Milverton Sun, 7 May 1914, p. 7

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in tho Preferred Stook of MODEL - Mr. John A: Gunn, - + - pesoranane “aS! Prostdent, Do- vee is ©,, Ltd: Director, Ae oichs of R ui INVEST “YOUR MONE President, Sir H. Montagu Allan, - President Merchants Benk of Canada. oR. Wt se hreaident. or particulars . Rh. J. course ax AND COMPANY, ~« Montreal, Canada. Limited, of Montreal. DAIRIES, P tar, Bee Gunns" Limited. fea Rate , John MexXergow, Director, fe Assurance Co, stor ere a. dB Rae sit ay. 179 St. James Street, Mina "reactor, Ron im “Behe J. Younge a) New Complication in the i despatch on Washington says: Ame fying the Cuban Sag hay. wounded her he i ant A bulletin that the Ward liner Antilla, flying ie Cuban flag, was stopped by the while the wal eae sanctat fey ca oulars and booklet gladly BATIONAL SECURITIES Ire BDERATION THIS INVESTMENT HAS PAID 7% PER ANNUM year, ae thus aftor one yea Sut Corporation wor ltt aos Suainene. ostablinh t or whole Full pace Snished ‘an reauest “CORPORATION, LimmreD, _ Mews OF THE MIDDLE WEST * perwees ONTARIO AND BRI TISH COLUMBIA. — Tenis From Provinces Where Many Ontario Boys and Girls Are “Making Good.” Medicine Hat will build 10 miles of cement walks this year, costing 190,000, A systematic theft of high- dogs is being carried on in Win peg, it is claimed, At Nokomis, Sask., seven car- ntario horses have so far eason loads of Ont been received this s The Winnipeg General’ Hospital 4% 4 deficit of 850,000, and the city will be ask tore. of tuberculosis than iting be- and rubber company, tatteed at $1,000,000; will on the erection of a 9175; 000 factory in Regina, pevanacts for the erection of an Pinang lised" boos rag & THE NEWS. IN A PARAGRAPH) APP UNINGS FROM ALL OVER THE GLOBE IN & NUTSHELL. Canada, the Empire and the World {uo General Before Your Eyes. Canada. Galt, ike of Trade in a one-day whirlw: paign two hun- dred and a ity names to its member- ship anada by came tO the Glasgow Montreal on We der of the Canadian Pacific liner a eir approbation of feacly a hundred brides-to-be teamer Saturday, hi docked at Captain R. G. Kendall, comman- en re eee Nt spe on thal of citizens and e8. The trustees of Queen's Univer- ory and new telephone exchan sity exp the: na Prine | the offer of Major 1. W. Leonard 01 was pease up the river to the city, and was foreed to anchor in the rande. ly,’ says the Navy Begartvent bulletin, ‘it was ne- AMERICAN VESSEL FIRED ON May Prove to be Serious Mexican Situation Which}? cessary to fire uj the boat before as the Aa Antilla reported Gienber of foreign Oihosis, headed by Captain Doughty, of the Her- mione, called on the commander of the Constitutionaliets for an nies nation es the incident. The Con- stitutionalist. commander explained that, they could notlet the boat pro- that they would be obliged to stop all merchant vessels im the future.’’ S€PoRTR «Rom THE papal TRAD CENTRES OF AMERIC. frices of Catt Sremuss flour Ontario 3.86, nd 3.95, ‘Toronto, Bianttobas Hieat patents, i jute bass +60; do., seconds, $6 ers’, in Jute bags, $4, Manitoba wheat —t Nort 6e, und Noy a Ontarls wheat—N outside, accordin: $1.04, 10; strong bale te. at $1 to. $1.03, relght,, aba 1.08 wn ‘tracke 2 Snare" oat aii, 10-406 cn oront; and ey, 56 to 4 fo, outalle. Buckwheat 8c, outs American: 72he, ail rall run, $25 to $26 Shorts, ton in bags, Soronto zrelght $26 to $23. Country Produce. Sutter Chole a ferlor, toa do. onickens, 19 0 ducks, ser 46 to 100; turkeys, 20 40 2be. Portia —Delawares ate quoted at $1 Albect r a military residence, and ap- Vinni ater s are suffer-| Pointed a committee to confer with fates, No ing arseti: eee necro said to mumothy, No.1, to $9.60; do,, No. be caused by impe: ing oy of A #13 7. Bh aatta No. 1, $14 to > electric pins ae ral | G0, No. % $18 to $13 © Carpenters actors of Me ioe Provisio Calgary ‘are disputing 34 to: wagon and refrain from turning cars into | pacon—Long clear, 18 to 16e perl The former. want 55 cents an hour, the bai fore of | in cane