Milverton Sun, 21 May 1914, p. 1

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Old Ra, and I will call and pay you highs S. Gleeckman, ~ Milverton SAVE YOUR gs, Iron, Horse air, Ete. prices, dake hdd ded hdedecdede edd dee Stock Movi Bargainsin all inall Lines | P. NEUMEISTER Epgsiakenascash MILVERTON + Vol. XXI—N 0. 46 Milverton, Ontario, Perth Co., Thursday, May 21, 1914 Malcolm MacBeth, Editor and Publisher - RESERVE FUN CAPITAL PAID UP — = Metropolitan Bank Head Office : TORONTO D and UNDIVIDED PROFITS DRAFTS and MONEY ORDERS sar Branches way of remitting money. also at Stratford, $1,000,000,00 1,432,547.61 Issued payable wherever desired, The SAFEST and CHEAPEST” Milverton and Millbank Branches: D.C, Brown, Manager Millbank Branch open every Monday, Wednesdayland Friday Linwood, Elmira and Guelph THE STERLINGBANK | OF CANADA testimonials SAVE, because--- Regular deposits in your bank book are the concrete No. jates, every employer appre ilt HEAD 0) FFICE : Corner King and Bay Streets. Toronto MONKTON GENERAL MANAGER: A.M. WALKER BRANCH: F. W. ARMSTRONG, Manager ms mk WEEK Cora 18 Ibs, Granulated Sugar for 6 bars Comfort Soap for ... i a Wi AT MOHR'S— Brooms, regular 40c, for 25 2 Ibs. Icing nat for, AS 4 Pineapple: 20 Caustic Soda, oa 48 Starch 3 Reseits HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR BUTTER AND EGGS SPECIAL aki Gs THIS Lt] Se ims NCE It is beat available i Bank of Hamiléori Capital Authorized, ‘Gapital Why a Savings Account ain and promp' MILVERTON BRANCH: P. d. FASKEN, Agent 85,0 Paid 00000 3)7601000 to put your money in 2 cash; ee interest style at Mrs. Kate Sproule, Millinery ! Ladies, don’t forget the fact that we are well prepared to supply your wants in Millinery. ‘There is all kinds, of the latest styles of hats in _ our millinery parlors—NO TWO MODELS ARE “ALIKE, A hat to please 3 you in every respect, We also have a splendid ited of Hats for Sicath girls. ~ _ By buying your hat here you will get the latest a low price. .: Your inspection invited. b>. Main Street, MILVERTON + ” LOCAL NEWS \* i iss Jean Allan. of pDusham, is | visi hr sister. Mrs, W. Lyons. } 1 F | sp somewhat disorganized throug Mig; John Byers. Oakville, Hamel. of Santa a present visiting. fri in Milver Read the big celebration advt, spent a, and Mrs.". John srhold last Yord car, Milyerton ¥ fai ay Myell supplied die Bask ines there being 15 of them now the. villa Mrs. Hunter spsompanted by rom onta hus- 8, hn Langford, Mil- nnounce the engagement of jaughter Hester t The’ pacar to take place the tenth of Ju ie inape ston of co paid the Milverton the re of teachers during ed wil ny ins frovornmen’ The sexaipaian of a an stove caus- to the house uatph on Saturda; blew the stove to pieces. two windows were also smashe: was ot! aeons wreeked. Wolfe. who was in t! kitehen at the time. luckily Nance) w some severe bruises about the ae anh hands, ier erious. nature, ton reyes en’s Institute a held ‘Thursday Inst ol ry tary. Mise Li VieorBvevident, Miss officers eleate Pugh: ‘om ountry was Donald : Directors. Miss ‘The east side of the Marie pinith, Miss are Rayeraft. part that it was isken, Mrs. P. Tye. to reshingle in sixt: District Director. Mrs. M. MacBeth: The sheathing lumber under Representatives to district Saou an when first eting. Mrs. ie. Mrs, W. HH. ree parts of the Grosch and Mrs. R. J, Tanner, re ixty-years-old shingles The pulpit of the Evangelical |on is to all appearances perfectly church was occupied on Sunday last| sound and good for a mumber by Rev. Karl Grotzinger. of Melville. | years yet. Sask.. who is now on furlot in the a Morphy. member for fort) Province of Ontario for several mi us asked the Government to Mr. Gretzinger is a ‘Russian five financial recognition to