We is SAVE YOUR Old Rags, Iron, Horse Hair, Etc. and I will call and highest prices, S. Gleeckman, =~ Milverton “Ft Shines For All.” Sun, $1,25 Worth of Goods fi P. NEUMEISTER- ¢ Egas taken as cash THIS WEEK ‘or $1. MILVERTON Vol. XXI—No. 45 - Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, May 14, 1914 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher ae i ig pant aE Bank Head Office: TORONTO CAPITAL PAID UP RESERVE FUND and UNDIVIDED PROFITS . DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS $1,000,000,00 1,432,547.61 Issued payable pines desired, The SAFEST and CHEAPEST of remitting money. Milyerton and Millbank Branches : Millbank Branch open every Monday, Wednesday and Friday ‘a Branches also at Stratford, Linwood, Elmira and Guelph D, C. Brown, Manager ee 3 SAVE, because--- There are lots of things you car but a savings account is one of can take it out again, No. 110 n put your money in, the few that you HEAD OFFICE: Corner King and Bay Streets. Toronto RAL MANAGER: A. ENE! MONKTON “BRANCH oF. WwW. AauerRONe, Manager wal i | 1 SPECIAL GROCERY PRICES THIS WEEK AT MOHR’S— 18 bug Cross ne for 121 Corn Starch 3 packages. -2,15 and HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS i nS aC TEA a ti Capital Authorized. Gapital P Surplus. READY MONEY It is often said of a man that —or emergency—a Such funds can be safely deposited ings Account. MILVERTON BRANCH: P.d. FASKEN, Agent par Yor ings should be held for tmmnedte use, interest in a Bank of Hamilton Say- at eg Millinery ! Ladies, don’t forget the fact that we are well prepared to supply your wants in Millinery. ‘There is all kinds of the latest styles of hats in our millinery parlors—NO TWO MODELS ARE ALIKE, A hat to please you in every respect, We also have a splendid showing of Hats for small girls. By buying your hat here you will get the latest style at a low price. .: Mrs. Kate Sproule, -Your inspection invited. Main Street, MILVERTON Coal Now at see Price of Season |‘ LEAVE YOUR ORDER S EARLY dust Arrived ; Sationd oa Can Marys Lime J. G. HAMILTON, - - Milverton, Ont. + * + Local NEWS * * + AL £. oct fo Rhee ae suns at his Reatarellnar ei, wale paper ean Seittioasectedine Kageants Miss Effie Crawford. of Stratford gpent Sunday.at, her home, in ‘Milver- “Sie Rieke Soap of Rostock. at the Evangelical fieacaer Mr, Wm. Hawkins has moved into the house lately occupied by | Mr, Adam Zimmermann. Wm. spent rs. Ed. Noll, Mrs. Mr, Simon Noll Sunday at Philipsburg. Holmes is pidgin a Wes pay $1 00 per bag for potatoes celand’s. are our 79, house dresses, Enge- Jand & Sons, beards s Season on 124. 15. and 20 cents’ per w Remember the football mat ‘at Milverton. Listowel s. Pool The Fax Fun Co, will be, here for the concert in the rink on the even- ing of June 3rd. Remember the sale of dairy and other cattle at Pauli's hotel stables to-day (Thursday.) y¥ has, de- car of St. ml soe, fresh cem\ While playing tootball at a ond towel High Schoo! as Thursday even- ofvlast week, Albert *aidaet, on, the: ‘misfo rtune to e his istowel Standard. Bad Ww. J. Mgt wal ha: te sment of the town of List id handed in ae poly The mnie or ten less ‘total assess- “Whe the well-known com- of. Linwood. ‘ac- a gradual decline . and’ Mable Car-| through locomotor, ataxia aes : Sunday at the} tuberoular comma ications e eo. Gropp- Western Sepitarius last ek: “Ble her's Day services in the|was j in bis 87 Tee ioe ahah Evangelical church on Sunday we A tel eohone costs $12.50 a year in wel ed and wef instructive | Bruce to and $10.00 a year in and interesting Serna taiy Buren towesst e Bruce direct- A large r of thé loval ci rs were forced to raise the price, and Mrs, Gischler gave an htc , Home and Mother.” ev. C. Kretzinger of — Melville. Ba me will occupy the pulpit in vangelical church on Sunday Sven The reverend gentlem‘ stirring preacher and beantitulGpings Beg Pe was panes rAd by Messrs. and Kin The Strat ford Torrance Beacon has drawn cing the wo. von accente e Anoth- Ireland, ane ne bola rat satin “Lis ‘it should on the second “tow”. Irishmen fresh from the old sod frequently re- mark this. ¥ Ooleman: latt pritci? Rey. T. J. Robinsow is in the room this week, ie annual meeting charge of. of the North be 3 E ES = ree g 2 nes & 3 will some hetore a f meee inoluds ing the sé will be nominated to banner in the aptroschion election, that cor- pressed by. Bresigent ‘Chamberlain rel= he