tote, Poel al $5 ory ni . “ y, 0; rolls, oe we contractors only to} the route by ordering the arrest of Kruse bacon, 18 ti pucks, ef ta on hi anch south of Magrath, idl, house in southern oe all car crews who offend. rs, Harriet Shunn, of London, rough a ria that is valued at Pym ot Port | Shunn, who ds about Bitty yours ik Medfuvrs will ae ag, of Fe bib i her husband, has been ‘ resi- MK nt of for thie north as opens, as Abe wants to blonde Eskimos discovered ie Ste. fansson. At the Manitoba school teachers’ convention, Winnipeg, it Was stated that out of 83,000 chil- dren attending schools in Mar = a attended single rooni ghesirod es it of an error in bookkeeping, ‘The finance committee of the Cal- gary City wncil, see mended $2,000 fs that between $1,000 a ‘3 1670, a ‘5 fies od its first time-tal Thi transportation service of ahs north country covers a tremen iy dis- At Magrath, Mia, the ii septa new Mormon chapel is al ted. Tit has penn and tol ‘opening services will be held pepe weeks with ‘innipeg tree rebelled On te navigation on most o! hey are in coaanebtile pound stances, Great Britain, Dhe House of Lords ot enaet called Lord Murray’s dealin, eee shares “errors of aidan 5° wi ery traide employes “of terms of seuinsiaes offered masters by a vote of 23,000 to 2, though 20,000 people, mainly non- combatants, have been long on the verge of starvation. 0 suffragettes Sienna as Sis- ters ot Charity raided the Prince of Vales’ rooms at rte on Monday, a first day of the new tenm, but is Royal onary a not in resi- ratings having a cruise on the sbadleship Collingwood with his United St States, The Court Hi ac Appeals in New York de: the free entry of wood pulp ress Canada, _ sien The forts of San Juan de Ula, at rip Cruz, notorious for pentoriey as perhaps the foulest pri- Pletcher to be completely vacwted Aindrediatelys Keep These In Mind. Don’t ‘sleep a your left side, for it causes too great reon heart. Don’ $ sleep on your right side, for it interferes with the res- t. peg. Since December 1 last, he says the, losses have been bias ae which, $700,000, vailing conditions and hie practical failire of the high ressure Ep! at a recent fire, leg pe immediate | ge attenti eek A romantic story has been koa Aloe Tn the vee ot Welling, four miles east of wolves Lord and Lady Mouston, wi Ate said to belong to the English aot i Lord Moi 1s as bes estate, now ar by a weatthy merchant of Gondon, bad for the ner- yous system. Don’t sleep sitting oe a chair, for Lenid all unnatural position —_—_—, Still in Doubt. dhnpt™ ' don’t you fo you think a man could pro- eure all en necessities of life on 1,800 a yea 3 course; but not’ the luxu- “vel t parent decided yet whe- me fe is a necessity, or @ lux- marry, rie: ee me are born lucky, others a der ini ick, for this pire socal Bo e- quire luck and still others just blun- into it, Ks Siara—ierven, 1240; tubs, 13¢} patls, Montreal pm May 6.Corn, 71 to Tie, ; ‘Oa aunt idventer 5 Ne Wente Montreal, Amerioan ‘anadian in Man. ne Spring wheat Seconds, 86. Winter | patente 42a 0616. Flour, Man., wt 89; $6.36. to 46.50 choice, }; straight rollers, 44:70 to 94-00; atratgnt rollers, bags, to Rolled oats, barrels, Ibs, «: Shorts, of Midaiin, ut to +0, Hay, ‘No, 2, per ton car lots, $14 to pie eee Rs Pela 12 i peg fin dig 119 0, a, 6 1 kos % elaniea 2 Feqeotea Beads, #140), smutty, 84gc; *No. 1 red Winter: S940; No.8, red Ws ‘ike Taloctea peeta,” a needs, $480 ue 8 No. 1 0, §le Winter 87e. Barley. Jeet No. y & Ww. ie 22. Tnitea ae a Markets gotinneapolls, | May uly, gota Now 1 har Bide! Northern, 014 to Hake No. 2 Northern, si o otic. | Corn—No, 2 ¥ low, 63 to a wate 354 to eho” our and bre ianged. Duluth, May Linseed reas “gh aay May, $1.4, Wheat No at ‘Sobuneen, 92) , 92te, Live Stock Markets. Toronto, May 5,.—Catile—Chotce but- 099,28; | good! medium, 9 $7603 “common cows, “6 ters, $3.09 to $11 cholce fat cows, $6, tt $7.3 fecderas-Bleers. 