wid- by th and entered the ministry of , PB. Tye. and father of D. the Evangelical church some — year L, Tye. of Milverton a mail clerk 0 33 ergy en oe otal” fitted work which esses in the great morth fisting: of the Stratford Presbytery. at Stratford oe lege the CUS oe mn of the schem: of the i: pon the’ congre} the eur EG acane dleagEOIe aE some tenet and the following schedule Ye amount for- va cs srexation is: Atw wale Carlingford. ’s 400; Listowe' ny _ dust Arrived: Arrived J. G. HAMILTON, — Fa YOUR ORDERS renee Kon ROS ‘Carload St.MarysLime - -_ = Goal Now at Cheapest Price of Season. W Mi shell, 1,250: Monk ton. Nisiour ae sa NisnoetN, 200; 8, Easth Ee ES 8 st, Marys. First. 1 i Bieta ‘tes ire stoc! itealey ; Zion. ina wisetey ae 16)’ Wellesley. Ham Bee 550° tet ig Mote = inte at k rovotase, New of tb in y jerroncous. a ird, le cnlster bein =| their | pirasy on other birds eat oO ‘osshill. f, Mornineton, ee 1. bi Ent Sons, Miss Easing Bes de Visited’ a few days in Lo Ladies? rine “Gents Faffieoats at all prices at Engeland’s: Mr, Jas, Torrance. end Miss. Eva spent Sunday af Brit M. “tbe a few erie antea tford. her home here. ag the guest of Men. what thout that straw hat? leation of swall nee eat at’ present lebrated Canada — Portland always on hand at J. G. Hamilton's, Misses. Idq Hartmier. Mabel Wil- m and Lizzie Roese spent Sunday at Newton, Soming—With. the best progre 1 ea A een, day for all at Maver. sae Wi m. Livifston: Stratford, on ton on Pacsday. | Mr. sid aieboiy left on Saturday | — Mrs. F. ater and. daughter Mary iat for. Sti asHord where he has ac- ot Lidtowel, "amt visting. at Ms jeepted a position, ws, Miss Allie Ducklow is. spending and Mra, Albert | Bahia. of few da: a ee with her friend spent Sunday JW Miss Ewaily ‘bing an, | Schmidt, Milverton, Mt plhoes bustneka Will be closed | ft, Hamilton is busy booking o on Monday May 25th, oat Peiae | dere ala: delivering coal'at the cheap te hours 12.90 30 pan le jee of the) season. F aut, and te of Pa ies! Remember the stove | ting their | demon tration of Thar radny, ‘May 28th peiner’s hard: ‘Mr, Yonde. of Sit Current Sask. has purchased @ barbering business of Marck. D. Mattos: ius E sel. Man, pobehtsads the, Weiee Be tha Ise "ate The B, & nog Mill) Co. have R. Ta for the sum of $1500 | received their ond car of Bt, Mis, W. D. Wein and Mfrs. 11,| Mary's, Portland) coment, Call at the aly ae S ie banab eatin once mal for. fresh. cam: day afternodn with Mrs, C. Schwindi . mand es on of Se ee | Poole e da for the. balat and Mrs hat Allan. of Buff By the eacpins een Of thelt ead eldsses of the i> with “ME.-and: Ara, SW. bt 1 and ente ‘Sepeaean a last, Henry Rose and- Pred Jexander) MePhedran sent. S'r Walterloac and Mr. WH, | James Whitney a il. for 86.750 fox f Sunduy |attendanee on ‘bir ditri late illne Fame pias oonailes i The aiidil tperiapsor the" Mily ver- sspeiation this (Thi his =) Eee ted and delegates appointed to the Liberal convention. ae Liberal is rgently ara a to attend, Mrs. BE peoeane has chicken but e Afeoed with it is unable to as a freak thre en seed HevertheléantipiiKocgh alt the pendages. ms a Bea esr rowing, from tho tail. and was p tect healthy but the left lee was sma bra Preston. recently Clittord seoured 6 wild pigeon eges neat Hoss ville, transported them home safely and is hayin igen hate “than vr that the belief. by the et the wild vistoon es Oonada 15. ad ww knows haunts of th “the assessment returns for have been gi E hat » previo tion and total assessme decreases, The t $3,571,188 co) 878 in 1913s the population compared with “q oldest man is Mr. Donald Gordon who in hie Oded year. ge Nichol bi on with the largest assessment Of Sli 600, Hon. B. D. Monk. former Minister f is in the Be distinguished Jawyer