little Tucker children h the h any town should allow a newspaper published in his Be to go without his mame — ani asiness being mentioned somewhere i columns. | says This applies to all kinds of. business— groceries, mechanics, Sretenelonat men and mee all cla: \ eae of business. This docs nt shoal have a whale or holt or even 4 quarter of a page ad. in every issue of the paper but your name and business should le i expects the. most free boosting for his q in whe on sharing. the business that to a town but refuses to ai tise his business is not a valuable ddition to any i soe life of any de live wide town depends awake and liberal me Nasastiatoe busi- ° zens of Altiverton attended the dem- Liatowel |g 738000 are =| 000 n., R ee | mild. sensation no tive finetiona that ought not hire exist, I 0 the Huron and Kinloss system.—Rip- Ky, Express. e village of ile claims to have the oldest man in Canada. if in America the person of Henry Washington. a negro, who was born in Kentueky in 1796 and escap- ba to Canada in 1842, In 1844 he ingsville where he has re- ce. ing to size of barn. He can al- guaranteed from bri verance Act has been serene nena By it. an of in any allvensea =o Tete don Saturd ay at dusk ° only wonder is that more prisoners have not been tempted by tho lure of, spr wander away, It is tough enongh for vrofessedly Talat peoule tn tatink: te their it this season,—Harriston Review. rdware and other dealers should mu: sale. f an air gun, ae not. he is liable to a fine. Toronto man named Smallfield going back to the 1 d has bought a farm in Norn Town- hip with a good brick good bank barn and other out-buildings for $4,300, He is quitting the city drudgery for the independ of rm life, If more peopl leave the city for the farm until every und. ores. was ti h eost of living would soon take a tu le. Whil a Cardiff housewife was illkeingr. (othe ipardeir, babind the house she felt the earth give 1 is. swat the lv and in the fourth generation you have swatted over’ 200 million of them merson created a day by protesting against ae? appoint- ment Of Prince Alexa: think that ive ction to a lapses shal sent Rigas the ‘Old betes . cting as a titer oad. That is 7 peachy which I do condemn. but we do not Ewe eign German Princes to (eee The sooner it is apeeagae) ny e better.” I-fng, during reas summer, Eng under her, As she stepped back the jim spade ‘she hid: heen using diannpear- AU nda WHE: ean? Easacteones Ot ite en. cS andehildren, 207. 360. ” Ottawa the other | 0 Read Mohr’s special grocery prices, A great collection of wallpaper at Engeland’s. ur Leader~Men's suit. geland jons. $5.39. En- n every Wednesday even- reland’s ot ball — v8. Poole. ‘Tue! as eve. it ‘pabibition. park. Mily Ss mn. Sce the posters announcing the big 8rd of June celebration,—$500 for at- trations After Monday May 18 th. milk will be reduce . cents per quart. Geo. ing into her Stallion owners are advised to get @ copy of the new. Ontario Btallon here are a number provisions which have to be complied with or the owner will get into ser- past four. ae has been the South ho church. also Lingelbach's church. bas moved this week to his new charg ‘han! for a freak style in women's clothes 4 the day of sane fashion: re- turned, After next fall men will not be ashamed to see their wives dress- othe Lar? dairy farm in the world {s nearing completion at Head Lake Headingly apes Winnipeg. hen’ completely stocked the far ill contain 2.500 of catt 8. 0 of these lollar license is now neces- Yv s in Ing 1. The by-law fixi he license a8 passed by the council in March, but e dealers hi en given an op- wortunity to dispose of their stock out a license. Up arettes hay. been Spas by tosibly _for A ose to mee nd buyers and the im- |vorters are ph to sell tis to the Americans do oe seem to relish, them, The eggs are about the same size as the Canaan are len to have rder Goa browne. ag of weeks ago the hands of a eck’s Fart ‘Last we me! suggests that te slack fins i a rmers to grave cl their lanes. In a good ee ae instances first~ Sa awd drive- now in use other oases z little tere to the: aren designated would be a great improve- to 8, ake a great difference, {t is very difficult to raise you! turkeys. In ae 4 wher fully seventy-five pe! cent, of them jie wha alfed bl w not Akad o «have beta suffered so badly. has been decidedly alee pangra ae recent Rotts followed “by rendered eaadiione