orien- tal pupils sepregated in schools on the Pacific The Patna World advocates cutting down the salaries of the Mayor and aldermen of that city. Vancouver police believe there is a gigantic syndicate of Ori ontalé en +2 oa eagle shaving been a guard = rs, iy Tiesemen with an Im- arial Service Medal. This is going to be a record year for fishing on the Fraser River, the number of licenses applied for is any bea i A careless employe let all the wire rope attached to the dredge bucket run out and foul, and. the areas at New Westminster aid up for a whole day before the | damage could be repaired. | Considerable alarm was caused at: {osaland, .C., by an earthquake image was done be. yond smashing o ered ‘ockery. = that preference would be given to Sl firms which employed only white or, The salary of City Engineer Fel- lows, of Vancouver, was ent $2,000, to $6,000 a year, and he was order- ed to get to work at 9 a.m. after For ~ yeare in succession, New Westm will vote to see what eine ‘lady of seh city shall, be crowned Queen of the May this year, ie R. liner Empress of Rus- arrived aneo) liver from Teoroies brought 510 Ohi nesé, 150 tons of Chinese eggs and) 15 cars of ei] The Medical Health Officer of Vie. toria, B.C., reported rd in that city were phenome’ Y good, ae not being a cage ot HES disease etihin the limits. ;_Desbondent because of his inabil- to obtain employment, Charles Guere, of Vancouver, soeniniiand suicide, native of Wind- oF if BP as and lett there about a| wets *. GC, Gorarament exp cba’ within a! few weeks to throw open ores of ele in that. pi ee fur iil ces 80,000 a rtile Tenet im wi wor Capa Bate Rail gaged in the opiom smuggling trat-| f penitentiary for 34| field: at, condi- | ation thi tN ‘ak from am caper ey Be suns a, and Hi he: | Rnglishoa: a SSP) Young Folks The Once th his door words e ans fale Ww ‘ailed to As the t is.c crete th he Ip me. “Yes, will only peayy to the Maieatiahn returned him in th The long will he si the nn i “Phat ing; * pi majesty © | also well shall ask you must shepherd, you are s 1 am mi The ki ed no a free dfs sorrows and trouble,’ "Om, is it the shepherd. your clothes, I will first, May I take asked the shepherd. pat’ him, and in a little while y fol twenty-nine. |moment the self satisfied, and t further trou! Teck dee ‘The Trani The Saxon: y ay sense, fear pu King and the Miller. here was a wealthy miller who sive near the high road. Above written man w he ese ere ha lives a aay the King, happening to _ he meee) mp peae and read coat i give te orale’ mehoughe Ives and, having ordered the miller to appear before Wo he gaye him three questions wered to the King's satis- ithin three day e answer the questions he must forfeit his miller walked about in the him, since ‘he of no use to tell you,!? Ne miller, “for you cannot "' said the shepherd, ‘if you tell me es about it, 1 am help y nition stole diet Vall hot worse VT’ exelaimed “If L may borrow answer the for you the pahse day the king and the shepherd received e miller’s clothe: question i ge Ow it take me to Rae & voy: ane around the world!’ time to consider ?’” The time was ag Tf your t willl take i only. twenty- four hours.” is well Sains * said the ata be worth * This pee dye ase Ayeseron end sere time for consider: v tell me what I am “your hit ing to the ers fis shepherd.’ it once declared him- ve miller escap- itt Sour whereas, ‘hotel wit a Cleans Canpote a Brightens Floors Order a tin to-day at your grocers or from your hardware man. Don’t ask for swooping compound see aD CEP —F BEWARE OF SUBSTITUTES | aE lt rays to Dress Well “Hothing gives a aman more prestige | than to he Well Attired” You can have this done at the minimum cost at This Shop... wear well. stock, We guarantee youa fit. HERE has just been plac- ed on the shelves a splen- did line of Scotch Tweeds of a new pattern for fall and win- ter wear, that will make and Call and see our O. DUFFIEL Monkton, The Up- to-date Talo, Ontari Sa inteeaes beanie a Your New Harness | Leave your next order for a Set of Harness with us. We have employed an experienced oe man who has worked in the best shops in the oe country and understands the business his oughly: In prices you will find us right Rly tae. BS ie Repairing Prompt SEN Acted at aut Atreadot te ves Geo. J. Coxon Tat as _S. N. SMITH, iS IS Your New Suit— | Before placing your atten: come in let Us show you our new lines of sui tings. We guarantee to please you in both fit and price. Ghe Up-to- ans We will pay the Supplied | for cream deliver Free | at factory; ap ‘test and pay ee you igen ma market price | will Dance The story is told uf reign Soca p ever to fall f th a hoped about the ga is tension,’ ae © ee oso o iva sh Sie arn the t rious and nitietth Sane to return, ths: and. ey the Mie? 6. amen ve rise for oe interest. be aporety | who ivlake: ee 80 ages ia ee in wafer bs fi nie) ae out eee nore roe ae aa Yat Bae t

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