aval ra cen proposals sub- mitted direct to een Mc me just after the Tas rif oman Pekar ehureh had ween ad- Eg Eas ir erica summer seasons many Lt ronan town have complain- the dam: inton. les- = ae wzought by blackbirds on Usk ras Thi ap- pear bint! aells, for thelr wnextermination, If the law — pro tests these black rascals it should be e is a stop pot to their career they will serious: unl nee ink a orusade binck- eri ar. wer on f the Weir & Weir building St. ago the case had been considered, by the Government. A be had not been reaghed* but he hat. there would be a iblaai decision short- ‘A 1itBle boy living in the West end, sine Bi other thé other day Vira he fae Hoe Rea ge ith a utiful erent eve ti aeeea vr iieie pallor a and- initead of sco! we Judy, e the | “ous rented him to ookies. jd him the cast dime ‘he wan ed son flowers to come end ask .she would bartie im how is otek ‘them. 80 ae the ae patie 4% Tong: ane woh ster promised and went: aw: Tabp escurinh rears ‘ M. aouttanotaty ia a ever heard in Milverton the Pax Fun hy ¢ loss is very heavy | o o ring a supply of , Bees x them on June 3rd, but_is sets covered by Ageurance, lambs to meet the demand, Owi; Mr, W. D. Weir will #9 ell the house-| . Some ural mail delivery} the township laws which prevent fars bold stccts ot rs. Mewhinney. Mil-|men want more money for their work | mers from allowing their Yerton..on ‘Thursday May 28th, at/since the parcel post system has in-|@raze along the ee Ways. man’ 2.30 p r creased their duties, ¢ courier | them have tof sheep raising, ‘Mr. W. F. Nickle. ae Kingston. [here has not notiood the inerease | Bor forging. a eheass for $50, Bert dR. B. Bennett. Calgary | very much—not so much as the man| Malone. a Toronto man with a wife two TESLA pate ¢ gOv- |ana distant route who claim a4 to be as|and children aapeudiie him. was ernment side of the house-are Vigor: | busy ts 2 one Paper hanger | qiven two years in jail. Not lonaga cusly opposing the proposal to with a boil a rd rom. fart m was antee. the bonds of McKenzie The Welsh disestablishavent “pili tried at Guelph for embezzling Bane for $45,000,000. passed its third 9 in the Brit-| times that amount. but let The results ol the final examina. ish House of tonya Tuesday |on suspended sentence. after his then ion in the ‘Ontario Behe of Phar-| night by a majority of 77 and ts the jer made restitution, There seems -to macy announced urday, include first bill t beeomne aw under the tes uch margin between these the followin mong = pte studeni of arliament. A two cases. ; Whe writ Conrad Sec ae allaearnenbaie ‘and ccolesia ast eepecetetesd Gs midt, B, Edgar | al corgarations will she DEMONSTRATION Stratford: Bt Marys’ pass. All ladies who have have not Penney to had the opportunity to see mon- a ‘stration of cooking on the Nae Per- returns rip of fe pation Wick Blue Flame Oil Co. ghout the distr He found f£ the ° This yi e eal pay paseo cage’ fathe | ion of the duc fe | chat’ ae porsl Uparietlba verdes basi eee ae loonds of the county. and that he in- ed their ners ference for a rer | tends to see that they are not mol- a narrow major ested, Song, birds will also be pro- Martha Disuinson, Gi twelve | tocted. and woe betide the man.! ric i Windsor city el vitg [avnether Cana 7 foreliens has mes made assistant 200, r and is said to: be ‘the only the Dominion holding s like position She is a former newspaper woman ana the daughter of James Dickinson one of the best known newspaper men. in Ontario. A writ has Xe eel of Stitebell Ma = signing Dian the soynele has vote for the been against 2h st Mr the slovatitt svt bury, represented the diechaaie z his decision authorities did not wi t him in making seed merchant respon- ble for latent and unknown defects expressed