pre! It is wonderful the way a imes will recover itself. “a “will poe oe re 0 have been talk- ing -about ined wheat fields. and bad are rity sloer pete ore ot) agreeably disappointed. (AB gre ie ny W. D. WEIR'S: tek} REGISTER, Thursday May 14th—Dairy | Cows. Stockers and Calves ab bah hotel Milverton. for John Wilso) cana Maw 693 students in Amer joan universities, China is next with 4. and Japan Official announcement as last week th: Alexander of Teck will succeed the Duke of Con- |enp naught jevernor-General of Canad The scarcity of houses seems to be somewhat general throughout the Toyaoe at present. This must be an indication eet ORE is again com- id a es the height of the season's fash- |5' MONKTON. Miss Elliott. of berger ag is at present the quest of Miss Terry, Mrs, auer, of ee spent a day last week wit: h Mrs. P. Schade, A m be: here attended the stock. sale at Bornholm on Tuesday; Mrs. Gill esides with her s« Mr. J. A 1 is at present confined to her Mrs, ve "Seifert, of Linwood. spent week with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Merryficld —~ oy at aor with Mr. an car rdon Seifert’ and amily spent “the past week with friends in Lin The ballaating train is now busily aged in eae 8) Udine between Monkton abd Milve: and Mrs, Thos. Ha ans f Ful- Jarton. spent eae at the Scenibise of their ae Mr. . Hanson. Mr. Edward Winds “of Brantford, is is brother. Mr. John T. Ward, On hand at Gill’s—early cabbage. tomato. celery and cauliflower plants. asters assorted and a good variety of flowers. Miss Elliott who ~~ been visiti for some time w Miss Terry turned last ‘week to her home im Moleswort! Joseph Mauer von been bus- ily engaged for n basi ree ed 8d: however. put an pe vex epee ane for a day or two. ‘been peahigee Rey. Don: of ‘near r has been siren rr “invit- at Monkton circuit and has accepted it pending the decision of conference, An eye witness the Grey cyclone number of articles out airing it boing house cleaning ‘time that have not been eeting of pedrentatess Monkton “At wood wel foot= ball clubs the following schedule was drafted for the cate Pg Poo! May it Mol rake May 23, Football Match Rev. A. Moorhouse. Mr. and Mrs. Ed, Bettger. Mrs. Thos. Notterfield, and Mr, G. Weber motored to Listo- wel on Friday last ana attended the chool Conveition, ‘it Bes taste ie you ike the an and the Totatoes—Ike it a Title aie than the last time, ‘Mess: mn White and A. Harris oN ot wd moat, ioral citizens repre~ miday. ¥ in honor ie fan will be held in the public library mn Fri genie: May ed for the Dtose of m arrangem he holding ie A big celebration in me. ee ee LISTOWEL vs. POOLE EXHIBITION PARK, MILVERTON Tuesday Ev’g., May 19 KING’S BIRTHDAY Celebration part of Se met ou sugar Led for 8. ‘ue: wine in rbor Day when it was arranged that all citi- zens of village should turn ou! and help to’ beautify SA prey de Park but the day proved to be oi rain Lae to “a JAS. FAX CO! MILVERTON WEDNES., JUNE 3RD 5 $500.00 For Attractions $500.00 9,30,—Calithumptan, Trades and Aytomo~ ails Rrosemala | aseball dstowel ys, Milverton, AFTERNOON: HORSE RACES Pu S| giebbien’ barred). 14 Trot ‘5S per cent. pa nce fee and 5 percent additional from winners, Mitel INCERT COMPANY In the Skating Rink, thr inoue) the ent he annual financial meeting of the Music: G.T.R. Band, Stratford Monkton ot of ae fie nib RrOVe a was attended by & ines yon trustees. The, tfhanses of the ee we are pleased to hear are in Siendid shape. A, Moorhouse, e chairman of the board expects te Forest where he has Morning 100 Afternoon 250 Concert 25 and 350 Reduced ratew on all ratiroads, R. MILLER, Ni McOUIRE, ‘President. retary, a mouth, favor and custom, Keeping Out of the Ruts The blood of a business which advertises regularly runs faster than the blood of a business which rarely or never opens its Men who get in ruts grow to like ruts, is ‘a certain comfort and contentment in routine-= which word is very close to ‘‘rutine.’’ Advertising compels the advertiser to bestir him- self---and since he advertises to YOU, sitice he wants your favor and custom, you can be pretty sure that he is doing his best to deserve your A WORD TO THE PUBLIC, Give your custom to those who solicit it---who tell you they want it; who tell you what they are doing in your interests. who serve you best and most. Shop Where You are Invited to Shop > ‘There Encourage those FOOTBALL SCHEDULE ARRANGED’ settle