300 to od, 700 to, 800 Btockers and $7.26 te oon “bo; a 0 $7 “BO: den, vt 26 to 37. “dead $8.75 to $10.25; » $4.75 t oe and Tamnbs-“Lighe ayer tee lambs, $6 mbs, oe Mager i) to $9.75; put with: the per ead deducted for all the buck lambs, 3. $8, ‘ted, and watered; 4: 20 to $9. 22, ‘Set cars; $8.60 to $8.65 Montreal, May ke thotee steers at $8:25 to $8.50; good at $7.76 to $8: tale Rt $6.95 to. 47.26 eee sak: ba an Selected to 58 ighed oft mb ach, as to ‘quality. Yeuuting “fambs, $8 to #9, and 7 per ewt, a from $3 to $10 each, ax to tk MODEL DARE Ss LIMITED. Private iness men PRICES OF FAR ae —excelstor, ny of conclusion of Pesos: The three peti ret Comment on Events Canada is Telping. Among the mass of to ngtslation under re and exquisite specter aro ‘ureatenta with extinetion by the. bir Hs Hunt ter o atted a Bistes’ tis wives ample in. this mat quills or any other Tt iy time the nations took © hand he wild birds for some of slaughter are Teneuy riba raaselot tects rand t breedin; By the Bang of twenty y-thr Ms rater ‘eos, the tn ho: “charne ontire species national agreement will — preve egret the bird of parade ‘ateape pearlng PRE. a fer Id fo. self. Ta ,muke it amy and comfortabl for ‘all xXplorers, the ship wil be Shand wt wit piece lent, Rath Betont ship's oc @ Search for Knowleag. industrial, slums, armament, tromes of ‘wealth Dut ‘examples Of ledge wrongly erpted may be a curse rather than a blessing, ‘The seekor after ow! T the haughty, fir pratt oe ‘sale, DUE h storehouse. tor lory of God and the endowment of Tnwaftna.” Those biologists who devoted cnergles—and perchance thelr itv athete the study of the monuutte had mo con: ception that they would be the chie! contributot the ful construc tion ‘of. the ret. the Acro of thévgeareh tar acemladey ib as endless one, Glance Mek it those great fumes of the pas eur, Farad Herts. uniphray Davy, “reel Darwin and Huxley, b capable ot, doing: auch seem. Gan not stand still. Tis the Inw of te ‘The Trade of Canada, Official trade figures for the twelve months of the fiscal year ending March 31 last were Bist by the Customs De- partment r and, show a grand total for the an of $1,112,662,207, fas Up to. chon the, highe Wares ar, wan, $4;066,060-226, Thi ot the year recently clos- ea th tne. sandrinout “anereaa in exports of Canadian total belog 1,680,008, ene Clehty tlle The importa on thé other amounted to, $618,828 31: aewele cee m the Previous year of a Hts mliio es in exports wi in wugoulta Beoaucte which rose over the previous year. Mam millions and fer "The Ma ned n dscline fake thy: prey ie, total being $02: 897,463 ns thi aaiinet 3106,14 Kaa a bricis Device. A new mary fRelence promises rand mille “without typhoid. germ: my of bacteria, ate wast are. tho ultra-violet ras @ the chiof Purity ine agentes: to on nature a Uaprays Morogeo, ‘tho have-been checked by. this ing device. ‘The ra yal to purify public bath pe ae ee = Benefits of Travel. Whittler—What delighttal yas | rs. Bil art roudly)—Yes. You see, she h n away from home so much! Could Not Use Pe “Please, ma'am, tired mae poor, maith eed Meads is at the door, e need none,’? ridget, wi said she, pi eae use for wooden ‘legs have ~The “A B ©’? mediators asked refused, mn i something b posed of or talk is ng | ‘The ean ‘Board of Health i is in oF ‘the inion Our London Leiter British Speaker or Ig Dignified. pants at elgns of decline won, ny Suet gare profess det Pan remit Bain Ya ono acinde uiairas ane He history, of the ine origin ana roman} core which holds Speakership. 18 Olfice, cs ze tion boutewa on tho Hirat Commoner 48 England, | During tho “Parliamentary yossion the Speaker wives ti le d seven full Malanarae OF wo ve. A ft eserves at Windsor are an- hually-aent to him and the Clothworkers Combany of J-ondon presents him at Christus with a generous width of the Qu Thoviats Lord’ Butea was, for. “forty years officially attached the royal old gad He wos’ perennial ettend Foval family during the. greater . Last year Se Mime, Duley tl cent Pe SMimaelt be Anda third tells of the ae pres the Aeenes th Tdi banted the. Prinne: icing Wawure)s hurls which two thugs in Lahore the