the via that * many other influences such as weather. impoverished jand of inaitt: | erent tillage migl been ae cause of t would by the. seed he poor crop was defective, Parents and ee should strive | uloate in minds of the lights early fatal accident occurred last Mr. Abraham jured man to Preston for ra attention where he is still ‘ious eae he, pee method ¢ Toronto ladies of ri fot fashionable events without the ground that make thelr and publications of societies on the tables of the libraty ‘The petition caused ‘ lengthy. CUB ¢ board's meet+ is tend poste lea ve idgment — to lerich. and t care with evidence “and ‘the extensive research devoted to the authorities, ‘the decision occupies some ‘ten on at et of Mord Jas. John- as HH. who grows and jarge. quantities from thet nayacts “DutchSett” —_ventre, som. d to Thos. Parlmer in spring of 1912. The crop was) a disappointment and Mr. Parlmer sued Mr. Johnston in the- County Court for £:200 damages. alle; breach * of warranty by reason of defective seed, i k place at Goderich August last and eae aah Sane was Pipe t bias as to eters ea to cies aoe 0” phe city lint Mi: orc ‘d {Mere have | e mere speculation to say that | Mr. et Nes. ee Hoffman spent e annual meeting of the Women's Sunday at New! tstit ute vot North Perth mt ibe el A aeetennetbo | at “potago bugs and-/ inthe public library asse: |tomato worm: to be called in. the Milverton. oe ‘riday, May P20 4 =. back yard shortly. Thev prank aie mepaing nt # o'tgdein te th So son open the season simultaneor Leamington hag fat an About midnight on Tneaday night | Whose weights total 1,596 pounds, of last week lightning struc! the | Thev “are lai by their fellow barn belonging to Thoma BeMnekin, townsmen to be the five fattest men ot Bright, near Wood in Western Ontario. ‘Their weights nilding was. completely, eattoyed and rage from 397 pounds to 272 pounds we eas atesttlee two ‘horses 36 butchers: are nge sraubles gs 22c, per dozen, Engeland & | Eggs 226. per dozen, Engeland &), Get TOUT, preservink, pines at Enge- ns. nd & ar zat 24th of May apparel at ian with tho songster d terested should miss Spend Victoria es in Listowel “Something Doing Every Minute’’ Big Time Don't Assured Miss It! PARADE, FOOTBALL, BASEBALL, RACES & VAUDEVILLE IN THE AFTERNOON ; GARDEN PARTY, CONCERT & FIREWORKS IN EVENING, bnax KING’S BIRTHDAY Celebration MILVERTON Wednes., June 3rd $500 - For Attractions - $500 9.30 a.m,—Calithumpian and ‘Trades Procession :— Best Trades Outfit ., $3, $2, $1 ' Best Comic Calithumpian ....$3, $2, $1 Best Comic Band..,....... Best Auto Ontfit ....., 10.30 a.m.—Baseball Match, Monkton vs, Milverton, ~ HORSE RACES ~ (Commencing 2 p.m,) Named Race (No entrance fee) sestinai Purse ®. 30, 00. barred) .... ue 2.40 Trot and Pace Auobhiee } 100,00 2.30 Pace Bae 2.24 ‘Trot is (6 per cen nl & per cent, a 2a Horses for Naned Race; Seaman, oh ya Say eee ea aries am re are ace Wi Ocsch’ horse, Alexander’ apna ‘Hoffman's Pe Bee i lack pone Roe a eee aan 10 wor eu pacer ; er Lichey ya wir ue, Bre Chfengo, Volusiteer, Anily ening aside ise Bis red Hatapnd @ 8: Semple's 901 fre, Schl + hae’ Hise Bi Bird, Masiat's ay myare, Wagerra He e Dick Bundscno's Balen ‘opemuree lig. Ge suie brows weidiog. Ya Nae Kaltorsorste horse Gr 2 i orn's. Oy TaueKs bay Mote, Jao, Tan's bay horse, Ay Sehwwindes bay mare 5 mile Motor Cycle Race (2 in 8)..inine $8, $5, $2 Tug-of War (ids ana Wellesley pe, )osn-e. Prize $10.00 Football Match, between two fast rural teams. das. Fax Concert Company In Skating Rink in the ae Music by the GTR. Band, of Stratford. : Cheap Rates on all Railroads, , ; z PA | 1 Admission : hime ies After, Bei R, MILLER, President. N. McGUIRE, Secretary,

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