Prince a “practical 1ius- tration ‘of thelt method of strangulas tion.” Another story told by Lord suffield cerns Queen Mary: out one. 1879) to Toda laughed at her) and. sai mind, dear child, It is only ford at cas. aitnply ‘Ne ial Prodigy a Girl Da It tea wet ktoweetuct @memnany nusiou) Brcdlgins, have seen discovered cident, 80 there is every reason to he. West Mum Hoard of have found thie little orphan S je near fu- Clara Butt, or n the opera stage 2 said a member of when asked about their mi the guardian a Several of he ourd “have Baha nae heard her singing ule ballad Th Barge the lubied privar | § ng tons. and i dani attached to in, Are ea wing i peri ic trip in the excursion planned by a ‘ ct 0 voice, and London exploration company, the ae eee Jn, ane sum. of $1,000 the firm ‘will’ provide ‘a He puntlions nent *) ¢ ova n hunt- |} % Pan eneee ‘ach passenger wil Hato ete Vcaloes of Mle a feat at Te ox, ot Pf ewe any reserve that those critics who ls- white fox, which he must ahoot for ime | foNe4, to,her at the college were greatly, op girl shows Sarna ber guntdians thi om, theca lenty of time before her, ee must aot allow: tw here is no. aout he said, that the ee ‘4 Pootry Bookshop. @ least of modarn London's een sible” institutions. is, the. Poe ty, Booke >. ia in Devonshire street, a cara uninviting turning off Ti Hald’s ‘road Yew apnnot ek chance hag Ted you to tery about tho audi: ence, among whom Wouter, peedomingts Bd ne the long hatred poet of comle jon is ae way Uni The Rese eaitlonot at the Rational Union of Railwaymen by the railw: gor: piles 8 being ace named aa one birgest victories oo GntoDs in Bngland for many yo e vagreement Wetwoon “the the companies, by referred men and ro recon SI Tallway tha workers, nnd the’ slgnalsmen last sean, bership of the amined organ- ‘almost doubled. At tha end mbar ft too 262,182, "ancaad om, anid the hamew of ‘ano! 32,000 have becs siner ich CAUSE OF TYPHOID. FEVER. Ton of Bad Tee Taken From Vessel Kingston. pi much ie the typhoid fever pea originated on the vessels is caused oe this bad i te and i it a stop to its delivery at he Customs officer ‘held ede | up the vessél as dircot aed Wt becca paa, Santana! COUNTERFEIT $10 BILLS. Canadian Bank of Commerce Issnes Warning to the Public. Counterfeit. $10 notes of the Cana- dian Bank of Commerce of the issue Ke present in ues are in circulation lamilton, Ont. "he counterfeits which have so far furaheted in blue. The sual are rp reas deeper in tint than ni the yellow and red ‘oa fi back they two ot three flaws a ute aie, ay my lots, wl pear on ti word "Banke ' ges at the f the note, counterfeits Cue ene by fy O'Reilly. Benin’ id a hegotiaking | for a natural . A thief was appr ‘o-| and lodged in jail within hours “s the commission of his crime f blackmail. to *°-| vost Marshal that h a ton of the Setereatoati r Abas armed Y | seize the arms L inl wll Outdoors or in—this is the Sand a the test of Canada’s Arte 4 ‘barns and othés bi 0 the gn men: SU i) a a i Hi ] | i ei ‘| paint that gives satisfaction weather as no other paint have for your implements and wagobe, 8 tor jour tome, both outside and in there fs a Rat fala that ja the ithe barat al hia ow: of Ramsay's Point ivealt evideat rm palnting the co ‘The man who hires palnters to do his work for him will do well to ae fy Ramsay's 1¢ local direct NOTIN FAVOR 0 Bain "baa aay ae well and protect. wood and metal so thoroughly from deterloratlon, the factor give you splendid service and suggestions. Or write @) A. RAMSAY & SON CO, (Established 1842) MONTREAL, Que. } { | OF ARMISTICE (Gis |Negotiations Not Connected With Theis Attain, With Huerta ¥ iG A despatch from El Paso says: Immediate prepanations for com bined attacks against Mazatlan, Villa has announced his intention of pushing his campaign against the Tampico, and Saltillo is the answer |). in advance by the Mexican rebels to any invitation that may come to them to cease hostilities against the Carranza and Villa do not make nize the armistice as having any connection with the affair between Huerta and the rebels and do not: feel called upon to their campaign against while mediation is in progress over the Vera Cruz-Tampico affair, C, ‘arranza and Villa have expressed their approval of the mediation plans, their representatives here say 0 Seen ns will the s consent to van ities against Huerta at this time, and in proof of this posi call attention to Villa's vigorous military campaign which he has mapped out sueuint sac San Luis Potosi, and Tan pico. HAD A GRE. T SCHEME. Induced U.S. OMeer to Send Squad to Rob Gambling House. A despatch from ea Ilan says: The first serious case come be- fore the Provost Marshal, Comman- der D. F. Sellers, of the Arkansas, the -eflicac; a few A man, giving the name of J. R. Muleahy, who asserted that he was merican epeetenist told the Pro- ie had informa- uanti- es of arms gens scares in the hand of Mexic iy irl pire Squad men and inatrcted re d nition, Led by Mulcahy, the men pi to a gambling house, where Muleahy in ish de: any Tuesday f Thursday at 6 po emanded money 4 of rm ne | an proceed himself as a secon: bs captain of police. ih The henines not understanding the and : blag “that the funds. pone r to his employer, Pedro z The cashier was ecg tt forced. to conduct the panty dence of Nau, was demanded, 5,000 pesos, which Mulcahy carried 2 ae hotel and dismissed the mar- non the following day Nan com- plained to the Provost “Marshal, af- ter which detectives traced Mul- ahy, who was later arrested and sieded in jail. The money was re- covered and returned to Nau. Mulcahy was sentenced to’ five years’ imprisonment. 8 + ____ GRAFT SCANDAL IN JAPAN. Admiral Will Be Court-Martialed and 0: nm Others Impeached. A sagas from sit says; Thi preliminary enquiry be the wmaval con scandals revealed sha Ad- @& $2 anh orton with — th "| cruiser Ke a was: ven NGO. to him by Mitsuis, Japan agent of the Fickore npipblding Soe “looncem, out of a $575,000 sion the latter .recei lieved the admiral could ast hate ribed without the been b: connivance The admiral will of his LS YA be court-martialed. pene S $320,000 BOR ROADS, A eA aa of Roads for the County ft Ox: tock says: At pedis he Oxtord County Council an order-in- Council was read authorizing an ox- penditure of $320,000 on a system county roads for Oxford,” with the proviso that ens. $60,000 ) spent in one ye: was istroduced gen a for the raising of the latter snot among th ho va aa tounicipal iti n of the naval THE WORST MOSQUITOES. No Excuse for the Prevalence of Them Anywhere, A despatch from Washington says: Members of the House Rivers and Sit William Wil the English engineer who built, the. argh Dam on the Nile, in which he told how Willias quitoes anywhere, The people the Suez ‘Gana he said, wrest] the malarial wound ae ish en, jee 4 drainage and disci toed these bh tolerated mosquitoes on their prem- ises. ——_t —_- REMARKABLE CASE. Man Blind ee Two Years Can Now See Distinctly, A despatch from yer says: i remai rkuble case of overy of sight. bee being era on the by f wood i tot Me, Henti Rc term meget employe of the local agency of tho Marine and sheds! erlarr baie who resides at main has been satay inna for wi his home ech @ piece che y 8 tii! tet pin piece of wood ee WOULD SELL PART OF ALASKA In Return tor Repeal of the Hay- ucefole Treaty. proper ina wiibesl itso introduced Wagss crore: Smith, of Mary- 0 wry ASIATIC RACES BARRED, Steere aap Effective risa “f ie ian: —Asia- ties of all raves will be barred from entry into Canada undér a new in- terpretation of orderjn- Council No. 897. ‘The new int has made the order-in-Couneil Lenin: ble to Masur Japanese and Hin and w I aeonese ef effective on Coeocey 7 Fae > fend Ne ere fs trouble in retal ho Kidneys. If th FI HR a x during the: a 0 ow hiave to feb iene iahot and "reall They cure 6 for $2.50, Ab all dealers or. Sample te free i in Pills the ill quickly relieve th le. is ae on eatin Le his NATIONAL DRUG AND CHEMICAL CO., OF CANADA a ' ‘ 4 : ‘ : ; ; ‘

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